I Got a 3D PIXEL ART Maker - Awful or Amazing?...

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these are the kwixels 3d pixels i found these when i was browsing toy world okay i know i said this channel is not a kids channel and it's not i have a beard that's how you tell but i saw these a couple of months ago and i was so like curious so naturally i bought all the stock they had which is lucky because this is a product is discontinued then i found out that you need the maker to do anything with so then i went on ebay and i found the maker this is the qixels 3d maker cubes that join with water how much water i don't know how this works i don't know so these are all my pixels and then this is the maker i have no idea how it makes things but we're going to explore that in a moment first i need to divide all these into colors all right whenever there's something time-consuming that i just want to lose my brain in a chuck on an audiobook send online book two let's go standing on two clawed feet with a massive tail sweeping the ground behind it [Music] all right after all that it's incredibly disappointing what i end up with these packets cost me twelve dollars each sixty dollars on the pixels themselves and seventy dollars on the machine the hundred and thirty dollars i thought perhaps unreasonably because i don't read things but it would just be like a mix of all the different colors and i can make whatever i want but no you can only make exactly what they give you the quick tools to make i got like 12 blue b okay what can i make i'll start off with one of those stupid designs there's a chick the chicken looks all right i'll do the chicken 230 dollars oh no one flip handle over and insert template under the window chicken goes in here flip this back to the build position all right there's me i think that's my first layer using the brush apply four to five coats of water flip the handle over to eject the finished layer now i've got my next step let's just do that to do all the other steps i knocked my chicken i've ruined it all right chunk and then just don't move all right satisfying montage let's go layer by layer i made my chicken one tiny 3d pixel voxel i guess at a time now this is fun to watch i enjoy watching it it's cool it's not so fun to do each layer took me i mean say 10 minutes or so and with five to six layers for most of these well that's an hour to painstakingly make a tiny 3d model but i let myself just zone out and slowly piece them together [Music] do [Music] but there we go let dry for at least one hour all right old tuck that aside i've got one more tray i was going to do like a test to see what the parameters are height wise to see how big and and adventurous i can get with my quick solar i'll do that with these things that way i don't have to wait for anything to dry one two three four five six seven seven is that my limit so what we're gonna do is we're gonna make one something cool on this tray by the time i'm done with that we'll come back reveal the chicken put the other one aside and then use this platform this is going to be a very time consuming process and normally i would be very daunted if i didn't have audio books to listen to so i am extremely glad this video is sponsored by audible if you haven't checked out audible do yourself a favor and go check it out i just finished the first three horace heresy book series really intense really dramatic really fun and then i felt like something a bit light-hearted and i'm on book two of ascend online which is like if sword art online and ready player one had a baby it's really fun not only do they have the biggest selection of audio books available anywhere but it goes a lot beyond that there's podcasts there's theatrical programs a-list comedy and audible originals that you won't find anywhere else access to daily news digest from the new york times and the wall street journal the washington post and guided meditation programs it's a lot more than just audio books but there's a lot of audio books as a member of audible you get one credit every month to pick any title you want to listen to as well as access to two audible originals from a monthly selection go to audible.com jazzer or if you're in the us you can text jasmine 500 500 and get started today with your first free audio book and access to a huge selection of portable originals huge thank you all of course for sponsoring this video and saving my insanity in the coming hours i have no idea what i have i know i have seven layers to work with how many layers is this one d three four five six so it's not gonna be much higher than that it's only seven high if i do a character that's up right that way if i do one who's forward facing then i can do 11 high let's do that i don't have it to work or not i'm going to give it a go so once again i started laying out all my pieces on the little machine but this time i had no guide to go off of now this wouldn't be so bad if i had a reference or a plan which of course i didn't and early on i decided i was going about it backwards that by building the top layer first it would end up with the on the bottom and have the holes facing the front so i started again and built it in reverse so the holes would be facing away the only problem is i was right the first time so i corrected myself to then create my entire model the wrong way around god so enjoy watching the next few seconds of stylish time lapse pass by knowing that it's a couple of hours of doing something the wrong way kinesthetically [Music] wow i took longer than expected this is in theory gonna be the jazzer avatar when it dries i did it the wrong way so all the holes are facing the front but that's okay this is the one i've learned from but i've also learned that doing organic shapes like people is pretty difficult and i have no flesh tone left anyway but halfway through this one sort of thought structures would make the most sense so instead of doing one big epic and difficult uh artwork after this one i'm gonna go about making a lot i'm gonna make a tiny medieval village with some trees and props and little things like that and we'll see how cute and cool i can make something like that and i think it's going to be way more straightforward as well which i'm going to be honest it's pretty difficult and there is a ratio of pain to gain so i'm going to dive into this and make it as cool as i can to justify the tedium of doing it let's hopefully motivate ourselves by pulling apart our little chicken so my structures falling apart chickens holding up so far it's pretty cute it's not bad i'm going to put in the work and i'm gonna see how cute and fun i can make a little medieval village let's go all right i've learned from my first two projects and i want to make the last project as cool as it can be no matter how much time or frustration it takes so this time i made a plan i drew out on grid lined pay by the ideas for the parts that would make up my medieval village i really should have done this the first time [Music] i referred to them the whole time and by planning them out like this it made it really clear where the support block should go what direction i should build in and how much room i had to work with [Music] now with my first part finished i knew i needed a system for removing the still yet to dry pieces so that i could keep the build trays rotating and make more than two total pieces i managed to successfully remove it with a piece of card underneath i moved it to a turntable with a hair dryer blowing on it which i added the models to one at a time as i finished them so they would dry a little faster and fairly evenly and thus i proceeded to build the rest of my teeny medieval pixel village one piece at a time [Music] the last prop would be a teeny little flag to put on top of the castle and like the small tree trunk i super glued the blocks together to make a more durable row of single blocks so this could you know actually stand up and with that done i put it aside to dry and cross my fingers that this would be as cool as i hoped it would be all right time for a bunch of reveals starting off with my not very well thought out or planned jazza avatar by the way this has had overnight to dry it's had longer than an hour and it feels pretty flimsy these bits are barely holding on there which is funny because they come with these extra little pieces i put one aside here so that in theory you can stick that on there and that's what these little thingies are for the string and these little hooks you're meant to be able to stick that in there glue that there or whatever and then thread it and then it's like a bag tag or something but you know that's not gonna last and on top of that these are obviously not waterproof because they turn into a glue when they're wet i'm going to do an experiment i don't know what the results are as i'm saying this but i'm going to film a time lapse grabbing just a bunch of these colors just going to put them all into a little shot glass of water and leave them overnight with the gopro filming them i'll show you the footage of that right now just to see how these things fare in liquid or being wet for a long period of time also this artwork would be great if i did it facing the right way it's actually not bad it's pretty cool all things considered especially from the back that looks like a proper jazz avatar head from behind so this was my test again flimsy it's already feeling like it's going to fall apart if i flex the whole thing in the greater mass of the structure it's actually quite strong so maybe the solution is to use more water or to add a little bit of glue after i don't know now the moment you've all been waiting for my little medieval village i'll pull these apart one by one shall i let's start off with the first thing i made and the biggest thing the tower and it's a pretty straightforward structure feels pretty solid and it looks pretty cute i don't mind that look at that little tower now i made another little tower because in theory my thought was you could make a little modular system but you can have one tower on his own or you can stack it and that looks pretty cool all right you're convincing me so i've also got this little modular piece here when i break the supports out the idea is if you build more tower parts this could be like a wall that that works pretty well okay i'd say that's that's a success for my little modular castle system all right moving on we have my little house this is meant to look like a thatched roof house oh hey that pulled apart pretty nicely and that works pretty well that's pretty cute all right so i guess if you're making the right thing they can be pretty adorable i'll give them that and i begrudgingly admit even though it is very time consuming when i do zone out and stop like worrying about getting something done in a certain amount of time it's less of an art activity and more of a puzzle and there is an appeal to that so we have a few extra little props here this is just my little tree that looks pretty cute i don't know if it stands up nope might need blue tack i got a bigger tree okay pretty cool there you go does that one stand up yes okay all right this is meant to be a little uh cart so let's see if it looks like that when i pull the supports away there you go that's that works again when it works it's it's pretty adorable and look at that it rests on a little little angle there okay that's cool and last but not least i have a flag for the top of my castle now i don't think this is going to stand up but i'm just going to glue this to my castle i am very happy with how all of these turned out i think to really bring them all together i'm going to take some of this grid paper that i used to do my designs with i'm going to add a little bit of color to the base and uh build a little village around it [Music] and there it is the result of two days of using this thing which brings me to my conclusion would i ever do this again or recommend that you give it a go no because i i can't they're out of manufacture they don't make them anymore or sell them anymore but am i glad i did it just to see how it it's done yeah it's pretty cute i like it in it cool and i hope you're as satisfied with the final outcome as i am it's pretty adorable and if you enjoyed it make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more fun with art and creativity if you haven't whether they're mediums we're going to come back to or dive into deeper or not at the end of the day it's about bite enough more than i can chew and trying to make something really enjoyable as the end result and i really hope that you've enjoyed it thank you so much for watching and coming along with this journey with me there are more videos over there you're bound to enjoy if you enjoyed this one i'll put the bead one there because you know similar effects if you liked this you'll like that otherwise that's it for now thank you so much for watching and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 2,468,984
Rating: 4.9429507 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, pixel art, qixels 3d, qixels, toy pixel, toy, pixel
Id: Fo0Ky9tiUUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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