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but you were wondering how sculpting could be a bit more like an extreme sport well I've got the SVU blindfold that's right more intense it's more dangerous and it's certainly gonna result in more hilarious results or I'm gonna blow your mind by showing you how much more professional I am let's get started I'm ready let's hit it I have done some blindfolded art before I don't have a blindfold sculpted I've done a lot have done blindfold no no I bought a picked the art supplies blindfolded and then I made the art and just in case I'll get something else I've drawn by blindfolded and a painted blindfold but I haven't sculpted blindfolded yet I'm going in confident probably a mistake usually so this is what I have at my disposal I have random tools that I haven't decided what I'll use for what yet and I'll pick them blindfold have some foil and I have some armature wire because I'm gonna try and do this properly I'm going to try and make an armature and build the structure that the clay will go on and as far as clay goes I got some air dry just some basic modeling clay so just like last time you may take my eyes closed I am officially unable to see got some clay got some armature wire I'm gonna put a lump of clay on the thing to build down and then build the structure of that and we'll go from there alright my stuff feels weird it's like rubbery smells like well I want to cut this in half do I have a knife I do the question is can I find it just laying down nice flat foundation I'm gonna put the wire on top of this and built up from there Elizabeth aquire so I'm gonna sculpt a bus I'm most comfortable doing people so the way to do this generally is you don't want to like if you're using clay you don't want to just put a big lump of clay and then just build it out from there so what we do is we grab the foil punch it all up like that grab the thinner wire will bulk out the mass the inside of our sculpture we're gonna put my lump there is it family I want to be able to use the surface to really feel the surface of the clay to sculpt accurately so I think I'll go for quite a large head you start bulking out one end too so it's a little more egg-shaped I think this is probably a good place to cut I think I'm set well it's a wrap you around bulk up the nest will increase your support structure okay so you remember how I cut my clay slab in half and I grab the other half I'm just gonna pack that around the bottom I don't even have my eyes open I can tell this is gonna be good you did you're being cheeky I'm both ice I'm slow I need to be more wise about where I put my tools it's clay time so I'm just gonna be really rough and loose about slapping on the exterior but I just need to cover all the surface and then shape it from there I need to cut this in half so I can add layers ah nope ah it's just like cutting a fish when you got that I've ever done that in my life let's go from the top and middle do this and I'll just sort of wrap it around get it to watch on come on you can do it okay so this is definitely thinner that's okay I'll spread this out oh I have a roll ah there it is there we go roll button yeah a bit that gives me a bit more to work with I've got quite a bit of coverage here we're doodle right how the hell am I gonna add a chin I'm gonna use this over to here insert some mass for a chin it's like a surgical procedure pretty much let me know if you want to see me do a surgical procedure line fold challenge turnout a little bit of a jaw pop that in there okay all right I think this can work I just winked at the camera bit that didn't work in multiple ways I haven't got a lot of clay to work with it's alright there's enough bulk on the clay that I can sort of scrape some off with this little thing I set aside scrape some thin layers of clay away from areas like the top and add it to areas like the side we'll just see how that goes but that is gonna be a bit of a time-consuming process so I'm gonna have to get stuck into it quite a bit if I'm not Flo find my groove and there's no way I like to do that more than by listening to an audio book as I work which is why I'm very glad that this video is sponsored by audible now the cool thing about audible is it doesn't matter what I feel like there's always something for me and lately I've been really into Warhammer 40k there's a huge library of 40k law and stories that are amazing and I've just gotten through the first three of the Horus heresy series oh very good now if you go to slash jazzer you can also text jazzer to 500 500 and claim your membership today while we practice social distancing each month members get a free audiobook and access to a monthly selection of audible I've been a member of audible for longer than this channel has actually existed and I have not looked back you can access and listen to your audio books anytime anywhere from the PC app to the mobile or tablet apps you can set bookmarks and pick up where you left off from any device to any device and most importantly they have the widest selection of audiobooks on the planet and the best quality originals and titles go check it out and a huge thank you to audible for sponsoring this video so I'm going to dive into there at all you can feel the clay already sort of like losing a bit of moisture think I might need a little bit of water I know the studio like the back camera there ah jar if you leave in tripods around the place ah now I've got to do that reverse but with a ball of water in my hands it was a bad now was it I've got the water but before I dive into that I want to make sure I have all the tools I need I can make a bit of room don't need that I don't need that even is all this I'll get a circle e1 and triangle one think that'll do yeah I love these I don't know what it's called but I like it alright hoping that these things will help me make this somewhat appealing shape so step one I need a sort of redistribute the clay a little bit there's going to be areas of clay in some places where I need it you know there's something of a try and get a general appealing shape [Music] I'm picking this is a pretty slim looking facial silhouette but that's okay I think we're gonna have to lean into that because is this everything Gareth this is all the clay I have to work with oh boy but I think I have enough clay to work with on the front of the face to sort of shift the mass around a bit to just get the basics working for me all right so first things first I've got to pick where the eyes go here is the mass of the head therefore bottom and the nose is probably going to be somewhere out here so I'll just push up there so I can move the mass around to shape the cheeks the mouth and then the eyes and those should be alright because I have to remove mass where the eyes are going which I'm gonna put right here push this into the middle bring this in to where the nose will go push that up that'll be the eyebrows as well have a mouth it's gonna be a little tricky it's gonna have to pick a place let's go with that this is the very rough foundational geometry how we looking pretty pretty I'm just gonna work with this as my starting point I think this is gonna have to be my ears this is gonna be a real bare-bones I see [Music] [Music] I'm getting the silhouette in a place where I'm hoping I'm getting happy with it it's hard to obviously be certain about anything when you're blindfolded but as you can tell hopefully sorry if you could tell is probably worse you say I'm going for like a an old man look because he's good to be bold so might as well run with that and if a hooked nose angry expression cuz I feel like I'll go with like a never ever knees a Scrooge II feel I haven't got a lot of clay to work with but I want to point the chin out a little bit more who's got a bit of a bit of an underbite again I'm gonna need more clay work with and solution is the back is the nose is the earth back here good thing out is Nikki could have a thin wrinkly neck it's all goods gotta get the clay from somewhere okay so what do we go we got a head a little wonky that's okay he's a wonky old man I always intended that he's angry which means I don't have to sculpt the eyes if the eyes sort of [ __ ] if the eyebrows are low I could just have some can eyes in fact let's just do that that's really sink those eyes in I'm gonna try and see how much of this clay at the back of the head I could just bring to the ears certainly have to make some bold moves it's pretty scary I'm definitely digging into the back of your brain oh I've actually got a little bit of clay to work with now thank gosh that's a I probably took too much clay now Oh No I'll give him huge ears just like like it a little butterfly big top half little little bottom half I need to work on the features of the face make this guy a little more character we're gonna carve where the eyes will go under the eyebrows just to give me the lower lid on both eyes while I'm on this side I'm gonna just carve Ridge under here and just some wrinkles hoping that looks like old man eyes a couple of big lumps hand them into two little caterpillars grouchy angry eyebrows I'm just putting I'm just doing some lines in here between the eyebrows just to increase the angriness this is gonna just look worse with every scrape he's gonna look so angry yeah we got the angry mouth couple of odds couple of aged loins I want to make sure that the mouth looks nice and wrinkly I don't know if I'm overdoing it or haven't done and I've had a few to the lips make it look nice and dry wrinkles just I'm just gonna go nuts with the wrinkles wrinkly era cleric wrinkle everywhere too symmetrical oh I got a lump of clay I'm gonna use bits of this for details including Adam's apple we're gonna add some details in now starting with the ears put them side by side okay eyes nose ears you're in ears or it may be oh this feels like a big moment probably doesn't look like it we're going for a character so easy is it just gonna flap right and last but not least cuz clearly you can get on there come on feel like I can rough up the texture and make it look like skin texture does it recognize it just feels bad I've sunk in the cheeks and I feel like I need some lines oh yes oh I'll do this it's like making it look like hair I right here oh oh I've got a little bit more clay I think we're there it is well I got a lot more clay lots of lumps old people loved one on the nose there's a forehead love hey cuz I've got all this clay oh oh my gosh the piece Darrell is he stunts I'm gonna add a little bit of hair gonna roll it's that love it's gonna flatten this out I'm just gonna cut some lines through this lump it's time for the reveal I don't know how I feel about this but I'm gonna win a second alright you're I feel like shell-shocked yeah [Applause] [Music] but it's intentionally terrible if I didn't have the lumps on there it would look like an amateur piece but what look at that it is detailed what the hell is going on that's alright bang I mean listen it isn't that it's exactly what I hoped for and that's really what this is all about I always have to end up the video like that in some way that and at the end of the day isn't that what this is all about not really but it's fun and that's what it's all about now at the end of the day I actually feel like my blindfolded sculpture is way better than my blindfolded painting and drawing and let me know down in the comments what else I should try blindfolded next surgery we've just we've mentioned that could go well I don't know you let me know but whatever it is we're gonna have fun and if you haven't subscribed to joining the our Tea Party will fix that now click Subscribe I'm doing that notification bell so you can join in nice and quick in future videos and sometimes I'll do some giveaways and get bought Yuval way some good goodies to people who get in early and hide some Amazon gift card codes as well click those videos over there if you want to see some more fun that I've had in this sort of style of video if you enjoyed this you will enjoy those otherwise that is it for now thank you so much for watching and until next time I also don't want to see you later cuz it don't say that old man that we want to see him later there are friends boy you're not my boyfriend get off not bloody Laurie opal are you bastard don't cool it that's rude and I'll get the monotone I hope you don't get blood in the bottom sauce but like a bath that's what I do much better boy
Channel: Jazza
Views: 595,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: qLVty7gxkd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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