Kenshi Bandits: Playing as The Bandits [Episode 1]

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[Music] the clinic hey who's popping boys and welcome to a brand new video today we're gonna be making the best bandit gang in Kanchi rules we're bandits right we can only make money through crime we're gonna be stealing we're gonna be assaulting people who are gonna be raiding caravans basically and God forgive me for authoring this word no honest work the goal probably like make a hundred thousand or two hundred thousand monies through crime or like build a criminal army or something look don't worry about the goal we'll we'll know when we get there right the true goal is the bandaged friends we make on the way now as you can see I already made my characters here we're doing the the five nobodies start let me introduce them real quick out of your friends rich are you the leader the fighter they call me big Zen ninja the archer Jesus Christ we're hungry is [ __ ] yo look this boy's [ __ ] ribcage is showing holy yo look at his arm yo this is embarrassing we can't we can't have that we cannot have this we need to go find some some food and some gear that's gonna be what we're doing in this first episode okay so if you've seen people play kimchi before you're probably familiar with the early game you know mining selling copper buying some gear [ __ ] no we're not gonna do that because we're not a bunch of [ __ ] what we're gonna do is we're gonna find a hard-working honest man and we're gonna beat them up and take his [ __ ] the means of production belong to whoever can defend them right I don't like starting trouble here in the hub because people can get upon you like really quickly what we want is like someone who is running all alone and the really good way to find them is just to run around the roads around the hub here which is gonna be our base of operations by the way because it's [ __ ] filled with criminals all right oh oh is that a is that a pack piece that I see over there if there's a back piece then there is definitely someone guiding him let's [ __ ] find that dude 2,000 years later so I've been following this [ __ ] pack beast for like five minutes now and no one is showing up and then I click on him and the goal here says patrolling town what the [ __ ] valve I I knew like I knew things were bad in the hub but like guarding your city with beasts [ __ ] pack beasts what the [ __ ] oh oh oh oh oh I took the whole day but there's a fight here who's fighting the hungry bandits and the Bandit the dust bandits all right you know what I'm interested I'm interested in this how the hell are the starving bandits holding their ground wow that's good for me though he's like that the dust planets have better gear so if they lose I can loot some better gear holy [ __ ] yo watch your language word this is a Christian channel okay don't don't don't use that kind of language around here wait did he use an R did did this dude lose an arm the body has lost the comrades have lost [Music] oh-ho-ho-ho that said alright then we'll have the remains thank you very much we'll give the bow man some crossbow there you go some volts this is a string of cats e-150 cats added we can afford some food now this dude is waking up did we get them yeah you sure did buddy you sure did oh [ __ ] more people are waking up ok guys you need to you need to get the [ __ ] back down because this is our loot now okay let's get this dude oh [ __ ] more waking up yo he beats us up is this the boss [ __ ] [ __ ] ok pineapple dude please Robin what are you doing out there quit tough yeah we might we might be in big trouble here oh he got the boss yo I saw some really good armor on him yeah ok take that take that take that boom boom boom he has better shoes Wow hi great ok let's go let's go let's go let's go this is also standard great so hang on you I know we're changing [ __ ] pants in the middle of battle we're gonna change swords as well go go go go go go yo they're waking up for real they're waking up yo Robin Robin I'm gonna need you to start landing some shots dude [ __ ] off any oh [ __ ] he's looking at you now man move move move ok stop stop you're gonna shoot your own friends ok you can practice hitting that dude ok let's go back to the hub and sell the [ __ ] we got holy [ __ ] we made tooth 600 just from the like the strings of cats like the change on the bodies look at this dude just like wandering around in his boxers yeah yeah see you boy see you boy so we're back in the hub and now we're gonna try and sell the [ __ ] we got and then we're gonna get some some hood and it's all gonna be really good and that's five thousand seven hundred god damn we should also like think about you know buying one of these ruined houses here in the hub just to make it like a temporary camp or like base of operations hmm like these small ones look really good you know they look really good so first day almost over we out here camping cooking some meat yeah we're looking pretty damn good like before the first day we were already we already have weapons armor it's pretty [ __ ] good I've been wanting to do a series on kenchi for a really long time you know just to like have more content on the channel and like the more chill type of videos because you know like the the highly edited stuff you can get really drained with that and you know just being able to relax and play the video games I like and record them for you guys like that's pretty damn cool alright new day new me new us we're back on the grind we're back on our favorite activity of watching the road and assaulting anyone we can take on what's that a couple of injured starving bandits who are minding their own business wouldn't be a shame if something happened to them let's go boy yo yo yo Robin don't [ __ ] attack anyone by accidents go over here god damn it pineapple took a really bad [ __ ] head there okay let me [ __ ] micro Robin for a bit here okay go go go go go go you can take him dude come on boom yo that's nice nice nice nice and like Naruto is gonna but like like that was perfect timing right there now I never mind he blocked it yeah we're doing this we're actually doing this holy [ __ ] okay Robin Robin do chill try and get that you is trying to crawl away oh yeah this is legit a war crime right here eight [ __ ] cats that's all you have like what the [ __ ] am I gonna do with eight cats am I supposed to buy a house with eight cats come on dudes like they have some more money with you next time I'm gonna be [ __ ] taking your shoes away [ __ ] you have more money next time right and would you look at that we're no longer starving like we can't see our rib cages anymore damn chief is actually starting to look a bit buff damn chief no that's it right there oh [ __ ] Robins arms are still looking really then it's not a phase more mature or immature can you imagine how high I named this dude pineapple dude yeah let's see I'll let you guess can I just say this armor is hell of it also by the way you might have noticed that I have some weapons and armors that are not in the vanilla game I just you know I just can't play games like kenchi without modding in a [ __ ] ton of new items hmm so we're in here in the bar and I can see that this dude right here is buying [ __ ] ton of stuff must have a lot of money on you don't you know think y'all won't take a look around I'm just waiting for this customer right here to finish and leave the place like look at a man dudes probably like a decent person and he's just out here like buying supplies for the next long trip and these [ __ ] are rocky eyeing him down there just waiting for them to leave this store so they can beat him the [ __ ] up relaxing huh relaxing yeah go go ahead and [ __ ] relax buddy you don't know what's striking waiting for you outside god damn it dude it's been like a whole day and he's still here he's shopping apparently and this Caravan guard has like he's gone in and out might think you know what let's just follow this guy let's just talk this guy okay we can no longer be seen from that rebel base and I think we can't be seen from the hub so huh let's work that magic baby then I'm gonna like just try to knock him out using Naruto if it works it works it doesn't well I tried 0% let's see boom Shakalaka oh [ __ ] you noticed that's right let's move Robin do your job have mercy okay if you give us your [ __ ] right now we'll we'll forgive you all right okay surround them surround them I have the time is 5-slot mod because it's like let's five people attack at the same time because you know I I just think it's way more realistic to have people ganging up on you then to just have them attack one by one okay let's see how this [ __ ] goes right I think Robin just shot chief come on come on guys come on with the [ __ ] Robin you just shot him again and the target is right here nice nice nice nice nice all right take the mercenary plate take the samurai cloth dance oh we're starting to look real badass what are those man solid ojos there he goes there he goes oh my god yeah and we have no bounty whatsoever what the [ __ ] is he still doing here what the hell oh [ __ ] drifters god damn now in my in my mmm am I ready to risk being beaten up here hmm I actually might you know what I'm gonna try something here hand Naruto I need you it's peak performance my dude all right we're gonna sneak we're gonna have everyone follow him because like as soon as he's gonna try to knock the people at the back out as soon as they're like knocked out some of the other guys need to pick them up right away so they don't wake up and alert the others here goes nothing target neutralized yes [ __ ] holy [ __ ] work all right chief okay get that get the the best and take this end why not all right now chief pick her up and they are none the wiser they did not even suspect a goddamn thing wait who are those hmm you know these are these are also bandits I want those coats I need those coats no one's gonna mind if I attack these people you know if it all goes to [ __ ] I'll just [ __ ] run just Quinn yeah this is our opportunity to make it big let's go okay they just changed direction doesn't [ __ ] matter okay go go go go go Naruto stop sneaking my dude I'm gonna try this is a huge if this works [ __ ] date they notice they notice [ __ ] [ __ ] yo yo come help my dude up come help him out do the facets dude here just go get the guards go get the guards okay time to really cheese the kimchi mechanics I'm gonna show you some tricks I learned from this game this is for when you can't fight some people and you just want to run to a safe haven or something right boom boom you start juking watch because when you get close enough to enemies and they think you're gonna engage in the fight they swing and like they commit to this swinging animation and that you can just like cheese them like that there you go ay-ay-ay-ay-ay all right are the guards coming or what oh here comes the cavalry okay everyone come back we're gonna actually engage in this fight again wow it's just you now those are actual numbers you go go look okay you lose with this dude yes this is great this is great okay I'm stealing this [ __ ] like right there holding that dude they're taking him to to prison and I'm taking the loot right off it you can keep your head go away the rest of the bandits actually got in a fight with some caravan vans like a caravan people oh this is gonna be good either way for us because it will just whoever's left the they actually killed them Wow Robin go go go go - go go go go vote hey leave this dude oh he's not dead attack him come on my Jesus right in the spine god damn that explains why he went down one hit this guy's playing dead all right chief these guys took Naruto's crackers how [ __ ] could they yeah beat him the [ __ ] up come on he has a triangle horn [ __ ] you I will steal from you you can't do [ __ ] about it oh god damn it nice go for it come on dude take his money take his lunch money take his eight cats [ __ ] you is this guy attacking us for real yeah he is okay Robin just go on ranged like this dude get him come on we can take him oh [ __ ] they're all waking up now all right let's go come on boys come on nice point-blank shots Robin nice okay cool cool cool cool take your take away his weapon just in case nice all right everything else now miss me oh nice all right boys it's time to wrap up this episode I'm going to sleep like holy SH am hella sleepy you can tell by my voice probably this has been oh [ __ ] someone just bought something for 1600 damn so this episode has been really good for us we started as complete nobodies and we had nothing and now we have 7,000 cats after selling all that loot and look at us we're we're god damn stacked here we were very well equipped for the early game you see we got our crackers and everything and yeah we're really things are looking really good for us I'm looking forward to the next episode which we're gonna do in the next episode we're gonna get a camp we're gonna try and get our skills up and I want you to comment down below which we should name this merry band of bandits of ours because right now it's just nameless like tell me what I should name them and for future recruits like tell me names tell give me some names for future recruits now I'll pick the funniest of them and you know we'll just name them that all right so I hope you enjoyed this it's been really fun to make I really want to get into this kind of content more and yeah I hope you enjoyed it because there there's probably a lot more coming all right guys see you next time
Channel: Simo
Views: 423,170
Rating: 4.8804183 out of 5
Keywords: Kenshi, Kenshi gameplay, Kenshi roleplay, kenshi ep 1, kenshi episode 1, kenshi challenge, kenshi review, kenshi let's play 1.0, kenshi let's play, let's play, kenshi montage, kenshi funny, kenshi funny moments, challenge, roleplay, kenshi tutorial, kenshi 1.0, kenshi 1.0 gameplay, kenshi 2019, kenshi guide, kenshi bandits, kenshi bandit playthrough
Id: F_2-Re4exA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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