Kenshi | How I Begin a Base | Beginner Useful, Maybe

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so I've seen people on the kimchi separate it um had that have been looking into Base building and aren't really sure what to do or how to go about it or having trouble getting set up and getting their their butts kicked uh by the incoming raids so I would like to show you how I set up my base builds what I do about that and go about it and hopefully it'll uh maybe help you guys have a better start now there are all kinds of ways you can start to set up a base you can start as a solo player you can be the wondering Trader and eventually set that you want your own Trade Post uh there are so many ways to start probably the easiest though is going to be either as the freedom Seekers because you're going to start out with a whole bunch of building supplies you can have some cash on hand you've got a a great way to you could just about immediately plunked in a base and start working we can be the nobodies you've got no gear except for like a a pipe and some Band-Aids and nothing else no cats you don't have any building supplies with the nobodies you are a group of five with the freedom Seekers you are a total of six and the freedom Seekers I believe you get the big Soldier guy he was you know certain that is going to have a lot of stats he's got like the old Soldier or something to that effect so if you're if you're wanting to immediately get into Base building and have the probably the easiest start to Base building uh then this is probably the way to go so if we go to uh number six old Soldier right so this is going to be your character that has increased combat stats they're going to start with a saber where everybody else is you know kind of not so great so I like to make my old Soldier guy usually a check because I like the combat stance you know they have increased toughness that's gonna be great when if you get when you're getting into battles when everybody else gets knocked out and gets knocked down you know your old Soldier guy is going to be the one that's likely going to be able to get up and keep the fight so he's usually the one I start with now um if you are new to all this I would recommend getting at least one of every race because there are some interesting dialogues that happen as you're exploring and um when you go into different towns you might get different responses it it really increases sort of the the lore of kenshi and kind of everything you are going to experience we are going to make this guy he's going to be awesome now his shoulders need to be up CC so uh that's good look at that oh big legs he needs the big legs the big shoulders you guys know what we're doing with this everything oh yeah look at that look at that hips big old hips bulk yes yes look at that look at this monster of a of a thing right a head size big head shape yes neck yes oh yeah like length he's he's got a big old head big eyes I'm gonna make oh there we go this is awesome I height we're gonna make him a banana it's gonna have a nice little uh we'll make his mouth normal antenna long antenna horns long oh yeah that's a manly jar we're gonna I do look at this guy this guy is amazing okay I think we've got this guy all kitted out he's good to go um we've got however Shack human make a Scorch Lander and green light of Green Lantern okay you see that's fine and you're going to start with these guys somewhere in a weigh station that's going to be Randomness to Which Way Station so you might get this one here you might get the one off over in this way offer this way is the one we are going to prefer but uh you know Beggars can't be choosed so you can either just keep reloading until you get the spot you like um or you can deal with it as it is so you can see here old Soldier great starting stance in weapons and I mean it's fantastic Athletics this is going to be your go-to your go-to guy it's going to be the one that keeps everybody safe but here it's not where we want to be because even though we can start building right here right now if you look at everyone else's combat stats uh they kind of suck they're not great and with it not being great we're gonna have a tough time getting into new fights uh worth noting the holy nation will not like your old Soldier um so I would recommend not going to the holy nation anytime soon but what we want to do at least how I prefer to do this is I want to get to the hub so I'm going to take these guys I'm going to run them over to the hub and I'll see you when we get there so as you can see we have made it to everyone's favorite hub the probably the safest way a friend to get here from this weigh station because you've got a couple Avenues you could take you could try to cross directly but that's a lot of acid damage and it's more expedient but also probably fairly higher risk you could go up and try to dip around awkward and shield here but you know we've got a skeleton and party of AC ham they're not happy we can try to dip through here but that is also a bit of our RNG maybe there's stuff in there beating this up maybe there's not I might run into some of the the robot uh crabs that's not a good deal you can try to push straight through venge but I don't like this area because it's all Canyons you've got obviously those big old uh Sky beams shooting down at you and you also have a lot of those uh little groups of the Headless skeletons that are running around that'll beat you up now they won't take anything from you they just want to beat you up but being that all these guys are so unskilled even if anyone does wake up by the time you do there's usually another group trying to beat you down so if you don't get hit by the by the sky beams you're usually going to get beat up by the uh by those little guys running around so I like to come around over this way we stay right on the edge avenge come around through here and then we just follow this way and I like to go up because there's you know the swamp area can be pretty dangerous so we just want to curl around We've Got This Way Station if we have any Bandits that are following us we can just go to the way station and they'll help beat them up and then we're just a river crossing from The Hub so that is how I found the safest way if you start here curl around follow that path get to the hub as you can see some guys are a little beat up we've had a little Bandits on the way but uh using our Superior speed from running all that way we've managed mostly to be all right so we're in the hub and uh you'll see that one of the reasons to start this start is there a lot of building supplies see that they also have a lot of wheat straw and I've already learned the blueprint to wheat straw farming so that's super important so that means right from the get-go we can start making bread but we're not quite ready to build yet because as you know we've got no skills we've got nothing to defend against even the most basic of guys so the first thing we're going to do I like to buy this house here so I'm gonna buy it 1500. and so we're going to come on over here and we're going to repair it and this is going to be our sort of our starting uh stationaries we are going to use some of our building materials for this and that's okay is that a big deal we don't really need them right now we can speed this up along but what we're going to be doing is using this as storage and for getting our Tech going so we're going to get a small research bench and I can't remember to say the arrow keys no ah it's those keys so we're going to stick you right there confirm they're going to build and as we explore because again we need to get strong so before we make any base whatsoever we have to be able to defend it and that means getting all these guys combat stats similar to the old Soldier right so we want to have at least 2025 similar to that similar here as well we we want combat skills to actually defend and protect ourselves with so that's important so that's what we're going to do but as we do that we're going to be collecting all sorts of stuff we're going to be finding books we're going to be finding maybe some CPUs and blueprints and all those kind of good things that we want better Farm it might be tier two we might need for that so that's okay as you see we need a couple books for baking you know we're going to need cotton for cotton farming and we're going to want that because we're going to need to be able to make fabric so there's all kinds of things here that we want from the get-go right so let's get gear storage and oh look item storage and what the hell not we can learn public sales for now but there's a lot of things here that we are going to need and want and we're going to need that before we do anything so this is going to be it's really important to get this done now so that's what they're going to do best to have a if you have any human for your uh your science here since they have a bonused XP for that so that's just going to help get everything done faster so don't put a dummy on there if you've got a smart guy but put them in place and that's what a gurgle here is doing gurgle's a smart one and so from here this is our staging area all the books we're going to learn all any sort of useful building materials we're going to store here and from here we are going to go and explore just like we might do in any other uh kind of playthrough we're going to find armor we're going to find goodies we're going to find you know shining new weapons and as we go along it's probably covered up here a little bit by my uh recording software but we're going to prospect so they need to be outside we'll have him go out while she's learning a bit of prospect and he said prospects you're going to see a bunch of stuff pop up first it's going to tell you here what zone you're in if in case you need to know that and your uh you know give us some wind speed wind speed's important to know because we're going to be setting up some windmills and obviously you need wind for that what is important for a well fertility is important for growing and stone it's going to show you where Stone iron and copper are so that's good for being able to mine it up because we really need that for building supplies as well and over here the environment greened and arid now these are important obviously the higher these stents the better but there are certain uh crops that we might farm that need those you know that will influence how well those actually grow in the kind of yield we get from that growth so as we're exploring and getting all kinds of goodies and seeing all the kind of cool stuff Kenji has to offer we're going to be prospecting every so often Prospect see what's there do you see a cool area Prospect see what's there and basically by the time that our Core Group here is is built up and skilled enough to be able to defend against really whatever uh might come at us we're gonna we're gonna have some idea of where we actually want to be set up so we're going to do that for a bit they're gonna learn you know we're getting there we're getting smart um but we'll be back and hopefully by then we'll have a some of this guy's slightly geared some sort of combat yes we're back from uh a bit of an adventure out theater sells a fair bit of fighting against moves uh starving Bandits managed to take on a few Dusty Bandits when they were engaged in another fight and we were able to get to the last library with uh more than a little bit of luck and a lot of getting beaten up we came away from there with uh some goodies uh get ourselves some new weapons uh have such a few cats more importantly the books that we were able to get from that we're getting some very important upgrades here so obviously the makeshift wall is incredibly important you need to actually be able to you know protect your base so there's no sense in trying to build up a base until you've got that going and because we start with the wheat straw well we may as well learn how to bake so we can actually turn that into bread there's no sense in farming this if we can't actually use it for food you can see here we can also if we want start training that block picking and combat dummies that's not going to be useful for This Crew since you can see their combat stencil already pretty decent these are going to be you know higher than any of those early dummies will train us for and there's no sense in paying the Shinobi uh group four the 10K just to train in their crappy little training dummies if after a fight or two were already there and as you can see for for poor fella he's already down in arm it's really it's big sad but you know you look at that face and he's he's getting through it all okay but that is uh you know that is Again part of the price we're going to pay now trying to armor these guys up immediately is incredibly expensive you know for even just a decently protective armor you know you're looking at at standard grade you're looking at like 3K a pop and just for these standard grade cloth pants you know it's 1500 so trying to armor these guys up this crew early on like this is a really rough gig however you smart play that's when I was selling off an ad mag over here I went ahead and picked up the leather armor blueprint in the samurai cloth pants blueprint what's nice about that is they're very simple to make one needs leather one needs cloth now this early on uh cotton farming we're not going to be able to do yet since obviously we do not have a farm up but that's going to be a great way to get that going uh in the leather we can get quite easily from the hide now that's a little more dangerous because the probably the best way this early on is with the beak things and of course you know they uh they hurt but my old Soldier guy here he's gotten his stats up to where he can basically one view one a big thing so as long as you don't crowd it because you have to do the AOE attacks so you don't want to cry the big thing but if you can get your old soldier with those kind of combat stats um and I've got him a pretty well I won't say pretty nice and see decent it's an okay for starting out brand new he's he's kitted out quite nicely in the weapons Department um but you know you get him fighting that into the you know work these guys up behind and start stabbing or shooting with your crossbow um okay we'll keep extra training there you go then you'll be able to get up that uh that no time already so it's been a little bit and you can see we've upgraded from our little shank over here I mean you went ahead and purchased the old storm house here and you can see up top we have our tier 2 research in here at the bottom we have the initial crafting and even though you can see it's been a few days I think it's been well worth it we have a little a little bit of cat saved up which is good but we have ourselves some decent armor and those three there are all crafted uh via the leather workbench um getting these pieces here the boots and the uh chin meal require a actual proper like like smithing station we have to do mining we can do that when we're set up this is all about getting the cells geared up reasonably quickly and halfway protected so to get standard quality you're going to need a base of 4 of 40 in your armor smithing now you got an additional 12 just for making everybody the pants and the armor and some hats so the the best way that I have found to get that to 40 so you can start cranking out the standard equipment which you can also start to sell and actually make a decent bit of money on is by making leather out of animal skins and so you can get that just by when you're wandering uh you know if you're not trying to Target it directly just in your exploration as you gather you're going to come across some Critters beat them up take the skin um when you get to Stats think about this you get about 30 defense 30 attack you can really start to work on the the big things in a somewhat reliable manner without worrying about dying so your old Soldier guy is probably going to be the first one who can do that everyone else you know I know what their Luck's been they may or may not be anywhere near that but that's okay we've got armor now we can actually start to take those fights and if we are one day two we can really start working up a bank of money ending crafting but for now if we haven't already it's time to start looking for places we might want to set up so if you've not come across anything interesting yet in your travels then now's a good time now that you've got some armor okay so after a little wandering I've decided to settle in Shem you can see where I'm at right over here there's a lot of great areas within this spot a little bit of an oasis you've got water pretty plants great View and it's quiet except for the times when it's not and you get some big things some dust Bandits some starving Bandits but overall nothing at least at this point too insane so this area's got a lot we're going to want um you know we can see right here small copper iron we're gonna have stone and if we Prospect you can see we've got plenty of water around us which obviously fertility is great Stone iron copper good stuff no it's green 10 aired 100 percent so what that means if we go here to farming so a cotton from which we're going to want not great because it's arid but for us for what we're doing here even a little bit of of cotton is fine because eventually we're going to get to a point where we don't really need it and we're just going to start banking it up so it can be kind of crappy now and that's okay but you can see our wheat not bad six percent crop yield that's that's not too shabby for our small group here you know it's it's not the best but far from the worst you know vegetables here not great um but this is this is not a bad spot so what we'll probably do is set up a house here that will wall off that area and it's a pretty pretty good way to expand there's a lot of things we can do at the house we'll put some crossbow turrets up top and that can help cover where we need to mine and uh it's not bad you can see the wind here as well which is important when speed is pretty pretty decent it's not too bad so I'm gonna do some basic building and we'll be right back okay so we have the basic outline of the starter base area as you can see it's a little much for the six people it's doable you gotta have little patience this size eight would probably probably be pretty good because then you could have a bit more on the mining and refining but for the for the moment for this six is fine we don't need too much more than that okay so as you can see we have some dust Bandits that have a decided to come pay us a visit but that's okay because our combat skills are high enough to take on the dust Bandits and uh not have too many problems a nice thing is we have a big thing here and that definitely softens some of them up and you're going to have that because they roam so when you have Bandit groups trying to attack you it's very possible then you might run into big things and either get wiped out or very softened up before they get to you all right let's see how they handle it should be okay and just like that not a problem yeah we're not going to say no to that free food out there so we're gonna go grab that and that we've got plenty of Nest to meet for a hiver and everyone is just going to go ahead and repair up yep rather okay it didn't get really hurt just nice Indiana medical he does no that's why okay and repair up so it's not bad it's not bad at all what we will probably do and this is where in a situation we can decide what we might want to do if I don't know if this here is passable terrain or not might be a little I think that might be just a little too steep if so we have ourselves a nice barrier we can make a T intersection here for a nice kill box yeah look at that random blood spider that's fun what we're going to do here is make a I'm thinking about having a shop opened up and that way we can make a T intersection here so things will filter in and get shut up by all the crossbows we're going to set up so when this gets closer to that I will kind of show what that looks like as you can see we do have some Farms going got a wheat straw got a cotton it's growing uh for your farming uh greenlanders have a racial bonus to it which is good same with cooking as well so if you have any greenlanders you definitely want them on your farming in cooking detail because they will be the best at it and if you ever run low on food and if you're and if you're low in cats again we've got copper here we have smuggle This Bar which is like a whopping 10 second run from here in this current location so even if we get low on food even if we're getting close to starving it's not all that much trouble to run a guy over there to pick up some food and if we get a raid not a problem if we get a raid that is more than we think we can handle we can just run our guys over there until it's over so it's a pretty good safety net alrighty and the base itself is pretty much done as far as starting goes there are still things we want to do want to get ourselves a little crafting haul and one of these corners but you can see we already have two medium wheat fields and those are going pretty well we've got two small cotton fields and those will eventually get up to medium again they're not super good with it just being that 10 yield um but some cuttings a bit of the new cotton you can see we have ourselves a little kill box idea here we've got this section out here kind of has some overlapping angles of fire this seems to be where so far this space has been attacked from this this side so this little overlap this little kill box is pretty nice you'll see we've got some Bandits some basic crossbows we're going to see how that works out here in a second this side didn't quite work out sometimes the building in kenshi is very finicky with these walls um so you you know I might need to play around with that a bit to get it exactly how you want I wanted a similar thing over here where I had uh something jutting out but every time I try to put a wall it just kept face the wrong way and I said well I'm not I'm not too bothered that again a similar situation over here though we're going to have we have crossbows this way and this way so we basically have an you know an L-shaped kind of uh Crossfire situation on the enemy so good for us bad for them on top of that I have this inner Courtyard and so I can get crossbows up here as well so if we're in real Dire Straits you know if we have to abandon the walls or some such or if we want to fight them out in here we can have crossbows to overlook this entire area as well so it's a pretty good setup we've got this nice airlock which is pretty important you don't want just one gate to your base if you've got your main gate you want that airlock situation that allows you to slow down and funnel and weed out and as you get more powerful crossbows especially those those rotary crossbows I mean it gets gets really nasty um let's see how this does we'll just uh display are you guys shooting oh there you go this is they have a pretty great View hitting anybody oh there's there's the hit look at that when we're showing up there they're not deterred you see those crossbows there have not yet been built so hair flick pair no don't unlock repair there you go do that so you can see these crossbows they hit pretty hard they're not the fastest shooting but that's again that's where those better crossbows that will eventually get come into play around oh what a hit I'll hit a bad mistake you don't want to come in here friend oh I mean I know they're hungry yeah and when you're hungry you make some bad decisions but I was definitely not one to make so obviously the skate was open where all our defenses aren't up yet but you get the idea of how this functions and how this might scale up as you get better crossbows and uh if you want to add more people I like to use skeletons I enter it since they don't need any food so they they're just there permanently they don't need you know things they're great they just stay there forever and once you medical yourself up first and cool and that was uh oh hello there friend you gotta take that 32 damage so obviously we need so we can see that bolts sticking through them this poor fella look thank you poor guy he's just hungry but that's kind of the the starter base that's kind of what you're looking at again you can get pretty wild with how you create your kill box and what you choose to do with it and I don't what the hell is he going what are you doing buddy I don't know bloodlust I suspect he's just so angry and we can put you into bed oh that's right oh I see uh why don't you get some Crespo practice in or is the other one there there this goober over here is he's not content it's been having a bolt through his head see if we can get a sweet action cam shot at these guys so so much fun is it better run my friend yeah that's right get out of here and that's our base it's pretty nice pretty defendable very simple again it's very doable with the starting six here if you had more obviously it would be faster getting Building Supplies made ahead of time just getting those stacked up is super super important and I kind of slacked off and that's why it took so long to get the space going but no real rush I knew I could survive anything in the area um but when you are setting up your base I would highly recommend getting just a butt load of these Base building materials you want your walls you need your Gates uh so that's really really your priority is that but I mean that's it you got your base you got your walls we've got a food going on we're actually making bread can you believe it conflict need to harvest do we have anything the bread baskets yet not yet that's okay but we've got some look at that bread there oh my gosh we are living the life everybody we have bread all right so I hope the video has been helpful yeah I hope it's explained sort of in a way Base building I'm not a super great base Builder um as you can clearly see by this but I do like the area of Shem I love the view I love the little Oasis pockets of water and the pretty plant life and having guys show up kind of all the time to try to take your bread is great because you're never in any uh any sense of boredom there's always something to beat up all right enjoy Kenji
Channel: Zombie Gandhi
Views: 8,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rSFv3ajT5A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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