GORD - Grimdark Medieval Cursed Forest Strategy Survival

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what's up guys and gals and welcome today we are doing next best coverage so we're gonna be checking out Gord this game from Team 17 that has been making some Rumblings I don't know a whole lot about it but it has a demo during the next Fest so we are going to check it out here today if after watching you also wanted to check out the demo for gourd I have a link for you down below in the description it's available down there you can also find a link to my Discord and my twitch stream down there just in case you wanted to swing on through have a good time rub tummies and stuff let's go ahead and start off the campaign here and just kind of see how the whole thing plays oh they got the project Zomboy voice in the background be like oh like they got that guy in here okay all right you know the game is serious Grim dark business when you got the oh guy in the background uh we've got standard brutal permadeath casual I'll probably just go standard for right now man I don't feel like I need ulcers I like being relaxed over the years under my roof my campaign to unite the south is almost over as we speak my son is directing our Army against the remaining forces of the Southern resistance once we're done there wish I'll take the north it's filled with all sorts of vile creatures but also rich in the gold that I need only a few barbaric tribes are desperate enough to inhabit these lands as my Stuart you will have one of them at your disposal the tribe of the Dawn secure the golden root before our army arrives by a misery Edwin will watch your progress fail me and you will face a fate much worse than any of the Savages you've ever fought before seems like a nice guy obviously fully reasonable and probably won't have any problems working with him over the long term I don't think there are any downsides to any of this Dawn was always a humble community of Dabo worshipers their Elder Bogdan is neither a warrior nor a strategist when the colanthians came with their threats and Promises they had no choice but to obey they agreed to guide them through the lazatian forest hoping for peace and survival here we are Stuart no wonder our King chose you for this Mission you're more than worthy of this casting land sure we're in the right place where is that me cold coward who calls himself my Lord I am Bogan Elder of the tribe of the Dawn I will guide you through the lasatian woods but if I may where are your warriors the king's forces will come when the time is right until then we are your new Masters as pledged my Lord My Tribe will follow the orders of the king steward they are your people now I trust you'll take good care of them we will if they do their work do they find a place to set up a camp yes sir our Scouts have found a good spot for our first gourd a nearby Pond should provide enough Reeds and food to start a small settlement okay then let's get this thing rocking the gourd must be control oh we gotta do tutorial stuff okay tutorialization going left and right Okay so we've got light effects we've got grass all over the place please order our subjects to move we should follow our Scouts footsteps we are not safe here okay so all of our living subjects are over on the right they have jobs apparently they also have health bars sanity bars apparently they can go all nutty so that's probably a thing we want to avoid here we will select the subjects and then once we have selected our subjects we will head towards the new Village off often away they go actually some pretty brilliant lighting effects right there pretty purty and it's being thrown from the guy with the torch gotcha all right let's go this way I'm gonna guess that this is the kind of place where you really don't want to get off the beaten path otherwise you probably get ate by something something probably lays eggs in you a general number of terrible Fates befalls so on and so forth so the bodies of our Scouts there isn't much for us to bury but it seems like one got away with dabo's help he'll find his way back to us okay can I loot this thing oh yeah look at that we got 50 bucks all right see that's why you always go through you always check you never know creepy Woods please don't eat me a made of meat but treat me sweetly uh oh it's a wolf fight it yup everybody break out your connives oh my God it jumped on him dude don't do that that's a don't do that absolutely not please don't eat my villagers I need these guys how I'm gonna how am I gonna make like a rutabaga Farm if you keep attacking me oh nice so that gives you your health back oh yeah and they give it to the person that's injured too like they look to see who's the most injured and they just like hand it off but here you go they kind of remind me of the red flowers that fill up your oxygen or whatever from No Man's Sky that's kind of what they look like right they kind of got like that same flowery thing going on as the red plants from No Man's sky is this the gore I see a pond we've reached the pond our Scouts told us about it is indeed a fine location for a gourd we have access to water reeds and other resources here but first let's build a palisade these wooden walls will be the main defense of our new settlement okay let's go ahead and do it all right so build a palisade with the Palisade here oh that's kind of cool it's 155 wood and like technically we can make it bigger too if we really wanted to oh yeah dude look at that you can change the bounding that's a really unique way to build a wall in a game like this and like to maintain some semblance of like octagonal or whatever symmetry I like that a lot most of these games I always end up with a weird wonky looking wall because like with isometry and like a rotating camera it's always like difficult to get the angles just right whereas you know Martin Grove oh no absolutely not splatistan is where we where we live now and so off off and away they go it looks like they've laid down most of the stakes that are going to be required for getting this done I don't know how long this is going to take but they do have little building animations and I've been impressed so far with what little we've seen of the combat animations oh it was that fast I thought they were gonna have to go Section by section now we need to think of how to make use of the resources we have [Music] hold on Old fool this is just a minor stop on our way to the Cartographer he's waiting for us with instructions on how to reach the gold I don't want to grow roots in this dump my Lord I promise we will move on as soon as we have fortified our current position for now I suggest building a lumber mill a forager's Hut and a battery lumber mill does sound useful all right let's build a lumber mill I clicked off to you early that was my fault there was no problem with the audio right there I have to specify because somebody be like man that was really janky how the audio clipped off right there and then me sitting with like bloody hands having clicked the mouse during the dialogue on accident because I was excited to get back to playing I just feel guilty for the rest of the night and so I'd rather not feel guilty for the rest of the night professions would determine what people can and can't do okay uh so it looks like over here we can go yeah go go get those trees right we're going to want to clear the tree line anyways so that the enemy doesn't have places to hide would be my suggestion uh but we've got a work slot over here that guy looks like he's like maybe like a Potter or something and they've all got different cutting experience so one guy's got two or three she's got two we'll just put two guys in I guess does it want me to put all three in gather and deposit some wood yeah I'm gonna keep everybody else kind of like where they're at chop animation looks really good like quite smooth actually very high quality right there like that a lot so hopefully they'll start chopping down some trees and we'll kind of see where this all leads us so the growth level is one it looks like there's some kind of mechanic in the middle looks like there's like a fire mechanic or something over there they got a tree and it looks like he just drags back Along by one arm like the absolute alpha male that he is nice dude next up we have our thatchery which the game is requesting so let's go ahead and take a look at the thatchery it's going to take 50 wood to get that done these buildings are pretty chunky though so you got to be careful about where you decide to drop them on in I'll put the thatchery right there although I guess technically we probably wanted the thatchery to be closer to the water since they're going to be gathering of reeds or whatever but oh well we'll worry about that later it's all the way up we'll leave them chopping things uh we will say are you guys doing cutting skill right here they are okay so we want someone with decent cutting skill I guess YouTube you go do it and like do whatever you want if you see a task out there feel free to be excited about said test did they change they did they got like a little muddy they've got like a little muddy raincoat outfit on I was they change outfits when you give them a job that's pretty cool there you go you guys get in there and get them Reeds right there where I live you don't go out in the Reeds that's a mistake don't go out in the Reeds You're Gonna Hate It uh there's these things called Saint Andrews cross spiders that are big real real big spiders like enormous spiders and they live out in the bull rushes I live in a marsh in case you didn't know I live in a swamp like Shrek but not like a Louisiana swamp like there's no like tree over cover like there's no canopy like where I live it's just an endless Reed Marsh in the open sun as far as the eye can see and nothing good is out in those bull rushes like you're either gonna get bit by a spider you're gonna find a dead guy don't go out there I suppose you people are used to starvation but I am not Stuart what are these peasants to bring me some food Mindy the peasantry has gotten far too soft in this area bring me my Mead Zaya if I may our people had some ration saved but we will run out soon we really need to start Gathering food all right apparently they get they go insane very quickly when they run out of food I'm kind of the same way man I don't like it when I run out of food running out of food means I gotta go to the supermarket and like they they're like getting new carts at my local supermarket so like there's like no carts right now it's a really weird time to go shopping like just walking around cartless and knowing you need to buy like two weeks worth of groceries but having no cart to carry them in because they're replacing all the carts so there's like six carts for the entire store man I too can sympathize with the peasants that must go out into the forest to gather with their hands in the mud and the dirt and the Snapping of the Wolves at their heel because I too am I Am rough shoddenly overrun by problems where when I go to get food I have to look for a basket woe is me say I uh so did they ever get the trees down here looks like they take breaks from time to time and they just kind of like kick it uh with our foragers what do you guys do so with the foragers I don't really have nobody to like make this work with like isbor kind of sucks right he's not very good at producing the foodles but we're gonna we're gonna give isbor the old College try you guys go swap into your little outfits what is your little what's your little outfit look like oh you got off better than everybody else you even get to have a cool bandana none of the other jobs got to have a cool bandana so you know be happy over here we're probably gonna have to swap some Reeds out pretty quick weird I tried to go into the options to make the camera go faster but it does not like it's because it's got like a low acceleration so if I W like that right there it accelerates into the speed that you want it to go at I just want it to go at this speed right here the second that I touch the key rather than slowly acceler basically they've got like an inertial component to the camera thank you for providing us with food even though starvation won't make us bleed it will weigh heavily upon our subject's mental state if we neglect their sanity they will flee our rule huh it's importance like that should be punishable by Death feeble Minds hmm in calanthia we would give our soldiers some wine to calm their nerves before the battle my Lord we don't have wine here but we do pride ourselves on making a great drinking Mead need you say that doesn't sound too bad however the basic comfort of staying within the range of a Torchlight helps a lot in our sanity regeneration our Scouts can provide light to everyone venturing outside of the Palisade but I would recommend to build both a Meadery and Scouts Tower yes yes but let's start with the meteration absolutely I'm in agreement with the little guy with the beer belly and the big baller Medallion I'm with him I want the Mead let's do that so let's see here what is this sanity level three new structures are now available for construction and so it looks like we have Torchlight healthy subjects and a food supply so our sanity is slowly increasing and I guess as our sanity gets better we like level up or something yeah let's see here we can use yellow herbs or a Meadery you can also stand on the lighter near carvings kill enemies or receive rewards in quests or trade-off choices okay my my real issue here is that I don't think I have anyone to put inside the Meadery even if I go and I build it so as much as I would love to have my little Meadery back here I do like how everything rotates about the center of town and tries to be like in the middle or at least facing the middle that's kind of like a nice little feature except for this guy this is the only building that faced sideways for whatever reason still fine with it it's nice to break up the Symmetry or the asymmetry or whatever but like still I don't think the Meadery is going to get built I can manual command them to go do stuff from like right here I think yeah cuff Bjorn go go build that right there this land is cursed and we should not be here I mean you live here don't you you're like one of the locals is it just like your little Paddock that you live on is totally fine but this one over here is the cursed one that has like all the crazy stuff going on with it I'm gonna need a little bit more I don't think that listening to our subjects is a strong suit of the colanthian rain in all honesty all right the Meadery is now done did they make the Mead there I don't know if it counts as food or if it counts as what but it looks like we just like assigned people to come over here or maybe they do have to work here it's kind of hard to say I don't know cuff Bjorn you work here now it says the work slot so Torchlight allows you to spot enemies in Eternal Darkness it also prevents your subjects from losing sanity make sure that they are not in the dark for too long okay can I build like a campfire or something like do we have that a Scouts Tower so we can assume the Scout profession when do I get more guys though because like I'm running on kind of like a shoestring budget right now like I have a lot of things but I do not have villagers so like I'm fine with doing like some round robin stuff if I have to does this go outside the walls it looks like it goes inside the walls all right we'll put you over here I guess and I think what happens is they work over here and it looks like sanity maybe kind of hard to say maybe it's the yellow meter underneath there yeah I think it is the yellow meter because his is going back up so I think we're gonna have to rotate people like I don't know if they're gonna go and actually drink at the Meadery when they want to I also haven't been able to figure out there we go right click on there I was gonna say I haven't been able to figure out exactly how we get people to like go back and stop doing what they're doing and like become like a normal Idol peasant again but I think I just figured it out you right click on them inside that little menu but I felt like I tried that on the other one it didn't work but maybe I'm just dumb I don't know you guys drink beer until we are no longer catastrophically hurtling towards going insane how's that sound yeah we look like we're mostly knit positive right now so I think that number going up is actually good I thought it was ticking up and it was bad because it said anxious already but it looks like we're okay I think we're solid so we just gotta wait for this meter to fill up and then I think we get new subjects and stuff which will be pretty cool cuff Bjorn's still working on the Scout Tower over here yeah I think they just alcoholism is advancing our society right now just moving ourselves forward via drunkenness and bad ideas I'm in full support of it all right so we now have our Scout Tower is cuth Bjorn any good at this cuff Bjorn actually is he's like level three at this so we'll give him an actual honest to God job I know that hygiene isn't your best suit but don't your people ever wash Stewart and I could use a bath yes of course my Lord our Balia is constructed in a way not only to provide hot water but also make the best use of our healing herbs to regenerate People's Health heard that Stewart order them to build it right away okay so they want me to build a communal bathtub is the idea that I've got here the Balia just in case you want to Balia out what does this guy actually do do I just like send him out to go doof oh they're hopeful now look at that dude see I took an entire Society from the brink of sadness and despair and now I have made them hopeful wow that's thick Woods over there I didn't expect that to be that thick I'm guessing that we can't move through it it's gonna be similar to like what you would see and they are billions I've Gotta Wait anyways for more wood to come in like they're chopping trees and whatnot but it's going to be a little while before I can build the Balia so we'll just kind of like look around we got some shroomies over here we've got a torch over there if I want to go too nuts in case there's like wolves or something out here yeah see he just heard something I don't know if I can actually get away if we run into anything out here oh there's piggies okay what is that like a cairn oh 34 wood inside the loose Stone so I guess they're out here to kind of like gather things I guess the Scout that is oh they're hostile piggy no friend piggy friend not enemy Piggy our brother is in danger oh no this is a winning proposition right here I guess we'll kind of sort of figure it out okay so cuff Bjorn's pretty beat up luckily there's some like healing flowers over here so I think it's gonna be okay just go grab healing flower yeah and just like rub it on the spot that hurts perfect exactly just kind of take that Kings foil get that atholus and just sort of put it where it needs to go I like how the map is utterly black and you can't see anything until you walk up on it very unnerving 23 reads from over there I probably want to scout this Southern Direction too uh the Balia let's get that up and running although we don't really have anybody to build it there we go Bali is down and you've got 50 wood on you that's good because we need wood how hopeful are we right now are we doing like a really good job maybe I'll take a guy off of that and you come build over here because it seems like our anxiety is okay right now I don't think people are hopeful in times that are anxious I'm gonna have this guy come grab some of these flowers too because he's not fully healed up yet I'm also kind of interested oh he's got a flare for exploring he gets more explorers XP nice I too enjoy I think that's like a natural human thing though it's a light going new places and explore new things when you're alone who's watching your back um I don't know who said that 24 food was he just like hearing that out in the woods oh I am vexed why did a voice just come from over there oh that's not Bueno man we shouldn't be hearing voices out in the middle of nowhere all right Scout continue up that way and when the Balia gets done they'll probably give us like another little storyline chunk I was hoping the number Keys would move the the time scale around but it doesn't all right we'll slow the game down now that we're back out here if we really run into anything out this way though okay there's something back there I don't know what it is but there's something back there it made a noise that sounded was he gonna cross that log right there Oh I thought he was gonna jump on the log and like tippy-toe his way across it man I was about to be proud of this guy for his like dexterous leanings all right so we've got the Balia uh you go ahead and hop in the Bali I guess one of our people came across some familiar tracks we should search this area of the forest maybe with dabo's help we'll find the Scout who fled from the wolves okay I'm totally fine with what's going on here so nobody's in darkness right now so we don't really need to worry about that is it sending me right back to where I was oh it like opened up the map a little bit more I think all right cuth Bjorn let's be careful about this we'll fight on top of red flowers if we have to Scout oh those are wolves oh no Runaway Runaway run away run away those are wolves okay fight the wolf oh run run run run run run okay come over here if you fight on top of the flowers oh they deegarode interesting okay I mean that works for me I'm all right with it I'm super cheesy in games like this that wolf is legendary what does he do that's so legendary uh go grab some flowers there you go there you go maybe I should be bringing more guys to do this like maybe that would be the wiser decision yeah I'm gonna bring some more guys oy Nerds come on everybody out here all right that should be enough guys with four guys I think we should have no problem wrecking these kids up we do have a lot of people out in the darkness right now though which kind of worries me a little bit but with four guys I think we can fight a wolf maybe I mean wolves are pretty big and chunky I've seen a timber wolf in real life and a timber wolf in real life is kind of a fearsome thing health is looking okay another guy's jumping in over here and it looks like we found loot we found the wolf's paw what does the wolf's paw do wait how did the Scout get in a cage all right I once again have questions I believe that leontyne is about to go insane so we'll send her back to town to go get you know all of her various bits and Bobs fixed up [Music] is he blabbering on about I can't understand a word he claims he was attacked by the wild Folk people of the forest but they have never attacked us before unless they were provoked clearly they had a change of heart [Music] he says they're walking towards the votinga river west of here I fear that they may raid Our God cartographer was supposed to be west of here as well we cannot lose him let's move where were the guys with the spears during this whole ordeal I could have used them man it would have been helpful to have him anyways the wild folk used to live like wild animals and although they can be violent Conquest was one of the many human things they despised nonetheless they became more aggressive recently and attacked the tribe of the dawn's gourd I wonder if they are doing this to praise velas all right so before you go to a scenario you get a chance to know your subjects bio strengths weaknesses experience levels items once you get a sense of who they are you'll manage it best for each member of the team with a unique name okay so we have new recruits over here we get to bring six guys with us so as far as like this guy is a lumberjack we have a scout it looks I like the facial modeling and whatnot too they all look really good like they all have like distinctive faces from one another looks like everybody has a little backstory everybody has like equipment slots and stuff that they can play around with I don't know where I opened the General Pool of items from though because like I'd like to give cuthbjorn the wolf's paw so that he's good at fighting against wolves that's what it does by the way is you equip the wolf paw on somebody and it looks like it makes them fight better and take less damage from wolves but I can't seem to find like the area where your items are listed so that you can just drag them over and equip them on people tough to say I don't know I guess I'll just send it and not have the wolf paw kind of sucks but I don't see where I'm clicking I'm right clicking like the wild folk they've attacked our gourd hurry now or there will be nothing left of a home under attack well that's not good let's not be under attack so if the Palisade is destroyed or an enemy gets inside the gourd is breached while this last your subjects drop their jobs and fight people all right that makes sense [Music] hmm let's grab who we've got over here and let's send oh there's dead people like everywhere oh God okay so they're like the guys from like the 13th Warrior they're creepy little skull wearing dudes I mean it looks like they die easy enough dear God so much destruction those Savages dare to destroy our King's property sire this is unusual the wild folk are not our allies but they were never desperate enough to raid a fortified gourd something's changed that doesn't matter you old fool they will pay for their insolence of course sire but now we need to focus on salvaging whatever's left of our structures we can repair the damage and clean up the rubble and reuse whatever we can okay let's go ahead and uh see what we can do here so we've got a breach over here [Music] so structures can't be interacted with repaired okay so we gotta fix the wall first gotcha all right well let's fix the wall then somebody go fix the wall how many holes do we have in the wall just the one okay so they just snuck in through the one wall so we'll send that over there you can't repair that till the Wall's done okay help out with the wall then there we go walls all nice and done start assigning people to just kind of like clean up destroyed areas what is that a factory okay cleaned up the rubble down there you guys go fix up that building okay that's all done that building's still up and running but we do need to fix the what is that a scout Tower yeah Scout Tower okay so we'll fix the Scout Tower we have two people working on reeds we have two people working on that right there with the harvesting we've got a lumber mill good to go with one person and then over on this side we're fixing the Scout which I think we only have one Scout with us so figure it out kind of as we go oh yeah it's not unassigning from right there interesting well then I don't know how to unassign guys alright it doesn't seem to want to unassign anybody right now so that I can put them on other jobs or so that I can have them just be like a default villager tried like every combination of clicking and moving them around like you could go to another job and you can give them another job but we should equip our subjects with proper weapons to better prepare for what awaits us outside of our walls let us build our first military structure all right well I figure we'll do that at some point uh read lady go ahead and read it on up read it on out where's my other read lady I don't know if I actually need this many reads but hey everybody go to your desired work spot please we also don't have a food gatherer so we're going to want to do that too let's get a forager's Hut going put that over there she's gonna skip to Malu and get it done casabian let's have you take a look around for anything that might be helpful just kind of scout the edges of town what are these those are sanity plants okay so those are the apparently they're like mushrooms for Vikings you just chew them and kind of trip balls for a little bit and then you feel a little bit better about the way life is going little huts and things out here too oh is that another peepo that I can rescue I see somebody in a cage how do I get around there with all these leftover walls and things that you see in this area it does kind of give the impression oh we're gonna need to like fight them okay so that's like a full-on capture spot what about down here how we looking down here there's a cage but there's nobody in it all right traps can be anywhere [Music] what did the Trap do those guys are still just doing their thing over there so I don't know what the Trap did maybe signaled that like I was in the forest or something or like in the area gatherers go ahead and gather food you guys Auto gather and need what you need to do or do what you need to do the next thing up is we are going to need enough for a Meadery it looks like just so we can top up people's sanity and the off chance that they end up needing it put the Meadery right there I guess he's not really doing anything anyways so we can put him on uh Mead crafting he's chopping down trees that's exactly what I like to see I wonder if you get hunters or something later on that can go after all that food out there kind of digging this like a narrative focused Grim dark RTS with a lot of RPG mechanics in there too with each of the characters leveling up and carrying their professional level UPS in between engagements basically in between fights so we'll have to figure out how that plays I do want to get the military building done but what's that going to set me back in terms of nickels so for an ax pit it's a hundred wood that's not too bad he's got 32 on him right now all right there's our ax pit we got enough resources for it cuff Bjorn go get that thing done I need battle Warriors all right so with the battle Warriors in here let's put cuff Bjorn in there that's such for the Cartographer he was supposed to lay out the best Transportation especially across that damn River my people have seen this kalanthi in a couple of times supposedly he has surrounded himself with traps be cautious when you approach his hunt all right so like how badass is a war oh wow he's fast too good uh we may need actually like a few more wait we already had an herbalist Hut oh man dismantle that bad boy real quick all you guys that are gathering food I strongly suggest you go back and just like bang this out real quick all right so we got a little two-man battle Squad out here I'm gonna go see if we can rescue whoever's in this cage so that we can get like more labor oh I left too early okay oh yeah Warriors are considered a Brewster oh my God okay Warriors are like legit okay yep Warriors are what we want to have ooh Treasure Chest let me get it let me get it wolf tooth necklace like that torch too light it up over here there's another one everything that I can light up along the way perfect all right who are you [Music] oh no [Music] oh okay pure people in line why did he flee the poor soul already suffered so much seeing a body mutilated in such a vicious manner you would think that living here made us indifferent to such views but it always takes a toll your Barbarian minds are weak this corpse belongs to yet another of your Scouts no sire judging from the robe I believe this is the Cartographer you were searching for cast lands Tim his Maps search the Hut such this cage Search Everything that explains why the area wasn't populated before we got out of here but this is Gordon I'm going to leave something to the imagination in case you want to try out the demo I will see you all tomorrow with some hot Fresh Off The Indie skillet for now the only thing that's bugged me about the game is just the inertia on the camera if there's like a toggle to get rid of the inertia that'd be amazing but I don't see anything that says specifically like remove inertia from camera so I would recommend adding a toggle there but that's about it that's the only thing that's annoyed me I'll catch you all tomorrow thank you for hanging out with me giving me the luxury of your time and it's time for me to go bye folks
Channel: Splattercatgaming
Views: 124,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gord gameplay, gord walkthrough, gord playthrough, lets play gord, gord review, gord preview, gord impressions, gord download, gord trailer, gord soundtrack, gord music, gord video game, gord pc game, Gord guide, gord tutorial
Id: Mv1sDBSs_n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 54sec (2454 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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