Kenshi: How to Train your Bonedog

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hi and welcome to keni so today I'm going to be training a bone do to kill one of the hardest enemies in the game bugm and just to show I'm not using any mods and my gameplay settings are all at their defaults so getting right into it I'm going to be using the guy with the dog start and again all options on default so begin so for this start we begin in Bast which is a destroyed City in the middle of nowhere uh there's no guards no shops and since we're currently starving our first order of business is to head Northeast to around this part of the map and there we will be able to buy some food at the bar and we do need to watch out for cannibals and hostile animals as at this point in the game they will definitely outrun us and kill us so now as we're approaching we can see dren appears on our map so I'm just going to reset the Waypoint to that location and as we get closer I'm hoping that we'll start to see some damage numbers here uh and we can see that there's a skirmish going on between holy nation and United cities so I'm going to make my human go up ahead a bit and what I'm going to do is I'm going to put sneak mode on so I can start taining training my stealth and I'm just going to go around all these dead holy nation soldiers and start stealing their [Music] weapons now that I've collected all those weapons I'm going to sell them at this bar and trade them for food uh the Barm man's currently in a fight right now so now that he's done with that I can sell everything I picked up and buy some food I think I'm going to go with dried meat just because it's the cheapest thing here and one thing to note is that a bone dog can't eat directly from your inventory so I have to drop this meat on the ground and I'm just going to leave John here while I continue looting the holy nation [Music] [Music] soldiers I've looted most of what there was to pick up and I've stocked up on some food so next we're going to be heading Southwest to this region of the map and then we're going to pass South into this green area of the map we've reached our destination of blister Hill so I'm I'm just going to park John in this bar with a bit of food and I'm just going to run around with sneak on to train stealth while I wait for the shops to open in the morning so now that the sun has come up I'm going to go into this boot shop and what I'm looking for are a pair of sandals to help us run a bit faster you can buy here and then whatever is the most expensive backpack I can afford so so I think it's this large backpack so I'm going to put that on and for now I do need to wait for night to fall again so I'm just going to keep training stealth until around the evening I was able to train my stealth up to 18 which should be more than enough for what I'm planning to do and so now that it's around 7 in the evening I'm going to head to this flat portion of the map right now we're at narco's trap and it is raining acid so you can see the health of my body parts is slowly going down but it we shouldn't be here long enough for it to really matter so what I'm going to do is wait for this sun symbol on the right of my character's name to be black and when that happens I'm going to try to sneak in this compound now it is fully dark uh I've taken off my backpack as it does have a stealth penalty and right now I'm going to go up to this gate and try to unlock it and hopefully with my current stealth level I should be able to sneak by these paladins given that it is complete dark so I did get caught by the paladins it's not so big a deal cuz I can outrun them and just wait until they deagro then I can come [Music] back now that I've broken inside there's a second gate that I have to unlock before I can get inside this Tower but now that we've gotten out of the area with the paladins it's pretty safe up here now we're inside narco's Tower and this place is guarded by by robotic spiders which will probably One-Shot us at this point there don't appear to be any on the first floor so I'm just going to go ahead and loot everything that is worth decent [Music] money this is all the loot that I was able to get from the tower I only kept the things that were 1 kg or less as even with this amount of loot we are being weighed down which is reducing our run speed and our stealth I also made sure to keep one skeleton repair kit and one Advanced first aid kit as we will need those later because of the extra weight we're carrying getting out is going to be a bit more difficult than getting in so what I'm going to do is well first I'm going to command John to walk a bit closer so that we can escape together and for kiaku I'm going to take off my backpack so I can sneak better and I'm going to run as far outside of the tower as I can trying to stay a a bit far away from the spiders so that they don't immediately notice us but I do actually want to aggro both of them and I'm going to put my backpack on so I can run a bit faster I want to aggro both of these spiders so that I can use them as a distraction to get past the gate guards so what I'm going to do is just move a small distance away and wait for the spiders to catch up as if I move too far at once they might deagro so I'm just going to keep doing this until I get to the gate so after a save and a load I'm going to remove my backpack and turn on sneak and I'm trying to get this spider close enough for the paladins to aggro without the paladins actually noticing me and once most of them start moving in I'm just going to throw my backpack on and run as far away as I can and hopefully none of the paladins are actually looking at me so now what I'm going to do is just stash my backpack somewhere near by I'm just going to choose in between these two rocks so that I can remember and as we look back here we can see that the spider that we lured out has been knocked out he's gotten back up but he shortly will be getting knocked out again so what I'm going to do is wait for the paladins to sort of disperse and once they have I'm going to try to sneak in as close as I can pick up the body and drag it around this corner if possible okay I do have to drop it as I can't outrun the Paladin while I'm carrying it but now all I have to do is walk out of his aggro range and I can probably come back and collect the body if not I'll just repeat the cycle a couple more times until the body is far enough to be recovered safely so we can see now that the Paladin has given up on chasing me and is now walking back so I'm just going to keep a bit of distance and go back to retrieve the spider so now that I have retrieved the body safely I'm going to put it down and I'm going to repair it so that it doesn't bleed out keep in mind that if you you try to fully repair the spider it will wake up and start attacking you so I'm just going to keep this atga one if possible and hopefully that should be enough that it won't bleed out while we're walking around so now that we have the spider the loot from the tower and our bone dog we can then leave and start heading south to around this area of the map where we will begin the training of our bone dog now we've reached This Way Station down in the Border zone so if we go into this robotics workshop at the end of the town we can place the iron spider in the skeleton repair bed and you do need a bit of money so you can just sell some of the loot that you took from the tower and we can see that the health of each of its limbs are increasing extremely fast so what we'll actually be doing is using this security spider as a punching bag for Jon to train his stats and now that it has gone from unconscious to normal what I'm going to do is pick it up bring it outside and and I'm going to put it down on the ground and wait for it to wake up and when it's almost about to wake up I'm going to right click and hold my mouse over pickup and wait for the wake up animation to happen and when it starts to walk away I'm going to pick it up and put it back in the bed and what you can see here is now by right clicking right clicking on it I can actually start to attack it with John and this will train Jon's dexterity uh martial arts and melee attack so he's just going to keep on attacking it until its oil goes to zero at which point the security spider will get knocked out and Jon will not be able to train on it anymore but if you just AFK for a while its oil will will regenerate and Jon will be able to keep on attacking so basically at this point all you need to do is keep your dog fed and you can just AFK while it continues training so if we just go over to this bar I'm just going to buy everything that John can eat and I'm just going to drop all this on the ground and at this point we can just AFK while JN continues fighting this security spider and waits for its limbs to regenerate I've been AFK for about an hour aside from me periodically forcing Jon to stop attacking as I realized he wasn't eating while he was aggroed on the spider and at this point I noticed that the spider was getting koed in only a couple of hits because of how much damage JN is doing and so I decided to end the AFK session here because the experience has really slowed down and although it looks like he hasn't gained much in terms of stats that's actually because of the 0.29 stat multiplier that he gets because he is still a puppy so if we look at the FCS which is kenshi's built-in modding tool we can see his true stats these are his stats from before the training so you can see that his dexterity and attack are in the 30s while his unarmed is in the 20s and then after about 20 minutes of training we can see that his stats are now in the low 60s after 40 minutes his stats are now in the low 70s range and then now after a full hour of afking his stats are in the mid 70s at his current stats he will probably be one or two shotting most unarmored enemies body parts with the damage that he can currently do so now that we've finished training his dexterity melee attack and martial arts the only thing that's left is to train his toughness and to do that we are going to be heading to the fog Islands so I'm currently being chased by a couple of fogmen and I'm carrying JN because it is slightly faster than having the two of these guys run alongside each other but even with that kiaku is not quite able to outrun the fogmen because she is running at 15 mil hour while these guys are running at 18 however what I'm currently doing is running away and then as the fog men get close I click on them to bait them into attacking which gives me a small amount of time to create some distance and with this method even though the fog men are f faster than me they never actually catch up enough to deal damage to me and you can see on the map Mongrel our destination is quite close so even though this is a bit of a painful process I will be able to get there safely we finally reached Mongrel and the fogmen that were chasing us have been been fought off by the guards and so now we can begin the next part of our strategy which is to train Jon's toughness to do that we ventured back into the fog to find these little Arrangements of torches and poles so what we're going to do is look for a pole that has a low lock complexity as we can see in the bottom left here so this one is level 13 which is low enough and what we're going to do is right click while having JN in our arms and that's actually going to put him on the pole so we're going to lock pick the lock and we are going to go wait over here in a corner somewhere out of sight and what's going to start happening is that one of these fog princes will come out of the valley and start eating Jon alive and despite being very gruesome as we can see from The Experience we're gaining it is a very good way of training toughness the fog Prince will start by eating the bottommost body part and work their way up until it gets to the stomach and once the stomach reaches significant negative numbers JN will die but that gives us a lot of time to come in and save him once the prince starts eating J's stomach all I have to do is come in with kiaku and pick Jon up and from here I just have to run back to Mongrel once I'm back at Mongrel the guards will just take care of The Horde for me and I can go rest and recuperate in the town's bar so now I'm just going to heal up Jon's wounds in a bed and repeat the process until his toughness is in the high 80s to low 90s after eight cycles of training John's toughness is now at 91 and his stats are now ready to fight the bug Master unfortunately he still has a 0.55 multiplier to all of his stats due to not being fully grown and he won't reach his maximum multiplier until around day 44 so I could spend all that time doing additional training to maximize his stats but at this point he will be strong enough so I'm just going to AFK for what will be around three real time hours even at Max Speed after around 2 hours and 40 minutes we are now at day 45 and John's stat multiplier is at 1.1 so right now he has 100 toughness 90 dexterity 83 melee attack and 81 marshal arts so all that's left is to head down to the spider planes to fight the Bug Master on the way down I made sure to stop by the ad mag travel store to pick up a couple of sleeping bags in case we need to heal up after any skirmishes along the way we have reached the Throne of the Bug Master and before fighting the Bug Master himself we have to clear out the first floor of the horde of spiders that is guarding in it so I'm just going to have kihaku stand in a corner somewhere with sneak on and I'm going to have J run up here and try to aggro a couple spiders not all at the same time and what we'll see is that he's able to on-shot the spiders given that he hits one of their vital body parts but what we'll also see is that even at 100 toughness he still takes a fairly significant amount of damage due to his lack of armor and this combined with his inability to block or Dodge attacks means that even against relatively weak enemies the damage will still stack up and take him down if he gets swarmed because of that I'm going to try not to aggro all of the spiders at once and instead lure them out one one by one and take them on a few at a time now that JN has cleared out the first floor of the tower we are safe to Now set up a couple of Camp beds and we will heal up with JN now fully healed the only thing left is to take on the Bug Master himself and quite anticlimactically he's able to take him down in just a few hits the fight against bugmaster ended up being a little underwhelming so I decided to take Jon on a few test runs against other endgame enemies starting with holy Lord Phoenix so as we see he does a lot less damage against Phoenix's armored body parts but thanks to his high dexterity he's still able to do decent damage just through sheer number of attacks to the point where he actually forces holy Lord Phoenix to start running [Music] away and eventually Phoenix does go down to blood loss thanks to having his right arm removed by John against mad catlon we see much of the same thing with with Jon not being able to do a ton of damage at first thanks to Caton's armor and melee defense however once Jon finally lands a hit he's able to stun lock catlon and quickly take him down thanks to some lucky hits to the Head anyways with the Bug Master now dead the story of kiaku and John comes to a close thanks for watching
Channel: strange shotgun
Views: 16,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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