Kenshi - 20+ Base Locations & All Zones Explained

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hey everyone i'm almar of and in this video here i'm going to be talking about base locations in kenshi actually what i'm going to be giving you is a synopsis of basically all of the base locations i have ever made in this game and i'm going to be telling you which ones are good why and basically explaining stuff like that um so before we actually jump into me showing you gameplay footage and stuff like that i would like to show this page on my website this is the base locations guide that i have on my website every single base location that i have made with a video or otherwise is on this page in order to reach this page all you need to do is go to computer at the top here uh and then pick kenshi from that list of guides and then you'll get this page which has basically all of the information you could ever need the first oh and it also has a base locations that are sorted as you can see i have end game based locations farming based locations mining base locations and noob zone based locations so you'll see the very first base i have listed here is the fog island megabase this is in my opinion the best base location in the entire game and the reason for that is because it has a great environment and it has great resources good iron copper stone water fertility basically everything uh the fertility in water is a little bit low on the main platform that you'll be making your base however it's not the end of the world because you can still get water up there and you there's still enough fertility to grow there's also a lot of fog what are they called i can't remember what the little fog hive men are called in fog islands but fog men there you go there's a bunch of fog men around this base that you're able to fight as well which will give you mid game to um late mid game combat stat skill ups so the next one on this list is south wetlands the farm base that i made there this is a decent base if you want to build a farm i think it's probably one of the better land better locations for farming so what i did at this base is i produced a lot of fabric and a lot of food and that's basically all i used it for and i kept a small group of characters here uh for that reason this base was made on a little island in the middle of south wetlands like if we click on the picture you can see here the little island that it's on and that was able to give me a lot of protection from basically all raids because it was safely played planted on that island and as you can see on this page basically every base here has a location youtube video for you to watch too this one doesn't because i forgot to make a video for it shem was a decent uh mining outpost i don't believe that it was too good for farming the fertility is quite low and you can make it quite defensible you see you see these little blue marks on the map here usually that is water and you can build your base in such a way the enemies would have to swim through water in order to reach you which makes it obviously easier to build walls and turrets to prevent the base attack so swamp in my opinion swamp is a great location to build a base great for farming also great for mining depending on where you build your base the location i picked here had good iron and good copper you can see the location here it's also right next to uh gray flare village mud town and shark you will get a lot of visitors you can see the white dots on the map from all the base raids that i had to deal with there or base visits if they weren't base raids shrieking force this is one of the lesser base locations that i have done right here on the border of flood lands and shrieking forest constantly attacked it was nice for skill ups great desert this is uh another mediocre base location in my honest opinion you be it's good for mining not very good for anything else um food production here is very very low it would be something to keep in mind sorry hiccup it is close to stout and it's also close to technically the other towns in the great desert as well and as you can see here my uh my website always lists the environment for these areas it will also list the enemy attacks that you should expect here the resources you can find within the uh the walls that i built and other things that you should expect here like traders guild taxes united cities taxes yadda yadda raptor island megabase right here it's very very secluded it is uh it's very secluded and it's halfway decent for farming that's what i would say about oh and lots and lots of iron but no copper so that's that's the big drawback you would have to import electrical components if you uh made a base there vane right here this base has uh more copper nodes than i've ever seen anywhere else if i'm being completely honest i never got a single enemy attack while i was there which i do not know if it was a bug or not but it was i spent like a couple days there real and i mean real life days uh playing while at that outpost and i didn't see any enemy attacks also one thing that's worth mentioning about vayne is it is a complete lie that the rain is acid in that zone it's it's not it's just red um so the environment in vain is interesting it is 50 arid 50 green and 20 swamp this is the largest environmental spread of almost any zone you can find in the entire game so you can grow basically every crop here that is one of the reasons too vayne got a good base rating aside from the fact that it didn't get any attacks there and you'll notice all of these locations too have a base rating and these are just my own subjective ratings that i gave the location in comparison to all the other locations that i had since technically fog islands is the 10 out of 10 location that i have all of these other locations are basically being compared to fog islands or at least that's how i would look at it so the border zone this is a good area because if it's basically the one of the best newbie zone bases as you can see i built mine all the way over here towards the skimmers rome zone line and it's kind of on the cusp of swamp and on shem it's in a good good location right next to a way station so there's two vendors there plus a plus a bar which you can hire people to protect your base and everything else kind of close the holy nation territory so you will get prayer day amongst other things and as you can see the environment in the border zone is halfway decent as well howler's maze this was actually uh it does this zone does have acid rain and uh it was actually uh like i i liked it i thought it was a pretty good location to build a base um so when you get attacked by enemies from the united cities they come from the north here and they will run down through all of howler's maze and they will suffer from the acid rain they'll arrive at your base at about 60 percent health when you get attacked by reavers they're going to come from the south here and they're going to swim across the river so they're going to arrive at you they're only going to travel a very short distance through howler's maze before they arrive at your base they're not going to be affected that much by the acid rain uh and the same with crab raiders when they come visit you they're going to be coming from the south so they're not going to be affected too much by the acid rain that you have to deal with while you're here otherwise uh this base did get a lot of raids however it was excellent as far as farming goes and it was excellent as far as resources go i uh i consider this to be one of the better locations in my opinion for making a base so uh stobs garden and green beach this base is kind of right on the border of both green beach and stobe's garden you'll technically be able to build or grow in both of those environments at this location and this is another one of the very very good locations on this page and i would give it an 8.5 out of 10. lots of iron uh very little copper that is the big downside in this area and you will get frequent visitors from crab raiders reavers skin bandits and probably skeleton bandits too uh they didn't make the list because i don't think i pissed off skeleton bandits with um with that play through so hang this is another newbie based location one of the good things about here is it's kind of on uh as you can see it's like right in the middle of all three united cities towns heft hang and stout so you have more vendors than you ever know what to do with here this location also has iron and copper but the only downside is the environment is not the best you will get slave raid attacks here desert ninjas you also get probably uh united city heroes when they come bother you and everything else that every other base raid that frequently happens in united city territory so stormgap coast this is on the cusp of united city territory you can see right here that is the only location in stormgap coast in this area right here where i found iron and copper close enough to each other this is also a pretty good area for mining you will get attacked by reavers crab raiders and that is all i seen at this location based on the enemy attacks here uh i also don't think i got tax man any of the tax people in this area which uh is probably because it's on the cusp of united city's territory akron's pride here this is in the dead center of holy nation territory when you are in akron's pride it's very very hard to find iron and copper close to one another right here i built mine next to a couple iron deposits the closest copper deposit was far to the south here to the uh next to the holy farm it's actually close enough to the holy farm that you're not able to build next to the copper because it's still within the the city proximity of holy farm it is very hard to find copper in akron's pride next to iron that was the biggest drawback of building in that zone you will get bothered a lot in this area you get dust mannered attacks black dragon ninjas and also the holy nation prayer day if you miss prayer day or if you uh don't answer the holy nation when they come up to your base and are like hey you have women in your base you know what's up bro or if you have sheck or hivers in your base and the holy nation come up and are like hey you got unchained beasts in your base what's up brah uh if you don't answer them and show them the holy flame and be like here's my book [ __ ] off they will come back with an army and then fight you and uh once you start that holy nation assault cycle it's very hard to uh pacify and placate them i actually don't know how that's done you might have to go to one of the pacifiers in a town and a holy nation pacifier and talk to them to stop the base raids i've always just done import game or left that base and uh then the base raids usually stop after you import game they definitely stop after uh you leave that location um they usually stop depending on what your negative faction is with the the faction in question leviathan coast base location this is one of my uh this is a pretty good base location i enjoyed it quite a bit i would rank it up there quite high it is an end game based location and you will have to make a quite large base if you want to encapsulate all the iron that is in the proximity where you see my screenshot here also i can actually show you in game if we scroll out to leviathan coast this is where the base location is right here and uh we won't i won't be able to show you the actual base since i don't have a character up there but it is uh lots of iron and a decent amount of copper in that area this is this is also my sonorous dark base which is actually one of my more favorite locations to make a base we'll we'll get there though don't worry uh leviathan coast the only raid i seen there was cannibals so fishman island this is another great location in my opinion to make a base uh as you can see it's kind of this is the best location because there's copper and iron in that local vicinity environment's good enemy attacks are very low i didn't get any when i was there although if you piss off the southern hive they might send um a taxi away i didn't piss off the southern hive though so i can uh i can't say for sure and uh like it says trade caravans will occasionally show up too sonor is dark this is the location you see me at in uh when i actually tab into the game this is a pretty good base based location for end game you will get attacked here by reavers and skin bandits you will not be able to grow food here at all unless you have hydroponics which you can see i have a whole rooftop of hydroponics i also have a rooftop over here of hydroponics that is good because we need basically round-the-clock food production in order to feed how many characters i have because i have way too many characters way way too many characters and as you can see they just pound through the food the uh i personally like this base location as for training combat stats because the base attacks that happen here are very good for training your characters apparently i have so many protecting oh all right he's in united cities united cities will send uh attacks down here occasionally as well if you are hostile with them which i am it's also this base location is also in close proximity to ash lands which is good when you want to do your end game exploration you could basically hop skip and a jump over to there the only negative about this location that i would say is obviously it's going to be a hard zone you're going to have to deal with skin bandits while you're here which are one of the harder enemies in the game and one of the harder factions um you're also going to have to do power here instead of wind because the wind there is just non-existent so you have to do actual generators which means you're going to have to grow crops with hydroponics which again this is going to be an end game based location there's no uh there's really no doing it in mid game because it requires end game research it also requires um uh higher level characters that can you know survive out here and not just roll over and get killed akron's golf this is another holy nation uh territory base in my opinion it's one of the lesser ones i didn't really um enjoy it too much it was decent it had iron copper and you could farm here decent fertility um that's really i mean it's just it's just another base location i if i had my choice i would go further east and do it in fog islands instead of here which is significantly better better gut despite um despite my original feelings towards this zone it was actually a great base location tons of beak things which are fantastic for skilling up your characters and uh good iron good copper and good protection from enemy raids because the beak things provide a pretty good uh barrier towards being attacked usually all raids that came towards my base were annihilated before they got there and any raids that did arrive at my base were pretty wounded by the time they got there usually at least some of them were limping and late to show up spider planes base location here one of my favorite i call it squint 2.0 it is uh you literally build in in between two canyons and it it it is like a squin recreation it was quite cool and uh quite enjoyable um anytime you do build in check territory though either stan desert spider planes or um actually i think those are the only locations they'll send raids to when you build in sector territory they harass you non-stop it's band of bones crawls chosen uh the sheck kingdom will send food or uh base attacks to take you out and then if that's not uh if that's not bad enough holy nation will also send attacks in united cities too if you're hostile towards either of them cincon based location um it's all the way up in the northeastern portion of the map this location i would give a pretty low rating to it had one iron for copper so not too bad as far as mining goes in terms of copper you need more iron than copper in order to do high level production cannibal swarms were the only things that i seen here traders do show up from time to time dark finger on the other hand is a little bit better than sync gun i would give it a little bit higher rating as you can see the environment's a little better 100 and 50 green instead of 10 green again lots of cannibals also dark finger is better for uh resources three iron two copper instead of one iron four copper we need more iron than we do copper so it just works out better overall in my honest opinion sten desert mining outpost here this is a lower level location it's one of the early base locations that i like to do when i start out in the hub and squint area you just make a base here and then your close proximity to squint close proximity to the weigh station and close proximity to add mag and technically the high villages too if you would like to get lanterns of radiance or any of the hiver undergarments that you need for gearing out hybris early on um no farming at this location in sten desert you have to make all your money off of electrical components and or mining so as you can see here i have a blank location for skinner's rome because we're actually going to be making a base location there soon and that's also what's going to bring me to this point here where i tab back into the game and i explain things a little bit more so we went through leviathan coast and we also went through uh well we didn't go through the iron trail the iron trail is not too um good of a location to make a base as far as i know let me actually it up on my other computer so i can see what the environment is 50 arid 100 green actually it's not too bad as far as fertility water arid green and all that goes i will probably find a location in that zone to build a base at some point in the future uh quite interesting purple sands berserker country purple sands is almost all arid i wouldn't really recommend building a base there too much and i'm pretty sure the environment is dead berserker country it might be the same thing i'd have to uh look up berserker country there is um yeah berserker country is dead no iron well very little iron and copper as well so yeah i definitely would not recommend making a base there and i remember purple sands is basically inhospitable too the shrieking forest isn't too bad as far as environment and everything else goes it wouldn't it the main reason that i would recommend making a base in shrieking forest is if you want to be constantly under attack by shrieking bandits it's good for training your characters and getting them prepared for end game which is one of the reasons that i liked it it's good in copper good in iron and if i remember correctly the fertility is good enough to grow as well flood lands if i remember correctly it is a completely dead environment and really not worth it for building a base in it's um it's just it's it's not a good location yeah uh it's 100 arid based on what i read online what i'm looking at online and the fertility is unknown and the water is zero which is kind of interesting considering the fact that you know there's water all over the zone obedience is another dead environment zone i wouldn't recommend building there also iron and copper is non-existent in that area rebirth is holy nation territory it's where the minds of rebirth are i actually do not know if um i'm googling it now on my other computer i actually don't know if the environment is here fertile or like what it even is and apparently the kenshi oh okay it does i was looking at rebirth yep dead environment zero percent arid green swamp can't grow there whatsoever and iron and copper is basically non-existent there either so yeah i'm not i'm not sold on rebirth um probably not that good arm of akron the environment there is okay i can't really recommend that zone 2 too much it is very hilly um iron and copper is probably more um plentiful there than you know rebirth and maybe some other surrounding areas i just i wouldn't recommend arm of ocran too much there's also two sections of arm of akron you can see up here this section where world's end is and there's also this section here down south akron's valley is a very very desert area um there is very low fertility very low water if any in a lot of the areas and the iron and copper is pretty spread out it if anything it would be a decent noob zone based location or a mediocre noob zone based location the hidden forest right here is one of the new zones it's basically a noob zone that you'll spend time in if you do uh rebirth slaves play through if you do the cannibal hunters play through or guy with a dog play through all three of those playthroughs kind of go through that area and uh the hidden forest isn't the worst location to build your first base the the environment isn't the best actually i think the environment i think you can grow there but i think the environment sucks if i if i remember correctly i just have to look it up the one zone to the northeast of the hidden forest is actually better that one is called the northern coast which we're going to be talking about next yeah the hidden forest is actually okay for water and uh pretty good fertility it's just finding iron and copper close together is the the hard part but it is a green it is a green environment so growing there isn't the worst so northern coast here this is a halfway decent zone for a base i built my base in this area here i actually don't have this location on my website because it was before i started uh cataloging my base locations but i built a base in this area here and uh it was able to have a farm it was able to have uh iron and copper production so it basically had everything it needed and it was a halfway decent you know base location bast so the issue that i have come in when i've gone to bass each time is i've had a very hard time finding iron and copper close to each other um there is iron in the zone there is copper in the zone it's just hard to find them close to each other and i think farming is non-existent in that zone if i remember correctly fertility is very very low so spine canyon and skim sands these are kind of like uh spine canyons kind of too small to really give a you know a base location specifically for that zone and skim sands kind of is just like a a continuation of the great desert with more skimmers is what it ultimately comes down to and uh i don't personally find either of those two zones worth it for building a base in which is why i don't have a base location for either either of them but you might be able to find iron copper close enough there to uh make a base iron valley not a good location for a base it's too inhospitable and it's too annoying to navigate dead lands i'm actually going to do a base location there at some point it is worth mentioning though it's acid rain 24 7. so only hybrids or skeletons will be able to survive there without any issue and uh oops i didn't mean to do that so only high-rise and skeletons will be able to uh survive there without any issue and ultimately um that is the only way that i i could honestly recommend making a base for that location if you're going to do like a role-playing playthrough where you're going to play a hiver then it might you know might be worth it grey desert so uh you can buy i think the tower at this way station um otherwise this zone is okay for making a basin i would say it's not uh it's not great not terrible is basically how i would describe it the environment i think is too bad to uh grow plants in but if i remember correctly the iron copper is kind of plentiful in the area so it would be mostly a mining location the eye um in this location here kind of the eastern portion of the eye by where the gray desert is this is uh the best location to make a base somewhere in this area you can find iron and copper close together and also the fertility is decent enough to grow if i remember correctly the eye environment is all arid but it might be like 100 arid 10 green that it might be that the black desert i think is inhospitable i wouldn't recommend a base there venge uh the environment sucks it's also hard to find iron and copper close to uh together where there's no sky beams that are completely destroying you so i wouldn't really recommend that zone either the unwanted zone it's not really good for anything there's lots and lots of enemies there it is uh le and it's it's got the widest variety of enemies i've ever seen in any zone in this game it's got big things it's got crabs and i think it's got um whatever the other common enemy as i forget but it's got it's got quite a bit and uh as it's the name suggests it's kind of unwanted there's not much to do not much to do there well actually nothing to do there nothing to explore if you wanted to build a base there it would be it would have great natural protection that's one thing that i could say about it the environment i actually want to google this because i i forget okay 50 fertility 50 water 100 green and according to the wiki the stone iron and copper is halfway decent so maybe you know there are there might be a location that you can find iron and copper close enough together in that zone maybe i'll eventually get to that zone and cover it so stobe's garden this is a uh one of the better end game locations for a base in the eastern portion of the zone here you can find a cliff top i've already talked about it in this video that you can build a base on it's also close enough to green beach uh green beach as far as i'm aware has a few locations that are worth building in i have not built in green beach yet though so to each their own uh also before we get too far down south you see this little strip of land right here on the map this is actually uh there's actually i think iron and copper nodes close enough together out here that you can build a base at also this area is very unfrequented by any base attacks if you did build out here this uh it isn't a zone it's just an uh like an area an island strip outside of all zones so it's basically an unnamed territory and uh a few people have been fond of making bases there up to you if you want to do it but it is an option forbidden aisle you can cross that zone off as far as i know it's not that good for making a base the outlands i um don't know much about the outlands honestly i've considered making the base there i would have to find a location that again has close iron and copper before making a base that is like one of the main qualifications i look for is close iron and copper close enough to each other that i can build within the same city walls green beach going back to this would be a good location for a base because of good environment you just need that iron and copper close to each other which i'm pretty sure it has you would just need to search for it um moving on to the pits east no environment or sorry dead environment but it does have lots of high quality iron and copper and it also has a very rocky um environment so to where you could build good natural protections for your base the pits dead environment and uh it's easier to navigate this environment than the pits east and also again good iron and copper close to each other is what you're looking for and the copper and iron quality in the pits is quite high uh the crags i don't think i would recommend making the base there because uh there's going to be lots of skeleton and skin bandits there so that would be the main danger that i would worry about and that i would warn about at that location so uh i'm actually going to send runner up there because i want to discover some stuff ashland's that would be uh not a good location to make a base it's too hostile or sorry the environment is too crappy and it's too hard to find copper and iron close to each other is what i would say um if you can though go for it and also the the navigation in that zone is abysmal um sonorous dark this is actually a lot better of a location than people give a credit for for building a base because uh the iron and copper quality in this zone is insane like let me show you here if i click on this iron 200 iron quality 250 or 240 max efficiency and this copper 150 quality 150 max efficiency you just can't get copper and iron quality that good in many other zones which is one of the reasons that i picked here you will just need hydroponics though in order to reliably grow food here sniper valley is a dead environment again and if i remember correctly there was no iron and copper close enough to each other to warrant building there um stobs gamble it was kind of the same dead environment and i struggled to find copper and iron close enough to each other to warrant building there this secret drug farm area up here this might be a good area to build in if you can find iron and copper close enough to each other because it's close to flats lagoon so gray shelf gray shelf had an okay environment i think i would say i would describe it as um i think the issue i've ran into with grey shelf is no copper and iron that i could find close enough to each other let me actually check the gray shelf environment too let me uh fact fact check myself in real time no the gray shelf has no environment it's a dead environment so i was wrong about it royal valley is the one that i was thinking about that had an okay environment but i wasn't able to find iron and copper close enough to each other to build in that zone cheaters run if i'm not mistaken it has a dead environment so it's not worth building it at all come on runner get up there oh runner's being stupid that's fine though so bone fields right here bone fields is a okay zone i guess to build a uh basin i wouldn't put it at the top of the list the environment is mostly arid also fertility and water is low at the location as well so that is the the other drawback of building there runners being silly we'll double click on her she's getting killed by uh skeleton bandits high bone fields this is technically a better location to build than bone fields however it's going to be hard to find iron and copper close to each other it's also going to be difficult to uh grow here because the environment isn't the best also as you can see since we're in the crags right now the iron here is also good you can see we have uh iron quality 200 and there's going to be lots of other you know there's iron all over the place here like i said before the hardest part is usually finding iron and copper close enough to each other to uh use that is the the big the big thing so moving on high bone fields the burning forest has an okay environment uh acid rain 24 7. that's going to be the biggest drawback from there and of course finding iron and copper close enough to each other south wetland i found no iron copper close enough to each other but it is a good um farming zone the hook uh i personally haven't built in the hook yet because it is very very out of the way nobody starts a new game down there and the only way to get down there is to run through zones that are harder than it so i just haven't built there uh again iron copper next to each other would be the the main thing to go for and the environment in that zone is nothing unique it's just uh very arid and i think very minorly green like most other zones shun is going to be the kind of the same as the hook um if you can find iron and copper close to one another that would be a good zone to build in and the environment is going to be i think comparable to the hook mostly arid a little bit green the crater as far as i remember there was no copper in that zone however there is a decent amount of iron and also the environment is dead so the only thing that i would recommend building there is maybe a pit stop to use while farming in the adjacent area the grid not really worth building in environment is dead no resources to be gathered there iraq um not really worth building in if i remember correctly the environment is dead and there's no resources resources worth gathering there either and that really is everything i can think of adding into this video it went on a lot longer than i expected but we covered basically every zone and most of the base possible base locations uh throughout the game if uh if you guys have any base locations that i missed that you think i should should have had please let me know in the comments section below it's always nice to get a full list of you know base locations and everything like that also i will probably be adding more base locations as time goes on to my website i am still actively working on uh bases as you seen before i was working on skinner's rome which uh is actually one zone that i didn't address skinner's rome i am building a base right here in the in this zone as iron and copper close enough to each other while still having decent fertility in water and did oh drag is another zone i didn't mention drag um it has an okay environment again most zones in kenshi have an arid and green environment combination so um it's nothing unique when a zone has an arid and green environment combo it's unique when it has something that's you know different from that and drag has an iron and or sorry a arid and whatever green combination if i remember correctly it's like 70 arid 10 green or something like that which uh just makes it another zone in my opinion and that is that i think is the last zone we can cover i think i think i've done every last zone in this gosh darn game when we didn't do but when you can't build it and it's very small anyway so it's not even really that uh worth mentioning the only thing that's there is the armor king merchant which uh of course sells some of the best in slot armor and okay that is really all there is to it i'm pretty sure we did we did everything again if i got anything wrong missed anything or you guys would like to throw in one of your own base locations that you enjoyed let me know in the comment section below and if this video did help you out be sure to leave me a like because that helps me out aside from that i will catch you guys around in future kenshi videos peace
Channel: Almar Winfield
Views: 92,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: almar, almarsguides, almars guides, video guide, walkthrough, gameplay, no commentary, guides, how to, explanation, tips, tricks, help, where can I find, location of, how do i get to, where is, where do i go, how do i complete, Kenshi, base locations, where to build a base, best base location, fog island, holy nation, united cities, town, mining, copper, iron, wind, power
Id: Zxj8jeTkxYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 22sec (2242 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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