Why You Should Settle Shem | Kenshi Location Guide

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it was only a matter of time before we got here to the land of Shem and from afar Hashem doesn't look like much there are no major cities in this region and it borders some very inhospitable locations like the burning Force venge and the deadlands but shim stands out anyways because it follows the three golden rules of real estate location location location in relation to other areas Hashem is pretty much in the dead center this shortens the distance your party has to travel between a point of interest and where your base is also any factions attacking your race will have to travel a pretty sizable distance to get to ship perhaps the greatest advantage of all though is that Shen connects the swamp with Flats Lagoon Flats Lagoon is an excellent place to sell hashish and the swamp produces the she's in abundance Hashem doesn't really suffer much from having no major cities either and Western sham you'll be close enough to the towns and the swamp as well as this way station here and the Border Zone if you settle an Eastern Shem you'll be plenty close enough to either this mugler's bar or two Flats Lagoon in terms of fertility Shem is in pretty good shape has a hundred percent arid fertility which admittedly I don't think arid fertility is as good as green fertility but it will get the job done you can specialize in something like meat wraps or dust switches since you'll have plenty of cactus and wheat grows decently here wheat grows decently here you can also grow hemp here technically to clarify though the efficiency at which wheat and hemp grows in shims not necessarily a deal breaker for my bases that I've built and Sham I will grow wheat for dust switches and then I will grow hem for hashish and for Fabrics if you do ever end up having excess Cactus you can always turn that into Cactus rum and that will net you some extra money especially if you sell it in the swamp as for water and stone you'll be able to find a good amount of water around the pools that are scattered across him and then for stone there are plenty of good spots where you can find Stone interestingly enough Shem has plenty of ironic copper it is one of the better areas to search for iron and copper veins because honestly they stick out the train is pretty flat and there's not a lot of trees going on so the veins are pretty easy to spot as far as how dangerous shim is I would say it was a moderate level of danger it's honestly not going to be anywhere near as dangerous as some of the harder regions though on the weaker end of things we have starving Bandits and dust Bandits which will spawn in this area these are nothing new if you have experience in the shack Kingdom or the holy nation while their numbers can get pretty high sometimes I feel like there's squads are over 20. these Bandits of combat values are just not very good so once your soldiers have some good experience they're not going to have a problem with them if anything these mobs are great for training since they're large numbers provide a large HP pool that you can just hack right through getting perhaps a little bit more dangerous we also have band of Bones and Shem members of this faction we affectionately call them boners for short are stronger than the other banded faction however boners will have smaller group size compared to the starving Bandits and the dust Bandits as for the animal kingdom and Shem we have garu and be things as far as gauri were concerned in my book I think garu are awesome for a variety of different reasons they're going to be neutral unless they're threatened by your character's movements and if you do hunt them they provide a substantial amount of meat and hides they also have high HP so they're good for training as well really any time a region has garu I account that as a major win now whether or not big things in the area is a major win I'll have to let you decide that one as you might imagine big things are generally the most significant threat in Shem specifically if you get third-partied by a group of big things after fighting one of the other factions that is how you get nomnomed I swear I can never find big things in Shem until my party is in danger in which case the beak things that are right there these silver linings for Shem though in relation to big things are the the big things squads will never be more than three that's an added plus also Shem because it's very flat and doesn't have a lot of trees you can spot beat things from a greater distance away this is way better than some areas where you just can't see because the beak things blend in with the environment all right before I Rave about some other things which makes shim great I do want to mention that if you settle on the eastern part of Shem you need to be careful about venge's death laser because that totally will cross the border into Shem so you don't want to settle too close to the eastern border or you might be having some unexpected inclement weather now to mention some final considerations when settling in shems some final strengths I would say Shem is definitely an area where you can build a massive base there are plenty of locations in a lot of areas the question is what specific spot is best for me well in Shem it's a take your pick kind of situation you really can't go wrong as long as you settle near one of the poles because they'll provide the water that you need and then you could build to your heart's content the pools also provide a very logical spot to place your front Gates if you put your gate behind one of the poles the enemies have to swim them to get to your front gate that is definitely optimal I'm still kicking myself because I didn't realize in my first playthrough that harpoons were something that could be built I thought it was just the crossbows that were available so with this base here I used just a whole bunch of crossbows to defend the front gate and it held up just fine because they had to swim through just a ton of water I can only imagine how funny it would have been defending the space if each one of these crossbows was a double barrel Harpoon I realized I didn't give any specific advice for where to settle in shims go I'm gonna end things off with a little tip I have heard that if you settle on the Western border of Shem near where the swamp starts you can settle in a Zone where you get the Arid fertility and the swamp fatality with that being the case if you can get both the swamp and arid fertility I think that might be better than Green fertility so what do you think do you think settling near the center of the map in an area like Shem is the way to go or has some other spot caught your eye let me know in the comment section below I will see you next time
Channel: Paul Rogers Gaming
Views: 77,619
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Keywords: kenshi, kenshi tips, kenshi guide, kenshi shorts, kenshi help, kenshi advice, kenshi pro tip, kenshi survive, kenshi money, cats, cat making, kenshi looting, kenshi inventory, kenshi training, kenshi strength, kenshi encumberance, kenshi automation, base locations, base guide, kenshi base, kenshi base building, greenbeach guide, kenshi location, gut base, gut looting, beak things, kenshi food, kenshi fertility, kenshi farming, Kenshi base guide, shem, shem base
Id: l6lpvZT8rS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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