Kenshi | How to Start as a Trader | NO MINING

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hello everyone you might be wondering how do I play a Trader well it's simple you buy low and you sell High okay thanks for watching okay so maybe you wanted a little more than that and you're wondering why you should actually start off as a Trader what are the perks and benefits so on and so forth oh first thing is you get yourself a pack pull now he doesn't look like much for the moment but if you know anything about the animals in kenshi they start if it's a team they go to an adult then they go to Elder if you can keep them alive to Elder they get pretty nasty and that's not to mention their AOE attacks these guys will body lower to medium uh level enemies such as like starving Bandits and dust Bandits and so forth when they get up there so they can protect you quite well another benefit is the faction rep you start with 75 with the Traders Guild so you're automatically going to have and just about almost every settlement on the map at least that's human anyway and I believe some Shack is you're going to have people who are Allied to you which means they will bandage you they will pick you up if you fall they will protect you you're going to have Caravans that wander the world maybe you just want to be like a a guard so you start this and you just pick a a caravan going out there and you follow them around and you guard them maybe that's maybe that's how you play I don't know um you could even use this as a as a Thief character maybe you want to start off as uh you know look at these guys and you say you know what I I'm going to use this as cover to go into town I'm going to sneak around and go to places I shouldn't go and you can do that so your your options here are are quite extensive in terms of what you may or may not want to do first off we need to set our back Bowl to protective bodyguard there we go now follow us but let us assume you want to play as a standard normal quote-unquote proper Trader what does that look like well again following the adage of Bilo sell High that's going to be our friend of course what we don't know is where the low is and where the high is so we can look in our inventory here we already start off with some goodies now because we've not visited a shop it's not going to give us the percentage of the over under so you can see here we just have the cell value the average value but we haven't visited a shop yet so none of our items are going to tell us what their quote unquote selling for so let's do that let's go here the farm shop that's fine you should have normal supplies this will pop in hello how do you do show us your supplies okay so we can see here our luxury goods sell here and let me just show us where we're at oh okay there we go we are in henge this is where you will start as the trader start so it you know we're not really not that Kenji is safe by any means but we are in one of the least safe areas you can be in but that's okay um because we can get to safety if we want to go to safety over here we can that's not that's not going to be difficult we're going to require a little patience but we don't have any cats yet so patience is difficult but we're going to fix that so we'll text this guy I'm gonna pause just so our not so much for our hunger meter but our packable you can see is at two so it uh he's gonna be he's gonna be hungry lad but so we can see here our luxury goods their average price markup in this town is at 112 percent so it's standard value is 270 or so it's 240 average market price it's going to sell here for 270. so this is a pretty good deal we want to take that we're going to look at this 97 percent so that's going to be obviously below its average price marker of 70. so for the moment we're going to hold on to these we don't quite need the money and I'm going to use these sort of as an example later on so we're just going to hold on to those so what we're going to do is we're going to retrieve this for a pack you'll notice he does not go inside the pack will does start off with a really nice backpack and things do a decent job of stacking there but what you're going to see is even still in those we're not really at a lot of cats we don't have a ton of money but uh it's not going to matter because we're going to fix that up real quick what we're going to do is get some food because again our packable is hungry we're sort of hungry but we have two gohans and they have a lot of nutrition so for our main guy here there's going to we're going to tie this for quite a while so what we're going to get for our pack Bowl is a bunch of cheap meat and that's good so we don't have to worry about our packable here starving anytime soon however you can see we are at a uh you know we're not doing so good in the cats we need to make them we need some seed money now there are a couple ways we can just I want to try to find a General shop here we go so let's go to General shop and there are again this is all up to you as to how you want to start off as a trainer what's interesting to you what restrictions you place upon yourself but I'm going to show you how to make some seed some good seedment to start off with so again you can see here this fabric you know 92 percent of its average price so you could buy this here and then anywhere that sells it for 100 or above you're going to get a pretty good profit margin and you can kind of see what things are selling for in the town when you're looking these over so when you're looking at items okay let's backtrack kenshi when you populate the world is sort of where it begins to dictate what towns are selling things for and what they're buying them for now some places will have a kind of static desires things that they actually really want things that they will pay more than others for so for instance you see cities here will often pay for things like sake for for the Grog the blood rum uh hashish that you can just so happen to get in the swamps and and pedal your way over here and make a lot of money if that is something you want to do of course you know whether it's legal or not whether you get bag checked or not these are all things that you may have to contend with um we're not going to do that I'm just going to kind of show you the the overall Basics and what I would call Honest quote-unquote money making as a Trader in Kenji now you don't have to do this as a Trader you could do this as any start whatsoever it doesn't matter um let's just go let's just get reduces Trader so we're gonna see you can look at different items here they will all have again over here you can see some items they are the markup and that's also what they're going to pay for so you can you can make some pretty good money selling certain items here and if we can find anything that's low we can try to find some place that will offer us a better price for making a good bit of profit but as we can see here nothing here is super great getting water at 90 but water itself doesn't have a great cell value to begin with so even if we found something that 110 percent we're not really making any cats off that so we need to find something that has a large value to it already that will then sell for a good percentage higher so you know this again with your own restrictions in place maybe you say you're only going to stick with certain items uh personally I like the skeleton repair kits they have a great base value you can see at 4 600 average place at 43. so any of those you might have you might sell to this town you're going to make it a small but decent bit of caps off of but that's not what we're doing um before we get off onto that worth noting this is just sort of a down and dirty version of how it works this is not strictly speaking 100 how it works um from what I could find on the Wikipedia uh not Wikipedia But the wiki itself the kids who separate it my own testing as I understand it Kenji has when it populates IT rules values for everything uh you know for what each 10 has in terms of the variance of a plus or minus I do not know the amount that variance goes by I could not begin to tell you I haven't dug into the game to see if it tells me I'm not quite that smart but uh what are the case may be we don't necessarily need to know those specifics chances are if an area of a town sells something for below the average value just hold to that what might change is by how much so what we're looking for is again those those items that sell for a lot and the cheapest lowest value we can find for that but again to do that to get a real jump start we need that seed money we could start with fabric and we could run fabric somewhere and make 10 15 cats off that per cell and then of course work but that takes a lot of time and depending on your restrictions maybe you want to do that maybe you don't I'm not here to tell you how to play as a Trader I'm just going to show you how to make some seed money starting off in a pretty quick time to really get yourself set up in Kenji cats wise and as we all know if you have the cats kenshi itself is you know your oyster generally speaking this again big generalization the farther you get away from the place of origin that you bought the item the grade it will sell for that of course will be dependent on whatever built-in variants and that will also depend on whether or not that town or that region has a built-in demand for a certain item some of these will make sense once we get there and we'll kind of go over that once we do with a rambled on enough it's time for us to make some money so we're going to start we're going to do that we're going to go south we're going to go this way and hopefully along the way we will find ourselves a weapon and we should go a little also that's the walk there we go got to make sure our pack animal can keep up with this so the first thing we do is hopefully find some kind of sword or stick or something that we can bust the door down with because we're going to need that and what are these guys oh this is perfect okay we're gonna piss these guys off beautiful and we're gonna go right back here oh this is so good come on fellas let's do this and we gonna fight and I don't know if you ever seen a pack Bowl fight he's pretty awesome Tiffany's getting his uh his butt cakes is that charge which is cool as hell you are he doesn't have any armor whenever he gets hit it's uh it ain't great but uh that's so cool I love that that charges yeah it's okay it's gonna fix it but this is so important we got ourselves a weapon which is good with a hat which is also important we've got all that and we'll wear the shirt why not he doesn't need it anymore foreign get in there swing look at that big damage yeah and that's some early money we're gonna pet your bubble though because he ain't looking so hot but that's right sometimes these guys might accrue a bounty and if they do we can turn them into a police station get ourselves a little extra money it's never a bad thing no he did okay so we are hopefully going to get to him before they come back that's good that's not bad for us we will take any any early money is good money and bandaging up is okay because again we start with two standard first aid kits that is pretty awesome for us we're glad to have it and pickup so just like that we're going to go to the police station which is there we go it is right here so that's actually not a bad start this is not too uncommon a start I've had this intestine happen several times with uh different enemies at different places attacking the guards and getting the bounty and that we get ourselves some uh just some really cats they're not a lot of cats but it's good for getting some food so look at that and it says 1100 we have even less food concerns than we did before but uh poor little pack pull is beat up that's okay he survived get down there and help out certain vagrant you know what we are going to attack you and provoke we have look at that look at all these cookies this is perfect this actually not a bad start this extra pretty good start for us so it's actually kind of what we want Sabers are great I'm a fan of sabers so we're not we're actually not off too badly okay so you can see we are in eye socket we're south of henge and this is the eye area this is gut if you just follow right along that path here it's more or less safe now this area is pretty flat enough that if there's anything walking about that's dangerous if you're actually looking ahead you'll see it so nothing there should surprise you but we did pick up from hinge from those uh vagrant fellas a bone dog so you can see the pricing we're getting here this average markup is when is what it would be in hinge so it's not going to update until we check here go in have a look and see what this might sell for so you can see it's changed so now it's here 97 percent 111 so we are glad to sell that here maybe we hold on to that maybe you know we're not we're not too Keen to sell it for under its average value but that's worth noting because whenever you look at a price on something that's always going to be at the last town you visited wherever that was whatever those prices were that's what it's going to show you so if you went somewhere where the prices were you know the value was higher it's going to show you the higher value if you go somewhere where it's lower then obviously you're going to get the price markup that is lower so don't just look at the item and go oh this is what it sells for that's just what it would sell for at the last shop you visited wherever that shop might be now uh I've had some of the grass ninja fellas come and attack this place if you feel like sitting around you can you can get some armor um you know some other gear make some more cats that's totally viable that's fine but we're going to keep moving and we gonna have ourselves a hopefully safe trip right down to here so you can see we're in eye socket we have brink brink should be right over around in here-ish and then we're going to keep moving south Okay so from Brink we're almost there you kind of want to see and follow if you kind of think of this as a road right here you kind of want to keep to that because over here is The Unwanted lands and you get a lot of big things and over here is venge and other than the sky lasers you can get beat up by those roaming uh headless thralls so we don't want any of that so probably the safest way when you hit Brink is just to follow this my cursor here and think of this as like a road and just you can kind of see it right over here you kind of want to just keep to this it'll kind of generally keep you safe from either side however I want to stop here because you have this Tower here which I think is pretty nifty it looks cool and uh if I can get the camera to stop bugging out we get a better view of it there we go it's got a little satellite dishes and so forth on it what's interesting so you can click it let's say comms Tower ruin01 which means there are more than one Communications Tower ruins but I'm not aware of many uh ruins in the game outside of things that might be you can enter or building or some kind of NPC structure that you can actually click on and get a name so that at least in my knowledge is fairly uncommon and I thought it was kind of cool already as you can see we are at the Lost armor store it's an Armory you can see it's tucked away in here the root down here again is relatively safe however once you get into this this realm here it becomes a quite a bit more dangerous especially as we can't really defend ourselves against anything are you going to play in bats which are like really dangerous mutated opossums you're going to have the southern hybrids that might roam about like gorillas Cruise in uh they generally won't take you anywhere but if they touch you they're just going to One Tap you so be mindful look ahead as long as you're patient you'll be okay and this is where we needed the weapon Let's see we can bust down this door so you can see we're almost there and we'll just speedify that up it's because I'm not a total jerk already time to see what goodies lay and wait for us and we will Master work I will because originally accept nice work armor you know I mean someone's got to take it right so specialist great armor you know someone's got to have this we're going to go trade this out um yeah it's already where it's semester requirement I don't know how much of this is static or not I've had some of this mess work here before so I think it is fairly defined loot but I am not one to make that guarantee of a promise that you will always find said things have loot here uh come back where are you going thank you but uh if that holds true of Masterwork that's pretty great that is not bad and more separate yep okay so I think these appear to be static spawns I've had this happen now a couple times um you know I'm not confident enough to say that these will always happen but uh where are you going I'm confident enough to say that it might maybe will happen which is pretty good you know noise you know gonna walk you there that's okay we got some goodies uh but we also have a couple walked chests here oh no whatever will we do we don't have the ability to pick them I wish there was someplace really close to the South that we could go that had tools that we could loot to open those from our goodies uh dang shoot Durant oh that's just that's just a shame already as you can see we are in Expedition four which leads me to believe there is a one through three out there somewhere but uh this is why we stopped you can see there is a lot of things here we are going to pick up and rather than make you watch me pick it all up I'm just gonna go do that and come back but your Keen eyes might see a couple things here that I came here specifically for that I might have alluded to a minute ago okay so this is our efforts from looting the Expedition number four and some of you eagle-eyed viewers I know are already seeing what we came here for lots of shinies but two tools and how many how many of those locked chest safes were there oh yeah two so let's go back and let's see what RNG has in store for us and we are back and we need to make sure we have the tools in our actual inventory or else the character will not know they have them and will not use them and pop up here the travel back here was relatively safe and this has some land bats but as you saw you just run away from them and eventually they get tired and they give up and they go somewhere else so we're going to use our tool as you can see we have a hell of a long time to go so I'm uh I'm gonna open up both this one and that one and then we'll loot them so uh oh man I'll be back in the 100 seconds all right the moment we've all been waiting for all that worth it and okay that's something not what I wanted to find but oh you know I'll take it but this is what we wanted to find Mass work boots in the pole arm and I like pole arms so I I'm not mad about that we have some cats I've seen respondent here before again I don't know how much of this is a static spawn or not but uh we'll take it we are going to be very happy about that so I definitely think that was worth going and grabbing uh from there now for this we're going to give him that get over there I don't know oh oh no okay hold on hold on hold on okay it's okay there we go there it is it's all right okay we're we're all we're all fine but not you know as as Billy May says we're not done yet the cylinder place we need to go and that's a way station off in this direction it's busted and we are going to salvage it from what remains and uh this is probably the biggest danger in this area all these land bats look at them they're uh there's more than a few so when you travel in this area make sure you're always you guys done I'll just pull back there we go make sure you're always looking ahead because if you're going to do these guys they won't eat you but uh they may punch your lights out and that might end your run real quick okay so we have left the last armor store totally looted and we're at the way station ruins and you can kind of see on the map here this little almost like a road that follows along this way and brings us right to here so it's a pretty straightforward generally pretty safe the most danger I've come across here are the reavers and sometimes you get a pack of scavengers but again it's fairly flat so as long as you're looking ahead as to where you're moving it's kind of safe I mean it's Kenji so it's not safe but it's about as safe as Kent you will let you get there's usually enough room to see what's ahead of you and to kind of maneuver around it if you need to but the reason we came here is all of this and uh some of your Keen eyes might see some pretty good uh things to pick up so we're going to pick all that up and for that wish we can't we're going to make room for so as you can see we are pretty chock full of goodies and yet there's still so many nice shinies to pick up and you might be wondering why haven't you picked them up well this is uh this is kenchy for you you can see they're in the house and it's got stairs and he won't go up the stairs hell I'll go this far and oh no no farther so all those goodies you think you're getting for some reason you're not getting and no matter which direction I've tried to go I've tried this multiple times the different saves and different playthroughs I cannot get into this house so despite all these wonderful expensive look at all the skeleton bits in here just the game just taunting me I want this I want all these and this game won't let me have it I mean sometimes the game is your own understanding me but that's okay we're not greedy right I mean we are but uh we've got some goodies here we've got a lot of very pricey expensive goodies and uh we're uh we're gonna make Bank off of this you can see we've got out of this some Masterwork boots wherever put them that they are those are those are pretty badass uh we're gonna keep those specialist armor drags this is actually a pretty good armor except for the stomach at 20 percent but if you're playing a hiver your stomach chance to be hit by is so low that this is actually really good Hive or armor so that's actually not bad for them but we're keeping the black plate jacket here not just because it's Masterwork but it's acid res the resistance and that goes along with our straw hat and you probably can maybe guess where we're going but if you can't stay tuned I'm going to show you uh right now we need to take all these goodies back up north okay so as you can see we're now in Black scratch after having done this sort of triangle of uh well not through the Outpost but from do the exposition four there I'm backing over to the way she's ruins uh our fellows are kind of hungry so we want to make sure we give them some food because we have a little bit more of a of a truck to make but while we're here we definitely want to sell what we can at the at a good value that we can so we can see here this wrench 114 percent markup that's pretty good we will sell 107 percent we are oh he's out of money so you know well we did sell we can see that these grind machines are just a flat their value stays the same and I've tried this at different outposts different places their value holds so those are always a good sell armor as you can see armor and weapons tend to give you between anywhere between a quarter and a third of their value so it doesn't make any sense to try to buy them somewhere and to sell them somewhere else they're always going to be at a loss if you do that the only time you should pick up armor is if you find it somewhere like I like I have same with weapons uh but it's late so we're gonna wait till morning we're gonna hit up the other shops so it's worth selling and then we are going to head back up here and finish our jaunt onto uh making big time money so as you can see by your money now we're uh we're looking kind of pretty however we have not sold everything I sold the Masterwork pole arm because five thousand cats the stuff to say no to and I can always buy one of those later on if I want to however in keeping with the trader kind of motif ass some of these aren't selling for as much as they could now I know they're not it's not like they sell for 10 as they are except for these power cores but uh 85 90 percent uh that's just not gonna do so we're gonna you know we're gonna keep to the idea of trying to sell at 100 or more uh as we can because that's kind of if I were playing the trader and it's going to pay out for us but right now uh we're not going to sell all those we're going to sell those elsewhere however black scratch is a great place to come to after we've gathered all that up because they have just so many different shops that they will have enough cats for us even if we wanted to we could sell every single thing we gathered and we'll be in you know we're gonna be sitting even prettier um because they just have so many shops to sell to so I mentioned variants before this is uh one of the ways it can happen in previous tests the skeleton repair kit had an average uh price markup of 75 percent which was kind of insane however you can see here it is at full blast 100 percent in the standard Authentics all right one of four in this hacksaw which is that now 108 which had been holding on to for an example later on is now previously was like 80 percent so here's what always this is pretty wild so these are kind of some of the variances you can expect so it's not just like a couple points here there it can go anywhere from 75 all up to 100 or potentially even more I do not know the range but uh it's pretty big so we're going to sell you know we can sell these here but I kind of want to hold on to them I want to find a better place to sell my repair kits too because that's a pretty good money maker if we can do it uh we'll sell that and then represents pretty it's okay we just want money right now 93 not great 81 not great so initially if this is 75 I was selling them to the skeletons over here you know I was making just insane profit uh but this playthrough looks like we're going to find some something different and so it's kind of something interesting about this is this won't be the same you and I may have very different variants in luck between what various Merchants are selling for so hopefully we can find a better route between our buy and sell and hopefully I run the skeleton repair kits because for their base value at 4 300 anything below that and beyond that is a huge markup in value okay so I've made it to the Black Desert City full of skeletons and so we can see here that they are buying skeleton repair kits for 102 percent so we're definitely selling those here our armor plating 103 oh he's out of money that's okay well it's a good thing there's a couple shops that uh we get the question who is selling skeleton repair kits at 75 markup that is what we want to try to find if we are trying to do skeleton repair kit uh Trading so we've got some places to check and hopefully police actually have them in some kind of bulk you know because uh one or two ain't gonna cut it so we can see here 94 percent represent 88 for the hell of it we're just gonna sell this is not bad not great we're gonna hold on to one just so we can you know look around but uh it's pretty good it is not bad so we've got a couple places we can check because we are not a hiver we can go to the hives so we might try one of the hybrid places over here and get an idea of what they are selling their kits for and if we're feeling froggy we can go up here to World's End and check them out as well because somewhere out there someone has to have those kits at a discounted price that we can make money off of so I've decided to stop at the weigh station here scroll out a little bit so you can see where I'm at from Black Desert City there's a robotics facility here and I thought I would check the prices and it's not super good however that is not bad that's still a little expensive but that in particular is not too shabby and we're sitting there by an iron plates at 103 markup obviously paid more we'd sell them there too but we don't that's okay 96 for power core is pretty great not many people to my knowledge sell them that maybe the skeleton City that's okay we're going to take that and as you can see we're 100 000 already and we're at day seven 100K day seven we've got Mass work boots sitting there we've got Masterwork armor we've got a pretty good sword a pretty good saber uh we're really in a pretty good spot I'll look at things considering um but we're not done yet we are trying to find relatively speaking the best for our transportation speed and time and cost of items so we know this place here and this save this place here will be 88 below value so that's you know a fair bit of markup if we bought all those and brought them back over to heft but again from here to half a bit of a walk however that is part of the Trader lifestyle we're going from point to point to cell so that's a bit of a walk but I want to see with the High verse here and I might even punch up to World's End here and see if there's a a better cut than 88 but that is still again because of the high value of the skeleton repair kit at that base 4400 88 below 80 percent at a base 100 value that is still a pretty good cats margin okay you can see I am back at hinge and I've done a fair bit of running around World's End squin as a check I obviously can't go into the holy nation in the great desert here is a little too dangerous for my liking all right this early on you will see I have been in some battles obviously strength from carrying a lot of stuff but pretty good toughness already just from getting my butt kicked pretty good melee defense obviously Sabers and actual attack itself is low but that's just the nature of this particular Beast you can see our good friend the pack Bowl has become an adult in his combat stats have uh it's all gone up so you can see here we have purchased ourselves we've gone from you know 100 000 uh tender quite a bit some of this been spent on food as I explore and try to find what over here might be a good price here in hinge again just for these skeleton repair kits there's some for 107 percent I just checked with the bar keep here in half the zone for 100 percent so if we're just a smidgen of a profit I could just go from hinge to here or sorry to have to hinge and sell um that's not quite a profit margin I was able to get them over in this area for about also this way station here so hitting these places up for about the mid 80 percent so not great but 75 ahead at a previous gameplay still okay still not going to be too bad we're gonna make some you know decent money and obviously the as we explore around the whole point is if if we're picking a very particular product that we want to try to sell is to find the lowest place we can buy it in the greatest quantity and then of course where can we sell it for the most money so let's you know trading Basics 101 I suppose so we're just going to sell it all and too late in the night for that over here you're still open you're still doing business of course when you're you know Merchants only have about you know the good Merchants the high in Merchants have about 25k a pop on them so it's important when you decide what you're selling to make sure that what you're selling can actually handle what you're bringing in because otherwise it's uh might be a bit of a pain just try to get all your stuff sold at a decent time frame we have only a few more so it looks like we will in fact turn something up a profit here and already go it was the things we don't want to go to the caps are all right I was at that one we have not been to this one okay let's go to this one hello friend please and uh yeah what's up who's here my teeth along the way I've picked up because please okay and you can see 115k not super great but then again our profit margin was not insane now again I've not explored all of the maps so I do not know in this particular game Seed where The Sweet Spot is for those repair kits however this is just an example of using something like repair kits as the medium for trade and just due to their base high value any kind of percentage between anything above 100 to sell for in anything under 100 to buy as long as you have that initial seed money to actually buy them in any sort of bulk you're going to do pretty okay in the cats um so you see you can see this is you know we're not even in 12 days yet but again I haven't exploded everywhere so this could be more or fewer days depending on how your luck is depending where you go you know I didn't took the swamp I don't know what they're like for pair kids so you could get lucky you could get a spot with 75 percent a you know percentage of the selling price and you could find somewhere but you know a couple of minutes run away for you know 100 plus and so you can have yourself an insane just cats farm that way but this was not my luck nothing to see not at this time however having reliable money in that regard is pretty great and starting out this early again we've got that Masterwork gear from the Armory down south that was part of our seed money if for some reason we wanted to sell this we could but we don't we want to keep it it's really good armor we've got a pretty solid saber going on we're decently kitted and we're getting ourselves relatively speaking safe experience in terms of leveling up our abilities and our skills just from the travel and that will be up to you in terms of your own restrictions as to what you choose to trade in where you choose to trade as a shack again I can't go to the United cities perhaps are going to use the cities but the Arkham Knight realm right if they're going to attack them in sight so that's an area that is denied to mechanically whether or not YouTube you to make one of those care you know characters tonight like that if you make a hiver you can't go to any of the hive places they're going to beat you up because your hiveless that could be a fun restriction maybe you choose not to deal with the United cities themselves maybe you just want to trade in Goods like leather or skin or ores that you purchase and sell from place to place whatever way you choose to go about it currency the you know triple you know not triple but uh six digits worth of cats or more is very easily going to be your realm of uh you know the existence so how do you choose to get there that's up to you this is a super duper I would say brief but we all know if you've made it this far it is not brief it's been very rambly but this is how you make money as a Trader and you can do this not as a Trader do this on any start it doesn't matter but where are they going to fight obviously in the town keep your eyes open for a fight that's free money but uh you know they were just setlist about into the shift and I will be very excited about end of the video
Channel: Zombie Gandhi
Views: 16,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sw1gHO9okuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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