Why You Should Settle Leviathan Coast | Kenshi Location Guide

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it is with a heavy heart I leave my swamp ninja wife and venture to the Leviathan Coast maybe when I return I'll have the courage needed to actually speak to her although moving a base in kenshi is no easy task much lust through the cannibal Plains a squad is ready for a change in scenery we had seen our fair share of cannibals it was time for something a little more Scenic when our Squad did arrive at the Leviathan Coast they were stunned by the brilliant shades of purple the Lush fauna and the giant land whales that populated the region upon closer inspection there were no cannibals and no other major factions with that going for us we figured it was time to stake our claim taking a step back the Leviathan Coast is situated in the far north far beyond the reach of all major factions its neighboring regions are also quite remote populated by other animals robotics spiders or cannibals in terms of fertility Leviathan Coast has the ever so important green fertility at a hundred percent rating this will mean that wheat cotton green fruit and hemp can be grown at a high yield this high fertility rating is paired with a good amount of other resources the only scarce one if you can even say that is copper you might have to do a little bit of searching for that but here and there there are copper veins that can be found wait what what's that noise good Lord what's happening out there I think that family of leviathans is trying to eat our front gate quick shoot it down before it glitches through the wall surely we have enough turrets to make quick work of them we'll check back in on our Squad later for an update for now though let's cover the wildlife that spawns in Leviathan Coast I can say with confidence that the Leviathan Coast is the strongest animal roster in the game the only reasons that would even come close would be vayne or maybe the bone field not only do these animals have good loot but a lot of them are neutral so they won't pose a threat to you unless certain conditions are met overall having an abundance of different types of animals like this will mean you'll have as much foul meat raw meat and leather as you possibly could want this allows you to prioritize other things with your base instead of being preoccupied with food kicking off this list we have River Raptors and depending on where you started your game you may have seen these guys in the holy nation territories or if you started in the swamp you may be more familiar with the swamp Raptors which will cover in a second river Raptors are the smaller Raptor variant and they don't pose much of a threat at all they're quite easy to kill and they're good for training and really the only thing of note for them is that if you have crops then they will aggro to those crops and try to steal them from you they are almost like little rodents they will try to steal your crops constantly if they come by your base as for the larger Raptor variant the swamp Raptor it has a similar pattern of behavior if you have crops it will attempt to steal them from you this variant though is quite a bit stronger and the groups that they travel in can be quite big as well so they definitely pose more of a threat than the river Raptors if your squad is comfortable handling beak things though then swamp Raptors aren't going to pose a significant threat you will want to have Gates around your crops though that is for sure on a final note for the Raptor variants they do drop a lot of foul meat keep in mind that animals can and eat this and it can help you keep your food stocks up moving on to garu I think garu are one of the best animal spawns you could ask for in a region they're neutral so you'll get to choose when you attack them and they provide a lot of good loot if you do take them down also one thing that's unique with the Leviathan Coast is there will be garu Mega herds which could have 10 plus Garo just be sure that if you see a dialogue box above agaroo herd that you keep your character still because of the garu feel threatened they will attack you and they're pretty fast as well so keep that in mind next we have our fan favorite the beak thing the beak things are loved and hated by all because they have good loot but they are very very dangerous at the same time you will also be able to find big things Ness and the Leviathan coast and those can be an excellent source of money as well as combat training because if you keep the big thing Nest around it will continue to spawn beak things and you can take down patrols to train your combat abilities and big things are quite fast so unless your character is rocking to scout legs you're probably going to need to micro Dodge your characters if you need to run away while there are no towns in the Leviathan Coast that you can run to for safety if you can get that beak thing to accidentally hit one of the other neutral mobs in the area you can get that neutral mob to attack the beak thing while in most areas beak things are sort of considered the apex predator for the region here it's a little bit different because the beak thing patrols can absolutely get taken down by garu Mega herd and as strong as beat things are they pale in comparison to what a leviathan brings to the table if you were expecting to find leviathans on the Leviathan Coast you will not be disappointed leviathans are absolutely everywhere sometimes they're traveling alone sometimes in small packs if you even want to call them that I sort of call them Leviathan families leviathans won't be aggro to you unless you're too close for too long and since they're so slow it's easy to get away from them I would say that you do need to be prepared though for taking Leviathan down if you decide to settle here while highly trained characters can certainly take leviathans down the easiest method by far is to use ranged weapons due to their large HP pool leviathans are excellent for training combat abilities or ranged abilities so keep that in mind now that we touched on the different Wildlife that can be found here let's check in with our Squad to see if they're all right well the leviathans are dead and their bodies have formed a pretzel-like structure beautiful looks like thumbnail material to me they're the same picture if you'd like to take part in the madness that you see here I can recommend some settlement locations this is by no means an exhaustive map for settlement spots since the Leviathan Coast is so good but these spots are a good starting point if you don't want to scout the area yourself my biggest recommendation when building a base here in the Leviathan Coast is to come prepared to be more specific you're going to want to bring building materials and crops with you since in the Leviathan Coast there isn't really a way to get those resources additionally if you have to leave anything behind you might consider leaving some iron plates behind because you can loot those from the iron spiders on the iron Trail and there's not really any need to worry about those but you can just make a trip kill some spiders and then loot all the iron plates that you need having well-trained soldiers is also a good touch bonus points if they have turret training between the leviathans beak things and the Raptors you'll be gunning down lots of animals in the Leviathan Coast you're also going to want to be wary of any of your characters which have a low toughness level for our purposes let's just say low toughness is less than 15. toughness is especially important because leviathans and Beak things can totally One-Shot a character that is injured all also because you'll be using turrets more in this region friendly fire from your turrets has a chance of hitting one of your own characters and turret bolts can absolutely kill someone if it's the wrong place at the wrong time if you're able to keep the wildlife at Bay and get your walls and your turrets up and running you absolutely can thrive in this region you'll have all the leather and raw meat that you could ask for grain fertility for as many crops as you want and if you choose to poach leviathans they're Leviathan pearls can be sold for a hefty amount of money funnily enough a lot of times the animals in this region will fight each other so it'll be a lot of cases where you're going for a walk and there'll just be a pile of corpses right there of garu or beak things and you can pick up the materials from that and it's essentially free money all right that's a wrap for this one I hope you enjoyed the information and the footage be on the lookout for polls from this channel if you'd like to vote on what the next video should be about to directly provide feedback or connect with other members of the community we do have a Discord now so feel free to hop on there I've decided that the Discord will always be free to join because I want to make sure the Kenji Community is able to connect with one another share ideas memes all of that that all being said I hope that you have a good one and I'll see you next time
Channel: Paul Rogers Gaming
Views: 23,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi tips, kenshi guide, kenshi shorts, kenshi help, kenshi advice, kenshi pro tip, kenshi survive, kenshi money, cats, cat making, kenshi looting, kenshi inventory, kenshi training, kenshi strength, kenshi automation, base locations, base guide, kenshi base, kenshi base building, kenshi location, paulrogersgaming, Paul Rogers Gaming, leviathan coast guide, leviathan kenshi, leviathon coast base, leviathan coast settle
Id: EO-t7VgazOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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