I Spent 100 Days Becoming A BOUNTY HUNTER In Kenshi

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unarmed mutilated and left for dead in a desert populated with monstrosities and slavers yep that's me you're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation well that's a different story for another day this story is about how I went from bleeding out in the wastelands to one of the most proficient bounty hunters in all of kenchi as a fair warning I have an advertisement for War Thunder at around 10 minutes into the video so be on the lookout for that I'm also still dealing with bronchitis so apologies in advance for the raspy voice but other than that let's get into it meet Drew peacock he looks like if you took Shane Gillis and Opie from Family Guy and smashed them together or if Wario discovered meth in all honesty I found the base model for a gorillo and found out it can be applied to human characters and just couldn't pass it up here is our starting point though out in the middle of Afghanistan with no food water and only one of our arms forgotten by the world and left for dead first things first we need to find shelter skimmers and Bandit groups roam the great desert making it one of the more difficult locations to start off at bark is in the north so I began making my way over there while on my travels I came across a group of of goblin Bandits attacking some Empire soldiers which made for a fantastic opportunity all I needed to do was wait out the fight and then scoop up any gear off the corpses this would give me a weapon and some armor to start with and I could sell the rest for some food after looting the dead I continued towards bark arriving in the evening selling the extra weapons gave me around 7,000 cats which is more than enough to survive on I also kept the crossbow and some bolts since I've never used a crossbow in keni before and if I want to become the world's greatest Bounty Hunter I figure I'm going to need to pull off some Hitman level shots to pass the time I tried working on thieving only to realize that missing an arm does in fact add some difficulty to being a pig pocket I did manage to find this nice little corner to hide in though after giving up on that I found a fence thief in one of the bars bought some pants off of him and ran onto the rooftops to level my stealth until morning going into day two I wanted to focus on getting some quick levels into some of the more useful skills so I got to work picking any locks I could find outside of that though I need a backpack since I despite my gorillo appearance have the strength of a toddler unfortunately for me no shops seem to sell them here like you can buy a pack animal and a carrier for them but no human-shaped backpacks exist here I did buy a poncho thinking I could pull off the Daryl Dixon look only to realize that these things look way better in screenshots than on my deformed body there's nothing left for me to do at bark though so I set off for half in an attempt to find a shop that sells robotic limbs or backpacks shortly after leaving the city I ran into meow and desera two Escape slaves trying to find their way out of the desert unfortunately for them they ran into me instead of the guy John Wick spent half a movie looking for and I beat the [ __ ] out of them in an attempt to work on my combat [Music] skills after I realized they had nothing of value on them I healed them up and repeated the process eventually some slavers made their way over and got pissed at me when I kept using their precious property as training dummies after running for a few more hours I came across Port South a slave trade [Music] town no seriously the entire town is just slave shops with these little signs nothing says Dante's allegory quite like a smiley face locked behind a ball in chain that being said the depressive atmosphere didn't stop me from taking advantage of the combat training dummies sitting in their HQ outside of the training dummies though this town doesn't really have anything to offer me so I left that night continuing towards heft about an hour into my walk I found an abandoned town and decided to spend the night here looting the place for anything of immediate value like food or bandages judging by the amount of dead Outlaws in the area I'm going to assume that a group of skimmers came through and wiped out the entire town it's a sad reality in the great desert but they chose to live here and living here unprepared comes with consequences dealing with being encumbered out here is also a Death Wish especially when you're missing an arm I was really confused on what could possibly be weighing me down so much only to realized that crossbow bolts weigh 5 kg each so I've been carrying 25 kg of bolts around while being unable to shoot them this made it much easier for me to part ways with them once I reached heft on the morning of day three with the money I made from selling the crossbow and bolts I purchased a thieves backpack fixing the encumbrance issue also there's a robotic shop here that sells exactly what I need only problem robot limbs are expensive normally I'd take the San Andreas approach of breaking in and Bor belongings until I made enough to buy one but there's a ton of guards at every shop so there's no real point in trying that unless I want to get beat worse than Tyreek Hill's kids unfortunately I never even got the opportunity to make an honest living here for some reason I was mistaken for a terrorist which is weird because there's not even any monkey bars around anyway they may be samurai police but I've watched Scooby-Doo enough to know that if I just run around eventually they'll get lost while chasing me through the same door five or six times and I'll get away since haft wasn't as welcoming as I would have liked the only other place I could think of was Stout I have a bounty on me now though so I'll need to be careful around these cities this is completely unrelated but if you're wondering how difficult the great desert can be well just watch this massive group of skimmers spawn directly in front of me that is what's waiting for you out here anyway I arrived at sto to find a bustling City completely jam-packed with guards and Soldiers made the decision to leave almost immediately since I didn't want to risk them realizing who I was and then selling me into slavery we already did that whole character Arc last video we don't need that again my goal is to get to Mongrel to find a master assassin who I can train under but it's literally across the map and I still need to navigate the desert with all the threats constantly around me while impersonating Moses I accidentally stumbled onto a watchtower being guarded by ninjas when I tried to enter their fine establishment I was immediately attacked causing me to Sprint off into the night losing them on a pack of skimmers pushing West I ran into oan Shield a camp guarded by the holy nation Empire there's not much here that's of any value to me at least at the moment but I did manage to find their General storage building the only downside is that it's crawling with guards I can't really go toe-to-toe with paladins so I dipped out of oan shield and continued on my way I know stack and blister Hill are both nearby so I made plans to stop at both of them to see if I could get myself situated arriving at blister Hill I found a bar to pass some time at only to realize that there's no guards on the second floor admittedly my Tendencies got the better of me and I immediately started looting the barrels up here filled with guilt for what I'd done I tried to make amends by earning an honest living mining iron from the nearby deposits that being said mining is incredibly boring to me like I get its purpose I know it's necessary for city building but I'm not here to spend a 100 days becoming the best blue collar worker in kenchi this is all just me making excuses for the fact that I lasted less than a day as an honest citizen before resorting to peacefully protesting all the crates on the second floor of the armor shop if you're newer to the thieving lifestyle in kenchi you can spam XP by stealing gear dropping it on the floor and collecting it again it's a bit exploitative but I'm going to need it in a few days so I might as well Farm it out now if you're wondering just how efficient this method is well I was able to go from like level three to 51 in seven in-game hours I figured that'd be more than enough to get me started so I spent a few hours searching around for gear upgrades managed to swap out my chest armor for black plated armor which removes the assassination debuff I also found a better mask and a new shirt before leaving blister Hill and setting course for Mongrel I reached the fogland on the morning of day five the big concern here is fogmen they tend to roam in large groups and cannibalize anyone they capture so one mistake here can end the run before we even get started if done correctly though fogman can be used to level up stealth incredibly fast which is always a plus the key word here is correctly meaning don't try walking through a fogman camp that'd be stupid only an absolute [ __ ] would do that on the bright side if you're a glue eater like me you can kite the fogman up into Mongrel and let the guards deal with them they even have this scary ass robot security spider that One-Shots [Music] people anyway now that we've made it all the way over here I sold some of the extra gear that I'd taken from blister Hill and then took a quick look at the skeleton shop there's much better product here but that also means it's much more expensive as a result my initial plan was to just steal a ton of blueprints and sell them back to the various shops but you're far too likely to get caught selling stolen goods if you stay within the same city since there's nowhere close by that's relatively safe to travel to I tried a different approach and just like that Drew peacock is now cybercock or something like that outside of thieving I spent the rest of the day training my stealth skill there's a cliff over in the corner that you can stand on and fogman patrols will pass underneath it where you can safely Farm stealth XP without putting yourself in danger this is unrelated but I haven't seen beep yet he usually Sprints over as soon as you walk into the City and the fact that he hasn't yet makes me feel like the fogman might have gotten to him before I could make it here here which is a little depressing guess we won't be getting a cyber beat Montage this video and I'm officially out of Master to train me after spending a few hours waiting around for fogman I got bored and spent the initial hours of day six hunting for fogman patrols to grind eventually I just caved and went back to that fogman camp I walked through earlier and farmed them until morning it was slower progress but slow progress here beats anywhere else in the game in my opinion over the next 5 hours I was able to get my stealth up to level 52 honestly there's no reason to stay here if be isn't here I mean I've got an arm now which is really all I needed anyway so with that in mind I set off for the Hub which will serve as my sanctuary and base of operations until I find somewhere better to throw my junk into before we continue I want to take a minute to talk about today's sponsor War Thunder believe it or not but War Thunder is actually one of if not the most comprehensive vehicle combat games ever made and to make it even better it's completely free on Xbox PlayStation and PC when I say comprehensive vehicle combat I'm not just saying that this is isn't just another game where you aim for a hit box and watch numbers pop up on the screen every vehicle is intricately modeled down to each individual component when those components take damage the vehicle will react to that specific feedback which helps to ensure that each fight feels completely unique if you do take any damage War Thunder has a cool x-ray view that can help you identify exactly what happened you can see which components were hit and what finally led to you sitting in a ball of fire down in the dirt one of my favorite aspects of War Thunder is the community I can't think of another player base that is this committed to ensuring the authenticity of the vehicle designs even while writing the script it's around 200 a.m. and there's just short of 100,000 people playing on Steam and that doesn't even take into account all of the console players that help contribute to the more than 70 million players all partaking in these massive PVP spectacles surely with a free game you only get access to like 10 Vehicles right maybe a couple tanks a plane or two and if you're lucky you might even see a naval ship that couldn't be further from the truth War Thunder provides access to over 2500 types of vehicles from 10 major Nations including things like by planes from the 1920s all the way up to F-15 fighter jets and so much more on top of all of those Vehicles each one can be completely customized to your liking with camos historical markings and even Community created skins and decorations there's nothing more enjoyable than winning a dog fight thousands of feet up in the air while dozens of tanks are blowing each other up below you It All Leads to some pretty breathtaking scenes especially with how realistic the graphics are like I said earlier the game is completely free and is worth checking out in my opinion it's got a little something for everyone and I've had a ton of fun playing it over the years doesn't matter if you're new or haven't played in the last 6 months using the link in the description or pinned comment will gift you a little something nice and by that I mean a massive Bonus Pack along with three premium Vehicles a 50% experience and income booster two Advanced vehicles to try out 100,000 silver lines and 7 Days of premium account time this offer is limited so it's worth hopping in now to cash in all right back to kenhi while leaving I did see a massive tribe of fogman cannibalizing an escaped servant and the XP was too good to pass up on so I snuck around and stealth walked into the vicinity until they finished doing whatever it is that they do in the fog by 11:00 a.m. I'd managed to escape the fog lands and was making steady progress to safety it was around this time that I took a quick detour to check out some unknown buildings on my map this is where Wes Dragon of the holy nation Outlaws lives the name may ring a bell to some country fans but to me all I could think of was Wes Mantooth from Anchor Man the names aren't even the same but that's what my dumbass was stuck on for the rest of this video and it's important to me that you know that back to West though she's got a 20K bounty on her so I made a note of that for the future and continued on my way I made it to the hub by early evening and immediately purchased a shack I also sold some of my fenced goods from Mongrel using them to purchase a quality crossbow after that I joined the Shinobi thieves who will let me stay in their bases use their training equipment and sell fenced items throughout the world once that was taken care of and I was 10K poor I bought a new Katana off of one of the thieves which does over double the damage of my old one before spending the rest of of the night smacking training dummies getting my assassination skill up to level 11 when the sun rose on day seven I made my way down to squin for supplies The Hub is good but there's nowhere to get things like building materials or iron plates squin is also my favorite city in the game admittedly it's a City full of shecks who are hilariously over-the-top racist towards humans and most of the shops are set up in a way that you can basically steal anything you want and get away with it it also has some pretty cool companions to recruit like double it worked out that he's a medic because I'm planning to use him to drag poor old droopy [ __ ] out of combat whenever he can't perform up to expectations set before him if you're like me and have a crippling addiction to ration packs you can just go to the second floor of the one bar in squin and pick the chest through the wall allowing you to steal an inventory full of them so we're 7 days into this legendary Bounty Hunter video and we haven't grabbed a single Bounty yet what gives right well Cal your tits kenchi is a slow burner and takes time to get yourself set up for things you want to accomplish that being said I did grab three Bounty Books from a local barkeep the red Bandit San ninja Oni and the preacher not that many of you really care about this but I also bought the rest of the building materials needed for my shack and set off back to the hub where I fixed up the shelter officially giving us a home I signed double to mining iron so that we could level our strength and set off to find some Bandits to throw things oh also remember that random tower that attacked me on the outskirts of the great desert well that's where San ninja Oni lives I only realized it after reading his contract but it's nice to know I already encountered him in some capacity anyway back to combat I need to improve and in kenhi the only way to get better is to get your [ __ ] rocked a few times I thought a bone dog would be decent to work with so I tried to pick a fight with it only to get dropped without Landing a single shot this is where double comes into play he can rescue Drew as needed and drop him off in the thieves Tower to heal [Music] up the next morning I found a dust Bandit camp nearby and sent Drew in to work on assassinations at worst he'll get some toughness XP these early levels are some of the most tedious moments in kenchi sure you can successfully knock out a bandit but if you want to use them to train combat with in a 1V one setting well they're still going to murk you after recovering I tried again and accidentally kited the dust Bandits directly into a huge group of hungry Bandits causing a small fight to unfold this kind of worked out better than expected though instead of focusing on Dust Bandits I could wait for the fight to wrap up then kidnapp a hungry Bandit and use them to train my skills with obviously the dust Bandits are going to win and then continue chasing Drew though so while this was happening I sent double in to go kidnap a hungry Bandit dust Bandits are just too difficult to deal with at the moment perfect example right here you try to knock out one and they put you in a coma because of this I tried to focus solely on hungry Bandits for now using the same tactics I was able to knock out two hungry Bandits kidnapping one to challenge in an epic 1V one on Rust [Music] congratulations if you're still actively watching and don't just have me out in the background while you play keni on the other screen you just witness drwy cock's first victory in combat if you're now about to frantically rewind to watch it you might as well like the video I mean your mouse cursor is already down there anyway now that we have that out of the way we can get onto the portion of the video where we loot the travel gear store and squin for backpacks medical supplies and Maps when I was done there I moved over to the general store to grab some books iron plates and other supplies that I need in the future by the time the sun rose I was ready to head back home carrying a backpack larger than my character which I found hilarious back at the Hub we built out a research bench while our kidnapped hungry Bandit sat around and minded his own business I did manage to get some use out of him though training assassination on him in between researching somehow I ended up breaking the front door which led to me holding the Bandit in one hand while fixing the door with the other just kenchy things double has the big backpack now since I can load it up with iron and make people walk around with it to work on their strength and I wasn't giving the hungry Bandit CTE I worked on researching storage crates and training dummies this continued into day 10 until I completed all the research that I could for now whenever I got bored though I just beat the [ __ ] out of the hungry Bandit heal him up and then continue with whatever I was doing I also learned how my door broke yesterday seems that this guy doesn't take too kindly to lock doors in this establishment well I don't take too kindly to people busting down my doors so after I got the upper hand on him I decided to let him bleed out a little bit to think about what he'd done that was until needles an outlaw taking refuge in the hub came over to heal him unfortunately for needles Drew peacock is an aspiring Bounty Hunter and someone has a bounty on their hands another day in and 20,000 sh bucks richer guess it's time to carry a bag full of iron around until I get bigger muscles that being said I think it's time to start hitting some contracts so at 8:00 a.m. I stocked up on some general survival gear and set out to find San ninja Oni my first official hunt about 2 hours into the hike I stumbled upon some old ruins inside said ruins is a man by the name of taunt he has a $115,000 bounty on him by the holy nation and I couldn't just pass that up so I broke into his house knocked him out and began heading towards blister Hill not sure how I forgot about this but the holy Empire hates skeletons and having a robotic limb pisses them off to the point where it's on sight I ended up losing the bounty on taunt and was subsequently arrested for assault even though all I did was try to redeem a bounty on the bright side I was able to drop my gear beforehand so I could pick it up once I break out of [Music] here taunt was also attacked in the middle of the city and left for dead [Music] throughout the night I was able to break out of the cage grab my armor and hop back in to wait out my sentence the whole time I was locked up taunt played dead in the middle of the street meaning I might still be able to redeem the bounty on him if I can grab him in time unfortunately for me this is the holy Empire and they play by their own rules as soon as I was released from prison I was charged with assault and attacked again somehow I was able to fully break out and make a run for it stopping to pick up TA and making it all the way to the front gate only to be dropped just inches from freedom on my second attempt I was able to escape and even take taunt with me dropping him out in the middle of the street before trying to lose the guards chasing [Music] me this is where things get for some reason taunt was converted back to a holy Sentinel so he no longer has a $15,000 bounty on him I'm not entirely sure how that happened other than it being a bug with the bounties Galore mod which reverted him back to his normal character model back to Drew though the inquisitors finally caught up to him and knocked him into a coma there was another hiccup in the game here where I think they were trying to capture me but I was outside of their range which resulted in The Inquisitor coming over to check on me every 30 seconds or so at least until he saw double trying to pick up Drew in which case he knocked double into a coma as well after laying in a coma for almost an entire day Drew woke up and was able to save Double's life at that point I snuck back near the gates to find my gear that I dropped a few days ago unfortunately it looks like my gear is just gone I went back and watched the footage and then went to the same exact spot where I dropped it and it's just nowhere to be found so it either despawned or the holy nation took it and just holding on to it somewhere either way I'm out that backpack all those medical supplies the good Katana the crossbow and taunt sword with that depressing end to ta's contract I basically just gave up on the day picking up double and heading back to the hub turns out I lost all the gear at the shack as well I had a ton of stuff on the floor that all looks to have disappeared unless the hungry Bandit somehow collected all of it and skipped town we're too wounded to deal with it now though so I used the thief's bed to rest and we'll deal with it tomorrow day 14 was the start of my villain Arc and what better way to embrace it than by copious amounts of plastic surgery now that I got the Kardashian treatment without the BBL it's time to party with a thirst for cats I set out for Dragon's Den because that's the next best Bounty that I know of it's actually really funny to look back on this while writing the script and cutting the footage just the fact that I was like [ __ ] s ninja Oni and then completely abandoned it I'm such an idiot anyway while I was slapped [ __ ] around in the valley I accidentally aggr some beak things but was able to run past them clearly they were so intimidated by my Naruto running that they just gave up the Dragon's Den is a mess there is a few buildings to loot but they're otherwise abandoned regardless I still hit them up to see what I could find Walking Away with a lantern a sleeping bag and two quality splint kits since my combat skills all suck the best way to go about this is just to Bonk West dragon on the head and then kidnap her she's wanted by the holy nation Empire the same [ __ ] who tried to kill me for having a robot arm so we'll need to find a runner who isn't a skeleton or a sha the bright side she did have a pretty nice Katana on her so I kept that for myself the goal here is to hold on to her until I can build prisoner cages which means it's time to grind research unfortunately I need books to do that so it's back to squint again the first Target was the General goods store since it has all the building mats in it once I finished up there I moved over to the bar where I got bowled and knocked out the guard in the second floor before taking some more ration packs while I was on my way back double is attacked by hungry Bandits and knocked unconscious allowing West Dragon to escape well kind of as soon as double went down the bandits turned to her and since she has no armor or weapons they were able to overpower her inside my shack once Drew was back at the Hub I challenged West to a 1V one and was successfully able to kite her around the Hub by in time will I healed up double before winning the fight after logging West up in the shack I took double to the thief's bed to rest up before returning to base prompting another [Music] fight [Music] with the daily dose of drama all wrapped up I could focus back on my plans I'll need a T2 research bench in order to build cages so I bought a larger building nearby and used double to hold on to the hostage while Drew made another run to squin to gather more building materials of course by gather more materials I mean steal them from the general good store naturally it was only after getting all the way back to the hub and adding the materials that I realized I was one short back at squid for the third time today I bought the last building mat but to make up for my payment I stole 36 books who knows they could have ended up burning these I'm probably actually a hero for stealing them that's the revisionist history I'm remembering anyway on day 16 I was able to add the final building material needed completing work on our house from there I added several blueprints for things like a T2 research bench some storage crates and a food Barrel once those were placed I just started spamming research points in order to unlock prison cages turns out I actually need a T3 bench to unlock cages so after that was done I started working on a fuel generator so that we have a functional bench after upgrading the t2 by around noon on day 17 we'd finished the upgrade to the research bench and added the generator to power it allowing us to finally research prisoner cages and on day 18 we built out two cages to use for holding bounties or converting Bandits once West was in confinement I set out to find a bandit to be used as a runner for us luckily I found a hungry Bandit just outside of the gate so I threw them in the other cage until they recovered to pass the time I continued working on strength training it is worth noting that the Hub became hostile towards us as soon as we put West dragon in one of the cages so depending on how this plays out we may need to look at changing locations if this gets messy by early morning on day 19 we were able to successfully recruit the hungry Bandit though her arm is still completely shattered at least now she can recover in the thief beds instead of rotting in a cage though it took almost an entire day but she's healed up now and ready to party all that's left to do is walk to stack she's still just a hungry Bandit so I sent Drew with her as a bodyguard just in case [ __ ] started popping off we made it to stack towards the end of day 19 but now faced another dilemma it seems high Inquisitor is an Andrew Tate fan and doesn't believe in talking to [Music] women around this time the hunger Bandit was approached by a holy priest who mistaking her for a young Bo boy assaulted her causing West Dragon to run free ahead Drew dropped the Sentinel and head back to help chase down West while the hungry Bandit carried taunt back to the hub during the chase West was attacked by some bone dogs knocking her unconscious and doing my job for me I was even able to bait the paladins and sentinals into a fight with the bone dogs which allowed me to pick up West and Escape back to the hub this may seem a little up but I have no need for the hungry Bandit now that I have a holy Sentinel so I had double come pick up the guard from the hungry Bandit and then sent the Bandit into the fog lands to die [Music] moving into day 21 I recruited the holy Sentinel and went back to stack that morning carrying West Dragon this time I was able to turn in the Bounty and receive my 20K cats even though I got berid for asking for compensation it's crazy to think this whole debacle took like a week to sort out but I'm glad we have everything situated now with the Bounty claimed I headed back to the Dragon's Den to see if there were any other NPCs there with a bounty to claim but the whole place looks abandoned now regardless I now have two successful bounties under my belt and I felt like it was time to take on a greater challenge even with a 30k reward this is still a crazy bounty to go after failure in any capacity typically means death since fogman will just capture and kill you since they typically travel in large groups I wanted a weapon that I could use to pick them off while kiting this led to me purchasing a toothpick crossbow designed for Rapid Fire it should help me grind out some of these early levels and from there I can look into buying a stronger bow that could potentially one-hot fogmen the only problem is that the closest store that sells bolts is in the way station on the bright side the bolts I'm using come in sets of 200 and only weigh 5 kg so I shouldn't have to worry about running out as long as we're using junk bows like this while exploring the surrounding area I found a group of triangle Bandits on patrol figuring they'd be a great way to test out the new toy I started winging shots at him for my first time ever shooting a crossbow and kenchi I feel like this went way better than expected even if I still ended up bleeding out in the [Music] dirt [Music] it turns out the entire Squad is actually camped nearby so I set up a camp of my own just outside of their range in order to heal up in between fights and make plans to just keeping with them funny enough I ended up running into the exact same Patrol from yesterday and picked up where I left [Music] [Music] off this went on for a few hours until the rest of the squad realized what was going on and ran over to assist since my legs don't have much protection they seem to be an easy target and once they're gone well I'm the entire day was basically just spent doing this I'd go in get some shots off take a shot to the knees pull a Peter Griffin on the ground for an hour and then get up and repeat the process by day 23 I was over it there is an unknown tower out in the distance that I wanted to investigate so I started making my way over there triangle Bandits are busy with was some garu anyway so they don't really need me after a few hours of wandering through the mountains I made it to the tower it's seemingly under dust banded control and I'm just stupid enough to try them at first I hid behind the tower and tried assassinating the guards as they came out this only worked for the first few guards though when they all came spilling out I ended up booking it down the hill mainly because they have turrets and I'm not going to win a fight in the open against them this led to one of the more exhilarating fights I've had so far between Drew and about six dust Bandits since numbers aren't on my side and they have crossbowmen I tried to use them to my advantage and made a point to line up The Swordsman that they'd be hit in the back by their own archers Al Pat tman [Music] [Music] Style once The Swordsman were taken care of I squared off in my first kenchi shootout combat and kenchi is one of my favorite things to experience in any video game so it should come as no surprise that I found myself completely addicted to these crossbow dels you can also position your camera right on the shoulders of characters so it looks almost like a third person shooter anyway please enjoy the old western style duel [Music] having just won a 1 V6 I celebrated by executing all of the unconscious enemies sprawled around me before pushing the gate again this time however I took a bolt to the skull I'm not sure how this didn't just instakill me I mean I have aing arrow sticking through my head you know what I'm just not going to question it even with permanent brain damage I was able to knock out one band end it with the crossbow before taking another out with my Katana with two back toback winds today I fell back behind a hill and set up a small camp to heal before re-engaging there's still a ton of guards on the turrets at the wall so I'll need to deal with them too and I just don't want to risk getting knocked out and ruining a solid day at around midnight on day 24 I snuck back into the camp and managed to execute both of the guards outside before sneaking in one of the bosses here has a bounty on him so I grabbed him and retreated back to the ridg line while I waited for double to come scoop him from me it's important to note that a group of bone dogs has roamed in and started eating the corpses here they actually might have saved my life considering they attacked and killed several dust Bandits while I was recovering had they not done that the dust Bandits would have walked directly into me and I wouldn't have been able to escape double made it to Drew before five and was able to take the Bounty off of his hands heading directly for squin to cash it in while he made that journey I had Drew push back in and continue picking off Bandits I am going to Pat myself in the back here real quick I'll fully admit I'm not that great of a keni player but I did have a moment here where I was able to bait the bone dogs into the gate and then Retreat outside of it locking the gate behind me and causing the dust manand atep to fight the bone dogs effectively pitting my enemy against my enemy that moment was shortlived though since more bone dogs were waiting just down the hill ways I ended up joining the dust bandits in their fight against the bone dogs which left me unconscious and bleeding out during all of this double had reached squin and turned in our third Bounty a few hours later I was back up and ready to fight first order of business Take Out the Bone dogs the last thing I need is for one of these things to sneak up on me and One-Shot me as soon as I let my guard [Music] down that being said I did get some food out of them and took the rest of the day to just heal up just before midnight I snuck back into the camp killing the final dust boss and knocking out the dust King I also managed to loot some of the weapon cabinets inside the tower walking away with a specialist grade toothpick upstairs in the tower is a prisoner by the name of cat there's a pretty funny story tied to cat that you you can pause and read if you want to I also didn't think he'd just Auto recruit and decide to follow me but at least we have another Runner now if we need one Drew arrived at squin early the next morning and cashed in on our fourth Bounty this one's different though since the DUS King will remain imprisoned forever now that I've got some cash I figured it'd be a great time to make some upgrades I traded in my mask for a highgrade iron hat since it looked cool and had a decent perception buff oh I also tried to break the D King out of prison and then return him to see if I could cash in the Bounty again but it looks like the devs figured someone would be stupid enough to try this anyway now that the dust King is locked away it looks like the dust Bandits are fighting amongst themselves to become the next king naturally I decided to pop in and Wing a few shots off to try to take care of two birds with one stone during the fight however a group of triangle Bandits felt the need to insert themselves into the [ __ ] shell leading to two groups of dust Bandits fighting each other while simultaneously fighting the triangle Bandits together with Drew just kind of hanging out and picking off anyone who I wrote on to [Music] him this fight was all over the place and to be expected it left pretty much everyone either dead or passed out on the floor with a few days of crossbow training in the books I felt ready to try my luck against the fog King so I packed up some necessities and set off for Mongrel plan is to set up a small camp there while I hunt for the fog King it took about half a day but I made it to Mongrel that afternoon and paid 3,000 cats to lay in a skeleton bed to repair tr's arm not sure if it's worth 3K to do this but I figured if I paid for it already I might as well use it while Drew healed up double made his way to Mongrel as well since I figured I'd need someone to rescue Drew if he was ever captured by fogman the good thing about mongr is you never have to look too far for a fight Bogman usually run right past the city causing the guards to sprint out and beat the [ __ ] out of all of them I looked at this as thinning the herd there's potentially thousands of fogmen roaming the area so whenever a chance presents itself to wipe out a squad of them I need to take it especially if it's a situation like this where I have backup in the form of robot spiders and ninja guards one thing I noticed right away is that hunting fog princes has a chance to be just as if not more lucrative than hunting the fog King himself one fog Prince head is worth 6,000 cats so if I can get six more I'll actually make more than I would from the original Bounty by the end of the battle I'd managed to grab another Prince head giving me 12K these can be turned in at any Trader as well so there's no specific protocol you have to go through with the fight wrapped up I used some of the money we' accumulated to purchase a new crossbow if you're wondering why well the lowest possible damage it can do is akin to double the maximum damage that the toothpick can hit so this should be a huge upgrade we're going to be here for a while though so I bought a small shack to store some of my gear at that being said I completely forgot I was a member of the Thieves Guild so I went into the tower and stole some better pants and a better Katana to pass the time during the night I broke into the weapon shop and stole a ton of katanas and Sabers there's way better weapons to grab but I didn't want to overdo it on my first run here a lot of the better weapons also require me to choose between a crossbow or a two-handed weapon and I don't want to do that I'm perfectly content with a smaller sword but a stronger crossbow than having a strong sword and no crossbow once the sun rose I ran off into the fog in search of the fog King hoping to test out my new gear about 30 minutes into my hunt Drew was attacked by fogman for some reason they didn't take him though which allowed double to swoop in and rescue him I set out again that afternoon after spending the morning healing up in the thieves Tower only to get demolished again this crossbow does a [ __ ] ton of damage but it takes forever to reload and shoot if you're wondering what the outcome is for letting fogman run wild well they've started eating the Shinobi guards it does feel like they've gotten significantly more aggressive the longer we've been out here it started with just capturing escaped servants and and has turned into raiding the gates of Mongrel to capture and eat the guards there really isn't much I can do at the moment though we'll just have to wait until tomorrow to continue on I kicked off day 28 by stalking some of the larger fogman parties I'd come across I'm not sure if the fog King will be actively roaming like this so it's one of those tedious tasks where you need to scan through each member of the squad on the off chance you'll actually find the king if he's even there as you can imagine this got boring really fast and I just started knocking out and assassinating fogmen one by one until they caught wind of it this led to another kiing Fiasco until they managed to incapacitate and capture Drew this is where all those days spent lockpicking came in handy while double kited most of the fogman away Drew picked the lock on his chains and was able to break free unfortunately I have the awareness of a blind goldfish and immediately started another fight with the fogman only to get captured yet again on the bright side this crossbow packs a punch I literally shot a fogman arm clean off its body while we repeated the Escape process again I noticed a massive group of fog heavies patrolling the area these dudes look like they'd up my day so I'm just going to avoid them for now anyway I was able to cheat death twice and make it back to Mongrel this time spending the rest of the day recovering two close calls is more than enough for one day day 29 brought me the largest group of fogmen I'd ever seen to be honest I was damn near certain this was what the fog King was rolling with but n it's just a [ __ ] ton of guys walking around since they were busy eating someone alive I took advantage of the distraction and started shooting at them this in turn pulled most of them towards me and allowed me to slowly pick them off one at a time as we ran around the area the crossbow is essentially a One-Shot kill now if I can land a shot in the chest or their head if I manage to hit a limb there's also a good chance I'll just shoot it clean off as well which can lead to a blood loss ko. while continuing to fall back I accidentally walked in front of another Patrol pulling them as well and almost doubling the amount of fogmen after me even after half of them gave up there were still too many to deal with resulting in me being kidnapped for a third time what this really taught me is that I need better armor what I have now is nice for the skill skill boost but it provides almost no damage mitigation I'd rather be able to survive more than two hits to the chest than be able to handle a crossbow 10% better utilizing the same strategy as yesterday I had double kite most of the fogmen up to Mongrel which caused another battle to break out between the guards and fogmen while recovering I did some research on the fog King and learned about a place called the Tower of fog located on an island to the west of us so after I healed up I packed my things and moved West to find it a more noble man would stay here and help Mongrel over come the fogman but then again Drew peacock isn't a noble man while Drew pushed West double was sent back to the hub carrying all of the stolen weapons from when we first arrived by that evening i' managed to reach the coast and even found a high Village to rest at I'll likely stay the night here since it's relatively safe and if I'm attacked I can always kite the enemies back here for assistance around this time double was attacked by fogman who chased him well outside of their jurisdiction I sent the holy Sentinel Runner out to attempt to recover double before the fogmen were able to get too far away luckily they were stopped in their tracks almost immediately since a group of cannibals discovered a new food source and ambushed them as they were walking back to their Camp funny enough double managed to escape fogman only to be immediately captured by cannibals which is even crazier because I didn't even know there were cannibal Patrols in this section of the map immediately after dealing with the cannibals I swapped back to Drew who was also attacked by cannibals this was a much more favorable fight though Drew's got main character Sy and an entire High Village to fall back on I cannot stress enough how much fun I'm having with the crossbow now too I can't believe I've been missing out on this for years now as the fight wrapped up I pushed into the cannibal camp and managed to free a prisoner healing his injuries in the process what I didn't expect however was for him to have the attitude of those alien dolls from Toy Story seriously this dude followed me for like hours until I was forced to jump into the water just to get away from him worth noting here this isn't the Clear Blue Waters of the the great desert Shoreline no this actually isn't even water it's acid all right A lot happened there let's wrap up some of those loose ends to kick off day 30 I was able to rescue double from the cannibals this was actually way easier than I thought it was going to be mainly because all of the cannibals were either dead or dying from the outcome of the fogman assault mixed with a lethal dose of bone dogs while they made their way home Drew swam from Island to Island searching for the Tower of fog surprisingly if you swim far enough away you'll find yourself in Norm water that doesn't melt your skin off your bones after spending almost the entire day swimming I came up on the next Island only to find the Western Hive this is huge since the Western Hive actually has a queen and if there's a queen well there's probably someone who's willing to pay a [ __ ] ton of cats for her head this is just a roundabout way of me saying I kidnapped the queen while swimming back to shore with her I happened upon some ruins and started looting the place unfortunately I assumed the queen would just play dead here and I could roam freely only for her to escape while I was distracted I'm really not sure where she could have ran off to but I couldn't find her anywhere all right I looked into it some and there's not really anything I could have done with her from a bounty hunter perspective so it's probably for the best while Drew continued exploring the surrounding Islands double sold most of the stolen weapons at the Hub giving us over 100,000 cats and around noon I Got a notification that I discovered a tower this has to be the Tower of fog so I started making my way over to it the island itself is kind of weird there's gorillas and Beak things on it but only sometimes and they despawn and respawn constantly so I'll need keep my guard up while I'm here that being said I did manage to kite a gorillo into the water before lighting it up and a spectacle that make the Cincinnati Zoo jealous after setting up a makeshift camp nearby I opened the tower door and snuck in only to be greeted by dozens of fogmen the best way I figured to go about this was to take the fogman On In Waves rather than all at once this is a small island so there's not much space to kite them around I'd seen a beak thing earlier so it's a bummer that it must have despawned or swam off because I totally could have used that to take take on the fogman with and then just shot it afterwards the fog men were ready for me the second time though ambushing me as I walked through the door and Ed me up before they started eating Drew alive thank God I spent the last month getting the ship beat out of me because I was literally one chest shot away from going into a coma and losing Drew for good but because he's a gigachad he was able to endure the pain while managing to break free escaping to The Far Side of the island and kicking off the second fight after slaughtering a few more fogmen I swam back to the nearby Island and set up a small camp there to recover at I woke up on day 32 to see a gorilla making its way towards me luckily it was the same one from yesterday and I was able to put him down before he reached the shoreline healed up and recharged I headed back to the tower for rounds three and four these went much the same as the first two fights with me kiting groups outside and then around the island picking them off one at the time and then executing any survivors where I looted two ancient science books as I continued up I found a specialist three shot Ranger bow and a safe along with a legendary mace the only downside is the the fog King was nowhere to be found I mean there's another Prince here so I took his head but I was really hoping the fog king would be residing here guess I was wrong though I'm just happy I came away with some decent loot it would have sucked to spend all this time out here to walk away with just another Prince head with the tower liberated I began retracing my steps back towards the shore I figured it'd be much safer to go back to that hi Village that I fought the cannibals with than go directly through Cannibal and beaking territory that being said this path is much slower it took me almost an entire day just to make it back to the abandoned research facility ruins where I lost the hive Queen at on the bright side swimming is now my highest leveled skill so that's cool Drew made it back to the hub by the morning of day 34 8 days after leaving it as soon as I was back I swapped up my Katana for an arming sword it deals less damage overall but has a plus three defense bonus instead of a minus 4 along with a 10% armor penetration instead of a minus 30 with a new crossbow and sared at my fingertips I sought out a group of dust Bandits to try them out on the triple shot bow ising awesome it do exactly what its name indicates firing three shots in Rapid succession it's not as strong as some of the other bows but if you land all three shots it can deal catastrophic damage to your enemies the sword feels good to use as well I was a little nervous since it wasn't as strong as the previous Katana but you can really feel that 40% swing in armor penetration I do want to talk about contracts though real quick I've been focusing on smaller contracts to kind of get myself situated with this play style but I still feel like I need to spend some more time grinding combat skills before I'm ready to take on some of the larger ones to prove to the rest of the world that I was a force to be reckoned with I wanted to focus on a couple major bounties High Inquisitor SATA tinfist and the Bug Master all incredibly difficult to obtain and all pose their own unique challenges my goal is to hit all of these before the end of the video but I want to do a unique fight for each Bounty for example tinfist only uses martial arts so I want to take him on and beat him with his own combat skill meaning I'll need to grind martial arts for him obviously before we get started grinding combat skills we need ammo since the triple shot bows use specific bolts I went back to Way Station and stole as much as I could before getting caught by a ninja guard I started to run before remembering that I have a specialist grade bow in which case I turned around and lit him up I'm not a monster though so I healed him up before continuing with my task there's this abandoned holy Outpost near the Hub that I wanted to check out but as I came up on it I realized that it was occupied by more dust Bandits naturally I sprinted in to get some practice with my new crossbow seriously though I don't know what it is but these shootouts are so much fun to watch for [Music] [Music] me [Music] it was only after killing most of his friends that I found the owner of this fine establishment ribs the Razer nicknamed that after discovering My Chemical Romance and his mom's razor blades is the leader of this rag teag group why they chose Detroit as a place to stay in well never know in all seriousness I kind of just sat back here and watched most of this unfold all I really wanted was a true shot at ribs see I was raised on MW2 and economic disaster where the only way to gain respect of your peers is to beat them in a 1 V one on [Music] Rust [Music] [Music] after hitting a sick 360 no scope for my final kill I took ribs inside to gather my winnings only to be greeted with more dust [Music] [Music] Bandits when all was said and done I was too wounded to attempt to run to squin so I brought ribs back with me and threw him in a cage overnight while I rested up the next morning I dropped off ribs collected my bounty and celebrated by stealing some more maps from the travel gear store since it was still early in the morning it's time to start focusing on bounties again though starting with high Inquisitor Seda in a previous Ki video I literally just recruited an army and raided the city slaughtering everyone this time I have like three dudes one of them being cat who's basically just some boner who spends most of his time trying to teach everyone what an nft is I'm getting off topic though what I'm trying to say is I'm undermanned so I need to think of a different plan other than brute forcing my way into the city what I came up with was send Drew in Agro Seda and then pull him out into the fields where double and Cat will be waiting with bows they can shoot down anyone chasing and from there we can just all out brawl for Seda oh and if you're wondering where the holy Sentinel went he got eaten alive by a beak thing off screen because I'm [ __ ] and forgot to hit record anyway I gave this a test run just to see how close I could get to SATA before pulling the entire city I made it into the HQ building and even started knocking out the guards putting them in cages before SATA took one look at me and administered Antonio Brown levels of CTE needless to say I spent the rest of the day unconscious dreaming up Candy Mountain and some talking unicorns during the night on day 37 I realized West Dragon was still caged here I broke her out and used her as a distraction while I searched for my gear only to be immediately recaptured I broke out again a few hours later but I have no clue what happened to all of my weapons which is a [Music] bummer with only one guard still chasing me I decided to just bite the bullet and try to practice my karate on him resulting in another ass beating this is what Double's for we do need another runner for the future though I was going to recruit another hungry Bandit but as I was picking one out a dust Bandit attacked me so I just went with them instead day 38 was a nice change of pace the only big thing that happened was that cat was attacked while working on strength training so I sent Drew in to help [Music] with that fight over I had Drew pick up cat and ended up spending the rest of the day just training strength going from 33 to 40 it's no secret that my combat skills are lacking and crossbows can only get you so far that being said I have an idea it's not a great one or even a good one to be honest but it's certainly an idea at the way station to the west of squin Lies the band of Bones and their leader Tor of The Fearless some of you can see where I'm going with this I made it to Way Station that morning and was in a good mood so I bought a bar Thug a drink unfortunately he was too drunk to realized that I'm not trying to hear Grandpa's PTSD War Stories and proceeded to tell me his own personal story of the bugman master that evening I began making my way down to the band of Bones Camp as I came up on him Tor just straight up charged me and well to be honest she [ __ ] me up I didn't stand a chance but that's kind of the [Music] point round two went about the exact same if it wasn't painfully obvious my plan is to kite one or two of these guys at a time and then continue to get my ass kicked until I win a fight and then two and then three it'll take some serious time but eventually I'll start to see some pretty solid Improvement I gave myself 5 days to see just how much progress I can make and to be honest I was pretty happy with the [Music] results I was able to get my Katana from 28 to 31 and yes that's low but there's a reasoning for it Cal your tits my melee attack went from 30 to 40 defense went from 43 to 51 and toughness went from 44 to 61 my gatana skill was so minimal because after around a day of working on it I switched over to a Gladius that i' had stolen from Mongrel a few weeks ago this in turn brought my skill with Savers from 1 all the way to 28 now I totally get 5 days is a long time to grind comat like this but it was also necessary whenever Drew would go down or need to rest for a few hours to heal I would simply swap over to CAD and work on his skill with a crossbow I started out with just Bandits but figured pretty early on that I could start pulling a few paladins at a time from stack and working through them while doing that on the morning of day 45 I was able to recover my old Katana that was taken from Drew a few days ago which I thought was really cool like instead of confiscating your weapons the guards will just straight up steal them with that covered I began my final assault on the band of Bones Drew may be wounded but I've I've been slowly bleeding these guys for the past 5 days now Ming and even killing a few of them I think I'm going to stick with the Gladius for now too it just feels way more satisfying to use at the [Music] moment with the camp all dead or dying I scooped up Torah and ran back to squin to turn in another Bounty from there I spent a few hours at the bar recovering before running out to the way station near the Hub to steal some more bolts we hit stack that night starting with the three guards trying to return to base that cat had attacked that morning honestly I'm not quite sure what I was expecting to happen I think going into it I was just hoping for a quick and easy takedown just peppering Seda with arrows until he bled out out what ended up happening was pretty much the exact opposite double and Cat were taken prisoner within an hour of the fight starting and Drew was captured about an hour after that I was able to drop the bows before being captured though so our important weapons are sitting right outside for us once everyone was somewhat healed I broke out and started kidnapping guards well guard they all aggroed me after I got the first one but I did manage to escape actually Escape is a strong word it was more like I took a nice stroll through the sand and fired a couple arrows before getting my chest caved in and taken back to a cave while I waited for that to heal cat escaped and broke out west Dragon for the second time about 15 minutes after that cat took a bolt that almost killed him this was essentially the loop of the day we'd Escape fight a couple guards get captured and [Music] repeat I finally got into a rhythm that evening and managed to take down a few more guards in the process and even managed to set up a small camp for the group to heal at in between fights Drew was able to get out of captivity which really pissed s off because he took one look at cat and the rest was history that was one of the first times I actually had an O [ __ ] moment in kenhi and it felt like the game knew it too because s and his guards completely wiped double and Drew taking double back to a cell I would have liked to give cat a proper funeral sure I barely knew him and they really only joined with us because I saved his life and he owed me but it was still a bit sad to see him go out like that over a 40K bounty to had insult to injury a bone dog started gnawing on his corpse as the sun rose the slavers came walting through picking up Drew I noticed they'd also grabbed West Dragon so she managed to escape the holy nation only to get immediately captured again and turned into a slave after being carried around for like 7 hours the slave mongers were attacked by a pack of phone dogs which gave drew the opportunity to escape but not before he freed West Dragon back outside of Stack I targeted the bone dogs in the area in order to prevent them attacking me while I slept and partially as revenge for them eating cat [Music] I also got my revenge on a slaver I even tried to break double out again but he was dropped almost instantly I did get to fight some guards out of it [Music] though the unfortunate part is that I'm running out of ammo and had to switch bows to compensate [Music] by around 1:00 a.m. all of the guards were either knocked out from blood loss or were actively bleeding out and dying at this point I started slowly pushing into the city which went about exactly as as you'd expect it to at least I was able to drop off my gear before they captured me I broke Drew out later that night after spending the entire day trying to heal up this is basically how the next few days would go I would Escape take out a few guards get knocked out and then either get taken prisoner or left in a coma wake up and repeat if I was using a controller it'd be through theing wall by this point this was so frustrating to deal with while duking it out with s on the morning of day 52 I almost got him like seriously this is probably the weakest I'd ever gotten him down to only to be recaptured after messing up one single time and taking a shot to the chest [Music] again this happened a few more times until finally after almost seven straight days of getting my ass whooped I managed to drop s with like 50 bolts to his body dude was out here putting up a Boromir level Last Stand with thousands of cats worth of bolts sticking out of him I wasn't taking any chances with him though as soon as I realized he was out I scooped him up and brought him back to the hub almost immediately after taking SATA prisoner the Shacks went on their big push taking over The Hub by the time Drew had woken up the next morning I tried to find someone in the hub that would accept the Bounty but all I got was a sop story from kjo the ogre [Music] Slayer since I can't cash out the Bounty here I took SATA down to squin to rot alongside the DUS King for the rest of his life the shs aren't around though they've just started slaughtering all of the Outlaws in the hub [ __ ] was crazy like overnight just Walton set up an HQ and just instantly began the process of quote unquote restoring order at this point though I've been spending most of my time in the center of the map so I think it's time to begin branching out east ins s of some other unique bounties and legendary gear by the end of day 53 I'd managed to make my way to shark located in the heart of the swamp lands I was hoping to find some type of cool unique weapon here but unfort fortunately there wasn't really anything worth grabbing I feel like I've said it a lot recently but I'm going to keep saying it keni is such a beautiful game some of the Cinematic shots you can grab from just exploring are Immaculate there's very few games that can pull stuff off like this in my opinion and they knock it out of the park anyway day 54 was all about exploration I made it to Flats Lagoon early that morning and after purchasing several Maps I made my way over to the bar where I was greeted by this Abomination I mean his name is literally not a skeleton oh dear God it was around this time that I decided to head somewhere that I've never been before the ashlands are just to the east of us and are home to well some of the greatest monstrosities that kenhi has to offer it also features some ancient ruins that hold some of the greatest gear in the game how can I call myself the greatest Bounty Hunter if I don't have the greatest gear that's just silly there's also this strip where sniper Bots just roam the area shooting anyone or anything they see like land bats for example [Music] during my aimless wanderings I stumbled onto a crumbling laboratory that's when I saw it the one the only King gorillo in terms of scale it looks like it's 15 times larger than the average gorillo and that's horrifying if that wasn't bad enough I walked into the abandoned building only to be greeted by killer robot spiders as a serious arachnophobe I can honestly admit I damn near pissed myself when I saw these things that being said I was able to regain my composure and come up with a master plan of B the Terminator spiders over to the king gillo allowing them to engage in the Epic King Kong crossover that nobody asked for the trick here was to Wing shots at whoever was winning I wanted both of them to incapacitate the other at the same time finally Target the king Guerilla while the spiders will Waltz over and Slaughter me but if I only target the scary robot spiders well that same King gorillo is going to put me under the [Music] Earth [Music] after successfully taking out both sets of enemies I called double to loot the place those weren't the only spiders though so I got to work kiting a few around the research facility winging shots at them while trying to keep my distance similar to the paladins and inquisitors of Stack these guys targeted my legs and once you take a leg shot you're cooked after regaining Consciousness I made the plan to just sit across the acid water and wait not sure if a mod added these guys in or if this is supposed to be in the vanilla game but while leaving flat legon double came across a group of Karate Kid wannabes called gorillo Bandits do you recognize that player model looks strikingly similar to a certain character model from the first few weeks almost like a gorillo character model unfortunately MMA is no match for swords and bolts leaving the entire gang bleeding out at the steps of the [Music] city [Music] only a few hours after that I got to witness my first Leviathan and holy are these things huge I've seen them in other people's playthroughs but this is the first time I've ever gotten to see one for myself and God damn I do not want to with those things I also got to witness a group of skeleton Bandits take on a herd of land bats I'm not sure what the lore is on these guys but they have cool masks so I executed one and stole a mask for double now that he's all dripped out all that's left to do is reach Drew and then hang out while he does the Dirty Work of kiting metal death spiders around for a few [Music] hours with all of the spiders taken care of I pushed into the final floor where the loot room was held without without even touching the loot room these spiders alone have made me around 150,000 cats just from the AI cores not a bad haul the loot room has some generator cores medical supplies and ancient science books which are all I really care about with the lab looted I tossed everything into Double's bag and sent him back to Flats Lagoon while Drew set off to investigate a secret drug Farm hoping to get Gus Springs autograph this has been a big learning experience for me not only are there King gorillas there's also black gorillas they're similar to the white ones just a little bigger faster and they seem to generally know how to season their food a bit better Drew made it to the drug farm that afternoon expecting a massive facility but ending up with a GTA weed farm instead glad to see the expansion of Tegrity farms in neni has been going well even after that little pit stop Drew still managed to beat double back to Flats Lagoon selling the AI cores and CPU units brings us up to 283,000 cats before I dropped 55k on Ancient science books and packed up to return to the hub most of day 57 was spent recovering from the PTSD we just endured over the last 2 days it's a good thing I decided to come back here though considering I have two caged prisoners just slowly dying of starvation anyway looking at the bounties I still want to get through I settled on tinfist as my next Target I want to believe that a more honorable man would fight alongside tinfist considering he's basically leading the anti-slave movement across kenchi but there's something about that 100K Bounty that I just can't pass up on outside of that I recruited the cage dust boss so that I could have a runner for any holy nation bounties tinfist is located way out in stoby's game gble so I sent Drew on his way there I know I said I wanted to use martial arts on him but I don't think I have that kind of time to train it up so I'm going to really rely on my crossbow to get close to him and then take him on 1 V one in combat with my Katana it's been a few minutes so here's another reminder that kenchi is absolutely gorgeous while on my way I noticed an occupied building marker pop up on the map so I made a quick pit stop over there turns out Torah isn't the only Bounty from the band of Bones Xander is the leader of of this group but it's still weird of me to see them this far east this is one of those rare instances where beak things actually likely saved my life since the band of Bones switched Focus over to them allowing me to hide in Xander's house with the fight wrapped up I continued on my way to Flats Lagoon if you're not all that concerned about the bandits or the wild beak things or leviathans may I interest you in godray death beams from outer [Applause] [Music] space after spending the night sitting at the bar and flats the Goon I've thought about it and you know what it we're going to grind martial arts because I'll be damned if I devoid myself and you guys of an honest MMA fight who knows maybe we'll even get Joe Rogan to commentate it in all seriousness I need gear so I broke into the Armory and stole some clothing that gave me an additional eight levels in martial arts to help me get started the only place I could think to go for some honest training was Shem since there's no shortage of hungry or dust Bandits roaming the area I probably could have gone back to the hub but with the Shacks controlling the area I feel like the chances of finding Bandits hanging around anymore are slim at best worst case I can always go back to Xander's Hut and just get my ass kicked until I finally win a fight similar to how I did with Sabers and katanas a few weeks ago while roaming I came across a group of weak throws and chased them while Naruto running behind them eventually I managed to knock out one and separate it from the rest of the group using it to grind out some early levels I'd like to be able to tell you this was an epic 1V one but in reality it was more like two retards fighting after spending a few hours kicking the [ __ ] out of this thing I realized that I need a more difficult opponent you don't get nearly as much xp if you're fighting someone weaker than you so I began the quest of hunting dust Bandits the only problem is that they usually travel in larger groups and isolating one can be a massive pain in the ass I also forgot a splint kit making it nearly impossible to use my limbs once they were [Music] damaged I'm just spending a another night recovering in Flats Lagoon I made my way back to Shem this time carrying a sleeping bag and a spling kit I didn't find any dust Bandits but I did walk into a group of triangle Bandits sparking what was about to be the ass kicking of a century I managed to take some of them out with a crossbow before they got too close but ultimately was left beaten and unconscious in the [Music] sand this wasn't the ass kicking I was referring to though no that's coming see I managed to find a Smuggler's bar out in the middle of nowhere and used that as a makeshift base of operations while I began my training for some reason this is a popular Crossway in the desert for the likes of a hungry Bandits triangle Bandits and dust Bandits alike these groups all stand on business so all I had to do was wait until they kick the [ __ ] out of each other before going into clean up the scraps the only downside of this region is the amount of beak things roaming the area it seems like there's always at least one that shows up after a fight ends it helps that I'm beginning to master this crossbow and it packs a serious punch so I can often times just get them pretty weak before they even realize what's happening this may be a little Psychopathic but I also started healing the wounded Bandits so that I could keep farming them even taking the liberty of placing them in the beds at the bar so they could heal faster fights like this went on for a while training MMA in kenchi is slow at at least in the beginning when you can't hit [ __ ] and subsequently get smacked around by [Music] everything eventually I started a small camp just outside of the bar where I could place triangle Bandits after putting them in comas this way I could ensure that I always had a supply of bodies to train on and could effectively control who I fought and when I fought them whenever I ran into Times where they were all in comas I would just start hunting beak things to pass the time over the next 4 days I was able to level my martial arts skill from 6 to 23 it's not great but I looked at it as a big bump for something as simple as fighting wounded Bandits I wasn't entirely sold on this method though and ended up finding a group of dust Bandits camped nearby since triangle Bandits weren't quite cutting it I spent five more days focusing on Dust Bandits and was able to bring my all the way up to 61 way better than that measly 17 levels in the previous 5 days that being said this was starting to get boring and the longer I worked on leveling this the less time I had to hunt down tinfist before we get to that though it only seemed right to purchase a cowboy hat because well duh that evening we left Flats lagoons to begin our hunt I will say having spent a few days in this area stoby's gamble is easily one of my favorite places in kenchi it just feels so desolate and hopeless here like you're not supposed to to be here the atmosphere feels alien-like and I love that by the morning of day 71 I had marked an unknown city on the map and started working my way towards it there's a lot of Meandering through the mountains here which was really cool and reminded me a ton of the battle of thermopolymerization self now normally I just say and try to kidnap him but it's literally impossible we also need to take into account that he's viewed as a God here there's no way to aggro him without essentially declaring war on the entire city whose population all have late game character stats seriously most of these guys would win straight up in a 1V one so I'd like to avoid that if possible the best idea I could come up with was to send out the group to a neighboring City in hopes of recruiting mercenaries I don't plan on them actually doing all that much but I really just need them to distract the extras while we f focus on tinfist while the dust boss made his way to Flats Lagoon I sent Drew out to mour to see if I could hire anyone there unfortunately there's nothing in mour that I can use while that was going on I was able to find and hire a group of mercs from flatz Lagoon but there's only two of them ultimately I have a grand total of two hired mercs for this assault having sat on it for a few minutes I think I have a plan I'll set up a trap at the base of the mountain with the mercs and the runners there's also a group of land bats nearby that I can kite over while that's going on Drew will run in and add gr tinfist this should end up triggering him and all of his allies to chase Drew down if he's fast enough the goal is to make it to the bottom of the mountain where they'll walk directly into a sea of land bats allowing us to Wing shots at them while they take on these Abominations well it kind of worked both of the Merks got dropped right away but I was able to take out some of the more skilled guards [Music] I tried this method two more times but the lamb bats were less and less effective resulting in us getting [ __ ] stomped I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be able to do this to be honest it makes sense in the vanilla game since every fight is a 1 V one but I'm running the five attack slots mod meaning you can engage in a 1v5 fight which kind of just makes this impossible for the first time in this playthrough I had to come to grips with the fact that I was simply not good enough to take on this bounty to had insult to injury we almost got entirely wiped out by land bats and gorillas while trying to make it [Music] home most of day 74 was spent making their return Journey to the [Music] hub when I finally made it back I noticed that the shecks were fighting some of cra's chosen so I kidnapped and began converting the down enemies while that was going on I sent Drew to squin to begin recruiting some new members my goal is to amass a large Squad of wannabe assassins and train them to become masters with a crossbow which we'll use on the bugs that the Bug Master keeps around that being said we currently have more pressing matters to deal with like the fact that she guards began assaulting us I'm assuming it's because they hate Crow's Chosen and now that they're in my faction they hate us by extension but I'm not entirely Shir while the recruits hit in the base I continued my conversion tour recruiting several shs from squin before grabbing a couple more men from Way Station by the time the sun rose the she had gone completely insane with power struggle over the Hub assaulting the Shinobi thieves Tower killing or maming most of the guards this isn't a winnable fight and after seeing the writing on the wall I set up a small camp just outside of the Hub before going in and rescuing each down member one at a time having saved most of the crew and our gear we just need ammo for the bows which means it's back to Way Station where I stole a [ __ ] ton of triple shot bolts before recruiting two more men with the Hub now operating in a police state the only place I could think to move to was Flats Lagoon we're going to need to put in some serious training but I have a plan for that and flats Lagoon has a ranger shop so I shouldn't need to have to worry about Ammo anymore that being said we need to make it there first doesn't help that when you get swarmed by Bandits and all your new recruits have never seen combat before let alone fire to bow at someone the settled nomad camp is nearby though so my goal was to get everyone there regroup and continue on Wards before that though we're going to have to deal with all the bandits attacking [Music] us it took almost an entire day but by noon on day 77 I formed two groups composed of people who could walk and the cripples I sent anyone who could walk with double while keeping Drew back with the three who couldn't walk so that he could guard guard them until they were healed about 2 hours after Double's group left Drew set off with his team crossbows are becoming my favorite thing in the game period they're so satisfying to use especially when you get some decent levels in them and can pull off moments like this where you can have a character quite literally taking out aggressors while your group runs for safety in other news Double's group was busy getting their asses whooped by a group of triangle Bandits it's not that bad though since this will help the new guys build up some toughness by that night we were all grouped up and back on the move together again by day 78 I'd made it to Flat Theon and purchased a shack where I built out some general storage I also bought most of the guy bows and bolts before finally running out of money it's crazy to think that at one point I had almost 300K just sitting in my bank and now I can't even afford 500 Cat bolts we'll make back some of the cash though so I'm not all that worried about it I've got other things in my mind like crossbow training you see we're not just hanging out here for nothing no I need to get these guys trained up and the best way to do that in mass is to find a leviathan and pepper it with bolts the hardest part of this wasn't even fighting a leviathan it was simply getting everyone lined up in a way that they didn't just ball up and shoot each other in the back of the [Music] head and just like that we've got our first Leviathan kill in the back they also have these pearls that you can Loot and sell for 12K a pop so that'll end up funding our bolt needs I'm going to do this for a couple days though and see what we can get everyone up to after spending 2 days doing nothing but shooting copious amounts of bolts into leviathans we'd run out of ammo while also managing to severely injure several members of the squad because of this we decided to head back to flats for the day to heal up and rearm while everyone rested I had Drew break into the ranger shop and steal dozens of Bolt Packs along with three more specialist bows all right back to the Leviathan [Music] montage [Music] [Music] a [Music] while roaming the lands in search of more leviathans to eliminate I came across some witches at a camp but they're not alone ggers are something straight out of a nightmare despite the assumptions that you may have gathered from their names they are not in fact Mia Khalifa fans instead they look kind of like when Gerald tried to become a dolphin in that one South Park episode mixed with the aliens from Destroy All Humans they look horrifying but they're actually incredibly weak and frail which allowed us to take over the entire Camp within a few hours I mean it also helps that we had a capability to just send volley after volley into them before they could even take a step in our Direction this place is home to the Crone I'm not sure what the lore is about this guy so any kenshi experts please feel free to add any necessary contact down in the comments anyway I threw him in one of the cages with plans to bring him back to redeem the bounty on that evening I noticed a strange fight between some ggers skeleton Bandits crab Raiders and some crabs naturally I couldn't help it and had to join in the fight as well by the next morning most of the group was still recovering so I figured now would be the perfect time to give you the MMA fight you thought you were going to get with tinfist that wasn't really much of a fight so we'll I guess we'll try again later while everyone else healed up I sent Drew out to explore he didn't make it all that far before he came across this creepy Outpost of skinwalkers no not the little demon things on that ranch out in Utah these things are skeleton robots who wear human skin suits to make themselves feel like humans and some straight up Silence of the Lamb [ __ ] and it was a real shock to see something so [ __ ] up seemingly out of the blue this game continues to surprise me I trusted my training at this point and pushed into one of the buildings to find Savon who appears to be the leader holding an 80k bounty on his head there's a safe nearby that I was able to pick the lock on revealing a powerful weapon and some more skin suits upstairs there's a peeler machine which does exactly what you think it does there's also a Masterwork skeleton arm up here but it's for a right arm so I don't have much use for it and I didn't want to take the extra weight seeing as I was one mistake away from becoming a permanent resident here speaking of residents there's 52 lunatics here but I really want a shot at that Bounty so I made plans to come back with the squad when everyone was healed up and ready to go till then here's another quick one one against [Music] Crone I still need to turn in his contract so my plan was to head back drop off the Bounty rear and then come back out to take on Savon and his army of skeleton meat [Music] bags unfortunately day 86 was an absolute [ __ ] shell it all started after I lost a fight to a group of skeleton Bandits and two black gorillas resulting in the Crone Breaking Free and running off somewhere we're in bad shape at the moment and only having one sleeping bag isn't doing us many favors I chose to set up a small camp and then grab Drew and anyone else who could walk and started sending them on runs back to Flats with anyone they could carry during this process a group of drone guards passed through and decided that we would make for some fantastic sacrifices this was one of those instances where the enemy of your enemy is your friend as a group of skeleton Bandits came through and absolutely steamrolled the Drone guards before they could kidnap [Music] anyone I think it's obvious though if we stay here we will die I made the decision to pack up and keep moving towards flat even if we could only move at a walking pace if I can be honest about this predicament this was one of the only times I was actually nervous about losing the group considering we were effectively one land bat herd away from getting completely wiped luckily for us that didn't happen and we were able to make it back to FL Lagoon by around 5:00 a.m. on day 87 we're out of food though so I'll need to steal some due to all the trauma we ended up renting out almost every bed at the bar which I thought was extensive on the bright side we'll never have to worry about food again by the next morning everyone was mostly healed up and ready to party I gave everyone some ration packs and a [ __ ] ton of bolts and sent them on their way back to skin house HQ funny enough land bats actually almost crashed the party before we even got started we made it back to the witch huts on the morning of day 89 with plans to use this as a base camp since it has two beds in each building it looks like the Crone came back here after he escaped back on day 86 as well and he's got a new look going on I feel sorry for the bandits who came across this [Music] lunatic [Music] with grown taken care of we rested for a few hours before making our way to the skinh house HQ after spending a few hours trying to thin the herd I managed to kill a whopping one Skinwalker before accidentally alerting the entire group to our location I also forgot to set the crossbow men to hold and they all just kind of sprinted in resulting in most of them getting pummeled into the dirt the aftermath was a predicament in and of itself they were able to kidnap both doubles placing them in the peelers luckily Drew was able to recover both and get the group out back to the witch's Huts to recover let go while everyone else was recovering I chose to send Drew back in to take on Savon alone it's obvious that we couldn't take these guys in a head-on fight but a 1 V one in the middle of the night I'm taking that every time of course that doesn't mean that it necessarily needs to be a fair fight though [Music] having successfully beaten and kidnapped sabon I set a marker for Hank the only city that I know is controlled by the United cities the biggest challenge here would be walking through some of the more difficult territories in the game in order to get [Music] there land bat attacks were common during this cross country Journey if it wasn't landb though it was large groups of skeleton Bandits who' beat us into submission with most of the squad incapacitated oron fled into the hills somehow taking all of the bandits with him this was a Bittersweet moment on one hand I felt terrible that this poor recruit with two broken arms was essentially being hunted down by Psychopathic Killers unable to fight back but on the other hand this saved our entire Squad see the skeleton Bandits were so busy chasing him that they completely forgot about the rest of the group I wish I could say that that was the end of this though but I'd be lying about 2 hours after the skeleton Bandit attack a group of large triangle Bandits came passing through and stopped to join in on the fun by the end of the battle Drew was the only one still standing with everyone else either bleeding out or in a coma during this engagement oron was captured and slaughtered by the skeleton Bandits offc screen I decided to set up camp here utilizing my sole sleeping bag as a way to heal the party members who were closest to recovering from their coma that way they could help carry the others but it's not a skeleton or triangle Bandit it's another wave of land bats Drew has been the true hero of this endeavor almost single-handedly holding off Bandits and beasts alike another lbat attack happened in the afternoon undoing most of our progress from the day which was incredibly frustrating it was around this time that I made the decision call me selfish but a bounty hunter's got to look out for himself if Drew stays here he's going to die I mean he's the only one capable of surviving out here but he's also only one man trying to protect a whole team of wounded underleveled and undergeared recruits on top of that he's running out of ammo and no one else is carrying the bolt he needs for his crossbow I did get some pretty immediate reassurance that I made the right decision when a guerillo attacked the group around 30 minutes later Kong tried to save everyone only to get dropped in one shot as if this day couldn't get much worse another wave of triangle Bandits made their way over steamrolling anyone who was standing and stealing all of the remaining food from the group by that evening Drew had made it back to Flats Lagoon and was able to stock up on more more bolts and general supplies before setting off for hang when all hope was lost for a rag tag wannabe assassins who else to save the day if not for a group of bounty hunters roaming the plains was unfortunately all for nothing though as the group was attacked again just an hour or so later at this point I'd sent the other double to go rescue the OG since he seemed to have been [Music] abandoned during the night Kong Lost a leg while defending the group which will likely lead to his death by day 93 I changed Focus to just sending out anyone who could run with the goal of making it back to Flats I was willing to cut my losses here even sacrificing one of Crow's chosen who was missing an arm so that the other member could have a Fighting Chance by that afternoon the OG double was back on the Move though his arm was still completely destroyed Drew was attacked by slave Hunters that are on midnight on Day 94 which kind of put the whole journey into retrospective for me it's crazy to think that these guys were terrifying to deal with 90 days ago anyway with the slave Hunters out of the way Drew made it to heft that morning and turned in Savon redeeming his 80k Bounty there wasn't really much left to do at this point I didn't want to take on another large contract since I don't think we have enough time to get into that so instead I focused on getting everyone back to Safety in total only two members were lost from the trip to hell oron and one of Crow's chosen both of them having sacrificed themselves to keep everyone else safe normally I'd end on day 100 here but while I was grabbing some closing shots I came across the Citadel prison after sneaking in I found a [ __ ] ton of bountied prisoners here who knows maybe this will end up being a little sneak peek for next time a big thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring this video a quick reminder to those of you who are new or haven't played in the last 6 months using the link in the description or pinned comment will give access to a massive Bonus Pack across all platforms including multiple premium Vehicles in-game currency and so much more regardless here's what I was able to get Drew's skills up to not bad considering a 100 days ago we were laying face down in the sand Miss missing an arm with no clue as to how I was going to make it through this challenge if you're still watching I just wanted to say thank you it means a lot to me I've been doing this fulltime for about a year now and it's still so surreal to me just trying to enjoy the ride while I'm still on it but until next time I appreciate you all stay safe and thanks for stopping [Music] by
Channel: ThatGuyPredz
Views: 107,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Predz, Preds, That Guy Predz, PZ, Kenshi, KenshiGameplay, Kenshi2, Kenshi Modded, Kenshi Mods, Kenshi 100, Kenshi 100 Days, 100 Days, 100Days, Kenshi Bounty, Kenshi Bounty Hunter, Bounties
Id: hr3ESk_cgHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 23sec (5423 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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