Kenshi | Solo Holy Nation Citizen | No Mining

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so this is the holy nation citizen solo start and I think it's one of the more interesting starts that we can have from a sort of role play-like perspective when we are deciding what our objectives are other than just walking around by ourselves and beating stuff up uh because without a sort of fixed Point as to what we're trying to go for uh you know it can be a little not stale but it just kind of gets very samey um if you start as a fella you're going to have a pretty decent time of it if you start as a woman well let us just say that the holy nation is you know they're not quite up to speed uh with things so that's sort of like the hard mode of a hilly Nation citizen restart but also kind of opens up for some more interesting things which all Yap at you a bit later on however what we want to do is start making some money because we want to start getting geared up and getting into the action as soon as we can so whether or not we start in stack or bad teeth the first place we want to go is right down in here you're gonna have the Tiny Village you're gonna have what's called a the holy nation Outpost which is not an outpost it's a ruin so that the map kind of lies to you there and in between them is a way station so we can basically pop back and forth to sell it makes it super super quick however there's a lot of crap there so we need a backpack which we're going to come back here to stack to get you know providing the spawns in but uh first things first I'm going to go there I'm going to show you where those particular places are at and just kind of show you some of those immediate quick cats that uh you know we can get get ourselves started with so I will cut ahead to that Save You All some of this walking time and I'll be right back okay just to sort of show how safe a start this is uh we're being chased by hungry Bandits our Athletics is only at four so I mean we've been running for a whopping you know 30 seconds and you know they're not they're not doing anything to us so you just keep moving and you're gonna be just fine okay so as you can see we are down here now there's the weigh station it's going to be a nice place to rent to if Bandits are chasing us tiny settlement over here and when you initially get here it'll say you know holy nation Outpost as you get closer it'll actually update to ruined all the Outpost and as you can see it is definitely in Ruins um from a sort of role play perspective I kind of find this interesting as far as looting it because if I'm like a paladin hopeful and I'm trying to get some you know some rep with with the holy nation I can you know my excuse for looting this is that I am reclaiming lost stuff and somehow that is good doesn't matter but what does matter is all these weapons weapons are good we want weapons some of these we want to keep for ourselves Maybe uh you know we've got a ton of long cleavers uh Felicity Club we're going to pick that up uh ninja blade so already we're going to be getting ourselves a fair bit of uh starting cash from this so seems to be a lot more weapons here than I recall last time I don't know how static of a spawn those are but uh and we'll you know we'll take it so as you can see here some of these will sell for a decent price inventory is pretty much full which is good because uh we're gonna need that cats but already we have just from this place alone we have a lot of different weapons that we can choose from to start out with so we're going to have katanas whatever blunt weapons we have our hacking weapons so we were just about covered obviously except for you know a few here but if we are playing that holy nation I'm trying to rock with us paladins rocking weapon wise this is actually a pretty good start for us okay so here we are at the tiny settlement and as you can see there is a lot here to loot and this is the reason why I really like having a wooden backpack is because so much of these things are stackable and they are going to get up to easily stacks of nine in here so we can actually clean this place out in a far fewer trips than you might think so you can see here um we've got some Toppers these are also what seem to be more spawns that I'm used to so again I don't know if over at that uh at The Outpost that some of those funds were just if they're static if I just wasn't paying attention the last few times looked over there that's obviously very possible but between those two spots I mean we've got all kinds of weapons that we can choose from and that's obviously going to help out our starting build quite a bit but as you can see I've got a lot here to do we will be selling to the weigh station just because it's so close usually I go to stack for a backpack but I looked out at the waste Station this time and that's where I found the the all-important Traders wooden backpack and that's really important because of that fancy little sun shade so obviously you don't want to be walking around getting a you know getting a sunburn so I'm going to loot this place up and I'll show you the results of that so as you can see uh we're already at 12 000 cats so that is not bad with the wooden backpack it only took me two trips to take literally every single thing that was at the time of settlement so it takes no time at all so we have more than enough money for some food and some basic medical which always a good idea we're not quite up to the fancy stuff like bread yet so we're just going to stick with some dried meat but importantly we've also found a bunch of tools there so those can still for quite a bit or we can hold on to them in case we come across some something that's locked that we want to get access to so we can sell those anytime we want so we may as well hold on to them you can obviously buy some here but we got some for free a sleeping bag is always a good idea to buy should probably always be Roman with that but for the moment we're gonna we're gonna play a little risky because we're still in the loop phase as you can see just from a brief stint right running back and forth or Athletics not too shabby our strength from carrying some stuff it's okay which obviously eventually will uh you know they'll need to be higher ones for an armor to you know move around effectively but so far we're basically pretty dang comfy right now as far as not worrying about food or a place to stay but we're not quite done yet because there is another uh another place to to reclaim it's going to be up in here which is not a bad deal because it's going to be right next to a place where we can sell it to so I'm going to run up that way and uh share what we get when we get there okay so as you can see here on the map we are at the holy mine ruin so that's just basically North of uh kind of where we were and you'll see when we uh kind of look around as to what kind of goodies are here it's a lot of your standard iron plates building materials Etc what's nice about that again it's all going to stack in our wooden backpack so this is probably maybe two trips and it's all you know every single thing's been looted so as you can see where you know 11.6 K on the cats and then I'll show you kind of what we're looking at uh when we're done find yourself getting chased by some Bandits one of the things that makes this start so relatively safe is just how many friendly places there are to run ban this and anything attacking you too such as this holy mine so uh we're gonna do these band this dispensed here pretty quickly maybe getting a few hits ourselves and that's going on oh yeah I mean this was a question about right here baseball swing there it is there's our backup boom did you see all these crumpled like a noodle uh thank you fellow acronite brothers and it's easy to be a little you know a couple stat boosts a little toughness we'll take it all every single bit we can get we are glad to have and I think if this one has any sandals they don't alas I was hoping to get ourselves a free pair of sandals but that's okay you don't need them they're just really handy of course we are very limpy but that's the risk we take okay so we have finished looting up the holy mine ruin because of our wooden backpack and everything in there being stackable it took literally two trips to take every single thing that was not nailed down I definitely want to sell them bad teeth you can sell endocrine Shield but all they have there is the hospital and he does not carry a lot of cats on them so that would be a lot of waiting so just popping over a bad teeth to do it as you can see just over 19k on cats that's pretty good I did sell the tools because you know they were heavy and I can I can always get them if I need them um but right now we deserve to get ourselves some uh are we feeling bread I'm feeling some bread we deserve we deserve a couple loaves of bread so it's expensive knocked us down a bit but that's okay because as Billy Mays would say but wait there is more now for you uh for you awkwardness out there I really need you to sit down when I tell you this because I don't I don't know how you're gonna you know how you're gonna handle it but you know where rebirth is up here well the all the slaves go to do their holy glorious work which you may not know is just North of it on the other side of the mountain range there is a small house set up by uh hell now you know what it's a good thing I can't remember their names because it would be blasphemy to know their names but I do know their headquarters is right up here but what they've done here is set up food and clothes in in gear in all things that an escaped slave might need um we can't obviously allow that to happen we need to reclaim that and ensure that uh you know the slaves stay in rebirth where they can work in in Penance for whatever things they may have done right so we're going to take care of that guys don't worry I you know you can stand back up now it's a little bit of a run but that's okay I think it's going to be worth it and it kind of fits within the role play idea of uh you know a paladin hopefully he's going out there doing all he can uh to to get the the favor of the Holy Phoenix so so we are at the alone Shack um I'd suggest manually moving yourself around this way if you try to Auto path it'll try to get you in rebirth you sort of bounce around a little bit so yeah just move yourself around here but here we are this time for us to see all the goodies that uh you know they've been scrolling away for all these Escape slaves and as you can see we can loot it all there is food so we're going to take that bread because we are a hungry boy and we're gonna see what's in here as you can see medical you've got some unique books to read um wouldn't catch these on you I think that's a big No-No for the faction so maybe you don't want to do that but uh it's definitely part of you know of of the lore of the story um and I think it really fits in with the holy nation start as to giving you focus so you can read those at your leisure but check this out whoa uh okay I don't know what happened there that that's everything okay well uh I'm just gonna I say before I got here so I'm gonna reload and let's see what happens please be gentle mighty kenshi please be gentle you can load I know you can do it I believe in you know stuff from the rooftop still there my I'm there somewhere I promise you do it ah we're getting there there it goes wow okay that was uh that was I'm on a necessity it was weird okay please all the goodies be there okay you're here hurray so uh I will take that bread so as you can see this one's looks like it's a bit of a static spawn which is nice we're not going to say no to Reliable loot okay this time you know I'm gonna do that check us out we've got some uh it's not good armor but it's not no armor and look at that we got some Ninja Rags we're going to take those because that's great more medical a lot more food we'll take those cats it's a hacksaw we'll take that to sell if you're a slave obviously you can cut off your shackles with that as you can see though plenty of sleeping bags we can sleep here if we want this is a low level lock so yeah I've got nothing in lock picking I was able to I'm going to be able to pick this that's good yeah I don't know take a while but that's okay you can do it I believe you can get in there so it's the weapon cabinet so there'll be probably some kind of Catan I think it's usually like the ninja blades if I recall correctly anytime now you can do it stage fright or you know performance anxiety when I'm not recording this is like two or three you know attempts and he's got it but he knows he's going to go up on the internet and you know hey I understand it's a it's a daunting come on fella dude just picked a lock Ed I should have cut the tools that probably would have been faster I guess I'm training the block picking that's that's something come on dude pick the lock thank you goodness and all that for some yeah they're not great but they'll sell so we'll take it what do we got here even more the same pants but they don't really sell for much but that that sells for much we will take that and we will take more food and more free medical another hacksaw again more of the unique notes and that's a wooden Bowl we don't care about that we will go up top here so a few more lootables more paints close monk robe doesn't sell for anything it doesn't sell for anything man look at that we are basket hat yeah I don't really know how fashionable that is but we'll wear it you know God look look how fly we are looking good we still have a little bit of inventory space so we can see if there's anything else in here we might wanna you know so uh the sock in the Grog probably sells yeah that'll sell yeah it's not bad yeah we'll take we'll sell the booze I don't think our dogs or water are particularly worthwhile but uh nope nope so that's that's pretty much what you're gonna find here not a ton of money making um but a lot of you a lot of good helpful reliable things um for our start you know what I am going to take is there another sleeping bag father's not a sleeping bag because it's where there was as I am losing my mind which is possible I could have swore there was another one I'm gonna give one more check nope nope there it is I knew it was around here okay so as you can see after I've sold everything uh from up top there we're at 21k we would have more if we actually made the you know a b line from from start up to the safe house to get all the food and then we're not spending food you know any any cats on food for quite a long time um but if you know it's up to you if you really want to min max it that way um so now we're at the point of gearing and this is up to you as to you know if you can if you're trying to min max if you're trying to go for best you know starting stats and gear points Etc I'm going to do you know the role play thing he is going to get himself some good old acronite approved attire so I will I will show you all that once I am all sorted as you can see uh you know I bought a fairly basic Paladin's cross um and obviously we're going to need good chain mail that definitely cost us that was a little pricey so we're pretty much tapped on cats but we still I still want this holy chest plate I gotta have it for the fashion and I still need a good helmet but don't fret we're uh we're not far from money because uh there is again we could we can reclaim from the Sheck ruin Center here all kinds of goodies so I think we will do that okay so here you can see the Sheck ruins a little bit of a run but it's totally worth it instead of buying uh this high grade chain mail because hey that's that is real nice um we can get something that's stats wise almost as good uh for free so it's the rest of chain mail it's not going to be a shiny um you can see it's cut and cut and blunt resistance is not all far off from that chain mail so instead of dropping 17 grand we could just pop down here and get one for free plus there's other other goodies we can sell to make even more cats and some free tools so I would probably advise if you don't mind a little bit of a run doing that instead okay so after a little shopping around I got ourselves a little bit better of the Holy chest plate again since we're kind of rocking the uh you know holy order Paladin thing we're gonna do our best to uh wear the same kind of gear don't have a helmet yet but you know that's okay if we were smarter early on and just went down to the Sheck ruins to get you know over here to get the uh the rusty chainmail we could have bought ourselves you know a much higher quality chest plate and helmet but uh it is what it is it's not it's not too big a deal we've got some decent pants decent boots uh other than our Noggin we're pretty well covered as you can see I did get into a little scrap and you know the stats aren't great but for starting out pretty good nice toughness of 16 we have good strength our athletic scene too shabby but something that was pretty neat here in uh bad teeth was there were more than a few of those uh the the escaped slaves or those holy nation uh vagrants um they're basically like starving Bandits they just have the you know different colored uh chest Rags but they still have little little iron sticks that they slip around with but the neat thing was he had interacted with one of the guards here and had a bounty on them and so I went and since bed tooth doesn't have a police station I had to haul them all the way over to stack which you know kind of sucked it was a bit of a trip with a guy in your back but I was beat up so it gave me a chance to heal as well and you can see it gave me five standing with the holy nation so you started with 15. so dropping that one guy half gave me plus five to that so and that to me is where if any you know it's worth way more than whatever the Bounty may have been um I don't really care about the money if I can actually get my rep up with the holy nation when you get to 50 they turn green to you they're Allied and again importantly about that is they will heal you so as you can see here you kind of see it pretty well on the map you can see these roads these roots that lead all around bed teeth so if you're kind of waiting for a patrol of of you know of Bandits or if people you might want to try to beat up you could just chill here and just just wait lots of you know let's pass you can follow out one of the Paladin patrols if you if you wanted again because we alluded up north all this food we can just kind of stand here for a real long time if we want to we you know we don't have to be too concerned about starvation there are bone dogs that will sometimes wander by so if you see numbers popping up it's bone dog take its meat then you've got food if you if you run low you can cook up so it's you know if you want to hang out here in bad teeth it's pretty safe and also fairly chill but you could do your own Patrol you could stick to the river area here most enemies here are pretty benign it's not a big deal again you could just go on your own patrols find the starving Bandits beat them up or if there are a lot of them bring them like I did earlier to you know one of the mines or any kind of outpost and just join in with your fellow acronites and beat them to a pulp um you know the kind of the the hard mode of playing as a woman is that they don't want to talk to you and I have not tested to see if they won't attack you if you are carrying a bounty I know they will flat out refuse to speak to you when you try to go to the police station you try to talk to one of the guys there in charge on this Throne you don't even get a text window you just get a dialogue response of you know you're a woman don't talk to me essentially so I don't know if you can raise your standing space running into bounties as a woman um so that could be a really interesting gameplay loop as well whether you truly are friendless in that regard um you know it's it's to me it could be a interesting role play as well maybe you get up there to the Flotsam safehouse and as a woman you're already maybe a little disenfranchised with what it's like to live under the holy nation and maybe you get there and you're reading all those unique books and um wow I should really join these guys screw the holy nation you know you could totally go that route that could be fun um you know maybe your characters read a few too many forbidden books and maybe we're not all keen on on this holy nation idea again that would be another uh sort of role played uh excuse as to why you might join them in a way you might fight against the the holy nation um and then of course you know you could use uh the floss from ninja gear you know maybe you're a a recovering Paladin maybe that's how you start off it's a paladin and eventually you go that route of being disenfranchised and joining up with them later on that's so many so many different options we got some numbers going on let's see what's up I think it's just Critters yeah just these poor little guys they're just hungry we will take the opportunity to uh fight this River Raptor boom okay she's probably gonna kick her ass but thankfully this guy's here to help look at that and animal skins we'll take that that's free money so from my limited experience here in bad teeth it seems like this path down here gets more of the critters walking by and I think up here you get more of the people but I've I've not stood here for you know hours on end I couldn't tell you if that holds up just in my my brief time hanging out here seems to be the way all right we'll be more than glad to take all the hide all these skins that is pretty good money for us so again that would pay for in any food we might we might use along the way or we can save up and actually buy a you know a helmet or some kind of fancy hat you know wherever our wherever our heart takes us um I doubt the paladins run into any trouble but you know if they did you could always bandage them up train up some of your uh for Steve that way obviously we have a lot of medical so you can be pretty uh pretty liberal and flippant with uh with those supplies if you so choose um it's not never a bad thing but as you can see these were selling for quite a bit so that's actually not a small bit of pocket change that we've earned just by you know steering it around and waiting for something to happen because there are so many pads around bed teeth it really is just more a matter of waiting to get some kind of interaction of combat I don't necessarily find waiting around the most exciting I kind of usually like to move and actually go places and do things and don't say there you are love and Devotion to you too fellow fellow awkward night please take all my goodies and just like that all of a sudden our cat's situation not too bad and you know we could uh it's not the proper helmet but we're gonna take it we will take any helmet we get our hands on and you know it doesn't look too bad we look pretty cool I see I would I wouldn't mess with this guy if I saw him around I do just probably for the for the look of it I do like the Samurai cloth pants I think that would fit with a color scheme but right now that's not the uh it's not the largest issue yeah as you see bad teeth something's always going on see there's a paladin Patrol we could if we wanted to go out with them and we might right we can just follow these guys around see what trouble they get up to whatever they're engaging they're probably going to tear you know just into pieces so this is actually relatively safe for us if we just want to results on bodyguard with the high Paladin there and boom part of the crew we're just roaming so this is slightly more exciting than standing still or actually going out probably going to run into some kind of trouble at some point um but because we're with this group we're going to be pretty safe now throughout that we can eventually move up to Bast if we are feeling a little spicy we can probably safely get there by you know going through all here because this is more Awkward night land and then just looping right over and then that would give us all kinds of combat but as we are right now our skills are pretty low we wouldn't we wouldn't last so we we do need to build that up a little bit I would want a little bit more of a money bank so we can actually get some food going but you know this is a this is not a bad way to start is here we go what numbers okay so that looks like maybe people because you see some of those armor modifiers in play so we're going to go down there and see what's up and divine listens to you too fellow brother or was that just another River Nest river river Raptors I think it was uh makes all that excitement for nothing but you can see something here always seems to be happening whether or not you choose to engage in that of course is up to you if you want something chill and relaxed and not too wild it's not a bad way to go so hopefully this was a little bit helpful kind of showing even if you kind of goof up on uh you know some of your gear purchasing making money pretty easy finding a safe place to get to those initial first fights I mean as you can see my my toughness is already at a decent score of 16 for being so early on in my strength just from carrying stuff around already pretty decent so the opposite that's going to help as you're wearing heavier armor and using heavier or larger weapons so you've got a nice view since reflecting off the water I mean what what more could you want living the life of of Pious acronite faith I don't know but I think I think this is just about as good as we're getting
Channel: Zombie Gandhi
Views: 8,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8sEOLkvE0nY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 27sec (2007 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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