Drunk at Disney World - The Try Guys Podcast - TryPod Ep. 9

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ramble big ol shout out to our buddies at ray con for sponsoring this week's episode welcome to the tripod this is the four friends who talk about trying it's Keith Ned Zach and Eugene we are gonna talk about parents nice parents just don't understand well Smith song and about parenting styles and also speaking of Will Smith who is the genie in the live-action Aladdin we're also going to talk about Disney stuff parents and Disney get ready this is a very PG podcast that won't be PG at all let's go to a secret right Myles do you have a secret for us no secrets today falling back we're are down recharge if we don't if we don't have a secret from fan miles can you tell us a secret that you have yeah and also be sure to leave us a five star review I will absolutely wow that's a secret that we don't know about yet nothing so incriminating that we have to fire you oh I will said I don't know much about use new information yeah right miles just like casually dropped that he has a titanium shoulder I do okay so I fell off a slackline I got a big head I thought I'm gonna be a slackliner sounds like a tightrope but it's a little bit thicker and it's a little more elastic colleges string them up between two trees look like doofuses trust exercise outside it they bounce and bounce yeah do people who were good at it can do backflips I could not do that club and I was running towards it I jumped and my legs locked hit it and then it just rubber-banded me into the sky exactly like that and then I is like a common occurrence when you jump into a flexible elastic band oh yeah it was a bad idea I was a sophomore in high school and now this is in high school I have a six-car I think I see my scar not watching the video feed it's a I see a thick scar that reminds me of the size of a hot dog I know well the scar denieth my neck used to look like that so it's got how do you describe that scar it's called keloid ding it's what happens when a scar grows outward so it kind of looks like a shark bite yeah it's a little 3-dimensional yeah I gotta say miles that looking at that makes you just 20 times hotter thanks ma'am and you didn't get drafted by the Chicago Cubs to be the pitcher I almost did yeah they told me they wanted it but I was too tall Wow yeah I know miles as tall is also I can't be an astronaut yeah too tall the mouse how tall are you 6 foot 11 six foot 13 yeah no I'm 6 foot 5 yeah he's taller than Keith's egg that's too tall to be a Disney character I really ought to be a Disney cares really strict rules about what Disney character would you want what's your dream well depends I've heard a lot of tea from Disney employees who work in the park that there's like a hierarchy of what you can be in a park so obviously a Mickey Mouse is first no the top is the princesses for sure because they have their faces out so being the princesses and like general like princes that's the huge one then right under is Chiba major yeah the major like what do they call the large costumes of the big head so the Mickey Mouse is the Massey's yeah the kind of mascot style costumes and then lowers just general ensemble cast stuff oh yeah being a princess is is apparently the bonus so like Cinderella is probably number one yeah they treat them and she has a whole castle yeah yeah and also star range princesses are like that a white gig the parade princesses so there's the princesses who take the pictures another's princesses you're in the parades yeah the parade is the best gig because you don't have to talk don't have to tell anybody smile yep but every but it's like somehow it is like Oh that's the princess that matters parade yeah but don't they have to dance for like 90 minutes straight yeah better than having kids screaming your face for two hours straight that's a good point yeah I understand just look tiring though I almost did that Disney College internship oh really be like what is that well it's like you go and it's basically they pay for your lodging and food and they give you a very shitty paycheck and then you just work at Disney it's a big thing actually for international people yeah it's a way to come work in America Epcot everyone is from another country up yeah that works at the country buying body basically everyone who lives in Anaheim in Orlando might work for Disney yeah they pretty much do and if they don't they just go there anyway I just remember two fun facts I wanted to drop it oh yeah I did a lot of Disney research at one point in my life Zach's fun facts fun fact that the city of Anaheim has a way actually I said wrong Disney has a larger okay yeah giving again did you know that Disney has a larger police force than the entire city of Anaheim Wow I'm not crazy Wow and they have such specified jobs so there's like one person whose job it is to just watch the cameras on like Splash Mountain and all those and if someone flips them off or keys like a gang sign or like lives they're sure they a meet the photo never reaches that's like that's someone's full job is just to monitor that I know because I flipped off the Space Mountain three times in a row and on the third time they caught me and it why I didn't have a picture two times you got through nice they just delete the picture yeah which it ruins it for the whole train yeah it's a family-friendly Park that happened to me last time I was at Disney as I I was like where's my picture I must have flipped off the cameras or somebody punch somebody behind you ruined it for you might have been me it might have been the last time we were there no I actually went like a week after we went right yeah it's my girlfriend's birthday I might go this weekend it's my wife's birthday it's a fun birthday spot [Applause] if I think you would make a really good goofy that was actually I wasn't forming characters I could with the height yeah yeah he's tall height restriction so most people who play like Mickey Minnie Donald are all women because they're so short I knew this yeah the most exciting thing that ever happened to me in my life is we humorous I've by the way guys I'm sick and I'm loaded up on dayquil and I'm feeling weird it looks good for that yeah man and Clara I just double dose it cuz like let's just [ __ ] let's rock it is that bad for you yeah is it it's bad medical profession what if I'm sick and have allergies did you have leave you have caffeinated tea this morning - yeah I've literally I've been drinking it on camera you're gonna be [ __ ] up why you're both cardiac stimulants so like oh yeah it's basically like but okay I hope that Amin yeah but what if I'm sick and have allergies and I'm sleepy man this Disney parenting podcast really turns to drugs alive I was in yoga last night and I had an allergy attack right when yoga started and I started sneezing like crazy and then I couldn't breathe during yoga but bringing this back to drugs there was a man in front of me who was definitely on drugs and he just kind of stood and swayed on his yoga mat the whole time and didn't do yoga it was an advance for falling down and it was very distracting how much was this yoga class that this man is allowed to no no it was good it was at a low yoga which is like a very frou-frou Yoga snowman he was just doing tree pose yeah 60-minute is doing wobbly tree it was like he would kind of go into like a lunge but just kind of like split his legs so I like to do yoga wait someone was too much effort was talk about yoga I would be a door apparently the deal with yoga is you're supposed to push your mind and body to its limits uh-huh I don't want to do that I don't want to do glorified wall sits for an hour I want a run I want to lift weights I want to do things that get my body moving yoga it's like stand in one position and hold you don't want to pretend it's growing out of your feet into the ground that are connecting you to this University ritual elements do not do it for me I know that it might do it for many of the people my wife is certainly one of them but for me it seems like a colossal waste of time this has been net farmers I don't want to do that haven't you been injured like every other day of your life I go you know I agree with you I've never really been into yoga I need like either really loud pumping music or aggressive hard impact movement yeah I would take a sprint over a jog any day the longer the race gets the more turned off I am wait a moment miles no thank you the thing you said about roots growing from your feet I actually imagine that when I'm in yoga and I imagine my roots to mingle with the roots of others and the guys they tell you their roots are their roots give me strength it's so that's him yeah it's like people who stand on magnets yet what are you doing that you're not deep I had a roommate who stood on magnets I mean he literally had [ __ ] magnets and for 10 minutes a day he would stand on the magnet that's great because doing that somehow would reset his body to be more connected I'm like dude okay yes but also I think that we think we know more than we do like we have this is kind of logic you know research though they know there's a lot of research that magnets do [ __ ] nothing yeah I'm not I'm not saying max oh all right well you came after my magnet we don't know the magic there's no we know a lot of things about the world I did this but please continue to tell us mysteries so I did this crazy allergy test thing when I was a kid and it seemed so [ __ ] I forget what it's called but basically they put like a concentrated vial of corn syrup or or wheat or whatever and so you you hold the vial and you lay on your back and you put your arm up and the woman comes and she presses against your arm and it's just like a little bit right and if you're strong or if you're normal you can resist it but then she puts a vial of this thing in your hand and your arm goes limp and falls down it makes no sense to me but it was a like I experienced it it was and then she treats each individual allergy you understand I'm saying it's crazy it made no [ __ ] sense to me why would holding a vial of like pollen in my hand make my arm go limp there's nothing that I understand about how my body works that should do that but it did I've experienced you doesn't understand that's like a that's not like a mystical thing no energy clinic nobody's like a pseudoscience II allergy probably not I mean I don't know how it works either they okay well I didn't finish they like massaged your pressure points and then do like chakra [ __ ] okay no that sounds like [ __ ] I know what I believe in I believe in the power of placebo I believe that and that's the thing and you know what I actually respect it because you know who knows we don't know enough to draw the line necessarily all the time between what is now firm science because that could be pseudoscience in five years I do believe that people believe in what they choose to believe and they live their life by it so yoga makes you feel more spiritual and better and makes you a better person [ __ ] go through it you know what the most powerful muscle in your body is I was gonna say your brain because it's true if you believe in something oftentimes that is more powerful than actual medicine yeah except for the fact that actual medicine is pretty powerful and there's someone who's on two types of medicine and caffeine right now I can tell you I'm starting to feel it in my heart go have you met oh and everyone knows that person who believes they're sick all the time and then I think they make themselves say yes I know there's a lot of people like that and other people look down on the placebo effect but I actually think it's an amazing thing I think it's fantastic ideas ability you believe is is miraculous it's amazing is that whole New York Times article about that this weekend about people that get sick but they don't know why a little bit of something like tree sap you put sunscreen on every day maybe West was split splashing with this berry no it looks like when tree sap comes out of a screen what do you guys think about was it that was that that was the amazing thing is how long do you sit with a friend before you tell them there's something I thought maybe it was just sweat on a pimple so I didn't want to know there's no pimple it was just know that I'm surprised to know my skin is very very sweaty it was amber colored it was like this yeah I don't know man what do you guys think about like the studies where they tell plants that they're beautiful and then they tell other plants that they're ugly it's like the little elementary school experiment where you play classical versus heavy metal uh-huh uh-huh it's a plant so the study is like if you tell it it's beautiful every day it grows better but then I've also always wondered if if that the one that they're telling beautiful the people who are training it are like not yet subconsciously also feeding it better and also treating it better because it's not affecting the plant it's affecting them isn't care maybe it's a human psychology experiment I hate my plant in my house and it grows great I walk by it every day and say [ __ ] you Philip that plant we call it Phil Oh at least you gave it a name oh yeah we loved in its own way though the music one is strange because I feel like obviously the bass in heavy metal is gonna be way more like harsh on a plant you put a speaker next to it some people will feel better when they listen heavy metal well that's a whole thing about breast milk is everyone thinks that breast milk is way better for babies and and it's all with breast as best as this is this common refrain it's the thing it is [ __ ] in the eighties it was all about formula now it's all about breast milk there's a lot of confounding studies where they'll actually show well actually the mothers in this study that we're using all breast milk also happened to have more disposable income free time and we're at a higher socioeconomic status and could like spend more time reading to their kids cuz they weren't working two jobs or so that's why you can't have a double variables experiment welcome back the net don't do that yeah a double variable experiment now do you know what year it is 2019 is 2019 at 2019 I mean it's like we're just so in the future now right oh yeah and the the least you could do you know is have some dope wireless earbuds following absolutely I mean my phone doesn't even have a jack anymore you're gonna think I'm gonna tell you to go buy like a $300 pair that's crazy I'm not gonna do that I can't afford that don't go do that instead you need to check out the wireless earbuds from recon recon earbuds started about half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market and they sound just as amazing the company was actually co-founded by Ray J and celebrities like Snoop Dogg and cardi B are obsessed now watch how if they like it then I like it and I like it then you'll probably like it rate cons a 50 wireless earbuds have totally changed the game for me they're so comfortable and so easy to take anywhere and I'm being serious my headphone game was so bad I had this cable that was like broken but I've still been using them and then that the cable got tied up so I'm really happy to finally be free I'm untethered Ned Wow I can walk around the room your butts in and my phone in my pocket and I can listen to stuff unlike some of your other wireless options rate con earbuds are both stylish and discreet with no dangling wires or stems stems Wow and of course they don't just look great they sound great too that's really the most important part right that it actually sounds good break on offers they're wireless earbuds for everyone in a range of fun colors at an unbeatable price that means you could get the try guys colors as your home as your your buds oh go to buy rake on coms last try guys to get 20 percent off your order that's by Ray con-com slash try guys for 20% off rake on wireless earbuds if you've been eyeing a pair now is the time to get an amazing deal one more time by rake on Comm slash try guys bring it back Disneyland Zack what was that huge crazy oh you said the best thing that ever happened in your life yeah I derailed that horrible back because you set it up and I think the audience would be mad he said this is the best thing that's ever happened the best time that pollen your he started my yoga and the drugs yeah quick quick quick medicine update my palms are sweaty Zack your dear ailing again answer the question stay on one thing at a time we went to Disney and I decided to wait in line for the Mickey Mouse and I got to the Mickey Mouse line at the end and Mickey Mouse like went oh like but they can't talk because they're Mickey and Mickey Mouse start pointing and was like I know you and was telling me that that she I assume knew who I was but and the reason I knew cuz I didn't get it is I didn't have my glasses on and Mickey was like miming like where are your glasses and I'm like holy [ __ ] Mickey knows about me and knows my personal D I think you were with you yeah I remember this and then Mickey was like where's the tall one yeah yeah tall one with he was like where's the tall one with glasses it was a man then she mind a labor pain simulation yeah you talk about feeling special you go with the most magical place on earth and Mickey it's like wow Mickey I'm a fan and Mickey's like nah dawg I'm a fan of you who was with me at Epcot when I went for the first time everything about the whole time this is a fun story first time I have caught I was with Zack and Keith Ned you were yeah you were somewhere else you wanted Disney before the wedding we were all in Florida for our friend's wedding and of course Epcot is a magical place where you can drink every country around this giant [ __ ] yeah and there's a specialty cocktails yeah so you know me I said this is where I'm going I'm gonna hit up every country and get two drinks in every country they call it something the like around the world bar there's no there's a word for it yeah but was pretty round the world seems right I was pretty toasty by the time I got to China I saw that China had a sign that said hey you can meet Mulan who is my favorite Disney character well and you had been building this up you're like I'm going to Disney and I'm gonna do one thing I no matter how long it takes I'm gonna wait in line and I am going to get a photo - with Mulan yeah because Mulan is very hard to find and she you know she's usually in the Chinese Pavillion we don't have that in LA and I'm so long story short we come back when we know she has a line there's a line full of all these you know bright-eyed bushy-tailed children and once I kind of lose the first concerning thing why do these children have tails why were they so bushy it was very shocked their lives were fine I needed to do something I need to do some reconnaissance just to know if I needed to stay in this line so I go all the way to the front and then there's Mulan taking pictures of the kids she turns and runs around and she's maybe like 1/8 Asia out of my drunk mouths pills she's not even Asian she was a very gentrified very well yeah and I I know she was probably part Asian I respect that but you know for me I wanted to see my Chinese East Asian representation fool out and display he was and I was so crushed that I like Arrested Development's sad Charlie Brown walks back out of it and you guys were just you guys were like wow the mood totally shifted no you know we can [Applause] really made me sad you can be you can be move on then and then chill poor kids who heard me yell that also just got very confused anyway that was my set up god sorry so would you want to be Mulan and hell yeah I'd be a great Mulan but I also remember though there were three kids two [ __ ] kids are more Asian than move on yeah you're upset yeah also are you saying you were like tozi you're pretty drunk at that point yeah you were actually having one drink at every country and that was about the seventh or eighth country yeah you were pretty hammer you were going for it they were surrounding her picture with me be more accurate than the [ __ ] yeah I got it I got upset with it but then I got more drinks and we rode the frozen ride me okay we also the whole trip we're looking for Moana she's our favorite princess and my one that does not exist at Disney yet know there's a whole Polynesian world I know but Moana is not there you know who the best characters to play are though guests on because he gets to he literally walks around is just a dick to everybody up and then they're Merida from brave who is like kind of the female surprise the whole movies about bears they have the best wiser it's only about bears why is it that bears my mother is a bear I hate that movie I hate that movie my mother is a bear my nephews a band trailer led you to believe it was about magical bears it's gonna be about this woman winning an archery competition yes all the odds no it's about her family turning into bears and then there's a big bear blanket on the wall like oh the legend is you could change your fate would you but all it is is do you want to change the faces and not being a bear it's the terrible film don't you want to be a bear it's only about bears and it was also sad because if they wanted pictures first like all human princess Belle I don't know I don't remember all right there's all is make fun of the trailer because fate sounds so much like feet like well I really wish I had Zac speed I changed my feet I use my feet that is a little more dainty that's actually more I think it changed your feet that's more accurate to the actual plot because they try to change their feedback from being bears being I got these big bear feet I'm so they actually think you would really like brave Ned what if you could change your feet if you could have anyone's feet who would you have and why ooh no I guess I'd want the biggest feet just the biggest ones what size you rockin I'm only rockin at 13 wide mm like it's big compared to most people but in the Bigfoot world it's barely in the new section of like the back of the store whether we are giant size sorry if I'm already in the Bigfoot world I don't have Shaq feet I want like size 16 or something you know I don't remember the movie as well but I felt equally dismayed and frozen when they just spent so much time with these little rock trolls oh those are the worst part of the don't [ __ ] get like why are we yeah we have the movie I wanted more peace I want more of the gay spa family was like yeah they snuck in the gay couple it was the owner of that and his husband and their kids if you didn't catch it I didn't person's very gay so a gay okay I hate that film not because of the gays I just I think that I think it's also super over like friends with the ocean she's got the oceans gotta play get it Moya's gonna say the low end as a modern man you got go to the right you got the right you got music by making a soundtrack well we're talking about these like postmodern era Disney films you guys thought tangled to write know you're nursing single I feel like you would really like tangle asleep entangled four times back it like you'd like it I have time for one movie in one movie only and I like the mo anus one with the turtle with the Lin man she saves a little turtle remember that and the ocean is a person that's confusing but it's cool high-fives her and then also almost lets her drown numerous times there's a big old crab and he sings a song that goes I can only sing that much because we get to monetize them all man and the chicken oh he's so stupid what's his name hey hey hey hey hey who could forget her had the chicken and I wanted more of that pig the Big Pig he just got left on the island bad guy turns into be a good guy but it's just misunderstood also that pig is gonna grow up to get eaten oh yeah let's go into ammo and a pig roast step into what let's talk about all the animals in Disney movies that after the movie would be turned into a delicious feast is only like okay you know nothing's is horrific though than the basic plotline of 101 Dalmatians oh yeah right it's amazing she's also find puppies he's killed a lot of animals before that moment tomato she coats Kroger label top top three there should have been a montage slash song where they show her killing all the animals like 60s cat wrapping great boat I most people love Maleficent not me now that she has her own live-action standalone but she was always one of the best classical Disney villains I think Ursula is the best she's good he's the best he's amazing I have no idea they have to cast a drag queen in the live-action yes there's no way to kick ass or else like I was they were really scary when those movies came out you know fun fact the lead animator on the lead animator on a lot of the Disney villains were gay men there's always a lead animator who is sort of in charge of the character of specific characters and so you can actually tell I think when a straight man versus a gay man is the lead on one of the princesses just by the way that they look yeah are there examples of princesses that are I believe yeah I believe that both jasmine and Ariel were straight men and I think that Belle was a gay man wait so what's what's the the tell of a gay drawing it's just it's just like my guitars not as refined in the illustration tomorrow's I think it's just a little less like I mean I mean just look at Jasmine's so hot a little more fat he's just like clearly so hot there's a shot in that movie where when Jafar tells tells her that he Prince Ali a boo boo died and she's like kind of grabs her heaving chest and she backs up and I was very controllable adding or just the character just the character is a different guy all socialized the princess Aladdin's also pretty hot pretty hot I mean you know universally most of the characters are pretty guys hot girls having a good time I'm about to drop another Aladdin is awesome a know me and my heart is palpitating Aladdin is modeled after Tom Cruise fun fact with Zach and uh kind of you won't be able to unsee it Aereo was modeled after Alyssa Milano yeah young Alyssa Milano cuz when that came out in 89 she was like the girls yeah she was in a sick she was in was the boss with Tony Danza I believe I believe I think she's the the aged I like that yeah interesting huh mo Anna was modeled after the actor who played Carl Winslow but you know all the characters crazy but it's true there was an interesting video I saw that all the kid Disney characters now if you see the progression of the way they look they're looking less adult like and more like baby cherub yeah you get to momona there looking like actual like little babies well Pokemon does in the movie like historically is like what 15 16 she is but she looks like she's you mean 23 or movie yeah like put like real behind us was very young yeah but so I got in the movie she bakhtin she's like 35 yeah Oh bug on is I think the most beautiful Disney Princess like just I think you're a beautiful movie error you thought you're the one who told me about this about like the difference between the a squad and the B squad of and yeah which I find fascinating apply that because they only do these CGI movies now though this was through the 90s right Bru most of Disney history they would have like an a team that worked on a larger funded oh I think it's like my thing was B Squad blank aligned explain this so basically a versus B squad was the a a team would work on these like larger quote-unquote like Oscar bait beautifully animated movies that they take longer on and then the B squad you know hit up the ones that had a little quicker production timeline and we're a little more fun but oh don't quote me on this but I believe this is true I believe that Lion King was seen as more of a B Squad movie and Pocahontas was there a squad movie so when you watch them back if you watch Pocahontas it is gorgeous viscerally beautiful everything's hand painted in that movie and I have seen some scenes from Lion King recently and the animation style is a little cruder to little stories incredible and it's so fun yeah you just get swept up in it yeah but um fun facts fun Disney facts what was the jingle he did cool about 90-percent what he's saying earlier so go ahead so uh you ever go to Disneyland with your folks with your parents my parents yeah with my parent my yeah have you know your Floridian so yeah we went every single year that's what you do when you're from Florida I mean that's what I do now that I'm in Cali exactly in Florida you had a Florida discount you know what the biggest [ __ ] the biggest bull [ __ ] hit me dog the biggest bull Disney [ __ ] your pass for Disney World is to early effort yes yes which has five parts right now is cheaper now than the season pass for Disney whale which has two parks well a couple reasons there one Disney I always confuse them Disneyland in California even though it is smaller has more rides than all of disney world combined no can't be true that can't be true I just told us that really yeah what yeah cuz it's just all packed in there and you know it's well concealed and and cotton the animal can burn no non right that's true yeah Rhys there's only about ten and Epcot yeah perience is sure you got the whole world drinking but yeah I'd also at something like something crazy like ninety percent of people that go to Disneyworld only go once in their life because it's people come from all over the world yeah so they're trying to encourage people like actually you said that that's like what you do in Florida but apparently not as much it's really a lot of their traffic comes from people all over the world whereas Disneyland here you get more three I mean imagine growing up internationally and seeing all this one you're obsessed with Disney movies everyone became obsessed with Disney movies but then you know about Disney World and Disney yeah if you're going to America you want to drop by that weird-ass place you know I were playing a trip to America I would just I would I would go from LA to Orlando I don't know I don't they seem pretty close check if I'm wrong can you just edit out your correction and instead we'll have Keith singing nope this is singing records all Ivan raw even though Disney World has four parks and Disneyland only as to the number of rides in Disney World 45 the number of rides and Disneyland 4d you're disrupting my Disney [ __ ] with your [ __ ] I'm the king and this is Bailey miles Disney Factory different though what I envied about our friends in Florida when they have the Disney passes they could be like oh we're gonna go to Epcot for dinner yeah and they would just go in they go to one of the restaurants for dinner you could go and they leave like I think that's so cool and because there's so many different parks you could be like instead of going to the zoo you go to the [ __ ] zoo that has rollercoasters and when you code it when you go to on experience culture you go to the cultural the cultural center that has alcohol and rides miles wins that back from because there's a new Star Wars land maybe it's gonna change maybe closer maybe maybe maybe I was this is from 2018 December maybe the future was whispering in my ear two or three rides it's closing that gap I don't think there's over five though we're closing the gap we're getting closer close so my birthday is in June and sometimes wool sometimes the last day of school would line up with my birthday oh wow and we would go straight up from the last day of elementary school drive to Disneyland and it was my birthday and by Disney World and it was like the best weekend ever that's a [ __ ] we did basically every year so it sounds like your parents were really cool oh yeah did they chaperone like a whole party or did other parents have to come what what party oh my I would have other things for birthday party yeah yeah gotcha so do your parents I don't know that we ever did it and we didn't do a high school trip to Disney World I did that that was pretty fun I don't think I did a Disney World party did my parents what did your parents always like taking one surprise trips like that are they those types my parents never took me anywhere oh I see maybe you're like talking about me too like set up something about yourself okay cool trying to provide an elegant segue ah yeah yeah yeah man my parents always surprised me with like awesome stuff super fun like no I have friends yeah no I had I had a neighbor who like they'd be like oh we're going to Disneyland this weekend I'm like what just just kind of go in Italy and this music yeah we got plane tickets we're going like well you can't just give just all of a sudden you're going it isn't he what are you talking so Jackson bill was about two hours from Orlando I was in Tennessee and then the people were just ghost fly happy crazy they just asked ups we had some money money changes things yeah I don't even think I ever went on summer vacation every year most time we would just be at home yeah that's sad I loved water parks and water park was less than our ways that was because you didn't need the chapel you had everything everything you're having Austin how regularly we went on trips I mean we didn't go every year but we want to like a little ski weekend oh my god didn't ski until like I was 18 well I grew up in oh you were there we went to [ __ ] the same place every year twice a year from the age of nine until in the Carolina hilton head south which was great and then I've been there about 40 actually 40 times I actually I've been there about 40 times did you find a sense of like this is like the the constant like so you know wasn't nice consistency it was really fun in like junior high area and early high school because I would like meet other teens there though when I was in college it sucked because there were no college kids there at all like there was nobody for me like I was alone and I would just be going with my parents like I had no friends I knew nobody there there's nothing really to do I could go play miniature golf by myself that was about all I did do that was great but everything I was like there was nothing to do it so kind of sucked we had a spot like that but it was actually a really exciting positive thing for me because it was my dad went to this place in upstate New York called Thousand Island Park that's on the st. Lawrence River right between border between New York State and Canada my grandparents lived there that's where we would go every summer and my dad would like spend all summer there when he was growing up we would just go for like a week or something but it was like I would look forward to going there because it was the same place every time and I would have like my summer friends I would see like every summer there and they would have like a lot of activities great I think I would only I could ever bring my family to like my old stomping ground from when I was younger cuz I bet you he just like godness shenanigans up there and now all of a sudden it's like family's up there to your commingling memories that's messy mmm that's true I do I bet you a story I went there and realized that there was a bar yeah that was in the basement of the hotel I was like I bet your dad was partying the last few times on what the Eldon had I did find the bars and I started having a really great time it was just like we were just going around Christmastime so my brother was there both my brothers are there but my oldest brother has kids but so Brian and I would tear it up and confuse the heck out of everybody there while we're singing karaoke as we only saying it is really funny like somebody that you're friends with as kids in this kind of like we're not really friends with you sort of our summer friends as an adult at a bar it's like oh hey here's the thing that I know sets up a story you have do you think about like ways that your parents accidentally traumatized you as a kid and I mean trauma with like a lower tee and do you think about that net of like oh my god like anything that I do because your father now like you could mean well but things that you do will have this unintended lasting impact on your kid and I feel like it's just like damned if you do damned if you don't I think it's everything a parent does everything in theory everything you do as a parent impacts your child one way or the other and all the things that you do trying to mean well have a consequence in the other direction do you have a lasting thing about you that is just because of like normal punishment or things as a child I bet I have one yeah let me hear him I I don't like receiving phone calls from people I don't know or even like making phone calls because when I was a kid and I would be at my neighbor's house if my mom called it just meant to that I had forgotten to do a chore and I was in trouble so with the phone rang I would like and then it came to the point where I was so like anxious that anytime the phone rang at her house I would run and see the caller ID and if it was my home I would just run home oh I was on my way home already I didn't know you called and then she'd be like you forgot to destroy my oh that's why I came home because I realized I forgot to do that chore and like but it gave me so much anxiety as a child that because like I would be in trouble if she called that was all it meant so then I really don't like phone calls so she's trouble even now like like making an important call like stresses me out and I think it's partially just bad thing so like I don't I don't like to talk to people and phone unless I'm like good friends with that lab I've charged friends on the phone that's fine but I don't like talking to people I don't know on the phone million you June oh yeah because of Asia because honestly I think everything came from being from I guess like a war-torn country but yeah there's a million examples um being spanked I think that's a huge one I was a lot of people weren't spanked in growing up in our generation and my mom tried to grab me once she tried to ground me from dinner because she was so mad at me she didn't know what else to do and she didn't have anything in her arms reach to hit me with so she said you're going home you're gonna go to dinner without this spaghetti I tried to make for the first time and so I don't want you yeah I was like no I don't want it so I go in my room and then like 20 mins later she comes she's like come come II don't understand this but is it things because my neighbors they grounded their kids but they grounded them from like really specific things and getting grounded is like interesting I wish I was gonna because it's like psychological warfare where the parents they grounded their kids my neighbors for from deserts they grounded them from TV like very specific things you know no TV for a week no deserts week but then it gave the kids complexes so then one of the kids started over eating desserts so is this whole like weird weird like mine [ __ ] and when you just kind of slap your kids ass for a few minutes then it's like okay I know not to do that anymore Oh slap Moliere slapping me on the ass oh yeah I always get very interested to know if someone was was yeah that's exactly how my mom says she goes is a very bad boy I'm a slap you on the ass so hard yes apparently trying to punish you but doesn't realize double entendres Oh them yeah my parents have no idea what those are she also ruined holidays for me which we don't really celebrate anymore because when I was about six she the parents by the presence and then they right from Santa cuz that's what the white people do so they said I don't know ki right from Santa and we were so sorry we're like Santa cuz we learn from the other kids who he was and then I was about seven or six and she just one morning she just like we're just like Oh Santa brought the president she goes you know it's from me and your dad we spent all money for you and you say thank you to some fat white man you don't know he's not real he had no job he's not dying for you I bye thank me your mom I work I think she's totally right she was right yeah just some other person that kids need to know that their parents are working hard for their present about magic and you see both you can have a present from Santa and a present from your mom you know that's something I've also one heard about a lot is like the pros and cons of encouraging magic in the world for your child because you are lying to them you are you're commuting mistrust in your child you are telling them that I am giving you an impression of the world that is false and now you're gonna grow up and realize that I'm not an authority I'm a liar the PERT the mom and dad that you love so dearly I've been lying to you put them inside magic you've got a lighter though because they're gonna watch TV and read books and those aren't real necessarily yeah you've got to be the first to lie I have heard that in you know and the time time where wes's he's like a year uh-huh until they get a little older you want to focus all of your picture books on things that are real oh because it helps them learn oh this is what a duck is writer says what is a dragon and why does it love tacos so it's like I think about like wow if only cuz I could be as excited about real animals as I were about Pokemon you know like the world is amazing animals are are awesome but I can only be excited about like animals we fire tails I think socially for the sake of your kid it might be different now with the information of fingertips but you know once you hit middle school or like junior high that's when you probably start shifting over into oh Santa isn't real but I think giving your kids that imagination that's good net saying you can't start it too early so what's that sweet spot okay to be like oh this is from Santa and you're happy or five or four yeah but I think you know you also then risk making your kid the dick cuz then yeah I walked into class people said you know I was the kid who like the fourth grade they're like oh I got this one I'm like Santa isn't real yeah you're Asian mother got that for you Eugene you talk about complex ism we were both not allowed to play video games as a child and now you weren't allowed either yeah oh but now you play like you are yeah I love playing video games and you like don't like playing this why didn't your parents let you play cuz they thought it was like bad fill your eyes and my brain and you know yeah yeah I I it took me what I had to like earn up the money to buy an n64 myself and this wasn't until like I was like twelve or thirteen yeah I would not as a kid what the naughtiest rubric I did was sneak to my one friend my one friend's house to play you play n64 just cuz I never got to touch it yeah my mom naughty my mom wouldn't let me play cuz she saw from her Asian friends that their kids were turning into like a classical nerd and they got introverted and what we were already kind of like made fun of a lot for being Asians where we grew up so my mom wanted to make me like a cool Asian in her mind so she had to do that don't play video games and to make you not play video game oh she said it would give me thumb cancer oh yeah oh no she said this will give you thumb cancer if you play so I was so terrified of it and every time I played with a friend I'd be like you know that's fun but you know you're gonna get thumb cancer she did the same thing you know I'm people have a tick where they shake their like like this oh I do yeah I noticed when everyone does it because my mom said you'll get thigh cancer so just answer was her like reason for every it's a like I don't know parenting thing when you're just like there's one band-aid you like this fixes everything I would say it would just be bad for my eyes or that it would be bad for my brain I remember even after I saved up all this money reffing kids soccer games to buy an n64 she would only like I would be capped at 30 minutes a day which I don't know if you guys out there play video games but yeah 30 minutes is barely enough time to turn the system if you start a new game there's no chance of setting up yeah and then you have 20 minutes of learning how to play sort of RPG it's like what was I even doing and thinking and trying to do here you know what the joke's on everyone because in today's society we have binge watching we have YouTube but we have streaming and mobile we've become a culture in which all you do in your spare time is stare at a screen there hasn't been a real piece of [ __ ] as a kid cuz I had all these in you guys are nice but I we had all these rules and I did not follow any of them I got home I watched TV for like two hours then I did a yeah like I had the whole the whole - Nami block I watched Dragon Ball Z tsunamis I watch Sailor Moon I feel like there were two Dragon Ball Z's and if I ever missed the Dragon Ball Z because it was syndicated in order I would cry cuz I did because then I could I just the story would be missed and then I would do a little bit of homework then I would watch The Simpsons for an hour during dinner whoa and I would watch whatever Fox night show there was as I got older it turned into the NBC comedy black like I was also I used to wake up early to watch Pokemon like I was watching and like rap five hours of TV a day like that's not what I was raised on a hundred percent exactly same experience but mine was just because I was the third boy I didn't give a [ __ ] your parents just give up by the time the third of the same thing like well [ __ ] there's nothing new to learn from this one just let just make sure he doesn't kill himself and when you're the first and a real chore they're also forced to give I mean like my I really was that they really did limit David and Bryan from watching The Simpsons playing video games but by the time they I was a kid he wanted to do that they were older and they're like well they are teenagers now they can handle this and I was too young and that well I guess Keith can just play too and my brothers like you oh my god what an earth the dinner table yeah yeah yeah my parents would force us to every dinner I took downstairs and I ate watching The Simpsons and we tried to do like the worst wine why don't we where it was like this is our family dinner in my sister and I were like what is this but you're also like New York so you have a little we had all these like everybody's got things to do we had like go play outside and then do your homework and we were God we were godless so yeah yeah I was like running around barefoot and in like lots of reeds and creeks and stuff oh yeah I so many books you know there's where's Keith at the creek there's a lot you can do with sticks that's my plan Rick Korea yeah I would there were little crawdaddies in art Chris we have a mission microwave yeah we do to like you know honk a fish in my Creek yeah I had a little like a old tree that we we you're like Zach staring us like this is a Mark Twain novel that's happening I did that as a kid like I had a little pond at the but at the end of my street not catch tadpoles in a little net I would summer camp a lot because so you can be like we're gonna force you to play go outside get some Sun you're gonna like it you're gonna love it I didn't have any brothers my sister didn't do like sports as much and I had a good close friend that sometimes would like play sports to catch together but sometimes I would want to play sports but I only had myself so what I would do this is so sad is it's gonna be sad but also at the time it was awesome I would throw the ball up like a football I throw a football up and then try and run under it and catch up and I was I did this too it was awesome I try and throw it farther and farther and run faster and faster just to get underneath it and I developed like you know rules that made it harder for myself I did more like against a wall like with a tennis ball or yeah that yeah number one greatest childhood game is keep the balloon from falling that's a good one the world number one nothing can beat it have you guys do you guys remember buns up we played it we called it the one with the tennis pets up seven no no no that's a different one but it's a tennis ball you all stand up against a huge wall yeah and then you throw it right and basically if you throw it and it hits you on the way back you have to go touch the wall oh yeah yeah they throw it out you hit you then your quote-unquote up for well we said something very uneasy but you go up and you get for [ __ ] helter dwith it and they try to hit your ass yeah yeah that game oh yeah yeah it would be a wall and you would have to like throw it at the wall and if you didn't if it didn't if he didn't make it all the way to the wall you would have to like run up touch long yep didn't make it to the wall you get your ass someone hit your ass my ass I laugh like mama yeah I liked it more when Ned described it that was good I don't understand like how some of these games like like surface and then actually spread yeah we all knew that game how is that possible they're clearly dumbass [ __ ] games at some kid was just like okay here's the rules I'm gonna throw everybody gonna throw the ball and then the balls and when I like grab the ball I throw it at your butt and this was pre-internet ya know it's the kid mafia right it was a bit of peer pressure right like you know you didn't have to go up and stand at the wall and get pelted by that was like no you oh god guys like the most anxiety what teaches anxiety is standing to get picked for a team uh-uh yeah oh that is that took his years I still remember the standing I got picked last thank God I was big like people just assumed I was athletic because I was tall so like they would just pick me like at least second or third never first round but never last yeah I was picked earlier because I didn't play video games and I was fast hmm oh I was regularly arrived on it's all that TV watching breath low expectations that's a bar I can hobble over well you know who can raise those expectations someone by the name of miles bouncing Yuri who can give us a little advice that will go for miles miles hit us with that advice do you want to be a strong little man do you want the ass of a much better woman Oh get supportive shoes I had been wearing skate shoes for many years and they were bad for my feet oh my mom's got new shoes I got new shoes you mean like converse I mean she supras vans yeah all those shoes but if you get skate shoes they're designed to have your foot and the board be as close as possible god that's not good for your feet when you're skating you're gonna want to feel that you want to feel when you hop in a nollie and grinding on that rail you can really feel every cubic inch of that shaft yeah the shaft the wheel you spoke the screw but you're gonna want to get supportive shoes for your arch because if you have foot problems you're gonna have cab problems and it's gonna move up you can have hip problems you're gonna have back problems yes the bones connected to the leg bone it all starts with the shoe so I got some nike Rocha runners at the Rocha ones with the russiatooz these are the Russian ones all right I'll give a free plug Durocher cuz those are some of the most comfortable shoes you could get the roaster tubes are even more comfortable they have like a little memory foam oh it's great we don't think a lot of young people look at those have shoes or anything with support they think oh that's what my grandpa does no but they should start investing now wow that was the only I was yelling at miles like what like three days ago cuz his shoes were not just those flat skater shoes but had like holes and Red's a guy felt embarrassed and I went on Zappos that night and I ordered shoes cuz I knew that I need to replace those because of Zack I peer-run I shame you into being a better man Zack shamed me and I deserved it and now I'm a better man because you're a naughty Liz that why you is that why you let the advice with strong little man yeah cuz you want to be strong little man like Zack yeah it's from all that yoga yeah no I I just I worried about you because I know that it really hasn't it why did you buy him shoes I said that would be that's like our version of youtubers surprising people with cars surprising my employee with fifty dollar shoes and supportive sneakers I would love that you don't have the money like other youtubers to do that I'm surprising this person with $100,000 Mountain I mean I'm throw that would be I would be down to do that what am I gonna do with this mouth I guess we're gonna go buy a mountain now I find every time I buy shoe I own a bunch of different shoes but I only end up wearing the same one pair every day I know and I'm on slip them off it's too hard I wanted a pair that I could like I'm on my feet all day shooting yeah cameras you guys so I want to be comfortable I was so uncomfortable breathable mash super brave good art support they don't have the best art support but I've actually also heard you need to get inserts every person needs to get shoe insert it is because it's get your everybody walks a little bit differently and I jump on this advice release pop on what's up party people oh please dude for your shoes you got to get inserts it cost you $10 a pop and it will make every pair of shoes that you have your boots your your old sneakers whatever gives you support makes it more comfortable I love I want to have happy feet or happy feet and tired of the way your foot I do want one of those like custom insoles that cost like a lot of money well yeah they like skiing your feet I would love that those are expensive those like a hundred bucks right I know but think about how good your feet will feel every day Wow is that a compelling video maybe we might weird that I like I like like kind of uncomfortable shoes like dress shoes and then at the end they when they're really sore you're like I did so you kind of like pain I kind of like it's because you like assurance that you did it because of the war was it like that little boy it's like friends of mine who were trained like from a young age slap your ass bad little boy I must flip your ass badly too but I also enjoy that impression I replicate it my stucking all right well that's been all the time we have for today's episode this has been the tripod thanks so much for listening and for spending time with us and has one final update my heart is pounding my palms are sweaty and I near the hospital I might have to go to the hospital make sure to subscribe leave us five star reviews check us out on youtube if you're not there already and right now we're maybe on tour no we might just we were about to go on tour or we're on tour so please tickets might still be available at the Internet tour tour and our new book the hidden power of effing up what else can we plug in yarn we have a patreon you can give us money and also I have an Etsy shop where I make tiny hats for turtles which mean they have to be really tiny but a delivery a tiny hat on a turtle and I also make that brush a eggs venmo me you know I get more requests sometimes and I am like yeah I'll give you three bucks oh my god you can then cat here over mommy all the time I think it's strangers been no request when people had no requests like 65 bucks I'm like go to hell but if they request actually a game I used to play with my buddy Chris Ryan occurs we would just charge each other like 42 cents for foreign name things very fun if you charge me under 25 cents I'll pay the first 40 people no I have people saying like they're worth $300 and the subject is please send now so that if you scroll through fast my pic oh [ __ ] I sent a sad thing like what did I hit still waiting on this yeah anyway until next time this has been the tripod or yeah this has been the tripod until next time Keith hit us with the official tripod theme songs I'm a naughty little boy this is the tripod until next time stay beautiful he do it with my mom's accent now [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 558,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, advice, mulan, disney, drinking, drunk, disneyland, brave, parenting, parents, mickey mouse, goofy, shoes, disney world
Id: -EMV9jdwPRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 50sec (3650 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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