Ned Tries Car Jousting (DISASTER) - TryPod Ep. 18

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bramble pega to rake on Skillshare and native deodorant for sponsoring this week's episode and keeping everything fresh [Music] a clap from your side gentlemen and we're all gonna take a deep breath and let it out ah good morning podcasters my gosh net this is not the podcast energy we all signed up for okay third time yes bird time it is stuff I've realized that energy wise I Ned and I are never ever at the same place because he's a force to be an early riser yep so I'd say I'd say your prime is like between now and noon from what I've noticed yeah yeah then I go downhill real quick and and for me I'm hungry at around 10:30 a.m. it's time for lunch yeah you need second breakfast yeah and then it take I'm a slow climb up the hill and I don't really start feeling like a human until 4:00 p.m. I'd say 7:00 p.m. I mean that is my creative prime is between 6:00 p.m. and midnight no I've been up since 6:00 I'm ready to go ready to do this I'm gonna give the people what they want and then you're ready to go home yeah check in check out what time you go to bed have you working up a 6 10:30 10:30 10:30 be know when I wake up 7:30 or 8:00 yeah I feel like okay yeah it's almost too much it's a lot it's a lot miles what time are you going to bed I go to bed I try to go to bed at 11 but usually like 11:30 12:00 and I wake up at 7:00 but then I'd snooze my alarm I wake up at like 7:30 yeah yeah I'm I'm in your in your realm as well half an hour later and then 10:30 I mean you seemed pretty shocked at something that you're asleep at 10:30 well O'Shea 10:30 I'm like we're like getting ready for bed at 11:00 right my lights are not out till 12 12 10 at the earliest yeah I'm reading at 10:00 and I no longer carry the the laptop into my bed anymore oh yeah that's a huge I don't do that at all we haven't done that in months and months the reading like I've been reading books in bed too and it is like you like was how's that different than reading Twitter it's so much different especially if you're not reading on a screen like a scream oh no I can't laughs blue light into your face and you're like wakey-wakey it's time to get up nope it's time to go yeah I'm having our PhD so I'm print me out my Twitter timeline I find it for me so yeah it's a but I'm still getting my social updates oh wow I'm so weak when I wake up I feel like I'm just this like this tiny being just clutching on to life and so I need that that lifeline of Twitter of something to do for 15-20 minutes just to like make my brain wake up you're a tiny being clutching on to life I woke up I was trying to think of a mean you're tired I was trying to conjure a visual image but I'm still so tired that I'm incapable by doing the visual image was like Voldemort's Horcruxes I'm like this the bloody one at the end yeah or like I'm blind in men in black when that little face opens up and there's a tiny alien inside of it that's what I'm picturing myself and I have these tiny little arms that can barely do anything hmm yeah so you go to Twitter to remedy have like oh yeah how long does it take you to feel like you've woken up why don't get out of bed probably four on average 20 minutes wow that's way but I'm drinking coffee there well you get out of bed and get the coffee and come back I can't do anything I've climbed around I'm not saying what I do is good I don't like what I do you climb around yeah like I climbing through the house I'm like the coffee maker I was like making Becky tea and then I climb back in bed and wait until that's all done that climb out and I climb around the kitchen again and then I bring back some hot cups and I get in the bed and then I cuddle Becky for like five minutes while everything cools and we sit definitely have her coffee you guys don't understand how good you have although we get anymore I got to become a parent all of that goes out the window like I spent years snoozing in bed sleeping in bed waking up Leia you guys don't even understand your complaining about nothing you complain it really brag the minute the minute you have a kid it all changes and you just have to wake up early you have to wake up whenever that baby wakes up and often times it's 6 a.m. 5 a.m. 4 a.m. you got it you gotta understand that if you want children someday it's coming for you so enjoy it while you can well I wake up at like like 3 2 P and then somehow 10 minutes before my last alarm to pee and I'm like I didn't have that much water I don't know what's happening I have so much B in the morning I feel like my pee is my baby it's it sounded like a baby not getting up to soothe a crying baby well also Keith's Keith's weiners crying in his bed years into the toilet P tears right well by the way welcome to the tripod the try guys you guys Zack hey you got Ned hey you got Keith hey and in the big boys chair you got miles because Eugene isn't here again on vacations really getting his rest I appreciate it we are gonna throw to a special voicemail no Jean no right now take it away Eugene hey tripods listeners it's Eugene now I'm so sorry I can't be there for this very special episode I'm on my dogs right now who won tell you one important message best Oh an MSA what's up miles nation their favorite on the tripod is of course miles Bunsen you are a and they give him their puppy paws of approval all right back to whatever their kinetic ether yammering about good one Eugene Wow Palm Springs is pretty racy it's got a really surprisingly like vibrant gay club scene and like that's the only club scene yeah the straight clubs are not as fun as the girls I mean that's generally true man yes you smile it's like that's the only op is like all the if there are clubs that aren't gay there also have been taken over by the majority K population that leads the party out there mm-hmm we went to a show tunes bar last time we were out there where they're just blasting different musical soundtracks and then they have it on the TV screen and it's this weird bar where everyone like I mean every single person is just transfixed glued to the screen watching and screaming along to Liza Minnelli it's very fun let's kick it over to our podcast gremlin miles to read your secrets that you left us with a five-star review what's up my sneaky little darlings today I've got a special little secret stinky stinky is what I said that's right tripod blurs you got you know a stinky little secret coming yes yes yes well that the miles nation loves the tripod lives yeah try few dollars you love reppin the myelination we have beef this big drama this secret is from somebody named Lila pounder it just the name just comes I don't know I'm not thinking about it before I'm just spouting out the words that are raised just come on yeah it is come right on you Lila pounder that's a joke I like mmm wake you up real quick there's a pounder I barely know I hate know what how can people get a secret read out loud great question so people go into the iTunes store they rate is five stars and they leave us a special little secret and we read them on the podcast if you leave us two stars you are not gonna read your secret if you read as four stars I'm not gonna read your secret if that's the great rule we're not reading we're not reading if you ate as five stars were so flattered that we're forced to read on the back is that cheating to get us to the top of the chart yes is it working no don't tell my mom oh right Lila says I know mommy's love to listen to this when I was 16 my best friend have been teaching me how to drive for a while in parking lots and in low-speed neighborhoods I did not have my permit yet I told my older sister about the lessons and she wanted to take me driving first time driving on the highway then took some back roads into town a car pulled out in front of the car in front of me they stopped I didn't we rear end of them going about 35 miles per hour causing 30,000 worth of damage to the car what car yeah what was she driving the most cars cost like $30,000 Wow or less whoo that's not worth it she rear-end like Herbie fully loaded was this car sentient oh my god yeah exactly if you include health insurance claims it was a test low maybe it was a Tesla yeah oh it was Elan much I know we had just enough time to look at each other she hopped and ran around the car I jumped over the gearshift and a cop pulled up seconds later no one knows I was driving I sprained my ankle from trying to break otherwise no other injuries I love you guys so much so from the impact ride the brakes so hard that I sprained my ankle II what happens you were braking and your foot was pressed into the car when you hit the other car that energy transferred into your ankle what Flintstones nonsense is this that she slammed her foot down to stop so hard it definitely reminds me in high school how you thought you were a really good driver but you're really not because you haven't just you haven't had enough hours to get like practice that driving the man in high school I thought I was the greatest driver you guys both get uh is it 16 the permit work yeah yeah well 1550 permit 16 her license I was driving around I mean all of my tickets have come from the age of 16 to like 22 yeah hmm I wonder if there's a reason why we're actually 21 to 24 they're all [ __ ] they're all like total [ __ ] tickets all tickets are [ __ ] let me live my life okay mr. libertarian have I told you guys about the gold standard I would love to it does makes me think in highschool how like the worst car accident I ever got in with that was actually my friend was driving but this was after a homecoming game where we had all painted our chests blue cuz we were the Stanton Blue Devils and somebody at we're driving a like some kids moms minivan and both doors were open and we were going around a neighborhood with a long broom pole and it was trash day so somebody with the broom pole was trying to knock over trash cans like they were Justin so like speeding down a resume road with a minivan with both the side doors open and somebody jousting a broom pull out trying to knock over trash cans yeah I'm not gonna lie that's pretty dope yeah after as a homecoming game we're all wearing blue chest paint with shirt off yeah and it was it was so fun who was driving the guy whose mom's oh you weren't there I was there I was in the very back seat holding neither a broom pole No a steering wheel you tell me you didn't get a single joust in no I didn't man I'm off they're off the wreck off the record no I did not statute of limitation did you feel bad no I felt also as far as hilarious logistics of it you know it's like I didn't want to take my seatbelt off they were the cooler in the group and it was a good thing because as we come around a corner suddenly the road turns from a straight road into a t-intersection so you have to turn either right or left the driver paying attention to all the hilarious jousting going on do you realize at all tries to turn way too late and then we speed at like 30 40 miles an hour sort of turning sort of not and that's how we lost from right into a curb break the axle of the car Wow car won't turn on like the car can won't turn on it won't run and then everybody just scatters we leave everyone freaks out just leave the car we had like we probably had 10 kids in a car that seats at 7 or 8 it's like there are girls on people's laps it was just a mess everyone really lorda Florida usually we gotta get out of here well we were only about like you know a mile or half a mile from a friend's house that we had all met up at to then do this jesting adventure everyone just scattered like they're so like into the woods like we were like that's that's what teenagers do if any problems come you just run yeah you just you just go in every direction because you can't catch all of you that's right that's true and so we eventually met up at the person's house I think the poor guy whose car it was had to just stay there with the car so many stories like homecoming you got the ticket stories you got kids not knowing how dumb they are when they're driving stories and you got kids running away from the cop stories not got one in every bucket hi hi shouting trash cans doing this no I just have slingshotting paintballs into street signs a little from moving cars moving yeah yeah hurt em buddy yeah we never just just like big reflective signs cuz we were doing it on what you're selling shot ends PayPal's paintballs wow that's pretty dumb audio too needed no you just just do you ever have a close call like you you know a cop is nearby or like I get caught well what happened is what I thought was gonna be an innocent night of like very very light vandalism because paintballs are soap yeah they wear next time it rains it's all everything's fine yeah well it switched from that to let's pull out baseball bats and hit mailboxes I wasn't in charge it's night so that's what started happening so I my son did not hit any mailboxes uh-uh but there was one funny moment where I was like we drove by this house that had a mailbox that was totally like concreted in and they were like yeah that's like a we've built feet up that mailbox so many times that he concreted it together so we couldn't so what they did was open the little lid that closes and they broke just that she's like dude what's wrong with this guy maybe this guy was a dick I don't know I was just like this is after I left Tennessee I came back to hang out and this is what my friends had decided they were doing without a moral compass and then without started doing whatever they wanted Ned what year is it it's 2019 well do you have a great pair of wireless earbuds I don't need a good pair of wireless headphones you can't be holding your phone to your head while you take calls you can't be tangling wires on the airplane you gotta have wireless earbuds and if you're looking for a pair get yourself some wireless earbuds from Ray Khan let me tell you why Ned they started about half the price of the other premium wireless earbuds on them right yeah it was co-founded by Ray J and celebrities like Snoop Dogg and cardi B we're already obsessed with these headphones I mean come on now these earbuds are incredible they've totally changed the game for me I was wearing them on tour they were incredible were you listening to oh I was listening to podcasts like this one I used the rake on a 50 wireless earbuds they're great they suit my ears perfectly also they come with little different sizes you know like me with big ol ear holes they can fit just nice but he was tiny little ear holes well they've got little tiny little buds for you and of course they don't just look great they sound great the sound is really really good they look really sleek and Rickon offers their wireless earbuds for everyone in a range of fun colors and an unbeatable price mine are blue go to buy rake on Comm slash try guys to get 15% off your order that's buy rake on Comm slash try guys for 15% off rake on wireless earbuds if you've been eyeing a pair now's the time to get an amazing deal then one more time that is buy rake on Comm slash try guys all right let's get back into it definitely done some dumb stuff but I'm not into like permanent vandalism also that's a federal crime you can't [ __ ] with mailboxes snow yeah it's bad oh you couldn't [ __ ] with mail no I think mailboxes are also property yeah I am the guy as soon as you put it up it's like it's now technically state and federal property it's weird hold on let me make some I despise mail I hate it so what some way bird about why you hate me I hate because you can't stop it you're not allowed to not get nailed on it but the only people that mail me are things that I don't [ __ ] need so now by the government I have an obligation of this burden where I need to go down to a box and clear out [ __ ] once or twice a week you have been you have forced a chore on me that's how I feel it's just this annoying little chore and I have note there's no there's no opting out mm-hmm I can't be the only one that feels this way I hate I've never once gotten a piece of mail that is excited me without a wedding invitation I got I got my digital I got my my talent you're gonna look me in the eye and saying an email wedding invitation is more exciting than a paper wedding for a birthday Karlin Gras the cool like I'm just talking signs boy Li's and yeah you know those okay you know I love a good doily okay I can't I can't say no to a doily but if there were like it's just the the maybe 5% of mail is worth my time it's true I mean I get a lot of credit offers much my credits just too good I don't even get a lot of credit card offers and I only recently maybe now they but now I have like a billion all at once because you just signed up for like three and then they all went through yeah I know that actually I mean you you so you until the age of like 28 did not have a credit card at all yeah because in my early Chicago years I didn't make enough money for any credit card company to give me one because I didn't never do student loans or stuff like that so I had no credit other than I was always paying everything on time with a debit card I never went into I never had any problems but I thought it was ideological for you like if it was Vissel I did then it became ideological that I like I just didn't want to buy things that I couldn't afford which I get because I think that's came from like how little money I had I'm like that would I will just get trapped and I was around people who had credit card debt I'm like well this seems like a trap for someone like me if you if you think you're not gonna be able to control your spending with a kind of flexible credit account then you can easily get stuck I was the same way for for a while where my dad really wanted me to get a credit card and his his argument was always well what if you want to buy something you can't afford I'm like well then I'm not gonna do that afford it why though but the reason you get a credit cards cuz he had all those dope points and then it helps you buy stuff later down the line but I've still kept that philosophy I have never once ever bought something that I couldn't afford even when I got my car I never shared balance uh wait a second you've never carried a balance no not once in my life and I refused to when I got a car I did not buy a car until I could buy the whole car right that's like I just I wanted to make sure like I'm not going to do this until I have all the money to clear it I mean that's different like you can get a specific loan for a car I found that out later but I was like no I needed all of the money to buy this car crazy to buy car in cash but yeah my parents instilled in me what I think is true is that the reason you get a credit card at a young age is to start building your critics right so that when you go to buy a house you know 10 15 20 years later you have a good credit score and then the house mortgage is cheaper and that he's the right answer exactly it's true ya know that's the reason to do it if you're worried about having balances get too high there's a lot of great credit cards that will only have like a five hundred dollar limit a seven hundred dollar limit like things that you can like set the credit card so that it won't let you spend past a certain amount and that actually it's like they'll give those cards to even people with bad credit or no credit and that's how you can start like slowly building your credit trust worthiness reddit chat with Ned a very fun thing is that you I have good credit now but I can't get a mortgage because we started a company that's under two years old yeah and I don't have two years of pay stubs yeah sure we compute I know and I just like I I also like I'm waiting for the market to go the [ __ ] down because the same neighborhood I have if I bought a house that was equivalent to my apartment it's about a million dollars that's insane just unbelievable I did find out that interest rates are pretty much as low as they've ever been right now yeah it's actually contributing to the possibility of a recession because the federal bank is like look guys we aren't gonna be able to lower a much more like we're running out of flexibility it was something like quote was like we have limited fiscal tools to offset political instability oh wow that is it's like they can only lower it so much anyways that's not really what this project is about is bad gas is a cavity bad gas room for best friends but I'd be happy to talk talk fiscal responsibility and credit will offline it if you have Keith offline me about your housing search because I got a couple of ideas I came up with some new info last night too for that I can check if we get enough tweets we'll do a special bonus tip is called Ned's financial corner where you just talk finance daddy sounds [ __ ] dope we call it daddy Ned bucks said I got a pivot for us so so you were talking before that when you wake up you you do not go on the social media that's right yeah I have about five minutes of internet time before I left for work and watch a Sean McVeigh press conference there you go so and Keith you may not know this either so we're recording this beginning of the week that's that's what we do we just get out of the way from all of the Disney news this week oh yeah not just the mandalorian there's a new Star Wars trailer you boys haven't seen might see I do I was looking for it - because I saw stills from it and I couldn't find it you know the still I rewatched the old Star Wars trailer I was so hyped this weekend I just imagine myself back bill and I saw a poster of Senators I went to YouTube's trending vertical and I'm like the [ __ ] you - where's the trailer I know it's out there I don't have time to search for I will warn you that it's not a ton of new footage but the new footage that you get is important and I just want to hand it over I know how big of a moment this is think both of these guys moment guys net-net is a huge Star Wars fan and Keith actually rewatch --is every single Star Wars movie once a year in order yeah oh it's awesome our worst Christmas I've never been able to come well probably I would be all over that we'll probably edit out the first minute of this I just want to get to the big moment I'm gonna hand it over I'm just gonna let you guys enjoy oh boy enjoy this is Star Wars the rise of Skywalker d23 special the rise of Skywalker yeah I still don't love the title well did you like last Jedi I love you I said I need to well just whisper over here to each other oh there they are going through all the old we're definitely using this morning is oh they're gonna I love you I know no he's getting excited from episode 2 oh yes the new ones - I was just young enough to think these were awesome they say Darth Maul's dope oh [ __ ] oh they're transfixed our eyes are so why they're so good at the door of adorable what's gonna happen let's get oh the mess is swelling you know each time what tell me guys what are you seeing there at a music festival I can't I'm sorry I can't tell you what's happening and then the big moments coming oh oh yes of dope fighting oh my god teasers of battles to come along be bad she go me and the big they thought would happen after the last movie that's what I assumed she was still good with follows the trope pretty perfectly so the big moment at the end of this trailer if you haven't well you've seen it ray is in a dark cloak the camera pans over oh yeah let my OCD just give him the last moment see me last moments obviously he has a double red lightsaber and then she flips it into a double sided like dark it's pretty doubt okay well only gonna talk about this for the next hour I've cheeks gonna be bad but I like her so much is good but that was the whole thing that's soul it saying on Twitter that she has the Motorola flip phone it does make me think like how would you hold it if it was two lightsabers next to each other you're like her you just gripping a big old twofer of course yeah of course the first explanation I hold it with two hands I was watching a matpat film Theory only last week about this he thought and he predicted this turn but it makes sense because if you know a lot about Star Wars you know that typically the stronger you I mean the stronger get is Jedi the more you realize how strong the force is the more you're tempted by the dark side of it but as you start seeing the limits of your power of Star Wars it's breena's and also how governments work the more powerful to get the more prone they are to fascism and evil and just like the government every emperor has planet of a duplicate of a hundred of its own body so that when its gets murdered his soul can escape back to that planet and regain his strength very similar to Voldemort yeah so how you guys feelin right now I'm feeling electrified love Chris my goodness I cannot wait I've been so into basically all the Star Wars movies but especially the core trilogy you feel Hanukkah and then and then every time people like wait when Tonica this year uh I mean the weird thing is they were setting this turn of Ray to become evil in the last movie and there was this I thought it was gonna happen in the last movie because they're like connecting like talking to each other with their like secret force FaceTime love that they're like fighting like the supreme leader back to back and it's like Oh what the kill him and I go does she could become bad then but there's like no she's still good and then your watch you you've at the end of last Jedi you're like what gives I thought she'd gonna be bad and now they're like yeah we heard you that'll be bad now I've had about thirty minutes more than you guys to digest this trailer I these are hot takes coming in this coming in hot I'm gonna tell you I I don't believe anything I see right now I've been I've been I've been living with JJ Abrams for a long time course not going all the way back to the lost pilot going all the way back to alias going all the way back to felicity whoa that boy likes doesn't like to show his hand Ned you know I'm a sweaty boy yo yeah me up me too I was wearing we sweat we're just sitting in a room that's pretty comfortable and I'm sweating talked about swamp ass I know but here's the thing I use a different kind of deodorant than most people I use a native deodorant oh it is a all-natural deodorant it's amazing it's formatted it's formulated without aluminum parabens and talc you know it's filled with natural ingredients and that's what I have to use because other deodorants for me they make me break out they don't work some of them make me sweat more which is awful but but this is really working great I use the unscented native deodorant that way no one can ever smell me coming a man can't smell me coming around the corner I'm I'm scentless I'm like a ninja like you can't see me you can't smell me well that does make a lot of sense it works it can hang with me and we're always doing try guys videos were running around sometimes we're in hot kitchens the Hybris burger family is a natural family we use a lot of natural products and people love native it's got over 8,000 five-star reviews you can check them out in today's show in Women's Health and Good Morning America and it's got the ingredients that you know you know it doesn't have like a bunch of weird confusing things written on the back do you mean like what the hell is that this is a product with no animal testing of that a little rabbits are being effective and there's free shipping and returns I mean that's great yeah you've got no risk here if you don't like it you send it back it's all free and it comes with a ton of different cents and get cucumber mid you get eucalyptus coconut and vanilla that sounds I know doesn't that sound nice little coconut vanilla it's the most popular sense obviously here's the great thing too there's no risk to try it they offer free returns and exchanges in the USA or 20% off your first purchase of native deodorant go to native deodorant calm and use promo code try guys during checkout that is 20% off your first purchase just go to native deodorant comm use promo code try guys are in the checkout bada-bing bada-boom you're saving money and I'll see you're having some healthier products under those pities you right for my theory I'm ready okay I'll drop it Wren must join the dark side do fully bravely emperor Rey rather my friend right must join the dark side fully to kill the Emperor fully yeah and she will hopefully come back or kill herself oh god I think that's right yeah because so you think the laughing that we heard at the end of the first trailer is the actual Emperor Palpatine and he comes back and he's bad why should you have to become bad to kill him because the force you have to have and the good side of the forest can never beat the dark side of the force typically in that like only there are some times where it has but typically the dark side is just so much more powerful that you have to it have to be tempted slightly and use the dark side to win even in the end canonical do you have to use the dark side yeah I think well at so Luke is heavily tempted hmm I guess it's canonical in that the dark has never been fully extinguished for one but also it wasn't Luke who was able to defeat the Emperor it was later Darth Vader right bad there was a kind of goodness yeah I mean you're right that typically v kill each other I like this theory because I think it points to this idea of the whole series has been this black and white and I think it it has two narrative Lee come to a place of balance to be satisfying especially if you think this movie's not the end of a trilogy but the end of what is it as an analogy that we learned from an analogy a nine part series like how do you bring all of these threads together and I do think that figuring out a way to yield both sides yeah is would make Senate a name is Canon that there are many Emperor Palpatine bodies and one and because he of course he doesn't require he's so that's just Canon where in like I've not really seen that in the books that came after a certain time they're in that and that is that is Canon whoa so he like replicates himself into multiple bodies he basically has Horcrux is almost exactly this that's awesome you're not heard of that yeah what Booker's is that in I'd have to look it up but I know it wasn't if you watch that uh that matpat video he I would say I think that JJ Abrams I agree with you Zack I think JJ Abrams is not gonna just like let ray become dark and that'd be the ending I feel like Star Wars always has the thing where the good side does win and this is the last chapter right this is the final one yeah I mean it would have yeah you would think it's gonna end happen that moment that moment is almost definitely in the first half of the movie oh yeah midpoint right cuz that's just JJ Abrams wouldn't reveal show his hand I mean maybe it's just a dream and she sees what she could be it's totally possible very Star Wars back to but you spend that time in that like cave of power and future yeah I drop a real hot take a slower hot take yeah I've never found the Emperor that interesting hmm hell that hot is it not that hot because people were so psyched when he was coming back for this movie and to me like I don't he doesn't really mean much to me when I watched the first horse he's the man behind a curtain I don't fear him I don't think about him he doesn't like I don't know my imagination I totally agree with you I think Darth Vader is always compel their imagination and fear more so than the Emperor right which right of course yes so Darth Vader is iconic the emperor is not so I was a little surprised to see that excitement when he was brought back for this movie was so shocking of it's like something thought was mega dead and then he is is the main villain of the prequels yeah he's Senator Palpatine when it's totally sake was not a good villain but he was the better or the only good part of that whole yeah early choice you know better than me I haven't watched him in a while yeah he's like one of the eyes good Darth Maul was cool it's like ruin that yeah Darth Maul don't take it one step further I just this idea of this like big shadowy man in a cloak I also did not care for Snoke in the first one I had no interest I did explore who he was and when they killed him unceremoniously I screamed and cheers I'm like [ __ ] yeah I do not care about this man I want the people the compelling characters and to me Adam driver is is eight billion times more compelling I would rather the focus be on him and Ray I love it okay unceremoniously that fight scene is one of the best fight scenes it's awesome in cinema it's incredible so not ceremonious right thanks very much Justine is ceremony yes yeah whatever she was lightning out of his hands he's a pretty dope character I've never played video games you play the Star Wars trilogy arcade game Lego Star Wars that's pretty cool there's one this is old Star Wars arcade game and they've made several versions of it but in once right yeah sometimes it has a chair some it's yeah different versions of how good it can be the best one you're in a chair but you you lightsaber battle Darth Vader you have to fly in trip a t-80s it's basically every significant seen in the pillaging that you do one and it's incredible that's why every time I went to the movies as a kid Wow and I started with only one dollar I was like oh how can i how far can I get with one dough and it's like oh I would get two Hostin that I would die and then like as I got older I'm like okay maybe maybe I'll put like two dollars into it and see how far I can get and by the time I finally beat it it was like all right like five six dollars like couple of deaths and then reborns but then I finally beat the entire arcade game I was like wow I finally did it it's cool isn't it kept on playing it every time there's a new Star Wars Jedi fallen order game that's about to come out that looks insane it is an open-world Star Wars video game where you can go to different planets and stuff like that and you drink blue milk it is it's coming up for ps4 uo8 miles Kyoto you order me one yeah you got honestly if anybody from Sony's listening we would love advance copies Tony maws PlayStation oh wow I will say you know to this idea of you know the bad guys and the good guys like who's gonna defeat Palpatine like that was the cool thing about prophecy where Darth Vader's gonna bring balance to the force it's like he's good and becomes really really bad and then it's like he has this moment of like goodness mixed it mixed with bad to finally restore balance to the force but if Palpatine didn't actually die that means did he not restore balance to the Lord that's why there is still evil that's why like these these next three movies exist so is Rey the chosen one that's gonna restore balance so you should watch I don't want to spoil the video everyone who is at all interested in this should go watch the matpat theory because it's a very fun theory about the future also it talks about more about ray and I mean maybe she where she comes from like is she on and Leia's there's more to it it's some really interesting stuff let's let's move off star wars because I'm sure some people aren't desperately yeah they're already gone we've talked a lot about Disney in the weeks passed do you want to give like three minutes to Disney Plus loves Disney they had so so so so many announcements this past week and it really feels like they are just about to own my life like everything that they are coming out with Disney in general like between these Star Wars announcements all the shows and then their theme park revamps I'm just like yeah just just you just own me I'm in and whatever you got I I forgive you I don't even care that you're taking spider-man out of my wages yeah like I'm all in I'm nope me too I mean watching all those trailers the multiple Disney Plus trailers this weekend got me hyped not only they have them and like they have these big show so they have the Mandalorian Star Wars show they have all these Marvel shows but then they're like oh if that's not for you by the way we have an unscripted show starring Jeff Goldblum oh by the way we have a Christmas movie starring Bill Hader and Anna Kendrick I'm like yeah you you've every part of my being you have just tapped right into my heart what looks like a terrible live-action lady in the [ __ ] I think it doesn't look good enough for theaters and they agree those movies if they can make the things that come out exclusive to Disney Plus as premium as movie theaters and not avoid that kind of like oh well they just dumped this out you know avoid the video on demand or straight-to-dvd type of assumption cuz like I would say the Netflix movies some of them are pretty great and others they're like oh well this is kind of like just cranking out the sausage yeah so if a cranking that saucy they can avoid them and then it would be no I would I'm sure I hope it's good I just doesn't seem like a movie that needed to translate dogs falling in love it's never been my favorite of the moon no it's like cute and stuff I barely remember it you know honestly I will say that the dog they got for a lady is adorable yeah she's all I remember is the spaghetti scene yes yeah I in fact I'm let's give her I can't think of a single other scene can you isn't there something with the cow I know no dog in a cab I only remembered that there were even other dogs when I watched the trailer I'm like oh yeah there's like a Scottish term yeah that's a new yorky I remember Oliver and company better than I remember lady in the [ __ ] yeah I only remember homeward bound that was good I had movie I was like yeah baby to me baby did you remember when she threw that lightsaber across the floor so yeah it was dead like a boomerang you know babe was nominated for Best Picture yeah babies phenomena you know babe was directed by Mad Max director George Miller that's correct how about thou yeah directed Mad Max Mad Max - babe Happy Feet happy feet - Mad Max Wow that's a career that's a very interesting career that's a career yeah good times anyway I'm excited for oh and Moana world is coming to Disney Epcot in Mayan marvel world no cares I want to meet Moana where's Marvel world at Marvel world was just they just did a teaser for it I think it's gonna be at like physically where Oh for new adventure already back on my hands marble in it yeah but what else could you expand over there the window just build a whole Wakanda I say throw the Monsters Inc ride out it's great but it's not the best and I would change that with some other like cool like tour of Iron Man's facilities ride that or something I don't know it's a California Adventure they have a whole Navi planet they should have a Wakanda I want to go to what Conde yeah of course but that I mean it would again it would be a great place to go at Disney's Animal Kingdom because they thrive in the nature realm of riot attraction so like that's the one that's set up for that a lot of people I know are upset they're they're hurt that things like Moana is is encroaching on Epcot and that you know marvel land is going to Animal Kingdom possibly like the ideas of in critic I don't know it to me it's not holy but I think people who are Disney purists they want Epcot to remain I've got an IP free do you have an opinion there mmm well I'll say that God already has IP in it Mulan is in the China I think that upset people probably I know but I yeah I know it's normal even like I mean I'm sure that the biggest thing was when frozen took over the weird oh yeah the norm ride that became that that frozen flume ride that ride is so fun we we had a blast we're I guess oh that it was all of wheat that was the time when Ned you went and Ivor and we went on several times yeah but we were on that ride and with it was me Keith Eugene our significant others and then a bunch of children and we screamed let it go at the time and just hat like it was this pure moment where we were all the same age we were all in it together and we let it don't even love that movie well I don't the ride does a great job of like building tension building tension and then release and idina menzel comes in and you're just ready to sing it out I do love I would love to go back to Disney World again and have a little more time we like hat we did decent amount of time but we really went through and then you and I got to go took like two more bars really briefly yeah like yeah we went we went to work at Orlando and we tweeted to see if any Disney employees were fans of ours we met up and in an hour in under an hour Keith and I went on tower terror and the rock and roller coaster six times it was like we finished rock and roller coaster she came to us open the door and said would you like to go again we went through a little back entrance and then got right back on the ride there's no time escalate there was no time to calm down at the end like it was just like my heart couldn't handle anymore do you like learning things yes you like learning new things yes well the tripod is brought to you today by Skillshare Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of amazing classes covering dozens of creative and entrepreneurial skills you know I've been taking this class about entrepreneurship and business you yeah you yeah that's right that's right prize how surprising you can take classes in everything from photography to creative writing to design even things about like improving your own productivity you know what I took a class in oh 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knowledge for me online and now that skill shares here it's just great cuz its super organized there's so many variety of classes and not just for video production but right for like food or business it's incredible join the millions of students already learning on Skillshare today with a special offer just for tripod listeners you can get two months of Skillshare for free we can't do that oh yes we can't do that that's right Skillshare is offering the tripod listeners two months of unlimited access to thousands of classes for free we free we can't do that to sign up go to Skillshare comm slash try guys again go to Skillshare dot-com slash try guys to start your two months now that's Skillshare comm slash t ry g uys try guys i'm gonna be in orlando next week and i think i'm gonna go to Disney World Wow Clark I'm not sure so yeah what is like the best bang for my buck I'm only gonna be for like a night what do you like I yeah I'll get one I love the rides like I want to do the big awesome rides I already know my answer you should see if any of our listeners can hook miles up with a fast pass to the Pandora that avatar ride because it was great it's like a three and a half hour wait it's about but it's but it's an insane thing I've got its in animal kingdom their Yeti ride the yeti rides pretty dope mhm they have a good water ride but you're not gonna want that if it's night yeah but yeah the avatar ride in the area right are great at animal kingdom avatar it's like it's like soaring California it's the best Universal Studios ride about it is that they figured out how to do the Universal Studios better than Universal code because it's a PR kind of experience do they have like mist but it really says rattle the little flying things and you feel it breathing on your hips totally necessary it's it's a pretty good escapist moment of via a ride it really feels like you're in another place miles I think if you only got one night there yeah never been before you got to go to Epcot I've got one like Magic Kingdom is the classic of course but we do have it here in California a smaller version of it mmm Epcot I mean I guess animal cameo is only available and or Elena's who is so iconic yeah and I I think it's pretty unique - you know it's like Orlando it's the only place you can go to Epcot but look ahead and see what's closed because they did just announce that they're gonna make a lot of changes when does that construction start did it already so no not your question Zack I don't think that it's a problem for them to incorporate some of the other theming and IP into Epcot as long as you don't change like the fundamentals right as long as you can incorporate movement move move right move on into the like China land right but you you want to still be able to go already - you like China it's just China that's the whole thing you want to be able to go around the world yeah yeah don't mess with my around the world situation right if Moana is in the Polynesian area then your inner is there a Polynesian area right now I don't there's a hotel called the grande Polynesian huh wait Epcot also you can drink range oh yeah you can drink and eat and it does it feels the most like going to a permanent food and drink fair cool yeah a giant mobile you around the world a bar crow I want to do that and get one drink from all it's a lot of yeah I have to share drinks I think I ride heavy okay so the rides are okay the drinking I'm gonna be with a group so I'm gonna be there like during the day and then maybe the next day a little bit as well do drive mission earth which is classic it's the big it's the big ball right in the big ball and it's not great but it's it's great because it's old as [ __ ] tell me before we move on tell the hola hi guys video so our story in beautiful Mexico Epcot Orlando Florida you can ride a little boat ride very simple very tame there's no real splashes it's just you watch this old adventure of Donald Donald and some other or some other characters that you've all but forgotten there there are three mariachi ducks yeah and it follows his old classic mariachi tale apparently where they play it out but you're like on this boat it's very cute a lot of songs like music animatronics well we were on it at about two minutes in and we're not the only people in our boat there's other people in the boat and there's a lot of other people on this ride knowing through but we just it like suddenly the music cuts out and a voice on the intercom just goes oh my god Wow right just continues what basically someone who was running the ride just decided I'm gonna pause and then when we got off the ride I think someone did come realize Wade you enjoy the ride yeah anything special happen it is a reminder that you are being watched on security cameras at every moment of every possible second of existence in Epcot in all Disney Wow they think you're sneaking in your little vapor if you're sneaking in something up there why no they are watching you were getting away with nothing there well I'm excited for you miles yeah and I think my official recommendation is get get blitzed at Epcot and then go ride avatar and then puke on the Yeti coaster that's a good day that's how it's great once you're there those of you burped in or something like that you can ride the Disney shuttles between parks so if you do have the ability if someone does yeah what if someone does reach out to miles and offer him the ability to get a park hopper pass for it just kind of right okay you can definitely leave Epcot's it closes earlier jump over to Magic Kingdom on a shuttle and catch the the last parade or go jump on Space Mountain and what's fun is it in LA we have Space Mountain as to seat at a time two people set it on each row and a Splash Mountain is one person in a row and it's flipped there Space Mountain there is one person per row yeah and Splash Mountain is two people per row so there are different experiences it is now time for our favorite segment tarot card random back is just pulling a random tarot card what is that card before I hit you I'm remembering that when we went we had a Disney employee just hang out with me and Keith - the entire day and we made her go on her first ever roller coaster named such a fun fun time sweet though okay I'm gonna flip this card I've picked picked from a tarot deck at random oh it doesn't have a name it is the two of Wands it's the two of Wands it's a man looking he's holding a small globe in his head he's look so there he has a short stick behind him but he's looking forward to a bigger stick which is representing the biggest and he has better opportunities he's facing what is in his hands by not thinking about the lesser opportunities behind him right he's looking forward he's also in front of the mountain or two big things and mountains actually is a smaller staff but he's lifting it higher what you make of your opportunity and he's facing the ocean and he's facing away from the mountains as well you know I had a tarot deck as a kid and I bought like a tarot for dummies book or so you know one of those equivalents to read and I used to give readings but really very barely based on anything I've unfortunately forgotten all of it but I would just give a reading to myself and if I didn't like it I would just go again I may go that one's better all right judgement judgement whoa it's a little angel playing a trumpet and there's a British flag kind of cross thing on there and there's a lot of people opening up their coffins and saying please fix me love with you give me a hug that does look like a bunch of people are standing in their coffins that are floating in water and they're praising the angel Gabriel I love the art of these guitars they're so fact they are these little worlds that you can get lost in and just you know I think about all the meanings it represents you waking up to take care of Wes yeah actually it does remind me of sometimes when wes is feeling upset he'll grab Ariel's legs and he'll like kind of like shove his head at her crotch and we joked anything send me back I want to go back to the womb like I get that it's a door yeah we've all felt that way yeah I want this one down here Oh shake he's losing his destiny no I need though it needs to make sense to me yeah I'm gonna doing a shoot today how will it go oh right yeah we forgot to ask a question oh yeah okay this is the eight of cups I'm leaving all my cups behind some sort of sassy Sun or moon is watching me I am headed away I don't know I mean that means you're about to leave the try guys oh well I'm about to leave on I'm about to leave actually we're how many restaurants are we going to make eight we're thinking we're going to eight fast food restaurants literally after this podcast away wow that's freaky ultra freaky and you're leaving through the gap in the ninth Cup where the ninth Cup would be hmm and I'm taking Zack stick your [ __ ] my stick I am judging it well good thing I've got to stick so I can I can lend you one God we sure could use some advice and that means it's time for our favorite segment that is hosted by our very own podcast gremlin the least experienced and youngest of all of us gives you guys a little bit of sage wisdom on this segment advice that will go for miles with miles bonds what's up miles nation do you want to meditate so hard you crush in the bedroom do you want to have vision so crystal clear you can see where your enemies are hiding get blue light glasses mm-hmm it is my birthday next week oh and my girlfriend got me a very sweet gift of blue light glasses I don't need glasses I have all right don't don't brag that's [ __ ] right it's fighter-pilot vision so I have really good vision what are you doing wasting your talents here you could be a fighter pilot I know I'm actually I have an appointment after this decaf I know but I got she got me blue light glasses they're sassy they're chic I look really good with glasses you do look good but I didn't want to have fake glasses cuz that feels like lying and I is lying you know what I mean and so I got blue light glasses cuz all day I'm like looking into camera LCDs I'm looking at screens I'm like editing and I was getting these headaches and you're really not supposed to look at blue light like that it's really bad for you that's on earlier in the pod exactly so before I go sleep and when I'm editing long things and I'm going to shooting videos I'll wear these little sexy blue light glasses so I look like a hot professor and my brain is perfect so what do you blue like glasses do do they cut out it's literally just a filter of blue in the lens and so you're just you're just wat looking at the world through a slight tint and yeah that's like orange tint oh yeah it's very slight like you don't notice it it's not like wearing blue block or sunglass not like light everywhere it's cool construction like very yellow sunglasses should make glasses that fluctuate based on time of day so it lets in more blue light in the morning I'd be great if you wake up oh yeah I'm Dennis the day goes on it shifts bones should just do that all the time you do that but like you know like I was so glasses like my glasses now there was a yellowing option that I could upgrade to have that built in but I'm a little jealous of yours because yours I can tell are more of an extreme tint oh yeah than mine and it's like now I get to do have a sexy little outfit accessory and I don't have to be like this is a fake thing I'm doing it can be real Israel right allows you wrecked your vision but it knows correct your health my health I help my eyes always be cognizant of your eye health I feel like I'm not like I do wear them all day when I was I think you should I get like headaches I felt like if you're all day I didn't get a headache and maybe you should see though but it worked hey let's keep those work and that's that's good enough for me that's true well what a tremendous episode of the tripod today we have a lot of great things make sure you are checking out try guys comm we got some cool merch there some back-to-school stuff some backpacks some cool things always be looking at that website we're always changing things they're always giving discounts also check out our patreon it's a wonderful community of lovely people you get our videos a little bit early and you get some other perks as well it's super cool and also this Tuesday which is September 3rd if you're listening this right when it came out I am competing again on bring the funny so watch and see if I progress or not because the competition is narrowing down and if I make it to the finals the finals are audience votes so you will have to vote if it make it that far this round is this the round the final round to get you into the finals yeah this is this is not a voting let's like a semi final showcase so if you get up if you get past this round you would make the finals yes Wow oh and that's this Tuesday and only two of the six groups get through oh my god that's tense oh that's wild I also have a special announcement I'm going on tour and six cities that's right you are going on tour I know I'm going on tour with a youtuber group called pretty much it I'm opening for them in six cities Vili Nashville Orlando Dallas in Houston Atlanta also if you want to see me go to the 13 cities wide calm and I usually do some bits and I have an announcement were you going I'm not going anywhere but you can follow me on corn Diddy and I'll just be there and I know I am still a target model I was going to say [ __ ] I actually am the only one without a cool announcement well I've got an announcement and a competition just got renewed well it just the season just ended and ended with what a triumph yeah and it ended with a real cliffhanger yeah we were gonna go over some fan theories but sorry we ran out of time because we like having fun here this has been the tripod Keith it is with the official tripod theme song are you excited for Star Wars cuz we are excited for Star Wars tripod until next time stay beautiful [Music]
Channel: TryPods
Views: 226,047
Rating: 4.9209304 out of 5
Keywords: Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, fan questions, car jousting, cars, teenagers, trouble, drama, star wars, rey, jj abrams, blue light glasses
Id: avvJKSeSchg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 46sec (3766 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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