The Try Guys Battle Drag Queens - The TryPod Ep. 12

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rambles shutout - Warby Parker's zip recruiter and for sponsoring today's episode welcome to the tripod the official podcast of the try guys you got all for your tribe boys right here you got Ned you got Keith you got your team you got Zach we try stuff you know you at this point you know you know the drill and today we're talking about a lot of stuff for in-between the tour about to go back on the road Zach's head has been fixed finally after many years of a broken head his head is new and amazing I've overcome broken head syndrome and now we're trying to fix some of our broken rooms in our lives we have a lot of things are getting fixed you know we also are trying to I'm doing a little tries today because Myles who runs the podcast is out so I I've got all the little dials on my lap I'm gonna be mixing the sound I haven't done this in a long long time so now you are the podcast gremlin also always give me [ __ ] cuz wait way back when we first started making videos together I I when we worked at a company called BuzzFeed I was hired as a different level of than them so I never hired at a level above the three of us he came in with a promotion day one as a result they they got saddled with more of what we call [ __ ] work than I did but they they all were trained and had to learn how to use this h6 handy recorder yes we make fun of Zach because because of that [ __ ] work you might call it uh you might also call it we have a greater technical proficiency in basic audio equipment in in audio equipment yes that is the one thing that I I willingly skipped over so but today I'm gonna make up for it why are you the one running these sanitizers it's my time it's my time to make up and after today when you listen to this podcast and you go oh [ __ ] the boys have never sounded crisper they never sounded cleaner we can put this to rest once and for all do you have compression on all of our mics [ __ ] if I know I just I just turned it on hitRECord baby let's do this but first up you've rated us 5 stars in the iTunes Store you gave us some secrets we're gonna read them Eugene you've got dog on your lap that's perfect for some secrets hit us up baby boy this is titled middle school secret by Roger Steen Roger so they say winter boo-bear secret when I was in Middle School from 2009 to 2012 the person repeated the name winter boo bear hmm Roger Stine I people stop requesting your funny names well I like winter boo bear that's fine winter boo bear Rogers died okay so when winter boo bear was in middle school from 2009 to 2012 I hated that my parents made me bring lunches to school when all I wanted was to be lazy and buy lunches my mom always keeps her purse in the same spot next to the kitchen so when my parents weren't in the room I would take money out of her wallet to use for school lunches over the years I probably took over $150 as she never noticed to add to the drama the to lunch ladies at my school were close family friends and I was always terrified it would calm up somehow and I would get in trouble but in the past two years both of them have passed away so my secret was literally taken to the grave besides the way it was it the the lunch people were taking us to be the - lunch lady okay all right right on besides this I was very bilingual yes I was very by the rules and never even turned in homework late this is by far the most rebellious I have ever been and since the only other people who knew about it are dead and now us you know do that does that mean we're marked for dead now oh yeah conspiracy a lot of you all the listeners are also marked for death watch your back if I know you're gonna run into this sooner then I will cuz you have a child now but I've already realized like if I had a kid and I had cash in my wallet and he took like two dollars I wouldn't know I would never know two dollars would be a lot of money - it cool school kid I would never notice you could take $5 from me and I probably like I must have bought something with that $5 when I buy I don't know well what I'm curious about I'm trying to remember is that like school lunches cost what somewhere between six and ten dollars feel like they over like subsidized a little bit Oh in my high school they were not subsidized oh well Scarsdale they knew that you can't okay so I'm gonna say $150 is like that's like fifteen months twenty one whole year I feel like every time I feel like lucille bluth right now how much could a banana cost ten dollars they're super super cheap worried about this story was that these school lunches were so desirable that they were worth stealing money for yeah yeah it's cool the school lunches were not that great like everyone would bring lunch because the actual school lunches were kind of like oh crap I forgot my lunch today I have to buy a taco bowl so I I resonate with this viewer because it sounds like this this listener had to make their own lunch earlier agent I did too and I hated it also like I didn't have cooking skills so I could only make like really piss-poor lunch now your mother and chef now I am you think that know that this helped you know because I I immediately a cooking skill I begged my mom just give me the dollar twenty-five to buy lunch but as I'm not good at this he goes maybe the milk and a pouch that you would stab no with a straw is like capri-sun but no yeah I was just like a like a square bag of milk it didn't really have a top or a bottom it was just a square and you would just stab it with us draw and it was very satisfying that sounds great and milk did it have the same like stupid cow jokes or stupid like nutrition facts that were like a little cartoony looking straight from a factory like it was just like I believe all it said was like milk Eugene what was your story on our story I think her mom made her lunch this this secret though her mom's was a really shitty cuz she said I wanted to be lazy and I just get the lunch from school that yeah I agree with I think she's losing the mother makes my life I could go back but we're not going to we're just gonna rewind it's gonna happen the laziness is I think actually just bring it to school oh really yeah one time I uh I opened a box of raisins at school and it was full of ants and I was mortified whoa that's horrified out that reflected on me that like oh I'm I'm such a horrible person that I mistook a box of ants for raisins but no it was just there's some how ants had gotten into my raisins definitely forgot a lunch in my locker one time and it got infested I had I do have a classic growing up in America fresh-off-the-boat story where one of the first sob uh well one of the first lunches my mom packed me she put kimchi in it hmm and I got made fun of so much yeah they were and I mean it really isn't that pungent though its pungent to people who never smelled it yeah cuz now when you walk in here like oh it's kimchi but the same thing to be said about like any sort of strong smelling food from any culture it's just they've never seen it yes it is yeah I bought worth being over yeah oh well now you made it sadder well you know I was gonna debate the merits of kimchi it smells strongly it's we're not gonna deny that no yeah has a strong smell but I take offense to when people say that and also imply that it's bad no it's delicious I think where it's where most of the kids came from was your stinky Asian go back where you came from that's kind of the idea but that's where why wait you peaked I got to make you a little quieter one more time Eugene say say bud so that's a you're a stinky Asian go back for you came from okay yeah and that's that's why we take offense to Trump's recent comments he's really going for it yeah yeah it's kind of like the literally Ashley awful but that's like the one thing you learn in me elementary school is that that is the taunt you tell someone when you don't understand them it's like the most de based way to tell someone I am racist and I this is the first thing I think I can think of did you guys ever do the old chicken nugget bounce test what's the chicken nugget bounce test oh it's this guy every school was convinced that that they put a little bit of rubber into their chicken nuggets and so everyone would go and they would prove it by making them bounce but as an adult I realized that objects just bounce yes sometimes objects have they just have a little bit of bounce it was like a conspiracy theory that everyone was convinced of and everyone had some older brother that had like the inside scoop that they were putting rubber into our chicken butt rocks I had that free and we had chicken nuggets seal my mom's money chicken ranch chicken wings no there are many different shapes the chicken could arrive it could be a nugget it could be a ring tender was oh it or strips were always the best rings were good cuz you could take the Rings and put them in your roll and put mashed potatoes on your roll and have a chicken ring mashed potato sandwich everything about how depraved and wild it is that we mashed chicken in the shape of dinosaurs cuz like they were once like the kings of this plan and they were soon and maybe and then they became little stupid chickens and now we grind their bodies and mash them into the shapes of their ancestors and we honor them to feed them to our infants yes I think that's what so when the alien overlords take over they should match our bodies onto the shapes of apes yeah yeah Wow and they call them people nuggets there you go hogs other language speaking of insane foods I got a news item for you Oh shoes that's right because miles is gone your gremlin boy over here is gonna be popping out the news buckle the [ __ ] up I don't have you guys heard this but Arby's has an answer to plant-based meat they made a nice paste meat no meat based vegetables so everyone else's is doing like the impossible burger so like Taco Bell I think is doing impossible meat Arby's is doing a carrot made out of turkey meat so is probable veggie they've called it the Merritt and I that's about as far as I got in reading a about it because that I feel like I know everything there is well as it sold at their at their stores or is it just a like a publicity stunt for a hot second yes well I mean certainly both I think it's being sold o our reasons I'm I'm on the New York Times Arby's insists that it's merit is not a stunt or at least not entirely he says he's putting it at fifty-fifty stunts 5050 joke fifty-fifty legit I mean I like Turkey and I like seasoning so I'm weirdly that's probably healthier than the other stuff on the Arby's so actually so we've got to eat the menu Arby's coming out what is eat the menu Fresno now if you don't know either menu as a show I do where I buy one of everything on the menu I eat at least one bite of it and I review the entire menu in one sitting much to the demise of my own health but so the fortune of you to know what is the single best and single worst item from these places so if you're ever in a food desert and you must eat Arby's here is the one thing I think is the best choice for the price and what is like I'm not gonna spoil okay are you kidding me I'm gonna advertise it then just tell you you're not gonna have to sit through my pain why do you like through my pain I feel like you gotta film a pickup and get that merit I know I'm thinking about doing an entire new item roundup and I go to all the fast food places I've eaten the menu of and I just hit those few new items that have burned up sense and it's sort of a little roundup a little catch-up maybe a catch-up eat the menu catch up because it ketchup is a condiment found in many of these menus you're just gonna suck on ketchup packets no no I'm just gonna call it they eat them and you catch up oh gosh I literally thought you're just gonna eat every ketchup in the world eat the menu catsup episode what is the difference between catsup in ketchup I think it's British I think it's the order of the dominant ingredient yeah I think it was like that there's I thought catsup was the real word and ketchup was the brand and we all just started calling it ketchup it's not actually that I think this is very important for me you know as Heinz and hunts know but I get a hunts boys I said ketchups a fake word that like catsup is the actual what did you think you were gonna say something you had a real answer got catsup was British and ketchup was American I thought that the proportions of the ingredients are different all right audience you guys miss living like when you used to not know something yeah we're just all dinner you'd be like we'll just not know and are you about at all I fall and continue to argue about it but now we can settle this or we could continue to live in this beautiful place of Unknowing you don't want to know what a meat-based vegetable is I want to know I mean how do you even does it taste like a vegetable yeah you think it has a crunch it must be like a slow-cooked carrot right like that that kind of consistency how it still tastes like a beef stew though ooh but that I mean yes it wouldn't taste like a carrot but it would taste good what is vegetable flavoring like not in this ketchup we can't just leave us what ketchup and catsup are simply two different spellings of the same thing boom Wow now here's the most interesting wait is one of them British it's a Western odd version of condiment that European traders were introduced to while visiting the Far East ketchup is from Asia yeah most spice or any flavor comes from any flavoring comes from Asia we should learn that from it sorry Marco its vinegar salt and tomato that's true yeah so like vinegars were definitely like very Asian import yeah we were talking about how so much of their of world world colonialization and domination was based off of a Europeans need for spice yeah like armies they need wow man next time I get ketchup I'm gonna be like mmm this Asian favorites Asian condiments catsup hiring is challenging but there's one place you can go where hiring is simple fast and smart you know what I'm talking about Eugene yep you know a place we're growing nailing exact you're nailing a place where growing businesses connect to qualified candidates that place is zip recruiter dot-com slash approach zip recruiter sends your job to over 100 of the web's of leading job boards but they now stop there with their powerful matching technologies zip recruiter scans thousands of resumes to find people with the right experience and invites them to apply to your job I feel like we don't have the right experience for the job we're currently doing I one of us as applications come in zip recruiter analyzes each one and spotlights the top candidates so you never miss a great match oh it's like getting a match made but without sex more with your job matchmaker matchmaker finding a job yeah zip recruiter is so effective that four out of five of employers who post on super cooter get a quality candidate through the site within how long the first day impressed with that yeah there used to be five people and the try guys but one of them didn't use the prakruti so we got rid of them and right now our listeners can try zip recruiter for free this exclusive web address zip recruiter dot-com slash approach that zip recruiter dot-com / AP p ro ACH zip recruiter the smartest way to hire you know there's a Korean dish where you you soak the rice in ketchup and then you put like an egg omelette over it and I always thought this was such a weird like fusion dish but then they're always saying no this is Koreans just learned about this yeah it's because they don't have tomatoes it's made out of banana yeah I think it still has tomato I think that the banana replaces the other sugar in it I'm not sure I don't quote me on this I'm just well I'm gonna I'm gonna quote you let me go ahead everybody quote me we were at an event and they had banana ketchup and but I didn't want the food it was served with and then it got taken away and I didn't I missed my shot well you're gonna learn all about that probably when you go get jela be one of these days yeah Jollibee will be on the eat the menu table someday do you guys all when you're growing up you knew the one kid who was way too obsessed with ketchup you know I'm talking about like oh yeah what that was like his rock down package it was his identity I remember this guy Ross and he he was like you his favorite color was red net and he like made it [ __ ] known that was his identity was I love ketchup and I love red and put ketchup in water did that kid ever will play ketchup smash know what yet you put a full pack of ketchup on the table you snatch it and one of you is gonna get hit whoa it's like Russian roulette yeah catch him smash I'm laughing because I think that kid was me you don't know the kid that was obsessed with ketchup it's you well that person also was like an unnecessary dick towards mustard right well mustard is very intense for children I know but when you claim one thing as a child you just decide the other yeah associated with it is far inferior like red first blue yeah blue sucks I was that way I do not like mustard sure I don't like mustard no it took a long time to get used to mustard yeah mmmm didn't like it til I was in high school I really liked French's hot dog mustard and then everything switched and I abhorred French's and I only wanted Gulden's brown brown mustard brown mustard and now I'm like I'm cool with either but imagine your power your palette just flipped at one point where you crave the cheaper more generic thing and then suddenly some point I guess you people are kids are getting younger younger do you want the more high quality well I don't think was about quality it was about spice Gulden's is a spicier mustard and and when you're little I don't think you like spice as much but when you're an adult you love spice and that is because but both your taste buds change and evolve and then as you age they die Wow so you become less sensitive to flavors as you taste I always thought it was that your your cells totally change every seven years and that's part of I believe that your taste buds actually wane and that's sort of why my taste buds are dying there you mined out from the old Google pocket it's fine this episode is just us saying things confidently and then be like oh I don't know about that I need to taste everything now let me taste the microphone well it's funny cuz I grew up that's a better with very packer was so much spicy food so I always liked spicy food uh-huh but with me I preferred the more generic brands of things cuz the fancy expensive stuff turned me off my concept you know I was like I'm not gonna touch Grey Poupon that's for fancy people I deserve whatever you just said the basic hot dog mustard branches branches yeah there's so much buzz about the tenth month they're constantly changing but between the ages of 40 and 50 the number of taste buds teases 50 we're not even close we're getting close oh I'm eight years away from 40 oh [ __ ] you're so old yeah okay now the taste buds decreases and the rest begin to shrink losing mass vital to their operation after age 60 you may begin to lose the ability to distinguish the taste of sweet salty sour and bitter foods Wow spicy is left by that one does that mean that you crave stronger tasting things or it's all the same you don't give a [ __ ] I think yeah it probably they're weaker so you crave stronger flavors you touched on that in the old age series PS have you guys tried out that face app old age filter oh it's back it's I have not but I've been some of you asking people on Twitter the Twitter moment last night so face app when viral months maybe a year ago it was that app where you took a photo of yourself and then it made you a boy made you a girl made you old but they've updated their AR technology and they've made it so that it's just like really convincing stuff okay Eugene's gonna take a photo right now so we can see what he looks like old if you're watching the video feed we'll throw it in for ya but I tried to download the app and it was asking for my credit card information I'm like [ __ ] that oh yeah I definitely sign up for a free trial I gotta cancel in three days or I get charged 20 bucks 20 yeah so I I just that went on Twitter and I asked people to do it for me and hilariously a lot of people just took photos still images from our old age series the trellis it was like you already did this you have yeah yeah you are right really we could have us Oh Eugene maybe a lot of time and money on makeup that's great look at you will throw that in that old I know what your dad looks no this is this is definitely what I'm like a hundred that's like a hundred it's quite accurate though yeah impressive yeah looking good with that hat it's very beautiful eh our technology is getting insane we were at VidCon this week showed up to the camera yeah just replaced me people watching the video we're doing something dumb with the camera so we were at VidCon this past week and there was a snapchat lounge and I don't know if you guys have been on snapchat lately but they do this thing where you can put like Dan oh you know remember the dancing hot dog everyone loves the dancing hot dog where you can put it in space and scale it up they were doing full four-dimensional renders of real humans so you could go to stand and dance and then in like a minute and a half they had a full render of you that you could put anywhere in the world how [ __ ] cool is that well and then I was too lazy to do it I didn't even go to that lounge really because I don't use snapchat and I thought it would be I didn't want to I didn't want to have a conversation also didn't go into the Cameo happy hour I don't go into apps that I don't use I don't want their free stuff I don't want to talk to him I think kami it was crazy there so how people are cameos if they're aggressive cameo was an app and service where you a fan could send me a celebrity Oh a message if you pay me so rather I'll send you a message everything happen to me but that costs like $50 yes the celebrities are or take 25% that's silly it's if celebrities recording custom messages of your wish but they for all of us they have the most aggressive company I've ever encountered I take it by the the passion here Keith that we will never be accepting a cameo brand deal because what if they come in like a like what if they come with a lot of money and they're like we want to get you on hand against the principle Oh directly charging your fans but for something like that I would rather like patreon is how we charge our fans and we give them a like an inside look and how we work we give them extra content but I don't like saying like my birthday message is gonna cost you $50 I'd rather you find me in the wilds and actually win some bull charged like 400 it just feels a little too transactional seems great and we're I mean - so VidCon for those who don't know we're listening is like the comic-con for youtubers or for video in a digital content creation that includes anyone from YouTube - tik-tok word oh there was a lot of young kids who are tick tocking I just assumed everyone that was dressed stylish that I had no idea who they were it's like huge on ticked yeah so it's a pretty diverse group but it's a like crazy crazy attendance rates and we always do these meet and greets and we tend to be usually the longest meet-and-greet regardless of this [ __ ] turnout because we are for people that they hug and we do hug everybody and we also talk to you and often you know we wish we could do more video messages for people but we generally can't cause of timing there but you know if you ask us when we're just on the street we'll do it the favorite is usually Keith will grab your phone he will start with his mouth very close up to the camera and then he will end by eating the camera it's a yeah that's the signature try guys message to your friend but I agree I think that it feels like strangely transactional and usually I feel like the people who would actually invest in this are probably children because I think most of the the people they have signed on are those who attend places like VidCon it's not like you know Beyonce's not doing it no but like a lot of people they're like there are I think Snoop Dogg is on it and stuff like that and I just don't I don't think those celebrities or us should be trying to make our money directly off of fan consumers in these large sums like that you better believe that the day I become not famous anymore I'm paying all my bills would have a birthday messages for the world I will start creating content for individuals out there yeah I would never ask fans for money directly which is why I would never promote my own venmo I have no one ever been out of control that's why I'm saying I would never use cameo when I could literally say hey if you want a birthday message venmo my venmo fifty bucks and I'll just do it and I would keep a hundred percent of the proceeds because all of the advertising is coming from our platforms why would we give them 25 percent of revenue that's absurd cameo I don't like more like thank you I think you're a nuisance and and a bad thing and now there's others there's Camelot there's all these other ones and I think um a lot yeah you know I I have no opinion on cameo but I want to remain a neutral podcast so just to balance the scales cameo love what you're doing amazing service I just I think the world you keep emailing Keith I think you'll get him one of these days so how was the rest of your VidCon oh who gives a [ __ ] I was exhausted but I I do enjoy the opportunity to like meet him perform yeah it was a lot but I actually I was very tired but I liked how dense full of activity is I feel like in other vidcon's I've had large swaths of like six hours where I'm just like alright I guess I'll take another photo at the Instagram laughs there's one thing we we got [ __ ] this year if I if I would say so because we were coming in from a very exhausting stretch and this was the most packed schedule I've ever been given at VidCon but there's one thing I look forward to it well no and one thing I look forward to is hanging out meeting the fans but the little perk is that you get to catch up with all your youtuber friends like this weird family reunion and the swag there's all these all these little activations and you get all this free [ __ ] but we got in we flew in Thursday morning we had to wake up at 5:00 a.m. we got we got in an 8:30 and then we were packed and I didn't have a free second until Friday and by the time I'm sorry until Saturday yeah and by the time I got to explore not only was all the dope swag gone but they'd started disassembling some of the but yeah I want to like go take this cool Facebook photo where they had like little cars they made a little video of you I liked it like I was gonna have some stuff for the gram nothing gone dead done very food missing it was just people like ripping down these beautiful like indoor topiaries so says hey like cool lights and everything I have the same experience I wasn't free until Saturday afternoon yeah everything was being torn down I I rushed to get a cool head shot somewhere did you get one I did yeah why yes yes no no makeup or hair styling but girl I thought you hate it I were friends with the dudes that we're friends with the dudes at dorm Taemin if you don't know they're a great sketch group and the first day they're like oh did you go to this booth and they've got all this free clothes you got to go I think it's all gone though we took it off they took like five five items each yeah because we had been cutting between a try guys tour show Wednesday night in San Jose and then a show in San Diego Sunday night so and then Friday night we were performing at VidCon closing out one of the biggest performances but we weren't doing our live show show The Legend of the Internet show cuz when we had to decide whether we were gonna perform at VidCon or not we hadn't even written legislation yeah yeah we didn't know what it was yeah so we decided like previously if you've seen on our channel we've released two different videos that showcase what we've done at VidCon is past where they've gotten very excited because we create these original productions that are huge and spectacle driven so this year we went against four iconic Queens from RuPaul's Drag Race in a lip-sync battle however no one had produced the show and this is the closing number of one of their biggest nights so Eugene produced it amidst our normal tour and all the other crazy stuff he's been working on this summer I produced it over the two weeks leading up to it yeah overnight if you've ever tried to wrangle drag queens yeah ten minutes before they are they are consummate professionals but in terms of emails it's like catching a ghost of a fabulous ghost dressed as a beautiful woman they are so hard to pin down when when you're with me in the club it's amazing but it's so hard to get them pinned down because they're just running around a gig to Gig decay I think an hour before the show there was a like a producer there that was like I don't have to drag things things are not here okay positive back it up like we didn't really have time to prepare our lip-sync so we each were performing for two and a half minutes we were more or less using the hour before the show to make up our choreography and get dressed and figure out how the props would work Eugene you probably don't know about the struggle which struggle in particulars Act there's many struggles the struggle of an eyeglasses we're trying to find the perfect pair as I have not experienced it is deciding your face I cannot tell you how much time that I have spent trying to find the perfect pair Warby Parker is here to help if you don't know about Warby Parker they have this incredible Tryon program where you can order five pairs of glasses and then try them on for five days with zero obligation to buy the shipping is free it's got a prepaid return label and then you get to just wear them and see what people react to it is so cool it makes it so easy and fun our listeners can go to Warby Parker comm slash tripod to order your free home trial today yeah Keith just tried this he actually got five pairs of Warby Parker glasses that he was interested in looking at on his face yeah he got the box literally this more so did I we got two box I looked at his and I Amelie said yes yes yes no yes yeah he he was four out of five he didn't really well yeah and Keith is very afraid of trying new glass frames and sometimes you just got to have the comfort of your own home and a friend to look at your face and say yes yes yes no yes I they have all these different models one of my favorite models is called the Eugene I ordered the Eugene and I will tell you it just feels so right having the Eugene resting on your face wow those are very smart yeah aren't they nice looking those are quite nice classes started $95 including prescription lenses lenses include the anti glare and anti scratch coatings that's huge because I'll tell you with what we do you need that anti glare or else all your photos are gonna look stupid ooh and blue light filtering lenses are also now available so you don't hurt your eyes staring at all your screens all the time if you have an iPhone X you can make sure to download Warby Parker's app where you can use the brand new virtual Tryon allowing you to try on I glasses seeing the realistic color texture and size of each style using just your phone right now go to Warby Parker comm slash tripod get to that you're comfortable with and get three that you're like a I could never I could never pull off a Eugene on my face grow sack mm-hmm so if you want me on your face Warby Parker dot-com slash tripod that's where we Parker dot-com /g ry p OD and then meanwhile we have stage hands coming to us like hi um do you know with the track Queen sir I'm gonna need you two to go upstairs and help me find them right now it's like I can't go on a treasure hunt for drag queens what a treasure hunt that would be but because I is because I was the one who was I realized at that moment I was like I'm basically the producer of the show I was the one who was constantly in contact with the Queen's the one thing we knew is that someone if the shuttle said when we were getting on they said I saw some drag queens are like okay they're here somewhere but they were out of drag at that point which if you know anything about drag it's a lengthy process to get that was like an hour and a half before the show started and I'm like that's barely enough time to get into full drag if it even is enough time but they go fabulous they're professionals but they were there they they it turned out to be a miscommunication where they were brought to the wrong place by staff it was not a fault of their own but they got there they were in full drag we gave him the rundown and they crushed it I mean they're just it's what they do it's what they breathe but yeah we had a I had two nights I didn't sleep before that so I was I was working on the video packages I edited all of the video packages and the worst part was I was also in drag so I had three hours of prep in drag which exhausts you right it's I mean I was tucked my balls were in my body so it sucks because in the end my performances same thing with the streamys that happened the same exact thing I always like suffer I'm like never giving a hundred percent her was like oh that was great and I'm like if you got me fresh and if you see what I do on the tour yeah I can crush a stage oh yeah drag but everything that ever gets well besides and they'll see the video I'm like at forty percent in that performance you can see I'm like dead in the eyes I'll take you James forty over my amazing though everything turned out well the show was great most money is worth the inside information of that show is that there were like some okay acts on it but a lot of technical errors no idea the audience was left in like three minutes of nothing oh really and then the end are the hosts didn't go vamp nothing happen what did happen again in about four hours also there was like 30 seconds of nothing you know why he wouldn't listen to us they kept Gabby Hanna was who's our good friend was our guest announcer yeah host and so we kept saying where's Gabby supposed to be and they're like yes come right this way and she was on our side the stage and then right when it was about to start Gabby's like so where do I go on and the person's like Oh Gabby you're supposed to be on the other side of the stage I said they run her backstage across and then they go please welcome Gabby Hannah and there's literally 60 full seconds of just like the intro song playing and a blank stage now it was I was mortified but also like [ __ ] what are you gonna do and we told them she's not supposed to be with us there somewhere we should we should clarify putting on live shows is really difficult and also the fact that their their team's amazing at VidCon the great production team the problem is is that because they have essentially almost like what a hundred acts that they had to put together they're just all these people who have no time they come in for one rehearsal before their piece Mealing it as they go that is how you're winging it they have to their way now that's why they're always excited when we come because we don't wing it we come in with fully realized productions and so we forgot that this year again oh we need to come in with something fully realized and it turned out great because in the end they were like they know exactly when to play a video package they knew the lighting cues are they knew where to our credit we started with the somewhat cold audience oh yeah they were not receptive it we had to use our Pete Mike I basically myself and Derek had to be the one yeah and you did a great job yeah you know it's weird so we've had this insane summer where we we came and we went on a book tour and we've been on tour doing these crazy big shows to big audiences things that I should be you know way more nervous and emotionally invested in than this this was like our fun but something about this was so surreal to me and I remember I was on stage and I whispered to Ned am I dreaming right now because it was just so I had not emotionally prepared for it in any way whatsoever or physically all of a sudden I'm stage in a wedding dress in a green robe looking at a sea of confused children while drag queens dance in front of me and and and I like I'm trying to remember what's gonna happen next and it was the most delirious I've ever been in front of people performing it was very surreal performing without any rares my first time remember it the time but you know what's literally sorry I literally blacked out and I have no memory of the performance to this moment well I remember the moment I took my pants on will probably release the performance that I'm in that like to watch you but what what it came down to was what's fantastic and I think part of the reason we agreed to it is that you know drag is being like super commodified and mainstreamed and lip-sync battle the show in itself is a appropriation of queer culture because it's like oh it's funny let's like watch celebrities do it but drag there's a lot of universities in since forever AG but what's kind of amazing is that what we gave them and part of the reason why I thought like this was a great opportunity is most of those kids were under Barra attending age you know a lot of them came up to me later and said that was the first time I've ever seen drag queens perform in person and we gave them for pollinating drag amazing drag out Derek Mary Morgan McMichaels can wear black and Delta work we gave them a true drag show and the drag queens were living because one of them later said like oh there are kids here and I said yeah and when you basically stripped down with your legs open to Pussycat Dolls buttons and all the people started flipping out that is the perfect way to introduce them to drag and they also the track names were like that was like a real stage yeah like and when you get to perform the VidCon stage it is great because it is an arena it's performing honey online huge incredibly produced it's where the Mighty Ducks play yeah it's the Ducks the Mighty Duck yeah the money does yeah yeah don't just have a coach Gordon yeah have like they're not called the Mighty Ducks anymore they just called the Ducks okay that's a nickname that's a nickname they're the Anaheim the Mighty Ducks why not I think the Ducks were affectional okay let's just go ahead and say that that's [ __ ] stupid San adjectives that they've never been called the man well then that's a mistake and we should be but they also you know I thought that my movie the weren't they not called The Mighty Ducks are you not enraged no it's not that you know the terrific Bulls or that's not a fun name incredible Jaguars incredible Jaguars I like it the happiness they had an opportunity to win over every single person born in the ninth there's absolutely licensing issues figure it out why doesn't Disney just own the Anaheim Ducks I am I am livid well we had a good VidCon and I hope you enjoy watching that performance when we really said the last little bit of clean up can I say that I'm proud of us because like especially Eugene I mean with everything that's going on this was this was really hard to pull together we didn't have a lot of time and totally pulled it off and introduced all these kids to drag and I got to play the flute and hit the shoot so all in the day's work the last little bit though is that we went out to dinner on the last night of VidCon to celebrate we went out with Ian from Smosh at a great time and then I got food poisoning from that or I just have a very weak body and so the next show the day in San Diego I was a rat I was [ __ ] myself I was fine I Eugene was subjected to the most voluminous oh my god anybody oh just high volume it was the worst smell the loudest sound on the most volume yes you yes in the bathroom and I said run it was I said run and then he stayed it because he's like I need to experience yeah I was like I'm witnessing glory it's a Holy Trinity fart and if you usually get one of three it's never loud its long or secretly stinky and it was all three and he stung the eyes I just stood there going like this is top three try guys farts Wow top my life and my win are the wine but it was it was bad I had to experience it was like seeing Jesus I was physically weak during our show in San Diego but we did it and everyone it was great so and we got our first review yeah tweet it out it's from Broadway world the world of Broadway San Diego was very positive and it was great it does a good job of like talking about what the the feeling in the room is like cuz I know that's the coolest part of the show is that the room is electric like from the before the show to after the show there's just a blast and we do a good job of pacing it so everyone gets every kind of emotion in that hour and a half and what was really cool is that that was the first time since the first night that our significant others got to watch the show so we've you know now workshop this show for four ten shows and they just kept saying like wow it's it flows so well you guys really change so much to make it it's we've movin having fun kind of like with our videos to every show is another data point for us to kind of just tweak it a little bit make it a little smoother you're gonna read some excerpts okay this is by eh writer the energy in the theater is incredible people cheering crying and laughing from excitement and that's before the show has even started haha when the countdown clock hits zero and the lights go down as the music swells the audience starts screaming at an even increased frenzy it would be easy for the guys to count on that kind of energy and use it to coast for the rest of the show but if they took the easy way out would they even be the dragon oh damn cool alright we'll tweet that a whole article out so that you can read it but I'm excited to dive it yeah I mean we're gonna be doing 9 more shows through Texas Atlanta and the East Coast so especially you're in Texas come see us yeah we fly out tomorrow we've got four shows in Texas before kind of sneaking up the the east coast Lana hi DC Boston rolled out New York and Philly come to Boston anymore sorry mr. chance it's sold out mr. Troy I have to get a scalp ticket or something yeah but I'm super amped we fly away tomorrow and this has been our kind of oh did you guys see that video that's going viral of the person on an airplane with the TV screen in front of them it's literally using a foot to swipe oh I saw that wow I can old with their own foot no they're using their neighbor's foot yeah their own foot what no but still that's very good so they have very confusing aren't wasted are they first of all own first class oh I didn't think it was first class I thought it was that first seat in regular class where you just have a little bit more space and Acholi the TV isn't on the wall there it folds out of the armrest and that seems really really meant there cool cool very cool virgin doesn't love the wall I love airplane guys take your shoes off on airplanes no sometimes if it's a really lalala I'm in first class yeah well you know in international flights they'll often give you slippers oh that's luxury they even just in economy that's the thing right your feet swell it's a thing I don't know yes your feet do swell I mean you're the blue when you sit for a long time the blood goes all the way to your feet so you know so the pressure doing calf raises is a good way to compression socks or that yeah compression socks speaking of compression yeah no I'm just trying to make a sec how's that audio sounding I'll just sounded pretty good I I though things aren't getting too hairy over there I've missed a moment or two surprisingly the person with the most audio [Laughter] changes has been Eugene when he gets excited he gets louder he starts very softly yeah I'm a very soft-spoken person Jeff you've been nice and easy the whole time and I haven't touched the dial for Zach once so I hope you've been able to hear me yeah it's been very loud speaking of Harry speaking of Harry Harry this is where adventure you've been on that these videos about yeah so now it's been three months but I go since I did this but I just released some videos on our channel where i did a full hair restoration journey so i've been i've been balding now which is weird even before these videos i had a hard time saying that balding i would say that my hair's thinning or my hairlines receding but the word balding is so loaded but now that i've kind of gone through this process I can admit it I can admit that I that I've been balding so I did these two procedures that are really cool I did one where I got this thing called scalp camouflage where they they put these tiny little tattoo dots on your Scouts at the micro bleeding it's yeah I called it micro bleeding it's technically kind of like its own thing but micro bleeding is the best way to understand it cuz women do that for their eyebrows and it just it's this vegan based ink and it dissolves in five years so it just as I'm taking that's how they get you well I'm taking a pill now that y'all follow up yeah right it should be made out of Turkey so that it doesn't dissolve so Arby's call back it should be me have some turkey so that it stays there for a long time well it's the idea is that I'm gonna the pill that I'm on will make my hair thicker but and like they'll cross right so as the ink fades the medicine will make the hairs thicker again because I actually I do have a lot of hairs in this region but when you look under a microscope they're just they're just I learned so much about hair stuff and I actually I'll tweet a little thread about it by the time this comes out because I think that it's the reason I made the videos one is to get over this insecurity I have but two is because it's such a taboo topic and I think that no one people are afraid to talk about it but as spaulding is the number one insecurity among men it is the most common a plastic procedure among men and there's no one's talking about it at all and it's funny even when you said hair pills and my head lice thing like oh yeah they probably like make your boners worse right there you go yeah I'm like oh yeah hair pills that like decreases your libido right so that is a possible side effect and something that a lot of people fear as it reduces your testosterone to grow more hair well luckily I should say I haven't had that but it is time you can start an audible membership and save 66% on your first 3 months whoa a total of $30 off that's like getting three months for the price of one you will pay just $4.95 per month for the first three months after that it's only forty ninety-five per month Wow and you're gonna you're gonna get so obsessed with books you're gonna be like I used to read like a dummy but now I can listen like a champion Wow offer is valid from July 1st 2019 through July 31st 2019 that's basically all of July his oh I don't know why they didn't just write all of July but do you well audible is a wonderful company where you can listen to audiobooks they've got speed control inaudible so you can list and faster or slower depending on the narration speed that suits you have you ever had this you're reading a book you get to a great point but then you got to get in your car and drive somewhere there's whisper sync for voice so you can switch back and forth between reading and listening the audiobook across devices and it will save your place that is so cool technology home art book the hidden power [ __ ] up is on audible you can listen to it and it's such a cool experience with an audiobook because you have us reading it to you so it's all of these personal stories and you get to hear us and how it affects us as we're reading it yeah if you're hearing this that means you probably listen to us so definitely visit slash try guys or text try guys to five hundred five hundred slash try guys or text try guys to five hundred 500 to get started today the joke that I had going in was like I could probably skim a little off the top but I actually I didn't know that if the severity of it it could be bad but I know now a couple people who are on this pill who didn't tell me until they learned that I was on it and no one I know who's experienced that side effect so you know it's the thing I think it's a good testament to to the fact that often people think with try guys that we're just like dudes who just do it we just do everything there's no like I don't know relatable qualms or insecurities that we actually genuinely have at this point about stuff but like Zach's been on this hair journey since I met him yeah and has been in multiple stages of like extremely like strong denial about like not wanting to do this and pushing it back saying like I should shave my head or I should do this and this has been like four or five years that's talking about this well I was afraid of this pill because of all the the fear and misinformation about it I was terrified of this surgery of hair restoration surgery because most things you know about it is like this you get you get left with a big old scar I did something I now know there's a way to do it where you get no scar right and in general I think it's it's hard - why are you smiling at no scar in my mind is what you get a nice Mufasa again anyway and in general I was just it took a lot for me to admit it so if you're at this place in your life I suggest do something before it's too late because I had to do this whole surgery because I had to dine it for five years but also it's crazy yeah I'm still before the video came out I was like nauseous and terrified of the idea of putting this out to the world and I thought about emailing you guys and telling you that I was gonna cancel the video because it was just too raw and after you made it this was before I went between making it and seeing the Edit and then I saw the edit which why be who works with us didn't all job on it and it just like it's a really cool video because it's it's this thing where I open up about ovens and insecurity and instead of being all mopey about it it's like here's this thing that bothers me I'm gonna tell you all about it now I own it you all know we know let's [ __ ] do something about it and I cannot recommend that enough if there's something in your life don't hide it make it like own it and and eat and then choose to do something you can either own it by shaving your head in this case or you can own it by doing something about it but ignoring it is the only thing that will continue to be corrosive then the most exciting part though is that after the surgery I had tons of inflammation and if you got my Instagram you can see photos of me I had this insane puffy face for a full week I don't even know how to describe it but I looked I looked like the bow in that Pixar short film I I looked totally unrecognizable you looked like in the Wachowskis film Cloud Atlas when they made the white actors Asian with prosthetics yeah that is that's how your face looked it was great so I woke up every morning and my eyes were partially swollen shut and I have this sad photo on my phone where every morning I would use the selfie mode to be like am I better oh no not because I think when you sleep everything swells slightly so it's gonna always look the worst in the morning yeah and then during the day it would get slightly better and then I would go to sleep and get worse again but it was like that for a full seven days to the point that Maggie and I like had this moment of like what if I never get better what is me no what if this is just my face it was so funny yeah it was a funny sight did appreciate getting the daily how puffy is my face updates it was very fun we also I came back to work after about a week and I was like kind of in that in-between world and I kept trying I had to get on camera actually if you go look at our book signing video I'm still partially swollen in that and I put my head out of yeah so that you couldn't tell but I got on camera I'm like you look pretty normal and then we filmed it and we would look at the footage of one oh no yeah we tried to cut as little of Zach as possible into that video yeah it was pretty surreal yeah but you know if you're young guy out there who knows that your family has a history of balding then just like check it out I mean there's no to earlier time to start where a young girl a lot of younger girl - yeah so much of everything is preventative and if you really need to do something you can start like in middle score high school yeah and if finasteride is not an option for you there's there's minoxidil there's biochem there's there's a ton of stuff that you can do and I'm grateful that I got on it when I did but even still I would have been better admitting this you know we're all on our journey yeah it's just crazy that it's like number one or number two of the most insecure more than things I'm and yeah men worry about it and would rather have her lost a little old dick you know reduced hair cuz everybody's got just a huge dick the other one is the other one men worried about his height interesting you didn't write about that in the book which one a balding just I I wrote one little little side panel about it and was interesting is that I wrote it and then I rewrote it because in between writing the book and the final publishing of the book is when I decided that I was actually I was still in between so at the time of finest finishing the book I thought I was gonna just shave my head and then so I wrote kind of an homage to like I might do something about this but I did write it as my biggest insecurity and I wish that you know hey if we write a second book I got more to write about yeah but here's another thing that was crazy from this process I was always I always was convinced that I had to shave my head entirely to get this surgery but that's not necessarily true depending on how the level of to get that tight fade and look hot yeah I had it just looks super hipster and people thought I was having an identity crisis so you know yeah a sec it's just so silly looking there because you really had nothing to worry about you're such a beautiful person you really really should have been warned you really should be more worried about your personality fix that maybe speaking of fix a Adam please being a fix a you know look seems like Ned narrow running around fixing some some places interior design just launched this big series it's called try DIY where we encourage our friends to try do why we makeover their houses using the power of DIY to save money so the first episode just came out it featured Keith and Becky's shame room shameful they call it a shame they literally called it the room of shame I imagine that that's a room where you go to do the naughty things you don't know but there's like Keith was collecting like it was actually quite interesting I can't quite call it junk but for all intensive purposes it was their their junk room there's enough room there they're extra memorabilia and and stuff that we just didn't know what to do with and it's it was kind of like your your art closet we don't have a lot of storage in our home yeah and we don't have a storage unit so basically like okay well we've got this chair that we like but don't want to get rid of and but it isn't a room for it and then we've got these things these old like old things from when I did sketch stuff in Chicago that like I have an emotional attachment to it's very relatable and not just because I had to do the exact same thing in my episode that you cuz everyone's junk room typically has the stuff like a present from the in-laws or blank but when you're with an artist it goes into a territory that's just well I have a samurai helmet in mine I have like crazy like paintings that I made that I forgot and you know I am hair with a monocle and Keith I love that it's very Keith well creative people also so you have the stuff that has like you have an emotional attachment to then you also have the things of one day I'll film with this the other thing I spent so many years doing cheap improv comedy Chicago that like every article of clothing will have its time exactly yeah that's why I throw it away the next week is where I'm gonna need it and you have to buy it then I have to buy it and I have to go not only buy I have to spend time to go get it but the reality though and I think what Ned series does a good job of showing is that that's not conducive to a good living environment and so how do you you know make a home and keep the things that are important and valuable so it's a really it's like part hoarders yeah fix her out for ya let me really yeah if you haven't seen the video yet you should go watch it because it really did take a room that was a huge burden in our home emotionally and now it's like one of the most utilized rooms in our home like we spend a lot of to be actually spent oh yeah we spend all the time so Becky gets ready in the morning there and I'll like be doing my emails in the morning they're slowing and it has a lot of natural light where are they now so it like is very it's like a very energizing room whereas our living room doesn't get a lot of natural light so it's even after work sometimes we spend the first couple hours after working - I love to hear that I'm having wine and hanging out and then we move to the dark living room so it's try DIY which means that you you ned and Ariel you make them make something yes we give them instructions then we leave the room and let them figure it out how was that did you make something I screamed a lot they left us with just not enough tools to do it easily yes that's why we very much created a very very I was like what if I'm doing a nightmare of right now so I can't even get it level to itself you know what things around the home like not only into your design but even just like setting up a TV make just give me a different type of rage yeah I don't know what it is it's not like messing up a dish when you're cooking it's a very particular type of rage where you feel like you're permanently messing something up yes have to walk by it every single day okay so you want it to be perfect my living room this the floors are slanted slightly so if you use a leveler it doesn't [ __ ] matter you have to do it by the eye test I just upgraded my TV after about seven years so this is the first new TV I've owned Ned Ned talked me and again the big boy TV it's pretty [ __ ] dope but it's one of those that's like razor thin and I'm afraid that if I touch it incorrectly it will break and it in fact tells you when you take it out of the box do not put your hands on and and Maggie my girlfriend wants me to mount the TV I don't want to mount the TV it's there you know no I want to mount it I don't want to be yeah I told her have you heard of TaskRabbit you Peyton I can pay someone 40 bucks to come over and do this for a motive they break your TV then TaskRabbit will cover it with insurance whereas if I do it it's going to take over an hour of my time we're going to yell at each other I might break it my back is gonna hurt I you know what [ __ ] I would pay a hundred dollars in to avoid that yo why don't you just pay the three of us three dollars she won't let me she won't let me do it but we're gonna TV's not too hard this it's a heavy TV hated mounting it's the map putting the mount up was the difficult part yeah putting the actual TV on the mount is and then also you gotta drop the cable I am chronically weak ah love drop I love driving the hole in I have my switch right and my switch has to be detached and reattached every time I go on cause that's annoying och so I can't be running cables through the wall every time I go Cecily but you can get second edge to my cable yeah I got to get a second [ __ ] AC adapter for the switch and you know it's a specialized one so you know it's gonna be 40 bucks just for that [ __ ] plug going back to hoarding what is this one I know yours Keith but Eugene maybe what's the one weirdest thing that you've been holding on to that's in your house right now my fool reader repulse a costume from three two hello I'm not gonna throw it away you can't but I have that end of a fool Mulan costume I just have tons of costumes because I not only and those are going up a lot yeah they take up a ton of space I also have like all of the drag so I don't I don't borrow dragon more since I do it more often now I actually have purchased and made my own drag stuff so that takes up we might have a clause that's it I have partially a drag cause I've been collecting my own drag items which includes today's hips I have lots and lots of heels now but they aren't used daily so it's just lots of you know fake boobies sitting around which if you walk in the closet you'd be very shocked at how much mm how titillating you know nice Keith you know when you have today's in your closet sometimes it's hard to store them and you might need some advice dare I say advice wait that will go in he's not here her miles yeah but normally at this point in the podcast we let miles the give advice for everybody it's really stupid he's not here today so you guys just want to make something up maybe we'll do his will do like did you ever blank and then we'll just add on and we'll land on okay okay so we're gonna route it you take like a sentence or a sentencing yeah it's like that game in one more at a time but a little more coherent yeah okay all right so net start us off this is advice that will go for miles without your host okay so what was it in it what's up miles nation how y'all feeling tonight do you want to be a big strong boy with a lawn that's as luscious as your hair did ah old-fashioned push mower don't even think that you can take a modern riding mower like a crazy person and achieve go look and feel of that old-fashioned goodness here's what you're gonna do people you're gonna push the lawnmower you're gonna get some kids and make them do it for you it's gonna teach them discipline then you're gonna take the grass clippings and tape them on your hair you don't need an expensive surgery grass it's hair that's green it's stylish all your hipster friends are going to be jealous and guess what no gas no batteries to charge just good old-fashioned American muscle it's good for the environment it's good for your baby's breathing air if you have a baby also some models can be made out of animals like Barbies dies mine I suggest investing in oxen a couple oxen a big plow and just [ __ ] up your lawn better you don't have to worry about grass ever again and plant yourself some merit carrot I can't believe I'm gonna say this but I miss miles you know what actually ideas using like like boom boomer previous to boomer years mm-hm yeah like what is that even just like first edition first editions of things that we try it first edition lawn mower what did that look yeah yeah that's the original patent oh yeah that'll be tough hmm we were at VidCon hanging out with Mark Rover this weekend who's who does all these awesome engineering videos he did the glitter bomb the glitter prank someone stole packages but we were we were talking to him could he'd take like an old nokia phone and turn it into a smartphone which I think would be super dope I don't know how that works me neither but this has been fun it's been good to touch on all these things we're about to go back on the road so if you still have not seen us we've got four shows in Texas we got a show in Atlanta New York DC and Boston but you can't go to Boston and Philly and Philly final night in Philly hi guys calm slash tour for tickets it's gonna they're gonna be so good like anyone who's seen the show can tell you that this show kicks ass and we have only been using each and every show to make it tighter make it totter make it tougher we're just having so much fun and it's it's such a special thing that we get to do we want to share it with you you gotta be there get the merch get the book come see us on tour we're having so much fun this has been the tripod we'll talk to you next week until next time theme song you've got to turn your meat into a vegetable treat tripod until next time stay beautiful I pastor by pastor I think I [ __ ] crushed it with the sound yeah hope so comment below [Music]
Channel: The TryPod
Views: 273,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trypod, Try Guys, Comedy, Podcast, Youtuber, Zach Kornfeld, Keith Habersberger, Eugene Lee Yang, Ned Fulmer, Miles Bonsignore, youtubers, creators, advice that will go for miles, advice, tour, drag, vidcon, smosh, hair, balding, baldness, surgery, rupaul, drag race, secrets, battle drag queens
Id: c-C9QJMmDm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 24sec (4044 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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