KeeperRL ~ 01 The Mad Goblin~ Alpha 32

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[Music] okay welcome and this is going to be start of a new series of keeper rl keeper rl is i've been waiting actually for this version to come out this is alpha 3 2 oil for 32. which is so the game is still in alpha but god it has just moved on so much since i last covered the game god i don't even know how long ago that was it was a fair few versions there's a lot of a lot of new things that have actually come into the game since the last time i actually did cover the game so let's just get into it uh we're going to be playing now one thing i could do is play a mod i did install one it's quite impressive i think i'll just play the base game let's just go into here you can sort of what i did load in i'll just quickly go through the the mods i put in dig realm which actually is really like people really seem to like it and adds it adds seven different new keepers and three new adventures new villains and enemies and new z-level content so there's a lot of extra content by this particular modder diggle uh anyway we won't activate that one i'll keep it turned off at this point in time so we'll just uh quit back out of there uh we've got um now we've got different keepers that we can have actually players so we can sort of play as the stock standard into here where we're an evil wizard we can go with an evil knight now this will have a different sort of set of it's very similar like we'll have the same sort of minions i think but we just have a a different process i don't think we have imps as as would i think i think we have to go for slavery more more than more than um getting more imps if we go with the wizard uh then we actually have a less evil night so we sort of get different sorts of units and will then come and join us and we also then have a less evil gnome as well so these are cc means of production and engineered traps automatons and uh contraptions recommended for advanced players there are three hidden ones now you can actually turn these on if you if you do want to do this you just go to the settings you can say unlock all hidden gameplay features which is really cool i like that they've done that so if i turn that on like there's cyclops's um there's uh gnomes which is actually something that actually is new if i just turn it on just actually keep it on it so it doesn't really matter that will do if we just go back to play we'll then see that the hidden ones now this gnome faction in through here say of all goblins so play as the goblin keeper and seek the legendary goblin matrons uh this faction was originally uh created by a righteous sinner and soft monster for the bonus mod so there's actually another mod called the bonus mod now sadly righteous sinner had passed away before this before this release and so i i think that this alpha 3 alpha 32 has actually been you know dedicated to righteous sinners so yeah anyway that's sad sad to sort of um have people from the gaming community um you know pass away basically so anyway that's the um but that's so these guys here soft monster is still sort of modding things i think i saw there that the bonus mod i think the alpha 32 bonus mod is also been updated and is also in memory of righteous sinner so anyway that's sort of where we are there there is i think in the notes for the for this one there's also a reference there as well uh we also have in zombies where we can sort of play zombies we've got um a lone cyclops so you sort of you've basically just got to go out and kill things it really is quite interesting the way it sort of does play and of course if i then do turn on that mod maybe i will just show this uh actually no i won't because i'll i'll let you guys just discover that for yourselves but we'll just go back and just play the old stock standard i think just the evil wizard um that way we're just playing the the base game um i'll probably do some of these as live streams actually just you know play different sorts of uh different sorts of units in through here so we'll just go with a keeper uh so we can either play an adventure mode or keeper mode and we'll play as a male wizard i can go for the female versions of some of these as well some of them don't change but some of them do start a new game right now i'll try to explain what goes on with the game as well so welcome to the campaign mode the world which you see below is made up of smaller maps actually i'll talk about this when we get into it so what we would need to do originally is just sort of think okay who are we going to be who are we going to be going up against initially and anything that's colored in will and if it's colored in yellow it means that it's just a minor like a lesser villain and so we're going to have zombies we're going to have to contend with we're going to have giant spiders and ants now ants can be annoying because they can sort of burrow through the walls if i'm not happy i can re-roll the map and look i am happy enough with this what i wanted to avoid was the more powerful like that's the main villain the dwarves back out through that so there's an unknown ally over through here and as we conquer each of these little mini maps uh we'll then sort of get closer and closer we've got tree spirits dryads we've got a main an elementalist which is a main villain and then we've got a um waldemark which is another wizard another competing wizard back over through there so this is sort of the this is the the over map i guess and what do we dungeon see is another another main villain sometimes the main villains will end up being colored and that could make it even more difficult so i'm just going to leave that one where that is quite interestingly with this now as well like i haven't seen this before really but you can actually sort of set things up where you add more lesser villains or allies whichever whichever way you want to go you can sort of you can only have the maximum of four with the main villains but you can sort of change your difficulty levels by doing this one and so we've got start endless enemy waves after winning from the start um none so have them turned off completely so there's a few different ways of doing that one so i'll do the endless enemy waves after winning that way it's sort of not going to be on anyway enemy aggression i've got moderate what if so we've got we've got extreme so extreme moderate or none i'll just keep it moderate and what this does it means that they're going to come hunting for you and which can be quite good fun like it's so that is something that you may want to be looking at as well particularly if you sort of have less main villains and just have lesser villains back into here as well so anyway that's the that's the help files uh we'll just get started we'll confirm this i think although i might see if i can get something that's a bit more interesting than just spiders and ants okay we've got ourselves a unicorn herd we've got zombies and got spiders that'll do that'll be a bit different then we've got a main villain which are thieves um waldermark again back in through there there's the ants which are further they're no longer part of they can no longer reach us at this point in time we've got dark elves which are an ally back over there and we've got dryads and then we've got a green dragon which we're going to try to kill as well eventually very very difficult this will do us we'll confirm this here we go now i would strongly strongly suggest if you haven't played the game before doing the tutorial here we go so welcome to uh keeper rl alpha 32. this patch was released on the april 5th so i'm recording this i think on april 7th or 8th is when i'm starting this recording below is a very short summary and we encourage you to check out the full change log at by the way the rl is not real life it's uh roguelike it's the what the rl stands for it's funny because i always think of real life like irl type stuff anyway the new goblin keeper faction so the combat formation ai improvements and team members go to orders in the uh in the turn-based mode and polymorphing so sorry this is actually oh sorry we've got a new goblin keeper faction and this is the one that was built by the models and has been now incorporated into the actual base game combat formation ai improvement so the team members go to orders in the turn-based mode which is actually quite cool i've actually played with that one and you've also got polymorphing and other cool gameplay concepts there's some really interesting aspects of this now it's becoming really really like much more like dwarf fortress now than than it ever been before uh if this is your first time playing keeper i'll remember to start with the tutorial and that really is something that is worth doing by the way so there's little there's little nuances now we are i'm just going to pause this one straight away i don't really want to be wasting time not that it really matters that much the they don't consume any food or anything like this so we have our main character in through here so this is tactic the keeper i can control the character if i wanted to uh i can rename it if i wanted to locate it as well if i'm sort of off the map somewhere else like if i sort of zip off over here somewhere i can just click on locate and it'll lens re-center the map this can be useful and you can see we've gone to this tab over here where we then actually have the four imps plus the one keeper back over this way it'll then give me the attributes as to sort of how well we attack which is not very well at all um how satiated we actually are so increases morale improves defense by plus one uh rested is going to be important so these these actually will be important but it's not something we have to worry too much about um okay training yep so we don't have any training at this point in time we don't have any spell training so we're going to need to sort of get all these things established for when we sort of go into it the spell schools that this is quite interesting you've got different sorts of spell schools available now we just have the mage spell school is the one that we actually start off with i can go across to here i think i don't know if this will tell us here we go the spell schools so we've got different ones like the mage is what we end up getting through eventually until we get to level 12. the fighter only has sharp and swap positions as the things that it can actually get archers bypass allies at level seven spiritualists so these are all the different sorts of of uh abilities or spell abilities for the um for the various groups you're gonna have chicken mancy i've never i've never seen this before um firing through here as well so this they're the different sorts of um of spell casting and of course modding can certainly be changed to um uh you know just sort of to work things through now you also have yeah i think that this is just telling you what's what yeah that's okay that's all right i won't worry about that one so much this is our structure it's sort of how we build things now we're going to be needing a few different resources now what i can do is i'm just going to start them building now i can see in a little mini map if i start to sort of zip around i can sort of then see that there's like little pockets of resources out through this other side as well as some question marks now these are usually something that's living in that area so we have to be a little bit careful that there may be dwarves it could be anything it could be you know some sort of beast but this is the resources we need to get hold of and so when i have a look at this one the one directly north of us and also we've got some gold over this side so we've got gold in through here some iron i think it is there or is that stone um that's that's iron there that's stone these are their basic resources so i'll be wanting to get predominantly these first so i think i'm just going to go due north and start to build my fortress directly up this way so what i want to do initially is just get the get everyone sort of working now structure if i just press if i just press the um the d command to feel like almost for dick it's then going to go straight to the to dig or cut tree and so what i'm just going to do is i'm just going to go and shift click and then create like a square just to sort of go and pick up any trees that are in this area now if it's going to be grabbing um rock then it's going to end up uh looking a bit different like if i go down this way for example we may get rock now that's all trees back in through there if i go um i don't know it sure we'll i will show this because i think that we don't know what's around the corner here if i just go and grab that that's still all trees that's interesting it's actually there's oh this is rock in through here see how it's actually now if i just re-click on that one so i know that that's where the where the actual it's going to be continuing on around that other side so it is safe for me to to go in through here so let's just start digging back up now what i like to do is i like to have a trap area first uh so i want to have some traps initially in at the start of the fortress so we know that this is nothing so i've got to i need to like if i'm going to have like rolling stones which is what i want to do do what that's what i do want to have i need to have like three that go out this way so i'm just going to go and place another two there i'll get three lots of these so we'll just get them off the side then i want to have another trap room just in here as well this is sort of it's you know i've always built them this way and i don't see any reason not to keep on doing that one and then we'll just continue on up again as well now we do want to get up close to where we can get these so i'm just going to tell it to just keep on digging all the way up to there all right let's actually leave that there and what we might do is we just get a stockpile a small stockpile in here just a little three by three so just go to storage just for the resources we collect um and i'll just go and grab that in there a little three by four right now what we can do is while these guys are cutting down the trees and digging the the initial part of the fortress i'm going to control the keeper and we're just going to go for and do a little bit of scouting to see what's where so we're now seeing open terrain we're seeing about out through the side i can sort of zoom back out a little bit now if we see question marks down below it'll mean that there will be another human faction in here somewhere that we that we do have to sort of try to find let's just see because there's so many question marks quite often there'll be like another way in up this way let's just have a bit of a look around nothing in there which i'll just zoom in a little bit yep so we'll just keep on scouting around just at the very very start of this now we can get animals to do this but at the start we really don't have a role okay so that's pretty much the end then there's a river that runs through there so we can't get any further that way let's just go into the um out into the open and yeah there we go we can see it see there's a question mark up through this side so let's just find the the way across okay that's the way across the and we saw there uh there was a red yeah so we're seeing the edge of a village there back over this side that's the enemy that's the first enemy let's go down this way a little bit do a little bit of scouting and that's the edge of the map yeah let's get a bit of a picture as to okay we're not seeing any openings anywhere other than what we've actually built ourselves okay so this is actually now looking fairly cool so let's just uh exit control mode and we'll just cut down even more trees we've now got nearly 400 of the of the wood the wood done so i'm just going to go to d again shift and then just go and select these different areas and we'll just cut down all of these trees so they'll cut these those down um almost they've almost finished this setting through here now what i do want to do is i do want to go into these zones and i'll end up making these into rooms so i might as well just make them into like five by five rooms at this point in time um we might make this into a into a wider corridor we'll have a trap room through here door and then we'll actually have another larger room in through here as well actually maybe even just a little three by one let's just do another a second room in here is it like a guard room so we'll do that another door in through there and then we can start the actual fortress so so what we'll do is we'll then just go and make this into a wider corridor so we'll just go and make this into a main thoroughfare out this way and um and then across that way so we'll end up in this in this other room through here there's no screaming rush to get things done look i might just open these up now as well so our keeper doesn't have anything to do at this point in time he's done the initial scouting which is which is useful now the stone will then allow us to build things like we can actually go and reinforce walls doors we can get um uh we need to add a main team for that one i think um what we will do is we'll get wooden doors so i think i'll just go and start adding those in i need one there one there one there one there one there and one there that's just going to stop any any incursions into the actual fortress a little bit make it a little bit more difficult for them and these are people we can start to hire but you can see there these goblin warriors require a wooden training dummy in a basic bed the goblin artifices require a forge or a workshop or jeweller and require a basic bed so we need a we need like a big bedroom and so i will actually build that off probably off to the side here as well so let's just go and um let's go and start building some of these so i'm just going to go to if i just go back to the d command again it's going to make little five by five rooms i think for a lot of these um a lot of this infrastructure let's just go and get that one get that one in through there as well you can sort of set it up however you like it to look as well it's quite a cool program and they get into a bit of soft rocking through here and then hard rock up through this side so it's much much longer for them to um to do things but we'll make this just a massive central corridor just moving up further into the um to where everything actually is and again we can just make that go into uh into a zone that's gonna be another five by five room up that side yes we're more and more wanting to come we just can't do anything with it just yet now we only have um up to 10 population the imps don't count but we can only have like 10 or 10 population so what we'll do is we'll make this into a bedroom and we'll make this into a training room and then we'll make this one i think into we'll do a um we'll have this as a as a workshop actually maybe make that the bedroom then the training room into here i think so we'll get start getting these things built now so the training room i'm just gonna go to the wooden dummy i'll just get them bit by bit now when you get furniture you can they can they can move through a diagonal uh but they can't bypass things like the the wooden dummy the some of some of the furniture they can't get over and so what i want to do through here is actually just end up with a situation where they we don't have too many um so probably just something like this i'll just get three of them initially and what i also want to then do is i want them to be happy in this particular area so i'm going to go to floors i'm just going to get wooden floors and just build uh just press shift again and just get like wooden floors that will then just sort of cover that little area where we're going to have those things so the the wooden floors just make it a little bit happier if i go into the floors and just hover over this one you can see in the bottom right there it says increase luxury by 0.1 uh which you know can be important uh they're still building the way there it's it's hard to mine that this is another change that's happened since the last time i played this this will be the bedroom now the bedroom i think that they can move over the top of um of beds so um i think that they can actually do that but what we'll do is we'll just put like a a row of beds along the back room there so i can actually end up with like a a pattern of beds which i will i will end up doing so the 5x5 actually works pretty well i can get like a lot of beds ultimately into here i might as well get all the beds so that's that's 10 now for everybody so we've got one one for every person that's going to be coming into the fortress now we can start to get some of these guys let's have a bit of a look now what you'll see is we've got some basic ones so this one just requires this is barong the goblin warrior requires a basic bed then we have other ones this got plus eight defense against humans this is orthrock the goblin warrior so i really want him um then we've got uh this one here is plus five damage when drunk uh permanent trait hates all elves so if he sees himself he's just gonna go crazy and this one here is uh permanent trait insane now we want to get rid of we don't want insane people in the fortress because they're just going to attack whatever they see so they don't care who it is that they actually um and the smelly breath is going to make him somebody that people aren't going to really want it to be around so you can see the turns left this is before they expire now the turns are essentially clicks so every time there's an action that's what will actually end up happening so i definitely want to get these beds built so what i'm going to do is i'm going to go down to orders and i'm going to go down to prioritize task and just going to give the order to prioritize maybe three beds initially everything we need to do is to start making it comfortable now if we have a look at the at this one through here and hover over it in the bottom right there you'll see wooden training dummy and this is um again the luxury is 0.1 because of the wooden floor around it it's got insufficient light and so we need to get we need to get some some lighting in the in these rooms not so much the bedroom but the other rooms do need lights so including areas like this and across our corridor so what we'll do is we'll just go across to installations now the candelabrum is going to cost us five but if i hover over that one that increases the luxury by 0.3 so these are better um we've got barricades as well uh bloxy movement but projectiles and spells can pass over it so this is the sort of stuff if we wanted to set up something we could we could attempt to sort of make it more difficult for them to to pass into the fortress but i don't think i'll bother at this point in time they do have torches which don't cost anything so i'm just going to go and place these um i place a torch there torch at the bottom there on those walls i won't put it in the bedroom i'll just leave them where they are and then we'll just put a single one in through there i'm going to keep the rest of this dark and actually we do need to get a few more on the uh along the corridor here so we'll just go opposite actually no wait i'll put it opposite the doorway there so probably end up having a few of these down through this side right that'll do so they prioritize that they're going to build those those beds and then we can get these good guys so we've got the eight defense against humans is a good one so we'll grab him uh so goblin warrior now has joined our forces i've got the game pause i'm just using the space bar to do that now this is the one that's drunk and hates all elves and that one we don't want just got a basic warrior through here i think i'll wait till we get some other good ones and our our um our keeper is actually now sort of going down doing different he's doing his own training now to have a look and see what's going on with this as well let's just talk a little bit about what he can do so he's got his basic attributes like his um his damage his spell casting um his uh parry so he doesn't have a real lot defenses and also range damage which he doesn't have anything at all uh training wise he's actually slowly picking up his melee training but he doesn't hasn't got anything at all yet for his actual spell training so he's got a limit of seven uh down through here the spell scores you can see is only available with mage because he is a mage a i type avoid melee and the activity is training so i can actually click this on and actually change it for whether to enable or disable certain sorts of things so he can do anything really which is fine i'm just going to leave that one sort of where that actually is so that's that's sort of what he's up to and i can't actually assign him his own quarters ultimately if i wanted to but we'll probably end up doing that when we get vampires in some sort of high level we have to sort of we have to crawl before we uh before we walk in this game which is really quite nice anyway let's just continue on we're still building the floors back into here still working away at the bottom at the top there as well so this guy is now also then training and so at the moment when we look at him as well this is orthrock the uh the goblin warrior so he's got an attack of 16 and he's also only got a limit of seven with his training so we just need to wait until until he sort of levels up a bit but he's gonna be leveling up over time while they're in this training room we still don't have anyone else really just yet i'll wait for more to come another one they're just the same i might get i might get one of these doesn't really matter that much i mean they're quite weak units there was our basic resources i'm just going to keep these outside for now so we've now got two i can get one more of these with what we've actually got i want to get like like someone to start to build things for me so i'm going to go and get another torch and this is just the c c key i'm just going to place that above where that actually is so we can see what's going on in that room there we are and what i'm going to do is i'm going to start to build workshops in here now it's changed a little bit since the early days uh with the way it used to sort of work where you needed to sort of get like a collection of different sorts of workshops you can you can you've got a lot more flexibility now and i think it actually helps the game a lot by by doing that so if we go across to um crafting you'd see through here we've got workshops then forges laboratories jewellers poetry table we can build straightaway and distilleries i'm just going to go and build a workshop now i only need one initially so let's just go and build that one now again i can sort of i can start to sort of build like a network of of different sorts of things but if we just build it here i'm sort of wanting to make a checker pattern because they can't you can't walk around these tables so um like these this sort of furniture you can't get around i think with beds you can but i'm not i'm not 100 sure about that another canon attacks so we've got the two that are in there now now this should start to bring in more and more forces okay we've just reached level two and uh we might just finish off this with a bit of a discussion actually one thing i do want to do is is once we've got this built i do want to then actually have an equipment room that comes off this so i'm just going to go back to dig i'm just going to make another little by five off through here as well making it very modular very ikea an ikea design this is cool like the way that here we go we've got ourselves a gorth uh go rug the goblin artificer now sometimes you're gonna end up with guys that will actually have like other abilities that you don't know about like insanity is the one that you want to avoid yeah these guys are fine you get someone that's insane you want you want to get rid of them and what i think i'll do once we actually clear this area out is to get them starting to um to get like an area where the where the keeper can then start to pick up um skills with the with the sorcery that will bring in things like the wizard for example this is a goblin wizard so we re it requires a wooden bookcase or laboratory okay just an auto save happening so all the beds are here ready for for basically to fill up our population now i do want to get i do want to get bookshelves for the um for the wizards and things you need weapons for your minions extra head here we go we've got a goblin warrior with two heads done you're in we want to get about four or five of these guys just these basic sort of ones now the next one's going to require another training dummy so i'm just going to go back down to um might as well build that because we will be wanting to get another one when it's about when it's available so just go across to um training room wooden dummy and just going to add one in the corner there i just want to get like a pattern so they can still walk around past everything building this one now this is going to be an equipment room so i'm just going to go to storage equipment shift click and drag just to drag it little five by five and i will get more lights in through here as well just more torches there is one thing i can do here is start to build up i'm going to need five clubs five of these this all costs uh wood to do this and you can see where as i click these in the bottom there the wood is actually disappearing actually you want to get rid of that one just take that one back okay and um five and that'll do there's also this one here this uh cornu which i do want to get for the for our main our main main guy through here so we've got that one now selected um another just a normal artificer there but maybe i think i'm going to grab one of those i'll just get one of them now you see them turn red every so often he's just basically giving them encouragement or you may decide that he's actually um smacking them around the head there's the artificer he's going straight in to start working on that big long list of things that we that we asked them to do there we go a bit of a smack on their head get working harder just keeping everyone under control he's such a cool little guy and it's very much like it's of course very much like dungeon keeper the old dungeon keeper games but it's um i actually much prefer this game i've got to say now this is going to be where we put our library so i'm going to go into so this is going to be a very very important room up through here now another thing we want to do through here is just get more flooring so just get wooden floors now if i don't press shift it doesn't make the actual square let's just start that way i'm going to put i can make stone backing through here now this makes them a lot happier let's go and make a stone um carpet because it's going to cost me gold which i don't actually have any of just yet actually i don't have yeah i do have stone through there so we've got this adamantium which um so i might make this into a stone floor for this particular room and if we just get the middle section with uh with sort of like normal stone and then we'll um just go back across to flooring this is just purely for aesthetics let's go and add the corners with um like something a bit more interesting and then the entrance as well so floors stone do and we want this one to not just have the um uh i can put a standing torch and down the bottom here this you can see there that increases the luxury by 0.1 let's go and place one of them right in the very middle of the room and we'll then go and get some for the library just some wooden bookcases and i'll just get three of them across here there's another goblin oh now that one's plus 13 damage let's go and grab that that looks good now these guys are starting to equip themselves so if we click on these we can see that they've got a club which gives them a plus four of damage so they're getting better and better equipment and as the equipment is built they'll just keep on getting more and more so i'll leave that one i'll leave that one to just do what it's doing um now that we're getting this we're gonna be able to start to get wizards and um and priests which will give us healing so we might grab one of those shamans we can now start to get as well so yeah we need weapons for our minions we're building it we're building it slowly here comes the priest we don't want to build too much like we sort of now having said that there's a question mark up there until we know what's what i've got to be very very careful oh now goblin artificer is killed by a goblin warrior so insane so unfortunately we actually have an insane this is the guy probably with the extra damage yeah he is incredibly damaged i'm going to send him out on a on a suicide run down towards the um away from the away away from where we are so i'm just going to move him out of the fortress and we're going to we're going to do an initial attack he's already a bit damaged anyway because he's been sort of hitting people let's get across the across the the river and just send him out to um to kill off some of these humans and if he dies so be it and where was there oh there it is nothing in that room okay we killed that one i think that's a kid i'm bled to death yeah a child drives up dies a bleed of breeding i'm sorry bleeding kill the dog here they all are now the farmers that we see through here um will be hostile and we'll actually have it can do damage back yeah we just took took a fair bit of damage now let's say um let's just keep the attacks coming just a little live only just i'm gonna press space okay the tribe of humans is destroyed so that's all happened well now unfortunately i really wanted him to die off um if i let him go he's actually done a good job here let's just go across take the five gold pieces i don't really want him to um come back to be honest there's more something else down this way hopefully there'll be bandits or something here we go here i am insane there he goes so um we discovered the location of bandits the goblin warrior is killed by a bandit so um now we're learning spells now that we've got the bookshelves so we'll just go back across to there and so that way at least we got rid of one of the one of the crazy people let's get a goblin wizard in through this side as well and we won't get any more priests we've got enough of that i want to get more more uh soldiers now that is the artifices corpse i need to get another artificer anyway actually we're out of time guys i'm going to leave it here thanks for watching i hope you're enjoying it it's a great great great game it's really really awesome as you can see it's very very enjoyable so i'll leave it there thanks for watching and i will catch you in episode 2. [Music] you
Channel: DasTactic
Views: 19,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 37sec (2257 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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