Dwarf Fortress - The Beginnings of an Evil Fort

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello welcome welcome to our our Friday evening stream I wasn't watching my timer how long's have been has it in up sorry sorry everyone doing this uh this weekend's stream late night or early morning whatever it may be for for you I'll play some dwarf fortress hey MJ how are you maverick I seem Africa's all over the place on YouTube he's on twitch can't stop that guy hey Josh Miller Siberia hey mr. Logan so I wasn't sure I wanted to play tonight's i-i've been thinking about it and there is just not a lot of new stuff out very recently January is just a is is devoid or is it void one or the other of of new releases so far so I thought we play some play some good stuff hey grumpy there's merit on D live as well so yeah so we're going to be playing dwarf or just again we did this a few days ago I wasn't sure what I was doing now I kind of know what I'm doing so we're gonna try it out the knowing what I'm doing version and that is this this warlock mod again which is a little bit dungeon keeper a little bit dwarf fortress we were basically we're evil we were we are you know we'll have slaves really we'll we'll turn him into zombies and ghouls and all kinds of other things if I haven't already been demonetized there it goes the last time I played this it was a monetized for sure I think actually actually I think I was able to have him review it I think she said was okay so so maybe YouTube so he's okay with with goblin slavery you know hey amber Skyfire alright so those of you that missed the last one let me explain what's happening here this is a mod by meth this is the guy who makes all the good stuff underwear fortress he's also working on the new UI as well I'm gonna go on and tell it on we've got or is it here it is so this is the cheat sheet basically we're a bunch of warlocks we can do things like well we're evil we can we can enslave folks we can create gargoyles we got prisoners we have methods running around our Caravan later is the Overlord who can have groups of a hundred folks storming across the world we're going to my if everything goes right tonight we will we will remove some civilizations from the game hopefully hey and here TT shrine is better than rush rush than just game with Tier one okay okay we've got gate which can give us free things we've got new buildings we've got all kinds of new stuff and then these are the new altars here that we can make which we will do we've some souls we need a world for this first so let's go make ourselves a new world permanent unpaid interns that's there we go so we're gonna call from now on we'll call me interns unwilling interns all right so let's go with a I think it's smaller before us used to a small meetings okay what is small we'll do small history meetings fine it's all fine it's all fine okay so let's make sure when we do this one make sure that we actually have like proper civilizations around and they're not all separated like they are on this one actually we got elves looks like down this way there's something over here too though there's plenty of things to terrorize there's a couple of necromancy towers this make a next but I don't think it does where's the dwarves Oh the Dwarven fortresses look like in this on this mod albums over here goblins are the purple we have little houses I think our human I'm guessing the two minute maybe maybe elf I'm not sure we can look around that maybe a dwarven spot right there that little house in the mountains there's one there as well there's one it's got to be one there also yeah those have got to be dwarfed in spots there's like the caves that lead them up okay so we a little bit everything on this one perfect perfect perfect okay no lair would be neat is certainly would you can find a volcano will do it no it's probably it's probably good let's go ahead and end it let's take a look so we've got elven forced retreat over here we can ruin some elves if all goes well we have a dwarven hillock that's what these are these are dwarf room fortress as the the finger of Liberty mountain halls mountain halls there's a lot at war oh these are all dwarves there's a ton of dwarves in here fortress of other finger Liberty yeah yeah and this is a big forest retreat what's over here more elves I want humans as well these are goblins dark warlock Oh doctor look fortress eh that's me what do you you are a warlock tower right there what's this big house over here Hamlet's of the true him was said the dominant Hill they called themselves and you are the hamlet of look at direct scholarly Hills the tomb yeah I think we got everything here elves not a lot of humans but there's a few that means we put it in the middle here we should to get visits from everybody know this humans way down those big Manford more humans way down this way who's this a little elven retreat over there so where should we build here okay one guy for a volcano I don't see I would assume that that would show up pretty easily seen in this mod I don't see it in this texture pack I mean I don't see one anyone sees one let me know this little Gulf just a finger of Liberty I guess that's the name of the mountain range finger of Liberty at least one volcano whatever map you think so I kind of liked the idea of being over here because we've got oh it's an elven Hamlet I'm assuming these are human camels little red houses so I guess we can build over like right over here somewhere and we'll have we'll have elves around we'll have dwarves to our north we think we will have humans nearby this is a human town over here also this probably doesn't connect up though that's elven town as well Island bottom right oh there we go there's the okay that's nowhere near us we could re-roll it I suppose let's do we get I kind of like this one what's reroll one time abort okay we'll try it one more time you're not here see what we're getting volcana way up this way it's a tomb let's do it support this let's do let's do a smaller world see what we get way down here in the cold probably one right in the middle of in the mountain we can actually use that we got dwarves nearby we've got elves how's that DC tomorrow it's exciting what is this well he'll this is a human Hamlet so humans we got elves we've got warlock pits more dwarves I don't think I can build on this volcano over here we can try via frozen not kinda nice though we'll have as long as it connects up we have elves nearby we've got more elves elves all kinds of elves there's the humans over this way and dwarves are a little ways up north we can take a look at this one I like this one hey oh gee Pete and I doubt I can get yet what this is like a capital human town frozen volcano evil lair you know it's kind of thinking as long as it connects up we may not be able to build there we'll see okay I like it though visit some humans as long as they're a nearby we'll get him okay I want the whole fortress mode that's right I've even got new keyboard and then so my hands my fingers are just a little bit off every time I type it's a terrible keyboard but it's quiet all right so we got a volcano it looks like a golf volcano but we're in the back I don't see one over there what about down here so if we can go this way it doesn't connect can I build here it'd be a terrible place to build sand there's deep metals wouldn't necessarily need metals we can do things with bones we're just stuck in a Tundra there's no wood I think it looks like it is all connected yeah it's all connected so this could work yeah this could work over here on this just it's just like uh is it even a mountain or just a where's my I was F what do we change that ten so we got we got elves goblins humans and dwarves all nearby the Royal slaughterers we got to be that we got to choose this one the Royal slaughterers is our name I don't know how to read that I was like we're on a mountain though things what's going on there I can read that a little better okay yeah yeah that's clearly I'm a volcano right there it is super high just one giant this is kind of nice it's just one giant mountain in the middle of a Tundra I like it I like it I like it a lot it's freezing there's no trees there's no berries we're gonna go a little bit smaller I think and something like that might be okay right in the middle I went to volcano right in the middle I'm like I like this we got clay soil deep metals but we're gonna bone bones are all I think of choice let's go with embark yeah salt water difficult to salt water ooh we're worried about water let me do about water hmm the volcano of distance is what this one's called hmm what we do if we didn't have water it would be a problem that would be a big problem wouldn't it hmm I want this once there's no water what do we do hey Ricci can we heal people with with booths no I don't know this is gonna work we can try to dig down into the caves and maybe yeah and just find underground water where you wandering when you have beer because we're not dwarves today all right we'll do it we'll do it embark yeah yeah we can do it be quiet game we know what we're doing we're preparing carefully as a matter of fact all right so we've got 13 closing agencies before we have 13 warlocks evil folks aha and Sahil and Mesmer and Belliard we can give them all jobs if we want to I'm not gonna do much I'll do just a little bit like a novice miner yeah mine and Mason I tell you just be a miner okay buddy and then drehs over here will be our window he would because we have no what make sure we bring something in I will make what do we need mining and what's another important thing these are my these are my only guys I'm not getting any any any migrants so music where'd you go music please yeah or alarm on Hayden so we need a minor we need someone to lead this place we're gonna pick the guy the bottom here ripped Reb dupes repped I want you to be the the leader we could spread that out I suppose but we need a doctor so we need that there we go so rabbit will be a doctor and then sue has it's going to be our leader praise our organizer yeah that one and then record keeper it's been all my points on this and then Kili where's the where's a leader isn't there a leader one geographer leader yeah tactician I was gonna be my fighter kay Kili I want you to know how to fight where's fighting know what a Dodge know how to know how to bite things okay I want you be a confident fighter all right now with my points let's make some things we don't really need battle axes we'll bring one but there's nothing there's no trees at chop we have a bone mole a bone we have our amble made of bone we have a handle made of bone we go to copper picks we'll need those to make sure we get in the mine we can make another one we have potions that we can use we never failure that last time with them a bit more this time we should be able to plant just fine I'm sure most these do they all make different kinds of potions let me get rid of the some acid method lung yummy let's get rid of the elf prisoner and let our Quivers oh it's made our Quivers are made of elf I just need a buckets don't we because we don't have any wood so hopefully we and we'll bring those will rose and step letters I kiss until we get bones alright as far as what we're bringing with us we need we need prisoners I want I think the price just go with breeding pairs of everything we'll bring a dwarf we'll bring a human couple humans a couple dwarves and an elf we went in your goblet let's bring a kobold that's all my money though we don't need we can find elves so we'll have a dwarf pair actually you know what let's just bring we'll bring humans and we'll bring cobalt cobalt to breed a lot three fast we mean what the snakes snakes make babies spiders there's a couple copperhead snakes that'll work mud man he didn't doing good last time we don't want him no fire methods that's right right none of those wearisome beat dogs no cheap like that and a couple Ravens well ravens breed know that they will no water no fire methods got enough points for a little bit we could lose something over here and grab one more like we could go over here and let's lose a pump helmet or a lobster and we'll pick up an extra cobalt extra girl cobalt okay machines cost because the house 15 okay five it cost one so our food is going to be mushrooms and things and what's mr. Logan yelling at me for we have kobold that we can feed on they will breed and we'll we'll turn them the bones and and and souls we need souls to make things we could probably use into a snake did you call for pics yeah we need pics you lose a couple it's only worth one mmm I'm gonna lose this lung because it's a Stech lose the thread in the cloth well usable need it but we'll get it eventually 92 more points let's bring in another snake maybe a few more snakes they lay eggs that we can eat yeah and also at least lay bebe's which we can turn the souls we need the axe I figure I just give the axe to somebody to defend the place however just in case I have it just in case just to have it you break down there we find some wood down in the caverns we'll need it okay 14 left isn't gonna get me anything Raven will buy a girl Raven okay Satan's bolete spawned yes yes yes alright so we've got we have a human breeding pair will hopefully bring babies at some point I'm more interested in the COBOL it's giving me babies and we've got the snakes we can always enslave folks though if we need to hopefully we'll try to when you mate we can put them in cages I guess so how that works I kind of want something else let me lose I'm gonna lose okay afford lose here we lose the stepladder we don't need that for anything and we will lose a couple potions cuz I do want forgot a human I want I want some elves there we go yeah we can afford one more reading okay perfect three points left let's buy some pom pom it's fun alright we're good we're good we're good our symbol is going to be a a creature it's going to be a a snake what one snake image of an adder and he's going to be he'll be an anvil involved one anvil image of an adder and an anvil what's he doing he is being flayed by the adder is being flayed by the anvil that's exciting doesn't make any sense what it works what's our name of the untamed tones no no no this is terrible the clump the ranked famine a sweat of murders yes okay we are the sweat of murrs excellence dun dun I didn't bring any wood do we bring a little bit of wood I just realized just remembered probably to bring a little bit of wood just in case let's lose some of this for any dad would can't be that expensive right man okay so there's nine laws which will give us some beds that's it just beds all right done done um group name is is what yeah the golden realms what was I oh it was the name of my symbol isn't the golden oh we are the silent flats the mint chaos excellent okay the mint chaos at the fortress of inky dank a scream pit yes stream pit all right embark am I good am i good I think so embark Izzy okay this is uh this is minty fresh smell of chaos so to smell when you come into our domain alright and welcome to the our party has ended this after our harsh trek into molecular confidence no supplies left but we made it Jaguars gonna get hungry in this new chapter of a warlock history scream pit strike the earth alright hey count how you okay thanks alright let's take a look at our map here so there's the volcano we are right on the look it goes all the way down this is nice this is real nice actually do this so we build it like on top of the volcano I'm gonna be like a tower gonna build a tower on top of the volcano so maybe we might not some of this stone it just have like all ledge going out of here but a floor there's gonna be a pain to build this thing we're gonna build it so I wanna have a tower on a volcano if we can have like a trapdoor we can drop people in the pits some point yeah yeah this is what we're doing let's see does it beat dogs right yeah let's pink flamingos looking things all right so we've got what's over here this is a site a site cobaltite very blue what's over here silty clay we'll have to put our our farm somewhere this is more silty clay looking farm outside somewhere grass meets grass eats not bad let's go and mine actually let's just come up here inch channels what we want let's just channel this little spot on down and then we'll channel this that's just dirt but what's handle it as well just kind of even this out a little bit we got more stone over here also let's channel all that I think we went to it there's a music okay you know Rosie ELLs off of lava okay to work anything out there just a snowy owl okay okay and our prisoner is about this no fire elemental so things are fine we've got some dwarves or some some warlocks in here doing some mining excellent checking that out we've got a couple of rocks here we're gonna take our Roxanne we're gonna build across the way here so it's go ahead need to set up to build a floor first it's gonna go I wanted to go at that level this one here it's gonna go across the way so we'll have it facing like it's gonna face this way don't really matter no balk selected yeah I want you to go like there over to here for now no you only have two of those get more stone please it'll be a little tedious to make it first but it'll be glorious it'll be all worthwhile evil warlock a volcano lair yes and some smell like mint mint Ely I don't forget that part those that we torment will will learn to fear the smell of mint whoops where's he at hang on where'd he go oh no that was my pick T wasn't it I have bring two picks I hope I did we have two picks anyone want to be a miner a mezmur what are you doing better bring two picks hate village I was going how do we do this every time how do we do this labor I won't you go mine buddy do all do all the mining okay go grab a pic I'm pretty sure to another one oh yeah yeah we found it because of our dead body floating floating that what is this [Music] he's gonna float all the way down to the bottom and his uh his body's in here somewhere all right you know what happens time time won't you be a little more careful what am i doing now guys do it again stop it we lost another one what's what's collapsing you're digging from down from the top down what's collapsing you just lost both our pigs and he will sort of mine hey hey yeah Belliard can you mind can you go find a pic I hope we have one I think we're out of pigs well you know what hmm hmm hang on it's kind of ruins some things hmm hmm now this is a problem because we don't have a pic we can't just make them we don't have we don't have any Matt what are you supposed to do if we're gonna bill things out of bone I think make bone fix but I think we might have to just restart there's no I don't think anyway of doing this okay okay Mulligan Mulligan oh you know what we can do we can do here reach this hang on okay it's okay it's okay it's okay we all make mistakes last time I didn't bring the fire guy things are going so great we're much more fortress folder there we go all right to evil it's okay we'll be fine this time we got it is that map still gonna be there with that it I think we can still do it sacrifice is already where's it's going to be ah perfect perfect okay you know what never happened remind me to edit this video and cut that part out so it looks like I know what I'm doing that one right there embark yes it's fine salt water is fine nobody just take whatever they want to give us some comes with humble snake and mushroom farmers no poison at all nope builders with logs and I Smith it's built om Burke with a miner woodcutter in five soldiers or profile one I saved it excellence I didn't mean to do it but I did it group name is what is the the fierce blisters is the name of our group and the name of our fortress is spurting trails no no no fancy known because when costal notches bitten mornings flitter bucks bone channeled there we go perfect bone channeled perfect forget the symbol we're going in embark for somebody there we go look at the bones handled we got Cougar is this time all right all right yeah let's try this again I remember what we're doing let's go and I'm a little scared about channeling now we should have been a problem because I just channeled straight I guess I did have a little bit of overhang on I guess that was what's causing yeah that that stuff is what broke J yeah that's what did it to me all right all right game I got you figured out this time we're in a channel we're to stay within volcano a little bit more though this time channel this stuff out carefully and then we're gonna come over here is that stone it's just all dirt but will channel about just to save our lives here doesn't go any higher yeah okay okay okay we're safe get to work mind those things I need a second minor which is going to be well you p-l mining take it to work don't do stupid things avoid the lava I'm just I'm I'm I don't want to dig because then they'll leave that layer there I don't want that so we're going to try to channel this again we're gonna be care very careful though very careful we got that little spot right there so we're Cannell just this little strip here maybe just get that taken care of because there's nothing above that it'll be fine and then any stone down here like a real oh look at that okay let's just dig in here just mine out a spot here me mate maybe we'll make this like our farm plot I know would you dig it out just to get some stone because we got to build across the way any water only salt water hopefully we'll find some water that's when we could dig down we'll get there eventually we gotta make sure we hurry up and do that actually that's all um cobaltite we heard that tune right there there's two miners that should go pretty quick rid of that and then soon as we got some stones we'll plan this out a little better those bushes shrubs cranberry vines look at that delicious take some cranberry vines remove gather the plants okay I am very much looking forward to dealing update no no aquifer we are on the tundra so this mountain is just sort of out in in the tundra somehow okay so digging all this out Yumi's don't there's a couple of them there well clear this thing out and it'll give us a bit of stone hopefully slow going on this stay site nothing more evil than cranberry mister we could get rid of I'm scared about this now could channel this this little bit here I'm scared I'm very scared and in this little bit let's go you guys it's smooth on top we can have a jagged volcano and I still my bridge to come across here this will be our main entrance why would gate or something over this way they'll have a bridge if we can we can build our floor maybe at this level how many ways we've got six day site we anymore hey Salford mmm good bye one don't go home guys that one guy that tone guy how do you tag people I've not watched a lot of streams I'm sorry what you mean Oh was it you do uh pound sign where it's to add sign to work we can I should go head and start digging down from here I suppose might be better just go crap to go to the bottom of the volcano and dig down from there because I won't be any pits at up here keep on digging out this a bit more just get there work on some stone we could set up a few things real quick as we're waiting for this to go so let's build what we need outside here first off anything good or a butcher outside just to have it set up stash it over uh over here for now at a day site we could save our logs whose needs those for our bedrooms so he's already we're gonna have a I don't have a platform going out and then we'll have seen me at our not a real big one just just a tower and then go to the label so they may go in here and then go down because we need to go close to the lava for our for our prisoners ideally we could go all way down how far use the magma for our forges and things but we'll go up in each level we'll put in like bedrooms in the dining hall and all that stuff and I want to have a you know an evil Tower um let's go away if this keyboard is it's just some super cute super cheat keyboard I got from Amazon I think but it's nice and quiet it's really why I think it was like 10 bucks oh it's nothing fancy but it's something I would like you to do what was that hunting related things do that and then we're gonna have so we got two miners we have the doctor who's doing doctor things hopefully he is all health care buddy okay and then it's Stewart Stewart is our leader right ankle ankle tick they make Cowell or whatever tibbe his name's belt belt what are you doing I want you to do stone working if we need it okay and then we'll go down here to Derb Heder you do farming related things Derb the farmer lava is let's see so here's was that move around of it what is that what is that oh it's now so meow so it ghosts so this is top layers here one two three four five six seven eight eight levels down and this is obsidian we could make an obsidian fortress we'll get there we'll get there someone eat them did you eat them yet how much stone do we have now we have 22 days that'll be good so floor I want a box select and we'll do that's sixteen right there just to get at that point okay it'd be nice and pretty blue yeah we need to do a therapist I'm trying to trying to get used to not using door therapist oh there's a magma crab hmm watch out for that guy can they come out of them the volcano or they have to stay in the magma or nearby you can't like fly out gimmi where are you okay yeah he just hanging out that another in the magma okay yeah it's great what their fists is is a very excellent excellent tool and I'm I'm assuming that the steam version will have something very similar I can only imagine what they'll have something like that the butcher should be doing auto auto things so first things to butcher will do it I don't think anything out there than the owl we can't really hit hey bit of the universe is there a benefit I'm not using it not really in master abasing has the same it's all built in there I think it's built in with Matt I think he can just it's still the same thing then MEF make blaze new pick just someone else channel this thing would be very very very carefully channel this thing down how's our mining operations going okay they almost got it there's a bunch of stuff over here we had some wheelbarrows we can use it with honey wood I couldn't make one we have a little bit we can break our cart apart also realistic version for the or ETA for the streamers probably receiver is probably a long time because there's there's the the villain update coming first and then we're getting the like magic is the ones that's that's gonna be coming with the steam release right there's gonna be a while there we go yeah yeah take all that out maybe we can knock this in here and make that into farmland let's dig in here behind the the butcher and make us go ahead an get our farm set up if we can if this is this is dirt YouTube's recommending my live streams yeah YouTube that's we cube seems to like my live streams yeah they certainly they like they like my live streams at certain times I've every time my it's like I'm it's like a time thing at certain times it sort of uh kind of explodes how many people are in here most of them know not every day let's go build more floors this is probably far enough let's go do wait how why do we want a tower to be that's the question when you only need to be at least two there and then we can do it's hard to see is that big enough big enough Tower we can always make it look a little more menacing by adding in sides or something front page see that I need some of that a sides so we'll play it but we can go we can go out a bit and we can have like that like a cross kind of thing that was loud space hey space how's it go I need to change my sound on that yes that's loud and shocking every time no first dream hey guys ticket that even subscribe to me oh really knives describe me and I'm still showing up thanks you too because you always in your gym that's why YouTube knows we're hauling these bricks around if I have a slow start this is gonna be kind of a a painstaking beginnings of the fortunes but we'll get there we'll get there I don't know why I always do this to myself and build outside forts but I can't control myself with some farm plots here and there's a lot of everything's we can make I guess oh this is this is stone over here okay so we're doing the same we'll do a double layer of clump clump helmets and then we'll do single layers maybe that much yeah we'll do that we'll do that for now we could do a couple more here I'm sure we'll squeeze one in there a couple little ones there's a lot of stuff in here we can make with potions so we'll do that whoever farmer Magee is who was that we have a farmer set up I do anything yet sitar what are you doing he'll be a farmer okay stars got it hey Reba Dorn yeah the big the big surge of viewers usually is around 3:00 a.m. my time which is about an hour and a half from now my crafts are like steady said he said he and then Oh is every time every night 3 a.m. shoot straight up so I don't know maybe someone similar to me stops dreaming at the same time or quit because 3 a.m. is is more reasonable not in the US i streamed tonight and tomorrow night same time and then I do a Monday afternoon I forget my time yeah three M's good door fortress fan hours yeah all right you build the build a tower please any more these we have don't have anymore you lots of stone shoulda bought more pics I should do with this closer to my face cuz I'm gonna haul so far let's go over here dig this this out nothing above me yeah some still there right next to us there stone around here we are irate with that flying around no straight 6:30 p.m. yeah this is the Australian hour yes don't put cheese in the walk-in yeah yeah what's that from that's from oh it's from Monkey Island yeah that's what we need is need of them another Monkey Island stream 20 cent stream tonight now you got me important to play Monkey Island we start to get through I've played the first one a long time ago played the third one we gotta play the second one again I wanted to go through and play the fourth one but it just looks it looks dumb the hardstyle the our self of a number three is so good and then they just um yeah it's not much of a castle yet we've we're on a volcano as you can see we got a we get kind of building up here there's a big mountain this is just we're out the middle of the tundra we got a big mountain just here there's a volcano we're building our fortress on top of the volcano as evil folks would do it's gonna be a big tower at some point we'll get there eventually I probably should clear out all this stuff because I want myself to be the tallest thing around and not the volcano of a mountain we should look and see what the name of this mountain is can we see that if we go here what is the name of the mountain symmetric Tundras you do they have names ocean spirit symmetric Tundras is the name of the place I didn't have a name for my Mountain Oh how long should it last be another two and a half hours you go out for my time 3:30 a.m. before mm-hmm be a lot more efficient to use stone blocks instead of boulders you're right that's what we should do first off let's go ahead and just build that build amazing we considered over here on our new floor no nonsense we'll just stash it over here for now we'll put it right there well we can move it later on make some blocks no how about a lot actually and then we'll put in a stone stockpile sort of stash it right in here so speaking of old games the didn't even see that didn't ever play gazillionaire anyway gazillionaire is this like a little trading game which I didn't realize it was such was a popular game I played it back probably this 7:33 when I played it came out 95 96 I guess and it just got released on Steam hey good guy okay there are some more stones for us oh this is up okay I would like you to make me some blocks and make it on repeat we should be able to set up a stockpile of bars and blocks and let's set it right here so get things made even faster it's being it olden duck is here space knocking off dart no Vera supplement my my mind viewer numbers thanks why am i serving at 2:30 a.m. well Nick let me tell you about time zones Death Cap mushrooms that's exciting we wanna make plump helmets anyone also want to make some jack-o'-lantern mushrooms of course shakin Satan's bullet mushrooms sweet pods sweet pots we shouldn't do that that's outrageous let's do some dimpled cups where's the quarry bushes maybe I'm gonna make a little bit of everything here Satan's bullet yeah yeah stinking dapper Ling sulfur tuft i'll doing some death cap and over here we'll put in some false chanterelle mushrooms fly agaric Imperato two losses how about some sulfur tuft I did like police quests I mean I like I would say I watched police quest more than I played it and I my brothers played it and I would watch dimly all those all those blades quests Space Quest King's Quest I was a bit young all right let's build a floor see we can do with this so let's go out to like there for now I wipe the hang on hang on make it out of blocks instead okay be a pain because much to do with things with with walls me real pain to propane be a good entrance to our level I think though all the blocks we don't her lot lay it a lot yet but we'll do that for now because we get what it wasn't like three or four blocks per per stone maybe two after others yes I'm going about that before there's a there's a scum thing on your for your phone I need to play this Tiberian Sun Sun this is MF rappy um house quick these blocks all ready to go we'll least make it look straight okay making those blocks buddy I wonder if I should make another Mason let's do it throwing across the way here next to the next door yeah double Mason and then um who's doing nothing you get my mind is nothing what you know Oh Mel you are now a stone man okay and then back to mining this is mostly dirt over here this is not though here we go well let's go hollow this out oops we go I give us some stone that storm you bought a game in a tawdry okay don't you work don't you worry you slaves I've got a place for you having no time blocks almost there we're getting there we're at the first level down so what we'll do in the middle let's go ahead and set it up where is the middle I guess it's going we're going with this big it's kind of small isn't it it'll do let's go and I want to I just want to dig this out and have a stairwell in the middle just put in the back this would be some sort of Grand Hall right here I would like you maybe could go a little bigger so our caravans could come across the the bridge if there's a caravan we may get something and he'll open this up so we could have viewers visitors we will need a drawbridge somehow see good guy just see we can do with this that's vlogs the only one more will have it we could go out one square further for our walls it's easier than having to deal with what we've got here how many more blocks you make me blocks on repeat okay lots of stones over there getting hauled over blocks get made excellent have a dropper agent of floating Terrier our collapse yeah but we can still have we can have I was gonna I'm gonna probably connect it up on the back side here too because we want something break in our bridge and then ruining everything I think when I stream that monkey on I think I was on my old laptop there we go okay done now we have to go and build some some walls so let's set these up this way for now we'll do this okay do that for now okay okay who look like a tower walls over this way we'll get that corner in a bit would you worry about it I see you worrying over there okay wall number two looking good I can't seem to go a little bit further out make those blocks already do I have a second person yeah yeah two people McCann but it's hauling him around are you the only guy doing mason mason things blocks hey you with all the continents do some stone working okay how's it going going good channel this thing out get rid of this tower we have here I do all right I didn't I didn't I didn't cancel don't do that again almost catastrophe go top layer here we go okay there we go okay perfect wall like that more blocks okay perfect and then I mean it has to have a little style came to be square that's boring let's build a floor and like a like like a like a balcony when you're three blocks this will do it for so it matches you're welcome okay more blocks you slackers stop running around what only one guy working this at all times hey thanks Andy wait a minute there's a reindeer ball right here haven't even Marv there there's reindeer balls everywhere let's kill him okay military war is going to be I think I have to go to the Overlord first thank you Andy make it out of Millie enormous if I'll have anything and I once entrancing lutz so we'll have death will be led by oh can you do this oh you need to be this guy and then we can add in belt can lead that one famine will be led by I've changed our uniforms at some point wedge and then pestilence um Derby and then war will be me okay um I want all of you to go kill can you do this please I'd have an axe let's give somebody an axe you quit I'd like you to have a weapon I want you to have that battle axe okay so no goal or you you're the entrancing lutes bring all your friends with you and let's kill that reindeer bowl get don't die yeah don't you look at him the blue means the thirsty oh my reindeer bolt teeth reindeer bolt tooth okay sorry spin okay we got them that means we get assault is a battle-axe right there you know what we need to do is we need to get some water I almost forgot we're on the water nearby so let's go wait here in the corner yes wait it's a quite a just dig purple stuff let's dig from here in just a corridor up like that and then it's a long way away go over here little bit and we're going to do an up down stair we go way down we got to find water yeah Matt and blade yeah I thought that's first time I ever played Mountain big the reindeer exploded okay so we've got we have this another one there we have a Rainier ball corpse we make sure we we slaughter him and then we will take his soul and we'll take you to a shrine as soon as we can not really ready for that yet maybe we should be doing with that just yet let's put on the floor right there have a block and then we want walls okay right there walls okay perfect and then we're gonna build a up stair we'll have like um yeah this'll look grand look what should be our first room B should this be like the dining hall no I think you should go upstairs fit what should be in here just like columns corridors and exciting I don't know what should be in the first room I kind of think like the because we could put the traders out there if we ever get them we can this is a menacing fort we could put our prisoners in the first room and just bunch of cages just statues I could incorporate some tattoos that would work but upstair they're nice to remove the floor for something we do so if I should do a double one though because of having and all that so let's do a double one here's old you will do it upstair on one side and the downstair on the other that won't be lined up very well will it up stair up stair and then down stair between those two sponsored oh whoops thank you maverick the stream is not sponsored by dwarf fortress bones statues yes oh you don't make totems and things we make all kinds of terrible things I can't let's give water needs needs water go to here and this is going to be MEF to zoom here okay so my miners should be running with running down there hopefully if we'll find some some pits for people because people want water for oh yeah for the farm right okay so we've got opened up there now we need to build a is that one in an upstairs there on both sides this would be cool I think blocks and then in another up stair there and then a down stair will go there and there other blocks okay yeah look it looks fancy what'd you find digging you stopped what happened no water source I know I know I know I know who you trying to give water to somebody got hurt from the fight over there don't worry about it calm down it's fine this much my viewers like you okay next level we have to come up here we have to build a down stair as you should do it up down stairs gonna be more so we want an X going there out of blocks and then going there it's coming together take a little bit but we'll get there and then down into the level we're in another ops down stair we're good on a little ways okay let's go ahead that's fine for now and it'll do that a level inside here we should move inside at some point let's go ahead what's with these little squares what's with the funny stuff will be find honey yellow beryl we need to get we'll get a fancy carpet we'll get some doors can you guys make me a door a couple doors please no and now okay our evil necromancy tower is coming together now on this level we've do the same thing we're gonna go build floors and fill the whole thing up of floors it shouldn't be just the same yeah why do I do oh right shouldn't be the same design the whole way so we'll see here everyone's dehydrated I'm sorry I'm sorry I should have focused on that earlier nobody died please okay it's still and deal with that overlords banning certain projects make us still may just make some boos make some boos real quick somebody should have that job here goes I think no we have a job yet I don't think so mmm youever who's sleeping what's your job nothing so do brewing gathering processing yeah yes carpets more important than fresh water weeds look there battle-ax laying out there oh we're terrible all right the steel is up and running let's make some booze brewing from plant and repeat do it now we're all dying over here we need some barrels I think we should have a couple hopefully like put in a food spot and just stash it in here for now like that just for now okay floor keep that floor going like this blocks yes yes that's just okay there is it wasn't here meat barrel fish barrel I want some drinks can you give me a custom food stockpile I want it just to be where's food I want just how's the the new keyboard you can't hear all the clicking all the time huh very nice I got this new Mouse um find it here it is I should get this free to send it to me go to uh to use it because they trying to get me to promote it or whatever I don't like it so I'm not gonna promote it but I got this little Logitech mouse that it's quiet barely here however the middle mouse click is like super loud so that's not gonna work but it's very quiet but I can use it because it I don't like it I would like this one drinks and drinks okay so that's gonna go here makes our thin and then widen near the top you know we could do like yeah we could do like Italian I like but what was out and yeah that would be cool the more cool would make this thing the more difficult is going to be able to do that hope with that booze will help every blue blink means a thirsty there's a barrel of water I think they're not water but booze he is brewing drinks that should do the job I mean water you need it for injuries I think we'll be okay though people are no I don't have any mugs you make stone mugs here no it's at a craft Wharf will do craft lane in the second floor so as soon as we figure this out we'll get that set up out of blocks really need this stuff more blocks Maiden yes brothers from twitch can see ever all YouTube chat how's my I know I know I know don't drink some booze take this out yeah there it is okay working out what is this over here there's the schist this is obsidian that's obsidian what you're working on hopefully we'll find it underground layer with lots of lots of water then we'll all spend all of our days trying to go get that water people see me running over here to get their drinks I can go ahead and set this up actually as a meeting place just so they can stand inside here at least I'd be a wench a weirdo say I'm outside meeting area no location just a meeting area so they'll haul in here the birds will hang out all the the goblin prisoners just you know hang out a little bit hey balsam you make obsidian swords we're making everything from bones for the most part what's that mean if we found gold go that's nice cobaltite where's the gold at gold gold excellent it's probably the only metal we're gonna get in this what is it dig and then control or yeah the gold vein nope really need I went up down water ways down here oh yeah mr. Bray decrement red necromancer is basically box blocks here and enough it's all who is that uh that guy what are you oh you're human prisoner okay so we'll set up statues and and maybe our shrine could be down here just give me a good shrine room as you walk in you get maybe a shrine outside me - on this side - don't work this guy has a fancy red sword nothing fancy no fancy necromancer yet cinnabar sounds delicious if you want to make a where was it at the obelisk we need slabs we can do that quite easily hey you I'm gonna get you make me a few slabs there we go maybe some slabs just getting set aside anymore getting obelisk in here and we can get some folks brought in never drink from plant needs empty barrel all right I'll do my work in the carpenter shop can I build it upstairs yet yeah we'll set it up over here holes everywhere fix the holes but it there needs to go here because we can fit three workshops over there fix those holes okay drought fortress all right so we're putting the workshop the carpenter shop is gonna go right here and then we can make a couple payrolls we brought like nine or six maybe blocks 900 how do we have we can make a couple barrels out of it we don't need that many we can always we got a bunch of seeds that come in barrels I think can maybe come in bags as well I probably shoulda brought was that a little ferret what are you a stout stoked Jack what is that Oh a stoat is a weasel there's a stoked I guess a jack is a boy one of these LS short terribly short tailed weasel were they from Ireland today I've played wizards and warlords still haven't found that thing the cavern Louie not the goal oh yeah we're digging that out we hit the end of this already boy we hit the end of it there's still no Cameron we must have missed it yeah yeah we had to had to have missed it let me go up let's try this again look up this way and we're gonna dig over to there and then we'll take that from that to there okay but I don't think thirst is a problem yeah they got booze people are fine down plus we if means we're out of barrels it means those two barrels are full of drink so I think we're okay as long as we keep farming these plump helmets we'll be all right we can take out a little bit more and make sure we have it plump helmet farm just in case that wait now we'll get all of it we can go here or plump helmet farm just for some booze then get carpenters we need to build it we need to have a carpenter which is gonna be built what are you doing just don't work her no not you sitar he applied her Stuart was your name very your name these guys who wants to be it wants to be a warlock start from the top here um we make buckets I don't make buckets I'll make one all right Nick Nick the necromancer okay Nick the Overlord named eyes tick rope okay belt that's a good name jim-jim skin that's good name for a necromancer Derb over here is going to be Drac Drac no Vera now there's a name that's a name for a warlock all right or salt one call me Morty the doctor is going to be must be a doctor is over us I think I put jovis Ilyas the names that plant thing with you on an expanse Ilyas or was it Ellis do illage you said something so you get back to get to be in there do village so far no deaths yet emerald man look I'll call you emerald and maverick of course mmm sorry keyboard I'm blade on the keyboard all my name is mistakes I'm gonna keyboard earth okay we got two more I need uh I need a couple more names Wagle ugly it is and one more one more Oh Jay okay Pete okay know that without Dwarf Fortress makes you feel or without door therapist makes you feel alive that's with some blocks and fair with more blocks and more their blocks there and a couple blocks right there no cancel that one not out of my would nice try game I saw that out uh are we out have some city and hanging around though that's cool okay so there's the carpenter shop coppers gonna make me I want you to make me will make I'll make a bucket make one buckets we're gonna make one barrel it's already do for right now I mean we need those it's that would for beds we can take apart this this cart this wagon but I don't really want to because I want to get my stockpile set up first we'll do this and we'll have to have a stockpile room above I guess or we could just do down here stockpile room and then one more down will be the the slave pens we need to get dead in Finland I did not I'm done we need our slave spots in quickly let's do this this is gonna be I think I have enough oh yeah I mean he blocked it aren't you making the blocks what's wrong with you who is this I think it's slabs log Lee's working on this one where's the other guy yet those of you sitting around doing nothing get to work ok when I make it big pump helmet spot since we haven't rolled water problems here Oh pom pom it's over there should be enough to keep us keep us with water and we do can't we can do this all this we do a little to one first Logan seem to think this is the way to do it so let's do it like right as you walk in maybe right here stash it right like right over here that's a lot of stone ok we go he'll give us an obelisk we can do some raisin of it did there's this incident I think that's my snake more cold where's that it good over here yeah more gold lots of gold I'll take some gold I'm gonna do with it yet but I'll take some gold I'm down what do we have here rose quartz Oh cinnabar what you do is what is cinnabar like a thing I never heard of it cinnabar is a toxic mercury sulfide mineral with chemical mm-hmm the only important or of mercury he says pigment to carve into jewelry and ornaments for thousands of years in any parts of the world toxic or of mercury once used as a pigment it's what you make mercury from oh it's pretty but to set up our stuff meat it's a big ring okay how's those uh those blocks coming anything yet twelve that'll do okay that's something a real problem we can these blocks done if we raise some imps can work right we're racing him so we can get that done maybe we should go ahead and get that second go get to level one one also it's an hour workshop I think workshop and then yeah you schizos an obelisk and said it yeah a nice spot for it all but in the back yeah I like the sound of that make it out of a site sure just to give us a few imps not useful and nor fortress yeah lots of obscene to which you need water to make obscene right easy I just on the edge of volcanoes here ok there's more pomp helmet land still is not doing what you should be doing so do this until you do it repeat because as soon as we're out of barrels you'll be done oh hey thank you very much bit in the universe uses money to buy yourself a copy of one hour one life and give it a try someday let me see you stream it let me know I'll just alcohol talking you're great human being well thanks a bit of the universe um I already own the game but i've streamed it before i d-- strained it whenever at first uh when it first came out i streamed it and yeah the game is insane a lot of fun though i haven't even looked at it since since it first hit steam I would imagine things are quite of a difference cuz it was like the very early days where nobody knew what they were doing and there was a lack of owners like well I don't know I knew what they're doing so there was like no proper cities or anything built up and I'm assuming now things are are getting bit more built up in the game thank you hey Tom how's it going I will certainly enjoy the money thank you now as big cities but they often get murderous oh nice the stairs are great yeah look at the tile set on the stairs I wish they flipped the other way around so as you walk in you see the stairs going upward but that's that's exactly what I was what I was envisioning it looks good so I think this player will be mmm let's make us let's make the slave slave room because I need it so let's get their floors done how far do we go this one was over here we can do that okay that'll do be a few maybe it's all rocky and spooky in the bottom yeah I'm if I'm a right I played the game a long time I think you got the full stream or did I edit it so I just showed just like the last maybe I put a link in there cuz I got a whole bunch based I just died all the whole night until the very last run last one we did really well we actually had a town going and we were learning things things were starting to finally come together more blocks she can't get you guys make blocks fast enough who's doing nothing um emerald a fight are you doing nothing because could do that are you gonna go work are you a noble so you're not gonna work that was who was that that was emerald what's he doing with all the bling keys you just stand there out you know what buddy you are no longer I'm kicking you guys out disband all of you okay we'll leave the Overlord in their spot everyoneís get to work stop staying around do nothing twigs hundred hours in the game Wow hey wrinkle you'd like your brother-in-law handsome fellow eh okay okay excellent we have two guys actually working on blocks now perfect finally people moved in here okay let's we'll give it just a minute I'm gonna sit back I will try to control myself I won't I want to put upstairs here what do we need first we have our Mason's outside a ideally would go inside but we can get we do need to get a craftsman shop up here somewhere so we'll set him what's in the way it was a hole there we'll put it over here then craftsman can be over there and we'll get fill this hole right fill that one and those okay reminds you if this thing I've ever heard anyone say about mu3 if you install all the official patches family patches game starts fine after about 40 hours yeah we're volcano so I think we'll keep these two layers the same I know how tall will make this thing cuz as tall as we need to is there a hole there and why is there a hole there is that shrine actually working inactive get to work we're waiting on here why is there a hole there doesn't made yet these architecture someone should have that gym I want you to do engineering no other jobs architecture does he wait a minute wait a minute Jim where's Jim Ed his name is Jim skinned Buzzard mastered oh yes save real quick it's been law shaky how's it looking now all right so I'm gonna go from this corner over to I don't cover that up so we just go to their to their blocks 15 blocks so long enough so that will be prison land we need to get we got to get stockpile laying in here somewhere we could put stockpiling above the the craft shop so them to work to work walk so far to get their stuff mm-hmm what somebody downloaded me the lord has what you want overlord where is he is a nick what's your problem you want make mittens it's okay ctrl alt s is quick save on if you have master work or glaze new Peck works also for that why he's getting Maidan which because of architecture that work necromantic obelisk is it working look like it works No we'll see people are all looking at it do villages staring at it okay more flooring I don't know why I chose to do a tower but it'll be cool all right let's go ahead and mark this off we're gonna go this and we could separate things but I think this whole back wall this can be we want to get too far away because we make sure they mate if they walk too far away that's not gonna happen so make sure this is our pin and we're gonna pin in the human the elf and the Cobalts I mean they're all the same right they can all go in there all right we have it we have a dwarf and a goblin did I do one of each of those well I guess I did whoops anyway they can go in there is also maybe should be just eat those guys will toss them all over there like a little wall in there so it looks like it's some sort of prison toss a minute you guys mate or whatever you want to do when you make some nest boxes for you so we'll do that real quick over here and right it'll call it slaves it's it's what are they interns make me a few nest boxes so they can those are basically their beds we're making beds we call nest boxes seems to be the problem over here why is there not off why is there a hole in the floor what happened over here can I cover that up no okay is that not a hole I was like a hold of me we still not found another it's so far down here given lava tis wondered if a joint sometimes that's like the uh yeah that's the whole tourist business of Iceland isn't it so Hot Springs a city's floor like that looks funny it's got scuzzy yeah the obelisk nobody's making still Aztec given my minor I'm gonna tell you to be my architect also Castle right kimberlite is that a dick right there hey laughing teapot that most certainly is a hole in the floor because I saw some I saw my prisoner anything put some walls down here you know what the prisoners walking into the lava there we go let's see if we can markets out good I'm worried if I put a floor here and then get rid of it I'm worried something's gonna fall through redo it anyway so we get those cores done okay Oh obelisk is done excellent excellent looks fancy I would like you to make me some imps but we need some souls for that we had those what else is out here stay alum I'm against him we don't have a soul when we would have had it we showed up from that moose or whatever we killed he must be no good anymore he just scaled him now the next one that comes by I'll get him we have to set I don't want to find that I knew that was there already were my aunt how do I find that did you find something Oh what is this we didn't just dig down to where we shouldn't have dug down did we no that's clearly I think it's just because that's how the way it graph it looks know no one found um how does it possibly haven't found a a water supply yet there's got to be cavern you're somewhere let's go dig out here a little bit and then we'll go in kind of 66 earlier mario lemieux now there alright so this will get done eventually I guess so we got that though that can make us imps whenever we get some souls we don't have any yet but we can find some probably pretty soon I can get an animal coming in here we will take it out mmm oh we're missing up there where'd they go how are we missing a prison did they fall in I thought we brought two dwarves how do we miss one they walk into the lava mmm-hmm stupid dwarves a wall here okay so I'm gonna look like a little bit of a tower you should probably connect up although it looks kind of dumb cuz it's gonna hate in there maybe maybe it's uh maybe it's magically hang in there of course hey I got snake snake babies excellent so first babies right courts uh-oh the cobalt gave birth to Kobol babies also excellent excellent I would like you to butcher them please what's butcher I can train you for war can I know the eyes you know all these baby snakes they all the baby boy snakes need one boy all the rest girls so all of you are gonna get slaughtered I'll take three I'll give us three souls we got two cobalt babies already well done I didn't put the nest boxes in there good job these nest box who's not making things my planter is busy Morty we're to let maverick can you be my crafty guy just do all the crafts if you cobalt leather boots okay that is Sol number one let's get a quick save and then we're gonna get a get an imp in here okay we can use a few amps Ramon as a lich triplets excellent so we raised a few amps let's get a few um are we time yet we got a lot of slaughtering first okay heap number one is here perfect oh look the elfs giving birth to babies as well perfect okay what's what's with the sad sounds missing for a week yeah where'd they go oh no oh no I saved it yeah you know what I last week and I play this it's kind of tests I wasn't sure because I all the things I read was seem like it's kind of buggy but it seemed to work pretty well we just saved it though so we're good we don't have any crashes last or was that on Monday when we play this last new Saturday night okay so you someone your imp keep doing that don't crash the game this time there's a soul coming in imp being spawned who seems to go to my name is crash e cuz you crash my game last Friday's I want to play this oh no why don't be buggy no I want to play hmm at that soul is broken apparently hmm how do we fix this okay we'll do a second save and then we'll okay what's been saved right before he got there no crash he'll crash no crash no crash dang it why it works perfectly last time mm-hmm crashes when the elf gives birth and when it happens okay we can i think it's i think it's whenever we're I think it's this I think it's the making debate we'll try it well cancel that let's see if that fixes it if it is the Alpha given birth then we'll know Nick wants us to make things yeah get over it you're busy crashing here Elvin baby well maybe and some COBOL babies as well right right now dwarfee missing for a week we saw that before I think maybe we're good handling dangerous what handling dangerous creature what are you handling cobalt all right we will not raise an in thing we'll wait for this thing to get built it will make someone there they should get made soon I hope I've wanted an imp let me have an imp game wall box select the wall on the side maybe not get over there maybe we can't get over there because of that construction Oh don't spend it do that one yeah lots of crashy I think we're good though we're back but you can't some attempts which is the whole point of the game look at all those babyco bulbs yes yes it will harvest your souls and and and I'll eat you something I put a wall there cuz there's a floor on the way I think so I got I got the corner ones done though I had to remove the floor now and put walls there it's very very annoying it's so much easier to build in adventure mode for some reason that is a fortress mutton how let me eat when you stream whenever I leave my stuff my face you know my character our dies or crashes I hope you better stay here alright wall there and a wall there it's possible we'll get attacked before too long I could use some imps hey what you doing over here Nick Overlord you doing something this shrine I hope so don't like to have it built they give mason do I give you that labor of what I want Oh architecture yeah architecture on you give arching show you a few folks hopefully someone will do it well Adam Miller's father sure was Oh more babies thanks so many babies we can have so many imps but the game crashes mmm okay let's let's get some slaughtering done and we'll slaughter a few kobold we've got there's babies there there's where's the cola okay okay yeah we're good so all these babies will go and then we'll get the snakes to go that's the wrong button that's the wrong button not available No be ok let's go blocks blocks there um and then we you need to go down one more level maybe we'll get there maybe well maybe not we'll deal it later but going up we do even go up one more level cuz we need to get hey let me Mira move I think we can't get that because we can't access that spots let me remove this this wall I'm gonna be a pain I remove both these now it's fine we'll do it just annoying can't spell slaughter without laughter ok so remove that we'll have to put a floor there I think we could mm-hmm if mm-hmm I probably should seal this place up so it doesn't get so easily broken into let's put a floor right there and then we'll build that wall and we can remove the floor but a wall in hey that fixed ok there we go D in remove the floor then we'll put a wall I mean for the wall there and then around yeah they may have just made out of order so if I can go in and I'm gonna do this wall first I'm gonna slow kind of like one at a time because I'm building a wall out here so they can't access it I know honey water I know we can't fight it I'm gonna pause me to mail water in this place okay one more wall then we'll go all walls alright there we go so excited about walls we know we do you have we'll have any bedrooms or anything just things are just just so swollen we got to go up into the level that's the next level like I want to have a stockpile room let's see if we can get some things started here I want to go up down stair on top of this so here and then up down stair there and then we're gonna put in I'll let them build that and then we'll put in another floor in another level next level will be bedrooms I think we only need 13 bedrooms the Eames can live in a dorm but we need need bedrooms for the Warlocks and our overlords anything fancy right you have more levels it might not be big enough before we want well nobody slow down but we'll get there this is Neff Roger okay few more this will be stockpile room makers made any construction of certain things yeah my craft was was was put a lot of influence on a fortress why isn't seating built a shrine if I shouldn't I'm gonna try canceling this thing can't rebuild it again the shrine will stick it boot over here at the front yeah that and those all the stuff stairs you build is hauled over scoot it over and we build it build it hopefully okay more floors blocks get some more beds eventually actually go ahead and set not do anything it's going to make some beds make like mmm I make four beds we can take apart this will give us I think three more we need like 13 beds we can't do that because we can't find a cavern that was a no cavern in this place done another one nothing we can go further I don't wanna go that much further I'm scared very scared there's scary things down here there any 100 levels down people turn turn minecraft into 3d tour fortress I think heaven I feel same way Adam like minecraft same way it's where would that one's done it's really fun but first the first night is really fun yes and then once you once you get a base and you're in you're able to get it bad once you get a bed built it ruins kind of a fun cuz there's monsters out there you know what you get a bed with and then you can just build up things but then it's just all micro mangie but that first night it's a lot of fun that's a sieve soul okay so we got a slaughter some cobalt we can animate a COBOL ghoul yes you want to do that so didn't we I thought we said some slaughtered they need to be adults I thought we slaughtered some have an Elvin baby - all right well slaughter this elf I'll see if we can get it we don't have a surely we have souls laying around yeah I never build a bed and then then what kind of soul is this animal soul kobold soul yeah there's souls right there look okay no I have I have them but I have them hmm look kobold souls mm-hmm excellent I'll take an elf Google and I'll take a take I'll take all of them one of those hang on don't don't don't do anything too much yet I make should I pause you first and then make me a kobold Google and then let's save like wait to be on made me anything and say okay we didn't get to do this last time I missed out on the ghoul raising what can I google do it's all I ever played minecraft is with my kids that's fun they goes the solo getting hauled over Aztecas doing it some there's there's meat there as well I mean oh we made oh I guess we did it already elf cool there it is eyes where is he oh I can actually have you work excellent um I'm gonna have you do we're gonna do some mouth architecture and you know it a bit alchemy maybe maybe I can have you do some farming a farming ghoul yes and it we have a cobalt mm-hmm yep with my kids I am I have three kids the other one 14 and we need we need to we need a co a tiny cobalt ghoul that's terrifying we should have a lot of bones yeah we should we got to make our bone thing which is Mars Annette bone screamer that's what we want yeah the reason I have kids that's the reason I'm playing at this at this time it is a hole but it's part of the the building it's the reason I play it the middle of the night because everyone's in bed I think yellow diamond hey March build this up eventually finally and then we want to go over here more of those as probable we can do will make him real quick like where's my coat Walden we just we just leave Google's or leave Souls just laying all over like my living room all right dad I mean to poison I don't know five kids that's a lot of kids Adam my my brother-in-law has has four kids and they're all like really young so they've all like back-to-back and man then how you how you do it okay my oldest two are are 14 and 13 and so they're like you know combo but then my my youngest is only three so it's like you know they're self-sustaining they can handle themselves in my my three oh so it's kind of like having an only child with a couple of a couple of houseguests dehydrated what what about the mousse Oh make Mike's mousse make it into our our barrows offal and then oh we have this guy here we make bone mugs don't bone oh we don't have any bone moving for bones outrageous we have bones make me some rock mugs we have to make we have to make bone mugs though make a few of these we have to make bone mugs it's important oh man I'm sorry who that Adam if I just had the one daughter she'd be incredibly spoiled party is genuine bone mug system and March man you know what this reminds me of that that terrible mug that I bought that cut me open I still have a scar from it I was at I was at Ross and it was this really cool like skull mug like a look like a skull it was fantastic looking and it carves me up it was I was in the kitchen right before a stream actually it's me probably member this is that flooring I just didn't I can't concentrate while I'm talking about my my skull mug and I was trying to clean a sticker off before I got back here for a stream and I was in I drink my tea out of this fancy mug I cut it I was scrubbing and it broke and I I still have this camera Kezia but I still have a little top scar on my thumb it was it hurt so much I had a band-aid for like a week I'm uh it was like an Elsa band-aid it was still a band-aid and it really hurt I'm still hurt I will never buy another mug from from Ross again mmm let's do a wall will get more any more blocks losing the mobile hurt worse than the scar I said like three dollars in that mug mm-hm that's his anyway I was cleaning it in the sink I was cleaning it like I was over the sink with the water scrubbing it and it just just was holding the handle and Ike scrubbing the the skull part of it and the handle it broke in the handle it's cut me I'm still traumatized by it it was a bad day sanctum these are big I think I need some more slabs we can get to work on that I really need blocks done though so I do want what's that layers gonna be which probably planned this out so layer one is is the the statues and the shrines and all that kind of stuff what may need another one for bigger ones but the bottom layer is going to be our prisoner room which we could actually make a bit of shrine here also crafts land is right there this one up above it's going to be storage land above that is going to be I don't know yet I guess dining room maybe dining room and then the bedrooms above that man I think that'll get the mug yeah also finger will kerkini kitchen two glasses we're stuck together oh oh yeah panic they stack them to heed more blocks do we have stones laying around oh we just a couple tight here let's let me set up a stockpile of stone stockpile back here oops on the level of I can specify what it is I went just the de site stuff in there we change the settings not animal date site is in a metal war so none of that anymore block everything I'm assuming it's a I know what it is look there are souls in there to a site so am I saying it right just a site he changed the font I don't know with fun this this uh this modpack Macy has everything already built into it so the font is just myth whatever is part of it because my sponsor just with the normal game then we have bones yet we should have bones we don't have bones we have lots of bones maybe I need a spot for bones let's set up a would it be in refuse that's just thing over there that should give us bones I think Myka take a pee break real quick oh wait come back I'll do a recap of everything for you let me set up real quick before I set this let me get something set up I'll pee in it so that's that level we need to have upstairs already there perfect one more there I don't have blocks okay so just do that for now hold all the dayside over there so we can get some blocks made hopefully and then we'll get more floors and things done I'll be right back time just let it run anything terrible happens I should pause if anything terrible happens let me know please I'll zoom out here so we can see some things you know what we'll do well uh we'll grab somebody will grab Nick Nick the noble no he's not doing anything we'll drive it to we're gonna buy a stack and follow him around okay be right back um sit on top of volcano yes we're on top of walk you know alright perfect time for a save we're gonna do a recap hands are as clean as it gets alright umm well so just saves what's what take a look at our our spooky what's happening what fighting fighting what muskox lots o the snakes are fighting him right that's fine what is this what one of my snakes yeah go slaughter it we don't want that me oh I have is it weird that cobalt cool at all right anyway recap time we have a bit of fighting going on but we'll look at in seconds so we're on a volcano by the way we're building a tower on top of the volcano like hovering over the volcano we had a bridge going here and into the tower we've got a couple shrines that we can raise the dead we've got a there's our elf who looks kind of like an orc he's right there and we can go down for our prisoners live but all we got so far down go back up can go upstairs here and we can visit our craft room which is getting built slowly and then above that we've got nothing and above that nothing so you know it's a good it's a good hour and a half at Dwarf Fortress longer than that it's almost two hours oh it is two hours two hours ago forces it done so far we'll get there alright this level this is storage level so let's set that up right now furniture everything we're gonna get everything moved in here furnitures usually a pretty big one so we'll just do one like that we're in space finished goods a lot of room here so it fit what we can weapons and armor I think we should put these like maybe on this side yeah ask feel like a little walkways but all the way every room for that um we can make an armory we'll do with that later um we Bart no out Bob no no that I guess whatever would we have we can put in here because I'm not gonna have much but I fit all a couple squares um [Music] corpses stone gems if we have any gems they can go up here cloth and um let me save all it whoops all the weapons and things we'll put a separate spot armor that kind of stuff leather if we have some of that which we will may have a lot of leather actually but we'll do something like that spot and that's really all for now would you do that hello Baron what effect that's a tower cap tower cap bid that thing oh yeah it is a bid okay I see it oh there's some mugs in there yeah yeah yeah I see it okay up here do we get any those uh in the time I was away we have 34 blocks excellent let's build more actually blocks and then we can do some up here yes blocks more blocks actually I first do it on the edge here it will widen this is our dining hall the next one up will be the quarters cancel that one and that one and those three okay there are snakes let's do a saber quick and see if we can they were raising him I would like some imps just not a proper demon fort until you have em so actually you know imps Devils though not demons right mmm I wonder just someone want it please what imp can do it no crash you know what I don't want to have imps anyway imps are stupid team has against teams well they worked last time just fine what's different hmm dad nabbit indeed okay um and I have it set yet so don't do that okay okay we could try to raise the dead thing we may we just move the obelisk maybe it's like broken because something's trying to spawn on the other side or something just remove it so we aren't tempted to use it anymore this is only gonna raise ghouls I'm just gonna do it any good there's a little 3-1 though I think we probably have this stuff right now which is the sanctum these five slabs hey make some slabs a slab is there buncha slabs Madam's here this time if that's what that's been packed up try moving it no food available what oh yeah I don't have a kitchen oh yeah whoops repeat that until you have any barrels and then um yeah yeah we should we have a kitchen oops we should do that let's do it in the fortress nah we can't do it need to do it now no it's just two blocks down okay yeah we need to make one just real quick just so we don't die a kitchen which is Z yeah there we go add Emily yeah anyone YouTube yeah there you go all right uh nest boxes make those yeah we got them now okay perfect go on I want six of them can I um can I uh I can't do no nice box nice box almost look good okay there you go lay some eggs where do you guys want to do that our snakes should be down here - shouldn't they they're out running around dying we should put them in here also so let's make this whole room snake land Ravens can do whatever they wanted to but the snakes you guys movin here the dogs dogs Donna - yeah dogs : prisoners there we have spot copperhead snakes yeah come on in here and live with the other folks here we go don't you feed them I think I think we feed them like we feed them okay I would like extract blood from meat yeah well I don't know why we're doing that but do it and we make some some weed what do we do that with what we do with meat blood repeat the easy meals okay foods back on the menu any bones yet no no bones why not surely there's bones around we can slaughter a snake real quick what's we have a human baby it goes that you sort of monitor modernization we had there it goes snakes been found dead again you guys stop dying another we have this we can get we can break our wagon let's go ahead do it hey Mark gold from the US he's skullcap with giant diamonds in the eyes yeah I talked about them nothing my mug story from the do we make doors a long time ago also make some doors yeah yeah we didn't make doors a long time ago there we go this place is drafty okay snakes are down there we can go build some walls around here like that another that my logs nice try game we're gonna blocks at you guys not making blocks again are you being slackers again maybe we don't have any we may not have any that's mostly been taken care of let's go back over here so keen that something lost not lost down there we're still there though channel this here we go you can even hear the music is it loud enough showing up on mine oh yeah oh you know what oops how about now heroes I had turned our way down my fault but I asked by mutant before and just ignore you saying something or did no one same thing to me blocks music now can you hear music now I turn it up you need there we go nick is banning things stop that Nick it's all filled up mostly maybe anymore blocks more blocks to odo we have 20 so no way for those more blocks you know we need to raise a if we can't let's raise another one these guys yeah no human are cool oh yeah we have a human let's savor burger make it safe sorry I would like a human not like a kobold as well please [Music] 2:14 we should get oh there we go animating a human goal emerald on it why is this elf doing nothing you elf where are you you know job I gave you a job oh you're farming with nothing to farm I guess go do this don't work go do some masonry then the end of that yeah I guess it's occupied both of them are go work he's a lazy Oh your name's your name is the same name keep it simple I guess you go to some stone working to go get where is he there's some humans prisoner meat laying there a kobold soul same right there yeah there he is aren't you working Hey mm-hmm make the offcut wood we just a lot of things why don't we have any bones what to take to get bones around here make this into a garbage dump I guess these are the refuse right yeah why no bones ah bones okay we make blocks we'd make all kinds of things if you do blocks we can make beds from bones excellent okay for bones to create four blocks for bones to make we want first a coffin doors slabs I wanted this but I know what I want out of it and we're gonna make I want to make mugs can I make I want to bug we do that here actually bone [Music] I know we might do with these phones yet we got him at least any blocks yet a few I part of you give it ender there a lot of blocks perfect okay that level is now done mostly a wall it's gonna go from here across like that why is there a hole there like an epitaph or there maybe maybe you name as soon to die cobalt after me the Patriots know anything yeah I mean Amy's folks I'm gonna be a cobalt I'm if we can get the cobalt they're not working for some reason but what was this this was the elf yeah this is this is a rough one who wants to be a lousy elf anyone want to be a terrible horrible filthy Alfred call him woody because he's an elf we're in a name are humans gonna be fleshy I'll be enough Dragonslayer get out Oh your name's Dragonslayer widow sorry too late sorry any name - woody mmm we should get some things made here I gotta get stuff okay let's focus focus time lux okay there's that and then we'll go upstairs this is going to be dining room up here so it's put a floor there and then when you walls all around where we put some tables and stuff in the middle of fancy it's gonna be out of bone though so let's make a lot of bone tables can do that bone table bone table bun table no bone tables oboe table okay excellent and make a bunch of them probably not will try make a few them [Music] patrons get well you know okay so I have a thing with supporters where I if I'm ever ahead and I have videos that are to be done oh I'll put him on listen so patrons can watch him but I've never ever hid so doesn't get used very much I want I need a wall in here somehow we need you this first level looks good they're in there it'll be walls there okay that was quick and you guys build things more often that fast I know I wish I had which I had Rock blocks stray Elvin baby bone no just the two where is the cobalt jet why don't cobol babies become maybe come in fine that doesn't work how can people that new shrine just sink them what's big what's extra big who that's baby I can do that here's what we'll do what was it it's gonna go over here I'll write centered though we're gonna build a little a little wing out here just to go here I should go somewhere more prominent because we could squeeze it in here if we wanted to get to walk through the same time they look dumb this is supposed to be our dining room but we can have a sanctum we're gonna have enough the next level let's make a little thing jutting out for our um this so let's build floor sure exactly how big it was I think it was something like this it's not straight no blocks congrat a stone yeah but all hauling it is just very slowly coming up here I shall try to think of something else okay mmm I like some work kind of goes by that one and let's do that's I think it's safe no deaths okay Oh foreign on D live like I've heard of this game before while you better have a good one okay we had a way out of no blocks I may get him now I see a few of them over there eight of them yeah Nick does that and Nick he's a he's a character just I mean I'm gonna sit back not touch anything for a minute I try to lot of slabs in there is our bucket crutches some ropes lots of beds we get those beds made did we build that table yet guys me inside that's wrong not touching just sit back just sit back into nothing for a minute more mittens well block laying around that looks like let me set up a stockpile of bars and blocks another one a bigger one and we'll just fill up this whole room done down here with blocks lots and lots of blocks okay actually no we could put me in the tower haul them out of it out of air you know down there so we can get to him no no caves yet good point let's try it maybe there's no caves on this side of the map so let's do let's dig over here up here and we'll go or like this way and it will dig down I'm gonna go down like 70 layers I'll find something whoops whoops whoops this keyboard has buttons up there I want to be happy there's a couple red blinks which I think it's food we should have what you want mandate of more buckets and occur in make a Kern what's you deal with buckets all right so I'll make I'm gonna make those car clothes I'm not making those I will make a Kearn though which I think I make at here you know your current current cute so you just build I don't know where those are from Mason maybe turn there it is you don't know hey go buddy going up or down and map like is there yeah over here there's level zero a little negative one over there my mouse is okay this is the lair we're looking for tell me we got some Oh 60 blocks excellent okay okay that will that fits that's the question sanctum will go in yeah I'll be a little bit funny um it's okay we can party scooted out one more look at one more level one more layer I saw that look too weird I look weird either way and we got to make sure we put in some walls all around here because this has to be enclosed it's like that for now Hey look the the elf is helping he's hauling things at least he's not making stuff but he's hauling things ever got any clowns in the game I certainly have if piles of gold sitting out in the open nobody should better piles of golden here these are these are uh that's looma logs golden logs helpful elf hey look the humans in here yeah woody elf woody he's in there doing uh making blocks good job woody excellent I like you and then there's the human flesh you just standing around like a slob what can I make here nothing else I got nothing else I can we can make more though I think we have we have a few things we have any babies it's Cobalts we have a goblin prisoners not gonna do anything because we only have the one goblin we can maybe get some more anyways visit us yet what visit yet visitors are mean in this game we can make some snakes which mMmmm [Music] yeah we'll wait until the earth babies [Music] no food available you sure about that wise has been canceled we had a barrels maybe I need to have a here this is going to be a dining room let's go ahead and build a plot here of food I'll set one right of food right there and a walk I do the food there I want the top one's going to be everything just just food so no drinks and then the this one is going to be blog all this and only drink okay so they'll have they'll have food we need to get a couple barrels there we'll see if they have any action oh there we go they have a where's that food bottom line okay empty barrels there as I shouldn't haul food in there if we have it make those meals and you make those drinks repeat okay and let's put in wall there wall there now if we go build this thing sanctum my name isn't even bigger I want to go one more further out floor the one out they'll put walls around that there we'll be sort of enclosed and we can put a wall over here if we can get to it gently we can't yet see you laughing teapot why can't you brood reflect no empty storage items bug laying there I think we're okay though is this a versed this all you ever set it up well it's okay that's done let's do it sanctum how BIG's a monument whoops go big that's super big right there the mind doesn't work I'm gonna cry statue there a little crooked make it out of 25 needed 20 make it out of obsidian okay that's cool and in some slides okay I'll put our wall in back here and the blocks still digging still looking for those caverns [Music] I've seen blocks I think that of don't use the wooden okay so then we get a florist that we can get some tables chairs America and bone man you have no I'm out of bones I'll make my chairs out of stone just let me have some see a lot of severe lack of people working over here go [Music] sorry Drac it's sort symmetrical well put like a put something over here take a look better more floors so we should be I'll just do this and before coffee or to be unsubscribe I you know depends on today okay I I would say I drink more tea iced drink more coffee but I have switched tea mostly but I do occasionally drink coffee I had a I had coffee today but I also had tea today [Music] and I need more blocks I need to do I need to have who's my who's building stuff where's that L found elf planting seeds stop it you freak she probably probably pretty good that's cuz this is your elf but don't do that I don't want to do any hauling either can you architecture don't do any any and what you just don't always fine but I want you to just worry about about your stone job why don't you have someone come sit up to you yeah you do okay oh she's just stand there don't even think about breathin and you get one breath per block you make it's how this works it's orange mean fleshy what's wrong [Music] whew what's wrong with you exasperate when caught in the snowstorm embarrassed I have no shirt helia been uncovered oh yeah you're naked remember the fierce blisters personally value is knowledge it is unfocused after being unable to help anybody a corrupted being that eats the flesh of the dead he may be the strong smell of death and decay rotten meat clinging between their teeth google saliva is highly poisonous bit creatures encounter necrosis and fever 25% chance to slowly turn into one or more of the Walking Dead ghouls are great can fodder oh that's nice that's real eyes let's make more ghouls [Music] Realty or hello okay anyone said anything yet about the realty I tell you about the teeth I don't know if I've mentioned this before IKEA makes a mean tea I haven't actually tried IKEA coffee it might be good I'm sure it's fantastic I'm sure it's amazing and I probably should go try it I don't know why I haven't I went through a phase everyone goes through this phase I start with this with a friend of mine D&D night tonight some talking about them but with them of about this and we go through that phase right whenever you get into like this like coffee or tea craze and you start out you drink you start out drinking like the Lipton or whatever and then you might you eventually find a good tea and then you you get into drinking teas you go and you get all the fans teas and all these different flavors and and and you end up just drinking and stuff at the coffee shop right the UH at the gas station like there's my coffee thing I bought like a French press and had all this stuff now just get it from the gas station cuz I'm lazy anymore blocks seven I told you elf are you sleeping no sleeping I don't have any beds but workshops do we need you here we have nothing we can get a closer shop we probably have some stuff we can make out of that leather works I'm sure we have some skins we can make mmm a lot of works well eat at an earthen also nice once each mechanic we need so we think we need here we've got anywhere inventors workshop gem cutter mmm carpet layer's shop furniture shop I saw this before those are not exciting liaison office to call in folks poison VAT alchemists we have an ether gate gargoyle Masons shop us to make make can we do one of those okay make some of those that'll give us towers fancy woody is starving well then eat something you isn't there food in here fine just make easy mails and do it Peter do you have drinks burr drink from plants repeat any barrels I should build dump it in here though can of Arizona hun for small creature why why are you doing that you should be making blocks are you hunting for small creatures don't do that are you trying to go out and eat I mean there's a place right here it would be nice you realize if we could find a dang Bob what am I looking for you mean cavern you're all that so you think out there go crab I don't think there is anything we can grab you don't you ever suppose it doesn't drink coffee you're right scabies drink a lot of coffee no that one just say we had a barrel it say that yeah I know food storage I don't know okay can we make bone barrels make barrel from bones no but we can make beds out of bones which means we don't need all the wood for that so let's make like two more barrels oh yeah rock pots work also doesn't a grumpy grumpy uh well you're gonna be where you come PA or grumpy one I don't know which one which ones which now we got to Grumpy's in here long times you have your babies what's going on over here aye sir why isn't no babies happening why is it like it built I know you're a no food right we ran it a food Kagame barrels because I think the barrels are just filled with I think that these we should customize these these so it's food but it's having all kinds of other like it's it's got all these things we can't eat and it also like seeds so it's forbid seeds you can eat leaves and things what scared all that fat no oil no milks no lye any of this stuff we need eggs I think I'm prepared I'm gonna make sure you eat the good stuff no drinks we put the ring somewhere else okay [Music] what's coming upstairs to work on this I think I probably work on those blocks a long way away was it funny sure I make it blocks very fast in tomorrow you know besides they have imps a few bins yeah bins would be useful oh you know what I think I'm out of oh I keep on forgetting get to get rid of my stuff it's problem so let's go up to here and then their channel that out and they're bringing those in grab there's this big area here we had we started with two isn't there they got more of that sure sure that won't collapse on us will it just the case I'll do those I know I guess I could do that let's try the EMA shrine somewhere else put the obelisk stash it out here he doesn't like being on an open floor just throw it out there in the open I really like to have some in so we could bring in like 20 amps right now [Music] [Music] the way done for this this is an architecture who doesn't have architecture Wagle is he making a building just make sure you have architecture hey you do okay you're good let's wait for him yeah something I know some buildings need needs souls we are what they were I think the know that may think ether gate I'm pretty sure does which week actually use I don't have some blocks what's the bet hey I'm here with the with the slaves they don't mind oh we use some cobalt Souls for that need for Souls we use all the cobalt and we use a couple animal Souls we have a bunch of those give them something look at boring um yeah for free blocks that's right provoke the local village to attack you that we go we could go attack though the nearby village whose near us we've got warlock bits nearby we've got who's just Elvin Forrest it's only 20 of them there 750 and I won a lot father beans looks just over here Belvin town of mange egos 3000 elves and mangy goats and then these are all elves all miles and the dwarves are way up here oh there's no dwarves there's no subtle population and there's and there's the abyssal lamentation is there we're all dead again there's no supplies populations and the truth about human hello there's doors here victory by the dwarf there are some dwarves around but they apparently are not doing so well as if you and in this big city up here as a thousand humans fleshie is starving we got to figure out how to give him some food but he doesn't want to eat you know fleshy there should be food in here let me give you another food stockpile do that and that kind of copy settings [Music] so this is going to be oh then I fix this before there's going to be no plants no unprepared fish having fish anyway none of that okay just actually this is gonna be anything either is it we'd already meet around we're already fish we just have we have pressed things or we have what do we have [Music] we have pressed things right press material no this much you have prepared meals prepared I hmm we want that as poisons and things enough animal stuff let's do this press you o prepared food haha okay and then this one it's gonna be just drinks thank you our and Johan Oh sugared pickles what our sugar pickle like sweet pickles I do like deal though why can't you build a spot there what's with that what's wrong with that it's a floor you've attained sweet pickles play that tuba hey co-op babies Hawaii no plump helmets spawn why are we eating them all muscle in helmets don't don't cook the pom-pom it's just brew them you know that's you know that's our food and get be okay we have eggs we can't cook eggs though cook up those eggs still work on stuff kitchen yeah do that do five meals I'm put y'all repeat you know it won't last yeah more snakes okay let's save let's try this out lots of baby kobold that's right remember we did a kobold fortress we had so many babies that took like six years to grow up though so we never end up actually getting anything that was that wasn't a baby okay summon some imps imps imps no crash he's there he's working on it who's that emeralds got it got an animal's soul he's he's he's doing his thing and imp see a Yohan there's a spicy sweet pickles spicy sweet pickles might not I had some like habanero pickles one time though they were beard can we do it I think we did it we did hey we got imps imps okay already we're already hard at work who was wondering it before somebody wasn't her who it was wanted to be a kobold which you're now an amble excellent that put that's gonna give us a lot of help yeah imps more imps give me a whole bunch of amps I want I want mini a message you can gimme we lost souls lying around we're gonna keep on making ooh my vortex is ready or my whatever ether gate I would like a an ether a black ether bed hmm okay you take souls maybe they do black ether or cyan ether armor yeah okay I thought like an armor stand maybe red ether statue sure Oh elfs are giving yo Oh more another baby too and we have another cobalt okay yes mod it pretty heavily modded in party up to there's four imps already and we can also make more ghouls if we need to because we've got we got the babies I just come in I'm hoping that we can get its with that Oh funny walls oh no funny walls we've got this coming in though hopefully we'll get made eventually I think I'm actually might get rid of it and I mean we can't do it with we have to grab them stuff from way down there and thoroughly happening more babies give the snakes male okay flooring yeah we got more of it excellent okay now with all the black flashes that might be me in making so many imps yes needs uh need some fly agaric cuz I hate Eric I'm Derek Henrik I think we have a bone table we'll set up we forget like for bone tables something we can set something up here oh this is I think we've had we've had four or five D live chats I think this is the most D live folks we've ever had okay I see any good for in a certain chant hold on D live we got three on D live outrageous unbelievable is a word still no one on a mixer I don't think I've ever had it well maybe once or twice Jeff popped in there once or twice but people don't do mixer not for me anyway you bleach my hair oh yeah I have to go over I have to pull my deal I'm ahead right here yeah yeah I mean it's module without a deal I've places it's a crazy place over there let's see if we can wall this in Mick's place not look ridiculous I want my tower look fancy right now it looks dumb I can't do it right there they're kind of a sight it's good okay like that you won't be able get the arrow will ya so that's that level it's not quite the most symmetric Tower but it's it's okay we could put a roof on top of that so it like goes up little bit and then it sort of juts out that's kind of cool though that's classy and it's all really care about watching necromancer's we like class so we're gonna get because this this level here is going to be we gonna figure out how to get a kitchen in here also better have it next to the dining room but this is gonna be a dining room level we're gonna feed these imps I'm assuming Google's don't eat that much I could be wrong I have tables so I have bone tables yes human poo human prisoner bone table excellent look at it it's so cool I gotta make a bone chair can we make a boat chair yet these were have to slaughter to get some bone around here any animals around that stupid out who's been here the whole time get all those imps um let's see sure we can slow or something here and get oh he although things to slaughter let's get rid of the oh we have a human we have an elf snake we'll go to the cobalt it also I'll keep it on button slaughter all those I'll slaughter all these snakes and all these Cobalts and more snakes and more Cobalts I could I'll leave on the kobolds where we have two females in a male it'll never grow old what's gonna get rid of it let me do this goblin how did Oh slaughter them all meat bones who's that pit lil guy goblin prisoner why aren't you down here how'd you get away from your box that got one prisoner are you out of your box and y'all supposed to be call my prisoner yeah you get get back in your cage buddy we did get things though we got maybe no just things hanging around here okay hey bar back you know what we need need some carpet it's floor used to be nice if we can make it out of this cobaltite and it'll be nice and blue let's do it we have to remove it though first so let's remove I want to move all of it cuz it won't be able to walk through here but we'll do something like right there we have a little spot and then we make it blue and it'll be very classic [Music] okay that's every maid look at that fancy table get some slaughtering done pestilence Oh dangerous creature no we talking about over there that's the wine it was a COBOL baby I need four bones per table it's a lot of bones to make a table I guess we make blocks don't you see how it would be any different though just by making blocks we could make other things it's almost it's late haven't got anything done feel like we got a door we we almost have a dining room we almost have we don't have anywhere near a bedroom that's what suppose to be going up here it's got some walls in like that I guess no it was made almost industry and time here we get some things done that's you over here okay and we'll make some bedrooms in here you make bone cogs cogs what hey SDM that's get made imps are hard at work good job James good jobs good job more bones where's all my bones at what's this withered pom-pom is why they getting all withered for because there's no barrels for us to put them in lavish meals what do you want Nick put your wine and overlord Nick [Music] make mittens he says and make buckets don't be friendly thing look we should have a special month where you drink and curse throughout each street it'd be like a nook after dark check out the game missus s I saw that I saw Paul Soares playing that one well actually you know what I do have open things I don't have a lot of things to play need to get some more more things developed [Music] drink about you man t drink tea lots of tea where's all my architects making nothing I hate you imp is it weds no job outrageous why don't you go and an architecture and also want to do crafting do all the crafts okay buddy there you go all the crafts for you and then a bath and I want you to go to engineering all the engineering and architecture and alchemy sure sure go do all that we tear those floorboards out I suppose get fancy carpets if we can't have floorboards yeah Jim your death let's drag good at maybe you are pestilence you're brewing drinks right now you are face up some work sounds fine satisfy at work good good where's her pierogi bar we even built a temple yet have we which brought the top likes bituminous coal 10 Reds final sheepdog leather mountains just mountains phantom spiders for their translucence likes the words of the impervious cavern and the sight of the Lance of infernos impossible he prefers to consume giant EMU shad cassava beer rope Reed seeds absolutely detests flies me and a drag have something in common dreams of ruling the world means ice creature prone to create ambition so I guess we're the same is like a human we're just especially humans everyone wants I forgot that everyone wants these like all this stuff which is gonna be a problem I feel really crammed them in these rooms we have 13 not all 13 need fancy rooms but we're gonna have to have some special rooms figure it out somehow how did that happen go away wall I'll fix you this is the bedroom lair do I have a throne yet I don't the table but on the chair I do but chair right there what kind of it live an obsidian throne that'll work look at that look at that chair oh it's Game of Thrones nice okay but um pestilence I detest flies yeah that's exactly makes sense I'm gonna cancel this thing again because doesn't CD working what's missing here I think the rock so let's build it again though I want get something made sanctum so we go right there a make it out of we have we have a lot of obsidian just sitting here yes oh no no we don't I want to go too far away oh thanks Rumpy I think it was a too far away so far all right fine you have to work on it good where's the chair going in there's office I was funny every livestream seems that we had the same same amount of viewers we're all for a while is all bouncing all over and then every weekend life so many ways and it seems like it pretty much sits that's pretty sad spot let's save do they want more imps but I'm gonna do I don't want to squander all my make my human soul will make the ghouls first so let's oh my ghoul or my eight my souls at the floor floor wanker out of make it out of obsidian that might be fancy we don't we need ten of those that will have it I think the where's the cobalt tight there's just obsidian be black and be boring yeah bro grants in sight what can I make it out of they get a couple tight is it a metal we need 10 gabbro I'll be a little different at deaths it's to that okay we'll see how it looks might be kind of dumb if it is we can always tear back up again and fix it is this a metal couple tight what can we make it that's okay yeah that's kind of cool it's we had a couple of men here these yeah it works here's how these corner ones are gonna look okay we got one chair we should mark this this is a dining room it's gonna be all this meeting hall yeah we couldn't we couldn't make it into a tavern and then eat some folks that would come in hold off on that though not yes but it will be a meeting hall so folks can come up here the birds will hang out people just hang out in here look at this shrine maiden' hey there's a knit heaven oh no no more crashing no what what doesn't I saved it in a little while not too long though luckily it's very extra crashy today don't like it are we out here so work on that floor it is stone why isn't we can't use coal type to make our floors we'll do that we'll do what we do before Seanie blocks any obscene I think we are yeah I'm not too far back it was pretty reason chair is still there yeah when you're do anything wall on the corner and then we need to floor this up let's go to up stair their blocks and their floor all this oh maybe for it to be able guilt yeah um you see it again real quick just case it crashes on me well literally come to the first three you don't count because it was all crashing for the same reason so we won't take a hold out against it something's breaking things [Music] Hey furtive Wharf you tell me yeah it's a real pain to make an account because you can't it's a pain for a streamer to we have to watch this stupid video on how to be a how to not be a jerk basically before you stream and you can't skip it and you can't just minimize it get like you have to be have an active window for it to it's very annoying [Music] so I appreciate you all using mixer you know it I went through a lot a lot to to provide that service for you floor all of these is that safe to do there yeah I have a lot of blocks finally we have blocks okay where is my shrine okay so if we make this into bedrooms where I can forget very many in here we can make this whole side like the overlord can have his little spot over here I'm fine with that we got to do some removing of walls oh so we're have to go and get rid of like oh this whole strip I'm gonna put like a doorway I think doors can go on floor so we can get rid of that and it's not gonna be very straight door can go there this will be his whole room and then the other ones let's see we can go a lot of empty space over here it's the way I've got these floors these stairs see how we do this just go it rid of thanks and that I think is safe those will be walls right there and then we'll have that'll be a room and that'll be a room so we read a five in here I could bump this out little bit make it squeeze another one over here another bedroom maybe one bedroom and was your bedroom over there that's seven Oh could we break this thing up into we will give them double doors Overlord will go there we could let's try this we need to need to remove this one and this one [Music] he's gotta go for it Matt I'm gonna jump in there yeah make sure he's trying to make it a little more of a friendly place which is pricey probably a good thing you know in the end it's not easy to find streamers that are halfway tame pile and that's this land which isn't getting Gargoyle Mason needs everyone's busy you labor well that'd be wouldn't be fats I don't you know I've hurt you like an animal care guy take care of the animals I don't care what you use yeah use whatever feels but whatever whatever works that's why I stream on all of them cuz some platforms work better for others ok so put some walls and I just box elect to do all this yeah fill the spots up of the walls okay it's all coming together now we're getting some bedrooms in here let's build a do or without any doors to make bone doors we don't have bones for that hey Mason make me doors and do them now okay I see no blinking no one's hungry no one's thirsty house this late how's the interns doing they seem fine the looks pretty fancy I like it I like it we could get rid of that one it'd be a pain to deal with but we could do that and in that one there so we have uh we should make a little bit wider right in here if I cap rah per walkway maybe we can't cut this remind you not let me cut the bridge because we would all die we won't do that probably to be safe we should build out this way just to play it somewhat safe I'd like to get this thing done so we can get for our gargoyle things set up okay look at Mike bedrooms no water source he says I know there's no water source okay it's been a long run or finally finally getting somewhere I can feel it I'll have to play some more of this tomorrow night hope I was okay with that I did not cut out this one here why didn't I wait accurately that one needs a wall now then we need doors to go in there and everything else over here well things get built now that we actually have folks around things to get made we can go with a floor to floor it there maybe a floor that please hopefully you know zone lost oh maybe probably so you're right you're right cuz I the crash me Oh save keep saving here in case we get a crash you know we really need this dining room Oh excellent I would like so many things I want to make out of bones but we're new if we can get two more tables in we're gonna try best let's cancels give water no water source who's hurt give me some booze you can't string both places if your partner enough partner with the arrow though I'm not part with twitch I stood say for that reason okay I'm adores maiden yes they are we got one do more doors burnt put them on planning mode yeah it's looking nice I really wish I'd move these stairs a little bit double do is there I think we bump it out it'd be fine we can move we'll have a wall going here maybe like a wall or not do it if I want this out we could actually fit an extra room over here and now we give us 9 let me see we can do here we can remove this wall and these 2 that's safe and then go back in yeah yeah yeah and then remove these nobody fall to the death please and then we'll move all of this and this okay I like watching on YouTube because of the you can you can go back I don't know if don't think twitch has this yet you can go backwards so if you show up at a stream an hour late or if you like you know you get up to go cook some food or something like that you can pause it and then come back and continue the stream and it's like fast-forward it to catch up to the real time that's why I like the YouTube you do better for streaming let me put a floor out here so I can get a wall built real quick fat [Music] whenever I was trying I was trying for a little bit to give D life promote like do more D live a lot of folks didn't say that it did look pretty good okay is that right yeah and then we want a wall to go here and then a wall over it'll just cut out a little bit it's fine it looks cool one thing I learned from playing The Sims a lot is square rooms are boring so this will go out all the way out today for now yep that YouTube time travel that's right there we go okay NEADS what food store done yeah yeah where's my stock I don't have anything it was mine so it's been my stalker broker keeper of knowledge maybe I never set these up did I well yeah yeah what's that what up um hey uh Ilyas what keep some records for me mistress of pain I'm gonna hold off on that because I don't want someone going it last time you did that someone was crying a bunch about it and then my is all verse will be my doctor Crypt Lord oh gee Pete oh we have yeah what's that what's that what the Crypt Lord know what you can do it go do it now good remove these floors now okay we're getting there so I want to put a floor there [Music] let's build a wall floor I think actually there [Music] we want floors to go in all right I moved that one I should do floor to go there wall to go there okay [Music] build a bed our first bed is going in out of we have ten black ethereal beds Oh fancy fancy extra extra fancy yeah make those black ethereal beds and cost us a soul but it was worth it note our cat beds okay we can fit a they're tiny we may be able to get them out a little bit more for you two but we can get a cabinet we can get a chest in there really you can you can cram them full of everything if you want to try not to do that but we make calm down to village okay yeah beds people are sleeping huh there's fleshie you get out this is not your bed this is a bedroom and it's going to be assigned to not Nick but we'll give it to Jim and this one I guess we can give this one to Ilyas Nick's gonna get the big room right sign before the before the interns get its to villages bed if let's probably ease the farmer which probably should put in somewhere else but you can go there and rold can go over there and then what keys other ones made in seconds to remove that's because where our wall is gonna be and where we're gonna be it's like a waste of space that one cancel that the blinking driving me mad no we went it won't work means what [Music] wall now we wall this we don't want I'm gonna make out a floor again so this will be walls here and then we wants that'll be a wall I'm going to get out of way and those will be walls okay and we can that'll be a floor floor there and people say difficult or fortress is complicated may they come in to come and we need a wheelbarrow um can make a Boeing wheelbarrow no I do have a little bit of wood though we can make them I think we make them out of yeah like one well maybe oh is this done Oh Norville amazing okay yeah yeah I want we're gonna quick say just because it might break and they're gonna make a we got two things we got guard was our mobile squad creatures that pasture cost fifteen boulders he spits dust bushes units around which would be nice out here on this we tossed me that the lava very nice this guy freezes water and spits cold vapors and the Lich gargoyle animates corpses around it shoots rocks at a large distance breathes fire I want one of the the pushing one seems kind of lame but it'd be perfect on that bridge so make one of him and they were gonna build a floor I think we need a floor floor here we gotta put a few gargoyles in here like that and more floors out this way finally have a defense oh it's late okay okay I will end it here in a second we'll do this again tomorrow night this is still not made well finish let's finish the bedrooms just it'll take just another 45 minutes wall there wall there man how are you doing this well there we need a floor wall so these may be floored you need a floor out here - I can't get that yet and I need a floor here for now okay and then we'll put a wall there and there well let's go any clumps of hair I don't know I've imagined so this looks is a cool-looking room I like it that's must be a wall there so we need this floor to get made no no what I'm doing it we need a floor out here also for now then we'll put a wall next to it make this floor why aren't you making this floor get to work need a bed in here [Music] oh that's four that's four Nick tomorrow night's whatever too tired think about time zones I want so this floor removed that one oh I can't remove that one because there's a that's fine notice we can build a wall and I just find we need remove that one and you get all removed that one okay and that we need to go and that one and then I think we've got it where's the other door gonna go for this one doesn't have to go what am I doing this hang on it'll be a door there to get into this room how we get in this room that's not what we want how did I get over there I can move these doors back and have it over here could be fine I guess we'll bill outdoors here this will be a door right there we follow me I'm not okay hey Arland about 30 a.m. universe early those doors that hamer those doors were supposed to make you slobs door okay now now [Music] do you think Garber will get made I hope so because we're to put it out there not sure what it falls it's oh I pastor it so we're gonna go over do push guy will put right um I don't really get past it but I put them over here [Music] right there I want to pen and pasture [Music] my god [Music] you know they come yet No anyway [Music] who more tables yeah we have an elf table and a human table this is perfect stick one over there with some chairs with them any more chairs okay now we're looking fancy we need to build a wall right there and actually all this is going to be walls well those are anyways and these are all three walls I mean we need floors no spots one more wall up here and a wall down here okay through the war floor I know why not building on the floor in that spot why is it up hey before that since been section of a wall why [Music] go work no more excuses I'm gonna go to bed better with oh it's not inside oh yeah floors outside fill that up okay for the wars okay we're getting there that's the cool looking level can we get a statue yeah we're gonna go as you go min you got a look at a statue I think so he's here in the back a red ethereal statue yeah I'm making other ones [Music] the chair looks dumb okay walls need a wall here but not there not that no no come on there who's that Ilyas looks fancy you know make that wall we'll get rid these floors and it will have it'll be complete let's remove that's and and that one and then we've almost got it we're almost there doors let's peel of a bigger room okay okay and then beds will go there and then I guess I should use the other beds I can give the wooden beds to another door let me doing to the the interns build a bed there another pad is gonna go there [Music] okay okay and in this bed get out of their way in turn get out this is for Nick the brave Nick there you go there's your room buddy it is overlords room you better get that elf out of here walden is dehydrated and well drink something buddy do we have oh we have a lot of thirsty people watch for the blue blinks be real nice if we had a water source we never had one I guess our goal next time is to search for water came out here we went all the way down is it possible does not this got any caverns it has to be no there's no caverns hey Bluetooth one two arts too far down spooky extra spooky okay almost guys almost got it wall there and in a wall there if we got it we got it build a bed there and another bed over there now that we can do the thing we'd get free beds or whatever not free but mostly free not really bad much of a problem if that you suffer yet hmm check those out statue of a of warlocks and of a warlock it's kind of lame but up key sculpture garden make it just kinda small here people can see it around look at him you go all the imps are hanging around okay sign these last few rooms sign it - jack Nova and then this one will be assigned to Oh J beat and then down this way we're gonna sign that one to its office and this one is gonna be assigned to Aztec okay we did it we did it we did it okay I think I think it's it's that's that's as good as a compliment gonna get we made it all the way here we have been attacked by anything yet we made it we made a few souls there's a bit of a hole that gives me a nice view of the volcano we climb on up we got a fancy dining room here that's eventually what happened I saw shrine in it we got all of our bedrooms and then a big ceiling which will eventually be I don't know we'll cross that bridge when we get to it we got like a bit of a spaceship going here okay bedtime for me but we'll do that match I'm gonna save it though and now it's not hard not hard at all reporters in isn't hard it just just takes a bit getting used to all right so those of you here for fortress thanks for watching we're going to go and do a a deathmatch now with these channel supporters and you go load up the game here you don't believe it but I played another episode another episode of six ages just the other day all right yeah deathmatch time yeah alright so these are the the channel supporters this is a patreon and the YouTube sponsors battling it out there's been they've been far far too little death in tonight's stream we started off nicely plunging a few dwarves a few folks into the volcano but since then it's been far too peaceful we got to fix that so let's do that let's go to actually finally I'm pretty sure we finally can change it around there's some yeah we go to we're just killing each other that's fine um I'm okay with that yeah each other see you Tom all right nothing's blocked off oh yeah they are blocked off should go back in here and fix that okay mine yeah okay well clear that up a little bit a little bit there we go it's a very rocky place you guys all good yeah alright and away we go are you ready you're heard the Bonner our water first gonna go dude is this house pillbug all the way don't look dead Tom sorry Tom got already all right you have 2/3 hanging out with who's s wolf role of Big Dawg our our reigning monthly champion charge nameless with his pile up the monkeys kind of bloody over there what Ford's gone there's banana not looking too good that velvet down this way whitey looks pretty good well you conquered the Southwest but he had he's running around us oh really heading on fire Oh pyres out Oh the giveaway is only for uh first [Music] speaking up I need to get hold a big job and something sent out there look a man hater Sarah is still in there Peter and who's that velvet died away and lady your go ahead by the lady Markey just started stroking out silencer look apparently died somewhere along the way hanging out over here hey coward that fight diyos gone oh yeah he's just walking oh wait hey wants beasty action however he has a oh it's got a little submachine gun Oh Sarge you got some frag grenades last time the winner was the frakkin a person who fooled not this time sounds got it sorry ignoring lady Hattie and Velvets area like Hattie and Velvets that it yeah yeah me gotta live for this liddie hey like what his chances oh maybe a do the elves got a nice Rock to hide behind hey Phil and lady yeah you're fine not bleeding you're fine Velvets you were variably Oh lady had it Lainey Hattie wins I didn't give you any chances that your daddy's lady had you were very your buddy now and you die in three hours how many kills did you get lady let's take a look there's one there's two mr. Reed as before lady had he was was burning fire burnt lady heady boiling his left arm this ran around and burned for a while and they still came back you mean okay so that's the end of stream thanks for watching everybody we'll do this all again tomorrow night and we'll play more do or forretress I think probably I don't I don't ever say it's for sure but probably and I'll see you all you deal I've viewers tomorrow night thanks for watching everybody I'll see you next time
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 58,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gi0kHFVAO38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 24sec (13884 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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