Haven & Hearth - From Hut to Village (part 2)

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foreign [Music] [Music] so so so so hello hello it's it's surprise livestream time how's everyone doing uh big cakes has decided that pyotr does not belong in south america anymore and is taking over the place hey sage how's it going hey jordan how are you all right um so uh this probably won't be a long live stream just a quick one when i say i said that before and ended up being like five hours but no none of that tonight um i'd like to get to bed i'm a little tired i've been staying up late later than usual the last few nights and um i uh i i blame you because um i've been uh i've been playing some games and when we see streamers because the game is unforgiving someone could stream snipe you and come kill you yeah yeah certainly they could yeah so haven and hearth let's talk about it it's um it's kind of got me hooked i've been uh uh well well let's talk about when we get into this a little more we'll let's we'll let big cakes have their moments or magnus whichever and then we'll talk about about haven hearth yes shiro it is all your fault you and dude guy that's whose fault it is but don't worry my face is now going to be in front of the mini the the the mini map so no one's going to know where we're at we'll be fine we'll be fine so i uh i did stream a bit of this a few days ago and so the last few days i've been playing i haven't played a lot i've played like i guess a lot for me i've played i don't know maybe two hours since then in the past couple days hey austin how's it going excellent summoner hey rakus how's it going thanks rachas you know you know i've been thinking i was so anyway well i wanted to kind of show off what we got going here and we'll dabble around a little bit and see and we'll see what's what's uh you know we'll see what has transpired i feel like i started this game on a live stream i should you know show off some progress here because the game is fantastic and um i'm kind of hooked i played some uh i picked up cozy grove yesterday i'll give you a shot later nice nice cozy girl was great um it's great as long as you uh are okay with the the find equest things but i'm okay with it um it's i did get i don't know if i said this before i did finally get an email from them and they gave me like streamer instructions that the game is meant to be like 30 minutes a day is what the game is meant to be played as and so if you're going to do like a like a like you know like smash videos together or whatever but i mean that's that's like a perfect video day thing if animal crossing had given me like like i was hooked on animal crossing for the first month i loved it i was there every day doing my thing going through the you know building the houses getting the neighbors in all that stuff with animal crossing when it first came out but then it hits us once you get um what's his face um okay once you get him to come and uh um hang out in your town i know magnus is down there hanging in there um once he shows up you know it's it's what's what's the point i realize it's like a sandbox and so you make the point and i play i i like those kind of games but um i don't know maybe i just need a little extra something just something even if it was like every day you know like oh today is um uh you know this event is hap there's there's some butterflies here in the forest today uh tomorrow uh you know there's a visitor you know that kind of just something to get me into like back to the game you know anyway uh magnus has come back why that happened it was the music wasn't it magnus says no i will not die in the falklands i will come back and i will dominate yeah i was um at the same time i was playing animal crossing front of my was was like hooked on stardew valley and i remember thinking you know i would watch them play a bit of of stardew and think you know what animal crossing is so much better it's got all this extra stuff and the villagers and it's it's you know randomized somewhat um but i i now now that it's been a year i played maybe two or three months of animal crossing um i think i get it now yeah once you once i actually i never got the five star thing um it would be more fun i think if my uh like i was playing it was me and my um congratulations magnus i don't steal your glory but magnus you are incredible you have you we thought you were all done for we were just waiting for you to die and you may just stand in uh tier del fuego down there and he said no i will win this one and you did magnus well done um okay so anyway um oh what was i talking about oh yeah yeah so animal crossing i was i was playing it with uh like so we all had our own village on me my wife my kids we're all in in there um it was a lot of fun with with everyone in there it was all fun and my daughter is just now starting to get into it so i say just now it's been getting into it for a little while i suppose but um anyway um let's talk about haven and hearth so i played haven hearth on a live stream just three days ago i think what it was and i sort of introduced the game right we came in we were a nobody we found ourselves a plot of land and i plopped down a uh i don't know what i plop down a basket maybe something a few folks came in and we started getting some things rummaged up i think we actually ended up getting a house built that day and we had our our um our little house in the woods was essentially our spot went next to the coast um and uh it was a nice little uh a little something and as time has gone on that video's been doing pretty well uh quite well and so a lot of folks have come on and popped onto the discord and they've requested to join up with us and so there's a few more that have joined us and those few more have been busy now i want to preface this with you might think wow nook you did a lot no i did nothing i um i popped in a couple times i ran around i got i got chased by some ants i went and poked a beehive and i got chased by bees i got beat up by a bat um i i didn't plant a couple of acorn trees that's my addition to the place uh i built a house with help um but everything you see here don't give me any credit for it okay this is all folks from a discord but i wanted to show where the game can go so let's walk outside my house here and take a look at uh what we call this odinti land i suppose so what we saw before was this little house down here i think it was our house and right right most of us have never played before i think we have like two or three folks in here that that's maybe i think we have two people here that know what they're doing uh but yeah most of us don't know what we're doing but check out the place now it's like kind of incredible what has happened here there's what there's maybe a dozen of us a little more than that and we've got walls we've got like operations going on i came in here and i thought a couple houses had come in and i thought oh you know i'll throw a house in it's very cool i'll put a house down and uh i'll contribute i'll come down and i'll i'll um i rummaged through and i i got my house built up thanks to a little bit help i think from geo uh you know what i'm going to do some farming i'll i'll help out what the food is so i went i got some acorn or some some some um whatever kind of nut that is almond almonds i found some almonds i found some blackberries i thought i will plant some things you know what a helpful guy i will be so i planted a few things around there and um well we can see what has happened since then so let's go take a look at the farm what's happening over here the leader of this place well we we don't have an official leader we have a we have a gatekeeper though and you must we must you must explain to them you must always refer to them as get gatekeeper never anything else including got like a trellis system going up over here otherwise the grapes nice are the grapes coming in excellent we got like fences going on we got we got walls we had some issues with people to the south and you know those southern folks you got to watch out for them and um we had um we had a bit of an issue with those folks and so there might be a war brewing there might be a there's a there's a there's a cautious piece i think at the moment and yes there is pvp in this game um like it's it's one of those games like it can be kind of ruthless because you can you can do all this and then die so uh i actually didn't see how many people were in the game at the moment um probably a thousand um but um yeah we had an issue with him like we're stealing one of our guys bodies and then like sending some boars around and messing with us and stealing some of our stuff they stole our boat and yeah death is kind of permanent yeah lots of pvp yeah yeah uh and then it's kind of risky to stream this because people might come in and you know just be jerks but that's what people do so that's okay um there you go 681 playing right now so we got uh we got a bit of a place over here yes village is rome and the southern peoples are the same knights yes yes so um i do have a quest here to go visit edelbon i think it's one of those tree things or something like that popped up i think maybe we'll go to that um again i don't really know what i'm doing here i'm still very much a noob and um i like to know more a lot more than i do but i just want to really show off what was happening what we have here maybelline you had a group that attacked us we killed them all lol excellent excellent hey hexa let's how's it going so anyway uh yeah we got farming going on we've got operations going up we got we got folks working on the uh the leather making over here we got a smoker over this way with smoking some meat uh what is this all water over here lots of water looks like people made wagons um we have all these canoes hanging around here as well people have been making again don't give me any credit for any of this i'm just i'm just hanging around hey burns how's it going uh we got a um a kiln over here we can throw in our clay make the bricks for instance you've seen the bricks there basically everything here was started from from nothing really uh yeah there's a kill throw some clay in there and make some stuff make some bricks you know i have a clay pot i need to go get get fired man i throw it in there my first place game i had a bunch of people auto bashing down walls with battering rams and glitching inside walls oh that's all gone but yeah turn into a sweatshop make some moolah from it you know i agree um so let's go uh let's roll mosey on outside here head on out of here close the door don't let rackets catch you leaving the door open he will yell at you and he will throw things at you so we've got some boats hanging on outside excellent excellent let's go let's go mosey on over here and see who we can find weird stuff uh well it's the uh it's the the like the spawn fires or whatever yeah that's right so let's go eventually i'm going to go head away to this tree one thing i also kind of want to check out so there's a beehive nearby i really would love to have a beehive check out this farm though we got i say we i should probably say they come on buddy hop down there you go up on down here we got a nice looking foxy it's it's growing as we as last time i looked at it which is just a few hours ago it has has grown a lot but we're going to make our way over to this tree over here i think i rounded up stuff i got my water skin um oh i forgot last time i played i think i was naked also so i was given a hat i was giving i was giving all this stuff um i can't make it though i can craft i've got all kinds of things i can make over here i got some clay and things you toss it in a kiln you make that i can make some cordage uh you know not a lot of exciting things i did make some arrows so that's kind of exciting um i don't know how to make a bow yet i think i was given the i the way of making a bow but it never popped in here where was it was in tools um not that one it was in yeah craft and i think it was in that one nope nope equipment and then tools right tools for uh for a bow maybe even weapons yeah i just have the arrows so i don't know i i don't know tools there's no there's no bows in there it's it's in the it's in the build menu bows are in the build menu are they actually target i can i can make our target i haven't done it yet um workstations that's not it houses and buildings any new houses no avoid using archery i mean right now i'm using my fists so better than that i suppose yeah i don't know i don't know how to do it i don't know vehicles which was i i i maybe i may miss missing something for it it's okay though it's okay oh yeah i can shoot something if i had a rain weapon um i so i may need to go just pick up some leather off the thing and that would give it to me that might that might do it this is where i pop where my party is probably oh my expression skill is much better now um i uh i've got it up to ten and eight i've got some points to spin i should probably use them working on this this web right now let's get a little bit more uh i'll get another point in survival i don't know i know 10 and 10 and then after that point i don't know where to put things into uh i think most of stuff just sort of figures into like your skill and the quality of things that you make but i know that exploration survival are very important to get up there so i'll continue working on that i need to find some more things to go learn which i know there's some stuff inside the house but i'll do that off stream let's go roman over here though and take a look at that uh that tree up here it's all signing so you go you find things to study and then you you research those things uh just like in real time and so basically before you log off is what i've been doing before i log off make sure i have something that i'm learning and then i will when i come back i'll get some new things so that's the idea uh but that's let's go on over this way what's the red arrow is that why what's the green arrow is that where everyone is i guess mosey on over here who put a big rock over here what's this all about chicken fried pickle man was here okay excellent excellent i didn't know someone had a uh a little bit of a hut over here what do i see on the ground over here let's pop in there there's mushrooms so someone had a little house a little dug out thing there it looks like something on the ground over here where is it oh this way is it is it this is trying to tell me perhaps it must be i see blood war yeah yeah yeah you and everybody else um i don't know i don't see it uh anyway let's continue on my way towards this tree which who knows where it is show up on my map everyone look away for a minute uh no okay let's go over there all right okay i know i can do that what are you all about i'm just a bush okay okay is there something here it's just this there's this little oh you know what it is it's this little patch someone's been digging out that's what it is this little patch of lands people in dang out okay that's fine uh hey it's a zesty ray hey blue zest how's it going welcome to the stream i think last time you read it i was playing this game you uh you zesty folks must think this is all i play and right now it is how you guys doing people mentioned maybe something else you were playing it's it's a um it's kind of fascinating i don't know what i don't know how else to describe it it's sort of like i play a lot of these games that are like um you know survival village survival whatever sandboxy kind of things and this one is like all that stuff kind of rolled into one and multiplayer can might butterfly let me get you i can't i can't oh oh i get him get him get him get him get him yeah there we go okay we got a female silk moth who is worthless that's okay let's go make our way over here we got a bunny we can go deal with on this side as well stick on the ground hey bunny so um you guys want some murder and carnage well i'm going to give it to you i'm going to go say we're going to have a few words with this bunny over here we gotta we gotta appease the raiders okay stop running here stop running please okay you come back here buddy i want to sneak up on you that's not how you sneak up on things if you keep running away there you go oh there's a crab hey can i catch a crab hook him in the water well we got this bunny here we can get this bunny this will please everyone some leather on the ground there we're going to run full speed ahead i'm at you buddy come here bunny hey got him okay rabbit doe uh not anymore i'm sorry buddy i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry we're gonna flay that guy we're gonna we're gonna clean them up and we're gonna butcher them okay looking good what do we have over here are these uh some of those hips nope just berries what we got capri foley i don't know what kind of berry that is i know i don't know how it is i don't know how i sleep at night uh can i catch a crab or is a crab going to hurt me i don't know that i've met with a i've never had a tough soul with a crab before let's go figure it out no okay grabs tussle real easy okay uh i'm kind of out of space here i don't want to drop things i'll guess i'll throw the entrails on the ground we can run back against those real quick i'm going to go to this tree here all these crabs nice this tree might be a long way away yeah it is it is an mmo but like um you know like uh what's another what's a comparable game that everyone knows of that's like this uh wayward is that when people know um project zomboid without the zombies i don't know what's in here it's very craft heavy and all that realistic don't starve yeah yeah that fits it i suppose worm okay well i got some arrows here i just made these guys i guess i could throw them on the ground but i um we should go run back um figure out what to do my stuff need a better backpack my health is fine i think um i need something else to learn i can't learn you what good are you what somebody killed you i don't want to hear that okay i think what we'll do is i'm going back and dump this stuff off here quick then we'll come back on our journey okay um let's go and bounce uh back to uh back to home and we will dump off my supplies maybe go back out all right um we can put we have places for all this stuff i made something my house though actually you know what we got a um we have a thing over here let's go do that we got a smoker we'll put it in smoker someone just killed willy poor willy that's full all right we'll just throw it in here what's in here um let's throw it in here does this stuff go bad let's throw stuff over there uh yeah let's just leave the crab in there actually let me let me butcher this guy myself myself uh the fur can go on one of these guys i think they're all full take that crab grab claws can i learn these things oh i can't i can study it oh i should do that let's go study a crab okay i got i got five more points to spin here that is the zelda noise yeah okay uh i'll just throw the bone in that's fine uh oh the soap moth as well yeah whatever i'm some dumb things off in here it's fine someone can go clean it up okay i'm just i'm really i'm just the annoying neighbor that lives in this place i don't really do anything i just hang out i build my house crooked you know i'm that guy you know um yeah that that's me i'm sorry uh what did we learn from that crab though did i learn how to make oh uh kite and hook nice nice and i can make a kite and helmet which i saw one of those earlier if i make a kite and hook well teach me new things what do we have over here i can make a crab shell sunfeather that seems exciting metal weight 15 that's a lot actually you know what let's do it i don't think there's any npcs in the game how's it going sav okay so um ready for this thing i need three what three crab shells did i i didn't get three crepe shells today i only got i got two well we can go on a quest though and get more crabs and get and get that done we need two strings easy we need one sandstone easy okay i'm up for that let me dump my my arrows in here i don't need these things put the gate key over there uh i really don't need all the gate keys either um actually one of my suppose but let's go and uh yeah let's get back out there i think we said where everyone's everything's super real it's like hard medieval and everyone makes their own houses and picks professional seats since it takes longer to love that this that is this blue zest yeah essentially it's one of those games where like i missed it before so i've i've put maybe the time that i've been here streamed it for like four hours and then i've done maybe two hours since then i still don't know what i'm doing i still haven't really gotten anything done um i'm really just kind of a i'm kind of a burden i think it's what the with the folks here that live here would probably call me but i'm their burden so anyway uh yeah yeah who's oh hey salt so let's make our way back where we were to go get another crab let's see if we get that thing done if i find some good string materials we'll use those as well omni spike here is omni spike part of our group or they just don't want to live with us like you're like a loner but not really a loner because you're outside town there the npc mayor that's me yeah okay i'll go for that [Laughter] i haven't died yet i shouldn't say that i should not say that um i've been knocked out a few times but i've yet to lose my life so that's something someone was camping out over here we gotta lean to and all kinds of cool stuff someone's been camping out over here we got a wagon with some stuff in it neat okay uh well let's go back to that tree now to get over there i've got to go i'm gonna get over there i think i can cross the water here no i don't i want to get those crabs back those crabs not a burden on the mascot yeah that's my original camp so the one that i oh is that did i put a camp over here i might have i didn't build all this stuff though i got someone else 718 hearththings are up right now that's a lot more i mean the server did just reset so there's a lot more than i don't remember how many were there when i played last time those are like 200 i think when i was playing this before last last year hop up there buddy come on buddy get up there come on you can do it you can do it come on come on come on come on there you go okay so i think those crabs were over this way yeah yeah i see where the my trail is the map is massive yeah the map is um i don't know how to say it just other than this just is it is immense yeah and so it's kind of surprising that we were able that we're so close to someone else there's another camp to ourselves um the folks that we we co the campus out that we might be burning down at some point um but uh uh it's surprising that so many people that are they are so close to us um if you want to get you can get in here um just join the discord and yammer at us i'll take some food though i could i could certainly get some i can't eat you i don't want you then can you this way we're going back to my crab spot we're gonna rip more crabs up uh we'll make ourselves a crab thing and uh and we'll be happy and then and then we'll learn how we'll learn new things as we make stuff we learn things yeah certainly a risk but we got ourselves a fancy uh we got we got walls now what is this thing like a cat tail what is that no it's just a strange weird take a picture that's nice yeah i think last time i streamed this um i mean yeah well we had some we had one um that came trying to find us wow to get there so yeah it's it's no uh it's no simple walk the town or south is they are a bunch of jerks we're going we will take them down as soon as we all know what we're doing um not me of course i'm just i'm just here but somebody will get them is a way of sharing not well there is a way shareholder someone shared knowledge with me earlier so yeah there is some sort of way doing it can i get that guy in the water get that crab get him come out the water crab is there any more over there he'll come out in seconds we'll snag him gotcha he left blood behind sorry buddy i didn't need to do it that way oh why is why so why is there nothing to you what's wrong with you i think we have quite quite a few more people than the south the south perhaps know what they're doing though oh here we go here we go this guy my crab come here crab i got you okay now don't don't do all that whatever you're doing before okay i got one crap shot my i think i had it was just all shelled up hey zero how's it going i'm going to just um steal all there's a bear over there stay away from the bear steal all the native crabs in the area our goal is to get that tree somehow you try crossing here who's house oh is that my health is going down eating those crabs or catching them i didn't realize that if this goes through we're gonna try to cross this river here that is the one that i needed though so we can make we can now make this thing there's the helmet keep on going over here buddy um that was the that was the hook which i just need one claw for that and i can make a hook out of it for fishing uh and then we grabbed was it it was a curiosity oh is it oh no good good okay um curiosities and it was a not a bug collection not a toy there it is yeah we've got the three claws shells which need some string and some sandstone but we'll have it i have to go back home for that though it is crab we can eat it hey michael there's some ants over here i tried to stomp on some ants earlier but they didn't seem to appreciate that actually i was gonna get the ants but i i had to run with a bat at the same time that was unpleasant okay throw his hips i will eat them i've never been so clicky when people talk before let's chow down on some hips um well get a couple more well we'll just eat them all okay and to this tree we go got some things we can pick up over this way turn off the sound i wasn't doing that before looks like there's some mushrooms around there's some of those things over there oh because it's in the party okay i see hey knock it off party how complicated is the game um i would say it's not complicated but it's it's complex i would say does that make sense oh you plant a tree um you know there's a lot going on and i don't know how i guess you could i mean you could go solo i guess it would certainly be a uh certainly an undertaking pick some mushrooms over here and we're still gonna make our way over to that uh there's a little cave there or a little hut i will i will eat those mushrooms there we go agility plus one i'll top on in here easy to learn hard to master yeah yeah nothing in here but a little little huts let's get out of there um i guess i could probably pick i should pick these um these guys let's go snag them before we make it to that tree the tree could be like hours away i suppose i assume it's near nearby i think i've had that quest before or something similar to what it where it's taking me um we'll find out i suppose i probably should take things back but i just don't have i don't have space for all this i'm going to eat all this stuff i need to get my health up anyway my energy up anyway so i'll just munch on these things for ever until i vomit rose hips what kind of fruit you got white beam okay what are you a bit quiet out here okay okay some more of these guys i'll go snack some of them as well all right where'd my tree go i was over oh it's over here now okay so maybe we are actually close to that thought hey jeffrey that's a different looking tree isn't it what are you very green aspen oh okay neat neat anything special about aspen can't see the bark of an aspen no just tree bark oh can i do anything with that drop it anyone watching if anyone in here is in the thing and you see me uh snagging something good yell at me oh hey is this it right here is it here is it is it you you you or the tree some reason some higher power than yourself has compelled you to seek out this tree and it is to your great amazement that you hear directionless as if an echo from everyone nowhere it speaks to you in a soft seductive voice perhaps it desires something okay what you want nothing say hi gave me a quest yeah i've done something like this before you want me to go bring me a bring a blueberry to ann groff okay yeah i've done the quest before all right um i've seen some blueberries out there so i'll have to snack some of it if we find some along the way we'll we'll grab them i've picked them before i think i might have one in my in my house so we're gonna go will you go over here oops i see some knobs what is that oh bunny come here buddy no bunny gets away from me maybe this one does there you go there he is what are the um those are those uh stinging nettles it's right there i see him i see him come on come here you dank bunny you know what i don't want you bunny i'm gonna take these stinging nettles right here yes i have gone mad i'm taking quests from trees uh you know i'm going to eat the taproot because i don't want to film bags up tiny tree there looks something about that look a little different take a cone those are different oh it's a far tree all right merry christmas all right let's uh let's go visit these trees here not only talking to one tree we're talking to multiple trees oh he's right here oh hey buddy uh who wants the blueberry i hope it's not you you right um which one are you i guess i can't greet you so i'm guessing you're the are you the one i was talking to before it is isn't it yeah i'm losing my mind never mind never mind don't mind me if you see a blueberry on the map make sure yell there's a snail over there i haven't seen snail before look at that snail without rocks i'm coming through there's two stands excellent i will eat them where are they i'm about to step on him where is he there he is hey buddy hello friend i can't snap i can't smash you well it's okay i will take your friend as well there he is okay two snails anything here worth uh worth something's blinking around there may flower quests for the blueberry i know they're out there i picked one or a long time well a couple days ago you know it might actually be in my house so if i really fail at this we can always go grab one from there if it's still at my house i might have eaten it you know like just like real life can't keep anything around me is are you at snail i got your friends i'm about to get you too there you are my make a name for myself in the snail community i'm gonna call me eskar nook i need some of those things i need to be like was it like 80 000 need to be at oh willie oh new new willy okay now they like you like they killed you killed you that's rough um how do i get over there let's go this way that doesn't seem uh well okay yeah okay we're gonna see if we can make our way around this this lake here and venture over to those trees which i think we can more ants over there which we can like you know stomp those things we might do it thanks either there's some raspberries i mean i'll eat them not opposed those raspberries actually look like blueberries something that's a blueberry hey look at that excellent good luck okay pick some mushrooms we're gonna eat the mushrooms don't eat the don't let me eat the blueberries i'll do it let's get some stats here let's go chow down on these hips as well i like hips uh i'm out here i got can i get this i need a thousand i can get my survival 10 and then i don't know what to do let's let's um drop this guy down let's just eat what we can eat that hey sergeant oh they got a key well that's not good i need some more hips i'm gonna eat them all more delicious than some hips that one two okay what are we at 73 so if i think i'm supposed to hit like 8 000 or something see sage okay so we got to go to these two over here which i can cross through this way let's do that i think it are we going oh you know we're going back aren't we am i right about this is this the same place we came from just somewhere else i don't know a little just gonna scamper on over there okay this way see you black laser i have a good one is that more blueberries excellent i think this is the si i don't know i don't know i'm so lost that is a lot of blood it's a little terrifying what happened over here maybe i shouldn't investigate freaky okay let's uh let's let's be careful there's certainly like a different leaves all over the place here there is what is that what is an animal oh it's a bar it's a bore it's a bore run away i don't think so bore you leave me alone let me get there get that get up on the ridge okay okay we got dandelion over here i think that's what that is i've picked those before i don't think i can eat them but you can't eat dandelions though i think right that's like a survival food so we're gonna make something out of it oh i studied it have i done that already i haven't studied it already i had one before what i do with it i don't know okay we'll grab some of that let's go find we've got trees nearby that one seems to be close because it's moving pretty quick eat some sea berries okay you can only do it once though right four more space for four more i think a wise way of doing this is just always keep that um always keep your uh your your your learning points topped off oh we found the tree though here it is hello uh gorgeous i'd talk to a tree hey emilyn hello gave me a quest did you so i had to go get bring blueberries to angrov so that is where's the other tree at that was this guy let's go visit engroff then we gotta go all the way back to what's his nose watching for scary animals here in the woods wait this one will get a bit of a speed boost what is that that's something new what is that a grub we'll pick whatever that is i'm gonna grab we can grab over here also what are you chives nice um i'll eat some chives okay one grub please uh i can just eat it what's it worth strength okay i'll take the agility cherries i want one of these at home cherry colonel which i can plant correct yep yep okay so we'll um keep on eating i'm gonna save some of these things because oh hey i got that quest done finally it's about time that's like the newbie quest okay good now to talk to a tree this is the quest do we have any cherries at home yet did i did i do good oh there's a moose up there let's go around a long way hey gamer let's go around and then we'll um by the way a rabbit hey robert i'm gonna go visit someone has spawned here we'll go visit this tree is that a that's a beehive isn't it yeah i can hear them okay there's the bees bees are kind of mean though they chase you and they're real jerks but if i get this quest done i mean i may go see if we can rummage through that it's just a you know it's a bunch of bees hanging around you know how hives work hey open heart how are you um we can raid this thing and i guess we get honey and like lava or something but there's bees and they're real mean i don't know what we're supposed to do with them though maybe we're supposed to attack them there's a cave up there i would love to uh i'd love to get a beehive set up that would be fantastic that would be great we don't have a beehive at the colony yet and so that make me feel like i was doing something productive and um that's always good buddy come on the edge come on come on come on can i get him down let me go if i were to use i don't use any clients on this i wonder if i were to use like the ender client or whatever does it help with uh something like the pathfinding i'm assuming not some of the clicking and things i probably should switch over down the hill but not me okay is that a hedgehog looks like it a couple more snails some butterflies i don't have any room anymore what do i drop stay away from them there they they uh i'm assuming they're gonna be kind of mean there's a lot of mean things in this game hey kizzle how are you i should have you know i should have i should have marked that on the map those oh bees oh hey here's our tree hello tree i found some blueberries for you you like blueberries you right how do i give you blueberries i need to walk in a big circle did i deliver there you go thanks buddy okay well i don't need the other ones i'm gonna eat it give me some space there was a butterfly nearby here where'd he go and some more blueberries i'm gonna eat those there's that butterfly let's go see if we can grab that guy i found a spider nice can i learn it yet no i have i only have space for four hey neat can we like harvest spiders like web stuff with spiders i'm gonna be very lost if i do this i could just port back but uh okay yeah this way um he's so hard to grab okay get him get him get him get him get him got him what are you female silk moth okay all right now the trek back so we want to go back this way i don't know what you are you're small and furry and cuddly but i'm scared of you so i'm gonna leave i think i am what are you you are you're like a little hedgehog aren't you are you gonna hurt me i can't pick you up i don't have a room for you um just drop a snail you're free buddy if i can pick him up i don't know if i can i don't know what do i lose um okay seconds now we're glow to catch that thing yeah probably so i should probably just leave it there where'd he go did i lose him i don't want my map anymore all right hey thanks kism little tip for always being on in the wee hours of the morning for us nighthawks there's some donuts i will happily take some donuts ooh stay away from that guy thanks kizzle speaking of donuts i um i have i have t-mobile with my my my uh phone provider they have this thing every every so often with a they um where they give you free donuts so i have free dunkin donuts on my phone right now i'm very excited about it don't always sound good i'm gonna get over this uh i think we're gonna stick with oh there's the bees there's not the same bees though can i make way over here can i go over here is it shallow enough to walk by there's a cave i can't get by here oh yeah oh come on come on come on that works i guess uh i don't want to see this cave though where's the bees they're here anyone see them is that is that oh maybe oh maybe that's a cave it's telling me about let's let's just can we pop in there real quick if i put a mark on my mini map does it does it tell anyone else about it is it can it be seen by other folks hop on in there okay found ourselves a cave with bats i'm not gonna go in there because bats are scary and they would tear my face off but on a big cave a massive cave okay cool but um i can't handle that this way here we go let's hit that speed boost and charge by that bunny all right um there's a fox and uh all kinds of things over there let's go this way stick by the water here now there's a little down isn't it from the uh those crabs stay within that guy that's a moose isn't it okay back we go we got over there berries uh yeah you ain't why not why not okay that's why not let's uh let's head down this way oh that was a line let's go over here and we'll uh we'll mosey back to that tree and we can turn our turn in our quests i may go and and uh is that a squirrel i want your leather buddy you're mine the squirrels in this game are very slow hey buddy okay now to the tree safely to the tree then we pour it back and we turn in our uh we'll crack this guy's wearing his neck we'll make ourselves a uh a crab thing and we'll learn it and we'll um we'll bounce on back if we can buy this i gotta go around this way all right easy enough bit of a walk around here we can mark these this on so if we see any personal space we can we'll see it [Laughter] yeah the squirrels always get me except for that tree buddy okay let's um oh let's jump off the cliffs here because it's cool looking oink okay through the water we go across this way i'm supposed to get over there this isn't helpful here i think it's gonna be an easy trip back oh i think this is my spot but this is my water crossing spot so let's go uh over this way and then we'll cross over this is where all that blood was yeah yeah spooky times uh i gotta go back to that tree i can't help it back home i will tell we're back back home once i get this quest done but i gotta go to this tree first heard about the game marking yeah hot topic does the shift click that makes me move that direction what did i learn someone new oh an itsy bitsy weaver one spider one web and i can learn a a spider and a web okay interesting what else we got some food um oh two snails and some salad greens salad greens and i can make escargot okay hello ants all right get up there there we go i could probably get that ant thing but there's four of them there i'm gonna attempt my fate i've learned one thing in this game and that's to always be scared that's my uh that's my motto that's the motto of mtd land hey squirrel how are you how's life enjoy it while you have it i'm gonna leave that one d because he's uh he's a nice squirrel he's actually kind of quick he's running away i think we're yeah here it is hi so we'll tell the tree all about our exploits about how uh how fun it was and uh we should do it again sometime this guy back here report back all your trees look alike that's it 284 experience that's all you gave me oh i have to go greet tyron where's this guy another tree really all right all right all right fine that's what i love more than talking to some trees i hear the bees though the bees are here my pockets are full though so i can't think about it i can like um here they are these guys [Music] now i could like i don't think i want to leave anything something what do we got here i do have the hat yeah i do i do have a hat for tree talking um i could go like raid the thing but i don't have the hands for it for it so i guess i won't but i'm remembering where this thing is that tree is on my map now so i'll remember where that is i'm trying to not open my mini map up much just because it kind of um frightens me a bit even though i've done it before there's some scary animals over there we will avoid them up here come in come on jump jump up come on come on thank you all right one more tree and this guy sends me back to i have to go back to aldebaran after this as well oh boy it's just like man busy work quest i've done this at work before there's a fire pit there hello okay time to go back um there's a fire pit there isn't it uh anyway back we go i know this is all very exciting but uh it's quest time it's exciting i've got some experience for it that's always exciting i've got oh i haven't actually to learn survival 10 done what do i get now that's the question i don't know what to do now i've got 10 10 survival 10 exploration i don't know what's next um maybe some unarmed combat because i've seen boys going to be getting into that or um i don't know whatever i need to do to get those bees going this is all i want to do i want to get some bees going teach me the ways of taming the bees that's my quest i really want that i'm gonna get stung 50 times and i'll die i mean you can't you can't die to bees right surely not are you a different tree you're not you're not edelbaum are you no there he is okay yeah report back to this guy oh no no no nothing to see here you get two points of markmanship and then tell him about it oh you know what i think i may be able to do that remember the member of the motto always be scared just just like that i hope i proved the point two points of marksmanship i may be able to do that actually two points get gain two points like that sure moose aren't aggressive in this game what i've made this game has never been to canada okay let's go report back i know that i believe you really my stomach by one percent thanks buddy that was a big help uh go greet what is it is this all i'm doing is talking to trees the whole time i'll do this some other time okay i got full pockets we're gonna go back mushroom spit oh hey i could i could do some of that well yeah yeah yeah okay okay interesting there's those dowsing rod i still have just the metal shirt i can make the pants which i'm wearing sometimes you talk to rocks [Music] um all right a question the bees what do we do about the bees y'all folks have had questions about how to get this game set up and going i i i'm not the one to ask about that um i don't remember i did this last year i don't remember i remember it i did remember i do remember that took a bit of work but i don't remember what i did so i apologize i don't help at all um put it on the ground i'll eat one of these guys intelligence plus one excellent uh that's gonna give me i can have five more which what were you no you weren't anything the spider was 10 it's probably better to make the spider in this you know this thing though i'll assume how deadly are bees is the big question i don't have a space for right now so something i shouldn't even worry about it so i'm not going to i'm going to run back and we may go see about bees any of my uh my stockpile here now i have nothing and another moth uh what's going on in the box so oh here's my almond let's go plant some things we'll go plant these these cherries there may be cherries in the plates already i hope there's not just so it seems like i did something important let's go over here check out our town those of you are late to the stream check out our town it's fantastic i guess most the um most the trees and things are outside aren't they yeah yeah they're all outside uh you know what i'm gonna please behind my house for the cocoa hacking away oh here so here's what i was building before i've got uh i got a couple things i got some almond trees i put in i got a couple bushes i'm gonna go plant these guys let me put my shovel in my hands um uh well space fort do i he's on the ground real quick i'll go there come on oh right right um okay let's go and put the cherry tree like i'm sure there's some sort of like a place good placement for this stuff i don't know what it is we're gonna put it right there hopefully it's not too close to this guy if it is we'll chop them down i'm gonna reduce these so i i messed kind of deadly as a fresh character each time the hit today damage increases because you get a wound called bee sting i messed with one before some bees they did rummage me up they beat me a little bit [Music] take the experience say farming for straw but how do i do that let's put this guy actually over here by the by the wall like um over here what do i see my health uh no that's not health where do i see my health um i got crab caressed i got severe mauling oh yeah i got a severe mulling how do i think that this does not look good uh it was a bat hurt my dexterity by a lot is that oh that's why my stats are bad because of some modeling my dexterity is two oh well i probably should do something about that i guess did you play that thing yet plant no put that in the ground caressed by crabs yeah either plant wheat or barley or millet seeds to get i straws recommend hunting bees eh man but but i can make a skip it wouldn't it be great don't go in the swamp with those crab wounds all right all right thanks mom put this kids wanna play this thing too sure sure put that over there if it's in the way they'll top it down put something else there it's fine i don't know what i don't remember what mauled me i think it was it wasn't the bats um i didn't get hit by a boar a long time ago that might have been it bats are scary yeah yeah bats bats are bad news okay so we got some trees planted baby trees it's very cute okay let's go and grab this guy i'm gonna make michelle why are you walking so slow oh whoa we'll drink something then buddy hey william how's it going okay let's head over here i was gonna make an archery target i'm gonna put in from my house it's okay um i want to craft i gotta get some string which i think i have something around here uh let me throw this stuff in in the old place if there's a place for any of these guys any of these things free no they're all such a mel well maintained place i think we have some hides in the ground though we can put this oh here we go i'll toss the hides over there actually this is all crab isn't it let me throw that in here anyways clear this out yet nope okay uh where do i put the raw stuff there's all my other junk it's all clean yeah clean this place out for me i'll throw that in there um i have a squirrel as well that thing and uh what's that magpie feather interesting um i do with the crab shells where'd they go okay there they are so i'll take i need those and i need um i think the nettle i should put the spider in here also i'll probably learn them but i'll come back grab them if someone needs them let me um i want to craft up what was it curiosity the crab no not the weaver decoratives yeah sun feather so three crab shells uh two string which i've got one string and a sandstone did i drop i dropped a nettle didn't i i'm sure there's something around here somewhere though is that all fish over there um let's go run this through here and see we can find actually what is that ropes i don't know it's uh it's it's the server or no or not at all there's got to be some nettles or something around here somewhere pop in here for a minute mashed lip is naked here we go i'm gonna i'm gonna jack one of these hello does that kind of that's one right oh let's see the portage okay good right that counts as a string i do believe yep yep and a sandstone should be able to grab a sandstone somewhere right here i'm sure we've got some probably laying out here what is uh what is all this sand okay okay that was in the cupboard that's why i didn't highlight okay um i i think this one's easy to come by if there's not any here we can easily run outside and grab some you're good you're good let's go right over here um in fact we'll run out this way i'll go snag a sandstone somewhere i'm sure there's one out here within reason actually what i know where the rocks are i saw them um that's fine fine we'll go looking i think they're all back at the back part of the base it should be easy to find a rock around here we'll chip it away ourselves and then we'll make a crab thing and then we'll ring that squirrel's neck maybe that guy too i'm watching you bunny it may not be a lot of rocks around here though because be uh what are you that's sand isn't it but that one right there looks like sandstone gotta be sandstone yeah you are okay one please yeah okay crab shell sunfeather with 15 mental weight that's nice um yeah i can do that and i can uh i can learn as soon as i can i'll just throw it back in the place someone wants it they can have it excellent excellent there we go okay i can talk more some more trees i suppose i guess that's uh i guess that's the next thing on the list more tree talking let me ring the scroll down but he's looking at me oh i gotta put my thing in right okay let's ring uh or let's let's cut this guy up clean them up there we go got some more bones let me pop back inside here and we'll go we'll go rummage around a bit more do i have anything in here that i wanted to keep oh just that moth in that almond uh here i'll go uh let's go put those up and um yeah i'll put some of these meats in there we got another hide we can put up let's go do that which was where's that there's a big hide pile over here let's put it over there okay and toss squirrel hide that all got just the one yeah tail doesn't count does it oh it does i guess and we got a bone which i think we're all inside here i think i saw them somewhere the mushrooms and all that stuff hey look snails oh hey a web and the spider there's a skull in here who's helga who's helga i'm confused about this now a bucket of cave dusts yeah i guess mining is a uh is a thing i tossed my um about the moth in there people this is like the learning way place i guess uh he can go in there and it's all oh yeah this guy okay oh my god here oh yeah i'm good you know what let me go uh let's go have a bite eat i have anything in my pockets to eat i put some things here earlier okay somebody ate it already oh i got an almond i will eat my almond delicious okay okay now uh what i have left i had some meat i was putting the meat somewhere over here which needs to go in the smoker but it is full you know the smoke shed can i make those things i don't think i know how to do it i got 800 points to spend i never got her uh i never saw anything what do i get next i need to come in and just like sit and just spend it down the wiki i suppose but the question is what do i want to go next i would like to go into farming i think that might be a helpful thing to do so i'll put a couple points into that i think i'll do that what about lor what's the lord gonna teach me though i want lore let's do some farming okay and i think we gotta go get those bees how long have you been down here what about an hour and a half okay we'll let's go a little bit longer here but i think oh cooking could be a good one to grab too okay like if we want to put it oh i can't any more points uh i've got five more things to put in there if i had something um there's my crab there's my um i'll dump that in there too the squirrel good enough the only thing we're over here they weren't but okay spider now do i should i make the spider thing or maybe i should just leave the spider and then grab i don't know i don't know um i'm gonna grab him i'll put him in that in that spot there oh here's a i'll take quack let me grab him i'll put him inside there i will learn the crab claw though sure all right i already have one right right let's go throw it inside here then anything new without cooking no to find some things what was that been over here yeah let's throw the spider in there and the claw okay uh there's anything five that can grab i haven't made one of those maybe i should make one that's about ten nice and easy oh here we go i'll take it one wishbone please i'll take this one okay okay now um the quest the quest i'm going for those bees whether those bees like it or not i'm going for them i can run it's okay i'll be all right i probably won't be all right but i'm still going for those bees because i would love to get a beehive to build a scap as far going over here too it's like uh i need a build and it wasn't containers our buildings i mean where was it there it is b skep it takes what's take to make so it takes uh 3b larva planks wood and some like satching or something um just give me a spot i just want to see it be larva and some oh straw okay 3b larva how many bee larvae do you get from one beehive like 20 000 something like that so let's go back to where we were going and just have a word with those bees you know they may say no um they may run me off i could if maybe i'll get some experience i can put a couple points in the unarmed combat but this is my quest and i'm tempted to steal that cart right there i'm sure it belongs to somebody i'll bring it back it's okay where's the no claim here who's is this how do i use this thing i don't actually know how to use this thing oh what you got here i'll put it back a couple barrels in it and a box can i come already this side oh yeah it's going to follow me isn't it nice okay no i'll stop stealing things put them back okay all right let's go back and get that uh that could be so we know they're up this way um somewhere if we're out here and we find some other things great then that's just fantastic we're gonna go we'll walk towards that tree as well i'm not sure which actually we need with that tree don't we that's the one we want to talk with this is the other guy we have to tell of the exploits maybe we should go the other way you know if we find some bees along the way then good otherwise let's just go visit him little um yes uh sturgeon that'll give us at least a direction to go and if we see bees along the way excellent if we don't we at least we found strogan it's a little mosey on over here it's very um you know just casual walking day here in foreign what run by our our nemesis to the south maybe looks like it's over on that side though let me get over there how do we get over there let's take a boat you know their boats over here i'll bring it back they're boats over here they all get put up i know i saw some boats earlier let's go look over here come on get off the tree right over there okay over this way back where we started here yeah there's a boat right there why don't i know your name who are you uh yeah hey rob okay hop in the old boat we're gonna go where is it back up this way this way i may drown very possibly i'm gonna go up this way we're gonna cross over here i think it's okay to go in like um hopefully it's okay to go in this deep water if not nook 2 will be joining us there we go it's fine all the way across here um yeah get out of that thing look at this thing uh i don't know how to get out of it now uh um i don't know how do you get out of a boat i know i've done it before hmm control click thank you record excellent thank you okay oh hey trees right here excellent uh is that our little village over there hello tree that's all you got that's what you got for me uh i'm gonna i'm gonna take a leaf if you don't mind that's a lot of leaves i didn't mean to take the whole tree but thanks i'm going to run because there's somebody here and i have a feeling i have a feeling they're not a friendly one so we run they're faster than me okay they give up okay crisis averted well we have 94 leaves okay we made it there we're not dead but we're gonna be i'll get rid of these leaves take a bit of drink leave my leaf trail behind yep i got i know where the boat is i found my way back there i'm just gonna go around the long way so i don't go we're back to that guy because he had um he had better clothes than me which means he's probably better than me hello fox be nice fox okay go over here i hear bees i hear bees but i don't want to be around here anymore there's bees right over this way somewhere do i mess with the bees let's go um let's go get these berries i want to loot a boat not my boat okay back over here to the coast hello there wherever the coast may be here we go i think it's over right am i right i hope i didn't lose my boat let's go look over here hey okay okey loki come on get off uh yeah i sure go down there i think it's over here hey olden creek thanks there's a tree so he has right over here what's that fox doing are you a mean fox is this the game there's a game that i played i don't know which one was it was it this game where the foxes are like super mean no he just he's just out for a for a shower okay let's hop in the old boat and um let's leave this place place for people with with uh mean people don't live you know i could probably just sail around here where this other tree is when uh yeah let's go over there let's go urcany let's go over there it is a silly place watch out for badgers oh our badge is mean okay i've seen a couple badgers and i have i've tried to steer clear remember the motto always be terrified this guy yeah he uh we can go visit him pretty easily i believe i feel safe in a boat and we know there's bees around i can visit them um i haven't played valve look at all the fish i've not played valheim i own valheim but i haven't played it i've watched a few people play it i i have it uh and um i think i loaded it i loaded it up one day because i was going to do a live stream i bet i didn't um is this where we leave our boat to go visit this tree we know it's urcany we've been there before hey hank oh i have playback yes i have plans you know it changed names and so it's very confusing i'm glad you're here for that every time maverick okay uh mom don't look everyone look away why is it on the cape stone where he's on the cave still there we go um that's all where's that tree at it's over here somewhere let's just mark it i'm gonna mark a a thing right there boat okay i've done it uh i think two and and three years ago yeah we had a way how to run him with jill's body where jill left her body i'm gonna go get it okay more tasty berries more crabs over there but i'm not gonna mess with them because they they cuddle i could tell this boat around a little bit more oh speaking of badgers one not too far from here i hope this is on this side of the water is it not how man where's this where's this dang tree at all right let's go back avoid the badger um i think it was one of the first video of yours i watched oh um old valheim which was at the time called um some of the j fade oh he's right there where i leave this place where i leave this boat okay go there hello crab i don't know why i cannot remember that i played that game i played it twice you know it's because and i have a reason for it it's because when i played it the first two times it was nothing like the game that it is now that's my excuse because the first two times it was a very basic survival thing um and now it's it's a an older survival thing basic but it looks different yeah i um i changed the name of that video because i noticed it got a lot of attention and i didn't i didn't know why and then i realized valheim was fade so i made sure i added that in okay so i go around the long way here um okay i don't even get over there i don't oh oh oh i don't know how to get over there you know what maybe we won't visit that tree it would head back i don't know why they changed the i'm not if they change the name for some reason or why they changed the name from val or from fade to valheim maybe they got tired people being confused about jays in the word possible i suppose see a blue zest we're not telling we're not talking to ernie that guy's a jerk move on back over here i can hear the music playing what a place and there's foxes in the water but i brought the boat back so that's something what's mosey on over here i'll drop off the boat and i think you know what let's keep the boat for a minute let's just go for a little bit of a sail head on by the village there's rob doing some digging there's something bouncing around what is that oh those little uh those little mites fish almost jumped to my boat let's just do like a little bit of a swim around the coast here and ah that's exactly what i was looking for when we hear some bees we'll stop and i hear bees that's a big tree look at this oh it's a big it's a big hack at it sure oh okay i need a pickaxe who's uh who's the red guy there's the bees there's bees and there's bee friends hmm the last one didn't have friends i don't know about this let's go we can raid this thing but it's certainly a bad idea i got a bear nearby tiny tiny tree bad idea to raid braided bees i know it is but man would it be great if i can get in there let's just take a look at these ants first i've got a couple points i can spend i can put some points into uh unarmed combat that's something i can put in well one nope i can't play zero points in never mind never mind um getting this isn't too tough guys i take these guys away and then we run them off come back stomp the thing i assume that still works one over there as well oh there's is there two hives there is there's two of those and there's one i mean over here three three three so i was trying to do this earlier mess with the ants and i got attacked by a bat um when i write it though only one of them came at me which i thought was strange i feel better if i was full health which perception intellect and exploration i mean i'm at 10 each for those my what am i at here exactly he's terrible i am a little broken so we grab that we can stomp on that run circle back stomp let's try it let's try it we ready okay now run we run okay we run we don't need to run that fast because they're pretty slow there's a bear nearby of course of course there's a bear nearby it should follow for a little while and then we're gonna go and then we're gonna book it we're gonna book it back get away from me bear why's there a banner oh there's a bear nearby i'm terrified he's on the mission wherever he's going okay heart skip to beat for a moment but it's okay smash those ants smash smash here they come smashing faster nice get him okay that's all we get we get uh we got a ant queen and some isn't it queen like really good thing to get okay no bears nearby how'd we get out of this um yeah just um run away i probably just port away but i'm curious about i don't want to pour away i've got um my boat nearby here one aunt gave up maybe he went up here is this our base it is isn't it yep badger badger can make this thing go away okay now you know what let's go let's go get the other one i'm extra confident now let's do it okay so let's uh let's mosey on back confidence overflowing bears out there i don't care because we're tough we get ant queens there's a lost ant at the moment there's a bear there's a bear there's a bear there's a bear excuse me ants okay look she does she have a crown that was good that was she's wearing she's worth only three mental weight should i should i learn her is that what i should do both these things is that the uh what about one point available though what are you worth you're worth two and you're worth three so yeah we can only i can't do any of them yet web's taking a while how does it take that one's oh five days for that thing two days for that one three days for that one i need more intellect i can pop it out oh i can just pop it out okay oh it's in game time what's the time in game is three divided by three okay do i know who you are yeah i recognize that that crazy i think i know you i thought i knew you did you died from the badger okay there's two more ant hills over here this is just land okay let's um let's have a drink i'm going to raid run which i need to let's go this way and uh yeah i go get that aunt while i got him i think i should be able to come over here and just like run off the edge the quick way you know if i can do it i can never manage to get what am i doing and hop down go and then and then book it got it excellent okay there we go we got one more inhale to deal with let's go deal with that did you get it all okay let's get it ouch ouch hey i'll run these guys around get some ants okay we got a lot of homeless ants around here now hey hey kimbusa kamusa let's go all right job done i'm so confident that i just want to get those bees let's get the ants off of us first i can hear them they're taunting me right over here it's in my boat i should probably put my boat back oh wait wait oh there's a bear i didn't see the bear got the tree what's he doing i got a ban ant over here but wants to steal my the bear wants to steal my boat i know what's going on let me alone ants how do i get him off get off me ants okay there we go all right our ant free there's bears there's um uh there's bees so the issue with bees is they don't you can't just like run them away you gotta like i guess you gotta just like take it i don't really know what to do about it um if i oh what if i like oh hey hey i have an idea idea um stick with me uh well i didn't take that with with me okay are you in the stream if so they'll make things a lot easier because what we can do is i can go deal with bees while you rummage through make sense um oh okay works for me hmm this is bad news this is not gonna it's not gonna end well [Laughter] a guy with bucket and saw in hand uh died dude to bees okay yes this is free i got space right yep okay there's so many bees though oh good we're good oh i got one i should have waited longer make this stuff come on i got it nope get do it okay run run run run okay it's a flesh wound because they're fast watch out for the bear well i'm getting tired uh drink up i'm gonna die okay oh there's logs in the way i got two of them on me how's that happen okay uh if i can harvest back fast enough i will okay let's get over here how fast can i hearth hey space oh you got him excellent okay um i'm in no condition to do it though so um i'm out well i don't want combat okay [Laughter] okay okay um i don't i can't really hang out here so i don't want to get today i feel bad um let's drink 15 health i got a couple bee stings what's it do to me anything a couple oh minus agility great i kind of want to go here i'm going to go check it out so it's still there almost dead ants all around yeah i can't hang out here not feeling good all right well one day bees i will have you um i can make but if i rub it through here though it'll we'll we'll try it we'll try it yeah yeah there's more bees more bees okay stay away from bees they're mean they sting like little jerks they're just a bunch of little jerks a bunch of tiny tiny jerks they follow their leader lady jerk i'm not going in the water seems like a bad idea pick some blueberries on the way man do you ever give up you dang bees i'm gonna get hit again zig zag that'll get him leave me alone bees what do you gotta chase so long for i get so tired i'm glad i got this water skin full okay here we go leave me alone bees man these bees are mad he's a real mad he had a bad day still they're still coming i still i hear him i don't yeah there they are right there nope nope hey this is a little tree farm over here nice where's my boat can i maybe sail maybe i can sail faster than um i don't know where my boat is now these bees they're starting to get on my nerves oh look more bees more bees oh here we go this this isn't our this is our town nope these are these are the southern folks oh they have a wall their walls open i can't go in there okay nope that's the guy who chased me before oh yeah the southern guys are the worst ouch okay oh no a little blood over here look you bees just just like stay away okay you've made your point i will never touch another beehive again never again what is this thing i'm walking up on i don't know you gotta get some distance here there's a bear why's there always bears and there's badgers i distracted the badger no nope good i'm out of water which is certainly a problem i think this might be it for me i think we might might have run out of luck they're still coming it's like the slow walk of death as we try to make our way over to the water eat that berry okay um i made those bees real man oh hey we got one these will give us a boost oh now wow dang bees and now there's bees about my head oh man all that just to get beat down [Laughter] oh man i will get i will get bees all right well we're just knocked out it's okay not a big deal it happens a few bee stings a minor concussion a severe mauling you know it happens all the time okay back to my house in my fire been a rough day [Laughter] i've had feet bee chased me a couple times i've never seen him chase me like that before man they don't give up uh i don't have any healing but i think i'll i'll actually there's healing around here but um i'm fine it's just a minor concussion what's that gonna do to me there's ants in our village interesting here let's uh let's let's do this the right way okay there we go oh yeah there you go bees get it next time okay uh i got some crab leaves to go in here let's put some crab in here uh i didn't die it's got knocked out if you die you die for good so um what i got was nothing too bad um is that what is that a kern look at the beat yeah the bees come back again i could see it oh you got like a one of those uh like the the hobo stick things how'd you get that you got like a yeah like like an apron thing going on or something that looks fancy it does have it has such a giant map i guess you could go hermit and play it single player i suppose let me do it here those two things will fix up though right this is what this is five i think yeah wonder sticks was called okay i'll make a marrow roast out of my bones nut jerky that seems disgusting let's take a look at this there's anything done in here i'm going to pop it off the rack i thought he did it before though by just cleaning some things up i should get a quest though by doing this or achievement or whatever pop some of these guys off that are done don't know am i done oh you know what you do i need my boat back off my with boat squirrels those are all fresh all right let's go check out this one over here let's see let's grab this one anything done that's when you get off the rack that's all i need well you may see early on and lost two bases already because i wasn't able to clean my own stuff exactly space that's exactly why i'm here all right uh i don't feel so good actually i'm at one health i should probably fix that um i do it with eaton so let's go have a bite to eat i need to get my boat back but uh man i think there was some oh wait i can make a snail food can i uh where was that it was a wild rub and escargot uh i don't have any what's a what's a solid green like a leaf i'm gonna try it this and this and what constitutes a salad green nettle works okay okay excellent oh people have made those weaver things already of course they have i'm behind um nettle there we go say two of those yeah craft one of these guys up um oh i put on a fire okay uh we have a fire somewhere yeah we have this one how do i uh i don't know i hadn't if i've done it before i don't actually remember how to do it do i pop this stuff in there here we go snails wrapped in middle sounds delicious yeah it sure does that sounds sounds horrendous did that teach me anything new nope i'm gonna go in here and set the table and eat and we're going to feast on some grilled frog legs let's feast on those i'm eating those frog legs i don't know who they belong to but i'm eating them sorry to be that guy but i gotta heal so we're gonna eat some of those okay let's hop on up here i'm toss this thing back in naked people yeah you get back in there there you go who is that who are you hello vince so these ones there's a couple of them here i noticed that that have that are burned out are they dead what happened here hey hill raider b nest raider and now frigerator that's me um i need to go get that that boat um if i could hit anything i'm going down but you know what i don't want to be that guy that loses boats so here we go hey brother coco it's down this way if the bees come back well then i don't know what to say i'm gonna walk right into a um ride into a bear i have a feeling oh look there's there's a bee is that the beehive i'm a boat okay where's he going let's go let's go uh i shouldn't i shouldn't i don't feel good i should really just go home and i gotta go to bed i was you know it's gonna be like an hour as i said before it's gonna be a quick stream i got kind of lost in this so i'm going to continue playing this for a bit longer um not tonight though but uh if you're itching to join us sir come on and join us um and um you're allowed in if you wish to uh you know chat with some bees that'll get you in praise on tnt you must also praise on tnt of course if you don't do that well then that's just that's just wrong and um i think it's my bedtime we didn't tell arcane about it but that's okay that guy's a jerk and i don't feel good at all i probably need to get i probably need to get bandaged up let's see uh i found a cave on the stream tonight what was that cave at that we found it was um northwest there was one um let me go steve i don't know actually i had a medicine myself let me go see what we can do real quick before we run out of here i know there's a big box of it somewhere i rummaged around a little bit earlier don't use yarrow yarrow um there was one where was it um past the the the thing in the water are you in the stream market uh past the i think that's where it was oh i mean area chat uh i should be here not okay yeah uh so i like sailed around the uh it was it was sort of up like past that bulb thing northwest there was a cave up there with uh which had some butterflies and bats uh lincoln berries i feel like i'm at ikea and those aren't them oh i see it oh got it um i know there was a there was a heal em up spot around here somewhere oh this one has a sling in here nice if i just i just picking it up doesn't mean good does it no rock lobster um i made one of these bark reinforcements what is it let me take that real quick it might be mine um i don't know what to do with them though is it i have to have arm or something to put it on is it a crafting thing i don't know what this does go back in there i know i saw some some healing stuff right here somewhere go see what's over here now let's do a bit more a bit more raiding here oh poor guy i oh you know what i probably could do actually i do experience we can do some my my skills so there's something that i can probably do that's easy fishing for 200 i can do that rage run through that one i don't know i can just do fishing that's all i have the uh the skill for right now yeoman reef so 4 000. sycamore i work on a clothing item that guilds into your clothes i thought is that maybe i'd have it off oh man i wanted to get some of those you beat me to it i need to get one of those next time someone sees a done one are you okay yeah you're fine this time someone sees a done one let me know i want to pick one of them off so i can get some leather he's done nope nope okay um i'll try that little truck let's right click on the clothing what's over here first oh lots of dream things a bag axes look that one already um oh hey sleepy okay let's go where was that one at it was over there okay so i'll i'll try this i'll pop off my i don't know my pants maybe we should put my my shirt four percent chance that seems like a bad chance oh it actually worked okay agility minus one that seems bad was that always there okay i don't need to but that never stopped me nope don't open those hmm okay well uh health's coming back up look at that 29 already yeah i probably need some patching up before uh before i do too much more but you know that's okay anyway i gotta end the stream here so i'm gonna do that those ants just crawling under here like a bunch of jerks all right let's get out of here check this place out it's very fancy looking um i want to learn some farm stuff we'll see if i can figure out how to do uh how to do uh how to do some of this we got a few things blocked in here i should refill my refill my water skin also um folks been plowing things that's coming in excellent there we go uh yeah anyone can come in um you have to come into the the discord and pester us and uh we can get you we'll brought you brought in here you have to build like a totem and get folks in but uh you're certainly welcome space okay coming in here i'm going to my house i'm going to bed in real life and in-game okay and away i go okay thanks for watching everybody i'm um um tomorrow night is d night which over here on the twitch side um and then we'll do more things on saturday morning saturday night and sunday morning uh we'll play something else so anyway thanks for watching and um i'll see you all next time and um thanks for hanging out see you later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 27,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nookrium, livestream, youtube livestream, haven and hearth, haven & hearth, salem, mmo, survival game, hafen
Id: QUBq0T40eX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 41sec (8741 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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