KeeperRL: Necromancer Fortress

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um the uh the plan today uh we're gonna play some keeper rl i i i'm a massive keeper rl fan and uh we're gonna kick off free games month with keeper rl which which if you buy it on steam it is not free but it can be free because there's a free version out there and uh if you pick it up on their website which i don't think you can buy from the website straight out you can go through like humble or whatever but if you show proof of showing donation to an animal charity the dev will send you the the full version of the game so um yeah free free with donation there you go get up by donating to any wildlife charity there you go so um very cool thing but michael does there um so keep rile it's uh it's it's dungeon keeper meets dwarf fortress ask sort of thing um and we're going to be a necromancer there's been an update the update is uh necromancy and uh anytime a game opera offers necromancy i'll be there without question that's an um an emote i need i need i need a necromancy emote that's one that's some sort of necromancer thing um so we're trying out basically we're just one guy and if we want more than one guy we go out and we and we make them ourselves how how i don't think there's any simpler way than that so let's do it [Music] that was loud i think everything else is okay my studies should be fine i've played this game enough all right so uh let's go and uh and necromancer some things with this scary fella right there if i'm a lady does it look any different i just i get hair all right um yeah yeah it could be a lady a lady necromancer today we will be what's my name be uh molina christine um fabrice no no i think we're going to go with um i don't know what should we do we'll just we'll we'll find a glue oh there you go celine that's good that's good and evil i like it i apologize your name is celine let's turn new game went in debt i got a campaign all right so uh there's different ways to play the game campaign mode which is one i like doing there's a single map one which i which i really like doing um even more so than the campaign mode um i will stick with this though and i think what i might do i never change my biomes but i think we might go might go like desert i think i think it's desert time um quest for the hair yeah yeah um so we got other folks around here we got an elementalist over there we've got uh oh and a a necromancy villain in orlan over there there's some dryads around some uh some more maine villains something else out that way yeah it's fine the world of tanda i'm good with that that's fine yeah yeah let's do it so i've i just dabbled with it just a bit and uh from what i get what i gather we build ourselves a um you know like a crafting table and a crafting table that just takes bones and things and we make things um all right so after three we have a um the player dwarf faction which i played with when it came out whenever that was um was it only in september was it that was that recent that i played this game it might have been it was pretty recent uh anyway let's go and get ourselves a little hut here in the woods or in the desert and i think we're gonna go a lot of red stuff over there uh we'll probably go this way for the stone yeah you know let's go uh cruise on up this way and dig out a uh uh just a little home let's go like up this way oops oops and uh like over here and we'll start up our our little um main room there like that i'll let these guys get to work get to work so i do begin with some zombies and uh one of these zombies by the way is going to be backpack i need a backpack emote i'm not sure what backpack emote would look like um i don't know i have no idea what a backpack emote be not a backpack because he's not just a backpack he's more than that thanks thanks evelyn there's there's another one of those backpack from dora of course oh yeah yeah you know that could work i could work all right so well let me get to work on this thing and we'll get to uh we'll get to digging in here so let me show some of the things we've got uh we have we have uh where's my stuff at we got crafting we have a we have a morgue table which is what i use to uh to bring things out i have a skill here in necromancy uh which i'll learn more things but necromancy gives me the morgue table and that's that's the new necromancy stuff so there you go that's uh that's it um that's really all there is to it well eventually i guess we'll learn some embalming which gives us the balsam of extra head awesome of extra arms permanent telepathy oh we get real cool we can get advanced necromancy with vampire nobles vampire roots we can raise vampires okay okay okay okay um i don't think this one does nope um there might be a mod out there actually i didn't think about that there might be a mod out here for this one um not gonna know them so let's go dig out this way well let me just keep working here these guys don't like uh sunlight so we kind of have to be mindful of that in fact while they are doing this and it's night time i'm gonna have to make sure we grab as many trees as we can so get out there and get those trees please keep on trying to use water to move around they'll go out and get the trees while uh while he does what you need to do and i'll put out some um equipment storage which i'm just gonna stash right here for right now and we'll put in a little bit of resource storage right over there my phone doing oh uh and then we've got all these other things these are new though uh these weapon racks armor racks bow racks all this stuff is new stuff i like it so we'll find a place for that i'm not sure why why why she's uh whipping these guys it must be some sort of a um a boost a speed boost or something yeah i'm gonna give him a speed boost so i got all this this will be a little oasis there we can bring that in um and uh we'll go we'll get to work so the the way this works is we have bodies we got 20 bodies at the moment can you see that yeah yeah um we use those those uh those bodies to make more bodies nah this works we're all quite familiar with necromancy right here i think and i'm going to need like a bed and all that kind of stuff i think what i'll do is we'll make this like some bedrooms over here it's gonna be a little weird because this is going this way but we can like curve it up or something yeah we'll be all right um we'll go um yeah like over here and then up there into that gold room and then uh it's probably good for now we lost estonia we have a phylactery here which gives us free your soul from your body increase luxury by one i don't know what it does other than that we'll figure it out libraries we can raise new folks um i think i need to go we'll get a treasure chest i'm gonna throw it like right there for right now because we'll get all this gold and bring it over there um what any weapons yet we need a training room a wooden dummy for for a bit to get our um you know some work going on that's right [Laughter] yes yeah that's right it's called we know what they're for rather than just leaving them in the ground like a monster all right let's go and take out this tree right here let's get on my nerves uh we can pick up i saw before we pick up bones around here i think it doesn't seem good though like these bones here i don't think that does this any good okay go pick it up and put it on a grave but i think we don't use like bones we need we need fresh stuff all right uh the the main the main goal here is to get this more table up i'm gonna go ahead and set it up set up right over here let's just let's just make this sort of like the room right there i'm gonna prioritize that also make sure that gets done quickly and we get to work on here and i'll show what we can do with this here we go all right so we can choose a few different things we have archers warriors mages artisans and workers you can see how many body parts they take how many bodies they take to uh to to do their thing and we can also we can upgrade them um i think to begin with it's probably i dabble with this just a bit and the mages are cool but they're not much until we start getting into mage things we might make like one and maybe maybe a couple archers i don't have any bows i think we're just gonna crank out some warriors like eight warriors that'll that'll do for a while and that's me see me with with the hair old celine that's my name hacking away at uh at some folks you watching their backpack oh that's me you guys gonna come cruising back in here we'll get ourselves a door we got some stone around here oh the iron um there's some stuff over this way let's put a wood door in i guess there's a lot not a lot of wood in the desert uh it's sort of like a um it's like an entry in it uh an entry-level dwarf fortress i guess like it's it's the first what oh what are you doing outside why they they all just died why they go outside are they not smart enough to to stay inside why'd they do that you're not gonna go outside are you are you dang you dang zombies what'd they do that for they go pick up the wood and they went and died yeah yeah yeah uh well i add a couple zombie workers to that list let's make a zombie artisan and we'll get some things made only down to five bits here now you're gonna go you're not gonna side are you don't go out there please all right now we gotta we got our first warrior here skeleton warrior dwarf fortress junior yeah yeah yeah that's probably a good a good dwarf fortress junior and but we're the bad guys maybe we're a little misunderstood what are you doing besides doing nothing who's on me nothing um all right so um she's gonna crank all those guys out let me get these workers in here first can i tell them to do those first prioritize that just do a couple more and then get back to the workers because we don't have anybody now because this guy's standing here doing nothing i'll get some we'll get some uh torches in here uh installations yeah dang zombies why they're so stupid we lost backpack already all right well you're the survivor it means you're the smart one that's what we're doing we're just trying to figure out which one of you is backpack backpack's a smart one differently moraled so what can you do now you know any any sort of skills no but you're mary what are you what are you doing don't do it doesn't really know anything we can make him some we say that way point having him because we can't build a library yet so he's not gonna do any good i'm one of those guys why is he just standing there let me control you and figure out what if you're gonna be a little more smarter buddy you gonna go do something oh he's just standing there uh let me give you a bed maybe a coffin what are you doing zombie i'm gonna go train are you um he'll put a door on this side i'm gonna tell you to prioritize that you got it okay good job good job backpack's kind of dumb just a little dumb it's okay we'll forgive them uh we got a couple we got one artisan coming in which will help craft some things up and we're gonna have to get some crafting done we need to get some workshop stuff set up so we can start making some uh um well crafts swords weapons bows i think i have a bowman i guess i didn't make a bowman we'll get a bowman in here i want to give him a bow backpack why are you dumb you get whipped around a little bit buddy hmm there's a snake out there okay zombie artisan oh there he is he's got a fancy hat what's he going to do i'm just going to hang around okay i got some things for you to make i need um let me bows until i get white until i get archery so we're going to make like a round of things here let me just make a few clubs and probably this is all wood and i don't i don't have a lot of wood i got 92 wood i think of 40 just for the clubs okay so there's basically all our wood and what wait till night time we'll go out and hunt for more trees we've got a few out here we can bring up ten in each stack there ten or eight it's missed yeah maybe this is true all right i will snooze over there oh i'm vulnerable to sunlight as well cave person now you guys are supposed to be mining do you understand that where's your jobs no training go dig you got it dig thank you uh you none of that all zombies disabled training no work i think backpack's dumb he says he's digging but he's not backpack you just go haul stuff okay buddy i want you to go haul this stuff out there i'm not gonna mark these trees to be chopped yet because you all can't handle that uh looks like it's getting darker though actually so let's go into it let's go take all these and some of that and uh some of these let me go for a little explore i got i got eight bodies left i think the thing to make is i'm happy with my workers i think i'm gonna make a couple more i think just warriors three more warriors that puts me on how many puts me at seven seven warriors and a mage mage can't do anything he doesn't let me see any experience we can't do anything he just stands around um okay so we'll figure that out he's gonna give me some gold which i need desperately uh and we gotta go we gotta get some research let's keep mining that out and let's see here um oh you know what making some weapons and things let's put a weapon rack right there and we'll put in it's kind of ugly we'll rearrange things in a minute and i'm going to put in a armor rack next to it there we go okay so now it is dark so let's let's go see what we can find i'm gonna take you buddy just just you so see we can find i'm hoping to find some like bandit or something something easy to kill for some experience over here question marks all around might be a hydra something he's only one body part so he's not too bad what's in there ah bandits bandits okay excellent they attack at 19 defend 13. uh actually i'm a little better than you but i can't handle a whole bunch of you okay so we found bandits probably go get them do i have a time there's a child these are the farmers i think can i handle a goat this is all free money or free bodies i mean the camels are tough so we found the farmhouse is that camel coming after me you want to go campbell take that uh i'm gonna pick up your body okay so we got farmhouse what else we have down here we have anything else over here no he's got one more question mark over that way so let's go and explore the rest of this okay i think what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and grab everyone all these warriors into there the mage and stay behind on bookshelves when i want to make when i learn how to make bookshelves um all right we'll stick with it we'll stick with oh it's fine stick with him so everyone come over here did i only get one i want the team and i want yeah everybody come on there we go okay so let's go get the probably get the farmers first they'll be nice and easy to get we can build ourselves a real a real horde here plus we get while they're sleeping take that watch out for those goats oh that's a lot of money okay good rich farmers hey there we go get that get that guy alone get away got him okay uh you guys are done uh control mode i want to make sure we claim all that stuff so we got that's six uh nine that's account is the tenth one ten bodies can i take want to grab all this stuff you i want the corpses i'm carrying too much all right um we'll go home then i assume they'll go get it so we got five right now and we'll see how this works how can i claim all this stuff no storage item where they go where where do where the bodies go on graves maybe corpses are stored here let's go make that and prioritize those things we'll go yank those things over here a lot of gold coming in too now we can take them okay there we go okay so i got 14 now now that we got him coming in okay good good um i'm tempted i don't know what time it is there's not a way of knowing what time it is there you can advance necromancy for vampires or i can get sorcery for bookcases i get archery for my bowmen i think that i think the best first step is probably sorcery because then we can get some mages brought in here i made it's gonna be pretty powerful uh after a while make that mage land i don't actually need all those let me just do like one for now because wood is a precious commodity around here backpack however doesn't know how to go get stuff and what are you doing outside buddy what's the deal what is this okay there you go hey zerk how's it going okay level three warriors uh i need like a good bedroom well we'll go over here let's finish digging this out so i think we'll just it doesn't have to be straight but we'll do like that and then we'll go over here start digging out this guy and there and then we'll work our way we need some iron also so let's just go like this grab some of those things so we'll get like a um let me put the library i suppose somewhere else and just have this as some beds i don't think anyone needs beds except for me i think i think i'm the only one of these beds i'll put one down just to see if anyone takes it i'll put luxurious bed and hope that you know you know i'm the necromancer yeah dual fortress like uh dwarf fortress light i think it's probably best necromancy jokes uh so anyway um i meant this to mention this so it is technically the first so this is normally um uh uh channel update time so if you have any questions feel free to uh to up to ask away and we can channel updates things now uh the big the big topics of the of the month is it's free games month um and uh if you have any free games that i have not played on the channel or you think that i need to play again feel free to yell at me best place for that is topic number two discord uh the discord is um it's uh i'm quite proud of the discord i think it's good spots um if you like my channel with like finding all kinds of indie games that's that's kind of what i do you will find even more what what's happening oh you dang dumb zombie um these zombies are stupid um i did lose all of them no just the one oh just backpack oh man but if you if you if you enjoy the my seeking out and finding uh um um indie games then you will find even more on the discord thanks skull uh so that was top number two what was number three number three was uh twitch i'm moving over twitch for live streams and uh you have any questions about anything feel free to ask and i will answer away um i'm gonna do my update a little different this month uh i meant to do it before and i haven't done it yet but i'm just gonna do a um like a little one minute video for youtube a youtube short uh worth of a channel update let me see how it works um as far as the death match uh i will get it as soon as i get my uh my sub list and and um patreon list all organized do i'll do one of those that's it that's the update quick one but lots of things favorite part of going twitch only so far um i feel like it's um it's been apparent before but i think it's i think it's pretty apparent the twitch has a different it has a different feel to it um youtube you know you going to watch youtube you don't really like youtube's not a place to like chat and um vocalize with the streamer uh youtube is a you know it's lurker time you know you hang out watch videos which is perfectly fine that's what i do that's me uh twitch feels more more um chatty more more more community you know that's the word um that's that's just what i uh that's what i'm thinking and it's kind of exciting for me because you know it's something else to like to focus on you know yeah much more interactive for sure on twitch yeah yep easy to watch the vid and the chat same time yeah yep yep a lot of fun though i've been looking forward i really look forward to uh the stream tonight and uh and yesterday's even though i messed yesterday's up um that's what i what what i think what do you think live chat is better on on youtube jeffrey and door fortress you can explore the world yeah yeah i don't know what to do about these zombies that keep going outside let's backpack again i have to raise another backpack let me go and put in i got one mage i might bring a couple of these guys in because he's gonna get a few levels out of that so let's throw in one more mage and one more worker i think the one artisan is fine until i need to start so i need some more um a couple more warriors i always um i would always have you know i always have double the viewers on youtube uh and it's still twitch hasn't changed much um but um twitch was always always seemed to be um a more uh interactive and vocal audience hey eric how's it going let's see i got i got 10 bones left to spend uh do i go and get some archers yet i have the i need one more uh we could go get you know tonight whenever night time hits which could be pretty soon we can go get ourselves some uh some more bones and so i think we're gonna go get i kind of want those necromancer or the uh the vampires maybe we'll work on that so i'll save up my bones that i've got right now i'll go and make a factory stick it over there see what that does for us and as soon as that time hits we'll head out that way uh it is day you can see down at the bottom but you've got 300 ticks left which i was looking for before caves are cut case of cut is fantastic yeah it's really good great roguelike one thing i always liked about youtube live um was that you could always you could rewind right you can so say you pop in and and the stream's been going on for an hour and you can start from the beginning but you can do that on twitch i just discovered i think brig told me about it maybe it was big log dog um if you go into the um the video section on the twitch page and you just click on the lot one that's live right now you can start from the beginning and you can still do the same thing oh was there a new new case of code update uh alona plus i probably i probably should revisit alona that's that's actually one of my more viewed videos on my channel like overall one of the more of you channels uh videos that i have some luxurious coffins in here maybe maybe my um my place for my neck or my my my vampires will be back here i'm assuming they want coffins like that uh night time night time all right so let's grab an army we're gonna get 10 skeletons and we're bringing a couple mages along with us do you guys both know what you're doing you've got um you know yeah fly defense and damage and you know flies and it'll work so uh yeah let's let's bring along uh you sir with some armor let's get out there i was gonna find some armor from those farmers but they didn't have any pitchforks did i grab it i do the wrong again i want yes everybody okay okay oh there's a snake are you venomous can i have your body where'd he go he took off all right um let's go find those uh those those bandits they will have some stuff for us i don't know what happened to a mirror i haven't messed with it a while i know it's still getting updates i follow i'm still on their discord so i've been keeping i have an eye on it um i got a little perturbed by it by just the way that it ran kind of like remember the mobile games what was it clash of kings or clash or whatever you know those old ones where like you you build up your place and you come in and like everything will be destroyed because you know while you're away things are gone it's like i spent every time i built up all my stuff and i'd be gone for a day because i can't keep an eye on it all day and i come back and everything's destroyed and i was just waiting for a good like single player i want to play a single player all right um but i don't pay much to it since i don't know it was not a single player game so but it's just oh man i'm getting destroyed here okay we're getting bodies for us there we go excellent excellent okay and it's done uh let's get out of here some potions there i will take all your stuff uh eleven clubs okay some healing oh a bow nice that's a good bow too so since we got a bow let's let's uh let's use it and get a uh an archer in here yeah yeah it was kind of annoying let's go with a couple archers and um i'm happy with that did i level up oh i didn't oh last one that would do it let me get a couple more of these uh these folks in here these guys die quick okay and i got a bunch of clubs in so i don't need any any of that maybe maybe a few armor let's get one of these those free to make i need two of them hey cap slip how's it going i'm assuming my skellies will heal channel point reward for naming characters oh yeah i i i can rename them from channel points i was gonna change them to like on tindy points or something i didn't do it i was i was gonna but i didn't i didn't uh and pull the trigger you go clean that out and see what that's what's going on over there i think i might i don't know if i want to go straight to it um why not so let's put our guys to work here over there we'll go grab some gold water i don't need to go over here anyway this way and we'll grab some of the stone and we'll go keep on going here and we'll say hello to that right on town uh thanks masolith okay let's see square the rooms off jeffrey what do you mean it's perfect how it is on tintee favors that's good um yeah yeah that's good yeah so i um i remember i said i said this somewhere uh somewhere before um thank you um i think i did anyway so i i had planned to do this um january 1st this year i was going to do a um switch over to twitch um and twitch did something dumb which keeps doing dumb things and so i didn't do it um but i think i do think in the end like it's it's really hard to like you know i feel like i've been a big youtube fan i really don't like um the exclusivity clause i think it's just like i don't like it i don't like it um oh yeah there's a little skulls hanging right here now okay um but i think i think it is kind of uh i think it is kind of the way to go what is this we hanging out over here now you guys want beds i could get you some beds let me let me let me straighten this out a little bit for uh for jeffrey there uh not partner yet uh partner takes a bit of time plus i have to have like a like a viewer average of 75 um which i do normally um but pre uh split i'm a little short on it plus no one ever watches my dnd nights so that brings my average down a little bit so as soon as i get that gets up i'll apply for the partnership um which i think takes like a month or two or something yeah so i'm i'm affiliate right now and i have to apply for partner um which i hit all the goals except for my viewer average right now but with a few more streams i should be fine let's put in i don't have a lot of wood to spare but i've got some i got a little bit of these beds some fine beds i can put in i think that's what they're hanging around here for is they want to sleep skeletons you want to sleep i guess they are sleeping okay at night time uh can i put in a new um training room i can't let me put in another dummy here though get that going smack that guy around yeah affiliates first step i think you have like average viewers of like five or something like for affiliate it's pretty easy to get um and then partners partners all the good stuff i feel like it's kind of just getting you i think affiliate is basically just to get you stuck in that exclusivity deal to make sure you stay with twitch and you don't go anywhere else i think that's the idea um it sounds like an amazon thing to do you know but what do i know torches light up a dungeon yeah it's a little dark in here isn't it all right let's throw in some uh some torches there and we'll put one over that way let's take one over here since we're done um we'll put a couple over there that's fancy purple in there let's go in the hallway here okay gotta work our way back that way what happens from my minions yeah um so we'll go take this thing out and then we'll um and then we'll move on to the rest of the map i think by then i can get vampires and we gotta figure out where we're gonna go i can also go downstairs right there's like 30 levels or something like that below uh that that's a um something a lot of youtubers used to do that 60 second like you or you whatever you post you post a little video on youtube saying hey i'm going live on twitch click on the link um a lot of people stop doing that because i think it's it hurts it hurts you uh in the end because the way that youtube works you know it's like if if um if you have a bad video which of course you're gonna have small a little bit like that's gonna be a bad video uh viewer wise and watch time-wise then it hurts you overall it ends up hurting your channel um having something like that so even though it's probably a good idea it like to get viewers but it ends up hurting your youtube channel which is the whole reason i moved over here is because of nonsense like that um doing these doing streams and then posting the same video um of the stream later on basically i'm having the same video with like split i'm splitting the viewership on both of those i've got half the viewers on the stream the other half are watching the vod and so it ends up being two um mediocre videos instead of one good one you know what i mean that's what i mean that so that kind of stuff is that kind of nonsense yeah um i try it the um i notice when i do compute community post which i did a community post last time i didn't do it this time but when i do a community post and if i put in a link into it it doesn't get it doesn't get shared uh youtube doesn't doesn't share it to folks um so um i can't just say hey i'm going live and link the twitch page because then it doesn't get shared that's why you see that's why you you'll find community posts with like polls they they share those all the time they push those everywhere but if it doesn't have a poll um or a picture with it they won't they won't they won't notify folks finicky beasts that um that algorithm i'm just walking around smacking these guys so oh yeah they are sleeping in the beds aren't they i guess i missed that all right let's put some floors in i don't have a lot of wood but i got a lot of stone so let's make some stone floors and just stone everything up here we'll go up to there with a stone i'm going to change this a little bit uh floors you know just to make it a little nicer i got do i have some extra gold i want to put a carpet in there let's just do this nope how do i cancel how do i cancel that not forbid i thought it was this way oh yeah okay like that oh put in a fancy floor well just a different looking floor there we go that's nice [Music] uh discord doesn't do notifications discord hasn't set up there's no there's a bot there that does that um and discord's coming out with a new thing my channel hasn't uh doesn't have it yet but um it's pretty neat you can have it where in discord it will um it'll notify you like uh if there's like an event or something so you can schedule it through discord and if you like click on my name it it'll link the the channel i don't have my channel doesn't have access to it i've just done a few that does it but i saw one someone else that i'm in discord with it has one and it's pretty nice oh it's this it's this guy ah this guy i don't care so much about this guy this is like the uh the undead fella i'm not too concerned about i'm gonna first just go start going downstairs here from now let me put in let's stick out like a room what else do we need a room for um bands i gotta put some more factories over there what else do i need downstairs can go there let's get the rest of the stuff that i need here um so i can get a um poetry table i can make a whole separate crafting room down here i think i'm going to do let me just do it over here [Music] like that hey cat flip thank you very much yeah it's real finicky uh i i feel the same way mashleth same emote that's me um but you know i am i i'm not really that's kind of a big part of the move is i'm not really that concerned about viewer numbers on live streams twitch is sort of uh youtube is is me uh that's my thing youtube channel um a youtuber i'm not a streamer and um i'm not that concerned about uh i have lots of folks watching me watch me live this is just fun times for me and um i would just rather it i made the move because it was i didn't want it i don't want it hurting me i'm okay if it does nothing but if i want it hurting my channel so that's the uh that's the the main thing uh floors are going in we've got uh lots of stuff happening over here this this is like some sort of uh a bad bad dude down there which we're not gonna worry about right now um i could do a stair down i'm gonna go ahead and do a stare down i think we can easily get down there and um clean out whatever's down down there we can we can uh mess up i do want to go ahead and put in something something's going to attack us and we'll be in bad shape how do i make traps that's not at the workshop is it no we have to learn traps i think who's on my way my world map it's night time right night time let's go to the world map who's nearby we have a villain of zombies over there those are some dryads and some spiders spiders are pretty easy to kill gnomes are my ally ally over there too um we might take out some dry ads they might shoot us though with bows i'm curious are we immune to poison fire resistant about you you guys are skilled right yeah you got that oh you can animate corpses nice i make my own little little uh little necromancers okay hmm what we got here we got 10 of these guys i could whip up a couple more real quick i still got 17 these things laying around we can we can whip up a couple more warriors just to make sure um i think we can handle what we got though yeah let's do it so we're gonna grab our uh 10 10 warriors two archers and mages and that's it and i want to command this guy okay now let's go off to the check out the zombies that's gonna be an easy one okay they're up that way i think they could be anywhere there's a lot of things that we can kill it's like we're gonna get a lot of bodies this way these trimmer kind of different mediums nice youtube videos plus the casual fun times twitch streams make these things on both yeah that's another that is certainly a thought right um why um why put all my eggs in the youtube basket if it's you know if it's it's pot if it's a thing then uh um why not you know why not uh i'm gonna destroy your eye um i'm gonna get destroyed here no head i need your head injured leg blind can i not fight okay let's go let's go uh on that guy i'm gonna lose okay let's let's run away uh can we go away uh i think this is a lot tougher than i i was hoping how tough are they a 49 okay uh this way right away okay run away okay okay um let's bounce over the triads and just see what we can find here man we got destroyed there what's over here i want just like an easy target like a little farmhouse can i have one of those those are nice let's see if we can find over here if we see nights i was i didn't realize that was nights i thought it was like a farm again or like one of those peasant towns what are you ghost is he going to hurt me he like turned he makes us mad right gross is killed touches you attack is harmless i don't think they can hurt us oh man we got destroyed um is it f i got him somebody just threw a club at me [Music] uh run away oh [Music] man okay okay this won't be as easy as i was hoping for what killed me now my what a deer i could kill by a deer [Music] um can we um damage bonus myself or me okay uh my legs broken um okay okay now i could be a little busy uh all right get 12 of those i got five left um man that was ugly the mages are kind of worthless right now you know what okay one more worker just so we have enough of those just in case and uh let's let's let's warrior it up i'm gonna leave one just in case i lose my oh my my guy so i can bring him back that was embarrassing man what do we even we should we should just give up what's the point anymore we're gonna start by deer all right let's uh let's pick up the pace here we got a bit of an army to build here uh i need to take um a few more things out i'm just gonna go we'll go downstairs that'll be our next step we'll go down there um and let's prioritize that i think there's easy easy first level especially i think it's pretty easy to kill maybe we can we can get somewhere raise some skellies up take a take a herd of them and go downstairs especially when it's done out sunlight outside we can go that that way my goal by the way those who haven't aren't familiar with the game um is to kill all the main villains four main villains we've got the elementalists we've got the dwarves um the other necromancer and there's gotta be oh this guy the dungeon kid dire deer master what's the little arrow is it because you're oh cause you're a bit person you got a little arrow next to your name cool look like i going oh he's gonna keep digging that stuff out it's fine um all right we got a healing push we probably bring with us also and i was going to start working on this being a crafting menu that's not that's not straightened out at all that's and we'll turn i'm gonna move these things over here and maybe all of our weapons and stuff put in there too i forget attack what are we gonna do how are we gonna defend against it ah completely immaculate um like all these racks we can throw down there also like if we have all of our equipment our crafty stuff which is going to be something more the more that's on the room but the workshop and the table we can put another one in here we'll put a workshop there and we'll put in a poetry table on the other wall we'll throw in all of our um other things actually let me do it this way there and there and then armor what do we have here weapon scroll rack uh potion and jewelry so we got one more poetry table yeah yeah uh poems poems humiliate our our enemies i'm out of of sorcerers um let's see what's downstairs how many people i got now 15 of them are all like they're not very good but let's take stick everybody i'll take you thanks boop where did you get why am i what am i doing wrong here this guy choose you control get the team okay down here oh yeah oh yeah i forgot that was the thing that could happen okay uh looks at that let's dig let's just dig over here and down here maybe we'll find an opening with some things maybe we'll just dig there's gonna be monsters and stuff but that's just on different levels we haven't quite made it there yet all right nothing here yeah gold up there and then um i'm going to mark them all should take all the resources i can't get any better until i get more killing though oh yeah in the minions the dominions necromancy necromancers yeah usually um that was for you jeffrey um these necromancers i mean they're all about like uh all about weak but numbers you can have you can have a lot of them but they're not very good um i'm curious to see what we can get when we get these uh the vampires though they can get trained how much does this does this teach them plus seven they start at what what do they start at a 20 23 this will take him up to a maybe a 27 oh there he's a plus three right now i'm gonna be as far as this is as far as you can go it's plus seven of course change my further this is plus three there i sure had to read that we lost all our weapons didn't we i don't have a lot of wood to squander i gotta get something though we can't go with there we can't go out there with garbage we could try i can't go to the knights tonight's gonna tear me up 49 attack there's no way uh next time night time hits we just going to maybe scour the countryside and pick up as many trees as we can try to get done before night time hits before daytime hits make sure we prioritize all those trees that we chop it's almost nighttime here why'd i settle in the deserts uh i mean the sun's out anyway seemed like a necromancer thing to do i've never tried any other biomes other than the the standard one all right the green ones anyways i think i did a winter one i think i think one time we got a song about captain capturing some bandits good good story um 17 which is not enough so let's go get nighttime is hit let's go chop some trees let's say all these guys uh whoops this one those guys and all these okay pick up as many trees as we can and i want to prioritize them get these trees quickly before the sun comes up okay so here they come we got four guys going out there to get it what's your dragon yeah yeah i had a dragon one i had a mod that uh uh my dragon that was fun um after that that's the one that um after that one they added in the uh the ability to like um uh um like uh formations we could sort of organize our units a bit better because i think i think i died because my people ran out and all died or something who are you zombie your name is now it's a great name no harm will ever come to you backpack uh i'm gonna change you though because i want you to not do any uh no i want you just a haul no labor just haul stuff i think he'll figure that out you may finish this task right now where you going why are you going back inside he going actually i don't know i want you just to haul things but whatever fine do that whatever make sure i got room for all this wood in here i should build a resource spot let's put it right here say that but now there's no way of getting we'll just do that we'll put the other one over on the side somewhere so we can get all the resources stashed in here somewhere because the craft is going to be one using them okay you guys bring the wood in what are you doing um here let me prioritize that again pick up this stuff okay there they go all right we got halfway through the night we should be alright should be all right what's this guy doing sleeping and then downstairs anything new up down there nope is that alpha 28 that was that long ago and they're on 33 now and they developed this game he worked he developed this game so fast we can come in here and we can also we can tell him to start smoothing out some walls i think it's done this way reinforcing walls is that it what do we want to do how do we make those i thought it was in um i don't know it's just if we make i guess if we make a wall we can reinforce it i put fill lava or water what does that do for me you guys have oh hey i'll take those 15 sleepy skeletons up there wood's coming in night time is almost over uh i'm going to cancel this this priority i'm just like i'm going to cancel a task i'm not sure how though to cancel that orders i want to forbid it hmm prioritize i can't remove priority surely i can forbid it don't go over here just for now just until nighttime is over get back inside we're all going to die again yep sun's coming up they're all gonna die how do i tell you to stop don't don't fetch that item okay so i can tell you not to fetch it but it's still gonna be a priority i don't know so don't don't fetch those okay get inside they're gonna die yep they're all gonna die what am i supposed to do doesn't make any sense i said i have to micromanage them every time and tell them not to go outside which dog clearly doesn't work hey dunk how's it going i got one of these things left that's really annoying hey draven how's it going how you been well i got one guy left here and he can go and get to work on uh chopping that stuff down do you ever wasn't your inventory you have a club get rid of that go get someone else i take control of him i guess and just like stand him in there and just just wait until the night is over if they're still gonna go outside though um maybe just like forbid just this little square right here maybe they'll keep going in that might that might be the which trick an annoying trick they have to do all right so i got 15 skeletons uh we're gonna we're we'll pass the day as soon as the day is over though we're going back uh we're gonna go maybe we can try our luck at the spiders spiders are usually pretty easy they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna poison me bad maybe with 15 of us we can handle them okay let me set this thing up as a let's just set resources uh we'll do a little boat actually resources there and because mostly equipment's gonna go in there so we'll just do like that and then we'll do a little equipment storage there uh what are some doors into iron doors like that i can make vips uh like twitch folks whoops sorry i need to click off there i'm gonna click off again one more time sorry sorry i did most of them give you body parts which one what is that someone left the robes outside oh the thing about the thing over here this this thing he's too tough for us oh i gotta get put in what was my last last storage is the jewelry chest which i'll stash i'll put it right there [Music] yeah yeah necromancer so um so far i i wouldn't say so far so good but so far something things are look things are looking up for a minute but my my my minions keep running outside and dying that's a little troublesome what is that thing is that oh i bet that's the the balsam things that we can we can upgrade our units with so i gotta figure out how to do that uh it's probably gonna be under [Music] it's embalming that's that's it the embalming thing basic balsam is for bodies so give extra heads or uh damage boosts stuff like that yeah at least do that i've probably done that instead of sorcery source we didn't do me anywhere anywhere energy keeper dwarf fortress yeah yeah that's basically that's it it's um kind of a more of a um a lightweight dwarf fortress with that leans in the dungeon keeper uh feel all right so all my warriors in here let's grab grab this guy and we're gonna go venture into we're gonna go back to the zombies we're gonna stay away from the knights though the knights are mean i mean we know where to go just to stay away from them that's what that's where we go let's go around the long way um oh look china it's a scarecrow nothing makes me angry than a scarecrow square cards mean there's farmers am i am i far enough away maybe no nights no nights no nights no there might be nights there's a lot of people around here nights i like farmers okay um okay we'll take all that stuff when we get it oh a warhammer eh well i don't mind if i do okay tribal humans dead let's stay away from those nights knock knock the skellies are here i'm gonna kill your cows and take all of your fire spells and your corpses blindness poison resists that'll come in handy boots for gold i'll put the boots on hello cow no more dying to deer i can handle horses okay that's that's lots of stuff we can get okay uh what's the other the other things um we know where the knights are i'm i'm here to kill zombies though so there's a there's a mausoleum or something around here [Music] what's that what's that mushroom do panic i assume they would have a question mark i didn't i don't want to go i'm gonna stay on this side of the river away from those nights look like they're sleeping right now the undead usually have a they're kind of usually out and thinking they open and they have a like an underground thing i may need to just leave them though and just take take what i've got right now which is just bodies and come back later all right you dang moose come here yeah you coward okay let's go check out this little one over here look at all those bones those are my bones i think they are yeah they probably are oh a fancy no they aren't mine hey this is some good stuff this is really good stuff [Music] pick up some things you can have a battle axe and a healing equip that next [Music] a helm you can have it put that on battle axe it's amazing how much how much this helps [Music] oh there's a sword there grab a sword and a helm okay you got one already [Music] i wonder who died here healing potion sure and uh yeah have a helmet i think i took all the weapons one of my guys has too many but uh it's not enough to kill the knights it's getting anything either okay it was more things [Music] donkeys pigs more pigs farmers oh that's oh hello bandits don't no don't stand there make them come to you uh i can do this right i can tell you i can go into stand ground and i want you to what do i just do to go back how do i do that you um [Music] i select this guy [Music] i thought you just click and drag yeah go like that i don't know i'm blind everyone blind [Music] is everyone blind okay let him come to you there we go my skull is shattered if they've seen better days anybody have any healing potions because all kinds of stuff yeah it's blind what kind of potions you got four potions of what potions of what i'm not poison resistance drink another one nothing happens try another one okay good whatever okay it was a nasty fight but we did it it was ugly it was real ugly but we got their bed okay man it's getting ugly and ugly oh hey here we go this is the uh this is the dead but that's no where oh the knights are over here so the undead have gotta be over here somewhere i don't know oh there it is okay that's where they are i don't want to go there though i just want to leave okay so exit control mode i lost uh a few i lost i mean i had 15 i think i lost seven um and uh let me go see over here we've got some things to pillage so i'll take all this stuff i'll take all of these i'll take all of you i'll take all you okay i got 45 bodies and i got myself a level i got two levels so i can get uh embalming cool stuff i'm gonna get necromancy first and then master necromancy skeleton kings a bone dragon what [Music] this one gives you better dummy so people can learn better what do i want let me give this an embalming one let's see what it does okay so let's get we'll start off we'll get a couple workers um and then maybe maybe three workers it's fine uh we'll get ourselves a so we got warriors but you guys start off at what you guys start out as a 17 and you start as a 17 all some people's eight okay vampire brute is good take four each no dying you know zombie magic and illusion empire warrior doesn't seem so so fancy he just has more he's more upgrades it takes a lot of bodies to raise these folks okay keep 22 around um and let's see what that embalming does laboratory right there with everything else i know a bone dragon that's what i'm looking forward to okay oh it just costs money nice okay extra head sure uh do i have to tell him to do this or does it just happen extra wings levitation extra arms swarming grants defense and bonus damage for every other swarmer like a meaning melee training limit spell training limit sure archery training damage boosts defense boosts when in territory sure grab whatever we've got we'll just throw them out there i hope that you grab them on their own because i don't want to deal with it in the grab whatever check out these vampires they're freaky looking oh he bleeds okay okay i like that these guys are at 27 plus they can train themselves up a bit and then someone's gonna make these oh you know i should make another one of these to get the stuff worked out faster um i got a bit of wood i don't think i need couple of those there's more torches in it's telling me too that went in the hallway that you i have to apply them sorry about that can i take it and um this guy's missing a leg can i take it and um like apply it i'll even do it like i could fly multiple multiple times so kind of put on him uh like a damage boost five times like it was tedious i'm busy doing that instead of other things hey buddy can you um can you do other things fine arts right can you can you take it easy on the fine arts and go do some crafting for me please i need some zombies i don't go to sleep you bum i'm not looking too good some of my skellies are a little broken um so uh let's go i wonder if it's wiser to take out the zombies i'm a little scared of those nights i wonder if i should go and and sort of wander around uh and take out the easy ones elsewhere i didn't see what the stats were the draw of the dryads were and um i'm curious how tough they are i know they can shoot they got the range and that's kind of annoying but skull's hanging around here put a door over here just because i think this is gonna be my end my my edge young person's kill undead oh oh okay wouldn't do that okay it's night time again how many do i have do i have enough i still have just the two and the eight um you guys have good weapons though now right have you picked anything up can you pick things up you just do you just bite they have gear he doesn't have any armor yet i'm going to lift the uh the don't walk demand it's a weird um uh refresh rate going on here so take that off that's and okay and i have a prioritize they should get to it fast hopefully and we should have some things i thought it's in these racks so there's a couple bows in the bow rack there's a club in there okay there's a few things in there i'm going to make a couple things of armor it's only plus two defense but it's better than nothing maybe just make a bunch of helms or um something that's cheaper gloves or plus one defense and yeah just something okay we got we got some things going out there so let's give one to you can you have them how do i give you one find you there how do i do them consumables there uh maybe they can't have any well i know the the vampires can i'm oh i gotta make them with how do you make them with upgraded with three awesomes saying that right there's that right there there's a bunch of stuff laying there do i gotta say hey you come here i don't know what to do they're all made okay i don't know i i i'm at a loss it's gonna be a table i have to make and i don't have the morgue hmm i don't know where to put it on that hmm i don't know oh no artisan's here excellent okay well um we'll uh we'll we'll let me oh i did finish doing that okay so i got 19 still i've got 12 archers or 12 warriors one archer some brutes and a warrior the uh the warriors probably get some stuff is there anything better we can get here get some good battle axes um yeah i'm gonna take i'm gonna take the warhammer from you you don't need it and then i'll grab a helm from myself armor take my armor boots sure take the boots i'm gonna arm you up real good i don't have any of those things you're gonna bleed people whenever you whenever you hit sounds good uh go ahead and grab a uh i don't need those things hey older how's it going okay so he's got he's got 32 attack old marin here which is not the best but maybe we'll find some new things he also bleeds though so it's good um so we got that that's coming we need to get more another level up for um some either master necromancy or or uh um ironworking to get the better dummies that way we can train better might be the next step lots of money laying out there and i guess i have no place for it so let me make sure we got a spot for that we'll put these back over here over there the gloves on the ground everyone should be grabbing that stuff uh it's it's uh halfway through the day we'll head out and we'll go get uh i'm not sure what we'll get 49 attacks we're not going to the zombies my zombies didn't die today okay good good i'm going to use while crafting them by using upgrade your minions while crafting them it says how do you do that though how do i adjust what um [Music] makes it sound like it has it's happening here but i don't know hmm oh just pulled in we can get the gold pulled over here okay good see ya adam have a good thanks oh of what i've been uh i've been watching a bit of dads lately on uh on twitch okay that's and um i think i'm happy with all that okay nighttime almost here so let's uh let's go and uh and do some conquering i think it's about time all right nighttime is here let's go on a trip uh i'm gonna grab my army if i click the right thing which is gonna be all the warriors the archer the brutes and the warrior and i'll just grab i'll grab old marin here who's the name he's the one guy with a name alright everybody and let's venture out into the spiderland we could finish that one off if we took out those zombies and we know where they're at let's do it zombies are easy we just gotta watch out for these these uh these nights so let's stay away from the nights cause they'll chew us up we should be sleeping though can uh zombies bleed that's what i'm good at don't want to be real quiet don't attract attention to those nights over there which will live in a tiny little hut okay easy zombie killing open the coffin there's a s a i can sleep in there uh there's a cool battle axe in there it's quite nice [Music] the reason i would want to sleep in the open coffin nearly dead oh that was a good one i i i um i didn't have sponsored but i didn't nearly dead i enjoyed that one i should be the accent i was thinking i already have it's better than what i've got what are zombies fighting at here 1917. got him nice audience i'm not sure that does lots of zombie bits excellent okay zombies zombies dead uh good let's get out of here and stay away from those guys over there and let's head on home uh we could go we lost one i guess we could go straight to the spiders could that unlock nobody let's go check out the spiders real quick so we were here before and we had a bad day um let's go venture and just see what we can find over this way oh they're crawling they're broken uh i got three of them with broken legs all right we'll go home oh i love that guy okay that give me enough to give yeah here we go so i would like to have i think i want iron working because it's going to give me even though as much as i want a bone dragon um can i resist no no you know what we have an option let's do it in the workshop okay let's take a look at this oops you say in the workshop we can do this there's no options in the workshop maybe it's a um the more table yeah that's what it says to do it says to go to work table what will we do here just select to make the guy right click doesn't do anything i don't know uh but we have now a uh where's my where's that bone dragon that i can make that's what i want to make upgrade upgradeable up with up to 199 body parts for zombie king how do you upgrade oh that guy can be upgraded he's the only one though oh skeleton king can be upgraded [Music] these guys don't have it it makes it sound like they can be upgraded with yeah they can be upgraded but it doesn't it doesn't allow it i'll make a skeleton king we'll upgrade them with some bones band of bones and bandit skulls maybe i should do that when i have more more bits sure make one of them um let's go collect all this stuff up why still only 11. should have a lot more zombies not not provide good bits a snake killed you outrageous make this guy and see what he can do okay everyone's gonna go sleep just sort of stand and look at each other um he takes a little while to make maybe it's gonna be in advance do you think must be skeleton king there he is he's not very good he's like 14 plus seven i'm guessing if we put a lot more bones into him we can make him really cool he's got stronger legs because we put some legs or something into him okay cool um i don't know why we need more more parts the zombie parts count but i want more you get juggernauts a slasher sounds pretty exciting i'll make one of those there's a zombie king there with more body parts we can put in he's gonna stand there buddy he's gonna sleep right there oh i got a hat my keeper has a hat now where's this guy going are you afraid of the uh the sunlight uh it is night time what are you gonna do out there plus 40 where are you going explorers at night as long as you come home i don't trust you slasher hang out in here just hang out here for a bit don't go anywhere i don't trust you cause you're all dumb okay [Music] all right so slasher what can you can you carry anything you can't but you got a 47 attack that's going to be as good as you get uh which is the best thing that i've got but we can eventually get people a lot better than that once we start getting some gear which i brought in a bunch of stuff a few things anyway i still didn't bring any armor in i only have a little bit of wood next upgrade upgrade is 500 so we're going to do some killing so we can we can go downstairs and try to find something um maybe we could try that lot of things to pick up down here water there uh let's go and uh and dig a downstair like just uh right here next to it down down a bit further see if we can find something to go go hunt [Music] anyone remember how tough this uh this guy is this one remember right he's very tough i don't want to go there oh there's something there okay okay let's assemble everyone let's get all you skeleton king come on in here please don't die slasher and vampire okay i'll grab i'll grab slasher there we go let's go downstairs and let's wait for everyone to get here downstairs again oh rats okay any more down stuff down here nope okay all body parts though easy body parts a doxy is that the name a doxy okay it's strange that they would put them so close because i know there's another one like way down um there's more of similar kinds of things way down there my uh my zombies are very busy getting things move around here they're very slow at it too did i take them off of a hauling and not ever put it back on you know uh it happens uh okay that's why why is nothing happening that explains it and that's why i got hosed out of my body parts from the zombies okay grab all that stuff up and these guys conquered huh okay when night time hits we're gonna go get uh get some spiders how are we doing here 34. that's with the battle axe and no armor but if we go take out spiders or whatever's around the spiders then we'll get uh hopefully enough that we can get iron working we have i have a lot of iron plus there's iron just laying around here that i'm not using so once we get that then we can go and get some real armor i think so let's grab everybody here uh everyone again i'm gonna go ahead and control mr slasher and we're gonna go visit the spiders okay take out there there we go one down no deer will get in our way this time what did i run into before over here okay okay looking good horses and some peasants hello cow i can't open chest up let me be can i be this guy can you open chests can you open chests you can okay like that uh i'll do the gloves pop those things on anything good over here just a bunch of cows and corp and donkeys i'm gonna go deal with that bandit please now i want everyone to hold their ground stand your ground and let them come to us there you go oh my god okay bandit's dead anything good in here i can't see what's on here so i'm gonna have to be one of these guys can you do it yeah you can some clubs and uh some corpses and some healing potions nice bow lots of bones okay it looks like it looks like knights i'm scared of that it's a moose over there and a ghost let's go get the ghost when he comes to us [Music] this ghost coming from um do i want to open that what's the worst could be more knights um i might be able to handle them though now maybe please don't be a knight please don't be a knight nothing don't put the archer up front oh it's nice uh he's pretty tough okay everyone stand your ground got some weak ones up front here i need you to be here [Music] he blinded me i lost my head i'm dead i'm gonna kill us again just hit him one more time he's so weak i'm blind again i lost my head man i don't know if i do but what to do about this guy i lost my head again why keep chopping my heads off my head's chopped off why you guys no good um 24 there's a 34 i need you he chopped my head off again i cannot kill this guy okay no more standing ground how many times i lose my head i can't do it [Music] he's got 40 do i have anything like i can like throw potions or something at him because this guy could get a bleed on him it would be all right but he's like in bad shape he's got fangs but with this attack 21 he can't kill him we're all about the 20s there's a 28 there we got to get out okay let's just run man i don't know about how to do that okay back home all right we're still pillars these things we can get all this stuff so it's not a complete loss just mostly loss but i got 32 more bones to make things out of um and to the best like the slasher was pretty good 47. you got a terrible defense um the i think the best ones were my skeleton warriors that i was getting up to like what 34's and stuff the looks like he's a 17 not a very good attack he's got a good defense he's a mage um they're not is is tough question is do i do a few um tough ones or a lot of weak ones make one of these guys and we'll do some more art uh we'll do an archer um archers no no archers i do want uh some warriors i'll do that for now i need enough to go and when's that locked i need to go and get enough to go kill something to get some more levels up i'm getting i wasn't very much um if i can take out the spiders which i never saw i'd be in good shape juggernaut here let's get some real gear you can have all the good stuff's gone take that give you all the good stuff helmets some gloves i do have an armor no boots maybe i'll do if we go down a few levels another way let me put those up um another downstair here might work for us he's gonna be all full um i want coffins i need um storage more graves how's this guy so is that 35 already maybe i should wait till i get up to 40 before i really venture out again we can't handle those nights we're kind of host ah great they did it again man it's so annoying why are they dying another one there's one zombie left ellie make me another uh zombie um and let's do let's get a um let's do one vampire noble and a a couple mages only one mage we can buff us get that one down there oh yeah let's prioritize that there we go problem is they go out at night and they go out so far that they they can't come back and i can't i can't turn off the priority all right guys but then i can't turn that off it's like no matter what they're gonna that's prioritized but i can't tell them to stop doing it um i can tell them to stop fetching which they do i guess but i guess that's what i need to do just stop stop getting wood cause that's what's hosting me here any sort of uh tree chopping or whatever just turn off no wood no wood's allowed none of that y'all are too dumb but you know they are zombies so i guess it's kind of makes sense okay how are we doing okay so we go we got another one down here let's dig our way into that see what we can find over there uh oh yeah same things the other guys uh panic's new though oh wait we're gonna find find more rats down here while crafting them it ain't working you in there and the noble okay not the strongest 35's are best [Music] [Music] sleepy time for this guy yuki looks like it's done uh i guess i could prioritize it oh there we go oh what is it what are you are you uh your friend correct can you join me uh let's take a look what do you guys do cannot break this right it'd be red if they're they're bad guys these are these are friendly guys i think i think i don't know uh let me tell you to dig this stuff hello friends would you like to um i don't know join me where's that zombie over there oh which one is it oh they're all oh he ran away quick so this guy where's my stairs okay just sleepy time uh i guess i can't recruit them at all they just hang out down here all right it's night time again is it time to go find something to fight i thought we're really strong enough for it um let's do it i've got plenty of time all right so grab everybody and i'm gonna okay i'll control the uh muger over here oh no i think i want this guy and let's go on a trip do i want to avoid the spider because the spider's a jerk i think i do um if i can kill the spider i'll be in good shape all kinds of loot there also problem is there's that one night it's gonna destroy me i need to get a little more levels so that i can get uh iron working and we can train up better we're not quite maxed out in our training there's the dryads okay for elves or those were how tough are you i'm taking a nine they just got rain so it's just annoying okay um here everyone come here uh or not yeah you know what just get them oh man not that was my toughest guy they just destroyed him yeah yeah not going well um maybe i'll switch this i'll be this guy he's got him he's got to figure it out what kind of ability do you have here fog cloud that seems like a good thing to have okay now i want to get not to collapse guy but i'll take you i guess [Music] stay in the fall cloud vampire noble's doing good he's lost everything we're all broken i don't think i can do it run away okay man oh i got one guy out there okay good one of us survived oh man group of six flies doing my forces great all right my ten body parts we're gonna raise up uh i'm gonna stick with the basics we're going skeleton warriors we're gonna grade get uh what can i read now what was that button before why is it because they weren't in my oh because they weren't in the inventory i guess i have them though right they're right there there they're in that spot there why can't i um why not i have this stuff hmm i think there's some funny business going on there are these permanent flies no well um this isn't going well okay let's get some training done oh hey uh so it's plus seven right so we get up to 24 with that plus whatever weapons we have which we don't have a lot of anymore so i should do like just a bunch of i need most of melee training plus three make 10 of those and there we go damage boost defense boost melee training limit another warrior now oh now i can okay i have an extra arm okay now i'm getting somewhere i think as strong as we get to attack multiple times if we have that do i make that guy yet i want to see him get made uh let the artisans do that buddy crafting right but do the other do the other thing first okay lots of things getting made more bodies um are those ones still down in the pit they're just bones now okay [Music] man so what's next step now how am i what am i going to do now that's too much that's too tough those archers are too much uh i can try the dungeon but it's a that's a main villain he's gonna have bad things at that maybe there's some peasants out there we can take out i don't need too many more points but enough to to be concerning 24 is max right until we get armor or weapons and things we got a club already oh the zombie doesn't need that take that from him okay i'm gonna make a couple of i got a little bit of wood so let's make a few things okay i've still got some more we can do a bit more let's do that okay so how you doing now buddy that's the best thing we got right it's a club yeah lots of clubs we do have a sword that you don't need to have so you can have a sword go ahead and grab that armor hey danny how's it going uh he's crafting there for my gear scroll fire might be nice or wherever my fire resistance if i remember correctly where they going out for a walk this president attacked me no one's come to my base at all oh i got more bodies from somewhere good um let's make can i make another slasher i think i'm gonna stick with the basics for now we'll upgrade later later on um i'll do yeah i'll do some of these warriors but with upgrades so like we'll give them let's go extra arms and um maybe that's a head and a a melee limit so we can go that's plus three it's pretty good like that um i want more of those though let's do a um same thing extra head training limit damage boost okay i'll take a mage with a spell training limit and you can have a um defense boost in a damage boost i actually got the spell boost one for you another warrior damage boost we'll take a defense boost guy okay so new guys how you doing actually you started you started at 20 well they all started 20. right now you're you're the one in bad shape gonna tell which ones are the the fancy guys oh here we go uh made a bone with two heads it's night time no no i'm gonna wait i'm waiting another day there's another two head guy any more harm more arms dude because you can carry all that stuff get yourself a a club or was that a sword that that guy had i know take that one sure grab a grab a shield and uh no hats you have more hats i guess that that's a that is a perk uh get some armor and a pair of shoes get a shield there and a pair of boots okay now no more dying okay that's that's the mission no more death and we're gonna go uh visit the outside of that dungeon no we don't need to go to the dungeon we're just going to scour the outsides of it uh just get a few kills and maybe we can can level up a bit we'll build a stair down here we can find down there i'd like you guys to locate yourselves up north if you want come live in my base i'll take you i don't mind having you around a few extra vampires and the stuff all red might get a stuff marked like that and what we got oh there's one more down here gold okay all right how are we doing how are we looking 29 in there it's about as uh as good as it gets i have a limit that's all 10. there's a limit of 10 on that guy so he'll get better all my good stuff was um you know what it was it was i got a lot of good gear here at the zombie lair like battle axes and things that i lost if i could maybe just go in there and just scavenge this stuff at night not not waking anybody up just go in scavenge the stuff and get out some backpack in maybe just to pick up some gear i can do it now wait till daytime or till night time perhaps that will uh help get some more stuff in here because i got garbage now and there was some good battle axes there like plus 14 or something and i'm sitting here with these plus four clubs i'm just running there real quick snag it up get out that might be the way to do it down here oh good quick let me grab everybody hello rat soldiers and rat king [Music] i died already man okay uh i gotta sort of just get out and get my people in here that'll rise to it okay let's check that out giant tree shrooms i haven't seen those before what do they do is it wood is that what that is i could use some wood this is all a woodland okay yeah zombie safe wood yeah yeah excellent who that would be so be so detrimental to zombies okay there we go uh should be able to pick all that stuff up i think we should we should haul it just in case though i'll tell them to fetch that okay back up top why am i sleeping in there this is a fancy bed i should be in there oh i prioritized that that was a zone and we can say like um it's my quarters you don't sleep in that bed sign quarters is that one there you go there was more bodies back there so we should get those in here in a minute and we'll whip up something else a tough guy got killed pretty quickly one is these double arms guy two two heads so he's one of them right someone pick that stuff up down there these zombies workers are the worst oh hey what can i do with my zombie worker can you get anything cool extra head training no just bones [Music] [Music] i didn't do anything for that um all right let me go down here for what's with the walk just for fun nothing down there there's some stuff we should probably get anyway that's and then over here and then down like that okay and was there more gold that was it uh remember it used to be we you had to is that still a thing you had to learn mining like advanced mining and you'd find to unlock the ability to see more things in the in the grounds yeah may not have that anymore you can see a few things and then once you research more then you can see more deposits and then more things more deposit after that okay new weapons yeah we're gonna go get some weapons i'm debating with whether i want to bring everyone if i just bring a couple people i think i think i'm just gonna grab a couple of maybe a couple zombies like like maybe just a backpack this guy's happy so he can be backpack backpack it's shortly of name oh he doesn't need to armor drop that we'll grab some stuff we'll we'll um grab what we can and then just get out of there as soon as night time hits and then we'll um we'll just mainly get the good stuff because uh what we got here is rough okay i get more of those things too so it's ctrl u and let's go into here zombieland and there's a bunch of stuff just not easy to get to there's a body right there is this all my stuff over here yeah it's all over this way they might have picked it up actually just come to take a look 124 bones there i'm shot in the leg oh the door's open oh no i dropped my club um i just want to look and see what's here yeah i'm dead that guy i gotta kill that guy i bet you he's the only guy there you think the other one got did was he healed i don't know if the other one is is as injured as he was even with a 29 i can't kill him okay here i'm too i'm too anxious we got to get some sort of level up so let's go to the dungeon and just peruse around we've got just a few uh bits and bobs hopefully some bobs that die easily and no hydras for instance stare down there okay farmers yep okay give me someone fire elemental i'll take that looks like a night place over there ghost [Music] [Music] okay this is getting me some body parts but that's about it [Music] what's the other question marks there was that one and then there's that one can i cross the river just fine yeah [Music] gold pieces some rats [Music] okay stay away from that and another farmer over here [Music] okay ooh hat you have a hat yet you do okay that was the question mark right that was it that was it so we have what i think is a knight down here we're going to avoid that um he didn't avoid it it's got to be what it is though yeah it's got to be what it is it's got a couple dogs out there so i'm gonna avoid that um i don't think i can kill that guy and i guess that stare down is probably the dungeon i saw as we came in you guys didn't like attack him did you let's get out of here okay uh stay away from that let's head back home always enough excellent okay so um dog killed my skeleton warrior i want uh i want iron working okay so now finally finally i can go and get some things made so let's get a iron dummy we'll set these guys up i need like a good training room which normally i like having in here you know what i don't need all this space for this stuff so let's just make this a training room um so remove those and remove that there we go we'll do that uh i can also go with my workshop get a forge over there and make some real weapons pillage away take all your bodies puts up to 32 37 [Music] 44 bodies okay now do i want to go and start splurging on some like zombie kings how do i get a dragon that's the big question uh let me give you how many body parts can i put into you zombie king i've got a bunch yeah put them all in there it's still only 42. hopefully it's worth it so he's a 15 plus seven and hopefully that'll give him a bunch a bunch of good stuff okay and i'll take a um i'll take a zombie a vampire brute with some an extra head he bites right extra head melee limit is good maybe a couple of melee limits um [Music] i'll hold off on that until i get it do i get the spell boost thing i can have five so we can give him some melee training limits okay um okay let's do that do a journal also he's expensive let's defense defense boost okay get to work let's make an army hey style crime how's it going that's a fancy fancy badge you got there all right um now that i have that they can get some pretty good training as soon as we get it built you know whatever that may be where's my where's my um are they still alive let's prioritize that get those done okay so that puts us up to okay another one come train i should put gaps in them and think about that jellyfish things are i think it has to do with my phylactery because it wasn't there until i built that something i can figure his smackdown ran away i'm gonna throw everyone into there i got more of meg i think still right yeah once everyone gets made we'll take a look i think not until i start getting strength and defense numbers up there am i going to go out and wander out there again because i want to go we know we can get into the zombie place and get my weapons back um i got lost i lost a bunch of them at the actually you know i think i may have lost more of them at the spider place that one that's almost dead if i get someone up to at least like he he's a 49 defense offense so let me start getting some real armor which we can make now so i want some chain armor because 40 we got plenty of it take 10 of those i got some iron helms ten shields and i'll make a few swords i was that i what that is infernite that's what this but this one is i don't i'm not familiar with infernite and all those i've never got there i'll throw some of that stuff in there this i think the next step is going to be cool weapons um i think it's actually going to be i don't know maybe the embalming but i think the sorcerer's gonna be the best the best best next thing advanced sorcery and we get some real mages in here i want to make sure that my zombies aren't the one picking up this stuff okay zombie king you have a cool sword good he knew ends of those yet not yet they're working on it though when they get done we'll get some of that plus 10 limits uh where's my best my best guys for limits i know that that's supposed to be more did they start with more three he starts with 26. well it was no it wasn't one of these guys it was one of that one let me expand my graveyard a bit let me just dig it out then let's put a graveyard over here and we'll put the library uh over this way it's bad it was a vamp it was a vampire warrior i thought that's the guy that i put extra stuff into was it was it oh marco here yeah limit 22 22. so he he's gonna be fantastic once he gets there uh if i can find something cool i'll give it to you here take take a sword i'll take a shield though get the good stuff whatever good stuff i can i have you get especially someone like that has it you drop your stuff you have anything buddy you can have a club it's fine okay as long as i'm not picking things up then everything else everyone else will get it so it's fine uh where am i at that guy's a little a little naked there uh oh check out my zombie king he's cool looking look at that guy he's just gonna stand there and sleep am i here i am what do i have uh it's fine those those aren't too big a deal i'll drop that someone can pick that one up okay well some floors down and turn this into a graveyard my time is almost over we're going to keep letting him let him go all night uh this time i think by the time next time next day hits we'll have everyone raised i don't want to say we're going to go out on an adventure yet because i don't know we're ready for that yet i don't know why we'll be ready for that juggernaut though look 43 that's what i'm talking about i'd like you to have some gear buddy so why don't you get a uh a sword from should take it from him where's those new shields i'm supposed to be making uh take a hat from that guy and uh take my gloves and some boots get some better armor get some good stuff um one of those yeah i know i can fill it with with graves but um i'll get there whenever i need to this guy's got nothing how's it going here you still crafting these things yeah let me get another artisan maybe probably just one more is fine i'm leaning on that slash again but he's got such a terrible defense and we'll give him oh wait wait wait i want to get before i do that i want to get the this thing which gives me the spell not the spell damage boost but the spell training limit i want to throw that on him that's all i care to put on him and either way they're not they're not training anymore that means they hit the limit usually yeah they're all there there's a shield as a hat what can we put in here whipping posts i'm bringing those in yet gallows uh i haven't been eyeballing either which i guess isn't really that nothing's attacking me so i'm really surprised nothing's attacked me yet painting canvas on our walls there so we get this painting done and i get a noble now and give him yeah i can i'll wait i want i want i want um five of those i just made it okay uh i went i want two of those what's it do for me let me turn by three so it's gonna give me another 15 uh spell training limits let me see this guy when he comes out he won't know the new spells though willie i have to have the new upgrade for that 22 limit oh that's just on that okay let's put down a uh just a couple books i guess the case is there 48 mr juggernaut what kind of defense you got you get a better shield i know there's some iron ones out there yeah they don't need them okay you guys have anything good no um mages you're fine um artisans don't need that someone else have those [Music] it's getting late but i wanna i wanna get somewhere how tough do you think a uh an unremarkable dungeon is i don't know my my main goal though is take out that knight that's all i care about i may just send a few in there to get them because most these guys are just gonna be fodder i don't think we don't need that but like the the juggernaut the vampire brute the zombie king and maybe a couple of warriors you guys got nothing that's all your stuff that's uh get an iron shield and get a hat yeah and nothing's going to go wrong i'm sure be fine my armor and take some boots i mean why does all the low guys have all this good stuff take a hat take some gloves and [Music] take his armor more boots we have a few that have some skills then [Music] get your sword buddy you're being very slow at getting your sword spending the night not getting your sword where is this guy is he sleeping or something go get your sword he's cuz he's sleeping um whale um let's do it okay uh do i take everyone or just a few i'm gonna take everyone and it's gonna be the one time we actually get attacked because everyone's away i know it but we're gonna go i might kick out just a few of you just a few you worthless ones okay no offense okay now i will take uh i want mr juggernaut here let's go on a trip so we're going to go to the spider because that was where right i think in the right place i think so what is that oh dang mage do you see something oh hello i haven't missed you guys before oh hello spider why you're mighty tough um webbed apparently is that what's going on am i tangled not anymore stop webbing me got him you like servants of the spiders that was going on here what's the purple thing there okay how many of us do they kill can i move um hey buddy why can't i move what am i stuck on here there we go okay i made it out the door over here too okay what you got in your little chest there buddy rats it's a strange thing to keep in a chest take your five gold that makes more sense i'll take a fire elemental uh he will be very handy whenever it comes to what's going on over here with his knight okay so i think this is all my stuff there's a helmet there there's a sword a nice battle axe which i will take and i'm going to use i'll lose my is my shield which i might need no no going in there we're doing it uh let me go ahead and equip you what's going to get here all right you already have you don't have a sword so take the sword take the hat as well [Music] and then next what else can we find here we got a hat which you don't have [Music] sword which is better what you got it sounds like i've hit the jackpot here but it's just all my loot this guy's already got a lot of good stuff he's really needing this stuff uh i'll take the healing you should have things already too where my battle ax is at take that all right um i want the peasant slayer is his name nice i want you okay we can do it we can do it we can do it we can do it please there he is he's stabbed already i'm gonna scoot over here oh there's more than one of them he's flanked he ain't so tough knock knock okay uh you come to me please how many of you are in there me a night no don't go charging in there done okay what's up here money hot takes yeah yeah i'll take i'll take it off hooray all right 16 religious pamphlets excellent just what i wanted so many i can't even carry them all all right i'm done i'm done going to bed three amazing battle axes on the ground here we lost a few folks uh but it's it's it's okay okay just take these things um all right uh we did that was everything right we got the um yeah that was everything we've got all the good stuff so let's get out we have an elementalist over there let's go home and continue on now uh let's pillage i'll take all of that i'll take all of those i'll take all that stuff and what do you got whatever you got and i'll take my level which i will have some advanced sorcery previous drivers dropping off equipment for my my main party that's correct exactly uh yeah yeah i guess i guess you never do never truly lose anyone as a necromancer uh let's do some some building i got 41 body parts let's go and make some more juggernauts i like them they are my friends and i don't have any cool they're cool let me let me get more of that what time is it i gotta go to bed soon but uh i don't wanna stop i'll have an extra head because you know i lose my head a lot so we'll do that we'll do like 10 of those 11's fine and then i want the i think the best ones against dwarves uh is against the training limit melee training limit that's good that's really good make 20 of those okay everyone go get your gear i got some more folks are going to have to make i think i'm also going to make some more juggernauts though see emily have a good one how do i make a bone dragon bone dragon what do you take how do i make you huge and made of bone with four legs and two wings how do i make you it says i could make you but i can't there's any more i've got advanced necromancy it unlocks master master necromancy which i don't have that one no i have masternode yeah so i have it why don't i can't make it real problems gonna be when we go against those those dryads gonna be they're gonna be the real problem [Music] maybe throw some more fog out um i could probably go take out the other knight right there's another knight out there that we could kill pretty easily now i think because um i believe in our abilities now this guy's broken so he's i'm kicking him out see you masteleth have a good one let's throw in can i um add you to the list yeah that works maybe you're already in there oh yeah you are so you can get in there that's it pokey nobles are in there i think zombie king of course yeah he's there the mages they're there and juggernauts okay and then others juggernaut should be able to be made now with some melee training limits how many of these gonna do three yeah do three of those another juggernaut let's do a few of these okay we'll do three of those uh let me get some new books like that we can get some real spell casters in here now let's put in a zombie mage with some spell training limits oh look at him he's a 57 now what oh man 57 oh man it's so great okay juggernaut the knight slayer is his name 57 what's his defense well like 38 seem like that could be a little better 57 he's gonna hit get hit once and he's going to be dead he can go take out a night but is it night time yet as soon as that time we're going out there we've got a few training little training to do with our juggernauts they're all pretty terrible you guys have any any good gear no you get garbage i make sure you guys have the good stuff he doesn't need a battle axe uh get some good armor which i can probably make yeah let me make some good stuff i got plenty of iron let's whip out some more armor here plenty i think uh get some hats out there and some more boots some more gloves my two crafters gonna go get to work i haven't made any archers we could probably do some we could probably do some uh you know some real good archers at some point i'm making it mad 41 42 defense not too bad i think you know i think uh our dwarves like a 45 attack maybe 50 dwarves are nasty we haven't seen them yet they're one of my enemies though i think yeah dwarfs over there um so we got two lesser ones done we can go try to take out this main main dungeon here as soon as that time hits my guys get leveled up just wait till we get all completely geared up before we do that kind of army you guys nothing grab a good hat and get the gloves and boots take his boots away oh and get a good weapon um my last battle actually go to you you guys need to have all the battle axes take that one okay uh vampire doesn't know how to animate corpses it sounds like something that's going to be a good thing to have what kind of spell what's that spell do for me sunflies panic three corpses from the surroundings i'm assuming it's a tie there's a cooldown on it visibility seems nice damage bonus and you just learn blindness and pacify okay nighttime's here should we go should we go i'm gonna go i'm just too excited about what i've got here there's only a few these guys are going in it's fine the rest can stay behind because i get attacked the nobles are going in the zombie king is uh is going correct yep and three mages okay you guys going in right let's grab old 57 here and let's get out of here now um i think i'm going to take out this unremarkable dungeon how hard can it be i think i might always ghosts i think i uh i know where it is over here wait for everyone to get here okay oh wait wait and down we go i'll take it i'm a little concerned that the dungeon is offering healing potions as i get to it how tough are you a jackal oh this isn't the dungeon is it what is that lava golem burned by the fire he broke he hurt my arm and i don't have a weapon now i'm gonna lose are we even hurting him 36 defense what are you you're not going to hurt him we pacified him how long is that going to last without switching places with him i want to pacify him all right pass by there we go got him there's a dwarf over there what is that okay here's some splashes do we have a healing potion on my guy that's really good you so i'm gonna fix your arm up i'm too scared now i'm gonna run away i'm scared i'm gonna lose everybody worked too hard to get these guys i'm afraid they're all gonna die now i'll take the hat i'll take the speed potion sure just a bat down there there's me another like lava golem i'm gonna die can i walk on this come here dang bats this guy doesn't know can you use it oh yeah i guess one arm's bad the other one can have a sword that's just gonna run away so it's like is it like a boss down here is that how we finish this thing up [Music] sleepy tribe leader there's a clay golem he needs to attack them great another one always a friend again i'm on the ground i'm collapsed got him place is burning down now we're going to go through that um move down and go more you know what i've had enough let's go back i've done enough killing for one day let's go back i don't know did we lose anybody we lost one warrior my main oh amazing guy to get fixed up before we venture on again so we'll wait just a little bit longer then with what we got here i can bring another one in i think do i have the stuff for it uh training limits yeah another one not another one that was i think i lost one of my mages came in with some training limits let's go and remove that one and i want to put in can i put another phylactery in what does it do for me plus one luxury plus one i'm not quite sure what that's gonna do for me greece's morale is that what it is some of those flies we need them okay that's armor going out right um hopefully my buddy's getting uh patched up here how do we fix this guy can i fix him it's just injured can you take like a um all right healing potions i'm gonna get some better armor i need to be better buddy you were amazing remember when you were amazing i remember it was a good time i'd like you to have that back [Music] okay stick with what i got i think i'm happy with what i've got started here um and then once i get my five juggernauts done maybe some more i think then it's time we charge out and uh destroy everything take that warhammer off their hands of my hands and put on a nice hat and some gloves grab yourself some boots okay jewelry be nice to have if i can get some more 57's it'd be real nice man is he not gonna get is it is not possible to fix him up i assumed injured would be something that would get healed over time maybe not with undead [Music] see that big guy oh my god i can't see what oh orland is over here also i think my ally is but i finally came out to get there dryads i'm scared of we can check on the elementalist he might be um doable but it's gonna hang out for a bit we'll just sit back nothing's attacking us so no worries i hang out here for a little bit um and uh we could maybe do some searching down below look at that we got the trees here let's go see about uh digging down a little bit further see if we can find pretty sure i need more more zombies i thought maybe i could give him give him a job to haul okay more wood down here let's grab uh yeah we'll grab everyone [Music] just a quick check down here my staircase there i don't know where there it is okay dwarf skeletons are in here dwarves and rats the rats can cross it these rats kill all the dwarves in here huh like a river going through this place uh that's it okay that shouldn't be it'll be that won't be a problem what's with the uh the pink around him does that mean you guys might kill off my my um my um my zombies i can't know what i can do about it i don't have i didn't bring any bowmen i'll make those perhaps i should make a boom have some damage boost and go kill some rats okay it's night time is it time to go kill something um yeah bring that archer with you everyone can go let's go to the elementalist let's see what we've got got some peasants over here kill them real easy everyone stand your ground and wait for them to come to you okay oh sorry no more standing your ground okay and there's an elementalist out here somewhere where are they at that way so look across the bridge and see what's going on here what's the skelly's something bad over there i don't know that i can handle a whole group of nights again with what i've got yeah i'm not going in there i see everybody let's go over here where's this elemental is that there's something over here it's like another night though as long as they come in small numbers i can handle them why is there a bunch of body parts in the chest it's a little disturbing um all right we can do it we can do it anybody home what are you water elemental which i don't want to kill [Music] doesn't matter i'll kill either of them uh what if i throw you guys how do you guys feel about poison listen to range attacks uh what if i um maybe i blind you oh i'm dead i'm way down here now i'm blind i don't know what happened because i'm blind what are you doing out here and there's an air elemental right elementalist of course there's our elemental um i don't really want this guy's hurt he's hurt this guy can do it oh he's not feeling too good either okay air elemental [Music] where's the stairs is that [Music] earth elemental [Music] okay my neck is broken wow he's still out here [Music] i don't know where the stairs are oh man i'm just gonna die as soon as i get up there no i'm not doing this it's so close what's gonna happen hey unknown fun i don't know um maybe but if they're all like crammed in that little room i don't see it happening and they're all gonna hit me at one time it's gonna be broadband i gotta have like one really strong guy to take that out i don't have that okay we'll go home [Music] yeah we'll go home now that everyone's injured take more body parts make more people um i need to call it a day i probably should go to bed so i'm gonna do that um it's uh everything died those elemental i was so close but i just i just uh yeah i just everyone's broken he's blind now they're all messed up i got a bunch of body parts so i can get these guys made again and we can the good news is we can remake them there's nothing there's nothing special about them uh i can make this slash we're gonna do with this guy three slots extra head extra training limit so we put him up to pretty good he's a really weak defense it's only defense by three make one of those and uh a couple more of these juggernauts i think how many bottom parts do i have quite a few the one that i have is still alive i think i keep forgetting to put him in there let me find somebody uh find me someone someone to write and we'll go write somebody for the end of this stream 70 parts make that guy uh and then we're gonna go bring in another juggernaut with this with not that one the um melee training limits another one i'm gonna go with uh with like a defense boost plus nine defense maybe that's what we need maybe i needed more defense oh i got another level up though hey check it out uh master sorcery magical weapons um we can get some good weapons i don't know what i want there's so much good stuff uh that's good spells which could be really handy but two-handed weapons can be really nice i have most of that stuff though i may have just left lost a bunch of it um what do we what do we learn with master sorcery what can you learn buddy can you tell me what does it say i don't know where i can see what you i know i saw you somewhere there it is so you get advanced anime corpses will be what you get later on i'm gonna stick with limited life range damage boost permanent fast training laboratory proficiency boost multi weapon efficiency boost you know just stick with i think i think two handed weapons is going to be that's it let's just do that you know how to make that really easy just make some some very fancy battle axes give everyone a battle axe maybe some armor okay uh i need to go to bed um i'll get there i'll get there i'll get that i promise i'll get there but um in a minute that and never no one has a really good defense he's the best so i think maybe we take him we just give him some defense boosts an extra head why not and we get our take our juggernauts out there we fill him up with battle axes this guy's all broken everyone's all broken now i'm a king these guys are just in the 30s which isn't very good anymore it's like no no good for us at all flasher is killed why what's he doing outside why i don't understand that's the most frustrating thing why why are they doing it what why would he go outside what was the reason for him to go outside he's expensive he cost me six of those things plus all the stuff i put on him and he just walks outside maybe i should lock the yeah lock the door no one else goes outside everyone's out yeah permanently no one goes out there anyway okay train up real good uh we making those juggernauts where am i at what am i doing i'm sleeping time to go get some work done buddy oh did i do it already i had more than one i guess i didn't i thought i had more more doughnuts to be made i know i did what happened to him there's bodies out there and i locked it and so now they won't go get them no i don't know i lose my mind i know i had them set up here why didn't they um i'm confused he's a 15 look at him he's got 25 legs two wings and 43 heads look at this guy if anyone can kill that stuff it's him okay okay i'm going to bed in a minute but a 59 zombie king is is it that's our guy i'll make another one if i could but i don't have the body parts anymore for some reason maybe they all went into him but if he really is as good as he says he is um oh what am i okay i'm getting tired okay give me a little break a little sleepy there they are i found them okay 59 there we've got 47 and all around and all kinds of other stuff uh everyone seems to have battle axes though i mean he doesn't carry battle axes he doesn't need him okay so that guy's got a bow uh let's see i need to get some armor made for everybody i need to make sure that these guys aren't carrying armor um i guess actually you probably can use them not gonna hurt anything as long as you guys aren't carrying stuff you don't need it give it to the warriors don't pick up that battle axe you don't either okay artisans you know they always pick stuff up as soon as they make it they pick it up there probably is a way just turn it to where they don't pick things up they don't certainly certainly don't need it stop picking it up let the warriors have it and relax okay good good um we get some more armor made they're working on it right you'll be in a minute any minute you're working on it we got seven more chain armors coming in we'll probably get a few more of those as much as we can you know it's it's one of those like it's uh um what's the word snowball snowball is a word once we get a super tough guy if we can get him to survive and really buff him up we set made in the shade uh but getting to that point is tough and these guys i can't wait too much about him i can't give him any gear uh but if i can get myself a good zombie a good juggernaut and give him some real stuff like something like that it's got good armor give him a nice hat there you go and i don't even get any metal uh jewelry let's get it get a 15 one i know some 15 ones out there is just the two okay we'll keep what you got he can't wear anything he can't wait man you can make something nasty though if you could do something like this if you could fill in 199 body parts imagine what you can make that'd be nasty okay i know we're not fully trained but i think i can i don't need i can't have a lot of people going in there so i'm gonna make a new team i want um just zombie king in there and i'll take other zombie king i'll take a good juggernaut another good juggernaut another good juggernaut and i think that's probably it i'll take one of my mages just to have him around okay i'm happy with that so just you guys zombie king let's go get this guy are you hurt oh right [Music] okay where was this thing at right here okay so here a minute for him to show up old slow guy here he is [Music] everyone hop on in okay found the party got him is that it oh i oh you just kill that and it kills all of them well that was a lot easier than it was i expected okay let's get out of here done uh okay um let's go home you guys can go you guys can go back now you know we'll just stand there why are they moving why aren't they moving oh it's locked the door is locked okay okay come on in okay i'll take all your stuff i'll take your 68 bones also and i'm gonna use those 68 bones and uh maybe a corpse or two if i can no i need two more bodies i mean another one he's uh he's in bad shape that one juggernaut he's real bad uh next up um better sorcery yeah let's make a golden bookcase better spells okay he made it in time block that door ooh orlan is is available now i think we go get them let me go get let's go get orlan uh we'll do it at um at night time we'll go get orlan as soon as we can um what time is it yeah um we'll just see what orlan's all about maybe orleans easy if orlan's really easy we'll just go stomping you know we'll just walk in kick the door down go smack whirling around done uh i i have uh four of these right so we got one done there's number two i gotta get uh the dwarves and the what's the other one oh this guy right the dungeon dungeons are annoying it's so big as everyone gets all spread out and it causes some problems and appears we can't heal ourselves healing potions don't seem to work he's going to get some advanced source right here in a minute yep ym8 corpses excellent [Music] [Music] you get more of those corpses in here and i can get another uh something with a zombie king how do i see how many bones i have a way of seeing a bunch of laying around we just picked up 68 of them oh my juggernaut still provides a skeleton there's only like two or so in each one of these oh that one's got two 26 267 267 imagine if yeah if i get one of these guys with like 199 body parts game over anyone here okay with not going out in the daytime you don't mind here i'm taking just you and i'm gonna go to the zombies because there's like a there was a lot of body parts wasn't there did i did i pick them all up oh this is where this guy is oh yeah this guy's here i don't like this guy this guy's the worst anyway get away from him he's the worst don't die please i forgot i forgot he was still alive also i went on daytime just fine for him but uh oh that wasn't there before was it [Music] [Music] more corpses okay let's wait till we get just a little bit longer okay here we go i was gonna say we get orland but i'm starting to think maybe we go there's a little blue spot there maybe we go get uh we take out that knight first that's our first stop tonight's the worst let me kings you in there he's a 60. [Music] okay we'll take amazing zombie king and we're gonna go get em get all them legs gotta be good with all them legs come on night time okay let's go get him he's at this one there he is right there what's he attack at 27 he's shooting my friends not today come to me okay those up and uh that was it that was it too easy okay um let's go let's go um take out orlan someone has darkness cast on us where's this orlan fella at i don't know some skellies around ah orland's over here it's a player one a player made one how tough are they 32 30s maybe they may have some of some of me my my uh my big guys so this might be bad what is that oh it's it's just flying bones [Applause] wait here everyone everyone gather up how tough are you not tough i have to do is kill orlan let's go find him i found their defenses 40 he said a 52 defense [Music] we made him we made him like us uh is that the guy this guy is that is that the one i don't know well okay wait what do you make this we would he be friends did they like become mars friends forever [Music] this guy built a cool base i'm blind [Music] oh no i died my amazing i died what did it it wasn't you [Music] those are these flying wings and oh yeah these are net holy cow this is nasty [Music] oh man i died again everyone stand your ground let our animated bones attack your animated bones my anime bones are amazing i know guys they're that tough blind again yeah those animated bones do all the work [Music] popped in behind us [Music] i don't want to run out there i'm gonna have to to kill that guy oh they have an abomination 63 attack 51 damage i don't think i can do that where's your keeper at bring him out here um i bet you he's in this little area though oh he came in one swing he bit me and ripped my internal organs out like this is it i need you to cast something cool like um no none of those give us some flies i guess um and uh what what's the good one the animate you don't know how to do it you don't anybody that knows no they're all dead are you right here he doesn't know it either none of them know the good spell anymore they kill them all either has it is it no done for yup i think uh i think it might be it for uh for this for this run oh there it is i missed that okay advance those course animate those corpses did it kill did it kill him the bonus of course it did it wow okay and you do have the same spell okay so i'm gonna let those things do the work here comes one of these guys that guy needs to die where's the pacify him cannot if i can't see him pass by this guy okay animated bones all around defense bonus uh i need a um panic on you no yeah that's more flies i don't know why they're just standing over here i'm sure what's going on are you just blind or something i'm just hanging out oh that's why ha forget about that button ouch took my arm away he ripped my arm off um oh there he is there's orlan we gotta kill orlan that's all we have to do let's kill orlan if i can invisible and then get up on him and then uh what's my attack dwight can i even do this i've taken 19 i could probably kill him i just have to get come here come here come here yes yes i want to attack that guy i gotta wait for my that thing to come out give me bonus everybody he right there he's always almost dead panic him oh no oh it's a straight line no um flies he dead he just died i think wasn't that him and it must not have been because i would have said something critically wounded or then the keeper is killed i win isn't that it it's all over game over man game over without a fancy sword um one of my doughnuts would sure like to have that if they didn't have missing arms and heads they'd be they'd really like to have it are you safe to step out spooky sounds oh hello why is it supposed so spooky why is it so spooky i'm scared what is that what's happening um defense bonus uh let's go with flies and um perception is always good a cyclops brain what what is that [Music] he's got his little friends out oh who killed me i didn't see anybody oh man i don't have a mage anymore you doing back here is that a bad guy yeah i lost but i i think i won oh man i can't get out of here now oh run away buddy go home i killed the keeper but i killed the keeper so um clearly we've triggered orlan but orlan's dead all right now i'm gonna make a zombie king with oh i gotta have a lot there's gotta be a lot more than that look at look at all these parts oh no that's not good nope nope nope he's triggered but ain't nothing else uh i'm surprised i you know normally you kill the you kill the keeper it's all over i don't know how that works oh whoops let my guy in sorry buddy come on in wherever you are my one skeletal warrior he's got no heads he lost two heads uh he he has he's only got one leg he's just hopping along but we're we're very proud of him he did a good job all right i'm going to bed uh this is it i got i got to get out of here so um i don't know why i didn't uh didn't get that but um i may have to come back later on and finish this up if i can it's not gonna be easy though because i'm gonna have to go back to uh like start off oh you know what it probably was you think it has something to do with the phylactery the free or soul from your body increases so maybe like i killed that but i have to break the phylactery that probably has something to do with it i betcha nothing's in it's not in alphabetical order so who knows but i bet ya it makes sense if it's uh if it's necromancy you know or lich yeah got it that's got to be it all right um i'm gonna go to bed so i'm gonna save it and um i may come back if i'm uh up for it it's gonna be tough because i'm gonna have to like sort of sort of start a bit over um i can run over there i guess and grab some some um body parts and things but um anyway i'm going to bed uh we'll find someone over here to uh to to raid
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 46,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, indie games, nookrium, gaming, strategy games, dwarf fortress, base building, city Building, keeperrl, keeperrl dragon keeper, keeper rl, keeperrl dwarves, keeperrl 33, keeperrl necromancer
Id: k3XeHrIjFKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 15sec (13575 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 04 2021
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