THE IMPERIUM'S WORST JOBS - Part 2 | WARHAMMER 40,000 Lore / History

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] within the bowels of the imperium the souls that lie down in the filth decay and horror it's difficult for those poor wretches to consider themselves within the vision and the light of the emperor of man for his gloriously as the imperium presents itself in the depths of the human spirit and the lowest levels of its vast hive cities languish those in eternal despair never to know anything other than a life of hardship toil and suffering the rotten core of humanity's galactic empire this is why it remains its own worst enemy so here is where you'll find the most acute fracture points for discontent and those with nothing left to live for other than turn their souls over to the darkest whisperings that bleed into our reality from the realm behind our own it's worth remembering also that for those who live in the imperium the phrase jobs is relatively inaccurate most people's assignments are not what we might consider jobs they are more worker assignments this though is of course dependent on the world you find yourself upon for there are those within realm such as ultramar where degrees of independence are far more commonplace another aspect i've spoken to before is that within the imperium there is no standardized currency system in the sense of a currency used by all including ordinary citizenry anyway and to do so would be challenging if not nearly impossible given the distance scale and instability of the imperium as a whole while many hive worlds for example use ambiguously titled credits individual systems may have their own localized currencies and other feudal planets can even operate on a more basic barter system supplemented with very rudimentary coinage there exists a unit of value known as the throne gelt which is as close to being universal payment as exists this is often exclusively used by traders road traders inquisitors and other imperial officials who travel between systems and sectors of the galaxy however you end up being compensated for your services though it's most unlikely that you as an ordinary pleb citizen would have a literal choice in the direction of your life upon most worlds there is this sort of any education beyond the basic laws to follow and how to operate machinery most people live with passed down knowledge on how to survive as a human in the most basic sense and those humans in the eyes of the imperium are merely flesh mata they are unimportant dust motes in the grand scale of the imperium and you are as much a raw material asset to the imperium as much as is or ammunition or other consumables so now let us continue to explore the true horror of 40k for it is not the glory and service of the astartes it is the mind-numbing drudgery the lack of hope the acceptance of banality that is the true horror for humans in the nightmare that is the 41st millennium many welcome death when it comes and others mutter about the madness of their own the imperium directs its rage and fury outwardly to the zenos and the heretic but it is much to blame for the extreme levels of suffering inflicted upon the many trillions of ordinary citizens across the entire galaxy as much as those who would seek to see it permanently obliterated if you yourself were here how would you serve what role would you see yourself in if you have a worse 40k job in mind as always throw it in the comments and maybe i'll include it in a part 3 of this series so then the horror in the darkness of the 41st millennium humanity has fallen into a true abyss of moral and ethical darkness human lives are bizarrely fought for ferociously in terms of the preservation of the collective empire that is the emperor's imperium yet individual lives are treated as little more than a material commodity conversion to servitures archo flagellance and the like thinking feeling human beings stripped of both their humanity and their minds turned to mush with regularity the imperium also uses techniques like mind wiping of problematic or troublemaking individuals those they consider compromised or even just a risk factor mind wipes are usually achieved through a flood of neurochemicals being injected to the base of the cranium steadily erasing personal memories and identity like a cold clouded fog drifting through the mind of an individual this is not isolated in use for conversion of humans to serve it as slaves it also can be used for astartes especially those in the gray nights where mind wiping is standard practice to protect them from themselves while facing demons that might twist and distort their memory of loved ones to become weapons against an individual mind wipes though are not always the default practice for control of humans in low status service many in fact exist in a state of servitude but are only subjected to damaging processes like mind wipes should it be strictly necessary and this can sometimes occur for those who live in service to the mechanicus they are known as the tech thralls thralls however are not like servatures they are still classified as human at least in terms of their minds anyway they retain thoughts of their hopes and dreams they hold on to fears and expressed desires some tech thrills burn brighter than others in their feelings but most are depressingly broken individuals worn down to shells of human being through the endless drudgery of their existence brutality tough shifts of menial labor most would gladly welcome death when it finally comes they may be known as adsecularis tax files they exist primarily as the servant class of the adeptus mechanicus cybernetically adapted humans who retain some semblance of humanity they sit just above servitus in ranking but far below all others they're adapted by the mechanicus to ensure they remain both obedient and efficient and while the humanity is left more intact than that of a servature's conversion where servitors are effectively brain dead and merely motorized flesh matter it's entirely debatable as to whether this is in fact a more humane fate than that of the adaptation and subsequent assignments which mean becoming a tech thrall where your life is all but consigned to oblivion yet left within your shell are the last threats of your humanity screaming from the inside out in the eyes of the mechanicus however they are simply a necessary adaptation and each subject is suitable although often they select the most disposable individuals troublemakers deserters prisoners condemned criminals and the like although it should be noted that those selected for the role of a text trial may equally hail from just ordinary citizenry when needs must humans selected for conversion will be augmented with basic cybernetics commonly this involves limb removal and degrees of exoskeletal reinforcement to enable workers to then carry heavy loads and operate large-scale machinery and other industrial tasks they also may be subjected to relatively low tech optical and other interface adaptation lastly there may be some cranial surgery where some mind erasure can take place for the most troublesome offensive individuals the thrall class of human will obey any order given by the mechanicus or other imperial authority they are in effect drones but while much of their humanity is stripped away they do still attempt to retain something or some semblance of a society within themselves or as much as it can be classified as such it may seem that to a degree they are not far away from the levels of subjugation inflicted upon ordinary citizens of the imperium but swales exist in fact barely above servitus they just have the unfortunate terminal torture of being very aware of it thralls were originally created by the mechanicum out of necessity and this development occurred during the period of imperial expansion known as the great crusade culminating in the horus heresy it's unclear as to why but for whatever reason they became an intense need for something slightly above servitus which used formally human biological matter and after effectively lobotomization of a subject servitus became a biocybernetic component system thralls are more akin to straight cyborgs their consciousness and memory are generally not extinguished before being processed into their new form the conversion process to textiles is a fate for many of a forged world's population should they prove substandard in their duties or commit some other transgression against members of the mechanicus and the mechanicus hate wasting things why simply dispose of a troublesome human when they can serve the almighty cog until death upon mechanicus forge world's text roles form a massive part of the expendable labor force and this is standard across the imperium there will of course still be large components of standard humans but trials are commonplace if files are to be used for military purposes by the mechanicus this is when they are designated as the ad secularis and this is of course a role that they are well suited for after being outfitted with basic weapons systems and bodily protection they will march to war as basically humanoid fodder they are an unrelenting force of mentally alive soldiers yet with no will of their own puppeted by mechanicus tex it's not entirely dissimilar to some other machinery used by the tech priests who are seemingly more skilled with wet wear than they are the artificial systems of intelligence perhaps for obvious reasons being the latter is strictly outlawed tech trials will advance into the most ferocious enemy onslaught without apparent fear and are formed into so-called covenants their primary weapon is like so much in the imperium weight of numbers sending wave after wave of their own men at the enemy and making any foe seem quite simply a trifle thralls are unfortunately for them just as susceptible to injury as any guardsman except they have the additional misery of being very dulled externally in response to their injuries internally it's likely a sliding scale of just how much or how little individual thralls actually feel for some it's perhaps akin to being a servant of the plague god whereby any injury barely registers in terms of pain for other thralls who perhaps still burn bright in the mind but lack will of their own it's going to be comparable to awakening during surgery but remaining trapped in an unresponsive body all of this of course irrelevant to the machine god flesh will be torn away but knowledge must remain eternal all of this though is not actually why text files feature in this second offering of worth jobs the reasoning for their inclusion is that no matter their service record longevity or otherwise general usefulness the ultimate fate of any tech trial or adsecularis is to be recycled into servitude components their augmented implants will be harvested for continued use there is no hope for them other than remaining defective inferior being in the allies of the mechanicus and general humanity they exist as the condemned and the despised death is a release when it comes until they of course enter the realm beyond now also allow me to immediately contradict myself for there is one other notable class of ad secularis but it is a very minimal class generally speaking these are the titan ad secularis can you guess to which role they're assigned it's titans different legios can refer to the tax trials under them with other terms than adsecularis and will even sometimes address them with clean tabards and other simple cloth to give them a level of dignity not for themselves obviously but to not offend the sanctity of the machine in its spirit this is perhaps one of the exceptions to the rule as thralls who serve within a titan may sometimes be gifted minimal benefits by its tech priests augmetics and so forth mostly these so-called gifts can be interpreted more for the mechanicus wanting to increase efficiency aboard a titan than give anything to a thrall but still for the thrall it's equally beneficial it is perhaps the single ray of hope for a thrall to serve aboard a god machine of the mechanicus and in doing so achieve a sliver of dignity and appreciation for their service for the remaining unwashed masses it's a lifetime of otherwise condemned misery now the selection of chapters surf as a worse job will undoubtedly be a contentious selection because it honestly is somewhat subjective in many ways serving as a serf for the astartes can only be seen as the highest honor and any service to the imperium in the emperor is a glorious duty and want to be held with immense pride not to mention the fact that serfs are generally well treated in relatively safe environments also educated above ordinary humans who live miserable trudging lives in hive cities around pollution disease crime and most often abominable conditions serfs on the other hand will live within chapter monasteries of astartes surrounded by glorious sculptures artisan works and of course on a daily basis serve first hand those who are the descendants of the emperor himself in a manner of speaking give me a break so why would surfs be included like i said it depends on your point of view so hear me out and it's also a very literal sliding scale there are many examples of ordinary humans serving the astartes who would rise to hold ranks such as house carl or aquary at the other end of the scale there are those who will live lives which again i feel can be torturous surfs are very often failed space marines who for one reason or another did not meet the grade when it came to the progression of becoming a space marine now they have to live lives away from their homeworld their family and they may live in shame and humiliation every single day the fact that their son never became in a studies or perhaps they live in mistaken delusion believing still a slim chance that they were in fact converted to an astartes the serf's life though can be wide ranging some will be abused on near-daily basis by studies masters who look down upon them and remind them of their own humanity something they hate they will throw continual demeaning shame toward them at every opportunity summer studies chapters and especially those who would fall into darkness during the heresy like the death guard would punish serfs with brutal physical penalties for minor arrows in service unsurprisingly the iron warriors as well but for many serfs the daily existence of being permanently reminded of their failures yet simultaneously knowing they must continue to serve the emperor is something of a bizarre torture yes they are rewarded by the me ability and glory of serving the astartes but the continual personal humiliation of knowing they just lost out or they didn't make the cut never ceases to burn inside some serfs though will make actual close friendships and bonds with the more reasonable and forward-thinking astartes chapters for those though that lean toward the edge of acceptable practices existence as a serf can be a daily trial for survival punctuated with broken limbs and other intolerable punishments like so many things it's subjective and relative all humans position their outlook from their own place relative to others and while it's easy to say well look at that poor sap cleaning the drains from a toxic spill in a hive basement sure surf has it better comparably for a surf though such thoughts will be a cold comfort while their astati's master is belittling them for the thousandths time being made to endure some long lasting physical trial to prove their continued worth and any other daily misery that they may have to endure for serfs who find themselves in that position suddenly the life of an agricultural worker might seem quite appealing is a chapter surf a worse job possibly but it's really the luck of the draw for the lucky ones it's a life of honoured service and a glowing pride deep inside that they held an opportunity to continue to serve the emperor despite their own shortcomings for other serves though it's a lifetime of personal reminders that when it came to it they fell short and this is then permanently reinforced daily with physical punishments atop in many ways their brutal trial to become an astartes never truly ended nor will it ever until they succumb to the conditions of living on a freezing battle barge or an astari's master who cast them aside without remembering to control their strength on one particular day for all who serve the emperor only in death does duty end so next up another straightforward one it's likely fair to say that mining throughout human history has been one of the most challenging and dangerous professions and unsurprisingly in the 41st millennium for humankind little has changed of course for some planets in the imperium this means actual cities being built underground such as the scale of the operations this means that for many a lifetime will pass by without ever having seen the light of the surface again the concept of day and night will no longer exist as they live in a permanent state of darkness safety measures will be variable at best and again like most things it likely depends on the kind of overseeing governorship you're working under for planets within realms like ultramar your chances of having basic equipment are going to be better than that of a back water planet with a tyrannical governor who cares about quotas and coins imperial miners are condemned to a life underground as any exposure to the outside world of the light will be detrimental to their vision their lives underground even with respirators will ensure they spend their earliest days breathing in air saturated with fine particles leading to many respiratory illnesses and other complications in life meaning high mortality rates in the populace of course that's even before you come to the possible dangers of cavins other collapses machinery malfunctions and other explosions of poorly stored materials is a very dangerous life but like most human societies the positives will be in the people the sense of collective effort worth and community are what enable imperial mining communities to function plus of course the ever-present overseers who exist at nearly all levels of industrial imperial society slack in your work negligent you'll be facing punishment physically or prevented from working potentially permanently which for many imperials is effectively a death sentence by any other name plus of course there's always the enjoyable risk of tunneling into a cavern and disturbing a nest of ambles ambles those heavily armored insectoid creatures that have sharpened claws for digging through straight rock itself plus of course enabling them to effortlessly impale and bisect any prey they track and come across ambles are powerful monstrosities who have reached the peak of evolution through survival in the harshest of environments plus for the workers of mining planets they also have a taste that can't be beat delicious ambol [Music] the extremely rare class of titan known as sci titans or a specialized and feared class of titan used within the imperium's collegiate titanica known as the ordo sinister their weapons are known as sinistrum a term given to designate weapons which will artificially amplify human psychic power but potentially risk consuming the psyche themselves in the process the emperor had used such things during the unification wars with enslaved psycho covens and of course now does so on a daily basis for himself the key to a sai titan is its so-called cyricrux anima and this is the piece of technology that enables one of the worst jobs for a psyche to be assigned to although it's not far off serving as a battery for the emperor but at least in doing that there is some spiritual glory to be held or at least those who serve the emperor console themselves by telling this half-truth unlike a standard titan site titans contain psyches surgically locked into the machine itself these psyches are believed to have been placed within these titans either as punishment for crimes against the imperium or at their own behest to allow them to become part of something more and help alleviate their own personal torments either way they exist as psychic slaves to the will of the commander who use their powers and spirit focus through the circus anima the command princess of assai titan is known as the preceptor indendent and they will sit within the anti-size shielded headpiece of the titan it's unclear if this shielding was originally placed to protect ordinary princeps from piloting the titan if it were it appears to have not been enough to withstand the psychic screaming of its implanted human batteries and so with an acai titan its commander is also a null or blank and this is another reason as to why the sai titans are astonishingly rare their pilots are required to be both a blank and simultaneously capable of commanding a titan across the entire galaxy of the imperium candidates that meet this criteria are going to likely only range in the numbers of double digits regardless though the role for the damned psykers surgically bound to the machine will live out truly horrifying ends and it's why sai titans are some of the most feared machines of war because they literally are tearing the psychos soul and spirit apart then focusing this into psychic beams to form its weaponry acai titan can project waves of abject fear psychokinesis biomantic leaching of life and even temporal distortion coming back to that time travel thing being confirmed in 40k then on top of this it still has its so-called sinister manus tanibre it's cycanon this device allows it to focus the psychic antipathy of the cycles within to create a warp breach similar to a vortex weapon meanwhile its psyches are burned and consumed from the inside out not entirely dissimilarly to how as i said they're consumed by the emperor the principle is seemingly very similar and although the specifics of the technology are far beyond human comprehension it seems logical that the apparatus of the golden throne room and the focused distillation of psychic power from individual cycles into the form of a weapon must share some similarities side titans and their weaponry can engage and fight for as long as those on board can power them so unlike conventional weaponry side cannons can be fired repeatedly on and on until those on board are consumed and turned to literal ash the psychic strength of the bounds cyclone board of the saitan and the strength of their soul are its only limitations now the militarum tempestus are yet another example of a curious worse job is it so harrowing to join an elite force within the imperium the answer is obviously yes but as with most things it also depends on your perspective not dissimilar to the role of chapter serfs tempestus soldiers are high-tier militarum warriors and those who serve within this elite force are indoctrinated in the imperial creed from youth their any culture is that of loyalty to the empire of the imperium and the emperor and demonstrate this by their unblinking immediacy in the execution of their duties many of them go on to higher roles amid the echelons of the imperial factional hierarchy so where's the worst part it sounds glorious and proud to serve the emperor and the imperium in one of the most well-equipped elite military human forces sure from the inside of the imperium it certainly looks that way but if we take the blinkers off and look as we often do at the cold reality of the imperium as it stands in m41 the tempestus are both harrowing and dystopian in their indoctrination of new recruits certainly above that of the standard militarum which by comparison is a fairly standard military force the tempestus lean toward the extreme mindscaping of individuals and it is not as much the tempestus themselves for they exist as something of a middle stage between early indoctrination and higher service and it is this early process which shows us how the imperium controls and breaks down its citizenry in service of the emperor through rigid brutal indoctrination from near birth surrounded by a world and culture that refuses to accept any other view and actively destroys all others with extreme prejudice so yes being involved in that process is a worst thing imperial officers sorotas even inquisition and assassins originate from what is known as the scolar virginium these are specialist imperial schools that usually contain the children of imperial nobles or other high-ranking imperials that have died these are nearly always then orphaned children they're known as the progener novum and from the entry into the scholar until they are either rejected into lower service or passed for higher service they will be mentally and physically conditioned to serve the imperium from day one it's less an education than it is an enforced role within the imperium and for most it will mean progression to tempestus so it is that's the job if you will of tempestus that is the worst part it is the inhuman degree of training in the scholar that is one part of why becoming a tempestus is the worst position to serve in those who pass their trials of compliance and make it to selection day may be assigned to other specialist factions straight away but for the majority of the scholar cadets are then enrolled within the tempest science as with nearly all imperial service the training for high tier military service is brutal and as always the death rate among recruits is high this training will last for three standard years of whichever system time scale the recruits are operating within and the positive for recruits is that if they're successful they'll be issued with some of the very best weaponry equipment and resources available to standard humans in the imperial militarum some may progress to officer ranks and others then into the service of say the sororitas if they had not done so early directly from the scholar there are in fact a multitude of ways a tempestus may proceed to further service so again this is all sounding pretty positive but as i noted the school of pajanium is perhaps one of the most if not the most bleak and disturbing aspects of the imperium its entire purpose is to strip away identity to homogenize break down and rebuild the orphaned sons and daughters of the imperial elite to erase their culture their family ties their belief loyalties sometimes this is done quite literally with forcible mind wiping it has even been speculated that on occasion a child which demonstrates suitable qualities for enrollment may be taken while its parents are still alive this is of course entirely standard and general imperial behavior unlikely occurs with little if any subtlety parental protest would only be dealt with efficiently by imperial arbitees or other ecclesiakian forces age is also not a determining factor for children who arrive at the scholar virginium the only requirement is their ability to pass early physical mental assessments because once again whereas other areas of the imperium draw humans from a wide spectrum of planets and systems with their own cultural backgrounds sometimes language and other traits the scholar seek the entirely opposite approach they want to erase personal identity it seeks pure conformity and reliability it wants to only create single-minded servants for the emperor who will never blink and miss they will always know instantly the action that is necessary to be taken and take that action almost instinctively for the children arriving new to the scholar all signs of their former lives will subsequently be erased belongings discarded and destroyed individual clothing replaced with plain identical uniforms even their given birth names will be replaced with a selection from a long list of legendary imperial heroes and this is to remind them of the highest ideals of accidents that they must aspire to of course it's also undoubtedly to continue this reinforcement of identity eurasia new orphans at any scholar will be cast in the imperial mould and only the strongest will emerge without damage and remain intact once the fires have cooled for now the skoda is their reality it is all they will know or they need to know any unwarranted questioning or disobedience is unsurprisingly dealt with severely of course for the younger recruits usually under the age of six this change is easier and more permanent the conditions they're placed under more readily adopted it's easier for them early memories become hard to remember with clarity when their days are spent even at such a young age doing intense mental conditioning and repetitive learning one reason as to why this entire training process is one of the worst is for that of the older recruits for those who have spent longer in their home culture who have known their parents and form close familial bonds these things are harder to break down with mere repetition of studies and physical discipline humans are very capable of bearing emotions and memory deep inside and so for most older recruits they require additional mindscaping to ensure absolute and undeniable commitment to the imperium the skoda tempestus and any higher service even as the recruits sleep servo skulls will continually pass over them scanning and assessing their eyes for any signs of suspicious dream behavior which if detected will result in them being dragged into chambers for punishment vigils both mental and physical then even for those who do sleep they'll be subjected to continual subliminal reconditioning and this is where one of the most harrowing practices will be enforced upon recruits for those troublemakers those who never really find their groove their rhythm to get into life within the scholar they'll be strapped into a chair known as the correction throne heads arms and legs all strapped in place as tiny needles are inserted to the back of the skull their mind is then flooded with neurochemicals that wash through their brains and raise long-term memory all the while floating servo skulls recanting litany's screeching war cries for the ecclesiaki such processes are only semi-effective at best though in fact many skoda who progressed to the tempestus and beyond will still retain troubling dreams of their discovery amid blood-soaked marble floors during some planetary rebellion for others far worse they may have visions of being torn from living parents as imperial forces permanently silence them yet all of this is still not the worst part of being trained within a scholar for the role of tempesta scion one of the ways in which the imperium seeks to break down individuals to become unquestioning servants for the emperor is in pitting them against one another and this often occurs during astari's training and the likes of the inquisition in the assassinorum it's the same within the scholar often while still in their early teens those who continue to demonstrate a failure of memory erasure or for those who continue to rebel fight against the erasure of their identity will likely be allowed to attempt to escape the confines of the scholar they'll be given an opportunity most of these cadets will not miss it and thus attempt escape however this is merely another test a test for them to see if they would in fact flee which they nearly always do and then a test for their fellow recruits in the scholar who were turned out to hunt down and eliminate their rebelling novum if this were not the worst end any of those who may not choose to run but maybe continue to buck against authority or who continue to show too much free thinking spirit attitude and in general disrespect to their tutors and instructors will suffer without warning the massive hammer of the drill abbott these are members of the ecclesiarchi who instructors within the scholar and will quite simply bludgeon the troublemaker to a quivering pile of flesh in front of their fellow students then subsequently whatever remains of their spinal column is extracted and placed on display within their dormitory to remind those of what awaits any who resist upon one world due to an apparent faulty batch of mindscaping chemicals a whole year group of recruits rebelled and the enraged abbott prime ordered the official profectus to crush the rebellion so whilst still alive the mutinous cadets were meshed with mortar and used to line the scholars ferrocrete walls to this day their bones jut out of long corridors grasping for freedom as a warning to all new recruits the consequences of insubordination testing of recruits will continue endlessly right through to their graduation and then when finally they become a tempest the training continues many of these become progressively more severe up to a point at which a cadet may be in fact ordered to execute a friend who they have trained alongside for many years anything other than immediate and emotionless obedience will likely result in their own death but this is the horrifying example of what the imperium does to its own citizens their rationalization for this is that soon these recruits will have to face the true horrors of the galaxy and that such acts serve to both prove their obedience and discipline of cadets and the effectiveness of their training while simultaneously demonstrating both an ability to make difficult essential decisions in the heat of combat for example a commissar eliminating a troublesome soldier more importantly such tests are designed to ensure that recruits are beholden to the imperium and do not harbor any other loyalties as well as wheeling out those who could likely not follow such an order these are considered dangerous individuals to the imperium and this is the true horror of the imperium it's in its ability to turn an innocent human being into an organic robot devoid of emotion and choice to forge through brutality fear and indoctrination a person into becoming a being capable of being ordered to murder a friend and then do so without even flinching without remorse pity or any emotion being trained for service in the tempestus via the skull of virginium is one of the worst positions to find yourself in within the imperium because they will brutally erase not only your identity but also your humanity is it indeed any wonder then that all who exit the other side are capable of acts like enacting exterminatus the trials to become an imperial assassin or the completely religious radicals of the sororitas [Music] the role of naval bondsmen came up as a suggestion many times so i felt compelled to talk about it in this video however it is relatively simple in its explanation compared to so many others for not every crappy endpoint of imperial life requires vast exposition sometimes it's a job and that's the bottom line no explanation necessary for any though who are unaware some aspects of the imperial navy in m41 are highly comparable to the naval forces of ancient earth because while there are some who choose to serve there are many more who would wish to avoid service aboard say naval vessels for the imperium yet the vast masses of workers aboard imperial vessels are entirely necessary and unsurprisingly imperial ships are not beautifully advanced starships with cozy quarters they're claustrophobic often cold undesirable places especially during warp travel life for these workers is like so many of the worst roles harsh unforgiving short-lived and completely alien to so many ordinary humans these are the so-called indentured workers having been press ganged from any number of imperial worlds feudal hive industrial peanut and so forth if serving the imperial guard meant never seeing your family or home again it at least meant you'd be getting something of a positive send-off serving the imperial navy for money means being dragged off in darkness to no sound other than yourself being bludgeoned unconscious of course the imperial navy does not rely singularly on such activities for its crew it also has plenty of regular signed up voidsmen but because the indentured crew who live down below and primarily are occupied with heavy dirty dangerous occupations and fed meager rations often death can be a steady force of attrition and so ships will steadily also need to bolster their numbers of bondsmen perhaps as a result of active conflicts or equally just natural wastage commonly this will mean a few days spent gathering maybe a thousand citizens from hive worlds that it's fair to say no one will likely miss or depending on the fleet in the world it could be tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands and dependent on the hive world again you might not actually miss those people i would speculate myself that it seems reasonable ships may even communicate ahead to hive worlds to enable law enforcement to round up undesirables and prepare them for transport to the ships many of those who are dragged off in the night or arrested for their crimes will be placed into some kind of mass stasis and by the time they awaken they'll be already in the dark void of space their only alternative option at this point is death at the hands of armsmen these are essentially the enforcers of naval ships like a significant degree of imperial production the imperial navy uses a surprising quantity of quite literal manpower to operate its machinery and imperial ships are bizarrely no exception this is of course another one of those situations where 40k drifts into the realm of the truly bonkers but you all wanted to know this stuff so aboard ships of the imperium macro cannons which you see as those gigantic main cannon of imperial starships located all along the sides of the ship are loaded and fired through nearly entirely manual labor which is mad first the breach must be opened by the crew pulling on massive pinions or chains while a second crew readies a massive shell to be loaded once the breach is open any spent casings are extracted and the interior of the breach cleaned by the third crew engiseers additionally inspect for damage or impurity now a second crew then loads the truly gargantuan shell into the breach and immediately clear the way as the first crew come back in with a colossal manual effort in closing the breach once the breach is closed and secured the crews are ordered to assume their set stand down positions as the gun is ready to fire and the loading cycle starts over life expectancy unsurprisingly for macro cannon gun crews can be even as short as weeks because the effort required involved and enforced the conditions and rations are also severe they're literally worked to death not to mention those who are crushed or lose limbs through inevitable poor timings and judgments life within the ships is bad enough though that without such hazardous activities their days will be spent across a spectrum of endless back-breaking tasks regardless cleaning transporting loading of materials and resources resupplying various components and machinery crawling through ducts and ports in the belly of the ship to clean and ensure they remain operational unlikely along the way finding other dead indentured workers who perhaps weeks ago collapsed under the strain of the physical stress temperature or just otherwise exhaustion often walkways and paths also throughout the ship feature no safety measures of any kind it's all too easy to slip on a patch of oil and grease and fall hundreds of meters to your spine breaking death below as you land on some metal acute surface the near continual wastage of the lowest crew members aboard the ship will likely not even register for the captain and senior officers of the naval ship these matters are taken care of below decks they were never even considered to concern themselves with those individuals if you could call them such because similarly to tax trials they barely rank above servitors and therefore barely are any kind of consideration for senior ranking officers in the imperium if anything the indentured workers aboard starships should count themselves lucky they have an opportunity to serve the imperium and perhaps in death they will be forgiven for past sins whereas if they were not doing so then likely right now they would in fact be being processed into cubes of corpse starch and for those who continue to cause trouble or step out of line they can always be found a place in the refueling section of starships and we all know what fate awaits those damned souls again i think last time some people missed the point about the starship refuelers and the fact that they were forced into horrifying disintegration while hauling the extremely hazardous material many people thought that this was inefficient stupid why not use robots or some kind of other belt system to transport this in again kind of missing the point these were punishments they had likely been forced into and were they not already tech thrills they likely would have had some means to ensure the process took place it's hardly inefficient if the individuals concerned were already condemned there's plenty more where they came from after all which should be near enough the motto of the imperium to be honest because while such an activity seems absurd on face value it seems horrifying and an offense to the dignity of humanity that all fits the imperium like a glove work aboard impure starships is riddled with dangers it's filthy unrelenting and will literally pull apart the bodies of workers under the strains they must exhibit many a worker's arms have been quite literally dislocated or worse by the strain of positioning and reloading macrocannons many others will just simply lose their minds while traveling in the warp despite the very necessary protections offered for vessels of the void there is something entirely troublesome about space travel all feel it even those who are resilient to such things like those born in the darkness of space because this darkness is always seeking somehow somewhere to creep into the human mind and it finds this to always be easiest among the weak world the disaffected the resentful so if you ever find yourself dragged off into darkness and awaken aboard an imperial naval vessel it's worth remembering that in the void of m41 no one cares if you scream [Music] now this was a job role which i think undoubtedly exists in 40k but essentially for obvious reasons there is little if any actual description of it so i want to note that this is a job role that we should regard as being speculative in the imperium i think given the nature that we know of the imperium they do not in any way shy away from using humans in place of machinery for basic tasks and for whatever reason so many people wanted to see this as a listed worse job so it felt fine to include it here but in terms of an industrial chemical toxic waste sewage worker what can you really say what can we ourselves speculatively imagine about such a role well like i said it does stand to reason that on some hive worlds if not many hive worlds many industrial worlds or even industrial sectors of hive worlds and so on there will be those poor souls left to a life of breathing extremely toxic materials burning their hands in chemical processes on a daily basis and generally unpleasant tasks having vastly shortened painful lives as a result this is pretty much the matter of course for life in the imperium and certainly of course being nothing of note for any imperial overseers who will barely notice such matters similarly for those tasked with crawling down into the depths of hive cities crawling through tiny vented sections perhaps slipping to be then chewed up through some gigantic cog machinery or the inevitable loss of peripheral limbs fingers and so forth but for many people who wanted to see this listed as a worse job it seems that the simple thought of having to process surge waste material from hive cities which is obviously vast in quantity is the most unpleasant thing and i think for obvious natural reasons now while there will be a need for maintenance workers in hive cities to carry out such tasks it's well noted that many hive cities exist on walls which suffered total ecological collapse long ago and so they no longer paint any note to environmental effects of waste commonly hive worlds see the vast majority of the surface of a planet being completely uninhabitable and instead they are these bizarre toxic wasteland worlds with no flora or fauna to speak of so any waste materials from hive cities are simply pumped out leading to some having oceans of toxic materials or vast deserts as i have noted previously hive cities are sometimes wrongly referred to as arcologies because they are not an arcology is a literally a marriage of the words architecture and ecology it means a designed space for high density habitation with a low impact on the environment and world around it hive cities are near the opposite of this they have massive impact on planetary environments or that the environment which does exist has been punished for so long that hive cities impact is now effectively irrelevant and their design is usually at least partially organic in nature only in the sense that it evolved as needs demanded not literally organic essentially saying it wasn't built by a careful planned entire design vision so the point being while people may gravitate to imagining how awful it would be to work in the quite literal bowels of a hive city wading neck deep through waste to shut off valves that risked flooding entire sectors with toxic pollutants or cleaning venting ports and sewage valves to ensure the hazardous waste of a hive are efficiently pumped out into the waste and beyond in actuality there are a significant amount of hive citizens who exist already in such surroundings and below in the under hive like the thousands if not millions of people in very contaminated situations so their specific jobs may not tie them directly to a life of being surrounded by the waste of a billion humans but many hive citizens still do so regardless so the idea of an imperial sewage worker is pretty awful of course unlike those working in waste management of our modern world for the imperium it's more akin to the early and even late 19th century where many homes did not have water transported sewage systems and so not only for workers that would begin eventually doing waste collection but for citizens themselves at this time risks of issues like typhoid cholera other gastric illnesses were near constant so working in similar or worse conditions within a hive city is very obviously a task most people would want to avoid and so it's pretty natural many people would say that would be terrible to do in the 40k verse because it's like being a normal sewage worker but like everything else in 40k turned up to 11 due to it being this mad dystopian parody of just how horrific things can get when the darkness of the human spirit is allowed to just run riot except if you are thinking of how bad that would be for just the person doing that job you're still not thinking bleak enough for the 40k verse as i just did and have often noted imperial citizens experience a life that is something in between feudal peasantry and early 19th century industrialization in m41 generally so quite honestly as awful as the thought of toxic sewage is you really want to be thinking more about the horror of those workers in the 41st millennium who are working in the equivalent of scaled up chemical processing of the 1800s early human industrial civilizations were producing products with little to any understanding of the effects on humans or if they did it was certainly not anything that they were going to be concerned about acids alloys asbestos cement caustic soda chlorine copper leather processing lime organic chemicals phosphate fertilizers many more things even power like gas works of the 19th century were commonly documented as having a devastating impact on local communities and their environments directly dumping toxic waste materials as well as saturating the air around them one such community in london was eventually titled the devil's acre and had gone from being a previously affluent community to a slum district so poisoned that plants no longer would grow in the houses surrounding it we can imagine that life is very similar for imperial citizens working in such conditions a permanent metallic taste in the mouth from toxic substances saturating what qualifies as breathable air odours that cut to the back of the throat worse than any rotting putrid carcasses and the worst potentially burning skin and soft tissues then there would be other ongoing health issues such as silicosis caused by inhaling large amounts of crystalline silica dust found in stone rock minerals etc like the miners over many years this could lead to lung scarring and damage workers could face any number of other conditions simple toxic poisoning organ failure and as i noted earlier any other number of invasive diseases and chronic conditions that build up maybe over many years or acutely eventually leaving you wasted and unable to remain productive however contaminated or no you would then become a prime candidate for recycling so lastly we come to another unfavorable role and that is the workers of hive cities so-called corpse guilds producing those questionably desired but strangely addictive starch cubes which form a dietary supplement for billions of hive citizens now i think it should be clear this is very obviously one of those sideways joke references that exist everywhere in 40k and it is no mystery that corpse starch for the imperium is effectively soylent green now sorry spoilers if you've waited until 2021 to watch a classic piece of early 70s science fiction and i want to talk about that movie more in the apocalypse series because despite it being regarded with comedic overtones largely due i think to the ridiculous trailer which came with the movie and the fact that soylent green appears throughout popular culture since it is an actual fact a movie which deals with quite a bleak and dark dystopian future which was very typical of early 70s science fiction but sadly data was replaced by the likes of star wars which ensured that the vast majority of the genre which followed would lean more in the direction of blasty lasers and less of that post-20th century dystopian social commentary so it's very clear where corpse starch takes its cues from though given that on necromunda it's even known as silent viridian a subtle reference just keeping it nice and legal the production of this falls upon the mercantile paladius or corpse guild while hive cities across the imperium may operate under any number of different systems the common one is that of the guild structure whereby each guild effectively controls a specific task profession or infrastructure now while it is a very undesirable task something that is commonly forgotten when discussing the vast amounts of humans within any hive city remembering these commonly numbered in the billions is the fact that many hundreds of thousands if not even millions of human citizens are born and die on a weekly basis and there is a logistical problem of collecting and processing those who perish it is quite obviously a task which is legion in scale also considering as we just discussed the toxic environment of many lower sections of a hive city i always seem to come back to the 19th century and how it's comparable for imperial citizens and so it's reasonable for us to assume that within hive cities child mortality could often be anything like 300 within 1 000 births within areas subjected to such heavy toxification and pollution but without those citizens who operate in the corpse guild things could be much worse the nightmare of body disposal would merely be replaced by the nightmare of widespread disease and contamination even more than usual so life remember the corpse guild is far from a desirable role no matter though its importance they will collect daily thousands of corpses within their designated sectors and transport them to be piled high within mortuary caverns which are then steadily rendered down into the grinding machines aptly named as corpse grinders the superstitious and naturally short lives of imperial citizens mean that those within the corpse guild are regarded fearfully by many who will lock up their meager dwellings leaving the dead neatly stacked outside for collection forget of course the fact that without the corpse guild large numbers of the citizenry would quickly starve without the rendered down nutrient blocks distributed to the populace perhaps most interestingly under hive gangs may even ally with certain guilds in exchange of course for appropriate compensation they will form so-called corpse harvesting parties because while they did a process to ensure the survival of the living recycled meat is also noted as being vital to the survival of many hive worlds so-called corpse prospectors will source materials for the corpse grinders seeking out veins of meat and like so many of the undesirable denisons down below they adorn themselves with decoration of individuals who live lives which wallow in the slaughter of others horrifying masks inscribed re-breathers and a whole tool belt of ancient surgical tools to quickly check on the value of their secured meat material and if it's worth disposing of or hauling back for processing now while this might sound as if they're out for the daily human hunt it's not quite that brutal although i think it'd be fair to speculate that this also happens instead these bone scriveners may be seen scouring through the aftermath of battles raking over the dead for their raw material worth and then this of course is where the corpse grinder cults come in while primarily identified as operating within the hive city of necromunda it's more than likely that cults of similar identification exist throughout the imperium the corpse grinders exist out of necessity more than desire for their horrific activities or at least at first their very existence now likely attracts those who desire the sanctioned activity of such horrors and the nobility might prefer to refer to them as recyclers the very role of working within a corpse guild sometimes leads to the expansion of so-called corpse grinders because corpse guilds must always maintain their quotas so for those existing within the darkness of such activities those mandated to carry out corpse collection and acquisition of the raw materials for corpse starch there are those who steadily will lose their grip on reality perhaps to no surprise into the waiting arms of the dark gods who thirst for blood and suffering it wouldn't be fair to say that the officially sanctioned corpse guilds are anything comparable to these corpse grinder cults where one acts out of necessity to efficiently process the dead the cults seek fresh meat to redistribute among its followers or use it as a means of a specialty mystery meat to tempt others who they might bring into following them what does seem apparent is that the line between officially sanctioned necessary disposal to ensure survival of the hive and wildly heretical human hunts seems to be a very uncomfortably thin line when the corpse grinders of the corpse guilds push the boundaries of what is acceptable in fulfilling quotas for the guild it's a slippery slope to butchery and worship of bloodthirsty warp gods and so i surely feel obliged to say is this starting to feel like sanctioned heresy enough yet picking through the roles of civilian life of the imperium remains one of the most interesting aspects that exists in the 40k verse last time i talked about worst jobs was quite some time ago and i said that we needed to see many more slices of civilian life back then and this has started to occur a little black library has been turning out many of its new 40k crime novels of late and most of these focus more on the civilian side of things and less on the massive space battles against the xenos so it is worth checking these out if you are unaware because i personally have enjoyed all when it comes to the imperium it's a strange place to even define what would be classed as a job because many roles are far from what we would consider this to be they're more assigned positions in society based largely on your status and background not entirely unlike feudal societies of the past as a citizen you learn the trade your family knows because the idea of rising above that is so minimal as to be barely even worth considering still it was fun to return to this topic as it's always mad to really delve into the bleakness of the imperium and the inclusion of the scola and tempestus i think is especially important because often i see people saying how workers wouldn't stand for that they wouldn't stand for the conditions in the imperium blah blah blah yes we've often seen as well rebellions in the imperium and we see how that goes they occur all the time yet 99 percent of the time they are crushed and horribly unsuccessful as i have noted all too often the problem with rebellions in the imperium is that they are as quickly crushed as they rise and often so brutally that it in fact stabilizes a system for at least generations this is precisely why the imperium continues to turn out these brainwashed mind-wiped zealous followers of the imperial cult those serving the imperium are not merely individuals who thought you know what this is the best way forward although there are plenty of those to be sure any though existing at these higher positions other than drone plebs will be completely indoctrinated into the imperial way they are not merely people who just follow orders because it seems to be the right thing to do no it goes way beyond that they are more akin to something like kaiser soze he kills his own family in front of their captors just to prove his will power that's the kind of people you're talking about who exist in the imperium in positions of power and so in realizing that it will help you then to understand that even when rebellions or pushback happen toward the imperium of man it can only go so far before they come up against this impenetrable wall of indoctrination and at that point it goes no further and it's this that is the nightmare of the imperium it's not what they are facing out in the galaxy it's what they are facing within themselves it's what makes 40k so captivating only in as much as you marvel at the dystopian horror the dark comedy of it being so truly insane it's what sets the world apart from nearly all other verses as well for the imperium there's no forward progress no constructive thinking no tolerance of any kind it's a miserable stagnating horrifying rotting empire that has largely created many of its own problems and exacerbated many more and in trying to solve them continues to make things worse and worse and worse the imperium of humanity in the 41st millennium is truly akin to the heart of darkness apocalypse now but on a galactic scale the undeniable horror of the human condition the darkness in the human heart fully unleashed so until next time if you have further next jobs or want to tell me which worst or best thing i should do next please tell me below we're only part way through so many different topics at this point so i have a lot of options where we go from here but as always i finished saying thanks for watching thanks for your support and i'll see you in the next one [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Luetin09
Views: 327,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, Discuss, Channel, Future, 40K, Warhammer 40K, Imperium, Humanity, Mankind, Doom, Space Marines, Heretic, Heresy, The Emperor of Man, Lore, History, Guide, Warhammer 40000, Warp, Immaterium, Rift, War, Slaughter, Horror, Nightmare, Tabletop, Inquisition, list
Id: ZY9cT0ZW1fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 14sec (3734 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 07 2021
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