How to Boil Shrimp Cajun Style with Recipe!

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and i just bought a little shrimp earlier so i'd be sure i had something i could eat too hmm [Applause] how y'all are i'm glad for you to see me our guarantee today we're going to boil a few shrimps hey y'all today we're going to learn a few good cooking skills from a lesson mr justin wilson so here we go y'all sit back and enjoy you ain't seen cooking like this i've got a wrong cheese first of all we got some shrimp we're going to cook right in here in here i've already put three quarts of water six lemons quartered and i put uh five cans of beer and i'm fixing it with the sixth one because it calls for a six pack of beer and that makes you sick oh man i got to turn that fire up a little bit because i want that thing boiling when i put those swims in there i guarantee let me see what this stove says right here hey forgot to get on and look better than that i'll guarantee now i don't look good that's on yeah there we go we put it on medium low and it's boiling that's good i like that and i'll stir whenever you add anything believe me i was scared to tell you they stir anytime you anything they still believe me and that's the way it makes it taste more better now into this i'm gonna put this is onion powder and put a cup of onion powder in there to get it to boil boiling with it get going there girls and this is a half a cup of garlic powder let me stir that onion powder in there see what i can write down you'll be a politician with me put that good garlic powder in there i'll tell you when they invented that they really get away with with a single bed they got everybody got twin beds now and they've got their garlic cloves that's for true all right let's melt them down enough there you go now i got to put some much sauce in there always shake the bottle because it you go down to the bottom and that's where all the flavor you know you don't want to miss out on the flavor and i think this says 3 4 cup 3 4 cup that's what it says someone put 3 4 cup in there hope what i'm going to do i don't have measure like this you know that come on now i'm going to take a sip of this it's good for you let me make you cough a little bit that first sip now that's 3 4 cup and a little more put the lid back on this because i may need it for something else no telling now i got to put i got the hunt they got these lemons in there and i got the six pack of beer the onion powder and the garlic powder worcestershire sauce and uh it says five tablespoons five teaspoons no well i gotta put some dried mint let's put that in there now i use mint instead of bay leaf and the reason i do mint doesn't just kill the flavor you know taste just made it just it kind of does something to help the flavor and that's a teaspoon full of mint dried mint you'd get that in any good store if you don't have it tell me get get some so they'll be a good store stir that in there that's smelling good enough to eat just like it is don't that smell good it says five tablespoons of salt i'll just put uh i'll put the i use a teaspoon now that's one teaspoon ladies and gentlemen bet your last dollar that here is one teaspoon i'm gonna put ten teaspoon two three four five six seven now you don't think that the teaspoon i'm going to show you that this this is nine i got somebody helping me count that's a tablespoon i don't wanna water teaspoon and show y'all that i do know how to measure teaspoon full of salt that's a teaspoon food you don't believe me do you see that nothing to it like eating lettuce and i'll put one more teaspoon full of salt in the end and stir it and then the shrimp's all let's stir this in there now you go in there that's beginning to look like some gravy some of that yankee gravy you know not good black gravy like we have down in south louisiana now i'm going to time these shrimp when they start boiling the shrimp cook fast believe me they do and uh when they get real pink they're usually done and when they float after that they're really done so i'm going to put these this is five pounds of shrimp they've been frozen and we don't unthaw them we thought i'm out and my hands are clean believe me all right shrimps let's get the boiling i'm gonna put that fire a little hotter that's the wrong one here it is yep and they'll boil and they'll taste so good i've got a good sauce made for these guarantee that's for true come on shrimp get going you just need enough liquid to uh cover the meal that's all you need i don't want to splash me i don't like to burn though ah shrimp get in there get yourself cooking good so i can taste you soon they cold they're real cold they've been froze that's how come to read i've got a story i want to tell y'all since i get all these shrimp in here i've been waiting to tell this story to give good people you come here to watch me do this foolish man let me get my dish towel that i carry with me all the time in the kitchen got to have it now what i'm going to do is stir one time that's good enough and i want to check this deal to see how it looks that's about as high as i want it to go and it's going to boil and just it's fixing the ball right there now these shrimp just gets going all right there right now and they're boiling i'm going to set my clock maybe i'm going to do this just for fun got to go down here come back now go over here and see now in this part i'm going to put this on here and cover it he turned the fire down somewhere because i don't want it to fall over on me though and i just bought a little shrimp earlier so i'd be sure i had something i could eat too good too let's have a shrimp to go with that that's good sometimes i put sauce on them they didn't eat a little sip of that wine and wash that down that'll be good oh yeah oh boy i'll tell you [Applause] you
Channel: Justin Wilson Southern Products LLC
Views: 6,333
Rating: 4.9254661 out of 5
Id: xjNhbheX1IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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