Jumping the whole map but chaos happens every minute in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game we're trying to jump across the entire map while chaos is going makes me want to jump off the roof of my house it's GTA it is time for the most ridiculous map jumping challenge wait until you see how this works there are a ton of different achievements that have been programmed into the challenge that I have to try and complete in order to get points if I get 10 points I get a random unlocked car in order to complete even more challenges and get more points the idea is to complete enough challenges to get enough points to unlock enough cars to the point where I eventually find the one that can jump the entire board to make things worse while I'm trying to do this chaos is happening every 30 seconds trying to Arko me out of nowhere and stop my progression I've got one car to start with and a distinct lack of self-preservation so let's do this this is my starter car this is the ramp that I must use in order to complete these challenges and already I'm getting orbital strikes also I love that appetizer is on here it's like the starter car I can't even fault them for not putting the second p in because I think they legitimately ran out of letters for the I displ Aus so out of the different I more shorts out of the different challenges one of the ones I saw that's probably pretty achievable is to land inside of a parking lot but there is a problem all of these different achievements are not just randomized you can't just do oh no you can't just do whatever you want there are areas in the board specifically designed to give me the points with scripts if I can make it to those areas so they're going to be highlighted we will know when we complete one of the challenges right now I'm trying to find out which parking lot it wants me to land in did I just did I Just Bounce this off of a human 100% I landed on top of a human being also extreme griever Jesus just shot some just shot some uh some Torpedoes at me what I'm doing right now is I'm trying to find out where the area is for the parking oh Jesus is back that's nice okay I wandered around for a while and I found it it's right down here it's very close the area that you need to land in I don't know if you can see it yet yeah right there see the green circle that's where we need to land this thing somehow and now I'm totally screwed because I'm stuck between stairs and a wall and I've got 1 second to live so basically I need to find out exactly how many mph I want to achieve to hit that ramp and get into that parking spot and that is way too much what's going on every buddy it's your boy here 11-year-old gry still plays can I cheat this somehow you want to go to the mall nah okay so the guys are not Dynamic so they're there specifically to box you out of getting into this in a cheaty way these cars aren't Dynamic and you can't move them wow we legitimately have to land directly in that parking spot spot so maybe get this down to 140 yeah like 140 that was like 140 perfect we're going to have to go below 140 maybe 130 I'm not giving up in my in my attempt to cheat this can I get over this wall oh you put an invisible wall here okay well he really didn't want me to get around this without jumping into it are you ready 120 oh that's perfect oh we might have this what what God it I don't know where I'm going to land did I get it are you kidding me I did need that much screen and I hate you for it I need the perfect combination of launch speed and the bank of the car we're going to start going at a 90° ow my car just got back breaker and I'm all out of vodka okay how about 129 or so okay pull back back back back back no someone's trying to kill you they're not trying they succeeded ask me how I know it's because I'm dead Okay 120 yeah like 120 even Lean Forward uh oh hold on hold on hold on oh no no GTA 2 oh my God that was the perfect view you earned 10 points oh it tells you that's really good I'm I'm glad now I know when I legitimately complete a challenge we got our first 10 points it's time for a new car I could not have asked for a better style of chaos than that to get those 10 points 10 points to use a script I'm assuming you go into the circle and then I don't know it unlocks a car oh whoa set player into random vehicle oh it teleports you into the car so let's find out how good this thing jumps and then we'll F oh my God oh my God oh waa whoa wo 300 M an hour 400 m hour we have upgraded substantially GI wow yeus um testing cars versus black hole this isn't a test in the test of cars versus black hole I'm here to tell you that the whoa that the black hole won I have no clue what I just did but that was amazing I see something down there in the water that looks like something that you would do in order to get points uh we're also going to land right in the middle of the I wonder if when it said land on an island one of the achievements is land on an island I wonder if that piece of land is considered an island in case any of you are wondering I'm currently in a dog fight with two helicopters while I'm inside of a car uh oh and I just got yeed into space that's good this is probably the most amazing aerial battle I think I've ever had in my life oh yeah we are not this one where am I I don't even know where I'm I have no idea where I landed this doesn't help me at all try and complete the challenge so I found out eventually where I was and I can say I I'm almost sure that that is the island so the question is can we get the distance to get it there's a few others like laying on the Maze Bank and stuff that I'm sure we could do this thing jumps at 650 miles hour the amount of speed this thing gets to jump all of this the board is incredible and I think that we can probably extend this all the way to that Island look at this look at the distance w got to be kidding me oh oh I'm right there this can definitely do it I just need to not get a chaos that totally screws me over shooting one of the planes out of the sky is another achievement that we could probably get at some point not this again ah all right here's the plan we're going to do a 90 degree downward Bank immediately that's that should get us an extra little boost in speed well not speed but just aerial forward motion and now we're going to kind of use the tail of the vehicle backward going to pull back back oh this looks good this is okay you know what hold on discount if I landed that inside of a ow inside of a challenge probably not man I'm super short here I can't oh hold on yeah I did you see it I don't know if you saw it but I think there's a I think there's a script trigger inside of that little island I thought I saw it glowing green I I don't think I've ever been killed as I was trying to get into the car that's exciting you have no idea how long I've been at this oh this is a really controlled jump real controlled going for maximum amount of backflips unfortunately we're also going to have chaos coming on in about five four 3 2 1 no you got a be kidding me might try and land inside that little I don't feel so good did I just get chest bursted by an alien from Aliens I feel like I did so what I have decided to do and I've come very close multiple times now I think we're going to go for land inside of the reservoir that has got to be I'm almost sure of it that very questionable opening right there is where you oh hold on hold on here we go Perfect Landing 10 points okay so that was the area that you needed to land in for this yep there's the green circle going for the island was stupid this was much better okay so now we can spend our 10 points and we will get oh I light colors if this is rigged it's the same color as my outfit just about I'm waiting for this chaos to be over because there's nothing I can do I was going to say there's nothing I can do with that chaos going and then I had to wait until the other chaos was over to get back into the vehicle all right so speed wise less fast than the other vehicle that we just had so this is not going to be the one that jumps the entire board but we can use it to do more of the achievements uh maybe landing on top of the Maze Bank there's a there's a flaming hoop oh there's the flaming hoop okay so between one of those two we can definitely unlock another vehicle and try again at the roulette wheel of gry sto plays non-stop Agony getting to the flaming hoop this is going to be close it's a little ah yes good old 1984 loin cloth one of my personal favorites all right we're going to pull 369 M an hour and then kind of slow down to maybe 320 or so and see where we end up at it keep spinning out to the left makes this very very difficult although if I land on top of the building and then go into the hoop maybe I can do that oh I'm on fire or at least I'm pooping fire I really don't know what this means I don't think that my car is literally burning oh everyone is hot pink I love it h I think I could get that all right slow it down slow it down oh what in God's name happened there not sure exactly what that was but let's try and not do that again maybe the I don't know like 340 350 yeah this is still going to go way over the hoop close to the Maze Bank though oh I'm going to hit the crane ow I'm so close all right here we go here we go here we go 330 maybe I tried to get to 300 even but it gains a lot of speed very very quickly on the acceleration oh this is it hold on don't you screw me don't you screw me Need for Speed I'm well above 55.5 aoom 10 points blow me up I will accept my death death all right cash in 10 points and get banana flavored sadness very good DK get into the chopper maybe the Maze Bank I'm not in first person I'm not going to enjoy that by the time I'm at the bottom of this jump jumpy Vehicles well my vehicle is not jumping so it's okay think goes about 550 M hour oh my God okay that is some decent height here we go couple of spinning any flips yeah I don't know not sure what I want to try and get for this maybe blow up one of the planes getting the nose of this car lined up with a plane is so much harder than you think while you're flying and the planes are flying all right here's the idea we're going to go slow maybe I can do top of the Maze Bank with this cuz this is not the car that can get across the entire map either it's it just doesn't have the speed yeah we can easily land on top of the Maze Bank I just have to find the what the what just that was interesting it put me it literally put me behind myself all right let's try four even well as close to 400 as I can get just to see where that gets me Lean Forward slightly I think we're going to be way over okay here we go 380 390 shave 10 mes an hour off we'll Bank down a little bit less keep the car more flat the aerodynamics of this thing are incredible this thing was born to fly and make me hate myself because it means I'm going to be doing this challenge over and over again with this thing cuz I'm kind of just stuck with it I think I found the helicopter too did you notice there was like a hot pink helicopter that was right over top of our vehicle when we were Landing this okay you see it I did another jump that's the helicopter right there what am I supposed to do like jump out of the vehicle and try and land into it while I'm skydiving now I'm very fixated on that helicopter it's just like a red herring that I have to investigate no matter what save the whales oh we're going to have whales dropping down from the sky once I hit the ground you can already see him kind of flying around I hit the wall so hard just now I'm pretty sure that I got lobotomized by my steering wheel okay this might be hold on I might have the Maze Bank on this jump I might I don't have the Maze Bank at all in this jump never mind that wasn't even close ah whoa who's screaming stop it stop that well now everyone's screaming because a car just rained down from the SK guy and landed in someone's neighborhood are you ready for the jump of a lifetime 340 I think will be decent for the Earth wants to give you a the wa oh my God the Earth hugged me so hard I died from it I messed around with the helicopter for a while I I'm still not sure what I need to do with it but I think I can I am getting very close to the top of the Maze Bank okay that was 341 about so this might be short man I'm going to need like 347 or some really random number in order to do this look at how close we are almost now you can't see cuz the at first person ah yes nothing like falling to my death in first person I love it just shoot as many missiles off as I can might as well okay 352 that's close I didn't get the oh hold on hold on I think I think we're in line no this is perfect line up perfectly pull back a little bit and you ear 10 points yeah I just barely hit the top of the Maze Bank but it counted it so I'll take it there's only I don't know there's like four cars left what is this whoa all right bve all right Alex I'll Trust You chaos is coming right now here we something to do with gravity well um I mean technically we did our ramp we have indeed ramped we are into the sky maybe I can turn this thing and hit one of the planes while they can't fly they're just kind of you know cartwheeling around randomly just shoot some just shoot some rockets and see if I can get one you never you never know okay I'm not even close would you believe that I went all that way and landed back on this platform all right full jump 500 in the air I've got a portal high pitch I was going to say I have a portal gun well I had a portal gun it's not really going to do very much for me what do I want to complete with this right now I'm trying to get a good idea of how far this thing flies whatever the helicopter is it can definitely get there I would just have to slow down okay that still puts me over the helicopter maybe like 470 let's try that forward pull then once we clear the maze back T start pulling it I think maybe I have to blow it up with a missile oh funny I just completed this challenge again can you double up can I get this challenge again does it count twice no give me my achievements I need them in order to survive oh ooh this is probably the closest I've ever gotten to that helicopter right there I am starting to be able to wave to the pilot Simon says don't hold any move oh I'm screwed well by the time I had read that I was already dead that was Fist of the North Star style stuff right there I kind of want to get to that island of course I have the credit screen coming up here so I'll see in a second just trust me on this we have ramp jump we're right next to the island that's the island I have an idea I think this will count hold on we're going to line this up okay you ready for this you ready for this right here not yet not yet not yet now okay oh yes 10 points count oh thank you God I feel so Vindicated to finally get that Island out of the way too the doors gave up I had to see if I can glitch into the vehicles you can't all right let's spin the roulette wheel of sadness here we remove current vehicle jokes on you I don't have a vehicle yet uh oo oh yeah we're going to GTA 6 boys I don't really know what's at GTA 6 other than possibly like two more years of waiting guess I'll find out so 100 200 300 400 oh my God 500 600 7 oh whoa oh my God if I could get this to go straight and not bottom out like that this could get a lot of distance look at this speed 700 and then it gets ramped look at the height this thing gets but it is catching the underside of the vehicle at the edge of the ramp I'm going to have to line up the nose of this thing to make sure that I have the pressure in just the right spot like an acupuncturist but for vehicle that's it that's perfect oh that's perfect that's big distance baby we've got Mount Chiliad in our sight look look at how far we've gone already from our little launch position so we are I'm pretty sure this is a new personal what in God's name is going on here all right listen up Dollar Store Super Dave get out of the way of my oh here we go here we go here we go super close stop talking while I'm trying to do this we can do this that's where we need to go I think that's the end okay we've straightened it off we have a we have a first class ticket to G GTA 6 okay we're getting the inflight movie right now probably Interstellar or something with Matthew mccon don't ask me why it always is I could vehicles have no gravity well that makes my job a little bit more difficult than doesn't it because there's no way for me to land this now I mean technically I got farther than the achievement right in a way I don't know what to do with this okay I don't I don't think I'm going to make it I don't all right well I just got the Yeet so I may be a little bit closer but I'm sort of hold on I was going to say I'm kind of off center I think I'm going to over yeah I'm going to overshoot it again this looks good this is sweet this is not it can rain today okay it's not raining it is post-apocalyptic I can't see anything now also the fact that there's ground wind speeds of about 7,000 mes hour is really bad ah chaos just when I think I might be close to achieving something in life you know exactly how to ruin my day going to ruin my my day chaos you thinking about it I know you're thinking about it you got about 5 Seconds to ruin my day right now four 3 2 one oh that was the most basic chaos I think I could have gotten in the universe all it did was move me forward like 50 m I'm not close enough to the end yet I have an idea we're going to bail out of our car and see if we can get this I think I can I think I can I think I can Skydive through this ending I only get one chance all right this one's going to be short okay we've got a good jump we've got a good launch GTA 6 is in sight it lays beyond the mountain range okay past Valhalla is GTA 6 here's the plan once we get over the mountain range and now right in the middle of me giving my monologue I'm screaming randomly anyway once we get past the mountain range we're going to bail my previous jump did not have enough distance anyway we're going to bail past the mountain range I have to get over it though and then I think we can just Skydive our way in as long as we have enough forward speed so does the chaos screw us kickflip uh that doesn't make my life any easier but it doesn't change anything right now the trajectory is still really good we are 100% clearing the mountain range so not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet we're going to do it now bail then you have to put the circle hold on right on top of your head just keep it God on top of your head like you're wearing it like a hat okay wear the ending like a hat baby there it is there it is and pull the shoot yeah we got a winner well I jumped Vehicles across the map and it was indeed chaotic anyway folks hope this episode GTA till the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 598,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, crossing the map in gta 5, crossing gta 5 in a, crossing gta 5 in a straight line, chaos mod, chaos mod gta 5, every minute, chaos happens every minute, jumping the whole map, jumping gta 5 map
Id: 08isud9HEvg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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