How many stairs can a train climb in GTA 5?

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all right we're checking out the only game we're trying to shove a train up the stairs it's like trying to shove my sanity back into my body it's GTA we want to put this customized train up against a modified stair course and so it's time for a brand new challenge utilizing the train and a bunch of other vehicles that have the potential to make me sad we're going to force them to deal with this stair challenge that uses stairs in the most obscure way possible in order to budgeon me to death whether it stairs made from the bounties of nature or stairs that mirror the increasing and decreasing prices of Bitcoin I will have to find out which vehicle can complete all this before I throw my computer down the stairs and see how many it can surviv let do this anytime they give me some kind of customized vehicle I am always very scared how is this going to make it up anything say hello to reverse growing stairs look I decided if this thing was going to fail I'm going to have it fail immediately do the stairs get smaller after the first gigantic stair so you're trying to just bludge at me to death right in the beginning I guess the good part is if this vehicle fails which of course it will I can always just use it for it it ramp capabilities oh wow just noticed the wall behind you comes up really fast ah yes look at the success you're able to achieve with this the stair is taller than I am tell me you left the jump button on this car on survey said hey yeah sweet oh they knew that that was going to happen because that's what they called the license plate all right let's lube it up now if I'm starting off with the hardest thereare so strange to me does this mean that the course is going to get much much easier the farther I go that'd be fantastic you know what would be nice a vacation from the pain that'd be wonderful if I just keep jumping there should be a point where I can legitimately get over the stairs with just the Hydraulics of the car I mean so far this is very easy I love it well there goes the hood I saw a door tried to eat itself off my passenger side as well and there we go now we can oh god oh look at that size of the Wall-E made okay so I'm assuming you made this wall specifically high enough to where I yeah where I can't jump over with this car this challenge might be a little bit more difficult than I thought because of the timed nature I just want to give this one more try come on no all right we're going to try and do this by the timer that Bird's about to land on my roof you don't want to be a part of this bird the only thing you're going to get is whiplash yeah nice the only thing is I have to wait for the jump to regenerate hold on I think we got it I think we got it come on and then just run it run it run it go go no stop Yes do not start flipping all over the place on me there we go first challenge is completed what did that just say I just saw a there it is say hello to rock hard stairs okay ah that tastes like impropriety well this is exciting not not only do you have to climb the Rocks but you also have a rock that is trying to give you brain damage tumbling down does it always fall the same way no not at all all right this one's not time so I guess it's just luck no joke these rocks are a lot bigger than you think I don't know if I have any chance of climbing this without using the jump feature even if I use the jump feature I don't I don't think I can get any traction to continue going up the rocks and the jump just sends me backwards a god oh ah I'm going to miss that door that door and I were such good friends right up until it left me oh God I'm starting to think picking this car for this challenge is probably a bad idea I'm going to need something with some big tires toing over this right I'm going to try and do this like right here on the corner where there's the least amount of bumps yeah look at that look at that right there look at that right there part no yes ah okay um well now I'm kind of screwed I really don't know what I want to do here cuz I'm stuck kind of sideways if I can somehow swing this around and then Arc this over to the right again come on just a little bit of forward momentum oo well I'm just getting flushed down the middle of the sadness I hate to say it this isn't the right choice I want to give this one more try uh this is where I ended up at I got oh oh wow I have no idea how I survived that now it's mostly just a matter of mewi to find out what comes next how did I dodge that there are forces at play here that make no sense at all I I can I I'm amazing I have Rock repellent deodorant on yeah who's your daddy Rock gra still plays fact I'm going to climb on the rock that was that was kind of a bad idea anyway the only thing I saw up there was a giant bit Bitcoin so I don't really know where to to like I said bigger tires I'm ready to plow through some sadness let's do this you think just because your stairs are bigger than mine you can stop me npe all right well maybe you can stop me a little bit hold on God yes got to really Arc this thing forward when you make that jump this car drives like an engine strapped to a shopping cart with four Giant tire is attached to it so this is working I don't know if we can get it in the 55 seconds there's going to be a point where I think we'll be able to get past a lot of these stairs cleaner right about here maybe n that was WR fig you fig that the tires should just be able to pop over everything and this yeah wow I'm not even close the tires are performing a lot worse than I had ever anticipated I had no idea that I would lose this much speed every single stair come on am I getting any God am I getting any closer to the end of this before that oh hold on hold on hold on run run run run go go go go go yeah all right that wasn't too bad wow I had a lot of seconds left all right I think rock hard that car is still getting just beaten ah yes the standard glorious forecasts for Florida pain with a Chance of brain damage all right so if we if we just kind of like uh conserve our our tire spin here I think we'll be able to climb up most of this this thing really likes to bank over to the right oh god oh no suck okay hold on hold on hold on we may we may have a contender here no rock no yes trying to climb this rock with this car is one of the most patience destroying Agony inducing ridiculous challenges I have ever had to do it should not be this hard but finally my God I mean I am I glad I stuck with it not really but it can do it Bitcoin chart stairs so when I thought I saw a Bitcoin over here I actually did see a Bitcoin is this real what do we have current price one bit 69,000 of course there it is I always wonder how long it's going to be until the 69 comes in got all the way to the third challenge uh oh my God what an oh no is this a real is this is this actually out of the Bitcoin chart is this what it really looks like that'd be amazing if this is a real thing Bitcoin is down in case anyone's wondering we're going to follow Bitcoin plummeting over here if I can keep my tires on there oh my God it's like a tight RPP too it's like tight RPP Bitcoin falling stairs oh I hate my life right now now hold on I need to show you something let's uh how long did it take you to build this oh man but hey Bitcoin goes back up in the end HH it's either a Bitcoin chart or a very festive piece of intestinal tract trust me I I know I know what you're wondering gray doesn't that mean you have to do the Rock area all over again make the bat man stop come on for God's sakes just let me have this why is this so stupidly difficult oh God no oh oh thank you it takes me about 10 minutes each time okay I don't know how I'm supposed to approach this the problem is I can't really turn because if this thing ever gets slightly sideways it won't fit on the Bitcoin chart and it'll slide off so I need to keep it as straight as possible there we go oh no no no no no but it's going to bounce all the time screw it we're just going to send it go oh yeah oh I should have known that was the answer all along all right now can I recover from this cuz the back end is desperately trying to slide over to the left and kill me hold on okay hey oh this is happening come on come on bitcoin's up you need to get over that that little that little hump right there there we go we got our booster it's working okay this one is going to be really tough because that is a big incline oh boost it boost it come on we're almost there if if the Boost regenerates I think we can get this I got to boost as I rock it Forward I got to boost as I rock it Forward rocket I slid off okay I think we need to pick a different car huh the vehicle saved me I was going to fall on my head but instead like a cat I fell on my feet so uh where do you even where's the what in God's name what is this you put like a tiny little seat out in the front this where I can control this thing anytime they make me some sort of customize vehicle I'm always so scared to learn exactly how they decided to program this or I should say anytime they program anything it's usually awful oh no oh wow that's this hilarious this is pretty this pretty amazing it's like driving a tube of toothpaste just kind of kind of shove it up there yeah there we go like driving a Mars bar oh God this is the most wobbly ridiculous just obscure God I mean it's it is working I don't really I guess I can't complain too much somehow the train is making it up there I love to see the suspension of the train working overtime okay so what I found so far is that we were not fast enough on that first attempt at all it can make it up the stairs I just don't know if I'm going to be able to make it up fast enough I have no idea how much time is left right now but this is going to be close all right rock it back and pop it up I got kind of the uh the format for shoving this thing up the stairs down does it pretty well but it definitely drives like a sad boat hey look at that take out a rock too this thing's got some weight to it I don't think there's any way this thing is making it up this okay I was wrong I don't believe it I can't believe are you kidding me first try I guess it's really good to have like that big flat back of the trade so it kind of like you know acts as a lever ah pink train who would have thought all right disgusting pink train versus uh Bitcoin oh my god oh this is awful yeah ah this is going to be pretty tough again though getting up the Rock area is so easy look at that got Air at the top there the Bitcoin thing if there's one thing I've learned at this point with Bitcoin it's generally if you're going to lose it you're going to lose it on the first two big drops so this drop here and then the next drop the one that goes all the way down to the U in the middle is the other part that'll claim your soul trying to stand this this freaking train on it scoop in the front there come on that plow oh that's not how trains work oh oh okay just line it up and go H oh hold on hold on oh my God woo I don't know if I can pop this thing up enough to climb if I rock it back and then pop it up ah it's kind of working my train has penetrated the Bitcoin that is a problem I feel like that's against the Federal Trade Commission guidelines or something I'm probably going to get fined for that improper train penetration oh come on okay no you couldn't have given me a more agile train train failed me you know what that means aoom let's try something else all right that's it I've had enough actually I shouldn't say that because I begun to Lose My Faith in the wastelander also amazing rim since the wastelander did not win the last couple of challenges I'm beginning to think maybe it's not the bulletproof warlord I originally thought it was in general I expect the wastelander to win all the time every time forever and it has not done that lately but so far things are looking pretty good the big question is can it fit on the tiny pathway of the Bitcoin chart and I I really don't know I hope I don't get beaten by this rock in a second well I totally got beaten and just went right around it that's the wastelander for you all right Bitcoin I mean it looks like it'll fit uh-huh oh okay uh H just wobble your way down the stairs looking good oh my God suspension is doing what it should be doing everything's fine I'm polluting the environment looks fantastic drink the smog everyone now can it climb oh yeah oh yeah here we go okay this is a really big thing to climb though God it's like a sheer wall why did Bitcoin have to go up so much lately yeah yeah no no no no no no no I was right there I was right there I hate my life right now screw this I'm out of patience I've had enough if it's lined up it's line if it's not it's oh my God if it's not it's not oh I don't think I'll ever be able to do that again wow I am so glad that worked simple stare with a little twist all right there's a windmill this windmill doesn't do anything it's just like sitting here in the middle of nowhere maybe it's just there to make me I don't know like second guess myself I am surrounded by judgmental windmills the windmills are everywhere what do what is the point oh my God all right so it wasn't until I got onto the pad here I don't know if you can see it there's a tiny little script sphere when you hit it this starts and now I kind of understand what the point of the wind turbines is as that staircase is just going in a gigantic Circle it passes through all of the different wind turbines so you're going to have to dodge them all while this thing's flying around randomly I don't really know how it feels to CL oh my God it feels terrible okay uh and the problem is as the stairs get further away from the center it's going to be moving faster what I mean is the radius is just going to be larger and larger I did it the real way that was amazing the radius is going to be larger and larger so it's going to be like you're going to have to I don't know like turn a lot harder so we're just going to send it and turn and that didn't work there's got to be some trick to this oh there we go okay oh no not not too much not too much not too much not too much then keep going little bit of a little bit of acceleration now and again we just we just need to climb a couple of stairs at the oh my God okay I need to get past the windmill oh that was very okay now it's starting to get ridiculous once you get past 34s of the stairs the spin is really fast on the plus side I have gotten through this Bitcoin area pretty pretty easy nowadays okay we're going to wait to it to get about 1:00 about I don't know here and then we're going to start turning and then we have to drift this thing up the stairs this will be the very first time I've ever had to drift stair climb I love it can't do it I'm starting to wonder if the wastelander is not the car for this that leaves a question on whether or not this thing can do all of the challenges nah thanks for your vote of confidence you know what I kind of want to make this thing do the entire challenge now you may maybe it was made for the wastelander I don't care anymore just seeing the license plate gives me the anger to try uh-oh the anger huh I don't know if I can even make this first stare yeah there is there is no way in the world to make oh maybe there is hold on okay I think you would still need to get super lucky well you know what there is a way to make this stair hold on I've got an old friend I have to go see don't mind me I'm just repositioning this car there we go okay trust me on this hit the circle back up go a I have to outrun that wall coming back up okay I've been timing this I think I got it yeah you got 4 seconds to make that jump well and then I messed it up one two three four oh my God all right so if I get past that first air then can I complete the rest of this 100% this truck is not made to beat this I might be able to get I I don't know come on baby oh hold on hold on we got ourselves a contender now the question is can I do it in the 55 seconds or whatever good yes come on keep rolling oh uh-huh now it's getting very easy to jump over this stuff so now we can save some of our speed oh yeah the suspension on this truck is pretty good I'm not close yet but I know how I want to beat this just a matter of trying this enough times that's all so leap over the ramp car man I really need to get this like first or second try there we go no do the jump land on the stair then pop okay that was really good that was the very first try yep I think we're going to get it 100% we're going to get it now one I think that one bird just stole that other Bird's wallet that was really weird I think I just saw like a bird mugging or something in front of me someone needs to call the Fish and Wildlife Commission we got it in fact I think we're going to have it with like 10 seconds left cuz now I can just roll over the rest and how about that that red wall is not coming up for a while while I'm actually still waiting for that red wall to come up oh there it is okay rock hard stairs how does it do against them uh oh wow this does really good oh this thing has fantastic rear traction can I blast through the I cannot blast through that rock all right we found we can get to this point without too much trouble now it's mostly just timing that rock so I can probably just raise it up oh God Bank a little bit over to the right there we go easy I think I could can one time these two events now all right the Bitcoin might be a little bit of a struggle so what we're going to do uh we're going to try this nice and easy the first time so just kind of slip on down I've tried to send it quite a few times after that one try and I've never really been able to replicate it we'll get a shot boom lands it ah the bounce got me I think you just need to have patience because oh what I was saying is the front tires on this thing can climb just about anything and it's not timed so it's more of a matter of staying on the Bitcoin chart okay oh nice okay good it's just a matter of not getting bounced off now if I can get to this bottom part of the the chart if we just kind of slowly do this I think we can climb up it all right we're going to put some Force forward there we go nice okay now now we're on the next level now we're going to do the exact same thing rock this thing back a little bit then use the acceleration nice wow that was the smoothest I think I've ever cleared even smoother than the wastelander okay so now it's time for this spinning mess so just climb it and start banging it hard oh yeah oh we're drift climbing I'm climbing St oh I was going to say I am climbing stairs sideways this is just the craziest thing man you I almost need to go fully sideways to make this happen okay where's the end where's the end where do I how do I hold this this isn't easy you have to know where the top of the stairs end at so that you can leave and get on the final platform see how we're all the way up here and the platform is nowhere near us and I don't know don't know if I can recover once I'm sideways like this yeah I don't think I can I don't think I'm enough of time okay how about if we do it at like 1:00 area like right past 12 okay all right this is looking good I've got the speed down for climbing this oh hold on hold on oh my god oh okay I just need to figure out a way to slow down in time all right yep right here right at right between 12 and 1 is where you need to start this and then when we get to the top we need to I hadn't been hit in a win tur line for so long I forgot about him once we get to the top we need to have no acceleration coming off of the stairs because oh my God that'll be the only way to stop in time so we're going this is looking perfect perfect perfect and then just kind of Limp it limply leave the platform and that's going to do it I was just checking real quick to make sure sure 100% sure that he did not put a Slowdown stick on that and that means that since I wasn't lied to we have a winner what the well that man just survived and I have no idea how anyway folks hope you enjoy this episode of GTA till next time stay Fox much
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 558,863
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, testing trains, testing trains gta 5, how many stairs, how many stairs can a train climb, train gta 5, trains gta 5, gta but
Id: HFcd2uqh4lY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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