I survived a 5,000 star wanted level in GTA 5

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all right we're checking out the only game where as my Star level goes up my will to live goes down it's GTA so Alex wanted to do whatever he wanted for the different star levels so he created a brand new challenge one two three stars it's all gone now it goes up to 5 000 Stars Alex has created a bunch of new challenges and checkpoints that I have to navigate through while getting to the end and try not to get elbow dropped by God himself let's do this welcome to prison level one oh we're starting at five stars great now on each instance there's different abilities that are going to be on the wall oh it's a helicopter where'd the gun come from inmates want to stab you a bounty on your head news team policy okay so they've given me a gun and a motorcycle that ended up murdering the guy that was supposed to escape with me bro you're not taking my motorcycle this is 100 here for me also you don't want to be on this motorcycle man I know that Alex challenges don't do it go away let me put my helmet on because I'm sure I'm gonna need it okay so effectively how this works it okay narrating this while not getting mugged is going to be did I just get stabbed in the spine how come everyone in this prison has a knife what do they give them out at lunch or something I'm also getting shot by the guards and it's pretty difficult to drive while I'm getting while the news crew is following me around okay how am I supposed to get out of here without getting sniped all right clearly I have to fight back because if I don't I just die immediately look up and smile I'm not smiling Alex I am in fact frowning a lot I found the one spot in the entire prison where everyone doesn't shoot me with high-powered rifles anyway if you get out here if you get out here there's actually a giant arrow if you notice hold on I'm trying to take care of this so I don't get shot while I'm directing you to the arrow oh my God they're everywhere as I was saying there's a giant arrow if you notice over to our right oh God and that will bring us to the next level of The Wanted meter which I don't understand how things could get much worse take the bad man stop oh this is pretty good uh let's pull back a little bit too far did it was it just me or did the did the helicopter drive into the side of a mountain 100 somewhere over here there it is okay okay somewhere over here I was gonna say there is did I just murder a bunny or something what's with all the different Vehicles kind of wandering around you can see them every once in a while they're here okay so there is a checkpoint so once I get this at least we can start from this point in the challenge how many stars are we going up to edus checkpoint 10 Stars roadblock caves army helicopter mercenaries are after you Second Amendment like I'm gonna get bludgeoned with the Second Amendment oh so I've been given a lot more guns I guess they just get shot seriously not gonna lie this isn't that bad like now at least I can duck down and kind of have some cover and I have a dune buggy instead of you know a motorcycle that just shouts kill me please hey special delivery what is that oh oh okay I guess that's the army helicopter uh the army helicopter is no joke like I died almost immediately actually you get to see me die very slowly how many helicopters am I going to be dealing with oh there's a guy sitting on the edge of that helicopter I'm gonna try and drive my way out of here but every time I've gotten inside of this vehicle there is a gun on the front so that's good the only problem is I can't drive and use the gun at the same time I think what's amazing right now if you've noticed to the right ready I got to throw a grenade right as the the news helicopter turned on so it gave it a really oh my God hold on okay so those are the roadblock Haze that he was talking about I've got all of the pipe bombs and molotovs and guns and pistols my biggest issue at the moment is that there's just not much armor in this thing so if I take any shots nothing's going to be blocking it don't mind me just resting right in the middle of a gigantic police roadblock to see here I can't believe no one shot at me they're like gray wouldn't do anything felonious oh really I love how the one police cruiser was just parked on oh God it was just parked on top of the roadblock it was just sitting on top of a gigantic concrete pylon now right up here yeah right there see it in the left is where the arrow is I can actually see it when I originally got inside of the buggy it looks like the direction that you get inside of the vehicle shows you where the arrow is sorry oh that was an innocent bystander he had nothing to do with the challenge I feel kind of bad about that well I kind of got pit maneuvered in the best way possible the reason why I say that is because the ceiling of the buggy was effectively protecting my Cranium I'm not gonna lie that this thing's not very fast the arrow is a lot farther away than you think it's like the mirrors where it's like oh God now ah I have no idea how I survived this I am I think it's because there's a guy stuck behind me and he's taking all the damage so technically they don't get to hit me but I also can't never mind I'm on fire now hello buggy we're going to be seeing each other a lot I hate your roadblocks oh this this military helicopter all right here's the plan I've got to put as much distance between me and that blue helicopter as possible because the thing has like Aimbot attached to it it kills me in a couple of shots oh it is following me very viciously I'm wearing like uh I'm wearing like military helicopter cologne Ode to violence just another day in GTA of me hating Alex is scripting prowess you know what would be great if some of these windmills protected me okay I've been through a lot because of these windmills why can't they help a brother out stop it whoa that was actually kind of cool oh no I'm gonna have to pick a different vehicle I'm gonna burn today sorry man oh my God sorry sorry sorry really sorry hey girl oh she's on fire she is burning alive right next to me I am probably responsible for that you guys are tasing me this is a real thing that's happening you're chain tasing me are you kidding me I got tased to death okay things are working out really good also I hate to tell y'all I just ran over a deer a little bit ago I felt really bad about that but I'm still alive I'm using the traffic as kind of protection because the helicopter can't really shoot me with all the pedestrians in the way and it's pretty far behind me now also how come just a random vehicle exploded out of nowhere I've taken this time to become really good at throwing sticky bombs at people while going incredibly high speeds at this point in this challenge level this is the furthest I've managed to get because I had to okay what is that bad why making TV from anything since 74. oh whoa yeah that's what happens man that's what happens no joke I just got run over by a soccer mom I'm trying to do a challenge I just got run over by a lady going to the store to pick up milk eggs and overpriced toilet paper get out of the way all right jump through this through the are you kidding me you put glass in front of the TV let me have this the glass response all right I have an idea here's the plan I'm Gonna Keep the sticky bomb on there and I'm gonna detonate it just as we go over the ramp okay I've been trying to complete this for a while I got abused by every cop in the tri-state area explode through the glass and now finally we have a checkpoint what else are you going to make me do a hundred Stars Bounty Hunter Buzzard Helicopter cops use heavy weapons covert Kamikaze units and citizens try to stop you great although I do have a really sweet ride I don't understand why but there is an exploding helicopter just over to my right and it is very violently exploding like just randomly exploding oh it's shooting rockets at me of course it is also I think this I think this car can jump okay there's the arrow I was trying to find out where the arrow is it's like it's in the direction when you start with your vehicle I just didn't see it the first time so the jump is there I do have the jump we've got saw blades on all parts of the vehicle I think there's a gun and it should have some kind of Cannon too it's got the mortar in it I think uh also things are just randomly exploding around me is that the Kamikaze yeah there's just all the time there's just explosions like everywhere there was a woman inside of this car what is going on behind me oh it's the Rockets from the helicopter oh my God no joke whoa I love how the Rockets are exploding like just behind my vehicle like an epic action movie how they never really aim for the protagonist they aim just behind him the fact that I'm still in one piece and not dead makes me oh all right I thought I could hang around and have some fun in this thing I was wrong we gotta get out of here and just get to the checkpoint like it's where did that rocket come from there's no angle where that oh okay okay I gotta start using the mortars now did you give all of the cops rocket launchers Alex no joke I think every single cop has a rocket launcher right now oh the blades on the front of this thing I'm gonna ride that to Victory and the ride is not going to be very silky it's gonna be filled with abusive Rockets the helicopters right on top of me okay there's the what was that I was gonna say there's the arrow I think he's throwing more than one rocket at me too sometimes the Rockets is like 20 of them just explode excuse me I'm just mortaring everything just everything I can see it doesn't really blow anything up it just kind of makes it flip but whatever that's good enough here we go here we go here we go here we go I love how all of the vehicles look like they're allergic to my car did you notice that I almost got smashed hold on ah ow I was gonna say I almost got smashed by a rocket launcher there is just Rockets everywhere this is such a mess no I was trying to get the checkpoint I'm just trying to open here we go here okay here and jump bail Jack boy I died but I got the checkpoint a thousand stars all citizens attack you cops have more armor gang members around you heavy Army is in a patchy helicopter and now the citizens use heavy arms I'm assuming now just everyone gets rocket launchers but the citizens and the cops but also I get this sweet car okay so there's our next Arrow get ready for the Glitchy insanity of a lifetime oh that's the Apache all right that's kind of cool okay so I have Rockets now and the mortars and this car has pretty good armor there's the Apache all right if I stay under like the bridges and stuff like that the Apache probably can't do much to me if the Apache oh wow there are gang members everywhere out of the way if the Apache starts oh God if the Apache starts going underneath all the bridges I'm gonna have a real issue how much armor did you put on the Apache oh this gun's amazing oh I don't care how many stars there are this is great oh and the mortar is the explosive cotton what is that Oh wow was that airstrike I think one of all the citizens are driving at my vehicle now I was trying to understand what it meant when it was like you know the citizens are after you I think every once in a while they're trying to run me off the road that was a total headshot I spun I did like a 360 that looked awesome and now my skin is sliding off of my body you know it would be great Alex you know it'd be great less Stars that'd be wonderful if we could can I trade some of my stars in can I get can I give the can I give this Apache a bribe okay because now instead of dealing with Aimbot guns I'm dealing with like Aimbot Rockets jump the Apache is following me but it actually hasn't shot a single rocket at me in quite a while all right so if I go up this area and then okay never mind it is starting to shoot rockets at me if I go through this area the arrow is right up here so are you kidding me all right I know I'm doing handstand that's great look at that everyone my neck is very flexible oh boy all right we're just gonna well all right I guess I could do that too the helicopter just crashed into a tree ow a door from an exploding vehicle just hit me okay the Apache is literally right behind me I have basically why is this whole area filled with like like burnt oh my God I think he had it programmed to have Rockets going at that fire escape because it was just filled with explosions and we had a chat room welcome to 5 000 Stars there's there's more cops there's drone strikes of course tanks are deployed Jesus is deployed and then there's a warthog it's Jesus okay okay so oh I got a guy sweet ow did you see the warthog by the way it's like bright green oh and the warthog has some serious Firepower because this thing has a ton of armor and I'm already taking a lot of damage I love how the pet is it the guy on the top is not shooting anything I love how he's just there to absorb bullets it's like a bullet sponge everyone's attacking him oh this is gonna be ridiculous even through this vehicle I'm dead all right Insurgent oh my god oh wow I'm going to be seeing this screen a lot I love how the more stars you get the less your life expectancy is oh wow I didn't get past where the previous vehicle got blown up you have one job head get up there use the all right you know what yeah just hang on the side of the vehicle why not oh we did get up there just took a while okay uh we are not staying on top of anything because if we do we just get rocketed immediately it is just a Non-Stop barrage of rockets behind me and guns that may very well be rocket guns I don't know yeah here we go here we go use the bridges they can't get you under the bridges it is raining fire it is literally raining fire from the amount of rockets that warthog is shooting at me oh God no no the warthog is kind of smart too like when I get under a bridge you see it flying over me you can see it you can see that it tries to maneuver so that it can get a good shot at me it was like AI programming on this warthog oh boy the war dog is taking evasive maneuver so he could go around the building there's a warthog the warthog is drifting 100 the warthog is drifting warthogs Don't Drift I love how eventually I'm gonna have to deal with Jesus why can't Jesus be like a buddy of mine you know someone that helps me out or something all right we're doing pretty good so far well pretty good we're still alive okay we're really close to the arrow very close and there's a lot of buildings in this area so that can intercept a lot of the explosions unfortunately we're still dealing with all of the cops stop getting in the way oh what a what uh did anyone just see the random ped Matrix over that why is he what is going on hold on there's there's like a pen just sliding around behind me can I help you like is this guy different than all the other Peds Alex is this like some kind of it's kind of like some sort of oh who's not dying what is this wow wow this is RKO the whole Insurgent he just he just one tapped me who is this there's literally Rockets explosions warthogs helicopters just you know roadblocks and and oh God and police vehicles and then there's just some random dude in a tank top That Elbow smashed my vehicle wow what is happening you didn't tell me that the tank was gonna spawn inside of my glove box just another day on the channel yeah I always love it when I uh you know order a tank from Amazon and then it comes early there's like 30 of them what are you supposed to do oh my God that's like it's like a flock of geese but it's a flock of Tanks didn't know that tanks ran in herds do I get like any kind of warning or anything before the tank starts showing up is it is it programmed right over here because it seems to be where they always gotta hang out at all right no tanks this time thank God I'm not gonna lie so far this I mean you know except for the warthog this drive this Sunday drive oh my God this Sunday drive has been very lackluster I lied I'm pretty sure I just got aerial strike see what happens you see what happens when you don't get off that cell phone next thing you know the the orbital defense systems of the United States start dropping nukes on you oh no oh my God why is there missiles what is going on with the ward guess what sticks The Landing what who is this is that Jesus is that what that is the guy who just teleports behind me and then flips my tank over well my Insurgent over oh there's Jesus let's go guys like a fine wine the 5 000 Stars had to age and now that they have I'm kind of wishing that I would have chosen the cheap wine keep your tanks to yourself I died and I don't even know how it happened this is the Run already off to oh wow I was gonna say I'm already off to a good start I'm pretty sure they're shooting cluster bombs at me now or something I don't even know if anyone sees a dude in a in a in a tank top just let me know okay this is good this is good the guy that was supposed to be Manning my gun the whole time I'm pretty sure just jumped it did he just duplicate is he jumping out of the car every couple of seconds he is looking him he's like no more gray okay but we're doing good through the water out through the broken wall and then finally where we're supposed to go the custom shop all right so what are you gonna do airbrush me to death everything else in this game's trying to kill me I got bullet holes all over me I mean I don't know if they're recent or what it's ready your favorite color is it gray or pink I've got a couple of favorite colors what is it if it's a deer oh I feel like there's less armor on this thing this isn't really an upgrade I mean all right is it like a teleporter here what do you get inside you teleporting them oh my God criminal could you give it me a different license plate but it doesn't matter because we've got a winner inside of the Grave I guess it's where I belong and folks so if you're just episode GTA till next time stay foxy much to love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,094,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 mods, game, gameplay, funny, gta 5 funny mods, gaming, gta, gta v, grand theft auto 5, caylus gta 5, jelly gta 5, gta 5 choice, gta 5 hacked, grand theft auto v, gta challenge, gta 5 five stars, gta 5 five star, gta 5 police, gta 5 5 stars, gta 5 police chase, gta 5 five star police chase, funny moments, gta 5 wanted level, wanted level 5000, wanted level, i survived
Id: 23FbjA16NUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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