The Most Terrifying Stands: Gold Experience Requiem

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the most terrifying stance gold experience if there was a video with a mythic hype behind it it would be this video the amount of comments debating me or asking me to talk about this stand in this series is ginormous due to the complexity of the stand i've held off for a very long time but thanks to the homie jobber and me kind of debating and talking about this stand in private i think i finally can make a video about this stand proper of course starting off the musical reference to gold experience requiem i've explained it in a previous video with chariot racquel but basically amadeus mozart makes his composure requiem but dies before he could finish it eventually later on one of his students would eventually come to finish it of course being a parallel to where palmerith dies with the requiem arrow but eventually with the struggle to fight diovalo jorno eventually picks up the arrow and achieves a controlled requiem unlike the berserk stand chariot requiem and the jojo bella iraqi even states that gold experience requiem is just the evolution to gold experience kind of showing aspects of a flower and the requiem era with the musical reference and rocky's comments out of the way we can finally talk about gr's powers and abilities and let me tell you they are insane gr has consistently stated in universe and outside thanks to a couple guys in iraqi himself that it is so powerful it exceeds all previous stats abilities and notoriously attack power and cannot be compared to any previous stance you can't assume that thanks to these guides that gr is the ultimate stand gold experience requiem stats are also consistently shown to be none helping the previous fact that its powers and abilities are so far above everything else that they can't be represented kind of implying some internet debate that gr has a no limits fallacy gr even mentions itself that no matter what ability a stan has in jojo gr itself will be above it every single time and with that being said we can actually scale off of probably the most scaled stand in the entire series and said previously to be the ultimate stand star platinum the world the reason why i'm using star platinum is just because he's super consistent and we actually have some like actual numbers to go off of here and a lot of statements and stan stats so what the previous ger is above all previous stands in the series in terms of abilities and powers this should mean that star platinum's city level feat with the sun should mean that gr should be at least at that level or higher and seeing how the actual statement says you know gr is above all stands it should technically be higher but for whatever reason if you are contentious about this argument or even comparing these two stands in general there actually is some evidence to support that case but i don't think it's true during a part 6 stan stack guide star platinum is stated to be the strongest or the ultimate stand depending on the translation some people consider this to be a defining point that star platinum is stronger than gr or you know gr is just not that good or hyped up to be you know the ultimate stand now there are two ways to look at the situation the first being that iraqi has two different variations of an ultimate stand one that's physically powerful with speed behind it and that can be physically measured and the second being a transcendent stand that can't be measured and is above reason and logic and just it kind of almost works on its own accord now the second way to look at it is kind of long and you have to go through a lot of loopholes and kind of say uh maybe did gold experience requiem exist during part 6. it's kind of semi implied that gr does not exist anymore and needs the arrow to come back for anybody doubting this perspective look at killer queen once it got hit with the arrow and gain bites the dust the arrow never left the stand but with ger it showed that it's embedded on its forehead and after divalu is defeated the arrow leaves gold experienced requiem and is now in giorno's hands plus you can also look at palmeriff and how he took away the arrow from chariot requiem and then it disappeared now this argument only works if you believe you know killer queen bites dust is a requiem and you completely throw away the fact that trish said that you know the requiem arrow is eternally a tied to gold experience requiem and due to the almost fanfic interpretation of the second part i just can't believe it's true not to mention the fact there are two stan stat variations four star platinum in part six one from the jojo velar and one for an in-part version of it and the import version of it doesn't state that star platinum is the ultimate stand that could imply that either made in heaven is now or gold experience requiem with all that being said the destructive capability and the physical strength of gold experience requiem should be above a stand like star platinum the world and can be considered the ultimate stand quote unquote it's also stated by paul nur if the original point of the arrows was to achieve a power like an almighty god and since the acts of gold experience are shown to be equivalent to a god and depending on your interpretation of the story this can be true so in a low ball for gr's ap city level on a high ball mountain level so it's actually pretty consistent but if some 15 year old can blow up a mountain with his stand i think you should be a tad bit concerned about your well-being on a day-to-day basis in italy now when it comes to speed gr actually kind of gets into the insane levels in jojo right off the bat we have gr above infinite speed and most likely immeasurable speed both notorious big and made in heaven have infinite speed on top of that gr was able to at least react in a realm with no time and just to clarify on what king crimson's ability actually is king krypton doesn't actually erase time i think it's kind of a misinterpretation on iraqis part and even us as fans it's more like he's erasing people's perceptions and perspectives dioval even himself confirms that the fact that he actually erases time for everyone else but himself if this wasn't the case he'd literally be erasing people from the timeline now taking a closer look at made in heaven at a bare minimum we know he's at an infinite speed but taking a closer look at it he might be at an immeasurable speed made in heaven accelerates time to infinity ending a timeline and creating a parallel one gucci has stated and shown to be physically able to keep up with an accelerating timeline this fits with an immeasurable speed definition as its speed is beyond linear time from puji's perspective he is just walking but from everybody else's perspective poochie isn't moving immeasurably fast now some people would actually call that inconsistent because he actually can't move and stop time but given on how the context of how it actually works made in heaven speeds up time to be that fast so logically if you stop time you stop made in heaven so basically made in heaven's immeasurable speed was reliant on time plus made in heaven's ability was so strong that it was able to shorten time stop and to add even more proof to made in heaven being immeasurable everything that is explained about his ability fits into the criteria of being immeasurable time travel arriving before you left traveling to different points in time beyond linear time definitions like this fit underneath immeasurable speeds that then would prove that made in heaven is in this category of speed but if for whatever reason you don't believe anything i've said so far about speed at bare minimum with stan stats made in heaven would be an infinite speed stand and with previous stanstat statements with gr and statements in general gr would scale above made in heaven and of course if you do believe that made in heaven is an immeasurable speed stand that would also then imply that gr is in a measurable speed stand on a higher caliber so with the bare basics out of the way ger is insanely powerful having the physical capabilities of possibly destroying a mountain and being at near immeasurable speeds on a mid ball not a high ball of course because we don't actually know the full limits of gr this is insane he by himself with no abilities can basically destroy or kill anything in the context of the jojo universe within his timeline most stands can't even get to a you know building level or hell even light speed without some rough calculations but the sole fact that gr consistently through a lot of evidence can reach these levels is mind-boggling and that's just basics we're not even getting into his abilities yet and since gold experience requiem is the evolution to gold experience that means gold experience requiem has all of his previous abilities life giver the ability to bestow life into any object making life out of it damage reflection when one of the creatures journal makes out of life ingrid gets damaged the damage that would happen to the creature automatically gets on reflected back onto the opponent life shot the ability to make an opponent feel like they have a bunch of energy to attack the opponent when reality they are actually lagging behind giving jordan the ability to you know kind of rush and attack them life exhaustion the ability to bestow energy into any life form making them go through their entire lifespan within an instant basically a one-shot ability self-healing just like with life-giver journal has the ability to make any organism so he can actually make human body parts to heal himself the ability to touch an object is feel if there is life in it but in gold experience requiem he can just feel it out like if it was key so you can then infer that all the other abilities got at least some type of boost thanks to the requiem power up he also then gets like life laser beams too it's the first thing he shows against diavalo after gaining the requiem so it's like really weird it's not explained at all but it's there and finally his two new abilities when gold experience requiem appears infinite infinite death and return to zero gold experience requiem has a semi-passive ability to revert any attack to zero and will itself 2-0 as well it is technically a form of causality manipulation removing and preventing an effect and only leaving a cause there's a specific requirement for it to revert something it requires the manipulation of the attacker's will and actions right before an attack lands thus preventing the effect and reverting everything to zero and defining will within the case of jojo means your soul slash fighting spirit returned to zero is busted i'm just gonna flat out say it no matter what you try to do to this stand you are not going to affect it at all possibly being as fast as gold experience requiem itself being immeasurable you cannot out speed the ability not to mention the fact that the ability in and of itself removes the attack it is probably one of the more busted abilities in all of fiction gold experience requiem has way too much its kit is way too massive he has everything self-healing life-giving the ability to make your attacks literally useless having an extremely high ap and massive speed advantage over pretty much a large majority of anime characters is just insane if you were to encounter gold experience requiem through hopping into alternate universes you're not gonna win i'm i'm i'm sorry to say this but like this is you're done and there's still more to talk about enter the death loop now from what is shown in the manga diavolo doesn't actually die in this death loop what's actually happening is divali was getting close to death but then is healed summoned to a different scenario right before the official death to repeat the process thus no effect has been reached and he has reverted to zero basically gr is removing the aspect of death from diovalo infinitely and in the higher ends of it the concept of death itself now the interpretation of how this ability works or maybe the scenario and how it should be activated is contentious as [ __ ] and a lot of guides and just people in general just kind of don't agree with each other until this day araki has never ever clarified how it works it's vague as [ __ ] to the point where it's inconsistent and makes a lot of people think that gr has a no limit fallacy which it possibly could have depending on the scenario you would think of but it just gets really weird now the death loop keeps devol's wills and actions forcing deovolitis to come to every near-death scenario possible infinitely might i add the safest bet to where diovalo shows up is different points in time he goes from the river to two days into the future possibly depending on how the ability works now if it's true that he's actually getting teleported to different points in time for the rest of the universe or for the rest of time this would then give gr a slight passive ability to manipulate time so add that to everything else he can do needless to say the infinite deft loop is probably one of the most terrifying abilities in all of jojo think of every atrocity a human can do against another human and then anything the universe can do against a human it's an unfathomable amount of death any evil action that has ever happened to a human has now been bestowed upon diovalo for the rest of eternity it's kind of almost the really weird like morbid thought process to think about all the scenarios that could possibly happen to you almost kind of in a cosmic horror type of sense now aside from the death loop being probably one of gr's greatest feats there is still one more we need to talk about the fact that gr was able to revert erase time is definitely a universal plus feat we know that stands like the world and star platinum in the world have the ability to affect time around the world due to made in heaven fighting star platinum the world and star platinum stopping time and made in heaven not being able to react to it or you know being stopped by it would then imply that star platinum's time stop affects the entire universe when he stops time therefore implying that a stand like king crimson who has the ability to race all of time within a fragmentary moment would affect the entire universe therefore meaning that gr beat a character that could do a universal plus feat it's said by araki himself the range of time stop would go all the way into space therefore proving even the fact that you know star platinum can affect the universe like he did against made in heaven on top of that gr has the ability to stop fate itself which is an entirely different bag to explain which jobber has already done on his channel so i'll link that down below for you guys to watch but yeah gr is just [ __ ] stupid dude he just stops fate just because i don't know how to explain it so when it comes to the original universe gr is by far and definitely the strongest stand but what happens when he meets the infinite rotation and d4c love train thanks to the jojo velar guidebook we actually do have an answer to this vaguely through power scaling in the guidebook ger still holds his title as the ultimate stand still having no stats while incredibly powerful stands like d4c love train and tess act 4 still have stats aka their physical stats and abilities being measured gold experience requiem ability wise with its return to zero ability should scale above the most powerful feats tusk and lovetrain have been able to show both stated to be trans-dimensional d4c love train having barriers being multiversal plus and says act 4 with the infinite rotational energy being able to pierce said barrier with infinite attack potency are getting washed by ger with its return to zero and with the context of the multiverse being involved in part six and just being introduced after that part this would then technically mean a stand like made in heaven has you know universal plus implications meaning that since gr is technically within that timeline supposed to be stronger than made in heaven that would technically mean on a mid ball ger is multiversal plus on a down play is universal plus which is still insanely powerful it makes total sense for the past two decades why this stand was considered one of the strongest things in all of fiction and in my opinion one of the most terrifying stands just pray to something that you never get caught in an infinite death loop well that's gonna be the end of the video like comment share subscribe follow me on twitter stay hydrated see the next one ladies and gentlemen you
Channel: METAs
Views: 616,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, The Most Terrifying Stands, jjba, jojo bizarre adventure, power scaling, The Most Terrifying Stand, analysis, The Most Terrifying Stands: Gold Experience Requiem, Gold Experience Requiem, part 5, golden wind, giorno giovanna, diavolo, king crimson, Gold Experience, Requiem arrow, golden wind requiem, return to zero jojo, infinite death loop, vs, the strongest stand in jojo
Id: xhE3ezwWHMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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