Jojo - The Heaven Plan

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she's up today i'm on the beat [Music] in part six of jojo's bizarre adventure pucci's goal was to carry out the last will of his master dio this was to bring the world to a state of what dio called heaven the complicated nature of this plan leaves some people confused and some often write it off as totally nonsensical in this video i will be going over what heaven is and the process of attaining it both as it was planned and as it occurred in the story in one of my previous videos i went in depth on the concept of fate which has existed as an observable force in the world of jojo ever since the very first part understanding the concept of fate is absolutely integral to understanding the heaven plan along with the motivations of poochie and dio i will retread some of that information in this video but i still recommend watching my fate video since there i also delve into its presence in other parts before we can understand heaven we must first understand the one who came up with it dio dio brando was born into poverty and suffered through an abusive lifestyle this molded him into a manipulator who planned to infiltrate the joestar family and steal their wealth his ambition was so great that he rejected his own humanity and shifted his goal to that of world domination he was eventually defeated by jonathan joestar and sealed away for 100 years during his time in the coffin dio had plenty of time to think over his mistakes it is at this point that i believe he reached an understanding of fate and formed his heaven philosophy that would govern his actions from there onward dio's idea of heaven is a state of being in which you are completely aware of your own fate and have no power to change it you know everything that will happen to you for your entire life dio seems to be a person who is cursed by fate from the start he was fated to be born into a tragic life in which his mother dies and his father abuses him because of this the ideal state for someone with a tumultuous life like dio is a world in which he is completely aware of his own fate and then comes to accept it once you have accepted this fate you have reached the peace of mind that dio calls heaven unlike most stories in which fate is an abstract concept the fate in jojo is an observable physical truth the force known as fate is actually the force of gravity itself all mass has a gravitational pull and these various poles is what influences and carries out the faded path all people and objects are governed by it and while some may believe they are altering fate in reality the changing of fate itself is faded fate is completely inescapable anyone who tries to overcome it will eventually be shot down by it the only way to thrive within the system of fate is to completely accept it it would become dio's goal for the entire world to face this truth whether they wish to or not now that we hopefully understand the concepts of heaven and fate how exactly will do reach this goal this is where the heaven plan comes in in order for heaven to be attained the universe must be accelerated to the singularity point by doing this the universe will be reborn people will have already witnessed their entire existence and will now be placed back into it with foreknowledge of it once they know their own unchangeable fate they can start to internally come to terms with it with dio's current stand the world this goal is not possible the world has control over time indio likely understood another truth which is that the law of gravity and the flow of time are intertwined and as we already know gravity and fate are intertwined as well as a time manipulating stand the world is the first step to creating the stand necessary for heaven however dio already had his stand and that couldn't be changed so he devised a ritual in which he could force this stand to become the one of his choosing dio's plan to attain heaven is as follows he begins by inscribing the 14 phrases into his stand a stand is synonymous with one's soul and by inscribing these phrases he is ingraining them into his soul itself this will act as a kind of password for later then he would destroy his own stand dio's will would be revived through his remaining bone and by sacrificing the souls of 36 sinners create a homunculus known as the green baby by inscribing his soul with the 14 phrases he not only implants those phrases into the green baby but also implants it with his wish for it to be capable of reaching heaven the baby is essentially dio's will to attain heaven given form through the exchange of the power of 36 souls dio's inscribed soul is reborn in the way he chooses the baby would be sought out by someone that dio trusts and this person would relay the 14 phrases to them confirming their identity the baby would then fuse with this person implanting dio's will to attain heaven into the person's stand this would cause the stand to become simone the one needed for the plan with this gravity manipulation stand the person would need to head to specific coordinates on earth these coordinates point to cape canaveral where the gravitational pull of the earth is at its weakest the other major gravitational factor accounted for is the phase of the moon according to the plan it must be a new moon once reaching these coordinates see moon will be able to manipulate gravity in such a way that time itself will be affected since once again time and gravity are intertwined once this happens the stand will evolve into made in heaven this stand can accelerate time until the universe reaches the singularity point when this happens a new universe is created all living creatures experience a full cycle of the universe and are then placed back into an identical universe now that they know their own fate and that it is futile to try and alter it they can begin to come to terms with it once someone has understood that their fate is absolute and accepts it they will attain the peace of mind dio spoke about and reach the state of enlightenment known as heaven as we know gravity and fate are one in the same because of this made in heaven has true control over fate in this new universe the universe could be played from the beginning allowing a full cycle to take place within this heaven effect i believe this is what dio's ultimate goal was for all living beings to live within this idea of heaven however in practice dio's plan did not go completely as intended now that we've gone over the intended plan we'll look at how these events actually played out in the story since it deviates from the plan in a few key ways after being freed from the coffin dia would meet with the fortune teller enya who would teach him about stans she would also supplement whatever he already understood about fate enya had come into possession of five stand arrows and dio would use these to give himself and many others the ability to use a stand dio's own stand proved incapable of carrying out the heaven plan on its own so dio would travel the world seeking out other stand users he would eventually be drawn to pucci and with his white snake the plan would be expediated after repeated visits with him dio began to trust poochie enough to designate him as the person needed for this plan he gave puji one of his bones in order to revive his soul after the destruction of his stand he then sent pucci to florida to infiltrate the staff of the green dolphin street prison once he had gotten considerable influence in the prison he would be able to arrange for the needed sacrifice however this would take some time meanwhile dio would search for more stand users he would still need a stand that could revive his body and i think it's possible that the nijimura father's stand was a candidate for this due to its possible regenerative properties he was also sought out for his proximity to joturokujo keichonijimura suspected that dio was searching for a certain type of stand although keicho was unaware of what exactly this stand was next dio would inscribe the 14 phrases onto his stand and prepare for his stan's eventual destruction dio would then write his plan into his diary planning to relay this all to pucci in the near future however the events of part 3 would eventually occur causing joturo cujo to pursue dio with his understanding of fate dio knows that he is destined to clash with the joe stars and decides that they need to be dealt with in order for them not to interfere with the remaining preparations for the plan of course dio would be defeated by jotaro and his body destroyed while dio's death is a necessary step in the plan it had come in at unintended time to further complicate matters jotaro located dio's diary and learned about the plan to attain heaven the diary was then destroyed making jotaro the only person in the world with knowledge of the plan the plan was nearly devastated by this setback but the involvement of poochie would end up saving it pucci stand white snake acts as a plan b in the event that knowledge of the plan is lost he can seek out and recover the memories of it pucci would spend the next few decades rising through the ranks of the prison and locating the necessary stands he gathered a large amount of stand discs one of which was limp biscuit a stand capable of reviving the bone of dio after a long period of waiting poochie finally recognized joturo's weakness through his daughter jolene using jungali a one of dio's remaining disciples he would frame jolene for murder and have her set to the prison this caused jotaro to attempt a rescue at which point he was able to catch him off guard and steal his stand and memory discs now that he had the memory disc he had full knowledge of the plan jolene was no longer a concern of poochie so he would make no personal attempt to stop her escape with jotaro's comatose body however jolene chose to stay in the prison to get the discs back from poochie with limp biscuit dio's bone was given life and sought out the souls of the prisoners in the punishment ward creating the green baby poochie was able to locate the baby and say the 14 phrases he had learned from the disc fusing the baby with him and giving him the proper stand pucci left the prison and headed towards cape canaveral although he would still have to wait for the new moon giving jolene time to catch up since the green baby was technically a combination of dio and jonathan's body it had a joe star birthmark after fusing with it this gave poochie the birthmark and also altered his twin brother's body to give him one as well these birthmarks have supernatural properties enabling those with them to sense each other's presence three of dio's sons were drawn to fuji this way and were used as pawns to delay poochie's enemies jolene and weather were also able to sense poochie in order to catch up with him kuchi eventually reached cape canaveral however he still had a few days left until the new moon but poochie found a way around this by reaching an understanding of sea moon's abilities since sea moon makes poochy the center of gravity by placing himself inside of a frame he was able to levitate upwards this allowed him to reach the proper position for the gravity manipulation even without the new moon by doing this poochy awakened made in heaven and began accelerating time like dio pucci understood fate and knew that the joe stars and those who support them needed to be dealt with he wished not only to remove any possible opposition from them but to also deny them access to heaven however jolene was able to save emporio in time allowing him to enter the next universe since jolene and the others were dead their souls were put in a sort of limbo poochie shaped the new universe stopping them from crossing over this caused them to be replaced by counterparts of themselves with the original plan pucci would allow the universe cycles to complete however he still needed to kill emporio to do this he let time resume normally right around the meeting of joturo and jolene at the prison when he knew emporia would be nearby once he had killed emporio pucci would allow the cycle to complete again and deactivate made in heaven this would then allow him and all others throughout history to live out their full lives within heaven emporio along with everyone else in that universe was now aware of their fate and the fact that it couldn't be influenced the way that fate operates here is worth pointing out people seem to have an internal sense of free will they can think to themselves and even say out loud whatever they want however they cannot control their movements and are aware of future movements they are fated to take while this is quite extreme the system of fate ultimately hasn't changed only people's understanding of it normally people's movements are still faded but they are unaware of it a person can witness an action happening and then react to it in a way that they fully believe they are choosing however both the action and their reaction are faded this faded reaction is fully believable to the person as if they had chosen it however it is still ultimately faded some characters are aware of fate and by altering it slightly can greatly complicate this sequence however in this case only poochy was able to directly alter fate in this universe and he did not have knowledge of his own future while made in heaven was active emporio was able to use this to his advantage by manipulating poochie into pushing weather's stand disc into him now in any other circumstance emporio would not be able to do this however pucci's position was unique he had the ability to shape fate and was still completely unaware of what the current fate would be emporio could see that he would have the disc in position all he had to do was make pucci believe that moment was when he should attack by taking the action of pushing in the disc poochie changed fate this caused fate to favor emporio leading to pucci's defeat according to emporio fate will always ultimately favor the path of justice with pucci's death he was no longer able to control the shape of the new universe this resulted in a new universe being created free from poochie's influence it is also likely that pucci himself does not even exist in this new universe much like the previous universe the events of the past would remain mostly the same however the present and recent past are altered the souls of jolene and the others are restored but they are given new and better lives emporio is now the only person left with memories of the previous universe but he understands that the irene of this universe is the same as the jolene from the previous throughout the series the naming convention of jojo has highlighted the members of the joestar bloodline this is the same bloodline that has been fated to battle evil for over a century now that the final threat in this universe poochie has been eliminated there is no longer a need for this conflict so the jolene reborn into this universe lacks that naming convention instead of her and her descendants being destined to battle with dio and his consequences irene's future is free to be whatever she sees fit with this the original universe of jojo comes to a fitting end with fate favoring the right path hopefully with this video you reach a better understanding of heaven and by extension fate in jojo for an in-depth look at the concept of fate and the ways it applies to other parts please check out my video on fate in jojo this video has been another in a series of in-depth looks at topics in jojo these have covered the idea of whether the walleyes were forgotten fate in jojo and explaining how king crimson works if you have an idea for another video similar to these comment them down below to support the channel and to have access to rewards such as discord perks and some uncut videos contribute to the channel on patreon to receive updates on new videos join the hum and beat discord using the link in the description and finally for future videos subscribe to the channel thank you for watching this is the part of the video where i thank my five dollar and up patrons thank you to norton the lich alex ramirez razianna boat girl anna suey hat doorbell cloudy monk man campbell's chicken noodle soup ashton joseph miller crayon jesper jansen austin nino and dark blur 2005.
Channel: Hamon Beat
Views: 228,295
Rating: 4.9594102 out of 5
Keywords: jojo, jjba, jojos, bizarre, adventure, jojo's, araki, hirohiko, fate, destiny, jotaro, dio, the world, pucci, made in heaven, what is fate, heaven explained, part 6 explained, stone ocean, requiem, king crimson, jojolion, stand, gravity, c moon, whitesnake, kira, killer queen, stand arrow, anime, manga, japan, japanese, shonen jump, shuieisha, sj, ultra jump, green baby, 14 phrases, limp bizkit, irene, reboot, reset, enya
Id: _cDyt6ObCvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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