Debunking Araki Forgot: Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders

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she's um they hop on the beat this is what we've really been waiting for part three is not only the most well known Jojo part it's also the one with the most to misinformation surrounding it so in this video I'll be covering almost everything people claim Araki forgot in part three the first one is also the biggest Dios coffin but it is also one of the easiest to disprove in part one arena and the infant Lisa Lisa used the coffin to escape from the exploding ship in part three do is found underwater a hundred years later in the coffin I have seen a massive amount of people who think that there must have been a second coffin and that its existence is a plot hole this is confusing to me since there was never a second coffin the manga and anime both show a secret compartment in the coffin where do hid that he entered before the ship exploded at the end of part 1 arena is seen sitting in the red lined portion of the coffin in part 3 we can see that portion is removable on their space underneath the amount of people that do not even know about this is staggering so I'd like to make sure that as many people as possible are at least aware of it the existence of the secret compartment also makes perfect sense if do ever had to hide inside he would need a way to protect himself just in case it is opened in direct sunlight however even after knowing there are still some people that will try to argue about how do manage to get inside some explanations have been given in a couple of different Jojo novels but those are non candidates so I will not be using those really I'd say the answer is as simple as he took Jonathan's body and just walked over and got inside but people seemed more particular about details so I'll go over those some people have asked how do got inside the compartment when arena was already there or how she didn't notice considering that it's a secret compartment there's probably a secretive way to open it if do had customized a coffin that can shoot out a crystal from the inside to kill people I'm sure that he would have had a way to open the coffin straight into the bottom portion either from the lid itself or through a false bottom as for how arena would have noticed movement of the coffin I think the swaying of the boat along with explosions and falling debris would account for that others have asked how arena left the coffin without do escaping this one is also quite simple at the end of part one Irina was floating in the open coffin and was rescued off the coast of the Canary Islands I'd say it's reasonable to suggest that in a time period with no electricity Irina is most likely to have been rescued during the daytime during which do would not be able to go outside of the coffin there was no reason that arena would take the coffin with her so it eventually sank to the seabed where it was found a hundred years later this time the coffin was opened after the Sun had set so do was able to escape another common topic is how Jotaro got all of the objects in his cell while keeping himself in the jail cell star platinum acted subconsciously and brought Jotaro objects some people point out the star platinum is a short-range power type stand and shouldn't be able to go very far to gather these objects I'd like to point out that a stands effective range is not necessarily equal to its actual range close range stands generally decrease in power as they get farther from their user but it's not out of the question that star platinum would have been able to gather objects from in and possibly around the police station as for how the larger objects were able to get inside we're able to clearly see that star platinum can open the cell door on its own a more difficult thing to address is the first battle against magicians red star platinum loses power while Jotaro is being suffocated by the red bind later on in the dark blue moon fight which takes place largely underwater breath seems to have no effect on stands I can easily see this as a holdover from early concepts for stands which in Japanese can be read as ghostly ripple however on the next page Joseph still says that stands are created by life energy which is how they are generally thought of in later parts stands are tied to your consciousness and losing consciousness would make your stand weakened Jotaro was in his first stand battle and was being strangled well in the dark blue moon fight Jotaro is prepared and is holding his breath for no more than two minutes some people ask how Joseph can look as old as he does despite being a humming user in part two Lesa Lesa looked quite young so why isn't Joseph the same way Lisa Lisa was raised by straizo and had been learning Holland since childhood after the death of her husband she secluded herself and did nothing but train in the following years Joseph on the other hand only trained in Holland because he had to and had no reason to continue doing so after the defeat of the pillar men Lisa Lisa is actually not a very good example to make this argument Joseph is 69 years old in part 3 while Lisa Lisa was 50 in part 2 a better example would be straizo who at 75 years old and even with constant humming training still began to look older as the years went on back in part one deal was shown to have created chimera creatures that he kept around his mansion some people asked why he never made more of these after he returned the first answer is that he simply didn't like them and only really made them to test the limit of his abilities however what I think people are missing is that deal essentially did use this ability again when he grafted his own head onto Jonathan's body during the first appearance of kakoen he is seen using a painting while he attacks Jotaro he paints over JoJo's leg and Jojo is attacked in the same spot many people ask why he never used this painting ability again this is another one that confuses me the painting was never a part of his ability it was just an attack from Hierophant green either an emerald splash or an attack from one of Hierophant green strands khaki win even destroys the painting afterwards hinting that it has nothing to do with his ability some people have said that since we can't see the attack it couldn't have been from his stand but we don't see his stand when he destroys the painting and many times in the series we've been shown things happening with the stand being invisible later on kakoen possesses the school nurse by using Hierophant green to control her he is using a puppet in this scene but the ability is shown to be unrelated this further supports that the canvas itself is unrelated to his stand both the canvas and the puppet are just being used for show however calculon's possession abilities are tied to another common question outside of this scene Jackie Wynne no longer uses his stand to possess people well there are multiple reasons for this kaki one is being manipulated by do and it would never harm innocent people on his own he does still use - green to enter people as seen at the end of the death 13 fight and when he saves a little girl from being attacked by lovers none of khaki ones other fights would benefit in any way from using possession first of all stand users can see his stand which would make them very difficult to possess tower of grey was too small and fast so once he caught it he tore it apart instead whole horse and Jay Kyle were too far away and he wanted to let Paulo off either one to kill Jay Kyle anyway possessing Steely Dan himself would solve nothing about the stand in Joseph's brain and it would just harm Joseph if he attempted it the younger Darby would be able to see himself being attacked by - Green which would count as cheating and cause khaki one to instantly have his soul taken and lastly do where the entire premise of the fight was that kakuhen needed to stay a safe distance away from him one which I find somewhat annoying is the often repeated line no one can just deflect the emerald splash like a lot of rocky forgot moments this one started as a joke but for whatever reason I've seen it lumped in with other inconsistencies as if this is somehow one of them this is really no different from any other villain character being surprised that their attack doesn't work this lion is also from the dub which makes it a little bit more inaccurate compared to the original live in parts 1 & 2 the battles focused mostly on jamón abilities but starting in part 3 there was a shift towards stance some people wonder why a change like this was made and why Joseph didn't teach Holland to the other characters it has been shown that Holland takes weeks of training to use effectively the group had 50 days until Holly died and they ended up killing do in the last possible day is simply not efficient to stop and try to learn hummin or to teach it half-assed along the way the main conflict in part 3 is that the forced awakening of a stand-in Holly has caused her to become ill since she is not strong enough to control it some people have asked how Holly is not able to control her stand when children infants dogs rats and other peaceful people like Tonio or aya can I think this stems from a misunderstanding about how Stan's work a stand is not necessarily based on a fighting spirit and more like a strength of spirit first of all people like Tonio Anaya manifested their stands through mastery of a craft since they became so skilled with a certain task a stand formed which fit their skill this is differed from a forced awakening through something like the arrow or the Joestar curse the Joestar stands were awakened because of the distress signal sent from Jonathan's body this gave them very powerful stands capable of locating and finding deal since Holly is a peaceful person she is not suited for this kind of stand holly is also not the only person shown in Jojo who had a partial stand awakening as the user of cheap trick in part four was still able to attain a stand but was unable to control it early on in part three stand names were based on tarot cards before leaving the group draws the cards to choose the name of their stand and yet also used the cards to name the stands of Dios minions so why didn't they ever draw the same cards in a series where fate has repeatedly been shown to be real and where fortune tellers make multiple appearances in which they are always accurate I really don't see how people get hung up on this they didn't draw the same cards because their tarot cards and it was fated to happen that way it's really that simple right after the group leaves for Egypt do is shown using his own version of hermit purple to spy on them a lot of people seem to think this is an abandoned idea where dia would have had the power of every stand that is nothing but a fan theory and has no source whatsoever and the amount of times that I've seen it repeated as fact is insane in actuality this hermit purple is the stand of Jonathan's body as confirmed by Araki himself in the stand dictionary from the Jojo agogo art book many people refer to this stand as the passion but this is incorrect the passion is Jonathan's stand in the non cannon spin-off novel George Joestar and in the book it functions completely differently from the stand the official name for the stand is simply Jonathan's stand to talk more about this stand some people have asked why do is able to track the movements of the group so easily and this is the reason this is also the reason do is able to manipulate the message Joseph read on the TV the characters kakoen and paul Arif were both being shown rolled by flesh buds placed by do they became allies after Jotaro removed to their flesh buds some people have asked why Joe trow didn't recruit anymore people using this method many stand users were shown to be following do for reasons other than mind control many of them were seduced by him which do has an extreme tendency for and others talk openly about being paid by him most of them are just plain evil and there are even people like whole horse who is clearly not being mind-controlled since he often considers betraying do none of the other stand users were able or willing to be converted to the Crusader side in the flashback introducing J guile he is briefly shown using a shield that protects himself from the rain I'm surprised people still bring this up since I really haven't seen anyone talking about it since before the part 3 anime aired this is really as simple as having hanged man go between reflections on the raindrops to prevent them from hitting him during the dark blue moon fight the runaway girl character later known in the anime as an is introduced she stays with the group for a short time and rejoins them again before later being sent home the argument for whether a Rakhi forgot her is really the same as poco in the last video she's just a minor character in the dark blue moon in strength fights Giotto was shown using his star finger ability where he extends his finger to hit things a lot of people have asked why this ability is not used in more situations and some even bring up examples from other parts I'll cover the examples for other parts in those videos when I get to them however there is some word from Araki as to why this ability didn't return he said as the fights intensified its frequency of use decreased this would imply at least to me that the ability is not very powerful in the first place Jotaro has only ever used it at a last resort when he is restrained however I will be revisiting the viability of star finger in my part 4 and part sex videos as for within part 3 the idea that random abilities not constantly coming back means that Araki forgot them is just asinine to me during the fight against evany devil polnareff is blinded and trapped underneath the bed making him unable to see where to attack with his stand however Paul Arif is seemingly able to see with his stand inside Joseph during the lovers fight what some people seem to have forgotten is that Joseph was showing khaki one and ponder of what was happening on the TV with her a purple when Rubber Soul was disguised as Calculon he is shown using - green to attack the robber for some reason people view this as a plot hole despite yellow temperance being a blob that can shape-shift into anything he wants others ask how nobody saw this attack happening since yellow temperance is a visible stand but the fake - Green is shown traveling low along the ground while the others have their back turned during the fight against Steely Dan kakoen and Paul Arif are shown shrinking their stands to go inside of Joseph's body shrinking your stand takes intense concentration to do and leaves you completely defenseless your stance power also decreases the smaller it becomes a lot of people seem to think this would have been useful again but I really see no other opportunities where a stand user could just stand around without being attacked while shrinking their stand for whatever reason this kind of ability is really only useful against a microscopic stand like lovers the next fight is against a stand that takes the form of a Sun some people ask how do who is a vampire is able to control someone who stand is the son of Empire's weakness this is because this is not really a son vampires and Jojo are weak to a specific wavelength of energy this son stand would have as much effect on do as any other light source like magicians Reds fire a flashlight or the lit lamps he gladly keeps inside of his mansion even if this stand did function like the actual Sun Deal has been shown to be perfectly capable of convincing people to join him with his supernatural charisma during the fight with Alessi polnareff loses one of his earrings in the following arcs he is seen with the earring back the only reason tension is being drawn to this earring is because it was a small hint to the woman that Paul Arif was the child she met earlier afterwards it's replaced like any other damaged article of clothing the characters have even Paul Roth loses the earring multiple times and in the final arc Paul Arif doesn't get his earring back until after they defeated do against Darby Joseph enters a bet that involves dropping coins into a glass trying not to be the one to make it spill over I've seen multiple people asking why he didn't use hummin to keep the liquid inside the glass this has a very easy answer everyone including non hummin users can see hamon this can be seen even all the way back with smoky in Part two who describes Joseph glowing Darby would see this happening and instantly know Joseph was cheating which would result in his soul being taken because of this Joseph used a more discreet cheating method Big East and The Fool uses a sand replica of do to fool vanilla ice there are a couple different questions surrounding this the first is how Iggy would know what deal looks like when the group's entire goal is locating and defeating do and they carry a picture of him around I don't see why they wouldn't have shown a keyless picture to let him know that once do is defeated they would let him go home another question is how the voice was replicated people seem to forget that Paul or F is there as well and that he has met and heard do before silver chariot is shown to have an ability to remove his armor at the cost of defense to increase his speed as with other stand abilities people ask why the use of these decreased most people seem to mention the vanilla ice fight despite speed not really being an issue here sherry it doesn't have issue dodging the attacks it only becomes an issue whenever he is unable to see the attack at all such as when he lost part of his leg which was after the sand he had thrown the track his movement had gone away Dio makes his return in part 3 now with the time stopping abilities of the world however he is no longer seen using some of his vampiric abilities like freezing in space for Postini eyes deal makes it very clear that Jonathan's body is rejecting him and limiting his vampiric abilities even if he does have access to these abilities he has little opportunity to use them freezing only works on direct contact and would not work flu stands since there is no moisture and considering the dio's main goal is to get more Joestar blood to strengthen his time stop I think that the last thing you'd want to do is expel his bodily fluids in a last-ditch move like space for pristine eyes lastly deal has become so confident in the world and improving its time stop that he have little care for those other abilities before do gets in the car with the senator he has a brief line acknowledging how long he has been alive for whatever reason people take this line as him saying he had never seen a car before when he had been shown to travel to America before in part six this is another minor point people blow out of proportion since it's just a small line to remind people of Gio's age clearly with in part 3do has already seen a car since he recruited the car driving stand user who wheel of fortune while Jotaro was fighting do the two of them appear to fly through the air really this is them jumping and propelling themselves with their stands an unfortunate side effect of the anime adaptation is the conversion of normally fast paced scenes into much slower ones to include the details from each page their time in the air is prolonged because of their clashing and the time stops freezing Jotaro but Joe trow was clearly not flying freely since he is seen using his stand to redirect his momentum now possibly one of the most controversial topics in Joe Joe star platinum stopping time as with the coffin the biggest Araki forgots seemed to have the easiest answers Jotaro was gifted a stand capable of defeating deal from the Joestar curse not entirely dissimilar to how Jonathan's body and Joseph were given similar stands the explanation for why Joe Vera had to develop his time stop is the same with Dios Harbour purple do has had a year to strengthen it while Jotaro is just starting to learn it and has finally pushed hard enough to use it outright during the final battle Jotaro tested whether or not he can move within time stop using the magnet trick since the magnet was connected to do it was not stopped in time similar to anything else do holds because of this it would attract Joe Chows magnet and if he is able to feel this he would know that he's capable of moving within stop time star Platinum's ability is super speed and reflexes and what is the peak of those abilities if not moving so fast that it's like you stop time some also seem to imply that this ability wasn't planned and came out of nowhere when it has been documented that the world and star platinum were the first two stands Araki created when planning part three the final thing I'll be covering is Joseph's revival this will play into another in the next video so I won't go into too much detail Joseph's body was clinically dead after the fight with do by doing a blood transfusion with dio's body and jump-starting the heart Jotaro was able to resuscitate him there are a couple things to go over with this the first point is that since Joseph received blood from Dios body shouldn't he become a vampire Vanilla Ice was revived with Dios blood and became one why is Joseph any different well a lot of the blood Joseph got back was really just his own blood that deal had taken only four minutes earlier even if Joseph was to get some of videos blood inside of him that would be little trouble for a jamon user jonathan was shown to be able to expel vampiric essence from his body eliminating do cells from within his own blood would be as simple as channeling a bit of hamon this is supported by straizo whose vampire cells were destroyed by his own hummin second some people question whether joseph should be able to be revived to begin with what people seem to miss is how little time he really spent without blood which was four minutes even in real life people have been revived from apparent death after longer periods than that others also bring up that Joseph's soul left his body a detail a lot of people overlook is judge Roe questioning if he's seeing things in that scene but I'll ignore that people have gotten very caught up in the specifics behind Souls leaving bodies and when someone is really considered dead in Jojo at the end of the day like most things in Jojo it comes down to fate Joseph Joestar as a character shown to have a supernatural tendency for cheating death and this is no different and that was every Araki forgot for part three this may turn out to be the longest video in this series just from the sheer amount of things there was to talk about however there are still some big ones to talk about especially in the next part which is one of the main reasons I decided to make these videos join me next time when I'll be debunking a rocky forgot in part 4 please consider joining the hummin beat discord server where I will be posting updates on upcoming videos that is also the best place to leave any suggestions you may have the link to that will be in the description down below thank you for watching this is the part of the video where I thank my 5 and $10 patrons thank you northern glitch thank you Alex Ramirez Thank You raze IANA Thank You Boake girl and thank you Laura
Channel: Hamon Beat
Views: 3,507,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jojo, jjba, jojos, bizarre, adventure, araki forgot, hirohiko, shuckmeister, plot holes, asspull, writing, part 3, stardust crusaders, jotaro, dio, time stop, kakyoin painting, possession, hermit purple, star platinum, star finger, joseph, vampire, flesh bud, stands, shrinking, armor, silver chariot, coffin, casket, holly, stand arrow, debunked, breathing, avdol, polnareff, iggy, vanilla ice, joestar, kujo
Id: lJ65P8S70WI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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