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chop your hands maybe if you lift up your hands they'll lift up the lights come on lift up your hands lift up your voice come on give it over to him give it over to him give it over to him turn the lights up for me please hallelujah now clap your hands if you love our God clap your hands if you love our God [Music] [Music] [Music] bless the Lord hallelujah would you write where it is that you are would you just take your neighbor by the hand for just one moment one moment if you take your neighbor by the hand and I want you while your neighbors hand is in your hand would you take a moment and pray for them come on pray for their life pray for their understanding pray for clarity pray for discernment turn it up just a little bit please pray for their intimacy with the Savior hallelujah and we declare it to be so in Jesus name come on clap your hands if you know he answers prayer hallelujah you may be seated in the presence of the Lord get even a new birth good evening new birth this is the day the Lord has made we were Joyce and we are glad in it I want to our challenge you we're going straight into the Word of God we've got a lot of ground that we need to cover I want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument or go to an area in your device or your smartphone that is able and available for you to take notes a lot of information that I want to share with you on the night that I believe will serve you well long after this night is over we are a beginning of series that will last us through the month of May called blackout of the biblical blueprint for meditation a biblical blueprint for meditation I shared with you on Sunday this series I and where it is that we were going I said you'll take a moment in Yolo invite somebody to be a part of our social media ministry and they can log on and be in our cyber sanctuary they'll go to our website or download our app they'll be in the sanctuary with us I posted on yesterday on my personal page and on our ministry page this series on meditation and this is my fifth month I am being with you as pastor and I'm grateful I was amazed astonished unnerved and surprised at the response of the larger community just on teaching on meditation there were people who wrote on Facebook this is demonic this is witchcraft and this isn't biblical Pastor Brian is now teaching yoga at new birth and so I want to work down biblically what meditation means for us as believers is really today is just going to be our introductory class on next Tuesday I'm going to be talking about the apostolic order of breathing how your breathing is your intercession how your breathing is connected to your prayer life how your breathing opens up the portal of heaven David said let everything that has breath praise the Lord then in our third gathering I'm going to be talking about the execution of your meditation and I think in that last week I'm gonna be giving you instructions on how to set up altar in your house how to and your own private space of where it is that you worship and how it is that you see God I want to first give you a distinction if I can between Christian meditation a Middle Eastern meditation so that we can just get that helped away and then just go into the Bible okay so Eastern meditation advocates that when you're meditating that you ought to empty your mind you are empty your mind of the the Christ like mandate of Christian meditation is that you are filling your mind not emptying it but you are filling your mind and filling your mind with the thoughts of God nowhere in the Bible which is our a Book of Discipline for believers that's where we have the epicenter of our theology and our convictions in our faith is in the Bible nowhere is the mine equated with evil or unworthy it is through the mind that God creates communicates with us he said you are transformed by the renewing of your what of your mind Jesus says let this mind be in you it is amazing that so many churches want to deal with rules that they never have relationship so they want us transformed by our wardrobe so they have equated sanctification by the length of your skirt or the color your lipstick or how you wear your hair and Jesus says that that don't mean nothing you can have a long skirt on and be wicked it is how your mind a process you understand that there are three different tiers of sin three different tiers of sin thought word and deed and most of us we place our focus of sin on our deeds where the first area is in our thoughts as a man as a woman thinketh so here's what come on church so is so was you ain't met amen and so God wants us in meditating that I am thinking about him Paul says something that really is our text for tonight I'm mindful that many of you are writing but as that you'll write down our text for tonight and I'll come back to it I takes a focus abiding scripture for tonight is Philippians chapter 4 Philippians chapter 4 those of you are taking notes as that you'll please write that down those of you who are not taking notes the least you can do is pull out a Bible help us in some way amen Philippians chapter 4 and I want us to look at verses 8 and 9 Philippians chapter 4 verses 8 and 9 Philippians 4 verses 8 and 9 finally brothers and sisters whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy look at the end of verse number 8 think on these things original translation of Philippians chapter 4 verse number 8 that last clause in the original language of the text says meditate on these things think about if you would all love this stuff that you were stressed about the stuff that you were stressed about does not line up with the will of God pastor why would you say that because what you are stressed about you are thinking about and it is not pure it is not lovely it is not admirable it does not have the spirit of excellence and it is not praiseworthy have you given yourself permission to think about something that's good something that's admirable something that models the spirit of excellence go to Philippians 4 look at verse number 9 whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me put it in practice and when you put it in practice that's when the peace of God will be with you this really is an addendum to Sacred Scripture that we cannot just be hearers of the word but we've got to be what come on y'all came for Bible study we're not just hearers of the word we're what so maybe the peace of God look at verse number nine the peace of God is not with you because you have not practiced what you heard your pastor preach you are stressed out losing your mind dealing with depression having to be overwhelmed with anxiety Wow because the preacher never told you what to do with it so today next Tuesday Tuesday after that I want to walk you through how it is that we ought to meditate and meditating on the Lord can be one of the easiest and one of the most difficult things that you will ever do but I'm telling you that once as a church we create a culture of meditation then when you get to church I need you to even conceptualize this church for you will just be the after party yeah because you you have learned how to focus and channel in on God and then when I get to new birth it is the release of what has happened in my private time the difficulty is is that we have not been conditioned to sit still we have now taken on multitasking to that being natural you don't even know how to focus on one thing you and Bible study been in here 15 minutes and uncheck your social media twice you ain't even posted nothing and you looking to see what people have responded to from three days ago for meditation some of us is boring is like watching grass grow others of us are afraid to be alone with our own thoughts meditating on the Lord is in fact a practice because it forces us to do with many of us avoid it forces you to think and so many of us are sanctified escape artists so we do busyness just so we don't have to think about what we're dealing with and so we've got to figure out a way how do I carve out time with God I'm not asking you to raise hands because I don't want to tempt you to lie in church but I want to ask you do you have a specific date with God daily God is hearing from you at what time do you have a specific time that you have allocated this is my time with God whether there's 6 a.m. for some of you the kids got to get up at 6 so you need to set your clock to 5:45 you have to do it until it becomes a discipline here's 12 noon my time is 11 o'clock my time I'm not talking about when you want the prayer call yes it's only but so much intimacy you gonna have on a group date y'all look straight ahead I'm Tony it's just it's only so much you gonna find out through double date day God is saying I'm looking for that level of intimacy it is my hope it is my intention it is my prayer that as we navigate through this that this summer your intimacy with God is gonna be able to grow at such a level here it is that an alarm clock will not be necessary that you are if you can imagine you are getting up to see God I'm getting up at five o'clock in the morning just to pray with God and I am excited about it I'm gonna give you tonight three principles about meditation that I pray that you will utilize for yourself the first one I want you to write this down I hope that it helped you the first principle in our meditation tonight is pick a word to pick a word right there in all caps for me pick a word to the church at Philippi he says whatever is true whatever is noble whatever is right whatever is pure whatever is lovely whatever is admirable whatever is excellent whatever is praiseworthy meditate on that and so as you are beginning this journey of introspection you're beginning a journey of being a 21st century mystic you're beginning this journey of intimacy with the divine I want you to begin thinking about what is the one thing I am thinking about the psalmist said one thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after what is that one thing you need from God here it is that is not tangible was that one word peace joy happiness love relationships whatever your one word is whatever your one word is would you just speak that word in the universe for me real quick come on speak that word out loud y'all don't sound like you confirmed about it come on the anointing breakthrough understanding discernment whatever that one word is would you say that one word please y'all still do this out is a little heavy just sad is the little weak what's that one word you looking for hallelujah now huh I meditating on that one word I need joy joy joy peace I need peace peace peace I'm gonna be happy happy happy I'm thinking about it in every area of my life I want to be happy I want to feel loved I don't gave it but I'm gonna I wanna feel loved what would you get that write down I wanna feel a word that the 21st century church doesn't even articulate I want to know contentment what does it mean that I don't need nothing from nobody um I'm good I have learned how to be a bass and how to be about I am content I like where I am I like how I look I like the space that I'm in I'm like the chapter that I'm living I like my job I like who likes me I like my kids this week I want contentment one form of meditating on the Lord is to silently repeating that one word Bishop Charles Harrison Mason founder a Church of God in Christ sparked a revival and make him the largest founder of the largest Protestant Church in America black or white Church of God in Christ anybody here come out of kojic Church and right keep that hand lifted for me the whole church was built on one word yes they will go one hour singing one word tell him yes and didn't even know that this was in fact protracted meditation they sang in devotion one word yes and never posed a question nobody ever stopped and said what am i saying yes to you understand that why because whatever he asked me to do I'm giving him my answer before I even know the situation now those of us who didn't come out of kojic you needed a fall song around it I'll say yes Lord yes - you're willing to your way I'll say yes I will trust you in obey here come the coaching pop witness spirit speech to me my whole heart I'll agree what you gonna say now coach ik said I don't need all of that yeah I just need one word just for that to get me centered now it didn't matter for them whether they win a storefront or Cathedral they could pull up that one song those of you were here for my installation Cedric Daniels came from mill walking he's supposed to do the prayer he walking from over there to the podium and just started singing yes yeah the service just started and immediately the whole atmosphere beginning to share why because we then went into meditation and didn't even know it so for me to meditate I don't even need incense I needs fragrant candle gel ain't saying nothing to me I don't need cool jazz in the background all I need is to be focused on that one thing yeah so for me to meditate don't mean I need to be spooky it only means I need to be deep because it's open is available to everybody let me just put it in practice real quick Tiffany to get to a mic for me real quick I gotta show this to you all the kojic people stand knows y'all that was raised coaching I need you to stand right where it is that you are thank you so very much y'all gonna lead us in old-fashioned devotion now we in this new age of praise and worship but the people standing around they grew up under devotion yeah devotion is meditation all right it's just one word way octave thank you it's just one word and we're gonna just meditate on that one word that I'm saying yes whatever he tells me to do next I'm telling them yes whoever he tells me to cut I'm telling him yes whatever he's telling me to change y'all ain't saying nothin to me I am gonna be compliant you you all remember the very first miracle that Jesus ever perform he turned water into wine and the Mary ran up to Jesus and said Jesus we got a problem we don't ran out lad and Mae said forget on the day she saw speaking to the catering staff and said whatever he tells you to do I'm gonna do that yeah I wonder can you allow yourself the spiritual vulnerability to just keep telling God yes whatever he tells me to do the rest of this year I'm gonna be able to do I wonder how many of us can meditate on being available knowing that in being available is making me vulnerable that that many times when I'm available it ain't my will is his will that's done so somebody over here said I'm meditating on money somebody over here said I'm meditating on peace I'm meditating on joy I'm meditating on the anointing but collectively we meditating on how do I tell God yes and you have become so accustomed to saying no you don't know how to say yes to God hallelujah come on Tiffany come on take take me I know we in a megachurch but I need a storefront anointing right through here all right so I don't even want no organ behind it I only want no keyboard I don't even want no drums cuz I gotta get you conditioned on how to meditate in your living room yeah y'all ain't saying nothin on how it is I did I meditate when I'm in the home by myself how do i meditate I need some of y'all to help me when my only place to meditate is sitting in my car hallelu come on lift up that hand come on come on everybody lift up that hand [Music] yeah [Music] come on lift it up [Music] oh one more time come on leave me right there [Music] [Music] yeah I can let that sit right there [Applause] come on he came back come in the room now you get ready to start something right through there now you ain't gonna have no mic in your house Tiffany ain't gonna be in your house but can you just give him your yes right there come out I can't hear you come on I dare you to fight for it I tell you to fight for life to make yourself [Applause] sure hey I feel glory coming hey I feel the wind get ready to move through here hey I can't hear no about yes you'll see that it didn't take us our it didn't take ten minutes but you focused and on God you forgot about your bills your co-workers your health [Applause] herma I feel his glory in here I said I feel this guy right in here if you don't need nothing don't say nothing Hey I feel revival get ready to break out you better jump in the fire while you can I dare to make yourself available [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ain't no touch your neighbor ain't no turn to your neighbor it's just me and God I needed this Ananya I needed this refresh [Applause] huh whoa [Applause] don't y'all start it right through here yeah I'm telling you if you shout it again a breakthrough it's dead ready to be released in here oh yeah [Applause] ah [Applause] hallelujah I feel a quickening get ready to come through here why are you saying yes I'd only want had none to the fire but I'd a to say yes and start clapping your hair don't just clap I said for a yes on [Applause] I'm telling you you may feel the Holy Ghost like you ain't felt them in years I die to put your hand on it hey hey hey how do you feel some quickness that was good for the cultures I'm looking for some apostolic sin here a data just are rubbing your belly right there yet it feels like yes yes this is for those of us to head to tell you at the altar when we used to have church about the stuff come on baby you write that up [Music] [Applause] she can Amish hey masseur she kappa baba god help me yo y'all don't lift me out here by myself if you got your prayer language I need you to take it in the gates of Hell shall not prevail against come on tell you no matter come open up your mouth mister stuff you got saved or this the stuff you got filled with I need open up your mouth I went to a mean one night Hey Thank You holy God hey thank you ha oh hey I'm scared to give you another world you already say yes the under 45 ain't gonna get it the over 45 my data just are saying the blood guard see it now god help me now I don't stop at the basis we can may hit a home run hater just start calling his name Oh y'all act like you don't know him hey I said keep calling his name I said keep calling his name and his name every knee must bow every tongue must confess power your name you don't already called the blood you don't already said yes now call his name he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised shoulders stripes [Applause] hallelu hallelu hallelu hallelujah when you in meditation and your man starts to wonder when you start losing focus and losing your attention a day to just stop repeating one of em three words the blood Jesus and yes I can't hear nobody I said when you suck in sleeping when you give a step in the holy of holies day they just find one of them three word and just hold on to it [Applause] be seated please be seated be seated you don't even know what just happened you don't know what just happened I talk about no bills getting paid when you started calling that name tension left your body when you started calling that name stress got off of your back when you started playing apply your where when you started speak we can alleviate your headache meditate let me give you one more we'll pick back up next to Z let me give you one more ain't no way we all get through three and no way we can get through three tonight say a word pick a word it's number one number two write this one down please your meditation if you're picking a word what it is that I'm focusing on this restorationist peace happiness balance contentment love advancement progress whatever that word is that's what you repeating this what you going through your private meditative time first is picker work here's the second one write it down please stand on the word we are not Buddhist we are not Hari Krishna's we're not agnostics we're not Muslims were Christians because you're Christian then your meditation has got to be based on the Word of God share with you on Sunday about the word Sayla in the Bible 77 times of those 77 times 72 of them are in the Book of Psalms so while you are in your meditation I need you to find a selection in Psalm that will be your focus point find this election in Psalms that will be your focus point that I am reading through the Word of God because I expect the Word of God to come alive in me in meditating on God's Word here this is that the monks used to have daily reflections they would commit to memory passages of Scripture and months at a time weeks at a time or days at a time that would take ownership of that word everything in this word is what it is that I'm claiming for my life what I'm believing for my family and what I am prophesying for my future scripture says that God's Word is like a which sword it is alive and quickens us that's Hebrews for we are changed by the word but the word has to get in our heart and in our spirit and in our minds many years ago Moses had a problem and the problem was that he had delivered the children of Israel but they were still connected to Egypt so here to get Egypt out of the Israelites what happens when God brings you out but you're still tied to what you were delivered from so you have to begin meditating here it is on my promised land and not on my burden place the focus of your meditation has to be on where it is you are going not where you have come out of find the passage of scripture in Psalms is what it is that I'm recommending to you many years ago many years ago when I first started preaching I preached at Prairie View University in Texas oh man there he was the chaplain he gave me something I mean I've just started out preaching I was maybe 20 21 years of age that I've kept to this day that I'll give to you as an aside he said young preacher you're coming up I'm gonna challenge you to read a chapter of Proverbs a day that's what he challenging me to do and I've been doing it every day since he's told me that he said something that helped me and it ought to help but you and your children he says even if you skip a day you'll never lose track why because they're 31 chapters in Proverbs so you read the chapter in accordance to the day now here's what he admonished me to do that I give to you he said read proverbs in the morning three proverbs in the morning for whatever that date is reprieve herbs in the morning why because proverbs will give you whiz for the day he said then Reid is with the old Dean of the chapel that prayer view told me he said then read a selection of Psalms at night savory proverbs during the day so that you can get wisdom on how to get through today read a selection from Psalms at night why Dean so that you can celebrate you survive the day and so I'm gonna challenge you in your meditation so that you're not just doing what a whole lot is do we just opened a Bible this must be where God want me to read but that'll keep you on a regimented daily schedule for about 20 years or so I go through every year the one year study Bible and a one year study bible I recommend and offer to those of you who don't trust yourself to discipline to the Word of God it gives you 365 days of a daily reading and because of technology you can download it and you can come directly to your phone to be able to do it or you can register and it can come directly to your email on what is your daily reading for you to be able to do it it takes nine minutes a day if you do nine minutes a day you'll be able to get through the whole Bible by the end of the year amen amen if you can't be a believing you don't know the Word of God now I also want to challenge you this setting you up for building your sanctuary or you're altering your home is to get post-its get post-its or index cards I don't even know if they still sell down yes index cards and in whatever is your meditation chapter meditation chapter find what is your verse find what is your verse and put that verse in three strategic places of your life whether you need to put it on your screensaver that's up to you you need to put it on your refrigerator need to put it on the desk on your job you need to put it right on your computer at home so that your mind is always going back to the Word of God and you remember what it is that God revealed to you in your hours of meditation I'm gonna challenge you if you are not already doing it I'm gonna challenge you when I was growing up my sister you say have a diary yeah for grown-ups is called a journal yes they don't come with locks and keys no more but I want you to have a journal or a place in your technological advice device weird is that you're writing down what it is that God is revealing what it is that God is showing what it is that God is sharing you all are just getting to know me I'm just getting better to know you one of the ministry gifts and some point during the course of this year we'll go into it in deeper level one of the minister gifts that God has given me is a rare gift not often seen in the body of Christ but the gift that God has given me is the gift of dream interpretation so he's giving me the capacity they have known and to be able to decipher dreams other people's dreams and not even help me understand my own but other people's dreams to do that and some some other time during the course of the year we will do dream intensives well I'll give you an opportunity I'll put microphones in every aisle you'll be a tell me your dream I and I'll tell you what it is that God is saying and what it is that he's expressing in that but we'll do that at another time but you need a journal close by where you meditate why because it's putting a mandate on God give me something I can remember give me something that I can hold on to give me something that I can trust I've said to you several times and it bears repeating tonight that the shortest pencil is better than the longest memory you think you gonna remember but you won't so I ask that you please write it down physiologist suggests that we forget 97% of what we've heard 97% of what it is that we've heard we forgotten and that's why it is that we've got to keep repeating over and over and over again so it can get down into your spirit when is the last time one of the things that we're going to start doing is not only do we have a Book of the Month but as a church as we begin to expand our tentacles for our spiritual base is as a church beginning in the fall we're gonna start having a scripture of the month scriptures a month what is that pastor is that all month all of new birth is memorizing one verse and we're going through that one verse so it's down in our spirit so can you imagine that your spiritual arsenal has 12 verses that you can pull up on at any given time but not only do you know it but the people who are under our covenant and fellowship know the Word of God that word have I hid in my heart that I may not sin against me against they is that that word has got to make ourselves available so that we are transformed now I'm right at my time but I got to do this now to be honest with you I'm getting ready to go over a meditation with you and I'm just gonna go through it not all of it I'm gonna go through some of it and then we're gonna regroup on Sunday and I'm gonna give you the rest of this meditation and then the other part of it I'm gonna give you next Tuesday cuz I got to leave a little baked to make y'all keep coming back some I'm give you just a little bit now today I'm gonna go through it is not on your screens because I want you to just be able to meditate and focus on Sunday i'ma put it on all of the screens for us to be able to go through it but this is gonna be a part of your little meditation and I may not give it all to you to the end of May yeah so let's try so I need you to meditate right wait is that you are there was nothing in meditation I want to say this to you there is nothing in Christian meditation that suggests you've got to be in a certain pose to be receptive so for you to meditate you ain't got to sit indian-style yes for you to meditate you don't have to light two candles one red one green one black you know for you to meditate you ain't got to wash in black soap for three days but but meditation in summation is really about a focusing of the mind the focusing of the mind and the centering of the thoughts also that I am clear on what it is that God has given me and so I want to go through this litany if I can on meditation and I'm telling you is so powerful is so pervasive that once we start getting the rhythm of what this represents I'm telling you a skin better to change you everything in your thought life and even in the brainwaves of how it is that you are process and how it is that you think I want you to repeat after me please I am come on say with authority I'm not talking about your neighbour I'm talking about you so you got to personalize this it is no way on under this group my staff don't even have it the media team don't stop looking up there it ain't there I know you waiting on it but this is something that I want you to internalize everybody repeat after me I am I am as God created me to be I am one with the mind of God I am the love of God I am the light of God I have the wisdom of God nothing I have seen nothing I have heard nothing I've experienced nothing I've done nothing I've been taught nothing I've been told nothing that's made up about me can't change who I am I am healed I'm balanced I'm grounded I'm aligned with the will of God I have joy I have peace I am humble I am authentic I am determined I am free I am brilliant I am creative I have gratitude I am excited I am abundant I am anointed I've been changed I am special there's nobody like me I am what God imagined fake on these things I want to give you just one verse for you to think on one verse of it I want you to think go on whether you got to bow your head whether you got to close your eyes whether your eyes are open I just need you to hear what it is that you are speaking to the elements the atmosphere and declaring to the Antichrist I am nothing I've seen nothing I've heard nothing I've experienced nothing I've done nothing I've been taught nothing I've been told nothing that's been said about me nothing that's been made up will change who I am I am what God intended I don't mean nothing to y'all huh no wonder average people don't like you no wonder a whole lot of people don't get rich you can can I say it to somebody apologizing for Who I am fearfully and wonderfully can you just take one moment and meditate on something you ain't never thought about what was God thinking when he created me what was God's intention when he designed me what did he have in mind when he made my mother meet my father what did he want me to do why am i that valuable that the enemy pays so much attention to me think about it how are you that dangerous when you've been afforded no advantages what does God have in mind for me when there were two opportunities I could have died why in the world did he wake me up this morning what is the intention of God for my life what is it then he wants me to do there's got to be a purpose for my life that's greater than a job I was born with a mission born with an assignment born with ministry people are gonna be better because I'm alive did you hear what I just said people's lives are gonna be better because I was born he has used me in the earth realm to expose darkness in areas where my family lives he is using me to disrupt the culture I am a threat to everything that is average Shh I am on the hit list of every person who adores mediocrity a call on my life is so special is so unique is so peculiar that I can't find anybody in the earth who has had my journey I can't find anybody who can really steal my testimony so every mountain he brought me over for every valley that he brought me through for everything I thought was a mistake he already knew it was gonna happen and he's ordered my steps and now I just need God to turn the light on and exposed to me what are the thoughts that he has about me and God said I'm gonna give it to you in your hours of meditation she lifts up your hand your pastor wants to pray for you how pray over every lifted hand that God will give you the discipline to spend a long time with him I pray that God will hearken your ear so you'll recognize his voice I pray that God will sew up every open wound that has not been addressed I pray that God will heal you from Church hurt I pray that God will in fact bring you all of the necessary healing for the stuff that took place in your childhood I pray that God will give you clarity of mind precision of thought directness of action that you will fall in love with meditating with him and those of you who want God to cultivate in you the gift and the discipline of meditation would you just take 10 seconds and worship hear me before you do it I don't want you to worship like you had a new birth here's what I want you to do 10 seconds worship Him like you're at home whatever you were doing your bedroom whatever you were doing your living room whatever you would do it's your kitchen table whatever you were doing your car I want you to just take 10 seconds and worship Him for it I'm telling you new birth we get ready to step into a whole nother atmosphere of grace he's getting ready to do something oh my lord you ain't seen nothing yet I know you get excited about jobs and about money and careers and doors and opportunities but I'm looking for mature people I want you to be excited here it is for the Christian you are about to become for the believer you are about to become for the Siple you are about to become you are not to be played with you after God's own heart so where you are that's who you are would you stand please I want you to stand I didn't mean to keep you just long God knows I did I haven't taught in four weeks I got rusty I want to do this please how the way you are online I know you you logged on as a cynic and as a skeptic you ain't know where this was going I don't know where it is that you are in this room slipped in somebody told you about it you heard about it and a light bulb has gone off over your head this is the kind of teaching I need to be under this is the kind of instruction that I need to stretch me I'm talking to those of you who have outgrown milk you need the meat of the world looking for a deeper place of depth in here whether you are in this place wherever you are in this room I'm gonna say to you unashamedly I want you to hear it from me I want to be your pastor I'm telling ya I'm in think about you all day I want to be your pastor I want a new birth to be your church even for those of you who are watching online you ain't got to get it all to just get to your keyboard go to new birth door and you can join actually virtually be a part of our cyber sanctuary and those of you who are in this room let nothing stop you let nothing get in your way let nothing block you don't stop till you get to this altar if you heal on a Tuesday night I'm telling you it's the best night for you to join it's the smallest crowd come on I need you to come please come on come on don't make like that you know you want to be with us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm thankful I'm thankful for these three here comes the fourth one come on give God some praise [Applause] I told you this is the fifth month five is the number favored I need a fifth person to come I don't know where you are but would you do a road check for me real quick and ask him how they saved I'm looking for one last person to come one last person to get right with God one last person come on we give you come on I'm waiting on you get it come on y'all gon shout about it y'all of a shout for these young people [Applause] how do you yall already know what it is here's one more person that needs to come come on y'all y'all already know that I don't even know why you make me work just hard I don't know where you are but I will stay right here until you come you right on the edge come on come on come on why you gonna wait till Sunday you'll need to check nothing else out come on we got everything you need right here at new birth I want you to come wherever it is that you are would you do that come on you worship you uh new birth do me a favor whoever round you've been avoiding eye contact go talk to him real quick ask him how they save do they have a church home [Applause] hold it Laurie we worship you are [Music] we give you [Applause] we you [Music] we worship using come on shout for this young man coming [Music] we gave you [Applause] [Music] we stretch your right hand to face give you out there those are you watching online you want to join our ministry come on do it right now go to new birth dad org fill out our new members form we want you to be a part of our family will want you connected to us if you're in this room on our physical campus I want you to come join us as quickly as you can you're in this room come on quickly just there right hand into faith just sit right in the faith we repeat after me please you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I know that's right if you're known right come on give God some praise would you I want to ask all of you who are standing here if you'll join us this way I just want to get some information to you you gonna leave in just about six minutes new birth would you thank God for our new family members bless the Lord you may be seated in the presence of the Lord just a few housekeeping announcements I wanted to share with you please don't forget let me see the hands of those of you that don't like your job can I see your hand you don't like your job all right those of you that don't have a job can I see your hand you don't have a job Lord all right so I got good news May 17th here at our church we're having a job fair on May 17th from 10:00 until 2:00 o'clock it is the citywide Career Expo somebody give God a hand clap of praise those of you who are part of our cyber sanctuary go to new birth dot org to register there are a whole lot of you who have moved to the city and you start trying to start over but have not found a place of employment ask that you were please please participate in our career fair our Book of the Month for the month of May is the art of community by Joe no bacon how to develop cultivate and strengthen your community your sphere of influence esta - oh please please please please please make sure that you do it as well as I wanted to take a moment to invite you to my birthday party it's gonna be great amen we're doing the world premiere of the film sinners wanted it's gonna be here at the church six o'clock in the evening May 18th but a red carpet amen we got our own metal gallery gala amen right here at 5 o'clock so I need y'all red carpet ready I'm Tim put on the Ritz I'm telling you do it do it so ask that you would please I'll be a part of it it is free of charge and so I want you to please invite all of your friends all your family all of your co-workers your stalkers your haters I'll bring them all in there to new birth on that Saturday at 6:00 in the evening it's going to be absolutely amazing we are we are reviving and we put in a remix on spirit and truth conference our Imaginarium come on give gone to Hank let the praise The Imaginarium is what it is that we're calling it it is October 16th through the 19th October 16th to the 19th is our Imaginarium I'm gonna be going over it in greater detail on this coming Sunday I was waiting for us to get past Resurrection Sunday and now we're here and so it's gonna be something that the body of Christ has never ever ever ever seen before we're gonna be taking over the full span of our campus and gonna be running three different conferences at the exact same time three different conferences at the exact same time down at our Samson's gym we're going to be running a black Film Festival for minority independent films and film producers are there for those three days they're gonna be there and then in other areas that week is going to be crazy y'all we are hosting a black Fashion Week so black designers are coming here from Africa from the Caribbean across the United States it's going to be absolutely amazing and then here in the sanctuary is going to be our focus on faith and we've got amazing amazing people dr. Matthew Stephens Bishop John Hannah and some other people I can't announce yet but they're all coming anybody you think is great is coming if they are not coming they are not that great amen but everybody who's great is gonna be here and I want you to be in the in-crowd for what it is that God is doing I want you if you would because you didn't really give over the last three weeks at the millionaire's Academy it was the welfare assembly amen you all did not give you all did not give during the millionaire's Academy and so those of you who are watching online worshiping online I want you to get an envelope in your hand come on these are my oceans which ashes a teach today yeah I knew it those are my girls amen Bessie Bessie Grady yeah yes and is the fake Bessie great he's standing over here that they're fooled me among ago but yes wonderful wonderful ladies are the best Grady Russia's ministry we are still under cash investigation and so as that you will please use our alternative site as the jewel if you give them through cash out go on love live and lead as that you will please do that those of you that want to give text to give you're able to do that on give vilify you're able to do that get a seed in your hand now that you have it I'm giving a seed today of 50 dollars I want as many of you that possibly can and will that you'll meet me at that level of giving next month we'll be celebrating Pentecost Sunday that's June 9th June night is Pentecost Sunday I'm telling you it's gonna be absolutely amazing we have in the whole church we want everybody dressed in white on Pentecost Sunday that is the celebration of the Holy Spirit the world done took Christmas and gave you Santa he done took Resurrection Sunday and gave you an Easter rabbit but the world can't do nothing with Pentecost ain't now amen Holy Ghost is not to be commercialized amen so all of us are gonna be in white on that day and expecting a full expression of the Holy Spirit to meet us on that day I would you lift up that see those of y'all that got a tambourine bring it on Pentecost Sunday hey man you got a washboard bring it on Pentecost Sunday amen thank you amen lift up that seat repeat after me Lord speak to me before Sunday use this seat to open up my ears and open up a door is in your name we pray amen bless the Lord our rushers are moving amongst you to help facilitate your need both of you watching online I want you to partner with me those of you that want to sow your seed for yourself Amen you all know the best ingredients like that you won't give your own seed amen that receptacle is available to you come on Preston y'all have done amazing job thank you [Music] the Sun everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] less hello come on clap your hands if you were glad to be here tonight give me a favor softly Michels if you gonna come back next Tuesday would you clap your hands real good come on come on how many you are gone at least try to meditate you gonna at least try to get some quality time with God meditating to focus and to think on these things I'm gonna say you're just two things up before the benediction two things if I can Sunday I wanted to say this if I can Sunday I give you no permission to be in grief no permission to be in grief I know Mother's Day is a hippy season for a lot of people but you better get to church gets it don't you dare sit at home come on y'all I ain't saying nothing me don't you dare stay at home I want you to get to church on Sunday and rejoice it's gonna be an amazing amazing day before Sunday ever gets here would you do me a favor would you just thank God for your mom would you do that for me for Sunday ever gets here what'd you do that for me please secondly I need your prayers I don't know why God does this to me he's nobody understands the mind of God God makes me do things that I don't even understand and I really gotta gotta pray for clarity and understanding direction pray for I don't know why God would make me go preach in Trinidad for three days while y'all are stuck in Atlanta it is not fair and I asked him I asked him he said they gonna be all right I said y'all pray for me I'm leaving in the morning I'm gonna go do a crusade in Trinidad for three days but I'll be right back on Saturday for church on Sunday I feel so bad leaving y'all real I do it's 85 degrees and they got me standing on the beach I said this is not right it ain't right when she lifts up that hand your pastor loves you so much I'm gonna be thinking about you every day drinking virgin daiquiris every day lift up the hand somebody was supposed to bring me a proposal tonight I talked to you in the line we are are you here you supposed to bring me a proposal all right I asked for you all right thank you lift up that hand music Minister y'all did a great job tonight thank you Pentecost Sunday we just gonna sing old stuff come on now I'm telling you I'm a porter deacons up we're just gonna have a old testimony service make them where's Stacy Adams with see-through socks on one of them got to go to sleep on the front row we gotta find real deacons these deacons stay awake amen oh there it is thank you bring it to me thank you thank you I want to be a man of my word thank you thank you i'ma read it on the plane thank you so very much I got good news I got good news for you and then this is it y'all drag me off the stage I need a James Brown Kate this is it new birth I want to announce to you I wanted to wait till Sunday but I just want to announce the Cajal came y'all came tonight Google contacted new birth y'all heard of Google Google contacted new birth and decided that they want to use our church to be their pilot and so Google is is coming to new birth this summer to do a coding camp for 200 kids [Applause] [Music] here's the shout for free [Applause] [Music] so we'll give you more information but I I said I won't go and tell nobody amen I keep to I don't know how you could live in Atlanta and don't go to New Birth something is wrong with you come on now lift up their hand a benediction for real this time now when the Hillman's absolutely able to do anything before may God make you sleepless until you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you do you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you do you have to give stuff away henceforth now and forevermore the Blessed people of God said Amen your pastor loves you have a great time I love y'all from Trinidad god bless you
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 6,041
Rating: 4.9074073 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, therapy, group therapy
Id: 5odcOgqRle8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 57sec (4737 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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