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[Music] it's gotta get better for you this is the day the lord has made we rejoice and we are glad in it on this red dress sunday we are mindful that the greatest love of all is the love of jesus christ that matter whether you got cards balloons or chocolate if you got access to the cross it is the greatest valentine you could ever have i'm mindful that the number one killer in our community is heart disease our sisters our brothers our fathers our mothers are dying at an alarming rate and i've got to tell you more people are dying of heart disease than are dying of covet and so i need you to please go get tested please exercise elevate your number of water increase because we want you to live a long and a healthy life i'm telling you there's been too much dying this is the season where you gotta live jesus said i came that you might have life and have it more abundantly on yesterday we were able to bless eight thousand families with groceries 8 000 families who otherwise would have been dealing with food insecurity but because of the graciousness of god and because of the lavishness of your stewardship we're able to do it as you very well know we are collecting 2 000 pairs of glasses two pairs 2 000 pairs of glasses for those who are disenfranchised those who can't afford a prescription we need you to mail them in or we need you to donate them it doesn't matter whether you've now had lasiks you've outgrown the prescription or you've got a couple of pair in the glove compartment i need you to please drop them off and drop them off by resurrection sunday in this being black history month we are mindful that we have a responsibility not just to remember our history but to make history and every sunday in february we want to be a blessing to an organization that is doing the work to empower and equip our community this week we want to be a blessing to an organization called bomb in gilead that is providing health care services through churches so that our people will stop dying i am so grateful that today new birth we are presenting bomb in gilead with ten thousand dollars so that our people might be treated so that their needs might be met so that they'll have access to doctors whether they have insurance or not we couldn't do it without you but because of your giving we are able to give go tell it on the mountain over the hills and everywhere that new birth is a giving church why because god loves a chill forgiver and because he loves a cheerful giver i know that god is in love with our actions speaking louder than our words i want to challenge you even right now every person here would you pull out your phone lift it up every person pill up your phone and lift it up all of us are going to give up because we're mindful of how it is that god has given to us the republicans couldn't come up with what was the right amount the democrats are still dragging their feet but we serve jehovah jireh and he is our provider i want you to look back over the last couple of days of this week and look how god fed you every day look how there was a roof over your head look how it is that your children were protected from danger seen and unseen and so i want you to make history with yourself that on this the second sunday in february i want to give more than what i gave on last week there's so much that we are endeavoring to do we want to make sure that there is nobody in our community dealing with food insecurity we want to make sure that every person has access to health care we want to make sure that this world-class ministry that god has entrusted to us is able to meet all four corners of the earth i'm telling you we are based in stonecrest georgia but today we are live from miami florida why because god's a gospel is going global and we couldn't do it without you and so i need you to please so i need you to give i want this valentine's day for you to make up in your mind when i seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness all other things are gonna be added unto me and so i want you to make sure you love god more than your children you love them more than your job more than your image more than your shape more than your significant other more than your spouse i love him more than anything look at what jesus did he loved us so much that he laid down his life and we ought to love him so much that we give our tithe and so i'm asking all of you i'm charging all of you i'm compelling you that you will make your sacrifice your love letter to god that you're saying god i need you to know i'm not just talking about it but i am demonstrating it my father taught me years ago that you can give without loving but you can't love without giving if you really love god then i want you to demonstrate it i want you to show it and i want you to express it i'm excited about where god is taking us in this season of lent on this coming wednesday is ash wednesday which leads us in a 40-day journey towards resurrection we're going to do a live virtual service right on the platform by which you're watching me right now we have vials of oil that we have already given out if you are in need of it you can come and get it at the church but i'm going to be teaching on the anointing on ash wednesday and then i'm going to guide you in anointing yourself that begins our 40-day fast all we getting is w's that's all we're gonna get is w's i'm in miami but i feel like i'm in tampa all we gonna get is w's what does this fast look like this fast looks like for 40 days all you are going to drink is water no soda no coffee i know y'all are screaming at the screen right now i'm telling you no juice 40 days of water to pure out your system 40 days of the word i need you to make sure that you are tapped in and logged in to all of new birth social media because every day we're going to give you a passage of scripture for you to marinate for you to study for you to reflect on and for you to pray through every day we are challenging you to walk because we want you to exercise we don't want your soul to be saved and your body going to hell we've got to be a holistic ministry so beginning on this saturday and every saturday leading up to resurrection sunday we're going to be walking around our campus in prayer from eight until nine a.m i want you to come join me i want you to come meet me on this coming saturday and now here are the two hardest ones you're already gonna drink just water you're gonna consume the word every day you're gonna make a commitment to walk every day and here's the fourth one no wine not talking about merlot i'm talking about complaining for 40 days no whining 40 days of no cursing 40 days and no giving of stuff under your breath no complaining 40 days of only speaking positive because life and death comes out of the tongue and then the fifth one here it is is no wheat no bread no muffins no donuts ain't no amens right through here you're gonna walk away from bread for for you ain't even gonna recognize yourself 40 days from now because we're believing for a complete makeover in mind body and soul so let me tell you this we in miami today jonathan devin and now we're going to go eat it up after service because we know it's going down on wednesday it is going down on wednesday eat drink and be merry because on wednesday we got to go in with laser precision i've got an amazing word that i'm going to share with you on today i started a series on last week called i don't feel attractive i don't feel attractive trying to find the beauty in ugly situations i need you to do me a favor please there's somebody celebrating valentine's by themselves i need you to tag them right now there's somebody you know who's going through a bit of breakup i need you to text them right now somebody who came through a horrible divorce i need you to please get in touch with them and tell them they got to get online somebody you know because of covid is now a widow i want them to be a part of this message i need you to text somebody tag somebody tell somebody you are an electronic evangelist you ain't got to go knock on any doors i just need you to alert every person that follows you that new birth is live from miami and god's got a word for you uh we're gonna hear from minister jonathan nelson and then we're going straight to the word of god i'm telling you get ready because god is gonna turn heads and he's gonna break next get ready for what god's got to say [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] something about the love of children [Music] with every single [Music] [Music] if you love him i want you to just type it on that screen i love him jesus i love you first song we learned as children was yes jesus loves me but the question we want to know is do you love him i am so grateful that the lord gave us traveling grace to be able to share uh today not um not taking it lightly or for granted appreciative that upper room would open up at their doors for new birth to invade the building and let me give god some glory for their distinguished pastor amazing team media unit their singers are sharing with us on this day i want you to get your bibles and join me in genesis 29 genesis 29 and i want to begin reading at verse 21 of genesis 29. then jacob said to laban give me my wife my time is completed and i want to make a love to her so laban brought together all the people of the place and gave a tremendous feast when evening came he took his daughter leah and brought her to jacob and jacob made love to her when morning came there was leah so jacob said to laban what is this you have done to me i served you for rachel didn't i you have deceived me and gave me leah i want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject let me find out let me find out i want you to just type that on the screen please let me find out much ado is being made about the necessity and effectiveness of the new covet 19 vaccine there are those in african-american communities who are a bit reticent while others are anxious about standing in line just to be able to reclaim a normal life however what pharmaceutical companies have not been able to conjure is a remedy for the second pandemic that's taking place in america which is the emerging mental health crisis just as the coronavirus has decapitated the health care structure the mental health industry which has been vastly underfunded criticized by some churches and embarrassingly stigmatized by sectors of the minority community it is mental health that is bursting at the seams according to the kaiser family foundation poll 50 of the nation attest to some level of mental strain and it is connected to the virus the online therapy company called the talk space has reported an 85 percent jump in clients since march the federal emergency hotline for people in distress has registered a 1 000 increase in calls the substance abuse and mental health service administration is receiving on average thirty thousand texts a month from teens and singers alike who feel like they're hitting a wall most that are seeking out assistance have symptoms that point to two areas depression and anxiety i want to interrupt this message for intercession i want you to lay your hand either on your heart or on your head because i am leaving by the power of a risen lord that god is getting ready to deflate depression and he's getting ready to arrest anxiety i speak over your life even in this moment that god is going to give you a peace that passes all understanding and a joy that is unspeakable i declare the glory of god over those of you who haven't been feeling like yourself who don't remember the last time you were happy you don't recognize the sound of your own laughter and don't know when was the last time you didn't have to force yourself to smile but i believe that beginning on this day that the rest of your life is going to be the best of your life that you're gonna be able to declare i sing because i'm happy i sing because i'm free his eye is on the sparrow and i know he's watching over me i know we know how to shout over material and tangible things but those of you who believe for the rest of this year you are going to be free of depression and anxiety would you give god just a shout of thanksgiving now would you give him a cry your thanksgiving would you just open up your mouth that god is going to give you the desires of your heart i don't take lightly this critical issue and so on screen even now i want to give you a number for assistance for those of you who are fighting for your emotional lives i want you to write this number down even if you don't need it today i need you to hold it in case you may need it tomorrow that number is 800-273-8255 two five 800-273-8255 last time somebody write it in chat so somebody can capture it eight hundred two seven three eight two five five aside from depression and anxiety there's another mental health issue that i'm afraid is going largely unaddressed and that issue might be alien to your ears but i want to introduce it to your conscience that issue is known as dissociative disorder dissociative disorder and dissociative disorders are characterized by an involuntary escape from reality it's characterized by a disconnection between thoughts identity consciousness and memory up to 75 of the population experience at least one episode of depersonalization or derealization in their own adult lives shockingly enough women are actually more likely to be diagnosed and it is usually manifest in the aftermath of a traumatic event a few of the signs of dissociative disorder that become present hear this are a lack of a sense of self-identity a detachment of your own emotions the feeling that you are out of your own body and watching your own life as if it is a movie exhibit a in my uh humble opinion exhibit a in my humble opinion is a sister i stumbled upon in genesis by the name of leah she has become a casualty of misogynistic circumstance her father whose name is laban is a wickedly shrewd manipulator of a businessman on one nondescript day a young man by the name of jacob stumbles onto their farm and he sees this young lady by the name of rachel and he is immediately smitten he goes to the father and the father whose name is laban actually is the engineer for indentured servitude and he got jacob to sign a contract to work seven years in exchange to marry his youngest daughter seven is the number of completion i don't know who i'm preaching to but god has me on divine assignment to say to somebody you are coming to the end of having to work for somebody else your season of being dependent on somebody else for getting a check is coming to a screeching halt somebody else thinking they have authority over your time and thinking they can dictate what your income will be is now coming to an end i'm believing by faith that never again in your life will you have to work and not see something for it but whatever you are working towards is now about to come towards you when the seven years came to an end jacob went to laban to cash in and said to him i did what you asked me to do i worked for seven years and now i want what i worked for i believe that for somebody today that whatever it is that you have been working to acquire and to obtain and to possess is getting ready to manifest in this season i'm believing by faith you are not going to renew a lease on an apartment get ready to go to closing on your house i'm believing by faith that god has given you the idea for that business and it's getting ready to come to pass even in the middle of a pandemic you've been delaying back to school but now a door is getting ready to open that will be undeniably the fingerprint of god resting on the doorknob jacob went to laban and said my seven years are up i want what i've been working for so they've been sprang into action and he transformed it from a farmer into a wedding planner and he set the date he set the date but instead of releasing rachel he put a gown and a veil on the oldest daughter and her name is leah everybody bemused about her even in scripture because she had a lazy eye and because she had a lazy eye she had no suitors who came knocking for her she was considered the outcast here this because her eyes didn't look in the same direction as everybody else there are others of you who can hear my voice this morning who need to know that you've been isolated because your eyes are facing something else there are some people who are looking for a quick fix but you're looking for long-term legacy your eyes are on something else other people just want to entertain but you are looking to make some change your eyes are on something else and because of that you just can't fit in anywhere you were called to stand out and that's why you were always pushed away this is before the era movement it is before now it is before kamala harris becomes vice president and so because this predates suffrage in genesis 29 women don't have a voice and they're not able to register their discontent i want to say a word not necessarily to you but maybe to your daughter to your niece to your sister i want to say to you today that god is clearing his throat so you can have your voice that you won't have to apologize for having an opinion that you will not have to second guess your intelligence that you will not have to dummy down because of those who are intellectually inferior you will not have to hide the fact that you think in a different path on a different trajectory and god is saying if you don't like it speak to what you don't like that there is authority in your voice i don't understand how it is that you have been allowing blood to drip down your chin because you keep biting your tongue but god says in this moment tell the enemy what you really feel let people know you are not gonna handle me any kind of way you are not gonna disrespect me you are not gonna treat me as if i do not matter james weldon johnson said lift every voice your neighbors are getting ready to run for cover because they're not going to recognize the sound that's getting ready to come out of your townhouse the holidays getting ready to come out of your apartment the person next to you in the car is not going to recognize the scream that's coming out of your automobile i'm not shouting cause something is wrong i'm screaming because everything ain't right yet i i got to let god know something has got to happen so he put the dress on leah he put the veil on leah and she don't say nothing she doesn't say a word the real trauma there's real trauma and i'm mindful that it's valentine's day the real trauma i i know that um no no ftd delivery man has knocked on your door i'm i'm mindful that hallmark somehow could not locate your address there is real trauma to not being chosen there's trauma connected to being picked over that that there is a level of dissociative disorder that comes with not being the first choice you you have to be defensive even the family members who want to know why are you still single you ain't found nobody maybe your standard is too high maybe what you want is too much they don't understand how you went and got a degree got a call keep yourself help well eating the right things but still alone can't figure out how it is that you were raised in the field in the admonition of the lord but still no ring is on your finger you have to end up justifying singleness as if being single is sin and being by yourself if stigma i can partially digest to leah's defense i can digest the jubilation of faking it in the wedding because during the wedding they're flower girls during the wedding there's bridesmaids during the wedding there's cake during the wedding the white sheet has brought down the center aisle i i can understand her going through that but um but what i can't get with is um how and i know you think i'm talking to lee i'm really preaching to you how do you get married to somebody who you know don't want you how how how do you go through with it when you know they really not feeling you like that when when you know they just going through the motions [Music] oprah winfrey in an interview with barbara walter said when i realized i wasn't getting married i just bought a pretty dress and threw myself a party i know some of you all don't like it but some of you all should have just threw a party some of you should have just bought a dress you found out in covet being married for appearances ain't worth it trying to do it to satisfy the saints will bring you no satisfaction doing it for social media when you don't even like who you live with is the real eye-opener [Music] and so in some ways i can understand why it is that leah would fake it for the wedding the problem i got miami the issue i got atlanta is um if you could fake it for the wedding god help me to preach it for grown-ups how did you fake it on the honeymoon god help me to fake it on the honeymoon require that leo she has dissociative disorder because um she's sleeping with somebody who she knows doesn't want her i i i didn't expect too many shouts too many preach black men right through here but um she she's in the honey moon suite and do you know what alexa is playing alexa is playing the ojs your body is here with me but your mind is on the other side of town i know y'all are deep and i know y'all are superficial and i know y'all are super saved but i need you to please come on this this is gospel for grown-ups that that they're in the bed watch this and uh jacob thinks he's married rachel can can i just get five people who gonna be grown for just one moment if he's in the bed with rachel i gotta ask y'all a question whose name you think he's screaming god y'all ain't saying nothing to me who who who do you think he's talking to wow he's in the middle of that it ain't leo i i i know y'all are in the bible i know y'all are in the bible but i need some real folk i need some grown folk who know there have been some times you were with somebody god y'all really ain't gonna keep it real and either you wish you were with somebody else or they wish they were with somebody else but you just may do with where you were how do you disassociate yourself i i got to tell you this she's sleeping with a man who's sleeping with her but thinking about somebody else did you not know that human beings human beings are the only species in the animal kingdom human beings are the only species in the human in in the animal kingdom uh who make love hear this face to face i think i lost you um there is no other creature in creation who creates intimacy facing each other god help me but you sleeping with somebody who can't face you because i'm i'm trying to figure out how they went through the whole night with her still having the veil on oh god help me how did they go through the whole night with with the veil still on yes it's right there in the text because uh when it is that um the seven years were completed watch jacob's language he never said i want to marry you never said i want to spend a life with her he never said i'm looking to partner with her in ministry said give it to me so i can sleep with them god help me and uh and jacob comes out of a saved house god y'all don't like this jacob was raised in church jacob is the son of somebody who knows faith he was willing to work seven years to get some and y'all giving it up in 30 days and and don't understand why don't last why doesn't have any sustainability why god is not in it because they were never trying to face you [Music] in it amazing in passion it's amazing that in passion who you are sleeping with will help you take your clothes off but when it is over we'll never help you put the clothes back on somebody just had a flashback right there they they don't mind stripping you but will never equip you i'm i'm i'm concerned about where you are in this season of your life because you got people who are in love with your veil they they they don't really want you they want the silhouette challenge is is it's not you is what you represent it is what they have imagined you are but god says i i've got to do something in this season for you to be in a place where you do not allow yourself to be intimate with folk who can't handle the neck at you hallelujah i want to know can you handle the part of me that's hard to trust can you handle the part of me that is not easy to forgive can you handle the part of me that's got anger issues can you handle the part of me that still is a little girl there's a little boy can you handle the part of me that's insecure about my body can you handle the part of me that is ashamed about my past or do you just want to make love to my veil jacob jacob was so focused on getting to her body that he forgot to look her in the eye and so the whole night he allowed the veil to be on and then the next morning he lifts the veil do you know how difficult it is trying to get to know somebody after you sleep with them god miami y'all really gonna go cold on me this this ain't minnesota i thought this was miami do you know how rough it is to try to get to no one backwards do you know how dysfunctional it is that now that you have given everything you now want to do an introduction he lifted up the veil and said i see who you are and this is not what i've been working for [Music] but it wasn't until the veil was lifted the bridal veil ladies and gentlemen is the oldest part of the ensemble for a bridal party the veil is uh to represent modesty it means you've been untouched the veil hear this is a symbol that you are separated from that which is evil and evil can't get in your eyes the veil is the purity that i look beyond the elements and my focus is simply on what's in front of me and so when the bride comes down the aisle she has the veil on but she doesn't lift the veil while she's coming down the aisle because she doesn't want to lose focus by people taking pictures don't want to lose focus from folk talking about her dress don't want to lose focus from a jealous cousin who was not chosen she's got to look straight ahead win until she gets to the groom and then it is the groom's job to lift up the veil my time is up i gotta fly back to atlanta but i gotta tell you this something strange happened this is only for people who are born again for those who are sanctified those who are blood washed those who are filled with the holy ghost something strange happened when jesus died when jesus died on that cross something strange happened you want me to tell you what happened the veil was lifted and when the veil was lifted god said you don't have to go to a priest you can see me for who i am you want to know why i worship god i worship him cause i see him in a pandemic i worship him because i saw him when i lost my job i worship him when there was sickness in my body i would worship him when i was stabbed in my back and so i tell everybody can nobody do me like jesus can nobody do me like the lord if you can't see him don't worship him but if you see the glory of god open up your mouth lift up your voice i will look to the hill from which coming my help my house hey hey cometh from the lord i need you to lift up your voice like you see him i need you to magnify him like the veil has been lifted i need you to glorify him like i don't want nobody else one day in your house it's better [Music] hallelujah hallelujah lift up that hand zion open up your mouth oh i want to see him then look up on his face safe at last shout if you want to see him mine the fire if you want to see him i gotta tell you something miami i hope you'll shout about it the fail is lifted the fail is lifted the valve lift up that hand right where you are hallelujah the veil is being lifted i need you to hear it before you shout about it the veil is being lifted in the next 72 hours so you can see who people really are oh god the veil is being lifted because god's gonna expose motives why are you in my space why are you in my life i can't hear any screamers right through here the veil is being lifted so you can see who's really looking at you with jealousy and envy and not happy about what god is doing in your life the file is being lifted so you can see which door you're getting ready to walk into i need that hand lifted as high as you see yourself going hallelujah oh my god hallelujah i may not have been selected but i was chosen somebody ought to shout about that i said i may not have been selected but i was chosen i may not be your choice but i'm after god's own heart i may not have been selected i'm gonna pray for you because the glory of god is so heavy in this moment how you gonna be depressed on valentine's day when you got the love of god i saw somebody would shout over that how in the world you gonna feel depressed today because somebody didn't send you a card but he sent his only begotten son how you stressed out today because you didn't get a box of chocolates [Music] you obviously forgot storm clouds may rise strong winds may blow but i found the savior and he sweets [Music] i speak of every lifted hand in the next 72 hours god will lift the veil off your eyes so that you'll be able to see who's around you you'll be able to have a clear grasp of where you're getting ready to go there's too much anointing on your life for you to settle with being somebody's second choice god i can't believe y'all ain't shouting over that you got too much value to be the leftover i believe by grace that god is getting ready to open up your eyes so that you will not see men as trees but you'll see them for who they really are and those of you your faith is coming into agreement with my faith and you believe the veil is being lifted off of you would you give god glory for what you are about to see i can't hear nobody i said give god glory for what you are about to say i i say give him glory for what you are about to see i've never seen the righteous forsaken i receive begging for praying give him glory for what you are about to see [Music] i'm about to see hear this throngs of people are getting ready to get saved get ready to see people hear me in mississippi and michigan in mozambique in ottawa canada canada getting ready to join this church today i see it in the spirit realm there are those of you who are giving up on god given up on church you lost yourself in a relationship god never ordained but god said i'm bringing you back you no longer have to dress up to look the part you are the role already anybody who doesn't see you i blessing can't see straight there's something wrong with their eyes i want to be your pastor i want jesus to be your lord i want new birth to be your church but i want heaven to be your home right below me on the screen are the prompts by which you can join how it is that you can be connected i'm in miami this morning but i want you to know god is wherever you are he promised never to leave me never to leave me alone albert einstein describes god as the unmoved mover that he's sitting on the throne and everywhere at the exact same time aren't you so glad you don't have a god who's stuck on a location that he can't come to your situation i want you to get saved i want you to join our church i don't want you to be observer i want you to be a participator i'm believing that god is going to give you 20 20 vision 20 20 vision you're going to see everything clear as day 20 20 vision i want every single one of you to get a seed in your possession 20 20 vision i want you to get 40 dollars i want you to go to giblify want you to give push pay text to give i want you to write that check drop it even right now into the mail 2020 vision god help me see here's your shout help me see me help me see the areas of myself i have ignored help me to face the issues that are difficult for me to grapple with help me to see what i need to work on god help me to see why it is i allow myself to be second fiddle help me to see why it is that i allowed myself willingly to be played by somebody i knew didn't want me god helped me to see it we're collecting 2 000 glasses in this litten season but there's some of you who have cataracts of consciousness because you can't even see who you are but i want god to make you whole i want him to make you free and i want him to make you restored i'm so grateful that you hung out with us on today here's what i need you to do i need you to stay tuned i've got some incredible things coming up and i want you to see all of them and all the more i want to see you there god is good no matter where you are whether you're in atlanta whether you're miami whether you're anywhere in between if nobody else tells you today i want you to know your pastor loves you i'm praying for you and i'm believing this year you're going to find the love of your life why because i can already see it stay tuned we've got great things in store hey new birth it's time
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 3,446
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, jamal bryant preaching, jamal bryant sermons, jamal bryant azusa, jamal bryant responds to monique, jamal bryant 2020, jamal bryant 2020 sermons, jamal bryant 2020 sermons youtube, jamal bryant new birth, jamal bryant paula white, pastor jamal bryant 2020, pastor jamal bryant 2020 sermons, dr jamal bryant 2020, find, let me find out
Id: JgVt-u3iJdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 14 2021
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