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young people come home make some noise for if there's a young person near you I want you to embrace them and tell them you're anointed to change the world you're a nun - come on find a young person near you tell them you're anointed to change the world [Music] which you clap fire steppers clap by marching band clap our children's choir clap by a poetess and would you give a major clap fire-god come on he is worthy of the highest place you may be seated a gentleman who sits amongst us wrote a book called success runs in the race and we ought to be excited about the future of our people in the future of our community with what it is that Lorraine Hansberry called to be young gifted and black I need you to do me a favor I'm telling you my chest is poked out this morning with pride to see our young people demonstrate and perform at a level of excellence come on would you give God glory for all of them [Music] you're not doing good I said give God glory I want to give a major major shoutout to the college ministry of new birth who pulled all of this together would you give them a major shout come on give our college ministry to their advisers and to all of them who worked with them we appreciative all of our college students if you are present today and are a college student would you just raise that hand for me raise that hand for me waive it for me come on would you give God glory for all of them those of you who are part of our cyber sanctuary I want you right on the screen just start typing the name of your college are all of our College alumnus would you please just wave your hand for us we're supporting our young people come on give God some praise for all of them amen if you're happy and you know it clap your hands bless the Lord we are excited I'm telling you there's no church no Church on the planet Earth more talked about this week than new birth I'm telling you they hating on us but they can't stop us y'all new birth is get ready to run this city I can't hear nobody I'm excited next Sunday next Sunday is our 235 but Sunday we begin we begin next Sunday our a journey towards being a debt-free church we're believing in one Sunday in one Sunday we're gonna collect a half million dollars in one Sunday somebody give God glory if you know that it's possible we already have over a half million in pledges and I'm believing that we're going to exceed that on next week to whom much is given much is required about three months ago I was in prayer about the direction that we will go in financially and God just kept bombarding me with 235 and I had no idea what that was until I stumbled on that Psalm 23 and 5 and it says my cup is gonna run over how many of you believe overflow is getting ready to come hallelujah I'm telling you what you have happened in God's house God will make happen in your house next Sunday is going to be a monumental significant and strategic day in the history of a new birth and I'm excited about it and we've asked all of you over the last three months that you would begin praying about what you would sacrifice and what it is you're gonna give out some are saying they're gonna give 2,350 our others are gonna get fifteen hundred others a hundred there's 235 and others are gonna give their absolute best but I want all of us to put our hands in so that we might be committed to the cause I always have to lead by example next Sunday I'm gonna start off the offering at $10,000 because I believe in what it is that God is calling us to do and in him there is absolutely no failure I want you to be mindful of the fact that moving amongst you are our Usher's if you are in need of a pledge covenant commitment card up for next Sunday you've not yet filled that one out I ask that you will please lift up your uh sure czar zealots to be able to serve you they've been waiting all day just for this moment both of you who are connected to us through the internet are you can partner with us of you'll go to new Bertha or go to new Bertha dot org you'll be able to make your pledge and covenant commitment at new birth I hope you'll join me in enthusiasm we launched our app on Resurrection Sunday in this week we passed twenty thousand people have the new birth app somebody give God glory for that twenty thousand people and for that we give God glory we give Him praise and we give him Thanksgiving up friends I ask that you'll please at ready yourselves that you're mindful we are a tithing Church because we want to be connected to the blessing of God that is exposed to us in Malachi chapter three kind of man can a woman rap God yes but not at new birth Amen we give God our best because God has always given to us here's the best now let me say to you you don't have to give nobody's trying to take nothing from you but those of you that want to give I want you to be able to do it those of you who love giving the God I want you to make up your mind come on come on I can't hear no about it hallelujah I want you to get that gift in your hand as that you will please please please give God loves what kind to give her what kind to give her a mint then how come to offering the only time in service you don't smile email you ought to be smiling and ecstatic enthusiastic why because that you realize he didn't have to bless you at the level that he did but he did and for that you ought to be thankful you ought to be competing with yourself whenever you gave last week you ought to be doing more than that this week our God loves a cheerful Giver and you can't beat his giving no matter how hard you try our tithing is what percent of our income come on talk back to me what percent of our income amen last week I earned I raised oh I was gay and $1,000 how much am I giving in church today come on we can Rev remedial class how much am I giving today amen let's look whatever it is that God has given to you I want you to give 10% back to him how we give to God before we give out of Social Security for FICA for your car note for your insurance amen seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you I ask that once you have secured your gift would you mind lift it above your head we're mindful that we're moving towards a cashless society and so those of you who want to give electronically through your smartphone be able to do so through gibla fide through text to give push pay but we want you to please give even if you write your check as that you will please give lift that gift above your head doctor Benjamin Elijah Mays for many years told incoming freshmen that there's a crown above your head that you've got to grow tall enough to where you're not the size of your destiny yet you're not the size of your assignment yet but I'm believing this week you're getting ready to grow into it lift up that seed repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is in expectation for what you're gonna do before this month is over amen bless the Lord s that you will please follow the direction of our Usher's are they gonna be moving amongst you after they would have passed your row if you want to sow your seed for yourself as is the culture of our church you're able to do so I can't tell you how overwhelmed I am I to have the AUC gospel chorale with us today come on give God some praise for us they're gonna lead us in giving while we give bless his name you may be seated in the presence of the Lord we're grateful to have amongst us 20 members of the Grambling University Alumni for Atlanta metro won't you all stand Grambling where are you are they as Grambling in the back give God praise for Grambling alumni appreciative just a couple of things as we move forward in worship a new birth the part of our charge are going into 2020 for this election is we want to register 2,000 new voters for the presidential election come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise 2000 we got to get everybody everybody is going to have to vote in 2020 let me say it slow everybody has got to go vote in 220 yesterday I want you to know new birth you ought to be excited yesterday and we got 40 of our members certified to do voter registration in Georgia 40 they are starting today so immediately after service if you are not registered to vote there is no shame in you not being registered it's gonna be ashamed if Trump is back in office yes we are Baptist Church we will vote you out of here if you do not go vote in November so please make sure you register to vote after service we are pulling together you're mindful that we want to exceed over a hundred thousand dollars in college scholarships we're already at fifty thousand somebody give gone to hang clever praise so we're challenging our members of the Divine nine those of you who are members of the divine land fraternities sororities would you stand you're part of the divine land I need you to stand [Applause] alright it looked like some deltas go to this church yeah some aks go to this church I think we got three omegas go to this church some alphas go to this church yes some Sigma's go to this church Saito's go to this church some alphas go to this church yeah any campus go to this church yes yes define nine we need all of you to please meet us in the library in the library immediately after service we need to have a meeting with members of the Divine nine because we've got to give you some responsibility in our scholarship committee give God a hand clap of praise for all of them you made me see that I am excited and pleased to report to you that our first cargo plane from Delta Airlines made it to the Bahamas come on [Music] I'm gonna talk about that a little bit more at the end of service our college ministry just passed me a note to remind all of you who are interested in being a part of the college ministry that we're gonna have fellowship and Sunday dinner today immediately after service in the multi-purpose room for our college students not those are y'all thinking about going back amen you are actively enrolled in college we want you to meet us in the multi-purpose room immediately after this service concluded not those of you who are not in college it is food trucks Sunday I and amen so we want you to please support our black food truck vendors that are outside but please do not go in the room for our college students amen as that you not if you not do that I honored to have one of the most prolific prominent critical thinkers of our time and our day with us today in worship would you warmly welcome mr. George Frazier won't you please stand I'm glad to have you come on give God some praise for [Applause] it make led to have member of our board here mr. michael roberts all the way from st. louis missouri give God some praise for you this Tuesday is our last call it is our last call at 6 a.m. how many of you have been a part of our 6 a.m. prayer calls I want you I got something special for you this Tuesday at 6 a.m. a medium minister if you help me put that call-in number on the screen because I want everybody on the prayer call if you don't have it would you screenshot it I'm gonna pray with every single one of you I want you to know I'm over the moon excited that since we have been doing the prayer call for the last month 73,000 people have been on the prayer call ya'll ain't excited about prayer I said 73,000 have been on the prayer call with us and I want to be able to make it to a hundred amen I want to make it to a hundred so as the Jill please share this number with as many people as that you possibly a kid it is so critical so vital what it is that God has entrusted the new birth to do is to invade a culture we've got a responsibility to invade culture the late public intellectual Dick Gregory said in the 1960s when black people were in trouble they call on Jesus in the n-double-a-cp and we in a generation that doesn't call on either of those names but we've got to be intentional that we've got to reach this generation and we've got to let our light shine in the culture somebody give God glory you claim to have all of that power and there's no evidence of it after church is over and so as a consequence I want to make sure that all of you are a part of our Imaginarium The Imaginarium is going to happen the second week of October we're the only church in America that is hosting the Film Festival come on y'all got to be excited about it we've got filmmakers that are coming from all over the Diaspora to be a part of what it is that we are doing filmmakers from Africa from Canada from the West Indies are coming to do screenings we're gonna do master classes for those of you that want to get into the industry and to let your light so shine whether that's in production whether that's in screenwriting or even for acting we want you to please please please be a part of it we've got a special limited registration for members of New Birth I need you to go straightway as soon as service is over I need you to please register on today now we have segments for a VIP registration for those of you who want to interface with high-level people in the industry dr. Fraser teaches us that your net worth is connected to your network whoever you're connected to speaks to where you're going to amen if you got for broke friends you gonna be the fifth one amen and so we got to get you connected to people of influence how many of you know you are an influencer you are an influencer so please make sure that you register immediately after our service I can't tell you enough I don't say that three times but I'm gonna sing it the fourth time I am so proud of our young people today I can't tell you come on y'all gotta show your love come on I am so so proud of our young people on today brother Mike Roberts Deacon stand back a year ago I came here to preach for Youth Day after the choir we're gonna have two sermon thank you yeah and I only want to tell y'all what happened last year this year you've done youth day is amazing it's absolutely amazing can y'all clap for them again can y'all clap yes I want you to invite somebody I want you to invite somebody to worship with us live or online right now last week we had 45,000 people online come on give God some praise 45,000 people online in spite of what everybody had to say I hope you'll give God glory a hundred and fifty six people got saved last Sunday [Applause] I'll come on that's what it's all about now hundred fifty six people found Jesus Christ as the Lord of their life our choir from Morehouse chapel montt Luther King International Chapel this way I got started my Dean is here Dean Lawrence Carter from Morehouse College won't you please stand [Music] [Applause] [Music] never that was my scene when I was at house he was giving me a rough time he said to me when I was a student at Morehouse he says Jamal you you got everything it takes to be a respectable preacher but you got to stop when weighing them allocated shoes Dean I don't wake up no more that's pray for me give God glory by young people lead us in worship [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's Lauren come on give it up again for the Moloch the King International Chapel Choir [Music] would you secure your Bibles and stand to your feet please I want to invite you to join me on second Samuel Chapter four second Samuel Chapter four second Samuel Chapter four once you found I want you to say I have it if you can't find it so lord help me saiyans a mule for I want to illuminate for understanding just one verse and that's a verse for second Samuel 4 verse 4 Jonathan son of Saul had a son who was lame in both feet he was 5 years old when the news about Saul and Jonathan came from just real his nurse picked him up and fled but as she hurried to leave he fell and became disabled his name was Murphy Bashar you may be seated Jonathan son of Saul had a son who was lame in both feet it happened when he was 5 years old when the news about his father and grandfather finally come down then the nurse who was assigned to him picked him up play it she was in such a rush that she dropped him dropped him so heavily that immediately he was pronounced disabled his name was Murphy Burchell I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject watch how do you handle me how you handle me would you look at the person beside you and look at the person beside you and say I'm telling you wants you need to watch how you handle me by virtue of its definition the sanctuary is supposed to be society's safe space however the New York Times printed an essay by Judith Shula vents purporting that the concept of safe spaces was created by students of Brown University in 2015 apparently the students were preparing for a debate between two feminists Wendy McElroy and Jessica Valentine on a rape culture and the prevailing desensitization that has led to the normalizing or trivializing of sexual assault and abuse in today's society Valentine's position was that misogyny is endemic to American culture and as exposed by the me2 movement it reaches from churches to Capitol Hill to casting couches on the other side of the coin McElroy argues that America is not a rape culture in comparison to Afghanistan when women are married against their will murdered for men's honor and then ostracize if raped that in McElroy's estimate is an actual rape culture and this from a woman who is brutally assaulted herself as a teenager and raped again as an adult so brutally that even to this day she's blind in one eye the students complained to the Chancellor that the speaker's position was invalidating their experience it was damaging because theirs was a sector that believed that America is a rape culture a petition then circulated around Brown University to get the feminists uninvited to the debate so that emotional damage would not be exactly the administration in an attempt to find middle ground proposed a simultaneous discussion about rape culture with no debate so students could hear the thought without a conflicting view alas the alternative didn't fix the issue because there were those who claim to be traumatized by the debate being advertised so the university created here this a safe space but those who felt triggered could get support and solace the offense was the encroachment upon convictions that made certain students feel like they were in danger both of the participants in the debate were feminists and both were survivors of rape and yet there was a sector on campus who thought the debate would be an offence this B speaks the undertone of a generation that believes wholeheartedly that anybody that disagrees with them is a hater and if they verbalize a dissension from their position they feel like they're being attacked a difference of opinion is not penalty it is perspective dr. King that needed Malcolm X in order to sharpen his theory of non-violence there are seven billion people in the world so how do you let one person ruin your day so much discussion has taken place in the last seven days about whether or not it was appropriate for her church to allow Kanye West to come in the pulpit there are those who had a narrow perspective that suggested how in the world can you let a secular rap artists come into sacred space and you are diminishing the sacredness of this place there are those who begin arguing back and forth as to whether he was appropriate or not appropriate and said those who did not believe it were haters they were not haters they were just willfully ill-informed because they're saved as they purported to be they forgot that Jesus ate with sinners and with publicans our responsibility as believers is to not just sit with people who believe what we believe if we are going to transform culture we've got to sit with people who don't dress like us and look like us or have our experience otherwise they'll never want to be a part of what it is that we proclaim my nephew my nephew is allergic to peanuts there's only five years old so when we're on family vacation we're keen to make sure not to have anything that is peanut based within reach it's interesting to note that peanut allergies was rare up until the 1990s when at that time only four out of a thousand children had a reaction by 2008 the number has tripled to 14 out of a thousand the reason behind it is because when parents and teachers began to protecting adolescents from legumes allergist proclaimed that when you are protecting that what you are protecting them from is what's making them sick the immune system is designed as a complex adaptive system to deal with bacteria and parasites when the immune system is given nothing to fight it in turns on itself I am afraid of Christians who have nothing to fight for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty under God for the pulling down of strongholds so many of us believe that because God is a God of love that we are not supposed to go to war when it is that some rappers got on social media and felt as if they were empowered enough to question what was the validity of us receive an offering for a church that does for the community many of the churches would have went quiet but I need you to know you ain't gotta pass it as a poem whoever it is that stands against the Word of God in your church I need you to know you got a church that's ready to go in the sticks and stand for God because I believe if God be for me who can be against me so I don't care who it is or where they are I'm telling you that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty under God for the pulling down of strongholds I'm tired of children of God rolling over and playing dead and acted as if you don't have a God that could wipe out all of the Egyptians I serve a God that will shut up Donald Trump I serve a god that will silence white evangelicals I serve a God who is not intimidated by a supremacist I serve a God that will not walk away from sellouts like Candace Owens we gotta have our home back and understand this is our for the church to be on the front line and not on the back porch [Applause] nassim nicholas tab Ronit his book anti fragile but there are three different strands of the emotional immune system that number one there are some people who are like tea cups because they are fragile they break easily and can't heal themselves the enemy underestimated you because he thought you were fragile he thought what you went through was going to so demoralize you that you will never be able to get back up again but by virtue of the fact that you were able to find enough strength to get out of the bed this morning with all of the odds stacked against you you didn't let the divorce mess you up you didn't let the death mess you up you didn't let the layoff mess you up you didn't let your past mess you up you think I'm gonna come to church and feel the certain kind of way cuz you didn't speak to me I didn't even see you I'm built to last there's something else that God has in my life there are those who are fragile but if you can hear my voice you are not one of them then there's another group that is a resilient you're resilient why because you got a time mix anointing you can take a lickin and keep on tickin I know some of you all only know how to play video games but I came from a generation that was raised on Weeble wobbles is that a weeble wobble is you can push them but they will not fall down and the reason why they wouldn't fall down they had something in them that it didn't matter how rough the push was they would always bounce back would you look at the person beside you and tell him that's the anointing I got last night I took a hell but today I'm a bounce back I'm talking to somebody that believes this is your season for your greatest bounce back this is your season where you don't get it Oh then there's a third group the doctor tab calls the anti fragile the anti fragile watch says their systems are weak they become impotent and in effective because they have not had any stress or challenges you gotta be careful parents we are raising a generation of soft children we cannot handle attack why you see I'm filming this book no free ride argues we gave our children all that they wanted but didn't give them what they needed so our children now have up the fruit of the civil rights movement without knowing the sacrifice so they got a false sense of entitlement feeling as if the world owes them something so you got little pal Sigma in the room with a flat-screen TV and the Negro can't conjugate verbs yeah y'all ain't sayin nothin to me you gotta have a standard for your children to help them to understand ain't gonna work all day and come home and you just watchin TV I expect the carpet to be vacuumed the chicken to be out of the freezer and I don't expect no people in my house and here there's gotta be a standard it is the challenge of life that makes you stronger the Bible gives us the insight that he chastises those in whom he loves david said in psalm 119 verse number 7 it was good for me to be afflicted because had I not gone through that I wouldn't be where I am today the old Negro poet said in life for me ain't been no crystal stair I need some that remember I came up to the rough side of the mountain if everything was good I would have never learned how to pray if I never had an attack I would have never came to church but I came to look the devil in the face and tell him you meant it for evil but God is gonna work it out for my good would you look at the person beside you tell them you got no idea the stuff I've been through in my life if God one with me I would have had a nervous breakdown if his hand one on me I'd be in jail right now if God would have left me I'd be strung out on drugs look at me going through is what made you strong pain and disappointment unnecessary for your process y'all didn't hear what I just said I said pain and disappointment are necessary for your process forget all that you hear on Christian television talking about if you're anointed that you just don't have the favor of God that comes with no tribulation it is the anointing of God that attracts tribulation hallelujah y'all don't believe me let me see if I can help you right here I was in 2nd Samuel any in 2nd Samuel I found out that you can be the child of a king and still go through pain you did y'all hear but I just said I say you be a child of the king and still go through pain and second samuel chapter 4 we stumble into the account of what happens to the grandson of king saul first Paul reminds us a that and informs us that but something happened when this young man was 5 years old I got a pause right here I want to say this to somebody when you are anointed the attack on your life does not come when you're mad or the attack on your life comes when you are young and impressionable because the enemy thinks if he can break you in your formative years there you'll never develop into what you're supposed to be I got a pause right here I want you to give one of the most peculiar praises you've ever done would you give God glory for what you went through before 16 I can't hear no about it I said for everything you went through before 16 but just got so right now you remember King Saul King Saul fell out of the will of God amazingly God is raising up in a replacement so not only just Saul diet but Saul's son Jonathan dives not only just Saul died notice Jonathan died but all of the sons died and the only one left is this little five year old by the name of my fee Bashar and the nanny picks him up because she trying to hide him runs and she's running so fast that she loses her equilibrium loses her balance and drops him and the Bible says here it is that immediately after she drops him he is pronounced paralyzed no emergency surgery no attempt to see a specialist no physical therapy he is named a paraplegic but here's what I need you to know and I don't know who this is for he is not trapped by a stranger I don't like this he is dropped and inflicted pain by somebody whose responsibility it was to cover him god help me in here I really can open up the altar right here for people in this room that can say pastor don't you give me that Mac because I'm telling you I would shut this church down to tell you that my deepest wounds did not come from strangers you didn't come from people I didn't know it was people who I thought I could have confidence in but they were in such a rush that they forgot to take care of me appropriately and they tried I got dropped I got dropped because of a mother that was so bent on having a man she act like she didn't know that man was inappropriately touching me I got dropped at a church that was supposed to safeguard me and allowed me to get turned out I got dropped out of school that was supposed to be developing my progress in my gifting in my anointing and then some coats a math teacher some administrator touch me and violated me in a place where I thought I should have been protected I got dropped and people never tried to rehabilitate me they just left me there they left me for dead thinking that it was easier to control me as long as I was broken and they had no idea that my relationship with God is that God won't go leave me in a broken state and it doesn't matter who it was they thought they were gonna get the best of me God's got the final say I wish there were some people that can be honest that know that you went through something that you thought you will never get back up from but God said if I can raise my son in three days what makes you think I believe you in leave him now they leave him there with no help no assistance no wheelchair thinking he's just gonna remain a victim the rest of his life no bandages no prosthetic legs just dropped I'll know where you are in this room I don't know whether you are and online listening to this podcast I don't care what it is that has happened in your life it's not your final chapter you say the last two you there's more for your life than what other people realize I'm telling you there's some people that owe you an apology cuz they gave up on your too soon but God says I'm getting ready to vindicate you you ain't even gotta do nothing if you hold your peace and let me fight your battles for you victory is getting ready to be yours [Applause] skip over to second Samuel Chapter nine David has now ascended to the throne Saul is dead jonathan is dead and there's a new leader sitting on the throne and he asks one question is there anybody left that I can bless god help me this there's gotta be somebody left in the household I can bless and the people around them wanted to disqualify says yeah here's somebody left but I'm not sure you want to use them he's lame in both of his feet god help me in here and David said send four aren't you excited this morning to know that God is calling for people that's been dropped he's calling for people that's been ignored and mishandled his calling for folk people never thought would be anything the reason why you ought to be giving God glory is because I've got disabilities but I'm not disqualified I better say it again I said I got disabilities but I'm not just qualified God called me knowing his stuff wrong with me he he put his hand on my life knowing my areas of vulnerability and weakness so when you see me it's not because I'm perfect it's because I'm forgiving and I give God all that he looks beyond my fault [Applause] say call from the fever ship that's his name call from the fever chef and give him a seat at the table I gotta get out of here he hallelujah he prepares a table in the presence on my enemies some of y'all be wondering why you haven't been blessed yet the table one set but I came to announcer that table is ready in the presence this is the King's table there's ain't no church cookout there's ain't no food truck it's the Kings table and because it's the Kings table I hope y'all have Church with me today it is a formal dining room hallelujah if it is a formal dining room that means the table has a tablecloth I get it gotta get out of here now when they put my FEMA chef at the table don't forget that there's a formal tablecloth and when the Phoebus chef gets at the table and sits in his chair I need you to recognize what happens next is because he's sitting at the table that is drape with the tablecloth nobody can see that his feet are broken I want you to know when God restores you nobody will be able to tell the hell that you came out of would you grab that neighbor by the hair I've been through the neighbor [Music] [Applause] MC Hammer said you can't touch this I want to do this quickly there's some [Applause] mice and potatoes wasn't even what I was preaching today there's wasn't even assignment God gave me for today he shifted it in the last 48 hours said Jamal there's some people who come in this morning and because they've been dropped they haven't been able to move they are with dr. king called in the strength to Live Love the paralysis of analysis they're stuck right where they are I know where you are but God put you on my heart God put you on my heart well hello since the Ernestine was was giving her poem God God put you on my heart here in this room and you haven't been able to move on because they're pain that was inflicted to you cause you know God gave me give you a push [Music] [Applause] you're anti fragile you're not gonna break down I'm gonna pray for you and I'm gonna pray for you knowing that you are in safe space you're in safe space that you are in an authentic sanctuary I want you to come meet me at this altar don't worry about these church people looking at you but those of you in this room give me you haven't been able to move on since the sexual assault I need you to meet me at this altar haven't been able to move on since you've been violated I need you to meet me at this altar you were wounded at the hands of people you were supposed to trust and easy to meet me at this altar please [Music] betrayed by people who you used to call friend I want you to meet me at this altar you don't even know how strong you are just making this walk the enemy thought you would never get up again he thought you would never walk down the aisle again I need you to meet me at this alt but y'all pull in this is a traffic jam on 20 come on you haven't been able to move on since the relationship collapse have been able to move on since the warfare you've been under has been perpetrated by people that got your last name I need you to come you've been stuck God said I need you at the table and I said when I get you at the table nobody will be able to see your wounds [Applause] their father you I'm waiting on listen to me God is forgiving you but you haven't forgiven yourself I need you to meet me here please I do not want you to be a terrorist of self-sabotage talking yourself out of your blessing out of your miracle out of your healing I got no idea how you ended up here this Sunday all I know is you're not here by accident you hear about divine providence before the foundation of the world God knew you was coming this day God knew whatever I thought I was gonna preach was not for you God needed you here to know you're gonna get strength in both your legs you get your backbone back what you pull in come on it's a pileup on 75 come on [Music] Reb if I can't feel safe here where can I feel safe you're supposed to be my sanctuary just as I am without one plea God didn't call you stuck-up Saints to be in the jury he didn't call you to be a judge he called you to be a witness about what the saving power of God is able to do Oh help seeing from this preacher whose voice you listening to right now to the Deacon sitting on the front row two choir behind you somebody two roles over you I don't care how pious they look Oh helps here just in case you feeling a little bit uppity we send Galatians my thought my word and by deed sighs thing that they better because they don't do these but they got the thoughts you ain't holy just as you too old to do it you want to do it you just st. had an opportunity Yellin I want you to stretch your right hand to faith coz I'm believing God's gonna give them strength and both of their legs cuz this week they're gonna walk away from some stuff y'all ain't saying nothin to me this this week God is gonna give them a backbone to confront some things and to confront some people that think they can mishandle the child of God today God is giving you a poverty in your throat so that you can cast out demons and cast down scorpions y'all ain't sayin nothin to me and pull down strongholds you ain't no pushover better be careful how you handle me they are known in that comes with your life give me John Bevere talks about the spirit of offense you're annoying it you connected to this ministry you cannot be offended easily you know how many haters our church got it comes with it you may say enough in this this is what we do whenever you're doing something radical and revolutionary for God please don't expect the status quo to understand it but you called out your fearfully and your wonderfully made new brush stretched off your right hand to faith everybody in this room been dropped before everybody in this room been mishandled been mistreated been done dirty talk to sideways but it didn't destroy you I pray for a hedge fence of protection around every person who's at this altar that whatever was done to betray you whatever was done to mislead you whatever was done to crush you will now backfire oh y'all didn't hear what I just said I said it will now backfire [Music] they meant it for evil but God is gonna work it out for your good I pray that God give you thick skin so you don't have to respond to everything you are you ain't gotta let everything get your attention I I pray that God will give you mental toughness that you are not moved by other people's opinion I believe that God will give you the authority to stand your ground those of you who believe that the call and the anointing of God is settled on your life to withstand the attack of the enemy how much you right where you are clap your hands right where you are new perv I need you to turn me in a chorus of Thanksgiving My Phoebus chef was never able to walk again but those at this altar can when they walk back to their seats would you cheer for them like they're being rehabilitated with you she free to evolve free to change free to develop I will open the doors of the church and I need you to hear me and hear me well if you don't want any changes in your life this ain't the church for you but if you ready for God to do something unusual in your life I'm telling you you better get in on the ground level this is the last time that you gonna be able to have this kind of easy access I want you to take seize of the moment those of you who are in this room and you know you need to join this church come on get down here [Music] you know you need to get saved come on I want to be your pastor come out [Music] come out come out wherever you are [Music] I need y'all to shout for these beautiful families coming [Music] listen all right I got a rough crowd this morning I really thought she was gonna be moving by now y'all I ain't doing nothing so we got to bring out the reinforcements I need you to shout for this strong mother bringing her children come on [Music] come on with y'all shout for this young man he's gonna change the world come on listen this is what I need you to do I need you to move from where you are I want you to talk to somebody who you don't know somebody you don't recognize I want you to walk right up on them and ask them do you go to a crazy church like this ask him are they a part of a ministry where they're growing come on come on come on y'all ain't ask them nothin I'm looking right at you [Music] all right I see how y'all gonna play me I got it okay do me a favor please I'm believing God for a harvest of young adults Millennials Gen Xers to come to God today to meet Jesus today to get connected to new birth today I'm telling you our young people they're not our future they're our present because if we don't get them in the present we won't have a future I need you to help me please help me please anybody in your section anybody in your section that looks younger than you they qualify give God some praise for this young lady [Applause] [Music] any young person in your section I need you to do me a favor ask him real quick for me s a young person as a young person are they saved s come do they have a church home here they come come on will y'all let [Music] okay I'm not gonna be greedy I'm not gonna be greedy I just need five more and I'm gonna let y'all go as need five more here comes one I just need four more to come [Music] when these four cup and imma get up off of it [Music] wherever the four y'all are you holding up the whole service here come number two when y'all gonna shout about it here come number three y'all gon shout about it here comes up before y'all gonna shout about it here coming up the power y'all gonna shout about it here come number six are y'all go shout about it Here Come number Sabbath I paid a shout about it - hey 9 10 11 12 13 14 - out black goddess which I'll move in here come 15 and 16 [Music] you coming here comes 17 all right let me just get to 20 I get to 20 unfinish I only need three more to come y'all on the shelf but this young warrior coming here comes 18th here comes my tea here top 20 a yoga mat yes 21 here come 22 that's 23 [Music] you come in here top 24 25 26 27 no get up 28 29 is comin listen when the 30th one comes I need y'all to tear the club up I'm leaving the 99 to go get the one I need that last one to come I'm telling you I need you to come I need you to come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're on it well somebody's shot but his family that's 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 I can't find 37 nowhere in the Bible I need 40 Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights suddenly three yahoo put me in biblical order [Applause] here come 38 and 39 come on here come 40 and 41 get the 42 and 43 [Music] listen y'all pull in 50 is the number Jubilee hold on musicians in the fiftieth year you got no bills all of your debts are paid and canceled y'all ain't saying then all I want is 50 I only need five more people to come and I have made it to 50 y'all help your boy out I'm tired come on real quick I got a plane to catch would you do me a favor would you check your road is a runaway slave somewhere on your roll we got to find them I'm looking for five more y'all to come get save John the church get committed to God we're there here come 46 47 48 49 here come 50 yo yes 51 52 53 that they fall [Music] that they set [Music] the Sabbath day [Music] okay [Music] they don't expect black people to make it to 60 you fit the nine where 60 [Music] something happening in the backyard which I'll shop for this young man coming [Music] all right that's 60 y'all finish see running with don't drop my fevers here do not drop my fevers here here come's 61 about all right 62 if you make it to 65 you get all the benefits I'll need three more than make it to 65 and he's 63 64 and 65 the 3-yard wherever you are I need you to come I'm only waiting on three Shadrach Meshach Abednego Bell Biv devote to Miko's and III with my three here's one I'm waiting on two more Paul and Silas peaches and herb Ashford and Simpson I can Tina I need to - come real quick - wherever you are - wherever you are would you do a roll check I'm looking for these two if I get these two we raise up out of here you're too quiet for me come on [Music] come on clap your hands this evening it's alright stretch your right hand to faith they came as friends they leaving as our family amen they need to know we got their back there's gonna be some family members mad you joined our church today can't believe you went up there well God's gonna put a hitch fence of protection around your life those of you who are excited about what God is doing I need you to do me a favor would you give God your best shout that Thanksgiving [Applause] such a right-hander faith repeat after me you in the right place at the right time Joan in the right church serving only God and I know that's right show you're right come on Big Ups to the Savior would you give it to him listen to me those of you who are at this altar knows you at the altar if you'll follow us this way I just got to get some information we're not gonna try to make you fall down we gon splash or you'll own you we just need to process you to make sure that we got everything we can to stay in contact with you new birth make some noise if you excited about those that are coming bless your black man clap your hands if you're excited about what God is doing I need you to be seated please I got important exciting news to share with you important exciting news I don't want you to read about it in the paper tomorrow I want you to get it off a blog site I want you to hear from me important exciting news I share it with you come on clap your hands in this an amazing harvest I share with you that that our first cargo our plane left on Friday to go to the Bahamas for all of the donations that you have given would you clap your hands so every person that donated last night something amazing happened last night I can't tell you how excited I am to share with you last night I got a phone call and from our other partner JetBlue and JetBlue helped us and they've been working with us for our other partner Hampton University for all of the students that got displaced from the College of the Bahamas Hampton University is providing for them to ition for this school year as well as room and board somebody give God glory I'm excited tomorrow tomorrow I'm going to go get 95 students from the Bahamas [Applause] y'all ain't shout good for me 95 students 95 students we putting them on a chartered plane tomorrow night leaving out of Nassau flying right in to Norfolk Virginia and we're processing them and putting them in the dorms tomorrow night of Hampton University come on somebody got to give God some glory for that here's where y'all oughta shout they start school on Tuesdays come out [Music] we are partnered and I'm excited we partnered dr. Fraiser we partnered with black businesses in Hampton Roads in Norfolk to get all of our students summer job internships for this school year so that they are going to be able to process come on give God some glory for that [Applause] that man that man y'all let's sit in the white house tried to block us from bringing that many students in we're sending them back saying that they didn't have enough paperwork home ignoring the fact that they have just come through natural nasha nasha nashe natural disasters and couldn't find it but we were able to process them on last night then at the last minute then at the last minute say that they could not come in unless all of them had tetanus shots and so because the devastation on the island we couldn't find enough serum to provide those shots but I want you to join with me and thanking God for the black doctors association come on come on [Applause] they gotta meet us witness to land on tomorrow night and they'll get their shots as soon as they land on tomorrow come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise I told you that we are committed to the cause I'm appreciative for how it is that new birth you don't just step up to the plate you dance on the plate and dance on the table we are mindful of the continuing efforts that need to happen for the restoration of the Bahamas and so I want you to partner with me in knowing that you are a part of a church where you don't have to question where your funds are going nobody is trying to grab the money from you but I'm asking you to partner with us I'm mindful yes this is a second offering let me deal with it right now yes this is a second offering but I want us in the second offering 100% of what it is that we raise in this offering is for the Bahamas in their restoration efforts I shared with you that we were going to do three offerings we did one two weeks ago and I want to thank you new birth with no warning we raised on that first Sunday forty thousand dollars that we sent to the Bahamas this is our second one and then we're gonna do our last one on the first Sunday of October I'm gonna challenge you as many who can and will to join me there 93 students coming and so I want those of you that can join me in the seed of 93 dollars 93 dollars as many of you that possibly can I want you to please please please get that seat you don't have that give whatever it is that you can whatever it is that you're comfortable in giving I want you to please do that there are those of you that can do more than that and I need you to help me help us to do that a part of our proceeds transparently part of our proceeds are going to the Bahamas the other part of it I've got to help make sure that these young people who are coming in they're coming in out of crisis as I got to make sure they got everything that they need for their dorm sheets on the bed come on now make sure that they got towels that they got flip-flops y'all that been to an HBCU you gotta have flip-flops amen amen if you don't know as somebody but you gotta have flip-flops amen and so we want to be a blessing what I want to ask as well is I want 93 of you 93 of you after the service is over 93 of you I want you to please go to the book store 93 of you I want you to go to the book store because when they land tomorrow I'm gonna put all of them in new birth sweatshirts as soon as they land so that they know that they're connected to a church amen that has their back that has walk them through it we got to work through some other stuff I'm gonna be talkin to a Burlington Coat Factory because the weather's get ready to change and they come in from the island amen amen we got we gotta make sure that they scrape amen so as that you please get your best gift as close to $93 as you possibly can as soon as you get it would you please I should say y'all moving or what we doing I don't know what I'm doing huh bring it to the altar okay if you once you have your gift would you bring it to the altar as quickly as you can if you're giving electronically you can do so by phone hallelujah you never leave before the benediction your benediction is your final blessing till you come back to church on Sunday tomorrow night at 10:40 tomorrow night at 10:40 make sure that you are couldn't follow a new birth on Facebook tomorrow night at 10:40 make sure you are following new birth on Facebook bless his name tomorrow night at 10:40 that plane will land in Virginia we're gonna be streaming broadcasting live as they come off the plane myself in the president of Hampton University we'll be welcoming them come on somebody give God a hand clap of praise [Applause] this coming Friday morning I'll be speaking for the Georgia Legislature Black Caucus pray for your pastor because they're gonna be mad I'm telling you now I got some stuff to say unless you're black man thank you I'm appreciative for all of you thankful for all love you I'm telling you you gonna make God blush today thank you for exercising christ-like compassion Thank You Georgia State thank you for rolling with us today Mercer College thank you for rolling with us today Georgia Tech thank you for rolling with us today last week the students jumped me and said you only mentioned the HBCUs is some other people I said I got you next Sunday I got you Emory thank you for worshiping with us today oh thank you thank you thank you those of you who are streaming s that you were pleased so thank you all right thank you thank you come on give God a hand clap of praise for every gift every Giver next Sunday is our 235 but Sunday we're doing it big next Sunday stretch your hand towards the this offering Lord I pray that you'll multiply you exceed our expectation meet the need of our brothers and sisters we pray dear Lord that you will open up doors and resources that they don't even see coming bless our 93 students let them have amazing academic success this school year in Jesus name Amen give God a hand clap of praise every gift every Giver thank you all of our college students don't forget please please please we got food for you on today take advantage of it I don't have food next Sunday please I need you to do me a favor would you give God glory for all of our bus drivers that went to all of the universities all of those of you in the divine line Institute please go to the library so we can strategize we got to have our scholarship committee up and running for what we're going to do in June if you've not registered for the Imaginarium as that you'll please do that so that you can be a part of our Film Festival if you are not registered to vote please make sure that you do that please support our black food trucks that are outside amen we want all of our businesses to be able to thrive and to do well all the entrepreneurs ought to be making some noise right there make some noise would you stand to your feet stand to your feet if nobody told you this week at least your pastor loves you know that I'm praying for you I want to see you get everything that God has for you lift up that hand right where you are repeat after me walk with God and he'll walk with me talk with God and he'll talk with me listen to God and he'll listen to me build for God and he'll build for me love God because He first loved me would you lift that hand as high as you see yourself going next Sunday's gonna be an amazing day let me thank all of you who traveled with us Tuesday to the Dream Center but this Tuesday we are back at home do not go to the Dream Center on Tuesday and be here for a Bible study on Tuesday Friday is our night of worship minister Tiffany minister Jonathan our night of worship for our 235 Sunday we're gonna be in prayer in celebration for what God is going to do lift that hand high now under him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless til you help somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you until you have enough sense to worship Him may God bless you until you have to give stuff away hence fork now and forevermore and the blessed people of God said god bless you please don't forget our t-shirts for our young people
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 23,303
Rating: 4.7629628 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor jamal bryant, dr jamal bryant, much, you doing 2 much
Id: CgB45-7bQKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 5sec (5465 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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