Pastor Jamal Bryant - Tuesday Night Bible Study

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come on open up your mouth they give him praise come on give God a shout does Thanksgiving open up your mouth give him a shout of praise give him a cry of expectation come on bow your head back and give glory on top God like he's able I want you to turn to your neighbor tell them one thing god that's done for you tell them one thing yeah God it's done for you come on one good testimony by what God has done for you if it's deserving to praise do me a favor would you shout for your neighbors testimony I'm in here I said shout for your neighbors testimony I know you you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I'm so thankful by fine arts ministry they won't find you today would you help me give God glory for our dancers for a seat how many of you are grateful for the presence of the Holy Spirit how many of you believe that he's abiding with us on tonight anybody in the room other than me looking for miracle to happen I can't hear anybody said anybody waiting for a miracle to happen the Bible says that they were by the pool look possessed and they knew that the troubling of the water whoever was the first one in was don't get full restoration I'm telling you don't wait for somebody else to shout tonight as soon as you get the presence of God you've got to start moving on it look at the person beside you tell them you've got a shout tonight tonight is my night for breakthrough tonight is my night for a miracle tonight is my night for deliverance to happen if it's your life be the first one to jump up they give it blue come up in the [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna challenge every person there every person in the room I want every person to get a seed of expectation in your hand ambassadors help me very quickly if you're absent of an envelope lift up that hand right where it is that you are pastor coming in from Philly come on you won't come on up to the front row either I'll go away to prepare a place for you thank you every person every person I want you to get that seed in your hand get expectation in your hand I want God to move tonight I want God to show you what you've never seen before how many of you want God to blow your mind tonight you wanna alleluiah how many you all want to move a god to be so heavy that is scary I believe it makes you go into pray again and fast again that you got a asks like the disciple Lord if there's you let me walk out in it that that's what I believe in God to do I want to pull on the everything that the Lord puts in this man of God on tonight I'm gonna challenge you every person to get a seed in your hand I'm gonna challenge you at a gift of at least $25 on tonight if you're giving back a chef you can do so on to be empowered your own cash yep you if you're on laughs I I encourage you to use that platform those of you who are watching us on livestream and set your goals directly to our website at empowerment temple org but I want to challenge you every person every person to get your best gift in your hand I want to stretch you to give a scene of $25.00 on tonight it depends on how you compute that it could be twenty five hundred if that's what you thought I say it any many you ballin out of control make it twenty five thousand but I want every person if you would you'll get a seed as close to $25.00 as you possible again once you've secured that once you've secured it I want to ask that you'll stand you're giving electronically through your debit or your ATM card you could do so on either side of the sanctuary even if you're giving through your cash app you're giving up by phone I want you to walk with your ro I don't want you to obstruct traffic on tonight every person in the room you ought to be sanding even if you don't have anything I want you to stand by faith this is my last time in church without a seat my last time in ministry with a empty hand that God is gonna do something before I come back this way now that you've secured your gift would you mind lifting that seat above your head I hope you'll do that come on join me lift up that scene repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this crusade is over amen would you turn to your right I need you to begin coming now from the last row come with a smile on your face of pepper yourself come on music ministry leaders even now [Music] [Applause] - zip it up say [Music] Hey better [Music] [Music] [Music] everywhere [Music] you see all you need listen to why you're singing just now the crazy did I want the whole church to sing it together I want you to sing it like you about to lose your bad let's just be one stood on someone tonight everybody collect their hand everybody lift up their [Music] you've got your best shelter Thanksgiving yall already know come on set the atmosphere left your hand then open up your mouth come on give God your best Sheldon trial without the allowed that God arise but I you may be seated in the presence of the Lord anybody who is I've been to a profit on hall meeting no you ought to bring three things you ought to bring a Bible you ought to bring a seed and you ought to bring a pack of holes you don't scream I all night long people that job gonna ask you what in the world were you doing last night you ain't giving God all the glory and the praise and the honor if you still got a throat lift can you just scream one last time come on if you see [Music] what an amazing what a marvelous at night this year's that I don't know how you feel about it but all day I was just counting down just to get the service tonight was anybody like me excited about what God was going to do I could fly out early this morning to go speak at the Baptist Convention in Detroit and flew right back and I said Lord ain't no way in the world I can miss this I got to be in the number Amen because what has been on this man of God has been so strong and so heavy that we're just so grateful for it I knew that God was gonna move when I was in my office and Bishop John Bryan walked in I said Oh Lord God is up to something today would you help me back down for the presence of the Honorable Bishop John Richard Bryan come on give God some praise yep [Music] [Applause] so honored so grateful for his presence for his strength let me ask all of the visiting clergy bishop spousal overseers the pope even if you're here let me ask all the carriers of the gospel would you please saying all of the vipole minister gifts would you say and we're so honored yah that's terrible can y'all come on come on so thankful unto God for them it is my amazing honor and privilege to not introduce but to present because the Lord has made his name great in the earth realm every time he wakes up Satan has a nervous breakdown because he knows that there is an authentic prophet in our mix I am for that we are extremely grateful our music ministry is gonna prepare the atmosphere for the Word of God once they would have concluded and we stay on the in reference to the oil that register on his life I'm telling you this is the last night don't y'all let him leave out of here dry I've warned him went down to his socks I need you to pull every ounce of the anointing that serum out of him on tonight how many of you need God to really speak to you tonight you really need him to speak to you tonight this what I want you to do just to put a mandate on the heaven would you lift the bed hand right where it is that you are I know the choirs don't sing the dancers are going to perform but I want you with that hand lifted would you open up your mouth watch this and with the sense and sound of urgency open up your mouth and begin telling God would you need come on I can't hear you where my intercessors open up your mouth tell god what you need what you need closer to what you need address what you need confirmed what you need open them I can't believe I can't hear you it's not my mother it's not my father it's me Lord I'm sanding in the need of prayer those of you who know that God can do absolutely anything betrayal my company brother Marvin Sapp sings a song that says praise Him in advance I want you to shout like whatever you prayed is about to come to pass our yellow believed that the prayers of the righteous of ailments but I said open up your mouth like whatever you prayed for goddess don't do exceedingly but nothing beyond what you can imagine while it is that I Fine Arts ministry is for pairing the table would you please arm yourself with your a smartphone I want you to go now do your Twitter to your Facebook do your snapchat tell every person how that they can watch and worship with us just by going to empowerment temple for you all did wonderfully well on last night our numbers went through the roof I want to ask our media ministry to put that ecard on every screen I want to ask you all the screen shot if I've been put it on your Facebook put it on your Twitter put it on your Instagram so I know you didn't tag me I'm hope you accountable and responsible if you can't tag me that means you not following me shame on you thank you I need you to please come on just reach out your clothes to scream that's a crash the in the night internet tonight for the gospel so that God's glory might be revealed in the how Jesus if your hands overuse in this phone and actually begin to lift your hands just begin to open up your mouth and everything you need from God just open up your mother just say God I need I want whatever you have for me God we exhaust you in this place we glorify you God [Music] so what's up sexy Lord you are good you know [Music] come on say Lord you are good come on if you believe it he lives a lot you are good [Music] what everybody says so good but st. Sofia come on Livia watches say good [Music] Oh come on 11 so good wanna say to me [Music] Oh you say you'll be so good [Music] so anyway to make so many time to be better than good [Music] relative to me so many go anyways brothers it got to me rather be good to me [Music] [Music] you've been just so good so many ways so many times [Music] come on your father huge open read of that good for me great well Kazumi many tall [Music] come on come on in the house come on for every way that he's making it up for every door that he's hoping every doing that he's closer somebody give aways in this place of his bed to cool his body good [Music] [Music] so so while she's singing hope to people and tell them God's been good to me [Music] tell them God's been good to me cut your monitors up [Music] yes you have cheese you made me see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody shout hallelujah I said shout hallelujah this here is good this is good the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run into it and they are safe it is because of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his loving-kindness is better than life would you praise God for the person sitting next to you I said well you praise God for the person sitting next to me all right hold the music I need to digest these great this great cloud of witnesses I might be your friend I might chill with you but I respect people who do their job well I don't hear no man I respect people I was raised right let me say it again I respect people who do their job well with the right motive who study and don't steal who put pen to paper and I have to thank God in a certain protocol tonight normally I'd start with the pastor but I don't think he gonna mind this one there was a man who believed in me when I came to Baltimore who was pastor of one of the most legendary churches in the state but also in Baltimore I don't hear nobody hand no no no I don't want no lazy claps of this y'all can save the lazy claps for me but just let me work on this and every time I saw him from afar seems like favor allow me to get closer and closer I'm not a kiss-up man soul and I have a great father like he is - pastor Jamal but I really idolized this senior father who seems to not age I asked him what he was drinking and he just said like God is good he didn't tell me what he was drinking he used to put little tidbits in my ear and then I found out he was speaking well of me to other AME churches who didn't want to have me but they had me on his name alone I don't hit anybody sometimes y'all won't talk to me sometimes a person's name is stronger than your mistakes I don't know if you're aware that your daddy did this stuff for me but I didn't get into a linear me from no preaching dr. Floyd flake called me and said now want you to come for one day it lasted eight days and I said why are you bringing me and he said well you know friend of mine he said he believed you were prophet I said he must not be am me [Applause] character well Rudy one of the fathers that is to be given ultimate respect would you stand and thank God for His grace the Honorable I want you to get happy Bishop John right and he messed up my study tonight love them cut the fool but I gotta calm down to his right is His only begotten Son when you see him you see the father I don't hear nobody know you gotta clap better than that now I'm not gonna give him a lot of talk as I did the other three services cuz he know I love him but I want to make some clear observations of why I think you're successful some things that other people may never say you to push me when I say it number one if a man's father's name was stronger than my mistakes then it is impossible to kill his son if he still lives I don't hear anybody some people attacked you not because of your mistakes but because they never had a good father [Music] y'all got quiet right then when they were interviewing Jesus Bishop Murphy Jesus had a chance to ask them for what reason do you kill me he said is it that I healed the sick is it that I raised the dead is it that I cured those of leprosy some of y'all over there look tired y'all need swap seats put somebody else in front never sleep when people giving folk accolades cuz your day is coming and you don't want nobody to was it then I can't seven evil spirits out of Mary of Magdala was it that I proclaimed my mother to be a virgin they responded to Jesus for none of these do we kill you he said so for what reason I hope some preacher said because of a statement you made said what was the statement you said I am the father are one young and when you see me y'all know him and you see the father then the action plainly are you saying your God and he said yes and he said for this reason we kill you you can tell men who have been raised by fathers versus men or y'all don't hear me who had to somewhat raise themselves or were raised by mothers I just believe that when a man walks in his office and does his responsibilities that God makes a covenant with the father about his children so I want to thank God for one thing for sure and then you'll stand and clap for the pastor I thank God that Reverend dr. Jamal Bryan is not crazy like other young men to talk against their fathers I appreciate you respecting I don't give me the hard work I don't hear nobody and labor that your father lame you're only a great skyscraper because your foundation runs deep I can't give honor to everybody but to his right I just left this man's church church is one of the fastest growing churches of our day called Dream Center don't act like y'all don't know I said don't act like y'all don't know this man also has a father who has a father there's four generations I think of Murphy's living for living preaching praying breathing alert Murphy's I don't hear nobody living y'all gotta clap better than that especially as black people that's a victory in and of itself that if his father makes him mad he can call his father's father and if he makes his son Matt his son can call his father's father's father but this man is also the reason why such great worship around the world has transpired he's brought a sound that will never leave the earth I don't hear nobody and his preaching is not weaker than his singing I don't I'm so glad will y'all stand and honor his grace the Honorable bishop William Murphy the third come on put those hands together and open that mouth thank you thank you now I lost my my cover in my bishop I'm gonna preach but I lost my cover in my bishop over two years ago and I believe anything uncovered would spoil so I courted a movement of fellowship called Full Gospel whose founding bishop is bishop also that's the morning goes president Bishop resided Joseph W Walker the third which I am an accountable member son in alliance of and some of the gentlemen that came tonight we are all here attending our propel Leadership Conference down at the Hilton and at first mount Olive's and we had a long session I've been up all day since this morning no rest and I feel blessed to see what I joined a few of them thought it not robbery to lose sleep and come fellowship here I don't hear nobody out in town in town know ken you don't really clap better than thing but the gentleman that I'm gonna move forward who I'm about to introduce it's not just one of the bishops in the Full Gospel Church but he's one of the founding fathers he is one of the reasons why they exist he is one of the pillars of this church and this man embraces me and this man and I are very very very close he when he asked me to preach the way he invites me is anytime you're ready just come on and he mean he said you come and Sunday when you come Monday he said the calendars open whatever's on it will be cancelled and I don't take advantage of him but it's good to see a young man who's been serving God all these years stand by a leader all his life with shows stability please clap for Bishop Kenneth Robinson will you stand no come on y'all clap and encourage him I said encourage him this is thing on a Bible study night we got all these important people when I first heard of a William Murphy cuz I'm from old storefront Church I was singing a song literally every Sunday not knowing that you made that song every Sunday pray is what I do and I was crying just like your nan Jamal he doesn't know that I can sing he's never heard me never he's never heard me sing no not in front of him I'm not but I want to thank God for a fellowship that I cover that I am supervisor of on the earth they came to support me at propel but they came to church at night and I want to do it quick one by one and I want y'all to clap loud for them cuz they mean something to me one is his honorable His grace bishop keith cake curse and where y'all thank God come on put some hands on your knees he's my personal assistant and drove all the way from Jacksonville North Carolina and saying the entire time that I'm here and does it quite often I then cover another gentleman he and his wife they're Haitians top si si they're Haitian okay and I cover a 95 percent Haitian church so when you go there y'all start this kind of shouting they might shock you when I first when they started I said what they have a pastor who's effectively pastor pastoring the Millennials I believe his eldest members probably how old forty-five the rest of them are down and you just left preaching there for the second year I preached after you which is terrible so I come in after him this young man is anointed to help your kids and hopefully one day your kids kids they drove all the way in tonight he and his wife from Philadelphia they passed the ministry called Rhema life please stand Francis and Joelle Methodist all stand and let us see you y'all clap for them real good put some hands on that in Orlando I founded a church I then bought the land built the church bought the property and paid for it with my own money and thought I would be the pastor a little woman with the powerful impact just so happens to have been with my ministry for 30 years or more took the helm of that ministry and became the executive pastor or what is known to be the Shabak church she is here tonight and I think that we should appreciate women of God that walk in their gender and their agenda dr. Sonya Mixon sand will y'all paint God for her and that's what I tell him what you told me yesterday I figured just a bunch of friends up here I claimed that there's a gentleman in here that's one of the baddest preachers to me in Baltimore I don't need people to tell me who can preach and who can't sometimes you can be great at what you do but it not be your season to reap the harvest I don't hear nobody tell somebody that's it's just true it is just true sometimes people get discouraged because they have passions to do what they do and they would do it free but they're wondering why people who do it with motives get blessed but I want y'all to thank God for this man of God cuz one day you're gonna see the reinvention of His grace the Honorable Bishop Bryant Martin sand and let us come on y'all clap for him and do him well he act like he's 90 years old y'all clap for took good care of me today took me out and they blessed me but I want all of us now who know God is still on the throne to thank God for Jesus Christ I don't hear nobody who's made this all possible now no clap better let's go on yesterday we had a hallelujah time we really did Sunday all day marvelous time tonight it's gonna be very unusual talk to me 20 of you the closer you are to the altar you ought to be bringing your voice now but before we do anything this particular man may not know of this but let me say this first for folk who will talk black people we have to stop claiming diseases as if they avoid white people it kills me when we talk about black we all got high blood cuz we eat pork chops and all of that my grandparents great-grandparents they all ate pork and cooked in lard and never had high blood or diabetes ya'll acquired because they did what ya'll stop doing praying grace Yanik some of y'all eatin healthy still sick y'all need tell you even help are y'all on my twenty members won't talk to me you eating healthy jogging going to the gym and find out you sick because you left out something grace let me see who can go far back and see if tempo catches we used to pray as kids god is great god is good y'all knees let us think you're leavin other words for our food by our head what's all my soul be fed give us Lord our daily bread amen then you still couldn't eat till you settle scripture jesus wept y'all don't remember y'all and my brother said and Peter slip on the doorstep yeah then we grew up make the Lord blesses for the food we're about to receive let it be nourishment for our bodies for Christ's sake amen now we've gotten so familiar with God for one person who's gonna be blessed we just say bless it now that's too familiar once we decrease decrease prayer we gain diseases see how quiet is God so God stopped claiming but I need your hands pastor I've been using them on all these services cuz I don't touch people a lot now there's just certain things I don't do often but I want you to lay hands on the man not that he's sick but he's going to be healed you're the way I said I'm gonna make him come to you when you touch him the law said everybody with high blood and/or type 2 diabetes will be healed now I know you don't believe it because what you also forgot is Jesus spoke a word and He healed all a miracle is not a miracle I was at a talker if you have to live right together you have to live right to keep it oh yeah [Applause] but you don't have to live right to get it that means he's looking past all your bad eating habits gonna heal you and then say don't go back to that pie here a miracle never allows you to keep continuing the life that got you in the mess you was in okay my cooter Baha Shia there was Sunday I saw a man jumping something happened then he blessed me with an offering but the Lord told me pointed this gentleman when he comes and you touch him he'll be here from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet and then all of you that know someone sick or maybe sick if you stop hiding behind your swag and you praise them 20 seconds God would give you a reset sir touch that man with that green boat come here I don't hear anybody talking to me correct stand right there hotshot my come come come and he was wounded I feel the Holy Ghost file transgressing look he know it he said for my bruised for our iniquities chastisement of his peace was upon you and with His stripes what you say yeah when our most capable pastor dr. Brian touches him all of you that knows someone or it runs through your family but you know it's gonna stop tonight you've got 30 seconds to praise Him come on I wanna help if you have this infirmity and you didn't praise him it's it's your phone some of you don't even know if you had it cuz you ain't been checked hallelujah I said hallelujah you may be seated I need you to lay hands on one more person except this person is not sick they're being interviewed for greatness it's an unusual type of greatness because I'm grades from old-school Saints so I'm really not new school oriented a new school tolerant I still believe for those who will hear me respectfully that the god of our parents gave more miracles than the God of your children see how quiet it got cuz your children don't know how to call him Oh y'all don't hear me because you let them go to bread with to bed without saying their prayers you let them hang out come in when they want to I turn down my whole shy y'all might be laughing but I feel the glory of God right here I tell now mihashi and aya see that's what I have done that my hopes are tired that's how you seal your miracle you'll put a praise on it because response determines results and where some of you are young and you can't run like that [Music] [Music] see you know it's real because what he's doing is making your father's leg tap too while young people just look you need to study the behavior of the ancestors come here please glasses multicolored jacket what's your name Jamel I'm gonna say something to you when this young man was 18 I said as a matter of fact his father remind me he said you know that boys up there all over the world cuz you prop cuz you said he'd be global I acted like I hear what he said cuz this is son I was like ok sometimes God gives us a word and we mature past that assignment whereas when you started all of the young people gravitated to you all of the uncut all of the people who never went to church and went straight from a club into your church you were able to speak the language of the unlearned with earned degrees and now you have settled into a place where those people no longer they are no longer unchurched they have been discipled and now you are their pastor but the oil of a generation that's lost has to be transferred to somebody I gave it to you prophetically you're gonna give it to him for a super Picasa panda at one time we thought you didn't look like us and now he looks nothing like you she under I don't know you but the law said tell him he cannot repeat our mistakes I will not wait on another anointed person to get over Abbott's [Applause] new to Oceana there was there's a pastor that I know I'm just saying this to you this is very unusual for me and I need 30 for this pastor I know that felt a conviction in another sate and said God anointed him I did knock it to cover the LGBT qy community without bashing them to Pastor them and this particular pastor wanted me to cover him and because of my biblical and Christian beliefs I was not going to do it but remember I covered him while he covers them cuz I didn't have the ability to understand what he talked about that's like me telling you I only passed the pimps see how quiet it just got so if you see pimps in my church leave them alone if they hit on you that's their character but this is blowing my mind cuz I've got to call this pastor back cuz the Lord says I'm gonna give him every LGBTQ person on top of everybody else cuz they will not hear anyone right now but you tell him don't babysit them get the baby out of them y'all ain't up tell them or Akash under Berto SATA why y'all white breeches y'all know God says I'm making you accountable tell him if he does I make him the fastest growing ministry he's ever seen in his family's life wait a minute I'm laughing do you pastor I'm laughing cuz you up here stuck in the job you ain't even got yet well jemelle I'm sorry whatever my lot thou has taught me to say oh he got his hands open what's wrong you're about to help God reverse something that my generation can't do they lookin at me like I'm crazy but we can't do it when dr. Jamal Brian touches you you will start thinking in a way that you've never thought before your brain will be like its own speed God's gonna start downloading into you all kind of ideas when you start getting bless and need help regardless of what you think so into him seed into him even if you ain't under him and then tell him send me some of that money cuz I sold into him what he gonna sew into you when dr. Brian touches him all of you that have children or nieces or nephews or people you know who you wish could live a better life but right now they're their own pastor but you want them to be able to meet the God of the Bible you will start clapping for this connection do it now Jesus I don't hear your mouth we might as well tell the truth everybody ain't anointed for everything [Applause] Oh I don't shake now go leave him are you gonna join [Applause] hmm while he's in motion and screaming Holy Ghost told me to tell people who are prophetic even a little bit these words when he was moving stomping clapping and looking violent he said every spirit that came against your children has just been cast out the Lord says I'm resetting your house y'all better believe it he just did a war dance against disobedient rebellious out-of-order children [Applause] [Music] though [Applause] you maybe see Thank You Reverend Brian go ahead and praise it that's what church is supposed to be for this ain't no social hall this is a deliverance house my house shall be a house of prayer not a house of my my TAS tonight is an unusual one through the Holy Scriptures push me my twenty people I'm flying God if anything I say moves you then you will respond with some type of conversational words or engaged I preach better when you do so buddy it is God told me tonight visitor scripture that used to preach years ago give it a new life for people today this is what I'm gonna do dr. Jamal and I'll see who jump the law said I need to prove to the world regardless of the government regardless of Parliament regardless of the powers that be I'm gonna prove that I'm God hear me by making people a certain group of people succeed in the family I'm not gonna call off the family oh it's just like God said I don't have to change your season to feed you some of you because you praise him with nothing he's gonna use you as proof that when everything else failed I wish I had help the Lord is he who promised keep light in the darkness that's your new school let me go back he's a hard fix mine regulator y'all it's a burden better get up a heavy load Kerry let's go back old school Brad when you're hungry water when you're thirsty bridge over troubled water all you crybabies mother for the motherless father for the fatherless friend to the friendless and hope hopeless let me go pass my age to my grandmother and this is what she would say for one person who will scream and get out of day Jesus is all no to me that's a lie my job my he is from day to day without him I would fall all right what BC see you can continue to go back and one thing about my god so he can bless us and make us famous in the famine Oh y'all they hear me cuz I'm gonna sing what my dad would sing and one person jump and watch your fender be bless he said Jesus never fair see all these new songs a and your G heavily nerve that's how they used to sing it Joe Pass oh Jesus never y'all scared I tried him [Applause] the most powerful words tonight that you could say to your neighbor are these five words and I want you to say it after me and if they don't move don't talk to them for the rest of the sermon you laughing but I'm serious because that's somebody that don't understand how to get a miracle but the most powerful words tonight that you could say to your neighbors look at someone and repeat after me and tell them it is done right now those most people want to hear and it came to pass I want to hear it is done groceries can come to pass but I still can't eat until what came in the past is done some of you don't believe God's Word is coming to pass already because you can't enjoy it but I'm here to tell three of you the second level of prophecy is you got to wait till it's done [Applause] so say those four to five words to your neighbor again then sit down like you ain't got no bills just tell them it is done right now now I'm sorry that I'm boring you but I've been preaching like this every night and I want to be preaching like this for the rest of the year so catch this pastor Kerry Bishop Kerry catch this all of you that I love whose name almost gold and I only need three people to get happy out of that church when my grandmother would make sweet potato pie you ready because we knew that her pie was excellent talk to me we would start fighting over the bowl of the spoon got it all right I can't some of y'all ain't had no grandparents what we were fighting over I hope somebody catch it is what was undone cuz if I could taste it before it's finished my expectations increase to the place where I wait [Applause] some of you don't know how to wait cuz you've not had a taste let's just surance Jesus is mine oh what a foretaste I think I'm blessed do all of the distress and depression thoughts of suicide when I was young good mystery that I've thought about I think I've made it not because I was strong I hope somebody talked to me but because I had the right people in my ear and they kept saying for 13 years like it was gonna happen tomorrow it's almost time oh yeah you gotta have somebody in your ear that can make what's far seem koja later and keep telling you baby don't give up right now you've come too far to Tanner you need y'all can't hang with 4 black I'm tired me too you can't hang with that idiot right now that idiot don't know nobody you can't hang with who's hurt like you [Applause] you gotta hang with somebody that's gonna tell you there has to be a reason why the devil's doing this to you he must know what you gonna become yeah let me encourage you like I got encouraged then you need to tell them something that if you spent now you got it who do you know could be going through all this hell and still be in their right mind the issue is is it you being tested or your strength I get tired of hearing people say especially the new breed of prophets I feel the spirit of debt freeness now these are good terms I like them I embrace them but I don't like why they use him so let me bring a little a little understanding to what I mean and if one person jumped you all can sick of your standing you scare me you're making me sound like I'm saying something but here is where you get excited with me there's no way that there can be whatever they use a spirit or grace or mercy whatever these new words are of dead freeness if you first didn't embrace being in debt you can't be debt-free unless you're admitting you were in debt now the second observation is I'm about to preach this for anybody who will jump to screen for yourself is you are effectively debt-free when you're in debt and nobody knows and when you tell them you don't have it they call you a liar because the way you conduct yourself seems to be like you're already in your season tap me I need some strength yeah your hands heavy and let me say this also then be seated please and let me read please hear me close about time let's just keep it real about time your enemies and haters find out the truth about you and that is you were broke you won't be see somebody didn't catch it God is timing your success with your enemy's discovery you follow you heard it one minute too late you brought it up ten seconds too late I don't believe and I'm not against those who do I don't believe that God has to change a season for you to succeed I believe what makes him a miracle worker is people are wondering how you're making it in a time when most orange Yali 2nd Kings chapter 4 is our backup story verse 15 through 17 y'all better push me right through here in that front second Kings for 15 through 17 I hope preachers listen to me also not in particularly these but these are my friends cuz I want them to understand as I respect their office and what they do when I'm up here doing what I do it is not about friendship it's about what I'm called to do and the issue is the church has been terribly infected because pastors have to continue to put on things to keep the bills paid and we're doing that because we don't believe that God him II can touch one person Oh y'all don't hear me and put your name in there spit y'all the mighty quiet and let them not be able to sleep until they take care you he said shall men give to your bosom let me talk to four cool talk not unemployed people not section eight somebody that has it and if they hold it I hope somebody jump on this girl said I got another way to bless you the wealth of the way I'm gonna make somebody that hates you y'all gonna hear me now some of you got enough enemies to get economy you have enough what if God told every one of your enemies give you $10,000 I bet you'd be glad you had enemies I'm glad he blocked me I'm glad she hate me pay me now I've got somebody on my left you don't mean to question me but I understand cuz I'm not preaching like you I don't read the Bible first take three points and move on because I've outgrown that I've been preaching thirty four years but here he me and somebody jump on this when Joe got his double he also got his friends God told him I can't give you the full double hold on till you pray for who misunderstood then he said now that you forgiving them I hope somebody scream tell them if they want friendship pay you yelling maybe gotta read daddy and each person has to come with a piece of money in their hand and pay for the new relationship [Applause] you're not just gonna get a saree you're gonna get a sacrifice let me give an example if a baby mamas in here don't raise your hand and you got hurt by the man and mentos never be nothing and you're so holy that you don't take him to court and every time you take him he quits his job or move to another state city cuz we know all the games then this is when you're gonna know God gave you a miracle and I hope a woman scream when he makes the man who left the city leave the country call you back now you still angry don't get angry don't get mad don't do the what you calling me for shut up and get the money just shut up see some time a long attitude can mess up a season you follow sometimes you gotta let God do its thing [Applause] some of us have talked our way out of a miracle cuz you said something too soon now doctor Brian I'll talk to you because you've been pushing me every night this is how the story is gonna go so I don't have to read it all cuz I'm sure they've read it but we'll read a few verses this other story goes for the ten folk I didn't want to push me this this is a woman who's a shunammite she's a great woman she's married an older man because she needs maturity it's quiet up here now it's different with the new generation these young girls want old dominica they don't want to work or go to school but [Applause] but in this particular passage she's assuming might she's married you gotta read an old man this old man works critically hard he loves us so much she doesn't have to work but the Bible says she was a great woman in shoot'em so what she did with her free time being that her husband loved her enough to provide for her and tell her I don't want you to work I wish somebody would catch this is she spends her free time following ministry she's not at the mall she's not at the hairdresser she's attracted to the Ministry of Elijah not Elijah oh I think y'all miss that some of y'all joined churches that you attract it not to the ministry you're attracted to the man who's anointed or the woman who's anointed with the ministry so when you don't get the man or the woman you leave the ministry cuz you were never attracted [Applause] we don't know how long but in that chapter she visits the prophets ministry so long that she's now familiar with it and then she starts saying to her husband I perceived that the man of God that passes by us often is a holy man that means her in intuition and her discernment has kicked in after watching long enough he's not think oh y'all and I cuz some of y'all follow what say what you want to hear she studies his ministry she doesn't want him at all she's happily married she doesn't have to work but she's drawn y'all him to ministry she watches him so - long enough to come to the conclusion this man is a holy man let me strip the word holy cuz I can't get too many people talking - you should be some of you made a mistake cuz you mix holy with gifted and now you upset cuz you think nobody's holy cuz you fell in love with a gift see how far they've got he can sing he can dress that ain't holding the other mighty quiet right through him some of you have never met holy coz what holy really says for 100 folk who will jump is I'm human like you but don't help me ruin what God gave me holy oh you're at miss do all you can to keep me in life I have too much to lose oh it's quiet up here somebody guilty with a capital G dings and after she proceeds I'm about to preach it that he's holy thank you sir she starts buttering up her husband because she wants to watts now you got a priestess she wants to some kind of way invite what she's going to see into her house because if I can get the Prophet to reside whenever he's in town in my house I hope so much humanist then God has to come with him I need God to get in my address so he can see the condition of my house so the only time I'm happy is not when I'm in church but I can also find some happiness when I get home we got a lot of church Addington preached a district that's your drunk of that home go to her husband please make sense out out of this for me because I know that I'm born somebody she said I have never cheated on you right no baby I've been loving you since I was a little girl right yes ain't never you another man no and you know I'm not thinking about one right no baby what's wrong I need you to put an addition on to our house Oh y'all you need one house a little larger what the house I've built is not good enough is only two of us she said you weren't so hard he's it uh now y'all laughing but these pastors should be talking to me cuz this woman has to have a lot of influence to make an old man build an addition for another man [Applause] [Music] si Senor bishops are talking while baby bishops ain't saying nothin because they don't understand he's old and the Bible says impotent which means he cannot give her baby and what she's asking to come in is young influential and powerful now ain't nobody gonna stream on this except for Kuno you're gonna be successful no matter what you're going through now you got to learn to be comfortable around competition always gets mighty quiet cuz some of y'all can't sleep cuz you're always trying to figure weight out do somebody or get somebody back go to sleep cuz the same way God does not have to change your season for a screamer there are some people that don't like you for no reason and they ain't gonna never [Applause] never help me more real they're gone still not like you fat skinny moderate blond blue bleach white y'all ain't talking to me short dress long dress pants khakis holes dress unclothed mannequin whatever you do it's not them that don't like you there's a spirit lodging on the inside of this particular individual that hates that you're expanding and they upset that the room you're building is not for them because God's doing more for me don't mean I owe you more I know there are people that think they deserve more could they be with you a long time they how long you've been this what you've been doing what have you been you see me with a hammer nipper where's the nails bring the ladder do seitan she's building I'm gonna read just six verses I'm a closest she's building in some kind of way she persuades him to do it what she persuades him to do is what God prophetically is doing for you and you don't have money you don't have good credit I said every time i prophesy while I preach if you catch the stream of something so catch this your house is under construction he will not just meet you at church yeah later he's about to meet you [Applause] I [Applause] I was talking to Bishop Martin in the field of young men but let me say this the people who want truth it is not good to get things from God and then not be able to enjoy them cuz you don't like who's in there God gave you the house what you don't want to go home he gave you the car but you don't want folk to see what you drive you sound you sound crazy like you the people that you're hiding from ain't gonna never like it even if you let them use your car they don't like you for that day you let them say thank you for letting me stay you know they're haters cuz they never complimented your house and the struggle it took for you to get it go street lights and tells Elijah when you come through here to preach don't check into no hotels no more Elijah doesn't fully embrace it let's preach it really probably looked at her like aren't you married see when people are offering you things don't get excited till after the interview okay it just got you you need to find out what's what is this gonna cost me [Applause] just as long as seen your father shaking his head I'm a priest come on in she also bought him furniture a table yelling a stool a lamp the things she shouldn't boys but she did was a bad now real men to be like okay that tape will soon as I I don't hear nobody that candles a little bit too romantic but I understand see some food ain't got no humans cuz you mad right now and she built the room on the outside of the wall he comes over he stays this is verses 7 through 14 I've already preached between us he stays several times but he does not stay alone he brings gays I with him sometimes you got to find your own chaperone even though you're grown all right look how great you gotta get somebody that's got your back for real y'all eater you gotta be careful who you hang with ain't tryin to hang you you understand you gotta make sure that person is there not to just protect you but your purpose now come on brother preachers only about 30 more minutes and I'll let you all go eating we could talk and hug and shoot the breeze but three of you back there catch this and 80 of you scream on this some of our business cuz we're human that got out didn't get out because of God got out because of who we trust it and they were upset that we didn't build them a bigger space chalet jaw they were set that we didn't give them more recognition and all y'all haters need to kill you it's for who's next to you to verify the soul Shawn is with me almost every day you know that before then Chris was with me 11 years straight every day if Shawn came in the office tonight cuz he called you uncle and be like uncle my pop is gay even though you've known me all these years I know I'm not a part of you will have to start entertaining it because it came from Shawn let me act just like are you ready this is what you would do and I'm gonna see if 10-fold getting give us money you would be like Shawn what would you say then about your uncle you play for him are you crazy [Applause] [Laughter] and then he would think y'all are that close you'd be like well I pray for him but then later on you will call me and be like bro ain't both tell you but bro I don't care Shawn said see they don't know that leaders have a cold they don't know it they don't know it bro I'm not sure if you should keep Shawn with you I know you love it and you probably say this too and I'll get mad but you would have to cuz it came from you probably do something like now I don't know if you get a number if you are he should have never been the one to tell so let me close this father move to the shout and stuff 30 40 - that's why God has now put some of you in the place called alone cuz right now you're rebuilding your character y'all don't hear me you're rebuilding your emotions you rebuilding your psyche and now you're learning who should I let move in now [Applause] who should I let moving house means private space when in church I'm at home so I don't dress at home like a dress in church some of y'all ain't gonna laugh on this but it's fine I don't drink in church what I drink at home I don't watch TV in all day at home you married couples better talk for I embarrass all the year cuz you can't stay sexually excited reading the Bible all day at home that's why in the house for once women woman every room has his own description you don't sleep in the kitchen each room tells you what you're able to do so don't let people into areas that can't respect what you do do what parents do the kids for a screamer close my door Oh y'all inquire and knock before you come in and if I don't answer stay out there [Applause] he's in the house I'm 3/4 he's now comfortable saying there cuz no lines have been crossed we have no scriptural reference I need one person talking out of him and the husband ever having a conversation it's bad when you see someone all the time and there is no conversation that lets you know somebody in the relationship is jealous of the other individual conspicuous curious senior senior bishop one day Elijah I found on this system take a risk recognizes that if you stay around the thing long enough you might start gaining feelings see I can't get no honest people first we were just guard brothers in guard sisters now you got explain how your system you fell in love and now you gotta tell them this ain't never been my biological sister [Applause] and my preaching real see you neither standing you don't understand you're gonna get a miracle by the end because I didn't ask you the same but that means you listening catch this the way we can I suggest opposed that what I said is truth is right here he tells the Hayes I go call the woman tell her come to the door but don't come in the room uh-huh look at all you all Oh y'all lookin at me crazy you know how we all make mistakes we shouldn't been in the room and what's crazy so I can get off this cuz nobody want to push me the wrong we did we didn't even really like who we did it with it was that you stayed around the thing long enough for feelings to be sir when he felt something you can read that through reading comprehension that's what they teach in English if he was comfortable and nothing was brewing he'd just say when he was there he said call the woman and he spoke to get his eye his boy he says we leave it I thought he said our season oh here is up why he said cuz I'm feeling something brewing I don't know whose side is on he said oh no that's how you have sure he said when you call her tell her even though it's her house don't come in my room don't cross a certain line Oh y'all oh my oh my I'm about to blow the man he says to get his eye what should we leave her with so that she doesn't think we were freeloader bring her to see y'all didn't bring her to the room she stands there he says hello she says hello from outside the door two grownups can I come in now hey let me talk to you I'm gonna see who's gonna run cuz I'm looking for a runner she says he says I'm leaving I think of everything you've done I have connections with the king shall I speak on your behalf cuz he's a prophet to high authority she said no I'm good with my own people shall I tell the military to protect your property Oh y'all didn't read it she said no I'm good he said but I don't know what to do for you she's about to leave read the text he talks to the haze out on this I want a high five and he says to the haze I what doesn't she have been he said a baby now that was dumb of the haze I cuz we ready know who she love can't make no babies Oh y'all look quiet now oh yeah you gotta be careful that the person you trust is not putting suggestions in your head really to destroy your ministry she has no child no read the rest and her husband is old the haze are you looking out for me or are you looking out oh it just lays are you actually looking out for me guys I come on battery she's married I know the condition of her marriage she knows I'm holy and you are here talking about babies yogam and her husband is old now we're about to switch and go to next level the issue is no longer the feelings between the woman and the Prophet is between the prophet and his assistant he now has to prove to who's making suggestions that he is holy also call that woman back to my room okay that was like yep there he go he glanced for her number some woman stand at the door i'ma see who jumped then he says by this time next season I got help right you shall embrace the Sun the haze eyes looking like husband no can handle children she says to him my lord thou man of God Oh y'all got she addresses him with respect do not lie I wish I had help to thine hand me three people that suppose feeling this you get it the prophesy when it's real from God it sounds like a lie at first y'all nomadic why cuz your five senses cannot figure out how in the world am I gonna get a house and I can barely pay Rick where I am I think I need to say this for Laos we must prophesy don't pull credit reports but I'm just one move on prophecies don't need cosigner it needs a person foolish enough to believe but this story really says I'm in this and out of this so this is too holy for me but i'ma do this and 30 folks Freeman jump and beat bills paid and that's this you no longer have to give God glory for what you slept with to get it now what I want you to know look how quiet it got now you can't give God glory for what your flesh negotiated you gotta be able to tell the devil this time I'm a WatchGuard do what he says because we gotta stop lying to each other God's blessing he good all the time no that's your car show me the paper that's your partner invite me over right now when you got a high from folk that know you that mean it ain't yours [Applause] you should have a son now high-five me on this fishing Martin even if it's in the spirit Elijah made sure that the timing of the prophecy follow me now gave him time to leave without the possibility of being the father by this time next year that means 12 months from now you will have a child but it only takes nine months to have a baby so he's clear y'all don't hear me for three months now I need to talk to focal screen God says tell you if you get a house in car now your miracle in the clear cuz everybody know you ain't got no money y'all eat up you ain't got no friends you ain't got no credit so God says the best season for me to bless you is why the famine is in section yo the best time to bless you is when your pocket is empty but your garage is full the best time to bless you when the only thing you can tell this God did it I don't know how I'm about to preach once you look at the neighbors shake them like a salt shaker and tell them God did it no don't play with it shake them as if it's gonna happen by tomorrow morning and tell them God did it I'm tired maybe my brothers on maybe my friends aren't but let me say this the three phone call with me I'm tired of getting things and can't tell folks how because the truth will disqualify the bless I need to be I'm totally on persuaded that he's still able to do exceedingly I'm a preaching about eight minutes above all things that we could ask the thing according not to our credit y'all ends up calling not to our salaries I wish I had somebody to talk to me but according to the power not that works in him [Applause] that works in you I had to look at what that power was some people said it was the Holy Ghost but that was not the power even though it's the ultimate power Network powerful ones FEMA means according to your discipline according to your ability not to compromise for what he's about to do to be able to walk away from a now to receive it later I'm gonna say three words and I say I'm every now and then but I feel let to see him now and the first 50 people to clap and jump as if you hit the lottery you'll be blessed the three words are paid in full [Applause] Bishop Martin I'm about to get on the express train like the old school trucks used to say read it all when you get home watch this she gets pregnant she has a son she gets four stalkers exactly what was spoken and I'm gonna tell you why for screamers cuz she didn't cross the line Oh y'all didn't catch that again she got what was spoken brothers Bush because she did not cross the line even though it was in her own house where she makes the rule the next verse says and we're going to church the child grew and from one verse to the next the child is 12 I need 50 streamers to push me just because it's in the next verse don't mean it happens the next day Oh y'all didn't catch that the next verse that's written is 12 years old [Applause] he's 12 traditionally be careful he has to be given to the father the father takes his 12 year old boy before Bar Mitzvah to the business when the boy y'all need talking goes to work I didn't write it he gets it and he screams my head my head can I get three more minutes to teach this lean on somebody and tell them no matter what season you're in don't let it get to your head just slowly until y'all said like this they getting on my nerve my head my head and then it says look at me he dropped dead the father says take him to his mother now dr. Brian I know you've not supported me on some of these things cuz I'm risky in this preaching but somebody else get risks with me and catch this if this is your real miracle son and you believe it's yours and you own the business why you let somebody else take him home if you are real daddy y'all ain't talking to me you would say I'll be back and you would take him to the hospital you didn't say take him to my wife Oh y'all got you said take him to his mom we don't have him saying boy are you okay we don't have him saying son what's wrong with you we definitely don't have him saying called the past then tell the Prophet come pray for him take the boy to his mother two last things to say before I go to Baptist Church and let me say this for 300 of you who will scream and that's this if you get a prophecy don't put it in the wrong hand because they're close to you and love you don't mean they love what God's doing for you and every time you share it they get angrier they get more jealous you gotta be careful who you give what God gave you so it was blessed by the mother infected by the phone cuz it went from worship to work some of you can't worship cuz work doesn't beat the worship idea I'm tired I'm tired of shouting you tired of being broke I'm tired to touch your neighbor you tired of boring but you gonna have to borrow from a neighbor somewhere the boy dies and then the boy in the fourth chapter I think I need a hug on this it's taken not to the hospital or to the prophets room [Music] she's got an extension onto the house that's about to give an extension onto the baby's life everything is about extension oh now I'm gonna say this to dr. Jamal in to my son medicine and hoping that tender you scream cuz you've been hearing the Bible in a different kind of way but it makes sense screaming this may be from day one she invited Elijah to the house and did a room cuz she knew God was gonna give her the desire that God was in the house saying this girl got everything but a baby maybe she made preparations for the prophecy before the prophecy ever got shouldn't you be looking for the house before you get a job just in case shouldn't you be looking at wedding magazines before you get David shouldn't you be looking in the future before the present makes sense when God was in the house he said she got everything but a baby but she's made room so the man is gone but God is still in the room y'all missing she didn't take the boy to the Prophet she took the boy to the Prophet with God and the Prophet study hoping that it was sealed the presence of God in that room she tastes that boy because she figured if I had him by miracle then I should be able to keep him by miracle yeah when you get a miracle you gotta manage it keep it where it belongs to live she does not take the baby let me hear her a flat oh yeah that was pretty good she does not take the baby I was a half note off to the hospital she takes the baby to what looks like a hospice she takes him to the room where the presence of God was that everyday because his servant lived there she does not for three folks that help me preach take death for an answer she does not she does not plan his funeral she plans his future well you and I should have died God is about to give us a chance to live live on somebody next to you and tell them death is not an option now if the person next to you is not excited that you have chosen to live it and not die then just push them away from you cuz that's your Kaiser they've been waiting for you to throw your hands up and say I give up yes y'all wait no music but somebody the Niner and tell them I'm getting back to my place in God well I'm gonna trust in God regardless of my present situation can you find somebody that don't mind you talking to them and look them in the face and say never I'm leaning in talk to them and depending cut out supper on Jesus every step of the way if I stumble every was a head of church here a step of the way touch somebody else's hand and say neighbor tonight should have been your funeral but if you open your eyes tomorrow huh you're living in a miracle of extension and you need to let the devil know somebody's jealous cuz they thought it was over for you they thought the rumor would kill you they thought the text that was discovered would destroy you they thought a picture will never make you bounce back but on the salad I wish I had a church here where rock I stand all of the grounds there sinking sand now grab somebody else we're bout to close make sure you're intentional wanna make sure your strategic make sure that somebody's hand upon this microts face say right now all the way you better shake them like a salt shaker say cheese and look in the faces a neighbor if you're gonna be my permanent friend or permanent partner or somebody I'll see at the top let me tell you my secret success to believe this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] by don't play with this tomorrow you see several ballasts you'll be like how doctor tell you the tumors gone [Applause] you look like you about to get a miracle in school - in the future but all the y'all that got 20 seconds left was stressed and you know the devil should've killed you before tonight and now you know your funeral has just been cancelled and your future has been received you got 30 seconds Oh Oh [Music] hold hands up dr. Cole [Applause] look at some item you don't know how long I've been playing dead till I've been sleep longer than Sleeping Beauty but tell them when I wake up tomorrow things are gonna look much much better [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hold that hold the hand of your closest neighbor give me a little more now not to look and listen to me I'm closing hallelujah you know they and look at me scripture people I'm gonna need y'all just for three minutes so please get ready the boy revives what we don't see for somebody soon he never goes back to work [Applause] prophecy don't find jobs it finds future [Music] [Applause] don't prophesy me another 13 hour jump if you're gonna give me the Word of God let it blow my mind y'all already and nobody went nowhere look at all these students they never look at me talk about him again he lives scripture says when he revives when he revives for two people the Bible says the Prophet gives the living boy to his mother you have to keep it in the hands of the believer for it to live [Music] [Applause] you've got to keep the prophecy in the custody of the believer in order for it to live you can't take it to common people let's take it the folk that as much as it sounds like a lie they say God is able that thing this is where you aren't gonna want to talk to me in that office the story's over you read this call me whenever you get a break the proof that the father never thought that that was his child it's in the scripture it says cuz you've been in ridiculous before and so I buy it said that when she said find me a driver and transportation that I may go to the prophets house he said why are you going to see him it's neither Sabbath or New Moon which means ain't no church service she's trying to question her how you know where he lived [Music] why are you going to him about my son she tells him reading where he not I have always been yours and I'll be back you didn't read I'm coming back to you the same way I lied but we're not coming home to dead situations I'm done right here Bishop mercy they never believed it so because you're not talking depth for years I'm gonna show you a scripture but you gotta promise me that was chapter four but go to chapter eight of that saying Kings just go to chapter 8 verse 1 I'm gonna give you the topic of my son you know always do that last watch this I didn't do it at Murphy's Church I gave it first heal I just spoke to the woman this isn't chapter 8 whose son he had restored hello that's why I don't want him to take it cuz I know once I said he won't get it and once he gets it it's no longer mine so 20 y'all scream on this you ready the topic is this then I given subtopic to be continued cuz we thought their story was over in chapter 4 but they popped back go Oh y'all hidden in JB people thought it was over for you but you need to start screaming to become the last thing you heard about me as I lost everything marriage on the rocks out there that was not her final chapter go back to that verse and go to one last verse I'm done you cease verse 1 say where ever you can that means everyone before you get a prophecy have to make do with whatever you have you got to survive this you're at the conclusion of drifting y'all say wherever you can say you and your household for the Lord has called for a famine this ain't no government this is God testing the faith of his people and furthermore oh I heard Bishop waiting Murphy's old school my mind that means something it will come upon the land which means the season has an expiration date verse 5 and 6 same verse and we're done this is where you will jump for me you will jump for me all of you that under me will jump for me five or six now it happened as he was telling the King how he had restored the dead to life Elisha that there was the woman whose son had been restored to lay the home that King had ignored her and said I don't want to talk to you I'm gonna hear about Elijah then the story that gays are saying is about the woman and gay haze I said I can't tell it better than her some of you will not be ignored anymore but watch this making an appeal to the king for her house I'm cozy and her land the haze I said my lord o king this is the woman this is her son who Elijah on this note only those who catch it yelling be here cuz this is the most powerful thing I'm gonna tell you and I'm gonna tell my brother here who is God's keyboards but I'm gonna hear you scream everything is hers now and there's no husband in Chapter the believer the unbeliever has been erased out of the check this is the woman this is her son she's pleading for her house and hurt me [Applause] there are three chapters before chapter 8 cuz God needs time to get rid of who don't belong there verse 6 was your last verse you gonna still read with me when the King acts the woman she told him she told him better than Gaza the king appointed a certain officer for her saying oh we saw I'm done Oh Rhys give this lady everything she lost that not all that was his and give all the proceeds from people who worked hiring from the day she left you're holding the hand of a person that was Pro y'all may not spit on this but I feel Kingdom retroactive pay God remembers how long we've praised him without subtopic I told him I give him some time I'm done you're holding the hand of the best person you can hold right now the person that's not disbelieving in your future and they didn't come to cry over your funeral the subtopic is this you can only catch it if you understand business this woman had everything even a husband but in chapter 8 she didn't have anything not even a husband but she has her testimony she has proof that God is able [Applause] no money no provider no husband no property no house but what she held on to is gonna get it all back and in America you got chapter 11 chapter 13 chapter 7 I'm gonna save this for humorous folk who now know you're coming into your season let the devil know in chapter 4 you tested me you stretched me chapter 5 6 & 7 you tried to erase me I was in the season of losing everything I was in the worst famine of my life but here's what I want to tell you to see if you scream tomorrow morning when you wake up and you know you're about to get it all back when the devil and your enemies actually how you get all this back tell them I filed chapter 5 chapter if you can find it in the Bible it still works today I'm fine now you have to hold my hand just for 20 seconds sometime God will take the security you built to give you the one he has sometimes he'll take what you've been building for yourself to show you what he's already had built I'm filing chapter I'm gonna keep drawing this lady in his face till he blessing cuz you the same yesterday I need my stuff I know what you're gonna ask me later when you're ready to get comical cuz we're cousin are you in deep mode it's gonna be like we're the main some of you may send it you didn't chase them away God because they only stayed long enough for you to lose it and stayed through enough now I want to speak this over your life while you're holding someone's hand you will never lose it I'm serious I want to speak this over your life you will never know something valuable close and precious to you again because you have proven to God that you refuse to give what he spoke to you a funeral there's still hope the famine doesn't have to change god never fails your hell y'all talking cuz you understand I don't want nobody coming up and running but there's a woman that's gonna be a millionaire your last name is Bailey that's all I'm gonna say that's just start proving that what he does for one your name is on his list he's just saying got time to call it you gotta believe you made an appointment and then he'll see you very soon I'm walking in obedience to the scripture cuz if either listen to the people that I first had in my ear my prophecy would be buried but because folk came and told me hold on it ain't over I had grown up say go cry fast go cry fast and come on back get it out but what's coming is better than what's wrong if you remember cuz you're gonna be wealthy the five words I told you to tell your neighbor tell them now and see how that it is done you didn't remember [Applause] don't be shocked if you wake up tomorrow in this [Applause] don't be shocked cuz I live in the climate of miracles I really do bishop Martin asked me today you don't have any new dreams and aspirations heating on December but he tried he tried to make me seem like I really did because I was breathing but I don't have no desires I went to my room so I didn't feel like talking to me if I say I ain't got none I ain't got enough if I seek first the kingdom of God [Applause] and his righteousness I don't have to desire it it desires me and whatever he says I embrace trust God even when you can't trace it you holding the hand of a wealthy worshiper dead free prese [Applause] holding the hand of a new homeowner in a wonderful zip code and like your pastor says we're thanking God for putting you in the new tax bracket you're gonna find out you don't have many needs anymore all you have is once don't let that hand go cuz right now their faith is attached to your belief I don't remember cuz I'm because my mind is gone what did we ask for last night thank you whoever said it be debt free in Jesus name because cuz my mind is way out there pass the sand and face you people you look great no you got a crown on your ship oh you know when you was younger I was the dress you do know that don't you you need to remember but now I'm just a Jewish boy when we sow into this man's vision this church's responsibility stop giving like you're in a famine bury your doubt pay for your future when you given the present it's a down payment on the future y'all not talking women I need you to sold a hundred dollars because one bundle of weave is $200 oh I did my homework and they say you need a minimum of three bundles which is $600 that's more than we you're laughing but people found out how to replace illness in pharmaceutical products with what they knew women would desire and they said if you don't have enough hair you need 1/4 C these men should be talking because you won't need money for bills and for her accessories women don't come cheap no more down mani and pedi massage laser hair you get nervous and I'm good with it because the family will not control how I live y'all think I'm playing but the family's not gonna control how I live when I was broke nobody knew it and it was for thirteen years straight so I did a great job masking my feminine and about time found out by telling me found out I was out of it and I've been out of it for 17 years no don't clap for me cuz I hope you don't change it I want to stay out of it cuz I know the Bible if you lose sight of who gave it to you the Lord giveth and you'll take it away everyone that's gonna soul your hundred and two hundred get it ready now the rest of you I'm gonna actually to try to do the same and if not what was the minimum amount see everybody remembers I don't even have to touch so get one of those amounts ready don't come yet everyone especially men ain't gonna join them on that one you have 30 seconds now look at me I'm gonna walk I don't do this but don't this ain't my office don't hold back on yourself don't wait for God to give you money to give him something give him money to make him give you the way he wants you to have it thank God that money never controlled me I'm being honest and I'm thinking for that that's one gift I told Bishop Martin that I've always had I'm disciplined to the max my focus is not on anything materialistic and when I get it after a week of having it I want to sell it cuz I'm past it I don't drive enough to have a car like that I only go down the block to the gym into the Chinese restaurant when I'm home going nowhere sit down one mile to the gym and a mile and a half to the Chinese food recipe that's it I'm gonna find me somewhere to go I gotta find some friends and even got no friends to go drive to could they all preaching too they gone Murphy I'm coming over your house man I'm in Alaska remember Jamal well yet man I'm in Germany we all going sack weight yet man I'm hearing tomorrow be the enema this man was in Detroit this morning here tonight Florida yesterday morning dad good night I can't hang with you unless you buy a plane [Music] see everybody miss you it'll be nice to have an empowerment airline you know that was just the lovely nice well I'll help you pay the least because we want to use it when you're not using it but it's gonna be your responsibility and your name and we gonna listen you receive it good plane is yours and we'll use it the yacht is Murphy's and we'll this is yacht and the car is mine cuz I ain't paying that kind of the money doctor I'm old you need to own the hotel cuz you're into properties my own houses when you can just own a whole hotel everybody has to think bigger even if you don't have the money have the mentality now the Lord just agreed he said don't let the men come first he said tell the women who are giving the one hundred and one hundred three hundred and two hundred if they come I bless them in less than 13 hours every woman that's giving it come live at the past is free come do it now in Jesus name I appreciate your obedience I appreciate your honesty I appreciate you telling the truth even if you're given by the phone walk by put the cash up on the screen give the fire give them the fire can't even say that word on the screen I feel like I'm at dreams and now they'd be putting like four ways to give on the strength look at that that's fancy his face is on the phone I've got to catch up as every woman come that's giving the hundred and two hundred please do so please take your time and walk you look rich you take your time don't rush take your time she rushed back you saw that she'd about a head like yeah I don't want no prophecy I need that man singing nothing about my life he's a real deal every man I don't wanna get disappoint that's one gift under the two hundred come now every brother sisters encourage us I said sisters encourage us encourage encourage us [Applause] now I don't want you to be prophetic but the Lord told me six of the men lied they put an empty phone with zero on their cash yet they're gonna lose their car to watch that's better than you then losing your life I mean the Bible says we we in grace now back then God just killed the husband and wife you can't play with God especially when he's about to either give you a funeral or future this is the third time that is too late that I wanted to pray for everything is anyone in here named Ebenezer say I can't hear you did I find it yet no you hear me asking some time getting on my tail you trying to get in on the tape did you find her yet kids buddy I feel bad everyone else who did not have 200 a 100 but you're gonna give that 30 out of your heart come now male and female I need to see a ton of people who will bless these three days sewing will y'all clap for them that are coming right now I said would you clap for them that are coming right now clap better clap better clap better clap better clap better if you're given by your debit and credit go to my right or left and there are people there to assist you and my only personal is it because I'm black I am hungry hallelujah hello sister in the checkered dress y'all keep giving system to check a dress touch her no no no yeah you who's the girl that's who I need with you you know when the Lord called you you were holding her hand so you know you can't let a hand go and get the prophecy right you're gonna think I'm crazy and foolish but the Lord told me to tell you this don't take it like I'm a false prophet God said when you came and she put her hand down there like she gave that offering then I'm going to fix the father situation for her in a weird unusual way she is going to be properly fathered she is going to get an inheritance from a male figure yah neato the law says in three days I hope you don't get mad you're gonna have a visit from God with your emotions so that your anger remains tame you have carried a load for over eight years it's been a load it has made you angry has made you very bitter and that's fine because we're human but three days from now you're gonna get a new source of strength you're gonna get a breath of fresh air and I must say this for screamers your funerals been canceled oh yeah uh yeah by home cos are y'all help [Applause] and you'll be moving because she needs a new school you receive that all right everyone's saying I'm about to give the mic to the progenitor of this church hallelujah there was a couple I thought it was a couple yeah I think it's them are you two a couple yeah okay I'm just asking I'm trying to see which one of them canto where'd y'all meet huh not actually how long I hope he right I hope he right cuz he just chose something not to add to his memory but when I came in y'all were already here I had walked down walked in the pulpit hugged Bishop John Brian y'all had already been here before I walked out right now I've been holding for two hours and 20 minutes to tell both of you that God says he appreciates whoever was it one of your faith being able to get things ready to move and get a new house but God said tell you wrong one I'm about to give you another God says oh yeah yeah God says I'm about to honor your faith without the money I'm about to give you the house of your choosing if one of you break out and praise me right now now I don't care which one and if y'all don't help them they probably won't do it because other members of your church but they're not members well then you choose which one of them run no no one of them got to or ain't getting that house see you got to be responsible for your prophecy obviously it would be the woman [Applause] sir sir what's your name George because you ran and said y'all met in Barbados I want to say something to you ready God is gonna increase your pay cuz he's gonna make a committee call you into a meeting close to a hospital center along they're gonna talk to you about something very different from what you're doing almost as a favor you're going to be giving a job making six figures so that her family is wrong about you yes are y'all happy with him oh yeah hold on wait a minute dr. Bishop dr. Jim O'Brien just told me something and I'm not privy to all of this I don't get to feel feelings but he said hold on hold he was a chaplain at John Hopkins Hospital and his contract just ran out well file Chapter eight y'all ease up see nobody's understand when I put the mic in this wonderful man's hand who strategically tries to do things to make you grow to make you say alert and to give you a balanced life according to biblical principles you should get extremely did you find you should get extremely excited about having a pastor that has one of the strongest voices of your day I don't hear anybody's one of the strongest voices we'll get there I'm not jealous when I literally acquiesce to seeing someone who was once under me surpassed me I'm excited about people who succeed who remember from whence they've come can I get a witness so when I give him the mic I want you to go crazy and praise God for God's deliver of the 21st century the Reverend dr. Jamaal Harrison right come on would you help me celebrate profits out all [Applause] come on you can do better than that where you bless since Sunday do me a favor please every person is sending and every person is sending we get ready to go home but we cannot leave this place without somebody having an opportunity to get saved somebody getting an opportunity to give their life over to Christ getting an opportunity to get connected to a ministry that could be their launching pad in their springboard how many of you unashamedly belong to Jesus how have you undeniably loved the Church of where you are part of well if you've got that kind of love and that kind of fear or you ought to in fact be able to share it I want you to take one moment before it is that we leave would you move and just talk to two people around you and find out for me are they saved find out if they have a church home find out if they've given their life over to God every person is doing that every person is sharing [Music] hallelu if that's you I want you to come the spirit is talking to you directing you leading you give God some praise for this young man coming there's somebody else that needs to get saying somebody else please they give their life over to God I want you to bring them on on this day if you were blessed immeasurably from sunday-monday and now tonight give God your best shout of gratitude if you brought ties tonight would you bring them to the altar of our visitors we're collecting neckties are we gonna bless 3,000 returning citizens on the last Sunday of this month we want you to be a part of it we want to invite you to come and worship with us Sunday 7:30 9:30 and 11:30 on a Tuesday if nobody told you that they loved you please know your pastor loves you I pray for you every day I want to see God give the glory out of your life which he lifts up that hand right where it is that you are thank you pastor Jordan I appreciate you thank you lady Jordan lift up that hand right where it is that you are tomorrow you file chapter you are pressing the refresh button on tomorrow when you rise tomorrow you being awake is evidence that the family is over and everything you're supposed to have is gonna start coming in your direction that hand lifted now unti hill who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless until helps somebody may God make you restless until you help yourself may God irritate you i t have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you I do you have to give stuff away hence for from now and forevermore the Blessed people have gone stared at amen would you do me a favor please nobody move nobody can hurt do me a favor place if you're in need of a ride home it's almost 11 o'clock at night and I don't want anybody on the bus South tonight trying to hail a cab looking for a head if you need a ride home would you come to me fairly quickly I want to make sure that you hooked up come on wherever it is that you are this is not the time for you to be shy you and the harder part is come on wherever it is that you are thank you so very much be safe and we want to see all of you on such
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 6,625
Rating: 4.6173911 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, tuesday, bible study
Id: 30bSaSVleII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 53sec (10193 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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