When wild stuff happens part3

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worship the Lord right there come on let's give God a hand clap of praise every person is sending every person is sending I'm telling you the Spirit of God has visit us already this morning anybody just anticipate a move of God you anticipate a move of God I need you to just prophesy over somebody's life would you just embrace somebody tell them something good is getting ready to happen to you something good it's getting ready to happen to you I'm telling you I feel it in my bones something good is getting ready to happen to you if you're an agreement with that I want you to give God a shelter Thanksgiving now there's something good is getting ready to happen thank you fine arts ministry you may be seated all over the sanctuary I want to share just a couple of things with you as we move forward I'm thankful under God how God just continues to bless us yesterday is released on MSNBC and as a consequence that went into a print a journalism that impoundment Academy that's our school pre-k through eighth grade I would just listed as one of the five healthier schools in the United States come on can y'all shout about that one of the five healthier schools in the United States and for that we are overwhelmingly glad I wanted to extend high commendation to our faculty to our staff and to our our students who helped to make that happen secondly I wanted to share with you that we are now just two weeks away of our reentry Sunday reentry Sunday uh what does that mean is that we're opening up our doors for returning citizens who have already paid their debt to society and on the last Sunday of this month we're gonna be doing job placement educational opportunities were collecting 3,000 neckties for gold who are starting a new chapter of their life of those of you who brought neckties today would you bring him to the altar now if you happen to have brought them today I want you to please you got two Sundays until our deadline let me tell you how our good our God is and I hope y'all will get excited about it we advertise that we were gonna give out three thousand next size to returning citizens a proprietor was watching us from New York City and was so inspired by our christ-like compassion of that he's coming down here in two weeks the last Sunday of October he said Pastor Brian you gonna give them ties but we gonna put them in new suits come on somebody gotta give God a Hank oh y'all got a shout better than that so I need you to please bring all returning citizens to church on that day as well as we're gonna have mobile barbershops outside also that our returning the citizens can in fact be prepared and equipped for the next chapter of their life anybody I know somebody who spent some time behind bars would you lift up that hand please I need you to do all that you can to get him the church on the last Sunday of October 739 30 11:30 I'm asking all of our entrepreneurs male entrepreneurs after service would have concluded to meet us in this balcony when service would have concluded all of our male entrepreneurs are we get ready to launch a mentorship program for returning citizens where is that we're gonna groom them to be self-employed as a consequence we need your help and we need the men of the church to step up to the plate would you give God some praise for them what I wanted to share with you and I'm beaming with pride as your pastor of it we're doing something amazing for this Thanksgiving season and we're going to feed 25,000 people in one week does anybody except maybe I'm the only one excited about that 25,000 people in one week 10,000 people were going to feed in puerto rico 10,000 people and we're gonna feed in puerto rico I got a call this week from bishop angel Nunez who is the president of the Hispanic Latino Christian Church Association for the state of Maryland one of his young people sent a clip of what it is that we're doing and they've got a mission team in Puerto Rico that video is on your closest screen he's showing you his church that was demolished his house that was demolished and as a consequence of their coming over the latino churches of Baltimore are coming to our church on November 11th to help us prepare meals oh come on y'all got a shout better than that they're gonna help us prepare meals 10,000 meals and all of that's going to happen on November 11 10,000 was sending to Puerto Rico watch this another 10,000 meals we're sending to the Carolinas that were hit by the hurricane I need somebody give God praise for it and then an additional 5,000 meals that we're now gonna send down to Florida that were just hit on this week so that they will know that there's Church in Baltimore that has not forgotten about them it still lifts up the light of Christ like compassion I'm gonna be all excited about what your church is doing excited about it so November 11th watch this is a dress-down Sunday I need you to only wear clothes you don't mind getting dirty that ain't today for you to be highfalutin I need you to please keep it all the way all the way humble on that day I'm so that we can in fact do the work of our God so after our three services are beginning at two o'clock our we're gonna all three of our services is gonna be coming together so that we can begin doing meal prep of 25,000 meals on November 11 I'm excited about y'all I'm excited about it I'm all the more excited because the organization that we are in fact partnering with food aid are they do feeding projects all over the world they're head-over-heels why because they have never done a project this large here's your shout with a black church oh come on y'all y'all make me sick y'all need some coffee I don't know what's wrong with your energy level let me try it again there's no black church in America that has spent this many people ever y'all can't get excited everybody talks about what churches are not doing I need you to shed all your co-workers up and tell them I don't know about your church but my church is stepping up to the plate as a consequence I want all of us to in fact do what it is that we can do I in order for us to do that it's gonna cost us somewhere in the orbit of a dollar a meal which means that we got to raise somewhere around twenty thousand dollars above tithes and offerings before November 11th gets here why pastors cuz we can't wait til November 11th to buy food for 25,000 people we've got to do that ahead of time I'm gonna challenge it those of you who are watching us online those of you who are partnering I want you to soul so that we can in fact represent God in the earth he says let your light so shine not that they will call your name but then they'll see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven I want every person would you begin preparing yourself to share your tithes and offerings now if you're absent of an envelope I want you to lift up that hand if you don't have an envelope I need you to lift up that hand please you don't have an envelope ambassadors would you mind helping me I hope you won't man come on help me help me those of you who are watching don't hesitate don't deliberate if you have cash chef you can give on to be empowered s that you would use that platform and give on your cash app those of you who have gift laughs I ask that you would give through that apparatus those of you who are on Facebook or our livestream s that you just plug in empowerment temple org and you'll be able to share your gift electronically every person ought to be giving now and we're doing it all in one we're gonna collect our offering for our outreach initiative and our tithes at the exact same time there'll be two baskets in every section your first basket what's this is your tithes your offerings the second basket is in fact for our outreach initiative if you're here locally in our physical campus and you want to give through your debit card or your ATM cards you didn't know we were gonna ask for all of this on either side of the sanctuary I need for you to give every person would you mind standing to your feet now do you mind standing to your feet do you lift up that gift above your head lift up that gift above your head please repeat after me Lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this week is over amen would you turn to your right please I need you to begin everybody I need to know confusing me right there come on to come on uneasy to give God a shout at Thanksgiving you may be seated I am on tiptoe anticipation I'm telling you it feels like Christmas me because the gift of God just been open enough being in this place today and I believe that the gift of God is going to be alive in your life over the next 72 hours how many of you want God to unwrap something in your life you always know what God thinks about you about what kind of person he puts in your life and I am so grateful under God that Lord has put prophet Todd Hall in my life and because he's in my life he's in your life how many of you need to hear something directly from God something directly from God he has really been pouring into me since I was 19 years of age I told the 9:30 service you all wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for him when I was a student at Morehouse College he prophesied this church prophesied this ministry and be able to see that Proclamation turned into manifestation as why it is that I always bring him back at strategic seasons of our ministry because he always speaks to the heartbeat of God and I'm believing that God is gonna use him even all the more between today Monday night and Tuesday night I'm telling you whatever plans you had canceled on you gonna have to be in church the next two nights to see what it is that God is doing I'm gonna ask you to do something they would never let you do in your home Church but I want to ask you to do a pull out your phone please would you pull out your phone I want you to go on the social media right now Media Minister if you'll put the flyer up on all the screens I want every person to screenshot it I want you to post it put it on your Twitter feed put it on face put it on Instagram revival that's breaking out and empowerment temple so I know you didn't tag me if you don't tag me that means you don't know you not following me shame on you I need you please every person if you're posted where it is that you can even if your friends didn't know about this service didn't know about this move of God they can watch us online all that is required of them is that they'll go to empowerment temple dot Oregon amazing music ministry I will fine arts department as it were are gonna come and they're going to give us a very short selection to get us prepared for the Word of God I don't want anything to stand in the way between me and what God has to say to me shirt your right hand defame towards our prophet and declare after me preach black man preach bless the Lord come on finance departments get us ready for what God is gonna do come on don't you know that we serve a mighty God come on all over this room can you just open up your mouth and say God I know that you're minding come on I said don't you know that we serve a mighty God come on with the believers and that's it don't you know that we serve a mighty go angels sit down before you the earth is filled with your glory the earth is filled with temple come on everybody in the house can we shake it angels Wow [Music] come on these are the moments a helper [Music] the CDs I owe you are up by day you are a fine somebody this partisan you are a fire mighty mighty God we serve yes why because to see hi you see you are no more beer terrific convicts may change Oh [Music] we God we if somebody open up your mouth and surfing with your praise come on somebody open up your mouth and serve him right then come on somebody open up your mouth to give her glory all over this room come on all over this room I'm not believing a bodyguard for my tea break through come on somebody open up your mouth all over this place from the left to the right for the glory he is my teacup y'all say what a mighty God we serve what a mighty God what a mighty somebody in telling what am I good hi Oh talk to people tell them there's a miracle with your name on it give me a little more volume like you did this [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen clap those hands and freeze come on the name of Jesus be lifted up from the earth outro I got it cuz they don't understand y'all better get them hands up and talking he said if I be lifted up from the earth lift him up lift him I'm sorry Tilly speech he said it ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a mighty God hey what am I [Music] yes you are my you are alive you say yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what am I [Music] put a praise on it right there for the phrase on it be seated just a moment all the music they can praise without [Applause] that's real worship what do you do when the music stops I will bless the Lord at all times [Applause] I want to give God glory and honor and praise for allowing all of us to gather together in this holy place called him down in Temple now let me quickly get this out the way cuz I need to complete this sermon I am without any fluff I am standing in one of the greatest pulpits in America you oughta know the value of your church I don't hear nobody in the value of your voice I am I am most preachers please talk to me as I do this most peak preachers compete they compete for popularity they compete for attention they compete in who gets the most handclaps and amens but when you understand the value of struggle the value of friction and agitation you could never get jealous of a person that survived sacrifice I don't hear nobody and yet continues to sand and after you've done all to saying they stood anyhow please let me properly give him his honor because sometimes you can get so familiar that you lose the excitement of what God has given you I just told him when I sent in the chair he always gives me his chair but the chairs too big for me my feet can barely touch the floor but I looked over at him with sincerity and I want to explain it and told him I said I'm proud of you I'm proud of you I don't hear the man and I hope you can take this right because I think that you're highly intelligent I'm proud of your success and your failures because one made you better for the other Jana failure is not the opposite of success it's the interview for success if at first you don't succeed failure doesn't say stop it says keep trying and this man has tried on until people are trying to be him you can try until you become a patent you can try until you become a brand I'm not trying to be Jamal Harrison Bryant I don't want his money I can just use his money cuz to what a person has you have to also respect what they went through to get it will you stand and thank God for one of the greatest world leaders of our day doctor and come on get happy duck to Jamal tyrosine Brian don't stop my time until I'm about to prophesied to the first person don't take time while I'm giving accolades no no I want to try the time thing but just not one of them giving accolades the I don't think you all know the challenge of what pastors like him have to do let me give an example you have to preach to the same people for 52 Sundays and come up with 52 fresh sermons for people who barely heard 10% of it see y'all too quiet then you have to remember that your sermons have to be concrete enough so that your blockers and haters don't say that you are manipulating scriptures especially when most of them don't know the Bible then you cannot understand how many books he reads besides the Bible like when he stands up I hope somebody screams for him but when he stands up and since today there was in 2006 then it's not in the Bible that stuff ain't in the Bible like like in 2012 Tyler Perry who was 6-7 who was not degree than his mother Madea grandma and then when he finishes reading the SAS politics food economy famine penitentiary system he then gets a scripture to envelope it in and deliver it to you where you can live a balanced life in an unbalanced world I think you should clap better for this quality belief and I will say it humbly he couldn't have preached me nowhere near me years ago but right now no I'm just proud that something real is out front that's all I'm gonna say and real don't mean you don't make mistake fake is when you say you don't know you have plenty thank God for him and right now we thank God for Jesus Christ who has made all of this possible no come on you gotta give it to him proceeded I said I said this morning that response determines results but I'm not gonna say it for this service I'm going somewhere else a minute but before I give anything God is putting me can I get 20 people who will constantly talk to me beginning now no no no don't lie I'm talking about like don't leave me out here by myself normally cuz he brought me to preach for him so cameraman I'm gonna be moving in case y'all ain't moving the cameras but he said in at 9:30 he brought me to preach for him cuz y'all always get a word through him into his guest and um I want to fulfill that in a unique way but yet bless you I grew up preaching one subject Believe It or Not different for 15 years talk to me preaches I don't want to walk over here and y'all quiet y'all gonna mess up my video and the one subject that I focused on more than any was praise I have not met many that can match me in that category because there are people that have missed out on life trying to connect with people like Leah did everything possible to make her husband pay her attention yummy love and stay with her and then finally after three children she says this one is for God the other and she gives birth talk to me I'm coming she gives birth to a child named Judah which is the first time we ever heard praying it took her getting frustrated with trying to get from man only what God could give her my question would be then I'm going there 30 folks that you were talk to me you lied but the 10 that's left will be different what would have happened if her and us would have given him praise first instead of trying to get what we want from man so I looked up rays but today I'm not preaching it I'm preaching about the boat but I need to do this before I prophesy cuz I don't think any of you are going to ever reach your full potential or into promises with a closed mouth when they're little chicks I've talked to the preachers I thought they were gonna make me come back over there but but when you see a mother hen birds fly out of the nest and leave the birds in the nest they're going out to hunt for their chicks you will find out for three focal jump that the only ones that get fed are the chicks with their mouths open when the mother come back and their mouth is open knowing that is knitted she does not regard to take food in a closed mouth this bad when people like he and I who I think travel more than any preacher in the world like there was a day when I was preaching 320 days a year for 10 years yeah my count that was 300 in 20 days all of my revivals went 3 weeks or more I preached in Baltimore alone for two straight years no no to where I'll open up a limousine business and a hair salon right down the block rice the sound Liberty in Randallstown corker well one career well two and three Saratoga in South Carolina opened up his suits with limousines out in DC me and Twitty Gregory oh I didn't just preach and raise your money I had to get a job young you know people think we all hustle it some of us work or at least did work and I'm about to drive them on limousine not sure ain't about to wash your hair I looked at praise and the word yadda cuz you know the Bible you went to Morehouse Duke you went to Oxford Yard hand so I said witness hand come in with praising God three of you just take five minutes of Chester's and screaming because it says when praise is being birthed the doctor has the right to put his hand no no you gotta hit proxy in private area when you're delivering and praising God he does not touch you in basic areas yeah Oh y'all cuz some of y'all got secret things you need them to do and God says until I hear a certain sound my hand will not move see your mouth is attached to his head [Applause] the doctor gets to help in delivery by getting permission from the woman that's carrying to touch her in areas where pleasure used to only exist and now he's touching her because there's pain where there used to be pleasure I'll preach it tomorrow pain before pleasure yad Han prays moves God's hand then the word escalated to the word yada yada is like God's hand it means axel axel is a device on the car that allows you to make turns so when you're praising God and things are going in the wrong direction all right I can't get see all of you that applied with nope that's why you're pretty bro pretty alone oh no the raised eyebrows at me your problem is your non-participation y'all to turn axel will now if praise means acts on X or the device on the car that allows you mechanically to make a right here left here without any friction then catch this an 8 folk screamin stop being different but I offered it to 30 you can't make turns in the car unless your hand is on the wheel so when you praise you put God in the driver's seat y'all enter and you allow him to take you where you are not able to take yourself and my boy you're not on stand without talking don't fall for the Satanic okey-doke like good information but yet you're stuck in Park in the last definition then I'm done that group work becomes y'all a Yad a Yad H l ET like that word means and then I'm about to run it means to be promiscuous see everybody quiet man it means to fondle I know you black people know that is in Baltimore it means foreplay it means in ghetto talk I want to get with you let me break it down and see if 50 folk who really want to get God to do some crazy will catch it when Judah is going to work a woman named Tamar is dressed up like a hooker juda who supposed to be praised does not go to church he begins to flirt with Thema praise is about to be promiscuous and if you know how to flirt with God all move him and touch them in areas that other folk in touch to me I hope 3:14 then you will get what tomorrow gotta praise got what her one night and left her with twins and it's very important that you recognize praises how you get pregnant some of you come to church and leave with nothing cuz you didn't get with it you follow so when you come to church you gotta come with a promiscuous attitude hey Lord I wanna get with you you you got to like pull up to God and not just be there thinkin he gonna bless you you gotta touch him and play with him I dream like you better stop girl imma buy your car if you cannot influence whose presence you are in you leave the same way that you came that's how to folks going out on the date didn't make it because you paid more attention to the food and you can't nerve to tell your friends I enjoy the food you supposed to enjoy the company and some of you in the spirit are not good company you want the miracles you want the houses you want the food you want what's on the menu but you won't enjoy God's company so after I locked Oh shall I my hide all right so at the count of three all of you that need something from God but know that you can't buy it yourself know that you messed up enough for him not to give it to you but you know that you good at certain when you all right I'm about to get in trouble be seated a minute be seated BC I want to add on to it now you gonna want your mic back because the Lord told me I had to take this risk at your church over twenty four years ago one of my cousin's female last name home she got married but she made a bet with the whole family cuz all of the halls respectfully I hope they watching we all got married I mean we all lost our virginity before we got married so this particular whole said she's gonna break the curse and she's not gonna get married I mean lose over Ginny until she's married so I bet her some money that she will not be able to break that curse I said if you do this y'all better hear me I'll pay for your honeymoon I pay for their honeymoon I don't tap I lost money y'all crazy the story continues you ready cuz I think I'm gonna dance but before I finish the story stand up please yeah when I first knelt down to pray and I heard you praying for me so when I pray for myself I heard you loud praying for me too Lord bless him to keep him so we gonna give you a word from the Lord the Lord told me to tell you give him until Thanksgiving said tella then I'm gonna deliver her from all the cares of her family tell her I must save him and the rest of him yelling talk tell her I am taking the burden of the family of her shoulder so that she can live without stress and paint somebody with a mouth better open it right now in Jesus name stay behind a baby all you preaches are ashes although she was about to have a breakdown because of her family see you can't get blessed only caring about yourself [Applause] stop the clock I'm prophesied my cousin married a good guy that I liked and I know him personally so I knew that she picked a good dude I sent them 24 years ago to the Poconos that's where they wanted to go I pay big money to keep my word but I'm glad I had the money to pay it cuz if she got married earlier it would have been a high oh you know they had this room they sent me pictures where the top was in the wine glass I don't understand why I pay for someone else to have fun here's the twist and maybe you'll hug me on this maybe my man who pushed me the night of the honeymoon she called her mother my aunt and says she don't think she wants to say marry cuz it's not what she expected now please stay prophetic because she waited and now she's in covenant but not happy okay I would come over there but y'all cute and don't talk then she called me and I was chillin cuz the money's gone so what she's in is already painful you don't wait it you ain't coming in and you ain't paid nothing and you complain she says I don't want to be mad so I said to her first thing I said was I need a refund now some of y'all laughing but you're not listening cuz you told God if he give you a job you praise him now you'd I had two jobs and you ain't praise him yet he should take something back Oh see how pride is good she said cuz I listen just let me work on when I said girl what happened she said just the truth and I'm being nice that become consummation the sexual evening didn't go as well as she thought it should go for her being a virgin alright I hang on he calls me 20 minutes later yo what's up I was like what's up I gotta act like I didn't talk to you said man I don't think this is gonna work I said well man listen first thing y'all gonna have to come up with my money and I'll take the room for the rest of the way he said man I ain't doubtin up but I don't think she know I said why he said from what I know y'all gotta hear me special about virgins is they have a certain way of acting if this is their first time he said man she just grabbed me scared me I couldn't do nothing because most virgin be like wait cut the lights off see y'all plan cuz that's the normal way so now that he told me what happened I called her back without her knowing I talked to him oh yeah I said cuz what did you do she confirmed that grabbed him I want him to hold me I've been waiting all these years I said now listen the way Virgin's act is you gotta axe catch you guys kid I said I need you to act see a fine girl I said accent things like turn off the lights wait I gotta go to the bathroom she said I don't feel like acting I said act now if I say this and y'all catch it you'll be back in the spirit but scream Tamar wasn't no harlot she played the role of a hug sometimes you gotta praise like the cars already in the driveway knowing that you took the bus here you don't reserve praise until after I'm about to really let y'all go cuz y'all ain't talking to me she said what else you want me to do she said I'm only gonna obey you cuz you're the oldest I said when he touched you pull away tell him stop in the middle she said fine and I said and last but not least I said when he touched you or whatever make noise she's in a condo I said anything just Oh daddy anything she said okay she said now if this don't work I'm out of it I called my aunt [Applause] y'all laughing but the truth is for two folk or with me some of you will be blessed if you had a praise coach you got a coach for everything else they can tell you how to get a man how to keep a man how to get a job how to lie on taxes but can't nobody teach you how to get God's attention hour and a half later I get a phone call from my guy said yo man no late wake up cuz he's from the block he said what's up he said she a virgin I said what man it's cool like buttered out slow like butter 20 minutes later she calls she in the bathroom I said she's I said well I'm in the bathroom she'll not respond to me she said this will be a lovely marriage I said what happened it's everything I expected and more then I got them both on the phone and this is what I said that I want to say the eight of you who are not so spiritual that you couldn't take reality who me you don't need a spirit to drive you need a cop you ain't gonna sleep with a Bible and fall in love so how do you want to act deeply spiritual and get something natural but can handle a natural story to understand spirits so when I do this the 30 that jumped back tomorrow you get a blessing I told her I said the reason why you finally like it and the reason why he knows you're virgin I hope somebody gets this is he performed on the level of your noise and when men hear women making noises it sends extra performance to them and then they brag about their girl and God doesn't even have bragging rights cuz your silence says he didn't please you silence is a language that can be insulting it leaves people to guessing [Applause] I don't see how people can study the Bible know that praise means y'all delay which means promiscuous and try to make promiscuity spiritual what it is saying is if you delight yourself also in the Lord so you got a delight then he'll give what is also saying for three folk who may be millionaires is this if you make a joyful noise I'll give you something to be joyful about before you sit or stand look at your neighbor and tell them you would have to scuse my noise here today I'm on a honeymoon with God just going to tell them I'm going boldly where no man has ever gone before and the house I'm gonna get I'm a scream again and the man imma marry I'm gonna scream again and the degree I'm going to achieve I'm a scream again the announcement of my new credit report I'm a swim again so every time you hear me sweep know that God has performed be seated let's talk about it let's talk about it somebody shout glory sand please you you've been you've been you've been praising God all day you probably praise more time but today the Holy Ghost allowed me to witness your behavior I only stayed up there singing the song long time because you were in worship mode and I didn't want to see you have to sell so I prolonged it they didn't know why because that used to be me but the Lord told me said tell her this says she ain't gonna hear cuz she been talking the opposite of this for a long time for whatever reason but Lord said tell her today that if the other women and few others prays with her I'm changing her last name are y'all jealous are you there the Lord said that you can no longer preach it's alright to be single and use the dog you won't have to let some other woman preach said I don't want your address but what side of town you live on send up a minute on this side of town are you retired not yet it would be hard to retire specially when they don't want to give you certain things right it's not that straight retired you can't you would have to quit you can't retire and get what you do why are you looking away it's a man talking to you I perform better when you talk to me prophetically [Music] be saving the name of Gina the more you talk to the garden me the more he speaks I'm telling me I just told you silence could be misunderstood I just gave y'all the whole rundown when I was kneeling praying and you pray for me I heard nothing when I stood up God says you owe her a word from me because her prayers for you were sincere and I don't have many people who pray sincerely the Lord said tell her this and I'm hoping somebody go off I'm gonna remove two people from the workplace so that the papers can be clear y'all mighty quiet because one of them hates your guts but God said I'm gonna fix this and make sure you straight I think I'm laughing cuz the Lord says table believe it or not she's going through such a storm that you have just renewed her belief in prophets as he once preached when he was a child you once upon the time is about to become your happily ever ever you remember that you're gonna get your money and song just added blessing for her in the future and five of y'all if you really praise from us to say please God says tell I'm also gonna make sure she has no mortgage and I'm gonna take care if I had put my shop let me say this and get up out of here young man that was leading prison worship send up what's your first name [Applause] Terrence I have nothing to say to you yet but you're gonna be here Monday and Tuesday all right I may have some more to say to you later but I wanna huh in October God told you whether I guess he lied to you cuz he didn't tell me I'm glad he lie to you dump because I had no intention of talking to you so you and God closed it's good to have young people that can hear from God clearly but the Holy Ghost sent this to me said tell him any night Monday Tuesday or now when he runs I'm gonna make something happen for him that shouldn't happen he says I'm gonna get in the computer I'm a touch too major people in government and they gonna pay you your chance the found number case 0 1 7 8 9 B T something else I can't see the rest God sent military gonna take care of you now I don't know what's going on Oh y'all jealous on y'all happy now pastor I need to tell you something while he's jogging I can't believe he ran that fence you brought him here your team whoever he's on the ministry staff I need you to understand this he's gonna do what you need them to do you gotta hear me clearly but God said I took your church through a filtering process god says tell you and now he may not hear me until later but thirty-foot better hear this so there'd be no trouble God said tell you I'm letting him hold your mic to sing but you gotta teach him and free him how to preach [Applause] so whatever I spoke about him is really on your side BC get a Bible real quick let me read these verses I should only have eight minutes and 10 seconds left but leave it on 31 on this morning go ahead and praise that noise don't bother me I'm from a storefront Church I can preach with distractions I sure can my sermon this morning was surrounded around fish water ships nets and Peter ships so you gotta be careful when you're not with these invisalign certain words might not come out right but my son was surrounded around ships boats necks fish and Peter but it was in a different situation in a different water same group of people same situation but the next sermon for this service is found in Matthew 14 but I got to give it a different twist Matthew 14 beginning at verse 22 lord I thank you anybody that needs God to put his hand in private areas and bless you scream yes as loud as you can [Applause] boy tomorrow night gonna be fruitful this will be fruit see the women that kept saying it I bet their bills got paid quicker you did God that favor yes the other one like yes yes yes yes yes yes yes see you argue at your man you ain't all that than the one each it was tell him how much he is see keep telling y'all looks get us but they don't keep us haired get us until you start asking us to buy it once we pay for when excited no more see nobody wants to listen better teach these young girls their looks with only last for a moment you better know how to get God's attention when men walk out and don't take care of your kids you gonna need God's support when you can't get child support chapter 14 verse 22 let me give the backdrop real quick so dr. Jamal can push me know getting my 31 back I didn't tell you go down to 9 minutes they probably up there hating on me make up your mind but the issue is that Peter and the disciples in this particular story look at me and push me cannot fish because the storm stops sufficient they're trying to get somewhere in life Jesus tells them I'm preaching like AME now just not as good as dr. Jamal let us go to the other side most people don't read the original manuscript from one talker who loves the Bible he said let us but he let them go ahead which means they were not gonna make it without him Oh y'all see let me cut through stuff cuz y'all don't want me to preach it but I got to hurry and that's this for those standing and talking cuz your mouth is opening God's be Girja tating stuff catch this and take it home this storm in this text is not rebuke Abel there is no peace be still this is not the story with Jesus on the boat Oh y'all don't hear me sleep at the bottom see I wish I had scholars and Peter goes down and saying master carest thou not that we perish this is a trip that Jesus gave permission for them to take without him and the stone comes into play the one with Jesus on board and my preaching like dr. Jamal he talks first but I've you know I don't know how to just keep talking without no talkback you know he just keeps talking and I wonder how did the world but when Jesus is on board and you have him with you what comes against you needs to be reviewed but when he's not on board and you're trying to get somewhere on your own a situation occurs that's not demonic to teach you you don't determine where you go all right y'all know quiet and you don't ever try to make it without him third thing I'm almost finished I'm just gonna read and let you go third thing for screamer is this where they are going is what Jesus told them to go so they're not in a storm because they're headed in the wrong direction all right I'm preaching there they're some of you are now in a storm because you're finally headed stop making your storm misinterpret your direction you even said it what am I doing wrong now nothing talk to me I'm preaching you're not perfect but you way better than you used to be and if I'm doing better things ought to become better but the Lord is trying to see what you're paying attention to when he told you to go or what's happening to you along the way they see it while I don't forget it y'all gonna have the same only sin when you feel it my second manuscript but I need no no I'm very happy because I know that this service is gonna go over the top but you gotta talk to me I need you to understand that a lot of people don't need you to talk to them when everything is all right Negro I want to hear from you when things are going haywire and if you gonna call me give me strength while I'm going through something I don't understand y'all look white I need somebody to encourage me and be like this ain't no result of sin cuz I know folk that do worse than you and then going through this you're being tested for a new arrival y'all just tell somebody you're being tested for a new arrived [Applause] let me say this to all of you that love garden - two or three of you women that came here to use witchcraft which is foolish let me say this oh you're not here for the word you here to see what the preachers gonna say so y'all can start saying negative things about bridge you know let me make one arrogant statement then I'm done and if it makes sense you can be humbling just waved but you and I are two of the most attacked preachers on the circuit number one it's because we survived number two we admitted number three we doing better every time they say something negative number four we do handsome mojo nipples up in this and number five we are managing a season that we did not deserve [Applause] we are managing something protecting it because we will never promise we will gonna really get it after we did something you and I are this story what do I mean three of you catch this we are people who had enough strength to continue with the storm in session we couldn't rebuke it he didn't let us fight them he didn't let us go after him he said stay focused and keep preaching till you get to the other side I know you're angry I know you wanna kill somebody don't give the storm too much attention y'all enjoy you already soaking wet it's raining the boat is rocking if I say this and you don't jump it's rocking you wet but you still alive the issue is I need you to stay focused [Applause] for the third time not to be so redundant but the storm in this scripture is not reviewable you have no right to say Satan the Lord rebuke you because exegetically I need a talker he's not in the scripture so I need people to help the Bible to say what it really says eight folk will jump on this and get a miracle by Tuesday the devil is not in your story right now you are being interviewed for your new arrival I'm just trying to help God is trying to see whether you can read pass now and understand how you handle now is determining whether tomorrow will embrace you I don't want no more diva praises Kay if you won't get up acting pretty just stay down I don't want no more GQ boys with swag yeah no no if you broke with that personality you need to change the story also shows us I'm getting all the points you know out the way then I'm just going straight the story also shows for two men who will talk to me during this men's week and women who would who would just push men who need to be pushed it also shows us that there comes a time in life where you have a vital decision to make in that decision for swimmer's is this do I stay in the same boat with everybody or do I take my risk and step out into something that looks deadly dangerous damaging this doesn't look like something I should step into stop hanging with people that makes you comfortable cuz you're all in the same boat I'm divorced me too girl high five no ain't no high five I didn't want no divorce oh I'm sorry the Holy Ghost just hit me they are also in something one screaming motto of man that Jesus told them get into all right let me put like this for Johnny talking he chose the boat he chose the water and the journey and again for talkers ain't no devil in there [Music] this is the hardest statement I've ever made in about two months three months and I'm gonna need only mature folk to jump cuz God's watching your behavior to determine whether you're going to the next level jump on this some of you have been so wounded so betrayed and hurt by circumstances that we're gonna call storms that you are now calling what is God the devil see one person got it cuz you're so used to everything negative being demonic oh y'all look like that you don't understand right now everything that you think is wrong is helping you get right because all things work together yeah I'm trying to encourage empowerment temple and streaming folk that what you're going through right now there is no devil now you've been the Oxford you got to talk to me about this if he's not mentioned in the text why do we put him in there he gets credit for stuff he can't even do let me tell you what he can't do for those who will jump around spin around he cannot stop you from going with God already charted yo all he can make you do is misjudge the situation and make your own decision to turn back around [Applause] I'm pressing on I wish I had stalkers that's why your marriages didn't work good you won't talk you gotta learn in church say Amen somebody shout glory to God so when you go home you'll be like what's up boo he's got a top the upward way new heights I'm gaining y'all here everyday what's ahead no higher plane that I have found I feel glow red I see a man praising him right there Lord plant my feet on higher ground stop wasting your energy on rebuke and use it to thank you you'll get where you're going faster if you turn complaint into compliments Charlie's up Lord I don't understand what's going on but I think anyhow Lord I feel like my life is on pause but I thank you anyhow and about time you open your eyes and stop complaining your bow to be floating at you be seated get your Bibles now that I've laid the foundation I'm just gonna read and give my three points I'm done now Bishop I call you that every now and then you you're gonna have to encourage me with this sermon because your people they already preached a minute he put me in it I'm going where you say go no devil but there's a song no devil but there's a stone no devil but there's a song and I'm so wounded that I'm trying to make sense of the song to where I give credit to the devil I want to quote one more scripture for folk who need a miracle and 48 hours in everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you that you stop complaining and start compliments I'm out gonna do this and throw this out there cuz I will dance on it but you won't but I got a preach but I need a man and a woman crazy enough to not care how folk look at them to get out the boat and that ridiculous on this certain people are mad at you and you in your worst season looking better than their best that's why they jealous who do you know broke like you still getting compliments still getting phone numbers still getting axed out [Applause] but all the hell you going through you should be home committing suicide thinking about it taking some pills hanging out with people that are sad like you but you still get dressed like you've got somewhere to go take yourself out to get a lobster on your last $50 and then somebody walks over can I pay for that sweetie [Applause] [Music] [Applause] correct grandma I found me on this in the spirit is the text does not tell us that they're in a song the text they're in the boat and they're so happened to be a soul but they're not in the song they're in what God put them in oh yeah which is the ship so if I flip it and you scream I can preach it some of you are going through a storm cuz you're in what God puts you and the storm is trying to tell you maybe God didn't talk to you at all cuz why's all that is happening I'll give you the answer I'll give you the answer cuz when dr. Jamal holds his head then that means that I said something that was a little prolific cuz I've known him since he was 19 18 really so I'm gonna say this and I'm asked somebody to jump up and down and Al Jarreau as if you got a check or a ticket to go anywhere around the world pay for catch this and scream the storm is actually employed by God the storm arises while they're in the middle of the trip to make them not make it without him the storm is under orders slow them down but don't kill them and make them have to ask for me y'all a joke cuz when we get too much without him we tend to forget him we don't go to church but we got a beautiful house we've gone on the cruise and we forgot when we were broke church was our destination so here is God saying I'll let you go forward as soon as you come back but your forward cannot leave me let me just let me just read these three verses this is no fourth straight way Jesus verse 22 of Matthew 14 straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship come on stay with me you don't have to say they got into the ship they'll be go before him go before him until the other side they got permission to start out without him and the reason why he's not with them is the rest of the verse for a screaming woman who loves the Bible cuz summer you keep that's a lady missing your miracle he says I'm only saying behind to keep the proof that used to be with you behind while he says the monkeys away where you are going next if you take the same folk you've gone nowhere you understand that don't [Applause] God is separating your company who leaves when there's a storm to let you hang with folk that go with you through your storm I don't need you there when I'm going higher I need you there when I'm in a questionable situation you are not slight quite a bit in and out the country to three planes a week sometime laying over through through it land all the time come we try to stick with one airline so we can gather all them points you don't do that okay I do some time you take me in the opposite direction but I do it for the points following me I do it because going out of my way now pays for where I'm going later [Applause] Chuck gets the point so one day years ago I get on my flight this is in the days of Chris piece and I'm when you knew us I got on my flight my first first-class flight going to Los Angeles back then we didn't have TSA and all of this because it wasn't terrorists right so I get on my flight first-class I'm sleepy okay the flight has to go from Atlanta then from Atlanta to LAX I'm that sleepy cuz I've been preaching every day back then 20 days straight I fall straight asleep I wake up I know who's near me because I'm in 1c I've spoken to the man near me I know what he does for a living he and I have exchanged numbers we gonna eat at another place I go to sleep I'm in hard sleep I hope somebody catch this when I wake up he's not near me somebody else is near me I nervous cuz nobody around me what's there when we bought it so I said to the flight attendant ma'am I'm on the right flight she says you're gonna LAX yeah we told you and have to get off the plane come we would turn it around quick I said yeah I said but ain't nobody on my flight that was with me said oh they only paid to get off and some of y'all don't believe it you're in the layover the storm is your layover to let Nick Rose get off y'all ain't talking to me that didn't pay a price to go at you all the way [Applause] you've got their number and everything call them but they've not been anointed to fly so what God did for a handful of you then we got my three points left for you stream on this was he's no longer allowing you to choose who goes he's saved behind and made the decision Charlotte cuz some of us are hurt so much cuz we give people chance after chance but we're just nice like that for real and they take advantage of your kindness even though you play a hard exterior and God said I can't next I can't let you go to the next level with those harmful emotions while he sent why he said go ahead and talk and leave them quiet people looking at you why they sent the multitudes away and when he sent not they he did it he went apart into a mountain to pray and he was there alone let me say this for the 10 of you who are chosen like I am and I've gone through things that made me at times think I want chosen or made me think I was in the wrong profession at times it made me almost say whether God was real or not but I always believed in heaven in hell no matter what's rain that's all gone but let me say this the 10 folk who will jump and make your neighbor upset or make them get happy and that's this just because you're new level you have no acquaintances or any company alone don't mean you're lonely see how you missed it right now God said you would do better alone than to just have company that's only there to get on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I've been alone doubt I know you haven't I've been alone let me tell you what alone looks like and let's see if you preach to talk to me you are not traveled the world you have more friends and acquaintances than I do I don't make a lot but I have something I do and you're one of them one of my good family but you have never seen me hang out with a bunch of people not because I'm deep not because I'm special but hear this and I hope somebody scream when you're chosen you can be at a table with 24 and be by yourself cuz nobody at that table is talking to you on your level discussing what you involved with they just stare to drain you of all of your knowledge all of your money you are not getting anything from that table he said I'm gonna make him run he run I'm gonna stop preaching that's gonna be the end of this service now God is showing you the value of you and he walks with me y'all not too n he talks with me and when you get used to hearing him and walking with him you get disgusted with anybody that don't respect your walk Oh y'all don't hear me or the storms you survive to be who you are today so God is about to give all of you y'all don't want me to preach people who admire you cuz they know the hell you've been through to get to the next level how do people come into your life and all of a sudden they on your level well let's go back said that's another conversation but the ship was now in the midst of the sea verse 20 for you are with me tossed with waves and the wind was contrary after this I got one verse left now the ship was in the midst of sea toss with the waves because the wind was contrary you ready my man you're gonna help me preach this Michael you gonna help me preach this cuz I ain't heard from you might but ten of you catch this and scream hear this this is you and I you're gonna come right back cuz this is you and I now ready I told you that they are not in a song they see you remember I don't have to tell you nothing twice they are in the ship let me tell you what the Bible said from that verse here we go for a talking woman who once miracle they are in the ship the ship is in a song I didn't say it the Bible said now the ship was in the ship is experiencing the waves they are experiencing the results [Applause] the sea rocks the ship and the ship makes the passenger sick so we call this seasick but we don't call it boat sick see you're not blaming what you're in you blame him what's disturbing what she second row done left me huh now the ship was in sea being tossed you don't say they work the ship then it tells us how to stone begin no demon it says the wind was contrary therefore if the storm is not be beautiful like in Florida for person was green they were on a trip during storm season you can't rebuke you'll see you've got to survive it now what's bothering me is we got rookie prophets and preachers who want to get too deep I need greater swimmers now who are blaming all of these storms on climate and all that could be true and all that stuff but just for the record these hurricanes are announced before they come because it's their season they have names before they even surface because it's their seat now if I say this and you don't dance you will probably miss millions of dollars even you cute though the devil knew your name before your season ever began you're his storm yeah Lita [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Michael had a name before he came Florence named before they came then named in sequential order according to the alphabets so no matter what next storm comes its name is already chosen and some of them cannot be rebuked they have to be experienced then have to be survived not one person scream we can go to church one person that's why they announce them to you before they get to land so you can prepare for some of you die because you didn't obey they said evacuate you say cuz you rather protect your stuff than to rely on insurance yeah and I promise you when God spoke to you whatever you lost is couple of dollies whatever you lost if the same thing don't come back it'll be rebuilt better and soda then it was losses not always a demon I [Applause] want you to look at somebody get righteously indignant act like you're mad but you know the flip side isn't change tell them I ain't lost a thing just go Chuck no no tell them with a attitude cuz the person told you when I leave you ain't gonna make it Negro I ain't lost the faith I'm crying cuz it's the result of hurt y'all eat ah I'm not staying in hurt I'm in the ship but I'm in the ship experience in the rocky relationship but I'll get over this Quran loss reason why I don't lose I'm in what he told me to be [Applause] what if the ship could talk we hear you talking but then some you're walking too early but being that the ship is the one being beat up by the waves what if the ship good talk I could say ship because I took my invisaligns out what yes don't you try the ship Kotok I'm gonna give you three things to ship what saying you can take either one of them as the subject of discernment and you that dance stick and answer did last time you miss millions of dollars so I'm gonna come back around and help you get six figures that you can expect by your excitement on these three things if the chef could talk it will first tell the disciples if they could hear a ship's conversation you need to trust what he puts you in if you sat God put you in there hang on in there would you shake somebody they on your boat you ain't on theirs they end your unknown impute that ain't damp you and shake their hand and tell them hey tone it down no don't say it like these Steel's scared say it like and 48 hours you gonna make it to the other side and shake your neighbors hand if the ship [Music] cooktop if kappa cyka korean busy cooked under i hadn't been the south africa i hear them tones coming up it would say this to you better chosen that almost gave up and turned around and i'm hoping you run jump will leave so cocky and bless you he says the ship would tell them with y'all bridge and leave me and leave from being me alive reach this for me I'm built for this when they built the ship they built it to survive stone Charlotte oh yeah y'all won't be wrapped your ship it's gonna rock rock the boat baby but don't tip the boat over God is giving that ship artist and that is stay intact until they get to the other side [Applause] [Music] sound like y'all gonna make it now all you pretty ones y'all in a rowboat I'm trying to get people better in things that you should have died in but because you're right with God Judah P if the ship let me hear heavy on my lord if the ship good top it will tell them I'm built to last whatever you are experiencing you need to let it know I'm not gonna reboot you I'm gonna survive you why don't you find somebody that looks nice and happy today and look them in the face and tell them don't be picky just survive it now if the person next to you is not communicating leave them in the honeymoon suite by themself but find somebody and look them in the face and he carries him and tell them you're gonna make it to the other side yes I said leave or somebody next to you and tell them if you were gonna die this has been a hard year this has been a difficult but I wish you cuz I got a closer and [Applause] surviving yes I said and say you deserve to be complimented cuz I would not have known that you were going through hell cuz every time I see you got a smile on your face you've got a clapping in your hands you've got a shine in your face you in your soul peace in your mind you better shake that neighbor in the same boat I'm closing [Applause] look at somebody and tell them am i bothering you by using you as my sound boy tell them if I'm not I've got four words to tell and these four words are prophetic and I'm gonna watch how you respond to me tell them the four words are your storm is over I'm closing believe it or not some of you are the reason why your season of hurricanes and tornados keep repeating your response is not worth rescue your response says leave me in this a little longer but when you need an emergency and you see help within your reach you don't whisper you cry out [Applause] [Music] be careful shut that down below she and I I hear your bishop doing it so if you need God to help you with something right now just throw your head back and say hold one neighbor's hammer closing 15 ukuko come on side 75 of you that know that in two days not the song will be over the season fourth will be over and we'll give you 30 seconds to dance and I must stop you if you dance God says I will tell the season of storms to end if you don't you will be in a prolonged season because of your own response you got 30 seconds 1 2 I'm impounding temple the most exciting [Applause] hold the hands of your neighbor I'm gonna show pass this up with done until tomorrow night we going way out there y'all we goin out there whoever's here who's gonna be here we going we're going [Applause] [Music] let me ask the sound people do y'all have a way to put a scripture on the screen do me one favor when I tell you this is how we're closing look at me right now could we closing they made it to the other side I got a preach the rest later the storm stays in session even while Jesus is walking on water if it don't stop for him what makes you think it's gonna stop for you the reason why the storm doesn't stop even when jesus walks on water is he's trying to teach them how to walk through them the reason why I established that for one screamer is Peter walks on water too no one wanted to walk like him except when things were going well Peter asked for permission while storm was in since bid me to come to you he didn't say in the song on the water and Jesus said if my closure with one scripture but look at me and scream cuz you gonna see miracles by tomorrow but hear this maybe he'll just look like he's gonna find me on this the storm ceases when Peter and Jesus get back to the boat so the lesson was not for the scared it was for the risky when Peter walked to Jesus he sank on his way there but never sank on his way back cuz he reached who he needed to survive a storm the Bible says and when they got back to the ship the wind ceased dead goes your answer why is all this just happening to me cuz you're the one who took the risk devil ain't after nobody else cuz they stand in the same boat they'll be in the same boat next year when you see them Bishop on this cuz I know you didn't have to find me for some reason but put mark 6 verse 48 mark 648 you and I will look at it and I'll show you even though you know the whole Bible but I still want you to act like I'm teaching you something I'm gonna show you this and the rest of you up on the screen if it makes sense you ready same story different Scripture same storm mark 6 verse 48 same story same people same day but look what it says something that we never seen then he saw them straining at rowing they were trying to make it on their own and they got hard and it only got hard because the wind was against them now about the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea this is what none of the gospel said and wouldn't have which mean he was never headed to them he told him where he was headed I'll meet you on the other side now what I don't like about mark I don't like about John they're versions of this gospel but I appreciate Matthew and I'm really done now as this as you're holding the hand of a debt free child of God ready the reason why the storm ceased is Matthew said it was Peter that said if it be now mark and John won't mention who got his attention cuz some folk will get on your boat but never give you credit for where they go Jesus would have never stopped if Peter didn't say if it be now somebody had to start communication silence would have made Jesus keep walking some of you he would have helped a hundred times that every time he walked by you so you gotta keep asking people that are in your same boat and they all have to answer if I had it should have called me three days ago he would have because he saw them trying to get there on their own strength so he said when you run out of strength you ought to ask for help and Peter said lord if it be that bid me to come I said this so that certain entrepreneurs who you will lay hands on on Monday night if you're here cuz sometimes you just don't know what you thank you you'll be here certain people need to catch this and then screen for yourself preacher and all of you that want businesses to thrive catch this Peter gets no credit in the scripture of mark John or Luke I'm gonna now tell you this and maybe you'll push me in a good way on this maybe eight of you entrepreneurs will catch you number one no one likes mentioning you in their story and they wouldn't have a story unless they mentioned you or two is stronger than one for you to scream you're sorry don't fit in there verse that's why Peter got his own book later some of y'all story some of y'all story can't fit in the mouths of a person that never loved you in there so it's better never to mention me and let me tell my own story Peter got a first Peter he's got a second Peter he's got the upper room he got the man that was born Elaine Peter got everything Peter so much like Jesus they hung him like Jesus and he was so humble he said tipped me upside down cuz the only thing I did wrong was I never washed his feet so put my mouth with his feet with a pin so I can leave here with a clear conscience some of you that have helped many but many have forgotten you this year you're about to write your story [Music] don't leave out nothing print your stones leave out all excuses write a good chapter I survived you're holding the hand of a person that if you hold their hand write this this time maybe they'll take you where they going she got the right to scream like that old school Church would love that she said yes Lord I've got the right to go yes the boat didn't lose no wood no passengers and got a new passenger named Jesus the topic of the sermon you will build for this all the hell you're going to cut nobody make it through it like you did and still be intact and God's about to pay you for your story you're gonna get a lot of royalties for making him look good in your bad situation don't let the hand go cuz right now the power of productivity is in agreement it's an agreement I would love to see you you probably want to do it right one movie I would I'm seeing everybody else do but I would love for you to write it from a real perspective of Baltimore [Applause] it can be a duck documentary I would love you to get real people who are at the bottom make your people film um you interview them I think it will go viral [Applause] [Music] and even though I saw you on the scroll with all the other preachers and nobody supposed to make it where you made it who barely made it out of high school just ain't supposed to happen you're not a statistic us you are what we call a specimen they're people that are trying to figure out how you doing it you're under microscope because you're being observed carefully for the Lord to find out whether you're the antibiotic of an infectious world whatever the anecdote is must also have the problem in it if a cobra bites you you need Cobra serum and it has to have its own venom in it the cure for AIDS is a person with AIDS that's not being affected no symptoms no loss of weight then you study that specimen and you put it with another scientific gene that's why he who knew no sin became sin cuz you can't cure what you don't have alright so some of y'all can help people cuz you've been where they are but they try to play but me and you ain't the same see you just dumb it is better to take the medicine especially when it's a person's wisdom you're holding the hand of a new homeowner if they happy let that infection go cuz they're awesome folk happy staying in the same hood for 40 years believe or not they happy write down they know everybody's shooting and they know their house ain't gonna be broken into they happy I live in a weird neighborhood now dr. Brian I bought the house God blessed me took over 24 years first house was paid for I didn't want to move he told me move on this I do want a high-five from somebody but what I found out is the high up you go for the view the house square footage the lake that everything that's beautiful got something nasty hiding out in God made a garden but a snake was there I found two snakes in my yard and I wanted to move out of this beautiful house cuz I was raised in the projects where no snakes live where I live didn't prepare me for where I was going so some of y'all are happy on one side cuz you can't handle the surprises on the other you know what the man told me when I told him I was gonna sell my house you gotta come visit it first I want you at least see it so you know I had it just like it was the first one to drive my BMW with red seats I had just bought it that day and you took it nice car give me the keys I never took your car you see our little brother Street Big Brother this is what he told me and I'll be preaching on Monday but I want to talk about praising the way you never heard it but you gotta push me and you have to be here this is what he told me he says you're gonna move out of your house because of the snakes he said we all have them they're black races I don't care what they do they help kill Rodin's everything exists kill something that exists kill something that exists so now I need no knowledge just ain't he gonna even guess my house then he hit me and I took the for sale sign out of my spirit this what he said to me and one he was freeing he says then on our property we've built our houses on theirs they learning how to live with us so anybody that hates you that's a snake they ain't on your property they mad that God built you don't sell so fast stay long enough so that they understand God did this heads bowed eyes closed Bishop come stand before your people I've been I've been doing this all over the world I can't sell only on today cuz I'm a challenge you between Monday and Tuesday not to give over a hold on I got obeyed God everyone that owns a business a functioning business wave your hand if you are right now operating in a functional business look at your people so you know who you can call when you want to do something come up here come up hither because some of these people really got money wave yeah some of these hands are broke but they got a business so okay I said it but you missed it but we got to do it later I said you would help me anoint people who have businesses then I left because I went to that lady everyone with the business please don't get mad this morning if your business you want to see it thrive you must saw a hundred dollars into your pastors ministry if you're on the business and you don't have a hundred dollars you need a job don't work for yourself and can't pay yourself alright you only go get a job and rethink but when you get a business it's not about staying busy it's about becoming blessed enough to name when you work and when you don't I told people when you're in your season like he is and a few of us you know you're in your season when you can pay someone else's salary and not hurt you you follow me and if the person you pay wants you to hurt you you just let them go and find somebody else that will do that job Church is the only place that don't know how to fire but we'll hire everybody huh true story I want to help you get a businessman so you can manage what's coming and not let your kind heart make you get broke from helping who ain't saying so in business we have a lot of turnover rates because people don't want to work cuz they want to make what you make even though they don't own the business so I'm gonna ask you to give your hundred dollars and God said I'll send you permanent help that want to see you succeed you need people working for you I don't hear about it that wants to see you 6e and the higher up you go the better you can take care of them get your friends ready and the rest of you will try to give $30 especially men get him ready now even by give the five debit credit cash app what yeah he has it all no for real I've got to learn it I'm watching you closely every week when I can when I can I watched you seven this morning when you said first Kings chapter 19 I watched dancing while brushing my teeth you was preaching it was clean too you weren't gonna sweat in the morning that's why you kept the suit on see certain people don't know white people preach and talk to each other but as people talk people think we need save anymore but I only get to see them twice a year and one of those is on TV the other ones we see each other by mistake in airports hey a businesspeople in about 30 seconds if you raise your hand I'm gonna commend you to sold $100 at his feet trust me on this please if y'all believe I don't come as often but he'll you know whenever he calls I beer but if y'all believe in true ministry trust that I don't play with people's money and trust that I've been where you are but I don't ever plan on going back if I do it one my plans it was a test amen if you're gonna show your hundred come now put it at his feet you shouldn't wait no longer let's move as quick as we can let's move as quick as we can I counted over 40 hands and only ten people coming to me your business ain't doing well you need a job that's wisdom talking don't brag about a business and then got no paper to show business people let go money quicker than normal people cuz you can make it back in less than twenty minutes smile when you come while I'm here in prophecy for tomorrow night this is crazy I can't believe oh you didn't remind me nobody did evany I'll buy you two later is there evany in this church excuse me I can't hear oh okay but I'm trying to just see if there's an eponym person named Anthony in here now everybody remember what I said after we let everything get out of here is there an ebony in here don't be afraid of me lord I feel so bad I should've did it earlier alright can y'all remind me tomorrow will you do that young man who sent him who brought you here your grandmother I want you to just for me then you can jump on sit down tell your grandmama thank you for the past four years and then she's about to get a new four-bedroom home going [Applause] Oh G going in now the Lord told me her last name it's gonna be ever need banks that's gonna be her last name I really feel bad everyone else that's one gift to 30 come now that should be several of you you already heard the call of God give while your money's in a storm give while the storm is in session for all the others think I'm crazy one bundle we've cost $200 minimum I want I want to breathe bring it now everyone else so thirty dollars in the kingdom debit and credit is to my right and left cash and what-have-you even if you're given by your phone walk by him so that people will see your obedience don't get so comfortable that people believe no one's Oban that's what I'm trying to create back in church because once you let people do it from the chair the others that have cash don't think no one's responding walk by so that we can show obedience walk by so you can show obedience somebody shout hallelujah shout hallelujah again while they're walking how are you you've been doing all of this streaming thing you know why you was taping the Lord was showing me somewhere close to downtown that he was trying to size you up to buy a condo that's good the Lord said tell her this until they don't get mad one person screaming after this tell her I'll let her have it even with no money down but a certain person can't move in see God said he's about to blow your mind like for real like for real she said all is well thank you God God said tell her I've been trying to get this two off for six years and now I'm gonna drop a load of miracles on her life Oh y'all gonna help my sister praise Lord on y'all everyone else said didn't have 30 for profit Hall I need to get seed in the ground cuz I need God to get a miracle to me before Thanksgiving bring your best offering and come now and walk and smile like you want to be in the will of God do it while your money's in a storm do this Wow bills are telling you not to school and everything disagree with the present and buy into the future do it right now come smiling cuz while you're walking I'm not walking out I'm looking for somebody else to talk to what's your name sherry sherry why are you looking nervous you know you on the video already I want to say something to you you ready let me talk to her and see if 50 will jump the law said you may not know this you are here this morning believe it or not not just for church but to be rescued nobody's listening to me pastor nobody the Lord says if I would have let you do what you wanted to do in the time frame you would have done if you're playing what I never landed you're taking a long trip win tonight I'm not a mechanic but something's wrong with your plane's engine that's why they're changing things you find this out when you get to the airport God said your prophetess that he's sending on a journey be delicate with what tables you eat from she ain't playing no motion got quiet that's when she listening normally she real bold like from the block it's about to bless you you don't be living in two states one is the state of Virginia the other one you choose well because that's where your money is gonna need to be you're gonna be safe but the truth is there's not been a plane crash in a while until your flight but the ship won't be wrecked the Lord said tell her because she came and say I'm gonna show her what a real future looks like and somebody that's not jealous with a loudmouth and happy and everyone standing your Bishop your pastor the chief apostle of this house is about to have the mic men I know y'all have jobs but being Church here tomorrow it's men's week women be here and you that are dating choose whether you won't still date him about whether he'll go out on a date with you to church [Applause] you cut Church to go to dinner in the movie see whether he'll cut a game to come to church and start telling Jesus get rid of my multitude time for y'all to be serious about your journey cuz y'all about to make it to the other side I'm about to put I'm about I'm on I'm about to put the mic and one of the most powerful voices of our generation and I mean that with no pun intended that I believe his voice will prepare a generation for the soon coming King young man with that bag on your shoulders how old are you 21 now you ain't got to do it cuz normally you don't listen well you don't even mad at me I'm not trouble but you don't listen well but God said if he runs I will put his life back on track from 12th grade all the way to now you tell o he run with the bag he looked like he running out of the church whose bag is that yours what do you do I get it those were big words day happy day you know that's telling them that you rich you rich okay what if I tell you that if you run past us when I tell you us the preachers not towards the exit if you run past us God says tell him I'm gonna make him run out of his pass into his future hey come in do you know her she's been she's a little different Cheers so I'm I'm gonna agree with you cuz that's God talking to me she's no different but God says your biggest sounds is if you hug her and tell her thank you and meaning you will be selling more properties than you could ever think forget cars you're gonna be selling properties and what's gonna be weird is some of those properties you want to learn to sell to this church let it go better hurry are y'all gonna help him or y'all won't either all right I'm giving the mic up cuz some you don't know what that takes when I put the mic in my brother who is a general for this day handsome you're gonna have a pleasant evening some of you gonna dream watch and some of you're not even dreamless but tonight when you sleep you gonna be like don't wake up you're gonna dream faces places and dates and times what and then I'm gonna be used to explain some of them God said tell you you and him have a date in your sub-conscience just to prove it because he likes proof samuel was the wisest man ever lived solomon yeah born and it was never one for my after if you read it correctly and I know you have for three folk who will catch this so he can preach it the Bible says God told him that right and then it says and he awoke they had their conversation in his sleep it said and then Solomon awoke from his dream so God said tonight I'll meet you in your dream so don't hang out all night and drink and mess up your keep it pure the night so the Lord can talk to you and so the liquor don't show you the wrong face I go oh y'all for me if a holy God is gonna get in your mind try to be as good as you can be tonight so he can talk to you when I put the mic in his hand don't pity pad screaming holler for one of the greatest voices of our day and time the doctor Reverend Jamal [Music] come on would you give God some praise for this amazing y'all got a shout better than that if you thank God for the oil on this man of God's life I want every person sending come on every person is sending what an amazing move of God I'm telling you I'm I'm gonna be Sleepless in Seattle waiting on tomorrow and I want all of you to meet us here but I want to tell you this tomorrow is not promised as tomorrow is not promised as a consequence I don't want you to leave and go to sleep hear me and not wake up if you do I want you to be able to walk wake up in the arms of Christ if you're here in this room and you're not saying do you don't know Jesus for the pardoning of your sins I know that hour is late but it's still early yet your destiny still early in the next chapter of your life I want you to come give me your hand but more than anything I want you to give God your heart I want to see you saved I want to see you walking in your purpose I want to see God get the glory out of your life and all the more can I tell you I want to see you as a part of the family of empowerment temple how are you just being a repeat visitor I want you to be within the fabric of this sacred community do me a favor I have no idea how you got here I don't know who invited you all I know is you're not here by accident you're not here by coincidence if you here in this room and you don't know Jesus you don't know whether you're saved you don't know whether you've got a reservation in the book of life I want you to excuse yourself and come meet me at this altar here in this room hear me very carefully you're in this room you're not a part of a ministry where you're growing evolving developing I want you to be planted I want to be your pastor for the rest of your life I wanna pound my temple to be your church home until heaven becomes your address whoever it is that you are please help me so much have been seen felt and experienced but I'm telling you there'll be no greater joy than sing somebody's saying come on give God some praise even now now y'all shout that about being debt-free and shout it about cars will you shout about souls feel safe I'm thankful for these two that have come but there's still more that need to come everybody in the room please very quickly would you move and talk to three people around you who you don't know find out if they're saying find out if they have a church home find out if they've given me a life over to God come on everybody move and talk to somebody come on you mean you don't see all things Oh [Music] bless the Lord I'm thankful for these who have come glad faith is so crazy I still believe God for one more would you do a road check real quick ash the people around - you sure you saved you sure you got a church home you sure you giving your life over to God if they're not sure bring them to me please hallelujah stretch their right hand to faith to these five that have come repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time John in the right church serving the only God and I've know that's right if you're not right come on but you give God a big shout of Thanksgiving [Applause] hallelujah everybody is standing tomorrow night and Tuesday night we continue our by our revival at 7:30 I want to implore you if I can to bring somebody with you how many of you all know somebody that needs this experience know somebody that needs to be in this atmosphere in this environment I want you to bring them as well as I want you to bring ties tomorrow we are in the process of collecting some 3,000 neckties for returning citizens and we'll be able to reach our goal if you'll just participate and be a part of what it is that we're doing if in fact you would join us in doing I want you to go on social media talk about what you felt what you experienced and what you saw today and I want you to please use the hashtag conquerors crusade hashtag conquerors crusade but I want to flood all of the timelines so that the whole city know the whole region knows of that revival is taking place and if they can't get here they'll be able to watch us of course online would you lift up that neighbor saying right where you are if nobody told you today I want you to know that your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I want to see God get glory out of your life lift that hand as high as you see yourself going now I want to him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may God make you sleepless I do you help somebody may make you restless until you help yourself may he irritate you I do you have enough sense to worship Him and may God bless you I do you have to give stuff away can't wolf now and forevermore and the Blessed people of God
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 2,798
Rating: 4.7818184 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, stuff
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 51sec (8871 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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