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My name Jeff.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wemorg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

One of this days we'll get a James Charles video that is actually the last one

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Drcipres πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

No one cares about james charles niall

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/punchi_E πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm not really enjoying this video topic

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/closertodeath πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pyro make petscop 2 we don’t care about The gay guy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

James charles is dead ok? Ok now go to bed Pyro it's past your bedtime!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CrazyMiltos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hey, when’s Petscop 2

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brax0429 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mr_Moniacle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 14 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My name a Despaci2: Give us Petscop 2

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aReeeekddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 15 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I bet he is going through so much right now and I just personally don't think that everyone should hate on James just because like just like give him a break or visit with a psychopath and then it's off to the TMZ offices entirely unannounced for some more epic yes sucking I realize I am NOT the first person to cover this topic I'm probably the last because I'm a couple days late to it one thing that comes after the wave of everyone making a video on the same topic are people than coming in and criticizing those people for all making a video on the same topic and when I inevitably get thrown into someone's compilation saying I'm no different from the rest I want to go out in style so in today's video I will be using a green screen I can put images like this and this and this we only bring out the green screen for special occasions okay and this is a special occasion now on to the topic James man images Charles yes I realized the last nine videos I've been talking about input look okay they're my only videos that they'll get claimed or demonetised for some reason talking about James get you put in recommended and promotes your channel so let me just have this man okay everyone's got exams if you sit down just let me have this okay do the little - dr. Phil videos they'll get client anyway what's the point now I do make a promise to you this will be my last James Charles video unless James Charles announces some kind of battle royale with tacky Westbrook and they Duke it out to the death this will be the last video there's nothing else to say now I'd like to talk to you bro today is the James manemma Jeff apology video which at the time recording wrapped up about 1.7 million dislikes and is currently the 17th most disliked video on YouTube ever sister slay and also James has lost over 2 million subscribers which is I think the fastest subscriber loss ever now as much as I love to meme on James I literally paid someone to do a diss track on him I do want to hear this apology out give it a bit a fair hearing but of course your boy we're not gonna be able to escape the deal I think what a lot of people don't realize is that when someone's out for blood for a youtuber there is no way to escape it like James right now could literally sacrifice his mother on an altar and becoming and saying why didn't you do it are you such a such a big poopoo head well anyway let us speak in the pain and suffering there is the James Charles apology video hi all James here um I'm currently travelling abroad and just woke up but I wanted to sit down and make a video addressing all everything that's going on right now okay he's making good steps he didn't begin the video with saying yeah continuous lapse in my judgment he's not saying anything that could be memed yet he's taken quite love but there's no Logan pool references so if the minute he's making good progress um but most importantly I owe two important people an apology to tatiane James Westbrook I'm sorry for everything that is going on everything that I have put you through over the past few weeks now I know a lot of people are clowning on James right now like I took one look at where and there's literally compilation of him just saying absolutely nothing for him apologizing to Talley Westbrook and her husband directly that is a step in the right direction it's not I'm sorry you feel that right it is a genuine apology so he does have to have a bit of respect for that but you can judge whether he's being sincere reading a script or his brains being controlled by aliens but he did directly address the matter which so many apology videos just don't do they'll vague on and on and James does that a lot in this video like hear me out there is so much BS begging for him directly addressing this so early on I want to talk to you guys in this video it's the video itself is a sickening display of a fully grown woman crying like a little I hate me out I'm not defending James Charles I'm not pulling the complete 180 but one thing I've noticed there is no way to properly make an apology video like you could be as sincere and genuine as you want but once like the hoard is out for your blood that's it there's nothing you could do you could try and dump it as much as you can but just hide in a bunker James for about two years that's all you got do her and her husband have given me so much love and advice and opportunities and a place to stay and a shoulder to cry out at 3:00 in the morning and support when nobody else would or wanted to I mean he makes it sound like he was a low player like no one wanted to support him you do realize that people didn't want to support you because you were incredibly toxic remember what he said no video about you so we helped him get into a style Hall back when basically no one wanted to work with him because of his Oh bolus candle and everyone was really afraid that he was very toxic but once again you know we had his back like he was tweeting openly racist stuff on his to air and he surprised that no one wanted to contact might where before it was suspended was a cess pair which is royalty memes small names me tweeting loll ironically like I'd never tweet something like that one thing to point out we do all make really scoff jokes in private everyone does that that's inevitable but saying something privately with close friends and then saying something on your public Twitter account I don't know Chief it might be a bit different now everyone I'd like to take you on an adventure this adventure is called James Charles comment section I gotta be honest though to James he has massive nuts for not disabling the comments because they're not the best why I see whispering this isn't an appropriate this isn't an appropriate time for ASMR James who protect feel tank but most importantly two million foes a Quebec his subs drop more than my chances of passing my exams this year crying emoji crying emoji crying emoji dialog between James the barista Brewster hi what can I get I need a job big site the beginning looks like they just woke up tarlyn all lowercase crying without tears video taken on the floor view I'm sorry I disappointed you hey man look alright I get I get where you're coming from but it's not Trisha Paytas bad okay he's not sat on the kitchen floor crying for 20 minutes while saying absolutely nothing I wasn't James Charles like sat on the kitchen floor for this apology he just rents out a house that has a similar kitchen floor just to make it look like a Trisha Paytas video now that's a collab all want to see James Charles and Trisha Paytas kitchen fork and throw all of this but sucks the most is that I know there's nothing I can say or do to earn that friendship or trust back I don't blame them for it I think that bit was self victimizing why you should have said it something along the lines of guys did you hear that parasitical has brand new much it's so cool guy look look at this Russian design I don't even think it's Russian I ran it through Google Translate it's so good guys limited time offer please buy in the link down below never free oh he should have just said something like I don't gift I don't deserve to be forgiven my name is Jeff the longer you spend trying to explain yourself in an apology the more convoluted it gets and you kind of opened a bigger window to people just giving hate on you because you're being less direct up my career over the past few years has been about me making mistakes and trying to learn and grow from them and they haven't always done the best job of that I can admit that but I have always tried this point I don't really get because he gives up he'll make this really long apology tweet about it but then like two weeks later he'll do the same thing again I know his actions vary in severity like he might make some really dumb tweets or in my views hacks in fortnight I was not prepared I've not mentally prepared myself and quite frankly I am not ready for this I warned not everything is done as equal but he's obviously someone that just does not learn from his mistakes like if this was a Kevin Hart situation if it was stuff he did two three years ago like brothers cringe but you know like whatever but I swear though up to like a week ago before the tacky video came out he was still involved in drama James you need to admit you've made terrible decisions you need to admit that you goofed up you need to say you'll get better and also 1v1 me halo - I wish that I could say this is the last time that I would make a mistake but it won't be I know a little disappointing you to learn and grow every single day the worst thing he could have said you've just dug all the way down to bedrock and you've dug past the bedrock and you've just fallen into the void at best yourself victimising at the worst you're admitting that you learned nothing this is the equivalent to blowing up someone's house in Minecraft with TNT and then leaving a wooden sign post saying Lowell sorry I did it won't learn anything wrong boy but that's okay um I'm gonna keep trying my best and keep learning and growing and be the best version of me that I possibly can be I could see where it's coming from but like he's wording it so poorly basically saying he wants to improve he's going to improve but he might make some more mistakes along the way to that progression in regards to the hotel situation with the brand deal on the security guard I've already told my truth about this twice talking about it for a third time and explaining it and going into detail and pulling up receipts it doesn't matter and I'm I understand that no matter what I say or do they're always gonna be people that don't believe me and will think that I'm lying I mean you make it somehow people are being contrarian just for the sake of it but the fact of the matter is you promoted a brand that went against your longtime friend Tay Westbrook's brand you acted like it was a friendly shout out you know did no harm they helped you out you're an event you're just you know given a bit of a shout out back but you put hashtag ad in the story like it was a paid promotion even though you denied it you do not have to put hashtag ad if you're shying out of company and there's no monetary transaction involved so either James made a oopsie or is just lying straight up huh brah now I want to pay tribute to James Charles apology video by creating my very own tier list of youtuber apology videos okay so the first person for our apology series fouseytube fouseytube he makes decent apologies you know I think he's a really down-to-earth guy so we're gonna give him st now next person James Charles you know I really felt that his apology video spoke to me on a personal level I just I think it's a really down-to-earth guy I'm gonna say that about every single person it's an 80 just needs a couple more apology videos first now this woman here I completely forget her name but she kept coming up and I recommended for apology video I don't really know who she is but I am getting good vibes from out you know I think she's a caring person so f I think that's pretty fair right next we have a I'm Alan no I don't know there's something about I've Alan I'm not too keen on so I don't know I feel that there's something really just off about him in general so for the sake of it and the sake of my own safety I'm gonna put him a nest here now I'm Alan haha what a shame now a JC Denham I like him he's a good character you know he really stands for American values I like what he did at the Statue of Liberty that's a seat here for me now the demonetized symbol this this symbol is just so unapologetic it will just keep ramming its fist down your throat time after time again I'm just gonna have to give it let's give it a be because I'm probably not gonna put anything else in be Samurai Jack he he's amazing he's just a great guy I'm running out of things to say we're gonna give him D knotch my name and Markus Pearson now I do love this guy the creator of fortresscraft again I think he's great I'm just gonna have to give him an ATO MC ride from Death Grips I'm not too sure about this guide to be honest I keep trying to pick up vinyls and they're always sold out not too happy with that to be honest so we're gonna have to put him down in the ETA now the boss baby probably the most important character in Netflix is ongoing universe that their apology video was amazing you know like I'm running out of things to say but it it beat this guy he's just a really stand up guy you know like he is just got into so many controversies and came out of them like a week later and no one's actually cared he'll actually get into drama so someone can make an article on him and then he'll spend the entire video talking about that article it's amazing recycling so for the amount of respect I have for PewDiePie I'm gonna put him in detail and yeah guys that's my youtuber tillest I hope you enjoy be sure to buy my merch buy my exclusive merch it's pretty cool subscribe as well please I'm Alan and George memoryless got 10 K sub Dave's from their videos so please God can we get a 10 K sub day because I want to prove to my parents my channel is [Music] [Applause] now it was truly strong a burning sensation
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 2,588,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: james charles, james charles is sister cancelled, james charles apology is terrible, tati, tati westbrook, BYE SISTER, tati westbrook james charles, james charles tati, tea, tea spill, james charles is over, james charles tea, BYE SISTER tati, makeup videos, makeup, beauty vlogger, bye sister, pyrocynical, satire
Id: VeBk_tI6SIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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