James Charles was right all along

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James Charles was right all along is the statement pretty much everyone's been saying after he uploaded his new video no more lies yeah that's right James uploaded another video responding to tacky Westbrook but this one unfortunately doesn't have any crying in it hi all James here um I'm currently traveling abroad and just woke up but I wanted to sit down and make a video addressing everything right now in this video all of his makeup to look as professional as possible Brad the thing is looking at the video the dislikes aren't even that bad compared to the dumpster fire of the original video and if you look at his social blade he's green gaining subscribers and at the minute Teti Westbrook has lost hundreds of thousands of subscribers so this is basically the Thanos snap in Reverse he lost two million subs and he's already gained half a million in a single day let's get into the pan we notice that there was a major major difference and at the crowd who are in the VIP section and I started getting mobbed really really quickly at a super unsafe capacity because as many of you guys know when I've always thought to take a photo kind of other people tend to come and it just turned into a big situation and it honestly it was not safe now if you know what James he's talking about here he's referring to Coachella place where he took this picture he's basically saying when he came back to Coachella he got a VIP pass nine artists pass so VIP pass kind of like the normally pass anyone can get it and pay for it now artists pass that's like the the sister VIP $500 pass you get it that you know you should spend $500 on if not the sisters VIP pyrocynical merger I need to stop saying no cuz I'll get arrested but basically the artist passes what James wanted because he was being swarmed by fans that also had the VIP I guess now the artists passed he's talking about you can't get the only way to obtain one is to basically come in with a brand say hey I'm the guy that invented fan er give me give me the pass and I did research when I'm in research I did one google search and from what I can tell he's not lying looking at the Coachella site four passes it only goes to VIP there's no mention of a nice VIP so then I thought he might have been lying about the ice VIP but one look I'm ready on an AMA the artists pass does actually exist but the only way to get it is through a contact or you know knowing someone paying them now why is any of this ping-pong up because this all connects back to my favorite topic sugar bear hair that vitamin that basically started this whole controversy I had remembered from weekend one that my friend Nikita and driving home as with a lot of the time was brought by sugar bear hair and had an artist pass personal security and backstage passes and was very very taken care of and safe what I felt unsafe in the situation I panicked and I text Nikita and asked her if she had a connection to the sugar bear hair team that could potentially help me out so because you could only get it all ice passed through branding he reached out to sugar bear hopefully they could give him a pass and in return you know he jerks off their company so Herrera team texted me the proposal right away no money was involved it was no time to negotiate in a panic I signed and that was that on that I also want to give a quick shout out to a sugar bear hair I met their team weekend want a Coachella and they really helped me my friends out with sisters security because it was crazy now this what about she made sense I criticized James a lot because he he kind of hit that hashtag out of it the top left of the corner really small well I guess he needed support I got there because it is still a transaction it's not a cash transaction but still he's doing something to get something so I guess that's why he put a hashtag out on there but what you should have done James on your story as well as jerking off this company you should have made it explicit this is a one-time thing I have a friend I have a very close friend a very close friend who has her own line this isn't competition this is a favor to not even get a phone call to not even get a text a few days prior but right after that sponsored post went up to have a text like hey mom love you I'm stressed just so you know XYZ I just did this post but it's no big before posting my stories I actually did text 21st out of respect for her giving her heads up about the sponsorship but she was immediately upset I tried my best to kind of explain the entire situation and also gave her a direct apology as well but at this point I had signed the contract and I absolutely had to post it there was no getting out of it I don't know man that excuse sounds pretty similar to why you had to have the sisters VIP $500 pass I know it's James likes to say this a lot that stuff's our B's control couldn't be helped but James at the end of the day you are the influencer you're the showrunner I do think no matter how many contracts you sign you're the one that puts the pen to the paper you're the one that makes this stuff happen it sounds a bit desperate when you had to pair with like the number one opposing brand of your longtime friend tacky Westbrook just to get a pass like I've been to events before where I've got a band that doesn't let me go into a lounge and I'm being swarmed I'll just go to secure a be like hey bro all these behind me can I please get into the lounge and just give me a pass now I will put a disclaimer I've never been to Coachella in my life they're probably a bit more anal than events I've been to because Coachella seems absolutely huge you put yourself in that situation you you can't act like it's out of your control also about forgetting Terri Westbrook until you've already done the deal that is plausible but I mean you actively referred to as mum in messages and on Twitter so you know I thought there'd be a bit more of a connection there where you would remember that it is her opposing brand the reason that James always said that he couldn't promote halo on his channel and really do like you know heavy endorsement was because he has a teenage audience and it would just be inappropriate so this is Tali kind of annoyed that she's promoted so much of James's stuff in the past but james hasn't really returned the favor James then shows a montage of him promoting her products on his social media this is a very important because it is my best friend I mean I guess it's a half-truth you did promote packaged products and your socials but Tali explicitly said heavily endorsed products in a YouTube video and you kind of put this on Twitter you snap your insta but never onto YouTube I do want to say I don't think having her products as an answer to a quiz question is a heavy endorsement but then goes James Charles makes the most important announcement of his career and how dare you laugh about it and make me after meme and retweet and this and that and I love straight boys I love straight boys and make it a joke because this behavior is not normal it's not okay cracking someone's sexuality is not an escape room first of all I am a 19 year old virgin this changes everything James Charles is a hundred percent innocent because he is a virgin guys cataleya stay tuned for next vo a jeffree star tub ten things you missed in Tartus video she mentioned that she was disgusted and had to apologize to her family for me apparently saying things that I wanted to do to a waiter and then just to find those actions by saying I am a celebrity the boy that was involved in the story is named Sam I did plan on crossing his name and keeping him completely private but he has since come out and made a video of his own I'm talking about the situation just like talked to you leaving out many many details Sam mentioned that he was perfectly fine and found the flirting that I was doing flattering so I'm not really sure why this got turned into something much bigger this is this was on Valentine's Day or heat especially thought that I was very attracted and he wanted to get my phone number and all that but the waitstaff at my restaurant didn't let that happen he left and it kind of just went untalked about now by is plausible to be fair but James forgot one crucial detail in Sam's video I said yes we ended up making out for around an hour and if I'm being honest he is the worst kisser I've ever kissed me too the first of the day way too much time he's a virgin and a bad kisser Talley Westbrook was right all right I'm not I'm not gonna keep going but for real James didn't actually include that while he was talking to this boy he was also seeing another boy at the same time gage the one who made that black and white response video I'm just gonna jump straight into it so I just kind of watched the like gauge thing and I kind I kind of like in all honesty I think you were talking to him at the same time you're talking to me James trust to refute this in a really messy way saying that he was led into a trap but I did answer him honestly and then I asked him what made him come to conclusion with everything to what she said I'm actually not fully okay just to clarify so there are no further questions the point in including this screenshot is not to out Sam Sam texted me saying he was fully gay but it was a trap to get me on FaceTime so he could illegally record the conversation to include in the video that he was planning a later on now I'm not a lawyer but by doing some heavy research and when I mean heavy research one Google search apparently it's okay to record phone conversations in some States of America as long as only one party member gives consent so not even both sides have to agree to it yeah it was shady what Sam's doing definitely recording you without you knowing but at the same time he's legally allowed to do it I feel that by James saying it was illegal that was kind of an indirect jab to kind of scare Sam like what he did was illegal well it might have even worked because Sam's video is gone now the only videos I can find a bit of real blows am I definitely am emotional and I like it the best may sometimes I can be dramatic I'm reactive I'm forward I'm flirty he acts like begging on Twitter and being incredibly passive-aggressive and then deleting those tweets it's the same as being I'm forward I'm expressive I was a trained hit man at the age of 14 you know they're very easy to interchange all of these qualities a few different guys that I've talked to in the past has tense came forward with their stories I reach out to all the boys directly and apologize to them for my actions what is James Charles take direct responsibility for his actions [Applause] [Music] someone completely fabricated a whole entire story about me touching another boy at a high school Journal and it blew up this person that came forward a few days later saying that it was a social experiment I wonder if those fouseytube finally comes out hiding a whole year later guys i falsely incriminated a youtuber and go I'm sent to jail social experiment it's not a prank if I say social experiment it actually in invites a dialog people also completely photoshopped Twitter GM's of me reaching out to these people threatening legal action if they were to tweet more things when in reality I have literally not even met on social media I know I should be taking this seriously book James fell for the bait so hard here you do understand that that came up because of that tweet you made to joven right when he tried to falsely incriminate you for that racial slur stuff on Instagram you told him that your lawyers would be in contact and it became a copypasta and spread across everywhere Jeffrey star I have not mentioned him at all in the video yet he has saw this video he is not happy girl I had some plans today which will still happen but got a little derailed by Miss James Charles uploading a very manipulative weird video of just calculation girl trying to paint my character and a light that's very untrue you're gonna know what to believe when I really show you the facts but to begin with just a little remark at Jeffrey star he says in the snap story that he didn't make anything public and only vague on Twitter to keep things smooth and I tried to smooth things over so everyone could be cool behind the scenes but um know if you wanted to keep things smooth or whatever the whatever you're alluding to why did you drag James Charles younger brother into the drama who has never had anything to do with any of this a few days later on Monday I woke up again in the middle of the night from a phone call for my little brother Ian who was very very upset he told me he had tweeted saying why do people act so tough online about somebody from his hometown who was bullying him and a Geoffrey star of all people had quote tweeted Ian's tweet saying why is her brother a predator why don't you really move back to New York City exactly shut the [ __ ] up many people were quick to call out Geoffrey for bullying a kid who had nothing to do with the situation literally at all and he deleted it the tweet wise with the beauty community of making really harsh regrettable tweets and then removing them later now Geoffrey it was incredibly aggressive to James messaging him saying he belongs in jail no internet access no minecraft hunger games now I'm not siding with either of them but I do find it a bit sauce how came Geoffrey is to jump on this situation because these two subscriber wise they've been neck and neck for a while now Geoffrey's kind of the older guy he's been on the scene longer James is fresh he's new so and obviously the beauty community is very compare if you found out your number one rival was in a lot of controversy you'd probably try and get involved in some way to you know tip him over the edge because who likes competition he's even gone on to Twitter to basically repeat the same thing he said in the snap video obviously Geoffrey should be allowed to have his podium I mean James has had his techies had hers Geoffrey should be allowed to speak up but now obviously tight on her say James has had his with him without tears breath Geoffrey should definitely be allowed to have his platform I don't care about any of them to be fair all three of them but guys there is a little ray of sunshine that comes at the very end of James's video everyone involved with the situation has started to reach out to me in some way shape or form say I'm cook the boy from Seattle has called me nine times and sent me a few different text messages about the situation and trying to make things right Totti and her husband James have tried to reach out in order to schedule a meeting but only through a mutual YouTube rep that we share and I also heard from that same person that Geoffrey was open to a meeting as well now this is really good that everyone's reached out to James in one way or another privately because that's where this situation should be with now privately I don't know if you guys are willing to do that because your call-out videos get tens of millions of views they get forced on trending and you do run ads on these videos so you are making tens of thousands of dollars on them I don't know if you can like just put that down for a minute it would be nice if this could be dealt with privately because guys I am really sick and tired of making James Charles videos they pay the rent by I'm so sick of making them please do something bear with your time guys I just want to go make pence cup okay thank you all for watching if Jeffrey wants to voice his opinion he's allowed to can make his own video and receipts whatever my name leg I would like to overtake PewDiePie this month [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,181,875
Rating: 4.8848705 out of 5
Keywords: james charles, james charles is sister cancelled, tati, tati westbrook, BYE SISTER ..., tati westbrook james charles, james charles tati, tea, james charles is over, james charles tea, BYE SISTER, makeup videos, makeup, beauty vlogger, bye sister, pyrocynical, pewdiepie, satire, jeffree star, no more lies, halo beauty
Id: 5iGQEuy6aQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2019
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