when your child makes a YouTube account

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You guys want a funny joke? *shows hair* *laughing starts to play while we watch a grown man touch his white hair* Yep, laugh it off alright... Yeah, it's silver alright? Ricegum had the same I know, shut up ok? I don't wanna hear it. hEy gUyS iTs mE aGaIn dUnN DuUn dUuUun oh god oh frick I'm going through a very difficult stage of my life right now, I'm having a mid-life crisis in my twenties. Now, children... They are powerful beings They're the reason why Epic Games has the net worth of 8.5 billion, The reason that I somehow have more than 7 subscribers, And they're the reason that no matter how terrible your youtube merch is, someone will buy it. By the way guys, we have merch, it's really cool, please. Link in description, thank you guys :) [https://pyrocynical.store] But as much as children are an integral cog in the world's economy... ...they dumb as hell. I'm sure in the past year or so, you've been in a video game lobby, you've heard some kid soundin' off, you can't even understand what he's saying. *Children screaming* Now if you combine the seven IQ of a child and the Youtube comment system, You have this beautifully formed cesspit that you just can't ignore. For example, you got this poor child here who got a dislike on his Youtube video. And he just wants to find out who did it! Don't worry guys we're not laughing at them, we're laughing with them. (c o u g h) Can I just get uh...can I get 1080p gang to rise, please? Anyone with a 1080p monitor?? HA! Caught you all, you poor! You don't have a 4K monitor bro? You don't have a red camera?? Bruh you so poor bro!! So yeah, uh, this poor kid he's obviously really heartbroken that someone's disliked his video and everyone memein' on him now... ...and disliking the video even more We got this one from a brave soldier. NEVER LOSE FAITH MY FRIEND My god...it's actually crazy, the amount of bravery in that comment. Coming out to say he plays Minecraft instead of forknife, he'll surely be shunned at the sandpit, but sir... 😲I salute you!😲 I don't think I've actually worse hair in my life... Maybe in the Icegem phase, y'know when I was fat as well. But not all comment kids make are dumb. Some are just true philosophers, shreading into areas where Socrates or Plato couldn't even comprehend. It feels satisfying to line up the captions in just the right way so it runs smoothly Thank you Nolan12sorenson, for your contribution to the human arts! When we become a space-faring species, it'll solely be because of Nolan! You ever wonder how kids think? Y'know what kids are great at? Making jokes! Pretty much ever SNL skit, they steal from children, why?? Children are the best at telling comedy I've always wanted kids y'know? I want them to grow up by Minecraft It's just everything is spelled wrong (wheezes) EVerything is wrong! And he literally has a {REDACTED} picture! Right, lemme try give this-lemme try and hear this kid out (funny laugh) That actually is a SNL joke! Legit! Thank you thegaminggenius! I'm sure Adam Sandler would love to steal that from you. Mission Failed Bruh Now I've gave you all the impression that kids are just , complete dumbasses right. Like they stumble through life without any comprehension of what they're doing, But you know what about children? They are the most intelligent marketing investors I have seen in my life You know what, it worked okay Sure I mean 50 views and 2 subscribers Let's take a sub off because he has a doge picture 1 Subscriber and 50 views That's 49 new people visiting his channel Which, if you're starting out, that's insane drakeclapping.gif Gratula (Congratulations in Hungarian) Now another thing I want to point out, You have these concentrated hives of children activity Like uh, schools, Fortnite lobbies and most importantly: The Yo Mama youtube channel Places like this they are full of children Like they've had time to combine their intellect as well, Like the statements in these comments sections are the most important things mankind has ever said See my hair? this isn't dyed, This is stress! THIS IS STRESS! All say I have a receding hairline I'll just get a hair transplant bruh ...from my Patreon money We got another one here: What does that mean? x2 An enigma even more important than these baby geniuses is, How is the Yo Mama channel still going? I almost feel sorry for this channel because the content on it is designed for two year olds, But the animation style is really good, These guys could be working on Dragon Ball Z or something and they're doing Yo Mama Then again, I'm the one giving advice on making better content, and I still haven't made Petscop 2. So maybe I should just shut my mouth. Another example of these child think tanks is, You know him, you love him, Morgz (AKA British twat) *I'm not subtitling this moron* Bruh moment #69 You know Morgz, he needs no introduction, but Morgz has some pretty epic merch I don't know why his face looks like it's trying to eat itself when he speaks but whatever But anyway, Morgz has some merch, here are some of the comments on that merch You know what you won't get bullied for: Wearing Pyrocynical merch guys, link- Ah, I'm not wearing it, shit It's alright man, I'm sure Morgz will help you out after his 15th pause challenge Also one thing I've noticed about these comments, Some of them are so high up in their intellect, We can't yet understand them Morgz's comments section is just a goldmine man, I love it! *Best laugh* It's just the profile picture That's gotta be bait, out of all the ones I've seen that's gotta be bait There's no way you can be 5 and know what the word nutting means. You also got this one as well, I feel like he's trying to warn us about something something we can't yet comprehend I'm gonna get my team of analysts on it hopefully we'll have something by next week. There's also a profile for one of these big brain philosophers Just a warning, cos this kid's bio is I'll give him a fair hearing We're in the court he gets a fair hearing ...atheist awwwwww I need a minute x2 You got Hatsune Miku I like how he explicitly has to say say Rick from Rick and Morty Not just Rick Sanchez or even the spiky funny blue hair man would actually be a better explanation. Yeah this character here, Homer Simpson He reminds me of The Simpsons. And also without knowing it, children can influence modern music Are you happy Epic Games?! That's all kids today think about, Fortnite Like Epic games probably up in their 70 story tower They're there with the billions of V-Bucks crying their eyes out Thinking, "What have we done, the monster we've created." Now I know we've mocked alot of kids in this video I'm basically bullying my average viewer age Whick is kinda a no no But sometimes, Children need help. "They force me to eat egg" Why is egg capitalized? What does it mean? This is so sad (How many times have you said that by now) Can we please get some help to this kid Remove all the eggs in his home and just give him a burger or something I am convinced, That the baby in the profile picture made that comment Now that is a Pewdiepie subscriber if I've ever seen one. You got annoying orange as well you know the annoying orange channel? That for some reason is still going. You can't scare me with this. It's frankly terrifying Also in the comments of The Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer Bruh #58 I mean that was great storytelling you know you had the first act: Introducing the characters, the stakes The second act with the escalation, and the the third act with the climax, him peeing his pants You had everything there What next? WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?! Why does he just say his own name? w a l t e r (laughter) You've got this one as well of a nuclear bomb going off as a demonstration. I mean, at least he's honest with that you can't have a go in on that one cos he uses honesty A young white child, looks like an old black man You need to be put to sleep (you mean game ended) Anyways everyone I hope you all enjoyed this video Please subscribe to the channel if you're new that would be so cool I mean I might just meet you in public and give you a hug. I wouldn't do that, you think I leave the house, Ha Ha If you have a 1080p monitor, you smash that like button. Also as well, not to be that guy (Thanks for the compliment Pyro) Whitewoods -Beach Walk Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 5,481,422
Rating: 4.9513588 out of 5
Keywords: youtube comments, best youtube comments, funniest youtube comments, walter clements, youtube meme, comment awards, comment meme, satire, meme, pyrocynical
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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