Five Nights at Freddy's: Ultimate Custom Night - Part 4

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Nightmare BB with Funtime Chica’s body?


👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/FireGui 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

0/10 he didn't use foxy, who is obviously the hottest character behind No. 1 Crate.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/JoK_141021 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/LittleMissRileyx 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ok Mark, Foxica was ok, but this is just too much.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

Dat thumbnail tho.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Senior_Artsy 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Cursed Thumbnail.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mICHEAL_PEE 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi guys my name is markiplier and welcome back to ultimate custom night happy 21 million subscribers my channel is old enough to drink 21 million [ __ ] times how you guys doing I'm still sick but I've been playing this on my own like a like a [ __ ] so yeah pretty good you're good Thank You Dez Beal I am NOT the best in fact I think if anything I appealed the lowest common denominator which is why so many people have subscribed to my channel but thank you so much 20 million I didn't have anything planned not a goddamn thing it's been a little busy the past few days in the past few weeks but uh I've been I've been practicing this on my own and I've come up with a strategy that should should be what I need to finish this I'm gonna show it to you first I'm gonna show you guys and then I'm gonna explain it because I i've been playing 55 mode and I've technically beaten it I got to four thirty but I've forgot to go over to foxy funtime foxy and this is hard I would say just this 55 mode is the hardest of any of any five nights at Freddy's game this is harder than this here is harder than all the other twenty modes I would say maybe right up there with five nights at Freddy's 2 just this just five mode so I'm just gonna show you cuz I can't even I can't even begin to talk while I'm doing this so I'm just gonna go for it and I apologize if I'm rusty I've been playing all morning and obviously I'm sick so I was losing steam but let's just let's just I'll shut it and then I'll explain I know people are still getting in here and I know it's a little early but frankly I was like I'm so tired I just want to be done so I'm just gonna do and you guys watch I'll explain afterwards I was free that's expected that is just about as expected I that's the one thing that always throws me cuz I've got like the technical process down pretty well I mean it's really just like how fast can you go that's that's what the test is here and then how much can you remember at the same time let me try that again and then I'll explain because I didn't get far enough to be able to explain what I'm doing it alright I'm sick I'm still sick I don't know what I caught some kind of cold just makes me feel like Garbo but thankfully I still am able to do this to a house they're early oh my brain is a Spartan ow my ass no that's not what I wanted ah foxy of course I knew I was forgetting something I forgot the foxy usually usually foxy foxy I'm using the DEF point on foxy that's pretty much the go-to I was dead anyway there all right I guess that was enough to explain what I'm doing so I wanted to share these tactics with everybody I think and if ever there was a way to beat 50:20 mode I think this is it and let me just let me walk you guys through what I'm doing because it's I know it's too fast to really get any get any sense out of so what I'm doing is the first step is turn off fan open monitor and hit power generator at the same time go to duck to place it here because if there's only one path some will get stuck there as long as you regularly turn on the heater you'll get there then block the first one just in case it usually doesn't even go here but I put it there just in case here look at monitor scan around for coins and then every time you pop down you want to turn on the AC as soon as you can I mean there's other things to take care of but you want to around the AC especially when you're out you don't want to compound your power now the most important thing is every time you bring up your monitor oh close the side vent I found that the animatronics in the side vent only come through when you put your monitor down or put your monitor and if you do it every time you put your monitor up then they're never going to be a problem so it contains it really well and it helps you get faz going anyway so you keep an eye out for here hello goodbye DD actually I I don't even mind DD anymore cuz uh DD doesn't actually buff any of the characters before so it's just a matter of like you know just keep an eye on everything so really why I chose this strategy especially with the way it is oh yeah no wait there's there's multiple things when you flip up the monitor you close that but before you do anything every time you open the monitor you hit this button and this button this will clear the screen of foxy and Balloon Boy if they pop up because Balloon Boy he only requires a monitor change while foxy requires a a system change so I found that if you just hit the same one it still clears them so then you went I do it here because that way I can look at toy Freddy and I can see how the corner of my eye if something's changed or not and that's gotten so like subconscious lately that I just do it automatically but that together that combined gets rid of four annoying characters and makes it so that you're never surprised with something on screen that shouldn't be there you know what I mean and then every time I pop the monitor down put on this just in case because most of the time the vision is just gone you can't see anything so you might as well just for safety reasons put that there so it's kind of just works like that it saves a ton of power because then you're not compounding this you don't have this always down you can only do it you know when you need it that's me slamming that down and open and then no character ever appears out there the only thing that's tough to remember is remembering when that is up or down because when Afton comes out the side vent he only hello spring-trap he only comes once you gotta make sure that you know which is up and which is down so that you can get that the other thing is you know listening with all these slamming the slamming of the door sounds a lot like chicas pots and pans so it can be difficult to discern which is where and so that's just yeah that's that's pretty much it the rest is just trying to hunt for enough fast coins to get the death coin to get rid of foxy because foxy I find if you're moving quickly it's really hard to maintain looking at foxy funtime foxy it's fine if you just remember the numbers and pay attention but everything else just needs you know I just don't in 20 but I don't think there would be enough time for foxy to get away from foxy so that's the strategy makes sense everybody alright by the way hey how's it going thanks everybody for being here I'm gonna I'm gonna now that I'm warmed up I think I'm sick by the way happy 21 million thing y'all still fit for being here thank you for all the sponsors and the the super chats here's your birthday money thank you savvy savage all of your gamer hi mark I hope you feel better Jessica backer a money drop knee hi mark you're doing great in these games I hope you're doing well and I hope you can come to Virginia on your next tour Eric Peterson blazing a ninja gaming hey Mark you should play Detroit become human I was gonna stream it and then everything happened last week eat the rude new sponsor Jacqueline Carville hey Mark love your channel king of Ooo now well I don't know right now but uh let's let's do this I'm pretty sure you can only sponsor on YouTube gaming right now but I'm in talks with YouTube right now to fix that because it should be a channel wide for me right now but those dudes okay so I'm not gonna talk because I don't want to talk also watching for her but that's pretty that's pretty obvious I've actually gotten pretty good at that on those side sounds you can slam the doors without even coming out of the monitor I got you slam too fast I have noticed there are a few things that if I do it too quickly it's just gonna end up badly for me 215 215 see that's what I was talking about you got to remember when it's up or down cuz I'll always died of that a lot actually just because I always forget which ones where if it's up or down because I'm not looking at it I'm never really looking at it so I just got to keep it in my head which ones which [Music] whose voice is the creepiest one died well I mean fun time foxy cuz this is usually the one I'd die to more than any other yeah the vast vast majority of my deaths are fun time foxy easily see I forget ah got him I'm so backwards on there so you can clear clear and out of the way get what I've don't even need to worry about it Showtime oh [ __ ] what am i doing I totally forgot what I was doing I always check the other one first just because you never never never ever ever ever want to be it's it's just like you got to balance the hard game overs with the lengthy soft game overs and so just making that the making the effort to you know it's kind of straddle it out you I need to get the death coil and get rid of you the one person I'd died to more than every every everybody else is fun time foxy and that's just because I don't pay attention it's it's uh the hardest piece of information to get for me is the time because it's top right corner and it um yeah it's just like my eyes just naturally don't go up there so I've been I've been trying to get there yeah yeah I'm sick um of super sick I'm getting better today but yesterday man I was I was just like walking death sometimes those guys don't go away for a bit and it makes it difficult I'm pretty sure those three I like to I try to double-check as much as I can and all the while you got to be listening for the clashing of the pots and pans because technically you could hear them from the from the office but with everything else going on it's nearly impossible occasionally you'll get these guys coming through and I imagine that in for when when this dude starts slamming his bangers together just put on the silent ventilation that's it three o'clock [ __ ] is it up or down hey I got it let's never get that down okay I've got a problem because I'm currently oh [ __ ] do I have enough for the death point do I know it the last [ __ ] I'm done I always I always get jumbled when the she's going on but yeah but it shouldn't be much longer sorry about the pitiful attempts I was making a pretty much three minutes Plus every time before I started streaming and it's probably because I'm talking I keep saying oh god they're gonna talk of us do to concentrate here I go flapping my big old gums ah that's another thing that I do a lot I accidentally hit the accidentally hit the change music button when I'm going to wind the to wind the music box and it's just like this is 55 this is not 50 20 but this strategy I believe is applicable to 15 20 I'm not gonna do it now because I don't want to throw me and myself off but it should be I should be able to beat this from relatively I know I said I was closed yesterday I actually I actually I really was but I was I was doing a sloppy like luck based I wanted something that was a lot more repeatable and something that could be applied to 20 mode so I had to come up with new strategies that kind of exploit the way these characters kind of work you know and a lot of that comes from just like I know I played these games before the way their program they can only work a certain way so even with 50 of them like there is there's some method to the madness it just doesn't seem like it on a surface to am also did I mention yesterday that the guitar can only be in a few few places Oh foxy goddamnit I completely forget about Fox now I got it pay attention to everything come on Marky move those my coins where's my coins oops that's dangling oh [ __ ] oh yeah 2:00 a.m. okay which I forgot again it's the same thing god I dyed it as simplest things over and over again this is cuz I forget one minor detail that was again like I said earlier just I forget which way the vent is it's if that's the problem with this strategies you have to remember everything that you've done but I think if you if you got good enough of that it and like I have I've been getting pretty good at it then eventually it'll pay off because it's super adaptable to a lot harder difficulties I think anyway but that's just me I can't see I'll just come back at 1:00 anyway no on a risk he's in a hurry I was in a hurry I was in a hurry I should I should have just actually no I think that's one of the situations where its death is almost unavoidable because if you have one of the toy bonnie's or withered Bonnie waiting for you that require the the mask and it's a timer and it gets wrong with this it can coincide to screw you but it is what it is yeah cuz because what I'm trying to do is to remove as much RNG as possible you can't eliminate it entirely but can diminish it I'm clicking behind the head just in case to try to get up get up Minister healthy areas I look to the side to see him if she's there I do it all the time but that's I'm not looking to the vent because I know the vent unless I don't know where the vent is and then I don't know the three that was intentional I just wanted to get the death join in the way come on oh boy it's really giving it to me it's giving me the business right now you want to save as much power as possible in the beginning phases just because you're gonna need to use silent ventilation and if you're doing so like right here right now if you're doing silent ventilation while looking around it's going to be incredibly detrimental three am also bowl or ax is o P I believe I'll talk about in balance just because she obscures your entire screen and I think that's a little unfair because I mean it's a sound based thing but you know whatever I'm just complaining the complaint at this point oh [ __ ] oh I flubbed my mask I flubbed my mask I flubbed my mask yeah I know I know I gotta stop talking but it's okay I can get this I'm not using any power-ups either because I wanted to practice without crutches because I believe it's it's solely beatable without crutches I haven't used the powerup in any of my practices but I do believe power-ups are mandatory for 5020 mode if it were possible which I still don't know if it is but uh yeah not the worst thing in the world bonanza excuse you those are actually good opportunities to just cool the room down because you can just sit there with the a/c while they literally are stupid all for never get before anymore please tell me I remembered I did I remembered I didn't know if it was one I ever not oh hello I'm low on power they've really thrown it at me in the beginning and I was flubbing up some of the stuff oh [ __ ] ah foxy god damn it ice for some reason I've been forgetting foxy this especially this time you can't death coin him after he's already been unleashed like so I don't know I'm just gonna keep going but is basically game over at this point but just cuz I want the practice yeah soon as the head gets on the table it's pretty much gonzo yeah I guess I might as well just death coin no I'm done yeah he's there he's there well I would have died anyway because I would have forgotten about chica yeah this is the reason I can do this so fast is it because this is what I was talking about about my method of learning is first off you have to find the most efficient way and no matter what it's like no matter how hard it is you just have to realize with repetition you'll get faster at it and you'll get faster at it until it's not really a big deal anymore so I find the most efficient method even if it requires some crazy Mouse agility and then I just practice that until it's still stuff also I've been playing these types of games for years now so I've gotten weirdly good at them but I'm probably not like the best I could be nor and I'm not going to be like I don't even know if I have time to try to do 20 mode because I've been practicing this for like days now and it's it's a bit of a it's a bit of a challenge now I'll make a few attempts at it but like I said I've never I've never had a need 20 mode never been mandatory oh no not now was it a 1 a.m. I might all thank you it was not a 1 a.m. that is just one of those rare opportunities that exist to bone you death coin you all right so now we don't have to worry about that anymore still here the pots and pans the thing is I'm probably going faster than I need to go to be honest oh I forgot something it's hard to tell which one will get there first and I never really am 100% certain [ __ ] I've mana I do that a lot where I I completely forget what I'm doing and then I get Flum bold and here's 3:00 a.m. oh hey I'm kind of low on power right now I would say I would be a lot more comfortable with a lot more power than what I have oh [ __ ] also you can just go ahead and if you have the money go ahead and buy the other uh-huh sorry my brain just ticked that it was there was no there was no did it did it go away again did holy [ __ ] I've never seen that do that twice in a row like that yeah I'm I'm a little low on power oh oh oh [ __ ] okay 5 a.m. I had time yeah I'm pretty low I saw spring-trap they're just out of the corner of my eye yeah the only I'm gonna let my [ __ ] I don't know if yes see this is where I would want more power just for the just for the I forgot about the heater yeah I forgot about the heater there that's alright that was close but I flubbed my power management that's the other problem because I'm turning off the on and off the the a/c like crazy but sometimes it can be very it can be very easy to forget it like any anytime you see me go like duh-duh-duh that's me forgetting have everything yeah no I don't I don't think I would have won that anyway because most likely in that scenario fun time foxy would have a requirement to be there at 6 p.m. and that would be game over if you can't if you have no power for it let's try it again closer though that's that's more what I'm what I was getting at away I went out of the Forest Service sorry even even I man even I just [ __ ] up royally sometimes in fact I [ __ ] up royalties a lot that was just a plain old goof that was a complete Oh wrong oh but no no excuse for thou and those is me being awful [Music] I think it moved yeah it did yeah that's like a really hard thing to see and super annoying but it's totally possible that's probably like some contrast settings you can have your monitor app that's not what I wanted all over the place boink and we got you oh [ __ ] we don't have enough come on one more I need more coins I need way way way more coins than I have right now thank you that's exactly what I was hoping for wait okay wasn't sure if there was still pots and pans okay 4:00 a.m. that was just pure luck that that didn't get me because I had completely forgotten oh [ __ ] I might have I might have just killed myself yep I I killed myself unless I can get ten five coins yep here we go this is the end this is the end for me god I forgot I for some reason my brain thought Bonnie my plug my brain thought Bonnie for the plushie no foxy was already gone right there yeah my brain thought Bonnie for some reason let me give this another good old college try a good old 21 the moooo try a sweet savory average try thank you all so much for subscribing for the most average podunk youtuber around oh how many times did I open up the monitor and just stare at Rockstar Boni like hey how are you doing there fella you enjoy the make yourself at home I don't know why you could be here there's no possible reason that you'd be here oh well I'll carry on doing me you do you look so stupid that's stupid yeah we got a new channel name it's the average the the pretty pretty knots quite goods so that's what we're called subscribe to become a pleasantly average today everyone wants to be a part of the most mundane and boring YouTube channel on YouTube so mundane and boring I have to say you did twice in that context oh that's really stupid of me I am just I am cocking it up harder than I've ever cocked anything up in my life it's not 3 a.m. I didn't even need to be there oh well bonus points for being proactive every hour oh wow Jesus I don't like the bow Laura she's not fair oh god I'm loving them flubbing them flubbing I'm slobbing there we go oh I'm alive somehow down come on every time every time I don't remember a why every time I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I can't remember when it's up or down I'm so stupid up down I have a 50% chance every time and I lose it every time boy I'll get there guys I'll get there everybody hold on to your butts it's about to get wild I'm so stupid I'm so stupid I'm so stupid goddamn my brain is just not working oh yeah oh I can't see I think he's there yeah more coins more coins more coins no coins actually no coins for me you're welcome 1 a.m. show [ __ ] we're gonna be tight here Wow see that's what you gotta do that's that's one of those situations [Music] all right Oh who would you throw in all right boy we got oh that's easy enough oh plushie God why am i collecting coins if I don't buy see it's like this is the thing every time I die it's not because some like horrible circumstance of chance it's because I'm the [ __ ] it that's the only time I die the only time I ever die in this game is when I'm just a goddamn idiot now Dee Dee's fine I don't care about Dee Dee anymore dee dee dee dee I can totally handle dee dee dee dee dee da dee dee and I are pals at this point 3 a.m. to 15 I'm Way loans on coins I should have 10 on I should I usually get like 15 by now it's been really light on coins one minute exactly I was doing so much better at practice I was doing so much better cause there is so much better if I wasn't such a cock-up but I'd probably be good I'd have a good reputation you know well what was that I don't know what I just did there you are pretty baby see afternoon why can't you always attack right then and there oh come on go away go away go away no no not now gimme ah I hate you I hate you all I literally hate all of you you all are sucking ass y'all are ass suck the ass of the suck yeesh so hard to tell with all the slamming going on oh no I got guys bye-bye bye-bye yaaaa Oh see we got a straggler there I also sometimes double click that but you know that's an entirely different problem [Music] why oh my god if that that kicks me in the ass later I'm gonna be so mad I don't know why I do that who's gonna go I hate this situation who's gonna get there first oh good thank goodness oh my goodness wait Oh sir four is not that god I'm such an idiot that's how I run out of power that's how you run out of power Oh for a even said it I said it I said it I said it I said it and I said it I said it and I said it and then I said it again and I still forget I'm such an idiot I say this is this is what's wrong but this is what's wrong with me all right listen this is what's wrong with me I'm dumb there you go you know the mystery has been solved I know I know mark seems depressed and is insulting himself more anyone noticed that oh [ __ ] it's sick give me a break God every time I kiss it's the same people that were like commenting on the Smosh video like he obviously hates much like of course I don't this guy's I'm not the center of attention doesn't mean I'm depressed you think I walk around the street with a good old hello everybody no absolutely not come on man I'm not you gotta be out of your gourd I look depressed I'm sick one more guys sick hahahaha hey there we go right here this is gonna be the one uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh three I missed out on some coins there that's okay uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh my face hurts uh-huh how unfortunate is it wow that's so great ah-ha ah-ha ah-ha ah-ha ah-ha ah-ha ah-ha ah-ha oh oh [ __ ] I didn't okay thank you it was nice to me I totally missed that okay 3 a.m. let me actually get because this is a good attempt so let me just actually get serious for a second there Wow oh I totally forgot about that okay come on ah you kidding me damn it I missed it I missed it by that much and that's it that's so finicky about the toy Freddy for some reason like sometimes toy Freddy just like feels like he accelerates incredibly that's the like it's just brutal sometimes and you have to look every single time or else he's gonna get you oh whoops I wanted oh I've thought about death coining toy Freddy but in in all honesty like I can deal with them and it fits into what Mark did I just it fits into what I'm like my strategy so why not leave it don't know what that was about but I saw the guitar so oh I know I had the mask now I'm getting just sloppy now I'm just getting sloppy [Music] [Music] no this is totally possible like this isn't even the hardest mode but this is totally possible because I've gotten to 4:30 what the [ __ ] that was early oh hey hate you guys you guys are being real sushi sometimes it's just like that like right off the bat it'll be absolute anarchy and other times it'll actually be nice every freakin time trying to do a thing here that's suppose i that usually happens like that little guy comes in pack it up spend some time and wind that [Music] [Music] that's why there's moses the problem with the problem with chica is that her sound loop ends like it ends ends and that's a problem because when you're in a hurry like i am it can throw you off and then suddenly you die because you thought one thing and it ended up for some reason let's go in you okay I saw that I got two 15s coming up god damn it suck a lot you suck a lot why now really wants me to die to this a 4:00 a.m. I thought it was boy really [Music] okay well I can't forget that the plushie I have the coins I always hate that's my that's my least favorite wave of dying is just having coins to like I have the things I need to win I just don't do it I just don't do it mmm all right my throat's still not doing 100% I'll get there the sickness will leave me when it feels like it but not today oh I hate you so he so Opie Alaura to Opie oh [ __ ] ah god damn it I hate that that's unfair that's unfair that's unfair cuz I'm screwed either way I'm screwed either way cuz it's like when you when they come out right when I was supposed to go to fun town foxy it's like a year to screw oh do not get flappy Oh [ __ ] I flapped away chica or foxy whatever that's what happens Wow for some reason like that body rock star body just like is perfectly camouflaged to me like my eyes are blind to that Bonnie or dot because you know I'm incredibly mediocre [Applause] no no no I hate you gah go way [ __ ] hate I hate I hate Valora why does bow Laura why does Belarus static out the screen as well as make everything go dark like just how does that make sense at all oh because like when that happens I can't see if say Rockstar chica is there and then there's literally like literally it's a 50/50 shot of whether or not the wet floor sign is in the right place you know oh come on Jesus Christ come on [ __ ] [ __ ] oh and now I'm super low on power oh yeah yeah this is this is about as bad as it could go and I lost on three coins there [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you God [ __ ] you so much oh my god ah nah holy [ __ ] I have no idea why that happened or how I'm even remotely still alive but okay we're just gonna go with a solid okay on that of the guitar [Music] and then I they have a boy they it's always one thing always one thing one thing or another oh yeah yeah at least this night isn't nearly as long as the other ones I just go away go away oh my god that takes too long that's imbalanced see there no time to act [Music] [Music] [Music] blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay here we go also I'm getting really lucky cuz I'm not using the heater enough to guarantee that I don't get killed by the the dudes up and yonder away completely lost my goddamn mind cuz I have no idea what I'm doing no coins really well that's fun yeah bye-bye Oh a dove one short really I'm one short by a death coin that threw me off incredibly it's like when I as soon as I get as soon as they get thrown off my rhythm it all goes to Garbo oh yeah oh but ends of happens banana and then the desert and Showtime please deposit five coins oh you suck so much Wow you suck so much oh god I need the guitar hello this is killing my battery cuz I gotta I gotta go I gotta get if it's not one thing it's another if it's not one thing it's another I say this is what's really hard about it was like just juggling so many things the human brain can only think about so much at once it just becomes this it's so easy to forget something like I thought it was hard back when it was just a few characters but man things have taken a turn for the worse know what I wanted why did that happen see that's that's that's why I didn't [Music] [Music] [Music] every time every time every time it's always foxy it's uh every time why is that so hard for me I don't get it like this has been my Bane the bane of my existence for the past two days straight just this [ __ ] [ __ ] this [ __ ] [ __ ] here and I can't remember I don't know why I have so much trouble remembering because it's like the one thing my brain can't handle all this like all this fast stuff this fine but when it comes down to just looking at the time my brain is just absolutely incapable of even the simplest the simplest of memory [Music] didn't mean for that to happen I need so many more coins than what I have right now [Applause] oh my god I I just passed up on like five points because I could not make up my mind that's my power incredibly - am too am too am too am that's 130 130 don't forget 130 why is it always down why is it always down and forgetting it's always the same things always the same [Music] 3 a.m. 3 a.m. - 15 - 15 - 15 is awfully quiet [Music] mm coming up right now course god why I haven't done that in so long I haven't done that and so I haven't swept across with my flashlight in so long ah man I haven't done that in so long I haven't done that in ages man it's amazing how just like an old mistake will pop up from way way way way way gone no coins okay no coins there's three coins there yeah I'm doing real bad on power I don't know why cuz I keep leaving doors open that's why oh god damn it I didn't get a check I forgot to death coin my god I cannot believe that that is just the stupidest thing I'm probably game over if I had to guess [Music] I wasn't using the heater I don't think Rockstar Freddie activated a single time there I was gonna be dead anyway cuz if foxy I didn't I didn't death I didn't death foxy I didn't kill foxy I didn't murder foxy I didn't murder him dead I didn't kill him I didn't kill him dead I didn't murder him yeah Orvil of all people oh I wasn't using the heater like I should because I was too worried about my power consumption but alas when you worry about one thing you lose to another to a up 130 130 easy-peasy 130 oh that's bad that was really bad just leaving doors wide open like that is the worst thing that you could do I need to death going him right now oh boy that was me trying to cuz I knew I hadn't seen foxy in ages oh just like not not that foxy the other foxy I knew I hadn't seen him in ages so I was like I gotta I gotta get ahead of the curve there but it's alright that's bad that's even worse let's see if we can bring it back I did good thing cool man I don't know what's wrong with me No for those saying that it was next to impossible to get 20 coins before and I just I have 20 coins right now I want to say that so as soon as I start talking it's like start talking I disagree I disagree a lot of people are going for high score and I totally get that that's the way the game is built I don't think that's the right approach especially if you want to like tackle the problems from where they are because yeah there are there are cheaper ways that you could go through this even this what I'm doing right now there's cheaper ways that you could beat this because I almost beat yesterday totally fine and my strategy was completely different from what I was doing right now what I'm doing right now it's it's like it's intentionally the harder route it's intentionally the harder up because it's the skills you're gonna need for later on like that that is that is absolutely what it's what I'm doing here it may seem nonsensical to make it harder for myself but if you're looking at it because I don't care about the points I don't I literally don't care about scores what I'm looking for is what is the most efficient way what is the best way what is the goodest method and then that's why I'm doing it so there are other ways to go about it and I could use the power-ups that's not the point here power-ups are a crutch the game technically ideally a game would be beatable without power-ups like it seems a little a little iffy about that but I know I can beat this this way because I practically did already she I got I got the 430 a couple times before I started streaming so I'm like if I start streaming off I'll know exactly what I'm doing right there's no way that I'll ever [ __ ] it up 3 a.m. what the hell all right all right there okay well I guess we're uh I guess we uh I guess we're just that one you know instead of an enemy killing us that was just the game decided to not do no more the game decided the game decided to just let go away it was like oh he might actually win this one let's just stop it prematurely all right then okay all right here we go I guess nah it's not pressing Leah you got a hold escape to return to menu and that reset like the settings so I don't know what happened there oh yeah although thanks for joining me everybody I am sick so if you see me a little lower the energy than usual that's why it's like you could also theorize that I'm incredibly depressed that you'd be probably wrong probably I don't know you do you think whatever you'd like to think oh yeah so off well missed the last one but you know what I got enough I don't need we got 3 a.m. to 15 a bun ends of coins I'm up to 20 I'm up to 20 coins right now fYI to AF note was a 3 a.m. I have to turn again I'm getting backwards wait it's quiet oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] whoa that was close oh hey buddy it's the same thing every time every time I wish I wasn't terrible guys I really do I wish I wasn't and yet it's it's exactly that's exactly what I don't want this is not fifty twenty this is fifty-five its power consumption right off the bat one antler ooh almost missed that I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to take off my mask then but I did 3 a.m. 3 a.m. - 15 - 15 don't forget it most time but not yet at night I saw that guitar man almost missed that Oh God I'm I'm losing it [ __ ] I'm really losing it I don't know why [ __ ] oh man I've just totally lost it I don't even know why shitty titties I can't I couldn't for some reason my brain was just not doing anything I like I don't know why like I could not I could not even remotely think of what I was doing huh man I think that's a sick brain like my like just my brain is this late you shouldn't be doing anything let alone trying this stupid [ __ ] why don't you shut down for a bit like for a full 20 seconds there I just brain farted absolutely oh yeah I probably would have had that if I like that would have been that would have been a fine round I was pretty good on power but like I said I could not brain to save my life - am too am too am too am too am too am hello you're here a little early oh come on this one thing throws me off like that's that's where I am right now is just like one thing one thing will throw me off absolutely one thing will throw me off and then I completely lose track it's for some reason really hard for me to get back on track afterwards I chose that miss click again I knew that before you even happened we almost did the sweep again no coins for me Oh Who am I click anon foxy and not that also that's still really tough to double-click Scott it's pretty tough oh [ __ ] and I'm gonna be knocked out is oh I wasn't thankfully uh oh how unfortunate I don't have enough coins yes give me a break you piece of [ __ ] what was it oh boy ah this is easy enough that one's not so bad I just got to turn on the AC again really you sure you want to do that Oh foxy I forgot again let me see what I am almost Showtime oh wow four okay that's cool too I almost did a mega die honestly I have no idea why I'm still alive after that but you know beggar chooser I'm not a loser yet oh no oh no [Music] where I am almost swept again Gloria why no not quite never mind for it almost four three three o'clock is four here we go four am coming right well I see you I saw you up there and boom six so I just got to end the game on that ass so I just got at the the trick is I got to have enough power to get to that point that's the actual challenge of this is the challenge isn't really you know that you get there let's say you get there with power because you have to no no you just have to have it it's gonna be close I don't know if I'm gonna have enough Hey Oh IIIi e-i-e-i-o your yoyoyoyoyo yeah with power to spare even though I did flub up power a lot that is why like that is why I went through the strategy that I did for that one and I got like they didn't go easy on me on that one either that's why I wanted this strategy is so that people could use this to go farther now I don't know if it's adaptable to 20 mode I haven't even tried it I'm gonna do a few tries here but like that that is the crux of it that is it I was able to get on on good tries I was able to get 20 coins in the beginning I think you'd get more just judging on how many times you'd actually get coins from people hitting your doors but that is 55 that is ridiculously hard just 55 mode is super duper duper duper D hard like legitimately hard hard hard hard hard but with enough practice it does become the the enough of the skills does become second nature and you can do that you can play through this with like you can do it with luck you could you could find ways to exploit things like uses the mechanics in certain ways to get luck through there and chance your way through that's not what I wanted I wanted a repeatable formula where the only one messing up was me cuz if I left it up to the game to mess me up I'd get pissed off but this was actually fun I've had a great time trying to get this whereas if you know me from other games like getting over it or even the other five nights at Freddy's games when the only way through is RNG I get super pissed off because then it's not my fault this was just all these mistakes were just my fault so this is but this is just 55 now I don't know there's probably gonna need to be a lot of adaptations 420 mode and I don't know for sure if anything that I got going on is good enough because with this I know there's another level with the heater that you got to use the heater more and more more more or else you're just gonna get screwed over by these guys but let's give this a few tries it's not gonna look pretty because well number one is just not but let's you know let's see what happens oh yeah hey oh hey oh oh hey okay yeah I had my mask on wait I had my mask on I had my mask on I was not fair ah oh [ __ ] well that's less than ideal oh you are moved okay I got it there's a lot more on screen at the same time so it's hard for me to discern the information I need right away but I think it's largely I say that with as much confidence as I can muster it's largely the same I clicked on you there's no way that I do ten seconds is really all you give me I guess you got to use the global music box but yeah I doubt that's you know there's definitely gonna need some quirks already right off the bat because if he if that's if you only give me ten seconds to get there that means the global music box has to be on from the get-go like you Freddie I didn't put my mask down so you only take eights so there needs to be so you can't spend nearly as much time in the menu that's for sure those games are yeah this is why I didn't I didn't from the get-go I had strong doubts on whether or not whether or not you know it would even be possible to beat this mode as well whoops I pressed the wrong button there [ __ ] well new record 22 seconds yeah when everyone hits at once I think when everyone hits it once is when you need the global music box because you just can't make it over in there in time that wasn't even that bad let me keep let me just do a few more tries I don't think I don't think I'm gonna get to this in time see the problem with this is if if everyone is being just a giant [ __ ] about world I forgot about old man consequences oops if everyone's being a giant [ __ ] at the same time then I highly doubt unless there's some super mechanical precision for exactly what you'd need exactly when you need it and even then like I don't even know I could not click it I miss you at Oh bunny yeah I know I saw shadow Bonnie shadow body doesn't mean anything for this that I'm doing right here because if you remember what the doors are you're not gonna run into any problems anyway so it's not really that big a deal oh come on uh I swear I'm hitting that when I'm hitting that can I please all right I guess the global music box it is oh Jesus oh really well that was like I went surprisingly long for me messing up so badly yeah yeah the problem with all these things the problem with pretty much any of these modes is is it's an overwhelming amount of information at first but I'm wondering if there's a way come on just oh it's it's off that's all right I can't see [ __ ] hmm there's a new record 23 not 26 is my record try 50 10 first I want to give this a few more tries because there's this there's some things that are impossible and I want to find out what it is I gotta I gotta remember to click well [Music] you get like half a second on that but if you're doing it automatically anyway I just didn't expect my monitor to people down so in the in the first phase I don't have enough time to do anything I can't I think coin hunting is just out I think coin hunting is pretty much out but with so many people hitting the walls you're gonna have you're gonna have so many coins anyway so I don't think it matters the danger is just gonna be finding when and where you can go into the monitor for why am I not I'm not pulling up my mask automatically anymore I've completely lost it I've lost all my skill whatever skill I had which was none this is a doozy oh [ __ ] forgot to put I'm losing it already I'm completely forgetting my my my entire existence ah there we go okay ah there Oh what am i doing oh god my brain my brain is my brain but from what I was seeing there it's nearly impossible but I don't know I don't know because I'm kind of starting to learn it you see what you see what I mean like again I'm not making it very far obviously I'm not but I'm kind of seeing like the rules for this but even so like I don't know [Music] boopie oh [ __ ] well I was wrong oh boy [ __ ] you woof double okay double double toilet wow you were in there before her oh yes boy Hey well no I'm not trying to beat it I'm not like there there's no way that I'm gonna be to because already I can tell even if there was a way to learn the pattern even if those away oh come on I flicked it alright well I guess I'll just sit here then Wow you know this is fun I'll just even if there was a way to memorize his pattern get it go for it like get-get the distance on it like I don't it wouldn't be worth the effort in my mind see it's too easy to flub up your things see you can respond you can respond to the threats you can respond to the threats like that's totally possible it's not it's insane it's it's insane like physically it'd take a long time of figuring [ __ ] out but yet like eventually eventually could do it if you just got the instincts because it didn't take me too long to get to oh I'm apparently my screens down I didn't even know that I couldn't see anything because it didn't take me long to get the instincts to be able to be quick like in 55 this is just a whole nother level of quick and just like this is just everything would have to be completely subconscious you you just analyze information [Music] really oh yeah this would be the hardest part just like balancing between I totally forgot that you were there yeah I think the problem is raising up and raising down the the monitor is a trigger event for too many characters at once so you end up with just this overwhelming surge of people in this there's probably next to nowhere next in no way to be able to get it enough that you could survive it [Music] I'm gonna give it just a couple more tries because this is this is obviously not going to happen but on a city oh well this this makes it impossible I think one of the other things you have to do is you have to always move I was kind of doing it in the other one you often to always move your mouse to the very end of the road that sounds bad all right oh I thought I had my bench closed apparently not oh yeah no I beat 55 mode I'm just seeing if if in any way this strategy can translate and it sort of can the heater the heater I forgot to activate the heater yeah on top of everything else that's happening in the middle of it you have to cycle in using the here which is just crazy so you have to do basically is there even gonna be enough power see that's that's that's the first piece of information that I saw that maybe like that's pointing to the idea that it's impossible because I was running low on power before here like with all these characters and was trying to remember everything doing this methodology I don't think this is gonna work but that's fine because I am good for now I am sick I am satisfied I beat 55 mode it's possible that fifty ten mode could be also something that's doable but like I don't like luck I don't want to deal with luck I'm good for now I've got other things that I want to do I've got other games that I want to play so I'm going to call this as the end of ultimate custom night for me if anyone wants to take any information that I provided and try to put it forward into any other strategy I think it would be technically possible to adapt some things that I was doing in a larger scale but with 50 20 mode there needs to be some really really fine-tuned rules for it like there's if you turn on the heater every time you bring the monitor up like turn the air-conditioning every time you bring it down flashlight to the left like quickly look cuz I was able to look and see if a nightmare BB was up and Adam but then like it does need some work and it's more work than I'd ever care for so good luck to everybody else who wants to try that I'm going to move on to more better things to do and then thank you everybody so much for 21 million subscribers I really appreciate that you have really joined a mediocre team with a mediocre figurehead if you want to see some really really average and subpar videos in your sub feed and you 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Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,558,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: five nights at freddy's, ultimate custom night, markiplier, gameplay, jumpscares, ending, secrets, easter eggs, strategy, guide
Id: IivG0I2wn9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 38sec (6818 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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