Markiplier | 3 Peens in a Pod (EP 69)(22 Dec 2020)(Golf Around!/UNO)

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things i will not with the heroes stop saying stop saying offensive things can you confirm if they can hear us chad if you can hear us spam the word penis in my chat only in boxing spam the words yeah that is literally in bob's chat penis mods in everyone else's chats stand down everyone spam penis spam it bob's chat on your platform you sound different like i call you a person that hasn't had sex and you know they're not allowed on twitch anymore yeah i listen the real dangerous words are are no joke and they have been handled by twitch which i assume is also a banned term yeah absolutely why would they allow that that's a terrible thing anyway all right let's show you something i'm good i'm a little tired weirdly i've been very tired lately i'm getting a little sleep i tried to do the uh the napping thing but it didn't work out um so i went back to like you know getting eight hours a night or something like regular and i'm more tired now than i was when i was taking my naps weird things rather i tried to only sleep for four hours a day 20 minutes at a time it didn't work it was like normal there's like you and like your different weird eating things you do i don't know why you're giving me [ __ ] now i told you about this over like three weeks over the past three years i expected it to actually work and now that you're back i get to make fun of you i know hey you're not listening to me i said now that i'm back i'm more tired than when i was when i was taking the naps that worked better than regular sleep why don't you go back to napping i might you're not letting me get to anything you're like oh yeah you're waiting oh yes like yes oh yeah i'm about to oh yeah oh yeah we'll do it then why aren't you is it time for a nap right now oh yeah you know you think it's time for a nap right now honestly man i felt a lot better back when i was doing i did i did like four or five hours a night and then i would take a couple 20 minute naps as needed i felt way better then than i do right now oh yeah then why did you come back because i was getting in the way of my day look man i don't need to explain myself to you why do you sleep why don't you why do you sleep from 5am to 2pm every day why do you do that yeah well you wouldn't flip this on me i don't know your sleep is the you're the weird sleeper i'm normal oh yeah you're right anyway i go back to bed i'll go back to bed i went sorry that that sleeping thing didn't work out i honestly thought if anyone could do it that you would have a good chance at it because he's going back are you not listening to me no but like it didn't work very well it didn't it's supposed to be superior my problem was my problem was i was not getting my three naps i was only getting like one or two a day um so like my sleep my my tiredness energy level throughout the day would like peak and and drop quickly um i wasn't doing regimented like three naps uh so i might try it again and do those because i can i can't deal with this like being tired all the time now like it's eight hours it's for chumps it sucks it doesn't work oh i feel pretty good i honestly don't but i'm just trying to counter your argument i feel great i slept for eight hours last night couldn't be better that's good man that's good taking care of myself eating right see i actually am really tired i went to bed at a reasonable hour but i couldn't fall asleep i grinded my teeth in my sleep so i recently got like a night guard to wear and i haven't quite gotten used to it and every time i find myself starting to doze off i would just let out a big drool and like it would wait wake me up i've had some issues falling asleep and i was really afraid gonna drown or wake up in my own saliva but i didn't so uh that's good man yeah let us know if you do yeah i will oh yeah why didn't you drown oh well i'm going back text my reminder or something you're going to listen are you even listening to me i'm going back to drowning how's the bone broth life mark let's keep getting mark updates in here i've i've kind of cut back a little bit i've i've only done the limit of what how much bone broth is good and gonna start like [ __ ] bone broth what i discovered is i was actually having too much salt um because the the bone broth it's very high in salt um and i would add salt to it because you know just be like the flavor but i didn't realize it already had a lot of salt in it so i would end up oh you were salting bone broth yeah because i was like that's a lot man i know i know now yeah so i would like i i did like a quarter a teaspoon of salt i tried to measure it out um into like two cups of of bone broth which i didn't think was that much um but cumulatively when i was drinking like two two containers of brown broth a day i was getting like 10 grams of salt and i think the daily recommended minimum is like one gram it's not like yeah like 1500 milligrams at most or something something like that and i was not doing that so you were getting you were getting seven to ten times your daily sodium intake yeah and then i got i got spooked because i started reading articles about how they they feed mice a diet of too much salt and they're like yeah these really weird proteins start building up in the brain and they start to get like senile their mental capacity drops incredibly and i'm like hmm all right maybe i should i can't add salt to things i've had high blood pressure like all my life just like not super high but like right at the borderline it's just always been there yeah so i'm not allowed to add salt like anything yeah i mean that's what i started doing i just haven't added salt and like that's weird because going out to restaurants with you you've always enjoyed didn't you put salt on like buttered bread or yeah that's not very weird memories of mark taking a piece a small piece of bread putting like an entire packet of butter on it and then crusting it in salt to the point where like it looked like there was as much salt as butter this is not a strange thing i'm not saying it's weird i'm just saying it's a lot of salt yeah look yes like i totally get that i saw you do that and i tried that once at home and i was like oh my god he's right but it's just a lot of salt it is a lot of salt yeah it goes back when i was a kid i was always like having lots and lots of salt um and then recently you know i've been reading these articles and i'm like oh [ __ ] maybe i shouldn't do that like the whole licking takis dust off of the tacos and not eating the tacos that's just for the salt i think i'm like a freaking deer looking for a salt like yeah like hydrate or something it doesn't is it a craving would you say it's a co it's like a craving for assault or enjoyment of something oh it's well both like it's it's probably some weird feedback loop that's been ingrained in my brain since childhood but yeah i love saltiness isn't that supposed to isn't that supposed to indicate that your body is asking for something like you need to hydrate more or or or you need other electrolytes or something like things like especially intense cravings like that are supposed to mean something yeah yeah definitely but at this point my brain's probably so reprogrammed to want only salt that it wouldn't know what it wanted otherwise but i seems to be alive uh so that's okay your brain seems to be doing really well buddy yeah thank you man thank you guys you seems to be alive you do you seems to be alive you sound watered alive i'm only allowed to eat water i have a heart attack for years what what helps lower your uh blood pressure i guess it helps flush the sodium i don't know if there's something to do with your blood pressure drinking lots of water bananas do something to help i just have potassium jesus jesus what is happening over there you're helping your jeep if you're if you're trying to change something what's happening just make sure if you need bananas help you find jesus that's all okay [ __ ] leave me alone you guys go back to talking now i don't know i want to know bananas or something what do you mean it's just it was one of the gifts from the seven deadly fathers that brought him crowns and stuff what the seven deadly fathers god that's the story i want to know about to reference [Laughter] you know when jesus was a baby in a barn in the middle of the deadly father and yeah and the seven deadly fathers came in and drunk dad said to coke dad you know what we gotta give this kid and he pulled his ass banana out yeah the hell is happening here what is the seven monkeys get loose it's like nothing just yeah by the kids did you add the four horsemen to the three wise men and come up with the seven deadly dads that is the best equation i've ever heard in my life three wise men plus four horsemen of apocalypse equals seven deadly dads look i'm going back to bed i might take a 20 minutes yeah that's hilarious man it's a miracle you're alive yeah uh in other news wade does have a story yeah i woke up i woke up just in time for this good nap man good nap yeah i was doing my normal you know three days in advance 10 minutes in advance as we were going live research podcast topics and you all remember the steamy romance on lifetime something about kfc mario lopez 11 herbs and spices of love yeah the succulent of love or whatever the hell it was called licking good if you guys are still looking for that new console now you're trying to find the ps5 the new xbox whatever the hell it is you can't find it i have the holiday update for you let's go over to wade cam live here uh and i will show you all let me link this to my my co sponsors here um co-sponsors i think i've got one i've just got an image pulled up that i'm gonna keep here we go the kf console is real and said to bring bring an end to the console wars okay of course it looks just same honestly it looks pretty cool i actually kind of like it oh wait this is cool look at this the did you read the description or anything anything no no the kf console is designed to keep your freshly purchased food piping hot as you frag foes online something which the ps5 and xbox series x or whatever it's called simply can't do and don't do instances don't put chicken inside them i guess that's a warning they had to put in the custom-built cooling system extracts system heat through the outside of the chicken chamber so the hardware stays suitably cool and your chickie stays warm this is an incredible idea olive resifi just said kfc on seoul if they call this the kf con sale would be kfc on sale oh my god it is a kfc on sale it's a mind [ __ ] of a name no no no no no i'll go back to bed it's just a new hot gaming cop so what what games can you play on this what does this have like an m16 n64 emulator in it i don't know oh man look it's actually just a raspberry pi inside with like all of the 8-bit 16-bit emulators they could find chucked on there honestly even if it was just that like better than the soulja boy console uh like i don't carry it like if it's like one of those christmas 128 games in one like it's just all the not even nes what other stats reveal the system's vr ready has the compatibility to run games at 240 frames per second with a 240 hertz output includes 4k gaming with ray tracing it says it was made in partnership with cooler master it's actually real but now i don't understand what's inside of it it's like a micro uh like a micro tower computer this bargain bucket shape machine is also capable of chewing through the latest games the specs are firmly unwrapped the console promises to have a top end intel cpu and asus hot swappable mini gpu two one terabyte nvme uh ssd storage card from seagate brain them brand brand name brand name cards which means the kf console can run crisis okay maybe even cyber junk 2077 but i don't know about that here's a fascinating thing that i'm seeing okay so the twitter that they have is kfc gaming right i have a vote from them they it's verified too that twitter went up august 2018. how long have they been planning the kf console at least two years i'd say there's a reason man oh my god that's loud they follow me guys kfc gaming follows me they don't follow me hell yeah nerds they only follow 236 people and why am i not one of them why am i not one of them why am i not one of them guys i'm getting why don't you view copy of the kf console uh early so i will be able to let everyone know how good the chicken is and how many bugs cyber drug 2077 has this is ridiculous am i not a gamer in their eyes am i not a real gamer hey you're not a gamer in mind thanks man calm down i think every time i get interviewed for like game relations i was like i'm not a gamer yeah i don't know what to tell you guys i i don't play video games really i don't i don't know what you're talking about it's not a video you can be honest and say that you hate video games at this point because it's been too many well i don't hate video games look oh that's my fifth twitter fab that's open that's good i'm gonna close four of those all right i can't believe the kf console people follow me i'm i'm coming up nice man look i'm proud of you you love me but this was a prank from a while back man a while back that article came out 20 minutes before we went to the prank from a while back posted on twitter two hours ago that's a hell of a time machine that's how everything goes on there's always someone that's like i heard about this like five years ago i i've been watching you mark since 20 2008 i love your channel mark i've been watching your youtube content since i was two in the early 90s and i love you you think it's just like time travelers accidentally slipping up that'd be sick [Laughter] that's the kind of human is allowed to time travel in the future when that becomes ubiquitous uh is promising because it means that it's easily fixable yeah they let any random idiot time travel oh man but either way if that if that even if that is i really hope it's real i really hope this works i really hope i can get my hands on one there's no it heats your chicken up there's no way that they can how big is this thing well computers don't need to be that big what i imagine is it's like a mini pc it's got a mini gpu on it which i don't exactly know the size of but if it's only got nvme storage if it's got a like the tiniest little motherboard you can get yeah if it could entirely fit in the base of that bucket if the buckets even if the buckets are relatively medium to small size it could be totally legit that there's a little tiny computer in there yeah absolutely i hope it's actually the size of a family bucket i thought that's the idea right it's meant to be like a kfc bucket yeah if it's not they're they're like they're not designing to spec but it makes it weirdly makes sense because like the ambient temperature of the inside of a computer at least the radiant heat from the cpu and gpu would kind of be the perfect heat to keep things warm not cook things not cook them will keep them warm always thought that yeah that that that heat could be used for something productive from computers and it's mostly just counteracted by air conditioning yeah in general yeah man it's fascinating that's this might be the next revolution dude what if it's good what is it like i wouldn't hold my breath for that but what if the kf console comes out and it's like because it's a it's a bit they if they price it affordably and a lot of people buy it and it turns out to just be a really nice dependable little computer with a weird bonus feature and it's just it's just like good like it's just solidly good can i also mention that the aesthetics are really really nice i i made f like it's a trash can of course but like you know it it's not trying to be the mac pro or something like that it's not trying to be anything other than what it is like it's a bucket and you look at that and you you look at that now and you're like it's a bucket but you're like that is a sexy ass bucket that is a [ __ ] delightful bucket because you know it's a bucket it's not trying to be anything else it's not like maca is like oh it looks like a dress guy and they're like no it's not you know tim apple was like no oh it's not but this is clearly a bucket and i'm like that is the nicest bucket i've ever seen in my life that is sick well they are being they are i mean this is not a new thing but they are being very careful about what is shown to obviously somewhere on the back there's gonna be like either the motherboard faceplate or like a custom extension of where the plugs go or you know yeah this i like i like it what i wanna know is do they have their own like is it a skin on windows do they have some sort of weird like launcher because because the the gimmick is it's a console right obviously it's a pc i guess but like how do they sell that if it's just a windows device oh wait hang on guys this was announced a while ago there's a video on kfc gaming on youtube uh yeah there's a fake trolley thing that apparently came out like six months ago i just got a link to as well apparently it was not a fake trolley thing apparently it was not uh i think it's i got this this was june 15th 2020. and i bet everyone saw this one was like yeah right okay very funny my god is it actually real and i thought it was weird that kfc was like making a play into the gaming space but if this was the end goal of that it kind of makes a lot more sense it's cool the chicken chamber it's called the chicken shape it's a chicken chaperone where are you seeing all that fake thing yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait and here's a link to the one from like 20 minutes ago yeah this is this is a fantastic i i'm just i don't know this is 100 real i am not at all concerned that this will potentially be fake oh are you on the website kf console my god world first built-in chicken chamber that you're right you're right they're they show you a uh opaque model of how everything fits inside it's legitimate guys where are you seeing that you scroll down under the chicken chamber graphic on the landing page there's like a wireframe model of like the gpu in the bottom and the little motherboard above it and and the how it's all oh and it shows ports on the top back it has a usb port it looks like an audio oh my god you're right yeah there it is oh they're stuffing like a uh that's that looks like a um probably a 1660 or something like that i just hope that whatever this ends up being real or not they include the ability to watch that lifetime movie from the console wow i'm gonna have faith i'm gonna choose to believe honestly uh looking at this i believe it's real because this the intel and uc-9 i've seen this actually in a couple other builds i think it's in the new razer um like the razer tomahawk i think it's called uh so this thing actually can game you know i'm freaking surprised but uh i think it's real guys i think it's i think it's actually real the first paragraph on the new article says after an initial reveal back in june which many dismissed as a prank the console's been officially brought to fruition in collaboration with pc specialist yeah yeah so they're saying that it was thought to be a prank back in june but now proof that it's not unless this is a what if they fooled people like a second or third time with the same money no i believe this is real i do it too because i want to buy it now that has to be real it's already in my mind i don't care how much it costs in my head i don't care just buy it yes kfc gaming if you need to promote this because people don't believe it's real we are your boys you're following bob you're following him already yeah we are we've already been in touch you already know who we are let's get in contact have your people reach out to our people we will we will display our buckets proudly i will run an entire stream off of the bucket and then eat the chicken out of the bucket that the stream is emanating from from from whence from within whatever we'll do we can guys kfc listen honestly somebody watching this has got to be like related to colonel sanders we have to have like lieutenant sanders is watching right now or private sanders get us in contact this is so i i'm so excited about what 2021 is going to give us if this turns out to be like a marketing gimmick and then like there's only a limited number and mark gets one but no one no none neither of us gets one just because mark's like oh 29 30 million votes subscribers on a website that's irrelevant now i'm going to be very disappointed in the kf console but if i'm able to get my my grubby little hands on this and grease it up with the chicken that i so desire i'm deleting my youtube channel i'm only going to upload to kfc tv from now on right okay yeah when is it when are they launching their own stream well we'll find out i'll talk to my people i'll have your people talk to my people there's the ultimate conspiracy bait and switch brime live is actually brian live it's a kfc themed streaming service that they're working on working on partnering talking to people behind the scenes selling the kf console to people it's going to be a whole thing the kf console is optimized to stream to brine live all sponsored by kfc brine partners get a free bucket a week to show off how their kf console keeps the chicken warm what if it's a whole thing guys the internet is all just run by kfc what if that's what it is i kfc owns disney kfc owns the world it's like the cake thing it's actually it's chicken all the way down it's kfc and everything everything's kfc yeah we don't have cakes anymore we've got a box with this styrofoam cup it's gonna be chicken the whole way through oh yeah i can't i can't even joke about that i can't i feel sick i can't even joke about that what you did that why did you i don't know how you feel about styrofoam i know i know but i i just shut up and move on okay so why don't you make a fan art of wade eating just a huge pile of styrofoam yeah and then make sure you tweet that out someone told me they used to choose styrofoam peanuts and i still haven't no it makes me sick it makes me sick thinking about the fact that i'm putting their mouth willingly bit down well that yeah that's the thing actually amy did that because you know she she so it looked at a package she was like oh i bet these are those styrofoam peanuts that are biodegradable and edible and i'm like how would you know and she just popped one in her mouth and started chewing and she was like yeah i think so maybe yeah and then three years later she [ __ ] out a completely undigested packing peanut and was like ah man i had like a hundred of those anyway um so that is in development uh we look forward to a new player in the console wars very exciting and that was officially all the news we had that's i that was my news does the world even need any more news than that honestly probably not no i don't think so oh rumor has it that uh there's a holiday coming up this week so if you're celebrating uh good [ __ ] right good [ __ ] good luck no you say to people who celebrate holidays good luck like oh hey it's fourth of july good luck mother's day good luck i guess i've been doing it wrong i don't know yeah i just always give everyone a good luck card for every holiday all right man it's your 30th birthday good luck i don't think we talked about this this actually is kind of interesting gaming news about how the playstation store removed cyberpunk from it okay yeah because you go console do you want to expose this sure sure yeah go for it position because i only saw it and i was like oh man that seems serious but what is it actually what does it mean oh i was laughing at you i i can i can fill in the details kind of this is this is journalism it sounded like you had like all right so i i have i want to talk about all the hate being tossed towards cyberpunk and the way it's coming out but this started with cyberpunk 2077 came out and it it doesn't run very well on some things it has minimum specs it's supposed to work on next-gen consoles and also on the xbox one and ps4 generation of consoles it got a past spec which means that sony approved it to be clear sony said yeah that's good enough put that on our store originally okay but uh but but basically it doesn't run very well it looks like kind of potatoes on the older consoles it's extremely buggy on all versions and some people liked it regardless because i think some people just really appreciated the story and the characters and they are beautiful and the story is pretty pretty good pretty riveting and the universe is very interesting like i played it i don't know i played like six hours of it and uh and i got to the point where spoilers happened so i'm not going to talk about it but i initially played it and hated it and i switched to playing it on controller and that made it better because it's clearly designed to be played on controller the keyboard mouse inputs are like super laggy but uh it has it has issues but everyone there was just like the seething tidal wave of anger it started with people being really disappointed and then it it grew to people being really angry it grew to people being really angry at cd projekt red the developer of the game people started demanding refunds sony started granting refunds i believe microsoft is also granting refunds for xbox one x uh users and it it culminated in the peak of it at least in terms of like coverage and people talking about it that i was seeing was sony officially removed cyberpunk from the digital store so you can no longer purchase the game digitally on the sony pf play play whatever playstation store whatever it's called but like this like people were sending like the usual internet stuff like death threats and it's just horrible things to the developers and it's you know slowly and on on it hasn't quelled the anger but slowly it's been coming out that like oh actually it was sort of management that that rushed this developers really pushed to get this out so they you know they they would have wanted more time but that's not how the game industry works and like i think it's a huge oversight that people are not pissed at sony or at least there hasn't been enough anger at sony and microsoft they approve the game to get a game onto the xbox one and the playstation store you have to send it version of the game to them and they play test it so whatever issues are current are happening or have been happening in the playstation 4 and and xbox one versions of the game they saw that [ __ ] they were fully aware that it was it ran poorly it looked way worse and they were like yeah post that [ __ ] let's make some money and i have not seen enough people being like you know who should have caught this sony should have caught this and sony had the opportunity to be like this is not good enough you're either not selling this for playstation 4 or you have to fix it you have to optimize it and make it so that it runs comparably well on the older generation of consoles but like what have you guys heard about this because that's basically i think a summary of what has happened honestly i've played a bit of it i don't think now so to compare to me it's very similar to the launch of skyrim when skyrim first came out but i played skyrim on playstation whereas i'm playing cyberpunk on pc and skyrim on playstation was god-awful when it first launched it was completely broken you couldn't do half the quest without running into a game ending bug i three or four times had to restart skyrim because i found a game just a bug that you could not even fix by going back to an old save skyrim was in such awful shape when it first came out now everyone's like i can't wait for the next elder scrolls game dude skype is one of the best games of all time and i don't remember how witcher 3 launched but i feel like witcher 3 had some issues when it first came out too but like all of these big open world games always have these issues everyone always throws a [ __ ] hissy fit and then like three years down the line they're like dude that is the best game i've ever played wouldn't change it for anything i played i don't know 10 to 15 hours of cyberpunk i've enjoyed it along the way i've run into one bug that required me to restart my game to fix i'm playing on pc admittedly not console so i can't say about the console uh editions of the game but on pc after he after the fears of three delays and then it's still coming out around holiday i was like i'll bet you they needed another three to five months to work on this and they're just trying to get out for christmas so we'll see what it's like i've been pleasantly surprised i've enjoyed the story graphically there's the occasional thing but it's nothing like andromeda to me like in drama whenever i was playing at the uncanny valley in andromeda and the dude like talking about like losing a parent or something and he's like he's smiling looking the wrong way cross-eyed there's nothing like that um i think that they oversold some elements of it like the whole it's not a big deal to me but it's just weird to me that like the character creation has so much just like full frontal rear nudity like just you see everything in character creation and the game itself really hasn't had much of that which is fine it's just weird like why why they include it unless they meant to expand it and do more with it yes there's so much dick emphasis if there's nothing i did and the dick gameplay slider i was like oh my god is yours does the size dictate like who you can sleep with later or something like oh is this a game it does seem to basically be a purely shock value almost like yeah yeah you can have a giant junk and then never even be able to see it or see how it affects anything in the game world it just is it's down there i guess yeah it's like comparatively to the skyrim experience on console at least cyberpunk on pc actually seems to be in pretty good shape to me compared to what i was expecting with the delays and things yeah i think the story is interesting the world's fun to explore i went back and i launched gta on gta 5 online which admittedly is like a seven or eight year old game now but graphically speaking cyberpunk looks fantastic comparatively um again i think it's in actually pretty good shape i think people are overblowing the issues i've had maybe three 15 hours i've had maybe three or four times where i've seen a character do something that's like okay well that kind of broke immersion and one time i had a quest that wouldn't progress until i restarted the game maybe i'm lucky but maybe in my experience of it's been like oh this is actually pretty damn good shape for what i was thinking it was gonna be um and yeah the people mad at the developers should probably be looking a little bit higher up the food chain than the devs themselves because i'm sure that they wanted to polish it and add some more content first yeah i think it's just it's also like a self-reflective thing where it always comes back to bite people in the ass they get so hyped up they have in their mind and imagination of what this game is going to be like the incredible experiences they're going to have and even if it doesn't even live up the tiniest bit to their expectations they get disappointed and they need to channel that disappointed and most of the time it's emotionally immature people that funnel that disappointment into death threats and stuff like that and he's just like how dare you not live up to my imagination's capabilities like i could have made a better game it's like no he couldn't have but okay whatever i was never really interested in cyberpunk i don't know why they sent me stuff i got like a backpack cyberpunk i was like i've never talked about this game at all ever but i think i just sent them out to everybody and it's just like yeah i got one you got one you got a what wait what i'm sorry you got a you got a backpack yeah they sent me a backpack i don't know you're you're not even going to play the game though i know that doesn't seem i mean i don't want one either but they just randomly blasted out stuff to whomever was on their top creators list i guess yeah man i get stuff like that all the time that's so weird yeah i i mean i get they want you to be excited and they would like whoa what mark needs to hopefully he'll tweet a picture or something and say thank you but like i feel like they could gauge that you're not interested i feel like you've never tweeted or said a word about it i feel like giving me things at this point is really risky considering i i usually leave now more than anything you really just love making content making fun of the things that people send me it's great stuff but uh you know i didn't think of it much at all this time but also i bet if you if you were any sort of critical about cyberpunk before it came out you would have been roasted alive i would have lost so many fans but it's okay who cares but honestly so like there are issues with the game one i i have no understanding of game development so i have no realistic like take on this i do feel like it sucks that the reality of games that we live in is like like wade was talking he was like all these games have these issues like that's just how it is in six months it'll be fixed like fine why can't it just be released in like pretty much a good state i don't know why like i don't know if there's a technical reason i don't know if it's hard to test on a scale that's big enough to find all these things because we go from maybe hundreds or thousands of testers i don't know how many to millions and millions of people playing there's gonna be stuff that shakes out that you just couldn't have found uh in the small scale test but like why why why can't games get be closer to done when they come out like i don't think it's just okay that it's like ah barely even works but it's launch day i paid 60 bucks in a year it'll be fine it's like that's not that's not okay that's not like a good state for an industry to be in i imagine i don't know why that is i imagine the difference oh no it's all good i imagine what it is is it's it's focus testing versus overall testing i imagine when you're developing a game you test it in small sections based on what you've made there's probably less and less as time goes on in game development process where you have people who are completely new to the game playing it from start to finish uh so i think it is a scale thing i think there are a lot of bugs that come out from just like seeing from the very beginning all the different options like you didn't know that the penis slider would break those scenes down in like the 15 hours into the game because how could you know because you wouldn't have made that choice they probably have standard like characters that they just load in for testing they only test based on where they're currently working on um like i think it is just a scale thing but that being said like there are there are a few times when it's like okay this really should have been tested like for consoles and stuff like that like this should have been clear the hardware is all the same for pc hardware is all over the place who the frick knows what's in some people's computers sometimes uh true but like i i think it is just there's no way they can replicate a hundred thousand people playing it all at once from start to finish still think it's in better shape like i said than skyrim was everyone just seems to forget once games get patched up that they were [ __ ] at launch it doesn't excuse it being [ __ ] at launch but well i mean it's in better shape than that one more thing i also think about it this way like back in the day before there was day one patches like games like uh let's say pre-2003 or something like this you had games like uh like deus ex or half-life that came out they shipped gold they had to they had the ship gold like they had the ship completely tested working perfectly like back in the n64 days there's no patch for those there's nothing there's never going to be anything like even playstation 2 not many people very few people had internet connections playstation 3 and xbox 360 360s when internet connections for consoles really started to become a thing so like those games back a day they had to be perfect or else they were crap their entire life they're not gonna ship another disc that's like the update disc unless unless they make like a deluxe edition or a master edition or like an ultimate edition something like that then they can fix the things but yeah back in the day they they couldn't have bugs and they sure didn't ship games with bugs like well that being said they definitely did ship games with bugs but bugs are huge but it was fine yeah it's probably fine yeah yeah no it's it is interesting yeah all those games are about to talk okay so wait before i say something like oh those games are much smaller i'm like those games were much more complexly programmed than you would ever imagine the games today are the amount of resources they on this system and the kind of like workarounds they had to put in to get the max effort out of those systems i'm not saying that some games these days don't have that level of effort but do not say like just because it was smaller doesn't mean that it was less complex the guy who made roller coaster tycoon built that in assembly that oh my god really by himself built the entire thing out of assembly by himself oh yeah you're not meant to code in that language i mean technically you are fermented it's meant well but like modern coding techniques you're meant to code in a in a human interface language it's it's translated into assembly because it's such an unwieldy thing to work with yeah yeah i know i know right but it lets you do exactly it lets you get exactly the most out of the console or the computer besides programming in binary like you it's the only way you can get the absolute maximum out of everything i didn't know what that that's insane yeah most nintendo games really loved roller coasters dude he was just really good yeah and to this day that game still holds up roller coaster tycoon too like it holds up because it was just so well made um and so like just because games are bigger doesn't mean that they are any less or games were smaller back then doesn't mean that they were any less complex or more difficult imagine programming in binary i don't think you can i don't think humans could you i mean they must because they had to build it all started from binary but i don't know that's beyond i never took computer science classes so i don't know anything about that anyway what are we talking about i don't know i've been having really bad internet issues for like three or four weeks and i'm dropping like just ten percent of my frames every time i stream and it's driving insane [Music] i guess i just don't know what to do to fix it i cannot seemingly solve it because molly and i will both be streaming from the same internet i'm much closer to the router even than she is and she won't be dropping any frames and i'll be dropping like 10 to 15 of them i don't know why yeah sounds like it's your computers [Music] do you have static ips or do you have dynamic whatever ips on your network i bet you know that answer i'll bet you i do too but i can't say for fear if i'd have to kill you if i told you ah yes yes yeah that is true that is 100 true i don't know anything about networking so i can't actually help you but i can laugh about it oh can i tell can i talk something about networking i again i'm not sponsored by quest 2 but i really want to be um i love it so much yesterday i was trying out phasmaphobia solovr and i was playing on my quest two i was streaming gameplay from my desktop through wi-fi to my headset flawlessly i was able to channel the the microphone from the headset to my computer so that i could talk to ghosts uh like completely wireless the resolution was fantastic because it's the quest and it's like the highest resolution thing now like it worked perfectly i was just in my room streaming from my computer recording from my computer everything worked and i it was like the first time i played vr and i was like this is amazing there's no power in your head exactly it was incredible i i just i loved it and i'm like holy [ __ ] it can actually work nowadays like the wireless future is on the way i was like i guess it's actually coming like that was nuts so that is crazy i would be incredibly curious to do a multiplayer play through with that where yeah i where you and i start together on our wireless like i would have to set that up i don't actually have side quests and i haven't done that but like i could set that up for sure and i would be curious what the latency is like really low it's it's astonishingly i did not notice it because that would mean that we were talking to each other wirelessly through like a ch a ridiculous chain of our own local devices and then over the internet yeah it would be fascinating yeah plus it would be a really funny content and wade doesn't have one so he said wait you know everyone he can't come you have a headset though right you have some kind of vr i have i got the quest too oh but what do you have okay do you use it it's in the box thank you so much god man it just came in like a week and a half you know what i haven't had time wait instead of you buying any more beautiful pieces of technology that you you're literally never even going to take the saran wrap off of just send me a check every month for like three to five hundred dollars then you won't have the boxes on your floor in your way when you're shuffling around in your bathrobe and i will be able to buy technology that i'll unwrap set up and use to its fullest potential yeah i'm gonna i just the number of months and or years that your go xlr sat in a box and you did the bit where you picked it up and yelled at the box when we were all doing go xlr bits it was healthy that you are a liar sir yeah and on top of that my go xlr is set up and it worked for a solid one month and before it stopped and it hasn't worked for six or nine months it's not mine you didn't even move it's not like you had to tear your setup down and you're in the exact same place it just stopped working and you didn't even fix it i've tried no that's that one i have tried immediately because i like the buttons and i've tried with four different people who use the go xlr to try to get it fixed like the buttons what okay okay i literally cannot use discord on discord it will not pick up my voice unless i am specifically on sample it will not pick up your voices unless you are all programmed to come out through the game i would say that like i trust that you've looked through the software and accurately checked all the settings for the routing and stuff don't even trust that solutions i went through their discord for solutions i've been a call with pat i've been a call with jp i've been in a call with dan uh there was someone else who tried to help me with it uh zombie ball i think tried to help me there's been several people tried to help me with this nobody can figure out why the hell my xlr will not work as it's supposed to and specifically it seems to be a major issue with discord it just will not work with this cord well and nobody can seemingly figure out why i will close that as an issue all right this isn't going to turn into like tech help podcasts but did you uninstall delete all the registry files or whatever and then reinstall the software i have i yeah i have unplugged it deleted everything i tried to go in and even find like files that aren't deleted when they say they're deleted i've tried did you try the dxlr on like your laptop or something just to see i've not tried it on another computer i have not tried the hardware another computer look i think bob it's a hopeless case you just need to give up on him having technological competence and it's fine it's okay open your quest to and set it up i even bought an extra wire for it i forget why but i did the oculus link cable probably that you can plug it into your two packages sometimes i gotta say you will need uh do you have wi-fi six like a router with wi-fi six he doesn't bob my router i don't but i fully i'm aware of that and if i'm if i go through the process of setting up the side quest thing i it will be because i'm also buying the router i want to get i need to get a new router my router's a few years old and i can tell that it's the wi-fi and it's starting to be a little yeah they just started well the prices of wi-fi six routers started dropping because wi-fi 6.1 or whatever came out i don't know but but uh you mean wi-fi type a negative yeah yeah 3.2 came out 802.1 usb idiot tell you what you guys gave up on me and i'm pretty incompetent you might as well just go ahead and buy and send me the router you think i need i'll i'll accept that i'll sit on your floor of your office no no no no htc vive pro and other boxes of i assume beautiful technology that's wasting away languishing and sadness on the stupid floor of your stupid office i've got the stream deck set up in the xlr setup now you know do you understand how painfully jealous i am that you have an enormous basement where you could have an augmented reality studio set up down there you you you have so much space and potential in that beautiful house and you just just said just you should set it up you should open it all right it smells good it smells good wait i promise i do like good smells that's good i was driving around yesterday and there was like a weird segment of the road where we got like a whiff of gasoline but it was like our whole car was gas i feel like we were underwater in gasoline i could just smell gasoline i thought i was gonna die from it but also it smelled really good at the same time and that's what you made me think of just now so thank you for that i remember the smell of gasoline and i like it even though it's not really good no dude the smell of gasoline is an interesting smell i'll give you that all right man mark you ever just sniffed gas yeah actually you want to curve let's sniff some guys this holiday season with me i'm sure that's not good for your brain definitely no no no no i was told video games rob my brain maybe it can't it's double negative it'll cancel out if i sniff gas and play video games i'm going to be so smart six minus a lot i've solved it in his basement just with a jug of gasoline playing call of duty screaming at six-year-old children actually i have started playing the call of duty multiplayer recently oh i've sadly had fun with it and that's surprising to me oh that's good man good job man you'll play some gas no there was a guy on my team named toe sucker the other day he was great that's great man it was like mlg toe sucker so it was fantastic okay without the gas talking it might be the helium all right guys hey listen i think it's time for us to move to the gaming portion oh good i went to my starting screen instead of showing my camera because my frames are so bad i'm excited to play this game in the dark come on we're gonna do a podcast style gaming session on my end what what happened which game what game you guys want to play just uh tell me out loud it's fine mark let's play the golf one let's go yeah let's yeah let's warm up with golf yeah okay are we going to take a time yeah break a little tight five oh let's take a let's stay let's squeeze in a five okay squeeze it out squeeze it out five squeezing out of five be back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] you're hearing my voice you're going insane nothing's happening yet nothing [Music] don't worry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey how's it going guys i did not know that i was muted that time but i like to keep you on your toes so uh just because i look like an idiot right now doesn't mean that you guys need to make fun of me you guys can be nice for once and that would be really cool uh hit that follow button hit that follow button right now because how the hell are you ever going to know when we're streaming thank you so much for being here we're going to go into the gaming portion very soon ah everything's good man everything's good i'm gonna get a kf console and that's gonna be really cool hey smack that follow button what are you doing with your lives if you don't follow then you'll never know when we stream it's not like we stream the same day every week it's just you know something like that all right hello hello oh hi hey what's up guys bill uh yeah what what you came in i'm just really annoyed i've not been able to have a good stream in like a month and i just don't know what to do to fix it people are giving me suggestions of like trying to switch sports on the router and stuff like that but like obs is constantly in there it's like weird i have no issues running any game i i can't detect if i run like a speed test it shows me everything's fine but obs is just constantly in the red weird is the cpu too high or is it just um if you go to uh view you know view you click on stats yeah uh where is the error is it dropping frames is it not like skipping frames due to rendering and coding rendering and coding are fine they're 100 of the issues are under uh drop frames network yeah i just get a new router i get a wi-fi six router we have a complicated setup so whenever you say get a new router you like we have spectrum so by default spectrum brings you their shitty whatever uh that is that called a router that's a no that's the modem right yeah so you leave the modem alone you would just replace the router you connect to the modem yes okay because i believe my my in my ethernet cable i believe is connected directly to the modem i don't think it even goes to the router interesting fascinating i usually don't do that but i think it is i have to double check it's we also have we we had the house wired when we first got it to the where we could i had like this office was built and then i had ethernet moved up to be in the wall for molly's office yeah so we have the modem uh-huh the router and then we have like some kind of i what it's even called but it's some kind of like splitter thing that like has a lot more yeah yeah switch um so i don't even know how i figure out what where the actual issue is i want to replace the router and i'm hoping that will fix everything yeah but um yeah we have like those three things sitting there together so i could try a different port on the switch i could try plugging it into the router directly or the modem directory so you have a router and a switch but you are plugged into the modem i i i'd have to look i don't honestly don't remember my head yeah okay because i'm plugged in through my office and my office is probably i would say it's more than likely going through the switch yeah but for some reason i thought i was directly into the modem but that might have been before i had the switch put in man i'll help you off stream because that sounds complicated yeah well if you if you have time yeah whenever you have time oh well i'll i'll plug through today but so far we're at uh what 24 000 dropped frames 24 000 frames i send it you all the um room information all right this sounds great all right in before wade frames flag wade lag frames got it meet you there's even hats and stuff this is literally just go with your friend is this like made by the people who made golf with your friends who were just like probably stolen from them oh well they're close is the game [Music] in the menu to customize your ball color is also a button that just straight up closes the game oh okay all right then i really hope this isn't copyrighted music what is this it does not sound copyrighted like this sounds like gennaro it sounds yeah uh what's this game called golf around yeah golf or whatever hey you're the host now apparently host now all right cool because i apparently just exited the entire game okay i think it's all set up and this is the first map so it's fine also make sure you hide the password because otherwise okay hang on one second where is the password it's not i mean when you're entering it make sure you hit it i guess right okay which is too late if i was trying to warn you ahead of time yeah i'm here okay i'm gonna show the i'm gonna show it cool i'm already doing it so i hope so all right cool all right that's not it man the music is just tight all right we're all in here i'm gonna start it i guess yeah let's let's golf baby okay all right so this is golf around not golf with your friends the golf around okay is it happening is this golf click round push for okay who's oh my god do we have turns is it me do we go push forward to charge okay all right oh we just go that's right we just all go e that was too much i made it i made it guys i'm getting horrible flashbacks yeah this is um it's gonna be fine also jumping is totally on yeah what's the oh i didn't read the is it special to jump i don't know i believe it says camera scroll to zoom uh collision is on so please get the hell out of my goddamn way how about you get out of my way welp oh you weighing get real good there well wade yeah i'm i'm on my way oh yes is there ball collisions yeah there's balls yard balls can touch oh the jump oh yeah the jump the jump i forgot about the jump balls yeah it's space okay why do they give us all the f1 to close help i don't want to see that anymore get out of my face you all took two strokes it looked like you took like three yeah i i took two i took two okay sure whatever no no i'm not this is not gonna work oh it worked what an adorable game of just regular old mini golf we're playing really nice this is nice it's a looper loop that's okay looper loopers are fine oh who hit me who hit me oh i think i hit you yeah you did why sorry sorry it's all right there we go oh that jump actually suck all right it's okay oh no wade's in the lead by one what are we gonna do what no cheeses i think it's meant to distract me guys all right okay oh no not the bread guys the bread really kept me out of the hole there i feel cheated delightful that's all esports mini golf look man you're about to see some maneuvers the likes of which you've never seen this music while delightful is gonna make me kill myself i'm just gonna go ahead and turn that off and put my own music on in the background you know what you might be right about that let me uh yeah not that i don't like it i just hate it with every fiber of my being you don't like mobart you don't like uh guys why did that just make you do your arm destroyed laugh the classic mark laugh where he goes sundry thank you okay how do i turn this stupid music off please whatever you do don't like exit for god's sake because it just closes the game with no warning or as confirmation or anything arbitrary how would you wait what's where your thing's gonna shoot oh i see what happens it's a game dude it's a game shoot for your whole life i'm a wizard golf you throw it absolutely i think i would have made it good shot sir oh dear good luck buddy i've gotta make it oh yes i did it i did it i did it what am i inside of oh wade we're on the floor now oh do i get a do i gotta jump at it oh i gotta ramble out of this thing it drops you out don't jump out don't do nothing it drops you oh it drops you oh a whole individual oh hey doesn't seem fair well that doesn't seem fair at all i don't know what you want i'm in i got emoji first try are you interested you don't look in man you look out shut shut it i'm i'm in first shot he's not done to me he's not into me oh there he goes she's in i'm in he's in he's out he's out oh that's not going in oh hell yeah oh come on seven we're all at the same seven we're all good here wait what is what are we looking at one oh okay i picked a hole i went in it was that the right answer no this is the wrong one it's not the last one is it the first one i i got the middle one which seems to be okay hey oh dick dick birdie [ __ ] up bird not the first one mark it's not the first one i saved what am i here now okay there we go all right i got this what if there was a game where you could turn off responding so you were just down wherever the hell you were that wasn't that was an option on the other one man i think so all right hold on one oh oh nice bounce mark all right this is how we do this is oh this is how we do you're into space oh god there goes my lead why did you yell jump i was trying to get them scared yes well i was tired of being in last place after my seven you know ah yeah it happens oh there's a weird it's a middle there's a gate i got strats oh almost know about that one man ready for this oh my god okay maybe i shouldn't have done that okay just because i was placed in the wrong spot no i did it i did it i didn't do it i'm not in the right spot all right i'll take celebrated birdie par great job everybody look at this all being equal yeah this is pretty nice we are all right so we want the third one third yeah it looks like a thing i'm making it oh my god no not this way no no no dude i'm in the half pipe x game's over here no not that one no no that one oh no well i was just playing with fire wasn't i oh my god oh oh no shoot all right here we go i've got i've got the stratagems oh baby no no no no no no no no no no wait wait perfect wait wait get away from me oh this is the one okay oh oh oh and my finishing mark i [Laughter] got the lowest i'm the best oh no this is a park these are my people they will let me pass they well they did they did they didn't seem to do anything to you at all but you just ruined it your own self okay wait timing is everything i tried no you didn't [Music] poop i'm sorry you're so disappointed oh going the way martha didn't go oh get out of here all right bob could you give me a little push no hey hey hey bob come on oh yes bar baby bar baby bar baby i'm a parboiled baby i just need a little boop oh oh bob oh bob oh bob oh that would have been really nice that would have been so sick man that would have been tight got it all right cool i am slowly creeping into first place yeah me too me too what's happening i don't know man i don't know you guys thought you were out of strats [Laughter] i'll show you the real strats show us yeah i'll show you the real dino in his name was tim this is the real strats uh i need a little booby from you yeah i'm not giving you anything you don't get poopy you don't get boopy you ain't good enough for that okay oh boy it's really the race is really totally creeping up oh oh oh it's another windy goo yeah guys i love wine to goo oh wow oh get away from me get away from me all right okay what are you gonna do come on hit me hit me i dare you get the hell out of my way hit me i dare you i will do anything in my power too okay all right let's see i will literally throw away everything to avoid hitting you thanks man all right my turn what i'm waiting here they're gonna they're gonna get they're gonna come get me who's gonna get you they're gonna come get me you guys are gonna come get me we you guys pick me up at the grocery store me and bob we're gonna come get you why are we going to come get me you guys pick me up i'll come get you wade why did this happen i just needed one of you to come here i'm coming to you all right i'm coming what you want hey wade how's it going all right we said you wanted us to come over here we came okay we came right away as fast as we could yeah man i am destroying hey get out of my way what are you doing what is this what yeah what is that wait do we have to do we get in that somehow yeah but how how um but i have a it's over to the well actually where you're right where is the whole is it is it to our right there is it right i think it might be so do we have a solution to this problem all right wait try it wait go for it all right there you go that'll get them to keep going wow you guys suck you suck but not you're good but i think i'm definitely the best of us yeah you are you are huh i'm still in first so if i hold on for two more contraption that we definitely did uh-oh wait why is this happening oh okay if you go to free camera it doesn't bring you back to the ball automatically this was a mistake no my lead marley you want to see the strats no don't show me i did the strats yeah oh yeah oh [ __ ] didn't work i see ah good strats man get away buddy get away from me get away from me go in the hole i will then it won't be a problem will it cool good i'm coming back boys [Music] i'm just gonna go this way i'm gonna oh no too much speed too much speed no no oh my gosh you would go down the ramp it's fine yeah go through go to the ramp it's fine water no why is this is this real where how's the hole where am i that's not the hole is that the whole it has to be right i'll go first if you're too chicken i mean the whole idiots how are you oh come on because i'm better than you how did you get down here i went from the platform directly to the hole because i'm smarter jumping i'm turning off jumping yeah sorry i had two really bad holes i'd be the champion i'm so smart and good at things all right that's the whole game all right i'm not turning jumping off i'm not turning it i'll go there's golf race yeah whatever how do i set the nap i think maybe click on village something okay here we go all right we're going to the dungeon okay oh am i out of the lobby wait did i just yes you are okay hang on let me just get back in there i just think to keep clicking on things that uh uh apparently take me into the abyss hello that's all right hey bob all right any settings i think that was fine settings do you want to make it crazier or do we want to just keep doing this i imagine the maps are going to get crazier what is extreme mean what does extreme mean oh disables ui oh extreme means no ui uh i'm done with that okay super also removes ball reticle uh okay let's do extreme mode let's try this so i think it just means we don't get the charge we don't get the charge meter you just have to guess who needs it dude oh look at this non ui having things wait no i still have it oh you get the little tip yeah that's cool i'm okay with that that's cool yeah i'm into that oh here we go oh my god oh my god oh my god good bounce good bounce good bounce baby pro bounces pro bounces probably no jumping is awesome really well yeah come on good bounce baby good bounce baby good bounce baby good balance oh wait wait wait keep going keep going god damn it daddy doesn't ever call me anymore sorry i'm sorry are you all right that's just what i say whenever i don't get a hold of one uh-huh yeah okay man okay yeah oh yout oh she's a beaut she's a beautiful beard no yeah good job look at me i'm so good that you all are not as good as me well you don't know that yet you don't know that for certain i know that to be true you're gonna try to jump this one i bet you can jump it bob i bet you can jump i have a strat you got you want to see my ultimate worries i always do i always oh my god i think i got murdered oh that was too weak oh i'm oh no no no okay it's fine i'm here hey look i'm gonna make it mark come on over buddy i'm gonna make it the water is great do you want me to push you in no get away from me you only give you a little boo no i don't i could have helped you let's stop there can we call it a game a game yeah game over boys it's called a game that's what we're playing idiot oh [ __ ] oh monk wait where's the hole whoa and you'll never guess which one it oh that could have gone better you knocked me into the correct hole oh i didn't even see that that had happened i didn't either mark was like you'll never find the right oh and you knocked me right with me look oh look at martin oh no did you die okay how's it going be careful about this they're uh yeah am i the only idiot who's not in now yeah yeah yeah only because you're so much better than us [ __ ] only because that was way harder than i thought it was gonna be that's visceral man oh [Laughter] don't call it come back all right i've been here the whole time there's a trick guys there's a trick there's a trick there's got to be a trick there's a trick you know you can freak him and look at what the no i don't know no no okay well i've been doing that the whole time but that's fine no oh that's how you knew oh no obviously oh no oh no okay i'm fine i got an achievement we're going to lava oh there's achievement that sounds pretty cool all right hey uh hit me in i'm not gonna i guess that's a no i guess that's a no on that one that's fine all right it's it's oh yep i'm going for it no yeah yeah but i'm pretty sure that's too far to jump it's impossible okay let me just go into the hole oh come on now there we go okay all right we're all in here together great job everybody thanks for letting me catch up i appreciate it no problem bob we're happy to help and it's jump oh yes oh books books why am i stupid what did you do i jumped over the hole off the level oh god damn it oh you jumped back over the wall yeah i sure did oh well you didn't die so that's something yeah that's true great job buddy i decided i wanted you all to catch up a little bit more again yeah how did bob catch you guys this is not cool make it competitive you know oh frick what's the way oh oh i was so close no come back oh no please it's not in between the table buddy keep going mark what a show thanks man yeah thank you oh oh man i thought you were gonna get it yeah no not quite but par hey i'll take par why part bob i think wade's kicking her it's not really i'm only up by like two or three book okay well the book betrayed me all right by a little bit wade a little bit oh we all know how fast that can go oh jesus oh i was a little late ah watch this yeah oh there's a whole gap yo hey mark how's it going hey what's up dude hey hey [Music] man what no can you hit me can you hit me in no can't you just tap me in god i went the wrong way [Laughter] you really followed me right down there i sure did you went in the hole and i was like i'm gonna go right after oh i see the i see you there is that it all the way over that's really unpleasant all right well i'm not in position to do a crazy jump so i'm not gonna try someone's in position to be uh i'm going for it look at me i'm down i'm down i'm down low i've never been lower oh call the jewel tickets [Music] i think you should have definitely jumped oh me oh nice hop yeah i know thank you thank you thank you what's up thank you oh look how physically those just don't even give a [ __ ] about physics look at that look at him go stop stop uh yes please a little more a little more a little more oh yes no i mean nice wait i'm happy i was really happy for you you dick i was screaming no oh yeah baby okay you oh you got roasted you got [Laughter] hey thanks for letting me catch up mark i appreciate that you're welcome oh my gosh wait what the hell my god look i don't know man [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] mark don't you're too funny my my back hurts from laughing which is a weird thing [Laughter] i feel like you were behind me by about as much as you had previously been in front of me thank you i don't know what happened thank you thank you man thanks you ow oh my god no oh help me mark we gotta go absolutely in barrel oh inches oh my god oh my god i got this guys oh [Laughter] aim somewhere else oh i got roasted somehow damn it okay thank god a relatively normal one how did you stop incline bob you're a wizard i don't know magically physics was just like eh oh my [ __ ] sides pew guys damn i'm so happy i wow that is the strat isn't it oh i did it oh god dang it uh i'm coming back baby i'm coming back don't call it a comeback oh you can't call a comeback what is that it's fire well that's not it yes yes wait wait wait it's gonna be hot oh okay it's real hot oh my god poked me into [ __ ] oblivion oh i'm sorry my charred corpse got in your way wait wait oh god oh my god oh my god you all suck you suck oh [ __ ] well that oh what if i dive and go in the hole does that count oh god damn it yes yes yes yes yes i made it yes this is the one what is this this is the way oh my god yes [ __ ] this is where i come back yes die die die die die okay okay it's fine that's fine it's fine oh okay oh my god there you go that's the good thing thank god did i win everyone equally good i can't you won that whole i can get second place yeah you can catch me after you buff wahoo you guys didn't sound nearly as excited as i did i may have goofed oh the snake he swallowed dude i'm getting dizzy oh hey there's a weird real life dragon what my god wait what happens if we get roasted before we stop moving you roast hey mark how's it going i'm trying to get out of your way wait thanks man man that is i'm in the hole baby i'm an idiot baby oh god that was close okay it comes back hey wade actually got par wade actually just smacked us down i told you he was kicking our ass the whole time that would have been if i didn't [ __ ] up on 17 so much oh that's fine all right my my body physically hurts from the amount of joy that i'm getting from this great i'm so happy dude i'm so sorry but watching you get solved repeatedly come on man all right any other dude do you like extreme is that good yeah sure let's see what happens okay all right that's good okay wait spit that's what i say all right well i mean that's a bad word right sure yeah oh easy i i see the trick it's simple oh [ __ ] oh what i didn't even think about the implications that that had on that word all right do i have to beep full every time i say probably yeah yeah i think so same with beep entity you don't want to lose your beep entity you're what you know no i don't actually i really don't i can't say it otherwise it would defeat the point okay never mind oh my god oh my god oh my god oh why he why he why he why here that's a cool corner mark why here oh oh oh well how did you do that oh well i'm good there oh okay i don't you don't have to use that voice [Laughter] just use your normal voice hey did they put that sign there to block it bonk bonk boys boys oh you mean the bomb oh there is that okay i see oh that oh god oh no you didn't when you say that tell me what that is i don't know oh my god oh my god oh my god please oh that's fine nice jump idiot oh you're mean that's the point i was trying to be mean idiot go for it yeah do you die to snowballs no they just really ruin everything don't they oh my god i hate life oh i'm going for it [ __ ] oh that's interesting that's really interesting look where i am is this good no no it's not that's what i am big wrinkles in my brain your brain is so wrinkly god i i i've never heard that as a it was a brag before but man it really does send a message it works right why me why me look we both made the same mistakes okay oh hey mark get a little off to the right you might want to be on the left you're off to the right oh i was perfectly setting off right i shouldn't have nobody oh you almost helped him don't hit me here [Laughter] listen if i get too far behind i'm just going to start taking people out when did we get good when did we get good i don't know man you want to see some wrinkly brain nonsense always ah [ __ ] that's not it where are you going man is it the penguins is it the penguins oh [ __ ] they're penguins here oh they oh they kick they kick they kick they love you but they do not wear a glove you guys are cheating with all your weird strats i am oh a god i'm a god i'm a god i'm a god oh if you would have messed me up i would i wish i would have messed you up i know you're beautiful i know you do wait i'm gonna let you go ahead and just do whatever you're gonna do thanks man i appreciate that oh i [ __ ] that level so hard man oh my god a sweet tooth oh my god i'm losing i am in first so mark hey don't listen right boys don't say it like that don't say it like that another one oh which one was it which one was it how balls go what do you mean mark i bet there's a compliment yeah but which my brain's so wrinkled wow what a wrinkle hey get away i tried to help you you did not that was meant to help you get in the hole thanks man god that was that was that was an assistive an assistive tap god it's like the grand canyon in my brain man wow that's full of water no i wrote it over no well kind of bread well it's kind of a pinkish gray full of random famine colored because of too many bone broth you grilled too hard and now you got bone broth madness i'm pretty sure that's what they're going to call the disease that you get when you drink too much bone broth i'm fairly certain it's called bone broth madness i love that's so fun i dude i got the bone broth madness all right you guys want to see the strats you guys want to see any strats yeah i actually got ah where did you go oh god it lagged so you just were like yeah that's about right wait oh oh [ __ ] that was gone perfect and i have the wrinkliest brain of us all god damn how am i gonna come am i gonna uh [ __ ] i gotta do it is all smooth like a dude it is like a sea cucumber yeah his his brain smooths like the the salt plains least appealing uh sounding animal to eat that lives in the ocean no oh okay well that was just not great mark hey that was me i was reaching for the stars stop believing stop believing stop stop how many times i tell you dorothy believing whoa oh there's multiple loopy to lose well it would be great if i wasn't positioned in between i have a real shot at this i'm gonna i'm gonna oh are you threatening me sir i'm gonna drive to san francisco and i'm gonna shake your hand mister that is the most terrifying thing i've heard in months yeah well get used to it buddy jump but my ball decided he was just going to i am a god i'm a can you go in the hole i'm going to be very upset in the hole everything in the hole will be not in general stupid oh there should be a big size head he was so stupid i'm sure we could put that together oh stupid he did the same thing i don't think he should be mad about that oh my god oh come on [Music] big dumb dude welcome to the world of tomorrow wade okay tomorrow we lose at golf is this a jump is this a jump my dudes is this feels like a jump yeah we'll just drop together oh please no yes no polinko oh hey bud no wait a minute you first oh thanks we'll do you uh go to the left it's mark the left pull damn it yeah why aren't you jumping you dumb piece of garbage what was wrong with me oh my god did harry you've got wizards i was trying this i'm a gary hanger gary listen all right listen i was gonna hit that hole pretty much regardless so good you're such a gary ball i'm carrying all over the place i'm practically gerald let's not jump to conclusions god i'm bad at this game not yet you're not oh this is a jump oh oh my god mark you actually are again i know what the hell how'd you do that some kind of gary hey what the hell wait what the hell uh sorry i was trying to hey wait stop me thank you [Music] oh my god i just spat the biggest glob of spit all over my entire screen oh my mark dude i am not a gary i'm much more my friend is that good i don't think so oh there's a there's that's a that's a trick there's a trick what am i expecting here what am i looking it's a wrap around to it oh it is yeah oh it is a jump oh god yeah it's a jump across okay okay okay okay and yeah oh i carried too hard i'll wait okay it stops oh wow hey mark how's it going that was good oh hey guys it didn't earn me a stroke so that sucks i had one for the both of us oh man what happened i hit like the hot wheels accelerator bump oh yes hello friends yes yes am oh happy with life now why is that what that meant i couldn't tell yeah that was great that was perfection actually oh wow that's actually really smart my brain was almost flipped bless her wrinkles oh hey buddy hey bud what's up man look at us being in the safe yeah oh i don't like the sound of whatever happened to wade hey wade wait wait i'll get you i got you buddy i got your buddy absolutely i don't know how much there we go okay there you go thanks for the hole in one there how did i get six on that six six six all right you guys don't say another one oh my god oh hello okay oh no oh no oh no he says oh no oh no oh no no no oh yeah oh uh oh yeah oh so close if that if me helping you on that wave makes you win and me lose if that cost me the game i'm gonna be so mad okay i'm still okay you're right three ahead rain on bob you have to really hate yourself to lose this one oh my god look at this hole before we do anything everyone just take a look you know what actually you're right this is uh this is a this is a real monster this is a bit of a deuce this is a dude oh right in the hole okay yeah oh wait wow strong start just son of a bit okay all right wait a minute don't stop jumping don't stop believing oh [ __ ] no oh why did i jump oh why did i jump please i feel really guilty now oh oh my god no not that one no not that one not oh no not that okay it's fine no you shot your mouth wade did you get a hole in one or something predicted it and i acted ahead of you i am three dimensions beyond you i just want to point out we each won a game yeah look at that i did that on purpose too we better play uno now oh you guys want to know there's more the more art or beautiful thai what what do you mean thai scripture i want win but are co-op golf competitive yeah we're going another course maybe i don't know why this game is more satisfying than golf with your friends but it is oh wait what not too fast don't go too fast i went fast oh goodness oh weird oh this is going to not be good for brain my brain's smoothing by the second gang oh well bogeyed all right hey yeah move on oh oh i see i see i see i see it i see i see i see point don't no please yoinko oh my brain is the wrinkliest brain oh let's not say ruffle our roofies anymore that's not good go ahead and call it some other oh [ __ ] i got this i got this i got this i got this okay i believe okay okay my turn go for it nailed it nailed it oh no killing it killing it a wrinkly brain bob over here killing it killed it and murdered it slayed it it's dead now it's dead now i've annihilated it [Music] wait i know what to do about this oh wait i see it i see you see it you see the path you see the path yeah can you see the path i have a problem because weight is in the way of my path i made it through holy crap did you just go through the lasers i saw i did it i did it the big brain went i saw it and i didn't get rewarded i saw the path wait that was wrong no that that was close but that's not quite it man oh what what the hell wait oh wait hello all right he lost the ability to talk oh oh you made it there you go sorry i just had to take a pissed off moment there to suck my roof my roof my roof [ __ ] my room [ __ ] your roof all right oh oh oh no there's a secret what do you mean there's a secret there's a laser the laser is the secret that's pretty good that's pretty good you all nailed it i'm the greatest in the grilles most growl nailed it with style too [Applause] it is the rabbit yeah oh the brain of the the brain and the brain the bobby and the brain she is so wrinkled it is [ __ ] insane well done boys good i'm glad you like your song man but that was a little much what do you mean you hit him with the well done boys the moment you're finished singing good song good song love that good song well done boys a band we'll call it wade and his thoughts okay man youtube could be my thoughts dude that would love to be your thoughts dude i want to be a thot dude i want oh for you no that's really unfortunate i want to see wade's thought lineup i want to see no you don't line up oh god they're not adventure wait you gotta you gotta take a gander what's going on with this level before you just fire it way down firing it well oh wow hey mark look at us being in the same ish area oh no okay i see the path the past true i see the past yes wait what happened and how i am a genius i am [Music] that seems really unfortunate i solved it bob bob look i didn't solve it at all we got the same score good job wait a minute wait before you oh my god did you make it you just get through there what i'm going for oh my god don't jump tricky at all don't jump it's fine this is fine oh my god all of us make that i don't know wait thank you thank you wade oh i see i see what's going on are we sure that wrinkle brain is smart is that is that is that actually smarter the more wrinkles is that true yeah wrinkle is good smooth bad smooth bad okay the ghouls and fallout always call you smooth skin which is bad right right yeah brains got to be like the opposite yeah okay why is why is wrinkle brain good because the more wrinkles the more surface area and your knowledge is printed on the surface area of your brain oh he's in cervix area is that the brain yeah your cervix is where your short-term memory is stored in your brain yeah people are saying it's a smooth thing to ask hey come on guys i'm i'm trying to increase my wrinkles per minute here i'm really really wrangling i cannot see i cannot see my yeah i i was just in a scenario where i could not see either that was really too difficult it really improves your ability to understand what the hell is happening doesn't it yep sure do sure do blinkist that's what i thought grimy mime i was tricked you were who's tricked me you the sphincter is in the brain what are we talking about the sphincter and the brain don't i don't think that i don't i don't think there's anything the other is the brain i'm pretty sure no maybe it's called like the cervical clavicle the cervical you know the oh i thought i already went this is you probably did already went and not going in the hole waiting oh look at this hey look the hole's right there there we go these portals are how was that how did you just hold yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what the hell just happened how did he get the same score as us i guess our brains are smoother than we thought mark maybe they really are maybe where's the flag what the why why am i behind the box i'm not sure about this i found it mark i did the right thing where is it i go through the tunnel at the end of it there's a flag hey buddy how's it going just punch me in oh come on man i'm never going to i'm coming for you bob that was actually really close to being helpful i tried i did try thanks bud that is wade's mo really close to being helpful i figure the first game i [ __ ] it so hard oh no what is that oh my god oh my god girl wizard harry [Music] oh i actually am a harry who was it jerry i called my friend's uncle and uncle said to me what did i say french uncle i called my friend jungle why'd [Music] [Laughter] what [Music] [ __ ] i nailed it i'm the best all right wait you want to go or you want me to go i'll get out of your way i'm sorry i mean i could have just just give you a little love tap yeah looks like all of us are very wrinkle-brained yeah wait wait it's not oh no wait's here okay i'm good i'm here good job everybody [Laughter] just a little bit of the mating calls of the the south the european shrimp keep going more change oh [Applause] what is what is a hole what do you mean what's a hole what's a hole where's the hole watch out for the hole what hole it's a good hole no you want to get in the hole what do you mean hole that's not a good oh it is a good hole it is a good oh very good oh my god okay you're right it was look how good that hole it was a pretty good hole oh i was afraid of the hole i should have trusted the hole we've all been in some holes but never like that hole yeah hey mark hello a little spicy on mine but okay okay i think i got this one in the bag guys if i get a zero on the next two i'll make par again oh no what oh no oh no no time like the present michael that was no advantage to doing it that way i'm going oh wow oh i saved myself because i'm smart no ah why did i jump by mark why did i jump how can i jump yes this is where we make it backpack this is where we earn our gravy i'm alive come on you idiots wait just hold on jump quick jump oh that is good work mark you tricked me you only need to get like 12 more strokes and i'll catch up so be careful yeah wait for it jump no jumps for me no for me all right so i caught up all right this is it gang whoa whoa whoa whoa oh what what happened to me what has happened i'm in heaven this is i don't think that's right oh poopies oh wow did you make it in wade i did i eagled nice what the hell this is it way this is center that's unfortunate oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my god i'm going less every time and it's not going any slower the arrows they launch oh i see what's happening there we go ah did that solve my problem i think that's all my problem hang on we're working on it we're getting there hang on wait i got a solution watch this okay i'm ready whoa that's getting it what if i what if i whoa okay i'm here now let me let's just take my time just there we go i really light it up oh darn it apparently 14 is where they cut y'all hey i made par i'm very happy how the hell did you do that and i got stuck in the abyss of not doing it i am so good all right you want more of this or uh shift gears i'll play all the maps all right i'm down i love this this is great oh good [ __ ] good [ __ ] dude my brain is so cervical well i hope not man i really hope not why can't you just be happy for me i'm knocking not for this one man not for your cervical brain more oh i should have jumped watch out oh god hey oh no have you ever had the 90s casual realization no i should have jumped yeah i don't think this is going to be definitely jump on this one all right where's the where's where's eyes wait where's tell me twice oh my god watch this secret i'm the best i'm the best i'm the best i am mark i did the same thing dude nice guitar thanks bro oh nice man i'm in last i am i don't deserve this oh where are we what is what no oh no oh boy oh yeah okay hey thank you both of you for helping me out of that situation thank you appreciate it what did you do that was your video that was yours i loved you why bob watch this and then you took me out yeah that was your fault what do you mean i took you you took me out that was your fault still you weren't still enough oh titties that's still enough you weren't still enough oh junk nuggets ah that's water well is it just random death is that what oh no yeah definitely go in that hole that's that's what you want oh mark what have you done mark this is called carpe diem oh no oh oh wait no stop guys this is not fun oh guys wait what do you do [Laughter] sorry mark i didn't mean to be so coy there all right wait what are you waiting for me to go are you waiting for yeah okay everyone's waiting on you i got scratched mark do you got stress yeah i got stress man oh the wrinkliest brain in the world oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no mark coy pun do it look at you oh my god oh my god oh my god mark if you jump from a high distance you will jump highly oh my god oh my god oh my god almost gone on the grid oh my god oh there you go dude on the grid i can feel it smoothing i can feel it ah so now you understand that smoothness is bad oh guys there's a sword over there [Laughter] [Laughter] oh wrinkles deep ah not really enough ring ring wrinkle no oh mark that's not that's not the way buddy this is the way you can you can tom holland song right wait you got the same as me shut up you got the exact same yeah but i did it in style no you didn't watch this style oh [ __ ] oh mac hey why did you all turn into the emperor are you those shurikens it's fine just don't let them kids don't let them touch you no i'm they're just called shurikens oh yeah but they were going to kill one of us hey they're they're not serious we are equal we are i love myself so this is a weird thing to start a story with but manny and i have been watching uh america's next top model on netflix because like all 20 seasons are out there or whatever and yeah it's a great show there's a whoa who did this to me there's a bit in the we're watching cycle 20 there's a bit where there's a guy who's introduced as a character and he has like a name a name tag and he just walks on screen wearing nothing but a speedo and he's like a like a chubby really hairy dude and it just walks in and his name tag says chris harry that's my french uncle's name what what we call him uncle chris anyway bob finish your story anyway my takeaway is that there's a type of modeling that basically revolves around being incredibly hairy and i feel like i'd be really good at it are you hairy i never thought of you being that hairy i'm not like like big beard like overtly hairy but like oh [ __ ] total volume of hair is pretty good i got i got a good amount it's all over it's evenly spread you know what about someone like me that has very little hair you would be called smooth model okay wait you're smooth breaking a smooth model wait hold on why am i called a smooth model because you're like the kendall down there okay cool down there well i mean no i'm not there's there's i just want to say there's stuff going on down there there is there is in fact stuff going on have you seen the doctor about it no okay i get on too shocked about the doctor inquisition is there something is there something no no is this something that you need to see a doctor see ya later why'd you bump me why didn't you hey mark why are you bumping why did i launch mark into space when i was going very slowly uh because i i i stroked because oh you struck by you stroked i see i thought i did that to you and i was like damn i'm going in the no yes diamond why did you jump yeah because i was slowing down look it gives doesn't it give a little more momenty oh oh that one is there a slight uphill here i don't know man i think that was the physics engine deciding i just stopped and scooted to the left okay you guys see the path oh i see the biggest brain play oh wow oh my god oh oh well you got your spaghett in my hole is that a good hole or a bat hole bob we'll see it's okay it's not a good one oh my god no oh i like holes poopies why here is this good good hole no oh go up top okay that's not bad that's pretty good that's all right yeah enough nice that's balanced dude and mark's gone on the grid again i'm fine here we go here we go is it really not gonna give it to you [Laughter] i hate the number i have i hate it oh interesting oh hi hey how long it gave you a lot more time than it seemed like it was gonna yeah well it doesn't really go back down very quickly you just have to not go when it's please on the line i'm on the line bye mark i was on the line i i saw that that seemed very disappointing here we go oh no we got the power mark buddy criticize wait don't criticize me the [ __ ] why are you still in my way you get out of my way you get out of my way that's what you get well i've never heard you so disappointed in mark's failure before wade are these not at 45 degree angles is this is this like a prank where these aren't 45 degrees it's an optical illusion actually it's just this is it i hate you right [ __ ] you i hate you [Laughter] don't you dare [ __ ] he's getting you closer to the hole i don't know what you're so mad about one shot hey do you guys think a lot of swings on that one [ __ ] yeah okay uh-huh get out of my way i hope this is good i hope it's good i don't think that's good good it's not good is it just death it's just death yep oh hell yeah look at me being a genius no no no what yeah baby yeah baby okay okay okay okay okay [Laughter] i was just really happy me someone had to be i don't know what laugh that was a little i'm pretty sure that was straight up [ __ ] boy laugh damn girl oh no no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm not jump on the fish bounce off the f hang on i'm not done are you okay no all right cool what this is really sad you hate to see this you do it's not nice oh fine go in the hole look at those ones um one's a bb ignore my other number but look at those ones oh look who's got the wrinkly brain now oh is it me are you no oh okay yes you man what's we all have on days and off days this is an off day i got the car there oh look it doesn't feel very good does it we can be friends we can be friends join yourself oh my god here i go i'm good no this didn't work out at all oh oh keep going baby door for daddy oh damn it okay okay okay still over here it looks fine it's fine why why why why why [Laughter] that's like a hole that's like upper class like just like it's actually a specific character from family guy that i'm totally ripping off but yes oh is that a bottom jaw under underbite or whatever it is something underbite yeah all right all right you guys ready here we go call me tiger weeds i'm not gonna call you please no it wasn't 93 guys it was it was actually 63. i tied with weight yeah that's way better this looks like um the island from runescape that you go to for the pirate the cursed pirate mission you guys ever play runescape are we supposed to go in the cannon oh i think so touch the cannon it's magic [Applause] okay hello seagull i got par what wait did you just go directly in the hole i sure did god i'm coming back don't call it a comeback what the hell did you just do oh well i was gonna jump there but last minute i decided what a farce that would be bernie i got to birdie that's not a perfect i got the bird i got the party birdie poop i got a birdie bob did you get par i don't like that now did you get power absolutely not if you're one to get the par um cannon balls that was supposed to go differently than oh oh wait why are you jumping you're full-on monkeyed out there man that was scary oh this is you hit it to your own self there's a trap and i'm going forward i'm going for it you're going for it i'm going for it what it's actually not a trap what it's actually just dead ass not a trap but also you can just get a hole in one wait is this what i'm so confused i'm just going to take the hole this time you dick you dick hey wait i'm not done i'll it'll come back all right see ya oh wait um i was in the sand and i just kept jumping and eventually i got back all right man cool i got a three instead of like a five i got a two yeah yeah yeah oh interesting interesting oh there's cheese oh my god cheese oh there is cheese yeah there's cheese dude birds birds love cheese dude it's good for them i love cheese i love cheese i didn't think it was that gouda for him oh my god sorry i've been a bit behind on the cheeseburgers wait do we gotta touch a cannon is this what we have to do we have to touch again it looks like i went out the window i'm in the ocean this is the one oh [Applause] [Music] i won the one oh i hate don't go in left cannon left cannon bad oh hey hey buddy how's it going oh my god yeah let's go inside together oh hey mark how's your touch yeah definitely jump a bunch that'll help i didn't jump i don't know it was definitely a jumper ball i didn't jump at all i didn't jump jump i didn't jump no wouldn't you have jumped because i don't know wait bob did you thread the hoop i absolutely i know and i was complimenting you douche bags are very hard items no i didn't try to hit you he just aimed at the hole [Laughter] that's just way more savage than i would have expected i didn't uh nailed it really you're not gonna give that to me hey mark oh god i pulled a mark i'm stuck in the tube oh don't call it on me call it a uh uh call it call it call it a mark just do it call it mark well i got stuck in the tube twice that's a tough tube it was gonna give me a hole in one but then it did oh no oh wow oh yeah oh no oh hey you wanna help me okay okay i hate you bye guys the hell are we even supposed to go the seagulls hi bud okay i got you really pressed up against the wall here i missed you what ha ha i guess i was a little overzealous ah what did you do i i i thought i was being clever and i shouldn't have done that see being clever doesn't pay whoa whoa you're in the hole at least you this'll have to be good yeah okay well that was a couple wasted questions wait this is our chance this is our chance to take back what's ours but can i take the path less traveled no i don't risk it i'm not gonna risk it i'm not gonna go for it hey there we go yes jump more mark stop constantly i have calculated jumps i uh i'm really smarting about these jumps so yum i thought i did something good yo i got a three what wait what nothing what'd you say that's fast okay we're gonna not have oh there's a little you didn't tell me there was a gap guys you you were not another gap but he was just so good at not [ __ ] it oh i [ __ ] it hey wait that's right well just doing a standoff around i got it par i got a pocket i got power i did the power let's not cough with your friends silly this is clearly golf around what's this yeah can't you tell the difference well there's a golf around is that the name of it golf around that's what it's called you know you golf around [ __ ] you know you go up here take off there you golf around you know you can go around with your friend no no no no complete coincidence [ __ ] me in the [ __ ] ball sack that's impossible sorry sorry calm down nailed it upset bernie i got a birdie just me and bob and no one else [ __ ] [ __ ] here we go i put my hands in the balls really slow down oh my god all right i'm the best i'm the greatest ever in the history of forever oh if you want to [Laughter] that's how the pirates say it ah uh okay this is interesting why didn't you stop dead there i did too here mark just go ahead let's see what happens to you yeah mark come on flush my pipes here i go all right oh thank you hey thank you you're pushing me thank you thank you thank you okay oh thank you mark thank you what the [ __ ] are you pushing me oh my god i'm doing loops around the thing [Laughter] [Music] you're a dick get out of here you're a wizard i know and you're a dick on the last hole all right i'm an [ __ ] nailed it whoops i'm the greatest oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh this feels so good oh it feels good baby oh it feels good oh it feels good oh my god it feels good it feels good it feels good oh it feels good yeah keep jumping you keep jumping around you keep jumping around you stole that from me finished under you stole that you stopped six under par cause i'm good at this and you're all idiots listen i think it's actually you that's dumb and i'm smart okay i think that we all win prize money no no no no no no okay well [ __ ] me then i guess yeah well yeah yeah yeah yeah yes oh no oh my god mark that was almost the the wrinkliest spring thing i've ever seen okay well keep watching that well this is uh did someone turn the bounce up on this this is i think hey thanks wade hey man the steampunk land is just really bouncy yeah that makes sense wow marquez oh my god i hate both of you let's have a good gaming experience for once that's how i got down there as well oh you all suck well no mark so we all suck yeah you stay away from last jar okay did you get in there no i got in there [Music] you should jump it's real fun in here when you jump i can't jump really you're moving i will not jump look at me be a dead center i hate [Laughter] i hate i didn't even realize that was gonna happen until right when i said out loud what i said out loud i hate god damn it all of my skill has gone away oh it was beautiful all of your [Music] oh my god do we gotta go on the block board over here dude dude i'm breathing my grilling is gushing where are we i got i gotta stress i think we go in the the thing i think we go in the thing yeah oh that's unfortunate now it's gone oh my god i'm driving away oh my god oh mark that's so close oh my god how am i so bad jeez oh oh no jesus christmas oh no i'm turning into mark over here do you have any christmas hey i am feeling myself i want you all man we're live we're live come on i'm feeling myself whoo and wade gets the same number as me how how skill precision amazing maybe we're brothers i'm gonna do it too ah almost no yes what did you think was gonna happen i saw a slope over here right now i see i see i see yeah fool this fool fool foolish excellent work everyone fool thanks we're all the same you and us the same all of us all of us are the same where are we going here what the hell oh man it's the whirly dudes picking us up i kind of want to go in the big hole there what's in it i just need to know yeah go for it why oh i didn't get to be in the big hole no come back stop stop no i'm going to bounce i'm bouncing i'm bouncing i'm alive hi guys i won't give up together i won't give up oh there we go look at me being dead center again what a time to be okay well that seems fair oh it was so good bob hmm we're so good i'm sorry are you eating your success right now i can't help but you've succeeded so hard in your hands of my success you guys better hurry up i'm i'm going to catch up i'm going to win it i'm so centered i'm so imminent okay there you are it's kind of come man it's happening you know bob and i were dead center i was dead center as well you kind of worked that center just really didn't work the same for you which is just unfortunate yes it happens i hate everything one more one more do it for daddy oh no where am i oh i'm so sorry no if it's where am i wouldn't it be and you're so sorry spiders get in there mark yeah don't talk to me don't talk to me don't talk to me don't talk to me i'm going to be in my own zone talking to my fans you hit me [Applause] again you almost hit me you hit me and ruined a perfectly good shot you ruined my perfectly good shot nobody ruined my perfectly good too much speed is not good in that one hey wade hi guys don't how do you like looking up to see my balls ball i could see the bottom of your ball dude do you like it don't don't touch me don't know that's a benefit on this one it definitely is watch this yeah it would be it would be and it is i am so good yeah i saw yeah you sucked somehow we all got the same yeah actual sadness that doesn't make much sense yay all right we're all in we're all in we're all in baby look at me being literally look at me literally dead center look at you look at me i'm literally dead i'm literally dying and i'm the first one in the hole look being first doesn't matter in fact in some circles it's bad so you know three is the loneliest number get out of my way get out of my way get out of my way everyone is in my way i don't know what you're saying no never come on man oh my god wade oh my god oh my god [Music] you all are testing my patience you're testing me where are we going wait what oh my god that really grinds uh your gears not too much speed there how did i fall out oh my [ __ ] seat belt wasn't on [ __ ] you what are you what oh god oh god guys help help guys help whoops help oh wow you're there sorry i got rid of oh man that doesn't work what the hell yeah this time i know look when you do unisonis you get some perks from father what is that where can i watch it oh you know oh it's on youtube and they're all out there just start to dishonest there's like 10 channels [ __ ] lost my actual drink ah you can't make that jump by the way you cannot make that jump yes you can ah oh i don't oh i made it back out look at me i'm gonna make this oh my god come on hey guys how does it feel to still be here over here yes oh nice i did it yeah yeah yeah get in there yeah eyes that's not what i got that's what mark got we're all even it's all tied up it's all that up guys yeah it's really close i'm the greatest what is your who are you you better be yourself and not me myself because you suck so bad but yeah you do oh nice wade big brain plays first try yeah absolutely uh-huh good luck not to be able to see a goddamn thing you're right i could not it's sweet oh wow it really is where are we going oh right here yep oh oh no we're just gonna oh what is this how did i do that what a good shot oh no crap okay [Music] garfield garnuckle what's his name yeah that's it garfield gardener yep yeah fart and garnacle i'm pretty sure that's a famous songwriter it's barton garnuckle yeah yeah yeah we all know we all love them we all know we all love oh i see this is fun [Music] we all know what wait no mr gear listen she wants to you want to bring me with him but i don't want to go oh my god oh my god oh my god do you hear the collapse of man it sounds like hey that's what the gear tried to do to me and i was like no thank you and he's like okay i'll get the next guy oh my god remember when i was winning maps you guys remember that when i was winning man that wasn't the way what the hell yeah i don't recommend doing that yeah i'm gonna follow mark mark seems to have the stretch yeah yeah yeah the strength is going in the holes that's the trick yeah yeah yeah man don't mind me i hate the whole hey mark we ended up in the same place buddy yeah we sure did buddy what happened to me yeah that's a little early oh yes i made it i got it oh my god i got pinched i got in it i got it take me down oh okay what is this oh [ __ ] me right in the hey mark hello i'm building up speed and momentum no [ __ ] i didn't actually pay close attention to how much my lead is i might be totally giving this away right now yeah i'm gonna catch you man i'm good i got you man wait you're so close wade yeah i sure was oh i used to be good i used to be good i used to be good guys i used to be i'm just gonna go over here oh my god you can do it man you can do it like the little [ __ ] idiot god it's a big thing take that score he gave you every opportunity mark look look even at my score it's not like i had huge numbers all the time just consistently bad just consistently bad i might not have won but i feel like a woman hey can we that's a positive can we take that away consistency consistency yeah consistent dude yeah thank you all right that's all the maps we're done here did we win did we each win yeah we yep yeah mark one twice yeah i think that's right i like that did you win three i won who i won the last two didn't i yeah and then you won one in the first one so i won three three two and mark what do you guys say like that i was i i boldly went where no one went before i was trying all these sick strats my brain i like to alternate between wrinkle and smooth it it gives that flexibility they call it neoplasticity you're like you know especially paved roads it's important so that's what i did all right i would drive on you any day mark thank you and that's what i asked for it's all i ask i know your brain is like those wrestling mats they don't ever take up from the auxiliary gym floor mark thank you smooth as a baby's bottom thank you thank you hey wait let me play next mark we're gonna let you pick the next game oh okay all right my my wrinkles yeah i'm done with that okay cool who's checking why you sound so uncertain i don't know i'm not used to having this kind of responsibility wait what was your choice mark i wasn't listening i don't know who are you you know what tell you what i'll pick a game that mimics your placement let's play one uno because you're number one in my heart thanks man thank you yes i've been logged out due to inactivity of what exactly yeah what are you playing technically you play so you were right oh never mind here i go what what god i love ubisoft i love it works perfectly every time the quality game okay every platform [Music] you want to play i can't you can't play booty doo mine's launching mine seems to be working all right there we go okay all right you guys have 10 million pop-ups for you play yeah of course man how else do you play no mine i use you play all the time for everything so mine's a fully ready to rock oh on the [ __ ] and ready to rock let's do this whoa touch my [ __ ] and ready to rock though you said on the [ __ ] that's clearly not what he said yeah guys new content available does that mean there's new decks i still remember the day that you guys ripped molly's pants because you're well those superhero outfits were a little too tight how are you including me in that yeah what the hell what even was that when that was like the first time i've ever met cinnamon toast kid oh we were at a i think one of maker's screaming that weird bit at kensington skit oh yeah many many moons ago many moons ago wasn't that the silver shepherd is there new content for uno no i don't think i have new content available it's just like skins and stuff talk out loud yeah no bob did say that yeah so i was literally picturing mark's package thanks man there's an uno uh there's a special double-sided deck that's free in the store apparently like flip a flip deck a penguiny flip deck a different flip dick do i need to restart to get it because i don't know if i want to do that oh yeah there is there is penguin uno i don't listen to a thing you guys say i swear it's like yeah let's just play regular uno are we playing penguin we're regular we're getting some water i'm getting more did we watch classic uno you don't want to play like rayman or anything bob wood okay well that doesn't work it's literally just a winter theme in uno and the penguin appears to be flipping off the snowman i think maybe i got it i'm not 100 sure someone set up a game let's do this okay which deck do you want bob flip rabbids rayman or dance penguin i don't have penguin hang on fine i'm gonna quit you know [ __ ] download penguin do we have to do that bob's making me but do we have to to match up i don't know i don't want to die i can't make a game if i don't have the deck i can't make that deck okay i don't have penguins either wait what's this stay out of the cold with the winter theme oh no uh do we want sevens and zero swapsies do we want jump in do we got score limit two hundos five hondos don't matter round baby how do you bring up the thingy the the overlay in this to join people shift f2 because duh oh usually it's different do this oh my god it is um how do i i don't want friend requests i would like to see my friends please yeah same what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] uh there you go i sent you both oh i'm really glad that friends is underneath friend request because that's what i want to see first i don't have 300 friend requests that i can't get rid of because your ui doesn't work it's fine all right everyone who knowed up everyone ready i think we are ready i like how they just very slightly changed the way everything looks in this game but it's still the same garbage but it's still this isn't great i don't we're playing snowmans i thought you didn't have it and wade didn't have it but i had it oh okay all right hopefully this one doesn't use copyrighted music cause i know the other winter one got claimed on youtube at least oh i guess uh [ __ ] pan-pan gets my hand give me the hand hand oh no bob i don't want you to have that next to me oh wow look at that wait that is the stuff in there it sure is something you got some winners in there yes what do you got what do you got what do you got you know what you know what mark what have i have a it's winter it's the holiday season i have a gift my friend all right really the hand that just keeps on giving isn't it cool man well if there's another seven in here and okay never mind oh well you know get all the sevens out of the way well all right okay yeah i do know what's coming it's coming to bam bam everybody excellent work excellent work mark you show pan pan who's boss well i wasn't gonna do it right now you could have called down me a friend request already why couldn't i challenge that it's not a plus i guess it wasn't a draw for so i don't want to do this but i'm gonna all right man i was gonna get pam to shove the [ __ ] number do that to me hi it's my only blue play there you go thank you here here mark you do whatever you want well i gotta do that i can't get them because you can come guys aren't exactly setting up for the situation for me to get them all right and wait we're gonna send this all yeah get them yeah that ha ha [ __ ] you pan-pan i think yeah oh okay well that's not mark jump in all right you got it man [ __ ] okay oh yeah i'm only drawing one card what is this oh yeah i didn't turn on draw to match oh well oh take some of that today bob make it yellow oh wait is it not draw to match anymore ooh interesting i didn't know that wasn't a default rule well i could enjoy the win i guess what a fun game great job why everybody pan pan get to be in second place i feel like that's [ __ ] i agree what's pan pan doesn't even deserve to be [ __ ] here i don't know man you guys you don't have to make an enemy of every single npc man i'm not making an enemy i'm just pointing out it's like a fraternity where pan pan didn't go through the the the ritual you know the haze never had anything in his body yeah the ritual that's what they call it all hazelnut hazing like whatever you call it it's the same great i have to do this now one card draw is pretty uh it's pretty anti-climactic yeah maybe we should back out and fix that it's a nice oh oh that's not very nice yeah it's not cause i was gonna pass this on to mark oh will you what if i pass this on dude [Applause] take that nice work mark i knew that you had thanks man thank you screw pam am i right actually stab pan pan yeah oh you thought you had me oh oh i thought i had me but i it was me the whole time having you okay it's very different it's very different when we're not drawn to a bajillion i wait pass it on to mark get him you do this mark what color you got i don't know man all right great oh get him wade yep go wait get him come on wade all right now is this it really is real that one car is really going to hold you back isn't it listen mark i'm really sorry about this that's okay i get it thanks man there's some of that on you great and bob what does pan pan have don't let him do it well he's going to get this i love the color of money bob you want to give me the color of okay i only had one thing i could play so i was fine i got a thing i could play let's go call her money okay well sure yeah bob take this hand please it's the christmas hand of hell damn it all right oh mark take it from me do i i why do i have a choice i don't know i don't know because we're explaining we're playing on training wheels this is baby mode this baby i don't know what happened i didn't realize that wasn't the default way it happened babuno all right back to green 51 green welcome to babuno all right i guess i'm doing this oh this is fun yeah all right more hurry it's yellow the eight's going yeah you suck all right what do you mean i suck you suck suck you have an eight train going i'm gonna navigate what am i gonna do farting eight out i can't make an eight come out finish i can i can't think about what you've [ __ ] done i'm thinking i will not you know what an eight okay well who does red who does red remember i got red well okay you see why i wanted red yeah that's a smart move that's a smart move that's that would be a smart move yeah what no no panda well that didn't really really change that much i guess i'm okay with that i don't know man that really would have been something got him yeah oh no all right good job guys i think i had two eights apparently we can still jump in yeah that seems stupid yeah we should have turned off all the [ __ ] let's uh let's get out of here and fix this one yeah baby there's a bad room wait you host the room wait you know the good settings you know i don't have any penguin deck oh god i'm stuck with rudy and cook because that one got claimed before is not safe well what are they going to do take your channel away yes fine on youtube rayman or dance whatever you want man destiny is calling you my name oh yeah flip see if this makes my mic sound better it sounded real bad for a second there nah that's fine so the other thing the flip has good richer is uh uh seven zero there's no changing hands all right like i can't enable that on that um how do i invite people by clicking there god what are you doing what are you doing is that not a good sound sound of cloth on cloth ah you know oddly enough not good all right this is it how do we how does flip go again i know you flip don't say you like oh no boy you flip all right i get it no no no no i wasn't going to say it because he told me not to say it i appreciate that you ever just actually say dick instead of deck no no me too me either all right oh yeah the double-sided yep that is flip all right we're charging you first all right dude what thank you oh okay i don't like that interesting right off the bat then oh yeah i don't like any of this that's happening you know what's interesting interesting interesting nothing like how dramatic the flip music is what does this do oh what does that mean oh yeah it's just i go again i'm going to draw now that's all part of my plan eat this [ __ ] eat this dick eat this okay oh my god i thought archer's this is like uh knockoff like courtroom music with the heavy piano yeah it really is i do like it i do like it it's good uh let's go there to the people's court yeah well the music got really undramatic when i said it so that was an unfortunate time music's just here to mess with you yeah why why isn't there a game mode with just these flip side cards and not this whole flipping back and forth between boring and exciting fun mark you're fun okay this many ways this man everyone skipped the heck they've got like a lot of cards oh poopies oh that's not a oh oh oh oh orgy [ __ ] uh oh okay i thought that was the grabby i forgot seven is not on in this mode [ __ ] wow funnier when you have to keep drawing i like that that's hilarious i like the one card god that's funny i don't care who you are that's funny could you do this to me easily it's that color what else okay well there we go i'm with you with i hate drawing cards hey come on mark oh come suck i'm so sorry yeah well i'm sorry about it yes oh come on ah you showed us man i did you are showed what does this do that flips it back or something no it doesn't that's the wild i guess ch challenge or decline you can challenge that get get [Music] stop it stop it right now you stuck that you stopped that oh hey archie how do you like them apples that's what you get if you'd have saved it you could've really got me but you didn't suck you you guys have the same amount of cards right now all right we're going back i think oh dear okay well this is less exciting you're less exciting what's wrong with you oh i'm jumping keep this body come on man whoa oh guys i wanted to save wade i hate you wade though nevermind i hate you uh get a mark thanks man i guess we're flipping okay good job that's what i had man um get him weighed oh yeah i'm here all right yeah take that oh come on now man hey man oh obviously i have to challenge it okie dokie it's only four i'll survive i have so many to go away what i mean ah shoot listen i have to okay yeah aren't you kicking our ass i have to or she is gonna [ __ ] what am i gonna do mark get him here we go oh he's got a reverse all right he has an orange she has an orange she has an orange saved it oh yeah this is how i do it this is what i do oh my god professional luna i also love it oh date i'm jumping oh dude you're jumping up dude keep going keep it going mom all right okay we're going yeah dude keep it going man yeah all right me again how do you still have so many cards all right okay oh thank you wow now you may play okay well that's cool all right good job everybody take that archie oh big bulgy eyes alrighty listen up archie baby oh baby wow okay damn man archie just really handed that over i'm pretty sure he could have known what i had in my hand if you wanted to yeah god you are an xp real slow in this game this is really sad don't be embarrassed about your 26 mark it's okay ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah although i do have to say wait how do you only have level 41 or whatever when you play this with other people than us and i've only ever played this with with us am i dying am i dying i don't know my dying my i was trying to jump in now my card is permanently stuck up and glowing and i'm like [Laughter] are you fixed i'm good i'm good now good is good i'm good now i'm good bruh bruh bro you gotta really commit either jump or do okay well i tried man it's my fault for clicking not pressing buttons yeah why can't i click i don't know when you click this yes wait a minute really if you could wouldn't you if you could i wouldn't maybe like one time i mean yeah i don't know if i would choose that as my method of like cleaning them over a shower but like one time sure but like yeah like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's just oh come on man no i don't even know whose turn is the ski my turn [Music] flip all right we're going back baby we're good okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay we're going back baby i really tried to think if there was anything else i could do but there was not [Music] well that's rude well i wasn't good for skipping more than i'm saying oh thank you mark you saved me again i am gracious lord gracious we're going back okay the flop oh that's good for mark this actually is good for it because bro bob change the color i don't get to do it change the color aha [Music] oh all right i can't do anything else all right okay that was close so i was close to a win i was close what does archie have do we know i have no idea this is a green nine oh this is unfortunate for me if we flip back oh come on mark you can do it i did it all right not blue all right bob and i are in first and first place [Laughter] i still probably deserve that oh my god oh my god oh my god you're my turn now oh boy i wasn't paying attention i wasn't paying attention nobody knows it's probably green though get a mark i will here we go getting better than that you got it buddy all right there we go one he got me five instead of four damn it you get a mark i will watch this please not that anything but that right dude did you give me a six when you only gave bob five what the [ __ ] he did he just got you dude look i just the thing is that i don't like you i like bob i could tell what do we do mark yes mark what do we do okay not over let's do well we're going back okay i got a blue eight well we're gonna go charlie mark has a yellow glad that information gaining round was good for you guys that was really awesome i saved you bob god damn it i saved you you should remember you should have remembered should have remembered you shouldn't you should remember you should remember you should remember you should remember yeah should have members you should remember oh my god you should remember you remember you remember do you remember you remember yes you remembered god you remembered it oh my god oh geez oh you remember it oh my god you can't oh there you go [Laughter] it's just 2 18. you should remember you should have remembered oh [ __ ] oh yeah you didn't remember my god i looked into my mouth that whole [ __ ] time and i was trying so hard not to die oh my god i hope he's very strange yeah that is very unfortunate hard hard to believe that's uh wait a second don't auto play okay bob take it [Laughter] listen i don't know doing everything i can here for you i saved you by why wait you and actually makes sense i screwed you bob you're right i do not again okay thank you [ __ ] good luck changing the color you ate holes this one's mine all right man stealing it oh wait no i forgot oh i got it pass it on archie oh he's got this no okay all right that might just be the game oh that's not the game hey oh keeping track what's that making it red stop wait making it red oh got him oh okay oh well that's really going down the wayside there yeah man that was almost terrible for you that's just right there uh-huh we're calm down [Music] i can't even see all my cards just [ __ ] out well you have so many cards that can't even all be displayed all in one oh man wow this is really cool i can't believe i can't believe how many yeah you collected it oh good oh god oh yeah cool cool cool it's a really close you know what mark let's give you a chance to play some of those things come on buddy you know how many plus fives and duplicate numbers i have none you have no people no duplicates wait sorry i have two duplicates i have two duplicates don't worry mark i'm catching up come on no you are not you will never get my nice score all these cards i've only got two colors oh god okay okay everything's fine it's fine i got it thank you [ __ ] you aren't you oh no archie listen listen man okay i mean you [Laughter] okay that's good that's good that's good that's good i was the only one who had a chance okay here we go i literally four five six seven eight nine let's go back to the other side i hate this lamb oh my god oh my god i can't view my reds it's broken there you go if you have too many [Music] all right you got it buds you know there you go oh my jesus you jesus left long ago oh god help me please help me oh i thought that was going to be a pool we're going back all right thank god the color of my deck is so varied on this side i guess i'm playing that one thanks i didn't want to go it's good joey's good choice are you trying to keep your cards right mark is that not the idea yeah you know it buddy you know high school winning not possible easily bob please please bob please no that's fine i'll accept it uh oh [ __ ] i gotta play uh no how are you guys jumping in and i get no opportunities i have every card i have well every card how many cards never mind hey archie oh my god yeah that pause where you're like they could play something is always okay all right gang watch out almost look at that double number having a lot of cards sure comes with benefits am i right it sure does aha that's coming up on me now uh it's my time what is that i've not seen a turn since i had gray hairs now we're just gonna swamp them around all right see what we got baby all right going right on back baby okay he's funny you did yet is that why you're laughing i was funny oh i was expected to immediately go right back fair enough oh nice no bro yes bro here we go bro i'm dying i think he's gone he's gone man what does it even mean oh you made it the color you like at least [ __ ] you archie challenge him do it oh what's what what what does it do that card doesn't make any goddamn sense no it does not oh oh yeah here comes this nonsense card oh not the nonsense card yeah the nonsense card do that there is everywhere yeah take that punishment whatever it is whatever that is so many cars what happened it's a mystery you'll never know i remember the last time we played this eventually someone explained it to us too but then i don't remember what the explanation was lost to all time okay well that's great that's gonna keep going then me she's i'm an idiot i'm an idiot i'm an idiot it's okay and it's okay it's all right archie the power of this weird card don't do it don't do it don't do it don't do it wait no wait no and you just you do what you're plus two sure yep uh i guess i have to what color we want this one i'm gonna take a sip nobody be [ __ ] funny for a minute no okay take that rt draw anywhere between zero and 30 cards that's the first non-painful tip i've had in an hour what's this he drew one card never seen that before in my life oh man gee okay i'm just gonna wait what happened to me getting what doing i jumped in on your car no i wanted it so bad somebody quick flip it the other way uh i can't do that i can pass this along i had the one time i don't have those chill how do you like that archie yeah it stings doesn't it oh i don't like the way you said that but all right i thought i had good cards in my hand but it turns out i just had a hand all right man i mean a hand is acceptable is a hand not good it's average oh this is nice this is a normal this feels good it does feel more normal when we get back to this side of things now yeah next side the flip side is a crack den of just like chaos oh say can you play actually listen man he won't listen he's too busy listening to me [Music] [Applause] come on i know you're a cat but come on man not the time right bub one day i'll be dead you guys will be like actually his jokes weren't that bad and that'll be the geniuses are only appreciated after they're gone am i right thank you thank you bob that's the nicest thing you've ever indirectly not really said about me but just made a statement about in general you can draw whatever conclusion you might want from that guys want to see an absolute sociopath play no no no no why would we want that and what why would we want to ah why would we want that why would anybody want that not sure i'm not sure nobody wanted it mark tell them the what for here there's one more and first of all [Music] get him again i'm gonna yeah got so excited about getting getting that card out of your head you know never popped up it never even popped up sure sure likely story sure this will make weeds sad you're gonna get okay thank god okay no one can ever win with my help oh okay wait think about this we're going back oh hey wait how am i the stack of chunk of cards and everybody else is all living their life having not a lot of cars what happened here oh man come on man bye all right i like that this is good come on man this is good stuff [Applause] hey hey next time you'll pick your allies better mark looks like your chickens are coming home to roost your chickens are coming up your ass to roost wha no we're going back now and we're going back again okay what are you like done telling you the what form i don't have what fars all right i'm done telling you let's go we're okay bob thank you let's go back baby i like it back on the other side come on now oh i thought it was going to keep it going god damn you and you and hell to hell with you you you in hell you do hell you are you go to dude down there thanks man thank you for your assist thank you really got him with that one yeah i told him to roast him alive told him for what uh oh here we go oh here comes some number of cards i just accept the punishment then you draw two cards sure that's fine all right this is the thing i jump in on my own car all right wait do you want it never mind well oh mark i'm so sorry and why shut up stop go away i'm giving you what you gave to bob what why oh five all right well okay i wish i had a three but i just can't oh there it is oh here it is three of them here we go is that an entire round where no one did any dumb [ __ ] well i was trying to but everyone got in my way here you go oh come on bro not like that oh don't get so dumb stop kick does that feel good to punch oh wait a minute there's no way challenge it challenge it there's no way i'm challenging never mind sorry man that was bad advice i really had bad boys challenge it man that's about it really got your worth out of that one yeah man i'm sorry get him wade get him weighed oh i don't have that color oh sorry what makes you think i have that the fact that you have no oh my god kill me just kill me kill me kill me oh come on man kill me all right that's fair i'll take it listen okay hey oh yeah oh no what red not good enough for you it's a terrible color it's look at how many cards archie just had to draw oh i missed clicked no i didn't it was just really like well let's do this again okay we're going back oh no that's not the thing that i want to have does it feel good wait does that feel good to do does it feel good does this feel good does you know what ha dude sick color choice thank you why do i have to oh there we go all right i'm really sorry if this goes any further than rng i don't have any control over it i called bluff she would not have been sorry if that would have gone farther no not really i was just trying to talk you guys down yeah that's okay oh you have eight cards you calm down your boots thank god at least oh thank you archie you actually saved me there by jumping in there all right aren't you change of color mama i hate all of you i hate all of you i hate all of you i just good wire carter that's just a general statement it's just it's unpleasant to be around you less good work body odor like just body odor what are you talking about all of you everybody every of you wait i don't mark let's talk about every of you i'm not talking to you you pretty much are talking to him all right well yay finally i can't really think about this no oh crap i don't know all right okay all right finally i've been waiting i've been waiting i've been waiting oh wait oh i've been waiting to give you a slice of that hey oh i missed it oh god i missed it god i missed it i hate life thanks for letting me play i really appreciate that i never want to hear and pass it on mark i want to die why why would you do such evil things to me oh god why would you do this not orange you [ __ ] cat oh when you don't get your color you throw a tantrum oh poor little baby baby duck duck dude yeah okay here we go oh good let me skip everyone and i'll go again because i can't let's draw again uh-huh we're going back this is what happens when you play with people who just aren't as emotionally mature as you you what are you know about i'm emotionally whatever word you used okay okay all right we're all climbing back up to ge oh wait i've got one i've got one of those dude nice i have several keep it red red's great for me that's great good i feel like it's gonna stay red oh come on man okay well just do whatever you're gonna do i guess i will do it i'm gonna do it clearly you were anxious to play some green cards so you know it baby you know i was you know i am oh draw one card archie i want you to realize ramifications of your actions oh well i'll explain the ramifications it caused me to draw cards it caused that you caught it don't do that i'm doing what [Music] [Music] [ __ ] you guys we're going back why would we go he's got a wild card you're gonna make him win archie oh come on man come on all right thank you i don't care i want this to happen archie i'll take my random number of cards i guess you're super too sure are you gonna go again man you go again fine you go all right come on archie let's do this let's stack them up really hoping that was gonna be the end i gotta go we're gonna go soon you're gonna go soon well look you gotta go and it can't happen can't it won't happen well i can't leave until this is done well here here we'll go back we'll go back i don't know that'll oh okay wait no hang on wait no stop i can't stop this no i can't hey he said he'd end soon i made it and you were just had the whole time you had the ability to make it in no thank you oh my god all right that was a really fast game oh yeah quickly yeah yeah all right is that where it's ending yeah i think probably should get out of here all right cool all right great good games everybody everybody won a lot what a joyous what a joyous time to be alive it is it is all right so bob has something he's promoting oh yeah bob talk about you i am about to continue streaming i don't know if you guys you're probably done mark i'm done are you gonna continue streaming wade otherwise no i'm gonna wrap up there well then i'm the only one who's continuing so you should watch me i'm doing a sponsored stream playing the game override two it's gonna be fun i'm playing with other people hey guys if you go you gotta go cause the more numbers he gets the more they pay him okay you got right you gotta go you gotta go i don't care if you can you gotta go you gotta go i don't care if you just open it on your browser and just passively watch around put it in the background don't mute it just keep the volume real low just put it on bob's gonna get a big payday and you can help them by doing nothing okay come on yeah you gotta help him you gotta do it all right cool all right good talk thanks friends all right thank you good luck with your sponsor i hope you make millions bob to valve you make that seems that seems likely it seems probable all right okay thank you bye soon bbs bye bye all right you guys heard you guys heard the instructions go go go go make his sponsored dream big come on nice payday for christmas it's a christmas present from you to him ice cream it's being posted in the chat go check them out all right bye guys have fun with that see you over there if you're not over there i'll know okay bye [Music] you
Channel: MarkiplierVods 1080p
Views: 857,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tgdHJiEWfHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 7sec (12067 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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