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all right so it's kind of embarrassing to admit but I've never played you know on my stream and I begged my entire chat to teach me how to play no I feel embarrassed to admit I've never played like a children's card game it's not a children let's get one thing out of the way first this is not this is a highly competitive extremely stressful game for adults for a dog you don't know the cutthroat you're not you're gonna we're not gonna be friends after this I'm glad that I feel like we're all at least me and Jax LaShawn equally clueless terms of endearment are we ready yep all right once we go in it's it's blood oh my god your mic just what happened to your bike my oh my god it's so loud there's a lot of rules that are different in this one what are the rules alright so sevens can change hands with whoever you pick zeroes rotate the hands you stack plus twos you can jump in at any time you played this I can't remember that [ __ ] just be ready to jump in the two most important are the sevens and this year's seven you swap with who you want when you do is zero everybody rotates day really d dammit which reactions thank you thank you I'll take that look I just wanted to see what he had that's what you get that's what you get your head okay I'm gonna challenge this way I know yeah that's how we're goddamn it you know I just learned what challenging is that oh you didn't know about challenge yeah no I didn't that is apparently not a rule in normal yeah that's how it goes for you yellow you got have to you you think that's half the deck that is hilarious has anyone ever gotten up to triple digits that's what I don't know Red Bull so the cards are just unlimited I wouldn't doubt no yeah there's unlimited number of cards here everything um I got a lot of cards what are you gonna kick our ass Todd dammit what I would kick your ass if you would give me a chance to do so I would love to kick your ass oh come on pudding I feel like I need a picture I feel like mark staring at me yes yes I am I would love to play pudding I have to do it to you puddings crying it is what it is and now you're gonna be crying fine my time has come [Laughter] I'm crying jokesters around here yeah oh dude interesting interesting interesting what holy [ __ ] what skill what are you talking about what this game all skill hey I put it paid by mark apply hey just cuz I made the game does not meet what the hell is in my quarters never challenged when they don't have a lot of cards I think a well those are very different things no I'm good man thank you it's fine whatever putting a long game you're gonna be there with 16 cards sorry none of them are playable you can't be sorry at least don't let the AI win alright I'll try not to let the AI win make the conscious choice not to do that [Music] behold my 9 Oh but gamers behold my behold my 9 nice answer on that it's not a 9 what what are we even playing yeah why blue it was blue let's get it like I acted surprised after you put it down like you didn't know what it was gonna do cards for ya or would you like some more don't you dare oh you just decreased it from 4 to 2 ha ha yes this is what I was talking about challenge me do it do it at Darien mm-hmm well I drew it rule of uno if I draw the plus 4 I did not lie oh my god that is the rule of really pulling a dish on air hey blue would be really cool I'm just saying if you if you did big big huge huge stack of God dude full scented on that one we using streamer terms here no one on YouTube is allowed to say one let's go and number two full sin none of those this is YouTube territory now no no no that's a mixer term you can't say any of that okay how come the bot keeps winning this is a good question it's because we all are at each other's throats and we need to work together yes yes yes five you say I'm jumping five do not not do a five I have three fives it would have been so cool I haven't ate them what you have to say uno [ __ ] that's rule number two of uno yeah well I was waiting for you to make weight after me no you five oh come on not not that color no that was not okay it was all right look if Jay Sean was next to me I'd be getting a hundred I'm een outputting might win this anywhere okay who's got the faster fingers you have to if you swim if you get one card from a trade you have to hit yeah but the others can jump in and accuse you they can Jew keels Hughes Sean and GL around here come on no that's the opposite no all right I'm doing this for the team I would use this on any one of you though just wanna throw that between nine and 11 cards mine's gonna change very quickly you sure can you sure can it didn't mean you can jump in just Sean how good your cards pretty awesome [Music] sup with my cards no thanks we're good I'm good actually thank you I'm good yeah breach no no what who are you use bttv emotes no Jack keeps telling me I should no no I downloaded it once and I couldn't deal with it so I just I disabled it and all right here we go this hand is great someone playing wait this is awesome love that for me Oh epic this game is awesome it's about having fun hey keep drawing Oh see threes ICC's of thank you it's always putting it was me i won and then i yeah and then he let me win i skill not win you say that you say that wait why did I jump that no I think I didn't want to jump in on that I call anything people in at home so no I'm winning what do you talk about rough okay great guys please what even cares that is a bad mood maybe maybe oh now he doesn't know should you challenge it no [ __ ] Oh anytime someone jumps in with a +4 they did it excuse my cards no you got Plus do somehow doubt that it's ok it's so early in the game I'll challenge it a lot of cards I was a pretty easy challenge yeah that's pretty bold move whatever it's cool I definitely did not want that to be a yellow not at all all right she wants it to be yellow change it no I was I was so ready to hit the challenge but not ready welcome I am so good at this game don't you dare don't don't no see that's not spoke a little bit to Asuna why is no one laughing at pudding haha putting losers now don't feel bad they're horrible monstrosity that's mean huge huge would you like to have more cards than pudding pudding don't do it okay good okay all right my cards all right very good I don't I have no idea what I'm doing I'm gonna take your these weren't good at all that doesn't that's not right that's a twitch thing here in YouTube and playing who know dishonest all the way Olli mmm-hmm well no I won't i won't keep drawing friends ears my bet you had something else to do i just drew it well alright you know what 50/50 shot on that one what did you shot mm-hmm yeah thank you I mean what's the [ __ ] difference yeah Siri stop listening into my conversations oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I was gonna I was I feel like you wouldn't have complimented me when if I had done that those were my cards so saying I need I need a hype man sometimes I need listen you've won Oh someone has hit 30 before I feel like it was my buddy comments already yeah less cards no no no God oh that's so much blue the poky look at that you do [Music] just keep doing this instead yeah well you know it's my second time it's all good yeah well this is the third round so you know there's never enough practice to get to my level of skill in thousands of hours maybe it is like extra big because you know it has a seven now big brain that's a youtuber term yeah it started out over here I mean on Twitch we say five head if you know what that looks yeah yeah yeah I got I've got I have one of those [Music] turntables okay I'd like to play red guys the spec is cursed guys it's cursed it's cursed it's cars oh it's not cursed if one of these is a seven though it's fine well you know what have we learned okay good we learned our lesson here we learned it yeah good pop get in there I wait no I tried to stop I tried to stop I I might in a while I try I didn't want this to happen like that James I didn't want that to go down like that man you gotta understand it comes around I don't deserve that be very clear red good myself someone's got a lot of blue why are you guys like actually paying attention with a lot of blue that's really all I don't have red I need to say no I'm not the one with the blue deck I don't know who has the blue deck putting now I mean this is kind of nice because we all have a lot of cards yeah this is great not all of us guys guys not let's be clear not all of us have a lot of cards not all of us some of us have quite a few densha to my english you know what don't wait no stop that's not what I was no yeah it was it was really nice that works well I mean we could just keep doing it okay why does putting up such good hands well it was a really nice hand deck thing oh they call stop I wanna play you're falling right into his trap now you're falling right into his trap it's over Anakin what the hell is with your guys's cards what just happened from yellow no no see I'm doing this oh oh no but I didn't think you would have that all right what are the odds he has another green guys see see see I knew I knew I knew guys you don't trust sorry sorry yeah don't leave a yellow wait you also have three cards guys remember when I had the least amount of cars guys were cool that's fun I loved it you loved it we all loved it I don't understand how you guys jumped in so many times it's like it's illogical you can't just say that and exploit that dude doesn't explain nothing I guess I'll go okay you just I will take that and everyone just calm down they're all playing that game yeah yeah the Texas that was we worth one bull and it my editor put in name of it right here yeah my favorite episode the opposite when we were I will see what happens wow that sucks for you oh yes I mean all that Oh No all right okay well my heart is pounding okay it is a Mexican standoff here now is that was it was Texas a new six know which one you gotta take which one's gonna be which ones go ahead you'll never know you'll never know okay none of us win wait on we all lose oh well here's my chance yes all right what color do you have blue yeah I don't believe in Italy I don't believe I don't know we don't think oh my god that's real just Shawn move there oh that's a shame you trying to be cool no never mind maybe two Shawn oh you haven't played with my buddy Wayne oh no you know where yes you have actually you've played with interesting okay anyone got a second interesting wait damn it your quick ones it's not mark waiting another one when I win everybody wins I just want to point that out yeah Mark's been saying that for years the rising tide raises all ships don't take my ship no that's not the same no it's my ship that raises apart from your ship what's Mark her ship is gonna raise yours that's a very coveted ship yes yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we got ourselves a game okay maybe nurse elves a never ending game hey look we're back to the beginning of the game this was at least ten minutes ago it was the very beginning of the game you start with seven cards oh nice or even it feels kind of nice it is nice isn't that rising tide for the record for longest uno game ever yeah Guinness World Record we're gonna be here until the lockdown stop I like it so bad puddin but it's awful what don't talk about him like he's good she G they I don't know yeah I don't know either what you got what you got Canada it's just are you Canadian yeah when you hear the French accent you know I got nothing against Canadians I like that you have bagged milk I do know that okay this is have you tried beg no I drove up to Canada to get back just incredible isn't it so nice so do you have one of the containers for it I don't still have bagged milk I live in the good old America where we where we have jug milk but if you're gonna try bag milk you need to buy it doesn't make the milk I know about the milk container but listen you back off Ireland or you go do that you back off my hands were completely off the you really gonna do the good old Canadian like that listen there's nothing wrong with Canada and there's nothing wrong with bag note I just like as so long as you're drinking whole milk right full fat milk that's all that really matters what's wrong with like less or more than whole milk because that's good for you oh no here we go there's a Miss there's been more than scientific studies the lack of fat yes because it route gets replaced with sugar okay here's the whole thing oh my god in in America in America they're lower there's an obesity like epidemic and it's cost directly you can trace it all back to the the the the the belief no no no he loved his fat you know he did not it's not Lincoln look full fat fat is good for you you need fat there was this belief that fat like causes all these diseases it's not true it's Trudeau no it's too much no you can have all the fat you want you can have all the money yeah I might just do that you can do keep how did I get 11 cards you shouldn't you shouldn't you need fat to live that that's important it's what gives things flavor so you get unsaturated fat though is the good one yeah you don't want the trans fat no no no no no we're on YouTube I was twitching for you no that's what you get when I think about it it's kind of a two versus one vote two people want to twitch one person does it oh you're not letting pudding you're not letting pudding say his piece what did I do all right I'm winning rising tide rising tide everyone all ships anyway back to my speech about fat fats good for you it's surprisingly good for you because goddamnit I had a yellow I had sugar sugar turns God sure sugar I was gonna win I even believe you didn't jump in just Shawn I would have won again hey I would want that name out of your mouth just sure I know I bet you I bet you're a dirty sugar eater I bet that's what you are supposed to a healthy fat oh who has four now me I'm good why did I jump in I'll take yours why thank you thank you very much look you keep your ten cards you're good there [Music] do you drink full fat milk there in the UK yeah good good I think points of it with my dinner I used to be me to like gala tweet me and my brother we'd crush a gallon of milk alike every day we drink milk like real humans you know I'm not bringing sex into this it's you it's like human ten cards and not a single one that works here yeah keep your TennCare team here nice car nice car and s [ __ ] you must drink whole milk Wow pokey what you doing there was it your turn I thought it was puddings this is her turn and she didn't take it oh wow that's unfortunate oh my my god oh my god 21 cards I don't have a single red that's unfortunate so many cards that it stacks them and you can't even see them all yeah you saved me thank you because I was switching the car thank you thank you someone had to keep it red I did honest I thought he was like saying thank you because he wanted a color aside from that I was thanking you because you not only saved me from the +4 but you you rose the tide to allow me to talk really got my brain there's no way he also didn't have nothing - okay remember when we were making fun of just Shawn that was a cool time lack of fat yeah you ever eaten avocado it's life-changing yeah okay like have you ever had avocado and then you like put it on bread I think they couldn't like don't wanna for doubt your point of this then you hit the Jimmy John's day it's just so good there isn't even a 104 and Jimmy John's is non-native to LA so you're wrong all right it's the 405 or the 101 I just love to go down to like like the Americana and hit Sephora just get all of my a bit those are correct statements and i apprec-- but it's my time for Shawn to win oh how did you get one wait well I keep not paying attention we keep doing bits I don't allow other people to win yellow I'm gonna keep that in mind okay no no stop no he doesn't have a yellow no the takeaway from that was that he did not yes that's the one the bots I don't think the bots in our discord I don't accept friend requests from just anybody so you know yeah you got drink whole milk to be a friend on okay we need to play yellow right yes yeah yellow I think we're far past that wait no it's because you have yellow wait no I see I see I see what's going on see oh wait [ __ ] oh god no wait stop stop my turn I was I legitimately I was too busy being an [ __ ] I didn't I that was actually no not that Cup no not blue but like one step ahead always work nabis cries I'm just Shawn she's learned too quickly oh how much time you got pokey I could do one more round let's do one more let's mix it up Shawn round is it is it the juice genre no I'm too much of a [ __ ] dumbass to know what's going on outputting I am just happy to be pathetic pathetic terrible are you guys good with impressions or accents that's the one thing I absolutely just Kendall did somebody say accents you asked my fans like don't you dare make fun I I don't even care that this is me make fun of me potatoes alpha you know you know you you always order potatoes yeah I got man also when I took out puddings Garcia 3/7 Oh Issei talk it sounds like like like Tok Tok no he's literally medic took no he said the word took no he actually said took I think cuz he said when he when he took the card said I'm pretty sure that's yeah he actually said it was meant to sound that way what I'm still drawing cards wait what I unintentionally won I didn't know you could plus two uno and then plus to yourself yeah I did we could do another round we need you Sean to we know we don't know we don't need yeah okay cute little gesture needs to have a dubbing is cool yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah you're getting destroyed I can't believe it yeah you know he's Irish wait no my cards I had no no those I'll really like those guys that's actually really good I know right pretty good those are game-winning cards those were yes they were winter cards speaking of being winter cards interesting interesting move here interesting interesting interesting ico days we got a couple of [ __ ] sweat he's over here no no it's it's kill or be killed milk and sugar good move yeah you want to talk more about that okay I could talk more about that about not green I I enjoyed green I will say oh I know that's why I'm saying how about it we'll see then I will pass it back that's what I will I'm gonna pull a risky I'm gonna kill him anew ver here I had a wild card okay okay that's good that's good why do you get it on the first draw and I have to draw ten cuz you won three games because I'm good okay cuz I got skill do you know what color that card is I don't know well maybe you'll figure it out by getting another four how does that make you feel good a beating of the one who's in the dirt versus the one who clearly are you challenging you but I don't have a reverse card that's interesting interesting you know what else is a lot what what my subscriber count it's pretty high it's very a lot it's very high so I have that what you're dropping your sub count guys you know the subs are a little low this one maybe hit the subscribe button right there sue sue oh it's my turn Jesus Christ god no God stop wait no no God I didn't I can't wait for my comments at home to tell me how many times I could've what didn't ya cuz just Sean's a bit of a judo mess hey you want my cards I'm okay wait can I pull I don't even want my cards excuse me mr. Jin dumbass I've got cards here [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay you're not sorry I know you're not don't even say it [Music] of course I know I just have to pick up 20 yes who know is like that it doesn't know no does not yeah what are you doing get out of here with those cards will you will ya how do I unbelievable that's interesting I like that color on us mm I mean I don't mind it for now until green snot is cool but you know take it okay I like this nice normal you know okay well a pudding can do a pudding do but this nice okay I had to save blue into various two guys ah there we go we have funnier Wow we're nuts that's not holding that hand for me pudding it's not bad interesting interesting whatevs these don't they were both so good for me oh my god why wait no stop that's no stop [ __ ] pudding come on man you know what what thanks to Shawn our problem hey this is a nice cards no oh no that's not glory I think it's a green water [Music] oh yes this is looking pretty good guys [Laughter] I don't even know what to be excited or sad about I'd rather pass kidney stones come on yeah that's a good color I do like you you like yellow after this and only night well what a waste it doesn't stack if you do it yourself but it's taxed by that thank you Jesus oh wait well no we're done the joke was over wait stop maybe we could run it back yeah maybe huh okay guys guys dude really not us okay that works ours it's okay it's your turn just Shawn yeah sure no we like yellow we like yellow in all ways I don't putting winning okay sorry okay what's happening pick me up please I'm scared you just you just god I was gonna say police don't let him have the same color all right you know how did everybody win even the but except I guess well Gigi's Gigi's now now that's twitch talk here are you do we say [ __ ] you ie you and then YouTube you say please like comment and subscribe that's the one hey thanks for doing my I got it [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,427,476
Rating: 4.9580007 out of 5
Keywords: uno, uno gameplay, uno multiplayer, uno markiplier, uno jacksepticeye, uno pokimane, jacksepticeye, markiplier, pokimane, collab, online, multiplayer, twitch, youtubers, twitch streamers, gaming, gameplay, funny, funny moments, laughing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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