It's Not Common | Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] I've got so much to thank God for [Music] so many wonderful balloons and so many [Music] and [Applause] [Music] we'll beat you down Lord that's why I praise you for this I give you praise [Music] first starting Oh [Music] you put each and every day [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Church we invite you to stay away can't we just lift our hands and on of the Lord's goodness in our lives we remember [Music] Debra tries [Music] you've been so good to bring us through [Music] all this hard sing is hot [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] I wish you'd lift up a great shout of grace you know he's taking you over the mountain the valley you oughta praise him don't forget about his goodness don't forget about his faithfulness don't forget about health steadfast just love [Music] Lord we praise come on somebody live temple voice with trial I made glory to God I made it baby through raise the name aren't you glad to be in church this morning praising the mighty name of Jesus nobody ought to have to do another thing for you to take your own time and give God your personal praise and every canvas lift up your voice lift up your hands lift up your shout and give God great praise today we love you Jesus three decide things praise God oh I love him today oh I love him today's anybody love Jesus today to God be the glory for all he has done smile at someone and tell them me if you're gonna sit in that seat that's a praise or seat right there it was reserved only for a praise her tell them if you're gonna sit there you got to give him praise today god bless you it's good to see you here this rainy rainy Sunday morning I'm glad I'm in the house of the Lord today and boy what great singing that choir did didn't they can we tell them we love them and appreciate them amazing guys thank you you blessed us today well if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them with me to the book of Acts the tenth chapter I want to go to Acts chapter 10 and while you're turning there it is pretty amazing that we started a new campus last week and we had over 1100 people there they were crowned and all out in the hall and we just thank God for 35 Souls that that gave their heart to the Lord and that's what it's all about and we'll be going down there again this afternoon it has begun and we don't let up now we press press press and you know I appreciate everybody who helped us launch that you you were there you know you were there there's something about when people support and people create an atmosphere for those 35 Souls to get saved there was an excitement there there was maybe maybe some of you feel led that you were to be apart some of you and go ahead some of you there in Buford or wherever and you want to be a part of something great to besides your church as we're launching this campus your physical presence can really make a difference and it's a great area down there it's a fun area after we had amazing church one of the great greatest services one of the best I've been in all year to be honest it was just electrified in that place and and then we Cherie said I'm agree and I said well what do you want to eat she said I want to go to the varsity so we went over we went over to the varsity and they chili dogs with slaw chili slaw dogs with onion rings it was so good it was greasy and nasty but it was so good and you know you need some of that it's in our DNA every once in a while being down south to get something fried and an unhealthy just every once in a while so I don't know where we'll go tonight but we'll have fun but god bless you how many of you praying for that church that it'll impact thousands of lives I'm believing that we won't be able to hold them in one service and have to go to two and then we'll launch Sunday morning in there and see what God's gonna do it's a pray and support thank you so much Acts chapter 10 Acts chapter 10 I'll begin reading with verse 13 of Acts chapter 10 and a voice came to him and he said rise Peter kill and eat but Peter said not so Lord for I have never eaten anything common or unclean and a voice spoke to him again the second time and it said what God has cleansed you must not call common what God has cleansed you must not call common I I want to talk to you and I'll give you my title in just a moment but this is an amazing story it's Simon Peter having a vision and when he has this vision a table is spread in the vision and God says kill what is on the table and eat it and he was on the dietary law of the Jewish people that there were certain foods he couldn't eat and all those foods Lobster and so on they were all on the table and he said Lord I can't eat something uncommon and God said the voice said what I call what I have what God has cleansed don't you call it common I love that phrase don't you call it common when God's done something don't you make a little deal about it don't you act like it's something common when God cleanses when God pronounces that that which was unclean is now clean don't you act like that's a common thing no big deal and so I I want us to look at this story I I don't know if you remember that verse 13 is interesting when the voice said rise kill and eat kill and eat some years back there was a there was a fad that came through many churches somebody wrote a book called the Hallelujah diet I don't know if you remember it but it was basically a vegetarian any eating a lot of vegetables and the bottom line of the diet that it kind of caught on and everybody that you talked to was on the you know as the latest diet they they're always changing right and and and they were they were saying you know the the Hallelujah diet is anything you can peel and eat like a banana and you you know you you just have to eat real healthy and it was called the Hallelujah diet and they said that there was a redneck that when his pastor got up started talking about he wanted the whole church to go on the Hallelujah diet and you can only eat what you can peel and eat they said the rednecks stood up and said that's unbiblical the Bible said kill and eat he had a point Simon Peter said I have never eaten anything common and the voice said don't call what God has cleansed common what God was saying was what what is happening here is I need you to go to corneas his house he's a Gentile and I know that Jews don't associate with Gentiles and I know that you see them as unclean but from this day forward the gospel is going to be preached to those people and if I call them clean don't you call it something common when I do the miracle of salvation what he was saying was this is a plan that that you're being a part of that I've been planning for four thousand years it was there when I substituted Seth are able for Seth it was there when Noah floated out of the flood with his family this is something I've been planning and you're acting like his something common but I've been waiting for this moment when the gospel would break out from just Jesus ministering to Jewish people to now under the new covenant it's for all men of all races and all backgrounds it's a gospel of whosoever will and I've been planning this I was planning it with the virgin birth I was planning it when Jesus showed up in physical body God was saying I was planning it it was not just God for men and God with men but now it's God in men and the death the burial the resurrection don't call this common don't call the precious blood shed on the cross common but I'm going to save the Gentiles and the Jews it's for everybody and don't act like it's some common normal just whatever thing that I'm doing you've lost the wonder when you call something common don't call this common don't get over the miracle of salvation and we need to be reminded as we sit here this morning routinely and sometimes robotically that there's nothing about this church that is common it is the result of the miraculous power of God doing things that are beyond us we should not ever treat the gospel as though it is common this church is not common salvation is not common the joy and the faith that we have is not common this life that we live in folks right now not some day when things get perfect but right now you're living an uncommon extraordinary life and you don't need to act like it's coming this is what God has done in your life and when he's done something what he caught cleanses don't you treat and call it common what happens is this you're in this church is not common it's it's a miracle that you're here today it's a miracle that Buford in Gwinnett Midtown and Spartanburg in Orange County and Gainesville are here by the thousands it's a big deal it's not common I want you to pause for a moment and think how God was working in your life just to get you here it's God that brought you here don't you treat it like it's a common thing the story of Noah and the Ark the greatest part of that story is not the building of the boat but the presence of the passengers somewhere in a deep dark jungle two lions one male and one female turned the male turned to the female and said follow me I feel like I'm supposed to walk in this direction he didn't know why but he was being drawn to the ark and I could see two monkeys swinging one male and one female on the vines and the male says follow me I know we have never gone to those trees over there but I want to go in that direction it's where something over there I don't know why but we're going and I can see the giraffes as they're looking in the male giraffe says through the female giraffe let's go in that direction and the miracle of the story of the ark is how all of the passengers all those animals including mosquitoes two of them why why did he close that door but two of them made it home I'm telling you that how did those animals get on that Ark only one Ark only one way out of the storm God lived the animals out of their natural habitat into a place where they would be safe where they would be rescued and the same God that led them led you out led you out of your bondage let you out of your darkness led you out of your sin led you out of your pass and brought you to this place it's a miracle that you have been forgiven it's a miracle that you are saved and don't you ever treat it as though it's common that you're sitting in church is a big deal don't let it be common in other words get saved and never get over it and I want to preach on don't ever get over touch your neighbor and say don't ever get over it it's a lot of people who've gotten it gotten over it you shouldn't be able to sit in that seat today and treat this service as though it's just another service at free chapel my goodness I've never got over the miracle of salvation the miracle of divine direction that God led me here I didn't leave myself I didn't choose this place God chose me I showed up didn't know why I was here thought I was preaching a revival for a pastor named well born at free chapel almost 30 years ago and Here I am it was a miracle direction the week that that pastor died he had scheduled me to be the preacher for that Sunday morning nine months in advance and here I stand on this property in this building that is a miracle you know when Noah dropped that gangplank and he didn't say pick another any boat out of many this is here if you don't get on this art you're not getting out of this world safely and I'm telling you it's a miracle there's a lot of animals that were still left in the jungle but here you are in the church in the body of Christ saved and on your way to heaven and what God has cleansed ooh not call common somebody give God praise if you believe I'm preaching the truth we should never ever let it be common that we started a church last week with over 1100 people and 35 people got born-again salvation that is not something oh they're just doing it again well we starting another church well we can eat for lunch I don't care what we're gonna eat for lunch this is not normal where you are right now it's not normal the joy you feel right now is not normal the life that you're living right now is not common it's an uncommon life and you need to never call it common again take a praise break I'm trying to calm down I know I'm gonna embarrass somebody today but our enthusiasm our Thanksgiving our appreciation should be uncommon I'm living a dream I'm living a miracle don't you let God's greatest and greatness in your life and greatest blessings in your life become common it's a miracle some of you are not dead it's a miracle some of you are sober and got a Bible up under your feet it's a miracle that some of you are not on drugs today it's a miracle that some of you are married after all the enemy's tongue to wipe your marriage it's a miracle somebody's not in prison they've been set free and they're sitting here today and don't you ever let anybody tell you that it's just common it's not common and I will not give him common praise if you live in an uncommon life you ought to get some uncommon praise and give God the glory come on praise in just a minute with an uncommon phrase this a miracle unblessed it's a miracle I'm healed don't lose the wonder of it all some of you are sitting here today and you have a child when the doctor told you you would never have children but if you're not careful that miracle will become common ten years later you forget that he healed you he delivered you he brought you out he performed great things God gave us this building and another building down the road and 150 acres debt-free and he gave us the building in Gwinnett and he gave us the land in Buford and he gave us the building in Spartanburg and he gave us the build in Orange County and he gave us a building in Midtown that one day we'll all praise God come on this is not common don't call it common this is crazy I'm preaching to the world on television this is not normal this is not common don't let it become don't call it common where are we going we're gonna go to church don't call this common has God answered any prayer have you forgotten don't call it common some of you are in business but when God found you you were broker than the ten commandments you didn't have nothing and God has blessed you and now you got people who work for you and you ride around in your truck or whatever it is your g wagon or your mercedes or your Beemer and you just you so you you that car should never become common that house you live in should never there was a time when you didn't have three sets of clothes now you got so many clothes so many shoes you should never look at your life as a common thing God has blessed you and I need to come down on them don't call it common don't call it common look how God has blessed you it's nothing like watching people who just got saved I love it I can tell when I'm preaching most of the time where they are they're the ones and then there's those of you who've been around a while because the people who've just genuinely got born again and filled with the Holy Spirit that's sitting down there and just just just normal preaching like there's power in the blood oh my god did you hear that but people who say this is just common this is just Sunday more but there's other people it's not you don't understand what he's done for me you don't understand where I was a year ago you don't know how messed up and hopeless my life was so don't tell me to give him a common praise I know what he's done for me and he said what I've cleanse don't you ever call it coming I was thinking about the old old Church the old Browns bridge road well I mean we when we started you know it just God just began to bless us had been here long and revival hit y'all any any of y'all was any all around in I don't know if any of you were even around them then but a few of us were around man that place lit on fire we used to have church on Sunday night and during the summer we would pack 700 people in a room that was built for about 500 and the whole crowd looked like we fell in a swimming pool because the air-conditioner didn't have work and we would sweat we I can remember sloshing in my shoes to my car it was so hot but man it was so fun and we were fired up and dancing and shouting and praising God and couldn't believe that look I hear we got we got 700 people but now that's just coming thousands of people that's nothing buildings and blessings and amazing opportunities that's just common the Lord convicted me the other day and he said you are not living a common life act like it show me some uncommon appreciation and Thanksgiving for all that I have done for you oh I don't know who I'm preaching to but you should not be where you are like you are right now it's not common and don't you act like it's common you ought to give God and uncommon praise this Sunday morning [Applause] Lucifer Lucifer was expelled from heaven because it became common to him he was in heaven but it just became common and he didn't treat it with great respect Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden and they walked with God every day but they took it as some common thing and they got kicked out of the garden in numbers chapter 16 and verse and verse 7 I believe it is verse 9 whatever it is I told them before I can't even read my writing now but I told them so I hope they got it right Moses said to Korah do you think it's a small thing to you that the God of Israel separated you to bring you nearer to himself to call you into the ministry do you think it is it a small thing is it become common that you're in the ministry has it become common do you just pull up to that job some of you who in the ministry now that would never dream that you would get a chance now it's just a common thing I'm just going them it's just a job it's not a job this is amazing what I'm doing right now is so uncommon what's you're sitting in right now it's called a revival we've been in one for about 30 years to be quite honest it's never stopped and just when the enemy thought he would stop it the Holy Spirit would come and breathe on it again and would go to an even great this is not common can I get a witness I don't need everybody but can I get somebody to shout this it's not common is it a small thing to you now the continual key to making it all the way to heaven is to get saved and never get over don't get over it his first name is wonderful Isaiah said his name shall be called wonderful counselor mighty God everlasting father Prince of Peace but if you ever lose the wonder you lose all the other stuff don't forget his first name don't lose the wonder if you wonder where to wander when it went with the Wonder and if you want to get back the glory of God's you get back the wonder I love it I love it I love to see people who just been on fire for God just got we got something that young man that I baptized up here the other night that Wednesday night he just got out of prison the prison ministry wanted and he was sitting up there and I'm telling you he was wild-eyed and fired up and couldn't hardly stand it in the water and let the shout and praise God and if we don't watch it that just becomes common don't get over Romans 6 and verse 13 says neither yield your members your body as instruments of sin but yield them to God as instruments of righteousness watch this I want you to yield your members as instruments oh don't do it as unrighteousness under sin but yield you yourselves to God watch as those that are alive from the dead he said you I want you to worship like God raised you from the dead I mean what if you just croak right here right now and we ran back there and laid hands on you and boom you came back from life the Bible said you were so dead in sin the next part of that verse says for she who is living in her pleasure is dead while she lives you didn't know it but while you were partying and while you were living like hail you were a dead man walking you were a dead woman talking and partying and shaking it into but you were dead as you could be you were lost in on you and he said when I save you you give me your members of your body and you worship me with them like I raised you from the dead don't you sit there and act like it's a common thing I raised you from the dead come on praise and praise them until you forget about the people around you you were a dead man you were a dead woman well pastor if you would calm down our church would grow a whole lot more Sooey on you the more I think about it I think I want to shout it from the rooftop we don't need a quiet church we need a church that says I serve an uncommon God who blessed me with an uncommon life I won't give him uncommon praise tell somebody worship like you were raised from the dead [Applause] let me take it one step further woof woof your children died what if your children died and God rate when I'm felling the pool and drown and you laid their hand on in Jesus name and they came back to life 20 minutes later would you get excited about that your children are sitting in church loving Jesus praise him like he raised your family from the dead oh my god somebody got healed 10 years ago of cancer but now it's just common somebody went through heart surgery and you didn't know when you were laying in ICU if you'd make it the five years later here you are but now it's become common don't you give him common praise if he's done uncommon things in your life somebody praise Him I'm almost done come to the music come out of the doldrums stop coming and having Sunday as usual just another church service it's a miracle by miraculous direction you're here you're there how did you ever get there it's a miracle some of you businesspeople you deal now hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars maybe Millions you just you just deal with millions make million-dollar decisions yeah buy that house for 250,000 you yeah it's common if you don't watch it you become like the ten lepers that God healed but you don't ever turn back and praise Him cuz it's just common now but one of them turned back one of them said this is not normal this is not common I can't you cleanse me of leprosy and I can't act like it's common like they're doing they just went on about their business but I gotta tell you I'm living an uncommon life now I've been raised from the dead I got my family back where's your gratitude where's your thankfulness where's your enthusiasm for God your life is supernatural it's God's blessing how many of you living in a house this better once you deserve let me see your hand how many of you driving cars and got more clothes than you can wear how many of you are making more money than you've ever made in your life come on just be honest is that common is that worth a common worshipping a common reaction to God's goodness so I don't care what people say about us maybe God doesn't want another normal church in Atlanta and in Gainesville and Gifford when they're in Spartanburg everywhere else he's gonna take us maybe he wants some uncommon Wow people Wow I don't ever want to get over this I'm preaching I tell you I tell I was sitting in Canada last this past Tuesday if it's past Monday sitting in Ontario County Canada for TV cameras all surrounded me and this young lady that was interviewing me on the number one Christian show it's like Good Morning America in Canada and they read the book and they said we want you to come do 15 shows segments and every show that we do with celebrities or whoever we're gonna put about four minutes of your teaching in there and we're gonna offer this book for a solid month on secular TV across the nation and I'm sitting there and I get into about the six segments that I've taken it hits me this is not this is not normal does anybody get my drift ooh what I'm talking when I look at my life this is stupid this is uncommon this is crazy look what I get to do I'm gonna get to do it here I'm preaching on TV this is uncommon but your life is the same nobody gave any hope for you nobody believed in you but God and God said let me raise them up let me give him and the more you praise him for what he's done the more he will release into your life is uncommon blessing get up on your feet and give him a mighty shout of praise if you know I'm preaching the truth in every campus don't be quiet about it lift up a shout of praise I hope when you walk in that job tomorrow you just act like it's coming here I'm the boss I promoted over all these people you walk in there with a humility you walk in there with a new appreciation lord have mercy if they only knew who I really am without God [Music] anybody feel that way about the goodness of God in your life will have a different on recalling today I want every business person I want every family I want every individual who would have to say I'm living a dream life Oh everything isn't perfect it's never gonna be just perfect you always got a probate you'll praise put it on probation when things get better I'll praise the Lord some terms you need to just say you know what if God didn't move the mountain or do anything else I want the song that we send a second one now if if God doesn't move them now to ever this is not common what God has done in our life what God is cleanse don't ever call common if I know what I'm preaching about today so I'm gonna give you a chance to make up for all those Sunday's that you've walked in and just let the praise team do the praising you don't have a common life friend God has cleansed you God has saved you you're on your way to heaven lord have mercy [Applause] and I don't care who you are I don't care how much you are I don't care about nothing about you excel if you know God has blessed you if you know you were a dead man that he raised back to life or a dead woman he raised back to life I want you to get out of your seat and I want you to get down here this is how we go in today everybody that will come everybody from the back to the front well everybody can't get down there that's why see that's your problem you're not everybody you're not everybody you one person get in as close as you can get there's something about just breaking loose sometimes and we don't take a little time can you believe it can you believe that you're in the ministry you get to go and work for the Lord all day long can you believe it that's not calm building homes put a for sale sign on your house two people getting a bit more don't just pay him what he asked for they start saying we'll pay you five thousand over ten thousand over yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and they just keep going back and forth and he's just sitting there saying and he sold his house tens of thousands of dollars over what he was even asking for that's not common don't let that be common in your life my God look at how God's blessed you people look at how good he's been to you come on look at your wife and say my god I'm a blessed man that's not common look at your husband is say that's not a common man right there look at him standing here in church with me look at you practice doc look at you practice son common come on business people how many of you business people would say the Lord has really blessed me I'm I'm kind of overrun I don't know how I'm gonna handle all the business that guy come on let me see would you throw the other hand up say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thinking here we go because he raised you up from the dead sing that verse - we're done and I was pretty we say cassava [Music] [Applause] - Oh [Music] I feel like it I feel like if we're seeing that second verse one more time some of you about to get a new spirit of Thanksgiving and gratitude and appreciation for the fact you're not living a common life telling you if you've got your help today you're in your right mind today if you've got people who love you in a family you got a church like this you're blessed throw your hands up and sing it one more time [Music] [Music] [Applause] somebody crazy the grave of addiction that graves shamed that grave of hopelessness and depression but he [Music] praise praise praise praise praise praise [Applause] [Music] praise I refused to minimize the goodness of God in my life my life is not calm [Applause] yours either you have miraculous direction operating in your life then you are in this service right now hearing something that could be the trigger to multiply blessing in being thankful and never taking for granted never get in over what God has done in your life sometimes when you're riding around that big truck got all those people working for you you oughta throw your hands up autos every once in a while some tears of gratitude ought to go down your face saying Jesus help me Lord how could this be big doors are open praise the name of Jesus I'm not just up here messing around I feel God's anointing in this room somebody's about to get saved right now you're dead man walking you're dead woman walking but you're about to get cold out of your grave right now every head bowed every eye closed for just one minute right where you standing if you'd say pastor I I know I'm lost I know I'm dead while I'm in my sin my pleasure as soon as it's over there's something feels dead in my hole in my heart and my soul just feels dead I'd like for Jesus to raise me from the dead I'd like to run out of that grave and I'd like to say to the devil what God has cleansed don't you ever call common again I stir pray for me I want to get right with God today if that's you boldly raise your hand right where you standing and see it I said to see we still want to campuses are there on their own somebody help me real fast we're still going to campuses right there and Buford right there and winnette right there in Spartanburg right there in Orange County is the game hands up all over this room ends up all over and everyone keep your hand high keep your hand high pray this prayer say Lord Jesus everybody everybody at every campus Lord Jesus I receive you today as my Savior there's nothing common about what you did on the cross there's nothing common but the precious blood you shed for me and today I receive total cleansing I'll never be the same I am forgiven I am a new creation and I'll never forget this day I'll never be the same I'll never call this common because you've cleanse me I am free and I am forgiven in Jesus name everybody who believes it shout praise God two things and I will let you go I hope you I hope you have a little benefit the Bible said not a fit but a benefit bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits I hope you have a little benefit every day this week just stop in the middle of your busyness say Lord this is not coming even these problems that I've got these little challenges there was a time man I'd give anything to have these kinds of issues oh I've got somebody that you know always got something going on but man what a fine life enjoy it folks you only go through life one time make the best [Music] the best you can think there's a Bible verse I said don't worry be happy' or something so handsome maybe that was a song lighten up a little bit get to serious enjoy your life go to the beach man get away go look at a mountain or something get on get out from under the clouds get on the sunny side of life something good is happening your life is not common you are saved and on your way to heaven and you have a mansion in the hills of glory one where the lamb is alight so two things number one pray for us in Atlanta tonight I'll be preaching a totally different message come see us sometime and then secondly Jason crowd is gonna do a full recording with his full band the guy from Rascal Flatts the other half of Rascal Flatts I forget his name but he's gonna be he's producing the record he's gonna be here's a great Christian and loves the Lord and he sent one of them you know there's two of those guys the main singer and then there's the other guy who writes all the songs the guy who writes all the songs and is the bass player he's gonna be here and she's gonna be a great great night great great night they don't record a DVD it'll be shown all over national Christian TV all over the place I want to fill this room Wednesday night with people who are full of gratitude right y'all ready to go you ready to go you ready to leave their Saudi sign up a school of discipleship this is your last chance go back there and get signed up you know there's more so go forward go forward God will bless you when you give yourself to the word for the next 10 weeks it'll change your alright are you ready for the blessing now if you prayed that prayer of salvation go back to the connection lounge and there's a free Bible and free gifts people back there that would love to get to know you and I'd love to get you signed up for water baptism it'll change your life are you ready now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may he lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you peace god bless you go in the name of the Lord tell somebody I'm never gonna get over it I'm never gonna get over I'm never gonna treat it like it's coming always praise we love y'all you're awesome we love you have a great great week everybody walk in victory walk in the word praise God I want to encourage you if you wish to take that next step you have that's that's stirring in your heart to take that next step in your ministry training experience I encourage you to check out free Chapel College it's a ministry training opportunity for you that also offers a regionally accredited degree through Southeastern University you can go to free chapel o RG for more information on that but we're accepting applications right now for the fall 2018 semester but not only that I want to let you know as as you heard pastor saying s ou D is launching a brand new semester tomorrow night Eastern Standard Time at 7 o'clock here at I actually had all of our campuses but you can actually engage in this opportunity as well if you go to free chapel 0rg /s o d online you can actually register tonight and you can actually take these classes at the convenience of your own schedule so you're not limited to time but check that out free chapel dot o-r-g /s o d online and then lastly before we leave service today I want to remind you about our Midtown campus so if you were in the Greater Atlanta area join us tonight six o'clock at center stage in downtown Atlanta as Pastor Jensen brings the word but it's an amazing opportunity not only to engage in a moment of worship but also connect with a community of believers that are going to encourage you so again if you're in the Greater Atlanta area or you can make it out to nice six o'clock center stage in downtown Atlanta we would love to see you there but thanks again for joining us here at free chapel service we love you so much and we'll see you next Sunday morning [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 32,869
Rating: 4.867826 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Jentezen Franklin, It's Not Common, Jentezen Franklin Sermons, Free Chapel Online, Jentezen Franklin Live, Sermons, Teaching, Christian, Jesus, Gospel, Encouragment, Church, This Week At Free Chapel, For Every Mountain, Free Chapel Music, god, bible, blessing, Jentezen franklin 2018 sermons, jentezen franklin latest sermon, free chapel latest service, gift, frustrated, preacher, failure, don't let it be common, latest sermon free chapel, Forgiveness, faith, grace, miracles
Id: k7-gNGXG768
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 51sec (3531 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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