These Walls Must Come Down | Pastor Javon Ruff

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[Music] he's awake he's a promise keeper thank you for miracles miraculous breakthroughs come on did you see him too twenty-nine come on he's worthy of your voice [Music] over this year huzi Dortmund city main ways did he open to us that you come on somebody steal the doctor gave up on you back in mind but you're still he's warning should we play [Music] wine maker [Music] that is who you are can we bless you today we praise you today Jesus we honor you and lord I thank you right now for miracles I just declare that over this room right now miraculous breakthroughs divine reversals supernatural turnarounds I thank you Lord for healing the sick this morning oh I pray for your healing power to flow from the Crown's of people's head to the soles of their feet and drive out all manner of sickness disease and infirmity I declare that by your stripes we are healed in the name of Jesus I thank you that all of your promises are yes in amen and we stand firm in faith this morning declaring that is who you are you're our miracle worker you're our wave maker you're our promise keeper and thank you Jesus for lighting up the darkness and giving us a hope and a future and what we honor you today we praise you today your presence is here [Music] your presence is here just lift your hands up and just just thank you for its presence you could be healed right now you can be set free right now chains can fall off right now in Jesus name and God I thank you for it we honor you today we praise you today for your goodness your greatness your love and kindness your tender mercies praise you for that you're a good God and you are faithful God if you believe that I want you to give Jesus one more great big shot of words [Applause] come on come on he's worthy hallelujah it's gone star [Music] please thank you Jesus man he's so good at faith I love the Lord this morning how about you I love it thank you Jesus we want to welcome all of our campuses that are joining us live and we want to thank you so much who are there where you're were spend today and we believe that what's happening in here it's gonna happen in there today and you're gonna be blessed those that are streaming live with us wherever you are can we just do something let's welcome all of those that are joining us right now live God is doing something and we're just declaring we're going out with a bang today come on we're in in 2019 we're going to try this year [Applause] [Music] it might feel like a ceiling but it's gonna be a floor compared to what God's gonna do come on in this upcoming year do you believe that he's fake praise God well why don't you high-five about three people around you and say he's faithful and you're in the right place this morning you're in the right place thank you Jesus [Music] praise God glad to see all of you here glad to be in church this morning I don't think of any other place I'd rather be on the last Sunday 2019 than right here come on with God speaking praise God Oh little messed up but it's all right God's good phrase God do you have a great Christmas good good good well I did to you and I'm glad to be here this morning so open up your Bibles let's jump right into it to Joshua chapter 5 verse 13 I'm gonna go to a couple of places this morning just glad to be here with our family here and when I say family I say this whole church but I do have some family members here but it's always a blessing to be here and always a privilege to be here in this amazing church and on this pulpit you know to be able to have the honor to speak and I'm thankful for my pastor today how many you love our pastor and Charisse come on let's give it up for them we love them we honor them and he's gonna be back next Sunday as we kick off the fast and you know how that is I'm excited I'm anticipating you know a great year Joshua chapter 5 I'm gonna read a few places and then I'm gonna jump right into this text Joshua chapter 5 verse 13 it says and it came to pass when Joshua was by Jericho that he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a man stood opposite of him with a sword drawn in his hand and Joshua went to him and said are you for us or you are adversaries and he said no but I am the commander of the army of the Lord that has an outcome and Joshua fell on his face on the earth and worship and said to me what does my lord say to his servant then Joshua chapter 6 verse 1 now Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel none went out and none came in and the Lord said to Joshua see I have given you given Jericho into your hand the king and the mighty men of valor and then he begins to give him instructions on how he's gonna do it but then one last verse and I'm gonna jump right into this Hebrews chapter 11 verse 30 Hebrews 11 verse 30 it says by faith notice that the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for seven days notice how the walls fell down we often say the shout but according to this the Bible said it was faith that brought the walls down I want to talk to you this morning for a few moments on this subject these walls must come down these walls must come down here in this particular text so this book opens up the book of Joshua one of my favorite characters in the Bible opens up and tells us that Moses who was his leader had had had passed away or had died and now he has assumed the leadership role to carry God's people into the Promised Land the Bible said that they had wondered for forty years into the in the wilderness were so much transpired and took place but now God had used Joshua to take them over the Jordan and the scripture said now they're facing Jericho what I want to get you to see is that God's hearts and desire for his people in this text was he said I have a promised land that awaits you I have a place that is flowing with milk and honey in other words there's more that I have for your life in other words I don't want you to be content I don't want you just to be settled and where you are and even if you're in a good place how many you know that God no Hut's to take you to a better place but the whole point he's saying to Joshua I need you to lead my people because I need them to understand that I have more for them they haven't seen my best days yet they haven't seen my greatest blessings yet I know they say saw me provide in multiple ways and for some of them I've already astonished him and did things that have blown their mind but I want to remind them that I'm still the Ephesians 3:20 God that says Allah do exceedingly and abundantly above all that they could ever ask or think and regardless of what I've done up until this point I need you to lead them and guide them and help them understand that I have a land that is greater than the land that they're currently in right now I want you to know the Bible's describes this land in Deuteronomy chapter 8 and is called the promised land or the land flowing with milk and honey or that the name was the land of Canaan and God said in Deuteronomy 8 and 7 he says I'm bringing you into a good land a land of Brooks of waters of fountains and springs that flow out of valleys and heels a land with wheat and barley of vines and fig trees and pomegranates a land of olive oil and honey a land in which you will eat bread listen to this without scarcity in which you shall lack nothing I don't know about you but God said I got a place for you that you don't have to scrape by in life you don't have to just get by in life you don't have to just barely make it in life but there is a place in me and a land that I have for you that's a whole lot greater than where you are I don't know if I'm in the right service this morning but does anybody in here believe that God has more for you and your marriage and your children and your grandchildren more for you your ministry your calling your career and your business I serve a God that the Bible said desires to take us from glory to glory and faith to faith he wants to continue to take us further higher than we've ever gone before I believe in that type of God does anybody believe in that same God this morning you have to understand that something is significant what's amazing about this is that the Bible said that the people in Joshua 6:1 that now they're facing Jericho and a scripture said that Jericho was securely shut up because of the children of Israel listen to that that Jericho was shut up it was locked down because of the children of Israel well what does that mean Javan if you study the text you will understand that the whole place was in panic because of the prophetic promise that God gave his people in other words a whole city had locked itself down because they said wait a minute I don't know how long we're gonna be able to stay here I don't know how long we're gonna be able to maintain this land because there is a people that we've heard about God's people and his and those people God has parted red seas for them those people God has moved mountains for them has provided for them in supernatural ways those people God became a cloud by day in a fire by night those people God swallowed up all of their enemies that tried to take them back into bondage and here's the thing the whole city was in a lockdown scared to death because of God's people can I just announce to you the enemy is so scared of you understanding the prophetic purpose that is on your life come on somebody fight don't strike until they're scared and could it be that the enemy is so afraid of you that's why he's been fighting you that's why he's been opposing you that's why he's been trying to hold you back and keep you back because he understands if you ever get a revelation of who you really are and what God has called you to do and step into that he's in trouble matter fact the land that the enemy is on right now he's trespassing it doesn't belong to him it belongs to God's people oh can I just go ahead and serve an eviction notice this morning all the hell that that look come on my family don't belong to you my money don't belong to you my hell my ministry my business that is God's property that is my promise and you have got to go I don't know can I get somebody in here to agree with me that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world [Music] and I'm believing like never before and I know we don't have the monopoly on God but I'm believing that for preach helpful and every campus that we build and start that every city that God gives us a foot hole in hell would be in such a panic and an uproar because it would sit back and say here come God's people we can't come on somebody come on somebody years ago our past will stand up I could see free chapel the next five exits it look like it's about to get there come on does anybody still believe that we can make a difference in every city that God has called us to she got understand the scripture said that between where God was taking them and where God had for them there was Jericho a walled city thick walls huge walls walls father as a walls to the natural man were in they couldn't be penetrated they couldn't beat they were in salah that couldn't be climbed over they couldn't be scaled because how big they were and how thick they were some historians even say they were so wide that you could ride chariots around the top of those walls and even most military people up into that point they didn't even bothered to come to jericho there's like what's the use there's no way those walls can come down as we go through life we have obstacles that we all will face obstacles that stand between us and where God has calling us but I want to tell you obstacles are just disguised opportunities I want to tell you that advancement and progression is often often costumed in adversity in opposition in our weakness remember that God's strength is made perfect in all the times when there's an opposition you can bet that there's an opportunity for God to do so than great in our lives this was a big hindrance to Israel and they had to get over it and get through it in order to step in to what God has for us I want to tell you the enemy oftentimes will place Jericho's before us put seemingly impossible barriers and hindrances and walls that say you'll never get there you'll never be able to do it you'll never be able to achieve it you'll never be able to accomplish it barriers or walls that stand between us and our dreams Jericho's that stand between us and God's perfect will for our lives Jericho's that stand between us and the promises of God standing and utter defiance looking at us and said I'll never move you've been this way all your life and you will stay there but I come this morning to defy the lies of the enemy because this text text teaches us that I don't care how big Jericho's walls are they can come tumbling down they will come tumbling down they will be fallen but will fall flat in Jesus name what do you mean Javon Jericho there were so many different things that Jericho represented it was at Jericho and 2nd Kings the scripture said that it was a beautiful city it was a plush city palm trees and extravagant but the only problem was that underneath the scripture said the waters were bad or bitter in other words it looked good on the outside but underneath it was bad and bitter but then you continue to talk about Jericho it was in 2nd Samuel that the Bible said that David had to leave some of his men at Jericho because they had been shamed half of their beard had been cut off the Bible says the buttocks of their pants were cut out literally go read your Bible but because of what the enemy had done to them and stripped them but they were at Jericho waiting on their hair to grow at grow back and and waiting to recover because of the shame but then the Bible said that also in the New Testament Jericho is where the man was walking down from Jerusalem to Jericho well he fell among these where he was robbed where he was stripped where he was knocked down and taken for everything that he had and ultimately the scripture said was left for dead but it was also at Jericho the Bible said that Jesus would often meet blind men that's where blind Bartimaeus was that's where the other two blind men they were there on Jericho what am I trying to get you to see see the Jericho's these walls there are the things in our life watch this that wants us to be content with an external look as if everything is ok and everything is alright but yet underneath there's brokenness there's barrenness there's bondage there's hurt and they're storm or Jericho says you know it's the wall that said that that wants to rob you from your vision that you cannot see it robs you it steals from you it keeps you in a place of shame never allowing you to get to where God has for you in your life but here I gotta say this this morning because you may have come in and you say I don't know this word is not from here in matter of fact my god I was expecting Frank oh yeah Franklin Jenson anyway I think that's his name I didn't come to see some black guy up sweating and going crazy well you're here because God wanted you to be here and you're here and you may not think nothing's wrong with your little nice cute lives but I want to tell you you can have more degrees than a thermometer you could have been through s OD 48 times and back again and you can have all the money in your world in the world but the reality of it is all of us have some walls in our life all of us have some things that need to be torn down so that we can be moved forward walls mentalities mindsets walls of little thinking walls of little dreaming walls of insecurities of discouragement walls that have become our the results of the rules walls of bitterness walls of resentment walls of discouragement and frustration walls that are in my family walls that are in my marriage walls that are between me and my children and I'm here to tell you that all of us have some type of wall but walls but that's why you came to this service this morning to hear a word yes we might have them but they don't have to stay there because I'll come to declare that some walls are gonna fall down even this morning because God has too much for you and your family to stay where you are I need about 10 people to give God in a man and I'll move on I want to tell you that when God brought them out of Egypt he didn't just want them to this state where they were he wanted to take them in to better the Bible said that he brought them out so that he can bring them in when God brings you out he don't bring you out to take you in lesser he brings you out to take you in greater if he brought come on if he brought you out of bondage is to take you into freedom if he brought you out of the sickness is to take you into healing God has greater things for your life he doesn't just bring you out can I just say this he just don't want you saved and settled you got a purpose to fulfill you got a call to carry out you got a mission to accomplish you got a dream to obtain you got a destiny to fulfill he doesn't just save you to be saved you've been called to do more than that to make a mark on this earth before Jesus call you home so how do I do it Siobhan notice what Hebrews 11 said that that by faith listen to this the walls there it is fell down after they were encircled by faith and the question is this morning do you believe your walls can come down do you believe greater for your life because sometimes we can be in and in seasons and circumstances for long for so long that we begin to take on the mindset of our circumstance we begin to believe that this is what life is matter of fact some or get to the point where your circumstances become your identity because you've been there for so long but I need to tell you you are not what you've been through you are not what you're and you are what God says you are you can do what God says you can do and your identity don't come from your failures your identity comes from your father and I don't care how many times that you fail I don't care how flawed you are you are who God says you are do you believe that those walls can come down do you believe that you can be better come on do you believe that you can just go from dreaming about having a business to actually having a business do you believe that your children can be saying your family can be restored do you believe that you can get out of that dance do you believe that you can obtain that property come on do you believe that God has something greater then your life do you believe that your mistakes don't make you do you believe that there is more that God wants to do with my life I am NOT a victim as long as Jesus Christ hung on that cross I can come out I can come over I can come through I don't know who I'm preaching to but I'm trying to get somebody in faith to believe you're not hopeless you're not helpless you're not by yourself you're not all alone if you still got a heartbeat there is hope for you today I serve a god that can lift up raise up save deliver set 3 blessed prosper heal restore redeem records down come Oh we serve a good God do you believe I'm too far the laws of the enemy that I told you that your life is over you're washed up and no good that is a lie from the pit of hail the blood of Jesus can cover you and wash you come down I gotta give you this here we go are you ready you ready say faith they came down with faith number one there's the separation of faith if you're taken no separation what do you mean the Bible says in Joshua chapter five and it came to pass that when Joshua was at Jericho if you read it in context Joshua had gotten home by himself he had separated himself from the people he was by himself for a moment and sometimes if you want to see walls come down it's going to require a separation he separated himself from the people in other words if I want this wall could come to come down I can't stay in the same crowd there's some people come on some of your walls the reason why they haven't fallen is because of the crowd that you're in the circle that you run with ah yes yes yes you got to ask yourself does my circle add to me or subtract me do they divide me or do they multiply me because they're doing one or two either they're lifting you up are they bringing you down they're causing you to grow or causing you to die be careful of the company you keep the Bible says your friends is a prophecy to your future so look around and see who's with you and sometimes it requires from our laws to come down of some people I got to walk away and it's not like I see that's what happened to April and lot the Bible said when they separated God showed Abram Canaan land he starts seeing his promise when he was separated from why could it be that your promise is on the other side of your separation you're holding onto things and as long as you hold on to it you can never grab a hold on to what God has for you are you tough let me just say this it's not always what's this sinful people or bad people sometimes it's actually good people see Acts chapter and in the book of Acts the Bible said as they fasted in per ad I'm getting you ready as they fasted in a parade the Bible said the Holy Spirit said unto them separate unto me a Barnabas and Paul for the purpose I had notice the group of people around them weren't bad people but it was a time the Holy Spirit says there's got to be a separation because I'm about to take them to a new place I'm about to take them to a greater place see those were just seasonal people that's okay some people come some people go people in your life four seasons that's all about life and it's okay it doesn't make them bad let me illustrate this to you because this is something that that I saw this principle in often times when I was flying from GSP over in Spartanburg now that we're living there I was amazed that rarely could I get a flight from there without flying to another Arab airport and get on another flight and I wanted us to keep this plane just fly straight to where I gotta go or especially I always had to fly into Atlanta and then get and get off a plane in Atlanta to get to Spartanburg the problem I have it's a 23 minute flight it takes two hours just to get on the thing you get all blue we have now I hit her 10,000 feet okay brother I tell you we are now at the sending over swap I'm like really but watch this I would often leaves GSP on a small plane but when I get to hearts feel my connecting flight I would get on a larger plane and that plane was taking me to my destination and sometimes you have God wants to separate you because he's about to take you from something smaller to something bigger and and not only that watch this I start to notice there were people that were on the flight from GSP to Huntsville but they weren't on the flight from Atlanta to Orange County in other words they were riding with me for a while but there came a point that God says now I gotta send you to where I'm sending you and imma let them go to where they need to go and it's not that they were bad I just got a different destiny for you I just got something bigger for you I just got come on somebody I don't know you might be in a season of transition right now but you have a God that says my goal is to take him to bigger things somebody say separation and the next one are you ready somebody say separation say authorization the Bible said in Joshua chapter five and it came to pass that when Joshua was there at Jericho his highest looked up and he saw a man and the man looks land that he sing the Bible said he came to him and he looked at him and he said who you with now he didn't say that he said he said are you with us are you with him and he said you on our side or you're on their side and he said neither he said I don't do sides because I'm the main course you worried about size when I'm the main course oh I could go down a relationship track right there but I'm not going to touch that but anyway he said I'm the main thing it's not about size and when just was said ooh that you're the commander of the host of the army of the Lord oh I thought I was in charge I thought I was bleeding but he said now I gotta submit to a greater authority I've been doing what I thought was right up until this point but now I got to submit to a greater authority watch this I love this a greater thing he said I got to submit cuz here's what happens sometimes how often do we try to get God to authorize what he has not authored to get God to bless something with it he hadn't acknowledged or asked him to do and sometimes what we do is if you've ever gone to a restaurant and got a tab with with things on it that you ordered you don't just say oh what a blessing receipt this is and and let me pay for it no you say waiter excuse me ma'am excuse me excuse me there's some things on here that I didn't order therefore I'm not responsible for them could it be that sometimes that we're sending up prayer tabs to God that we want him to pay for but he never ordered I didn't order her I didn't order him I didn't order them I didn't order that oh why don't you get so quiet I'm not oh no I didn't order I didn't order that and then we get mad at God because he don't we don't he won't foot the bill no the Bible said in all of your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path number three say say say there's one more say cooperation the Bible said this when you talk about cooperation the scripture said that when Joshua began in Joshua 6 and 1 God gave him some real unique instructions he said I want you to do it this way but his way was not a military strategy it wasn't a way that he was familiar with watch this he didn't give him instruments he gave him instructions Josh was like man we can get cannons we can get guns we can get catapult whatever thing he said no no no because see if you do it with your instruments you might get the glory but I'm gonna give you instructions that come from me that I get the glory and here's the thing about cooperation it's being to cooperate or watch this obey God when it doesn't make sense because it didn't make sense to a military mind to march around stone walls military said shoot military said kill military said throw down but God said walk if you want walls to come down this coming they're gonna come a time that you got to be willing to obey when it doesn't make sense and too many times we want to understand before we obey but God is looking for people that says I want you to obey and trust not try to understand and then obey and too many times we get caught up with what we think that we're going to lose by obeying that we don't see all the things that we're going to gain because the Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice well if I obey God do I got to give up this I got to give up this I got to let this go I gotta let this go I'll promise you that whatever you let go for God he will give you something so much greater so much bigger so much more for filling the Bible even says anything you give up to me houses cars family members for my sake I will reward you not only in this life and in the life to come say cooperation and then here's one more you ready say continuation the Bible said something really neat unique about their marching notice what it said it said they I love this word they continued continually they continually continued when they were walking could you imagine what it was like walking around those walls and nothing happened walk it around because see God could have tore those things down on the first day but the circlin had nothing to do with God the circling had to do with them [Music] still look the same still feel the same watch this often God will ask from God we'll see how you respond when it seems like life is just going in circles when it seemed like it's just a monotonous when it's saying I'm praying nothing changed I'm giving seemingly nothing change Siobhan this is my fifth 21-day fast my son still had come home get walking it's the Ministry of monotony because see what do you mean it's when life feels like you're going in circles and you're just doing the same thing and seemingly nothing has changed but the Bible said be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord and know that your labor or your lapping is not in vain that's why I keep coming to church that's why I keep getting in small group and going to SOT and getting in next steps in and getting in committee that's why I keep fasting and praying and worshiping because seemingly but see watch this the potter's wheel is only as powerful as the clay is spinning in circles if the vessel is at a standstill the Potter can't fulfill his will but as long as this seemingly spinning in circles its spinning in circles the hands of the Potter can mold it and shape it and form it and work out the cracks and the insecurities and the inadequacies and the discouragements and the frustration because remember God doesn't see you where you are he sees you in your future and he says what I have over there in Canaan it's gonna take a greater capacity than what you got right now and so I know it seems like nothing is happening but there's more happening in you come on then you see happening for you right now but God's processes are different he's more concerned about the process of your character that he is by then giving you your promise he take we don't like that do we he says I want the inside prepared to carry what 1/2 on the outside but are you ready now watch this cuz everything see say continuation and he's looking looking and matter look at all the people could you imagine the people at Jericho look at these fools what are they doing ringer playing ring around the Posey ring around a fuzzy my foot look at him look at him look over there what they build another campus look at him he's opening up another store looking as fools they're crazy they've lost their mind look at them they do those Christians just do some of the dumbest things they don't make sense oh listen if you listen long enough you'll hear some of that Shah Baba Baba there's some of that stuff they talk about they're just crank Oh some of your family members huh you give what to the church you do what from the church yeah all that father check right that is church done for you continue continuing and the point I'm trying to get you to see God said I want you to continue watch this continued without breaking your concentration watch this because he's taking Joshua back to what he said in the beginning see I have given Jericho to you but what do you do when what you see it's not looking like what he said I'm gonna tell you are you ready even when I don't see it you're working I don't see it but you're working I don't see how the business gonna turn around but you're working I don't see how my children are gonna come home but you're working I don't know how I'm gonna get out of this dad but you're working I don't know no the doctors gave up on me and said I have six months to live but you're working I don't have to see it to believe it because what God says I want you to continue not with the side of your eyes but what the vision I gave you in your heart because what's in your heart is bigger than what you can see and I want you to have a vision of victory and see yourself on the other side of these walls walking into the promises of God so here we go can you see yourself can you see yourself healed can you see your family walking together again can you see those chains of addiction falling off for you can you see yourself going from renting to owning call somebody can you see yourself the Bible said as they continued then God said the Bible said shout watch this it wasn't about to watch this the shout in the moment he was saying you've been silent but now I need you to open up your mouth it's the last one it's confession I need you to start speaking what you want to start seeing you are stared by the words of your mouth the Bible said if you're talking to feet you're gonna see defeat if you're talking down you're gonna be down if you're talking trouble you're gonna see trouble but let's start speaking what God said let's cut declaring what God says and what he's saying there's not a wall in your life that cannot come down but you gotta be willing to confess it and when you confess it God said I'll conquer it because watch this your confession is what positions you but it's God is the one who brings the wall down so this morning I want to ask you what walls in your life [Music] but walls are holding you back what walls are keeping you back what walls of people that you need to separate from and this morning this is what we're gonna do I believe that God can move this morning I believe that we could do something by faith remember by faith this morning something by faith in here that's gonna trigger things out there faith in here you might have left home a mess but you can go back and it'd be blessed I believe that by faith we can do something in here that walls can come down in the unseen before they come down in the scene but it will take faith who has some walls that need to come down if that's you I want you to start marching toward this or this altar and I want you to come and I want you to start confessing whatever that wall is I don't care what your wall is this morning God is greater than your wall God is bigger than your wall God is stronger than your wall you all may be an addiction you all may be a bad habit your wall may be make may be right now your wall may be anxiety and fear your world may be depression some of you have hit a wall of depression but that wall can come down some of you your wall your wall oh maybe your hell your wall maybe your marriage spiked in the whole division in the whole marriage of the Ross the enemy is trying to come in that's it lift up your hand and I want you to start confessing I want you to start declaring these walls are coming down come : bus lane got to come down drugs have to come down all have to come down down and I believe have to come down anxiety and let's has to come down poverty to come down [Music] bitterness and resentment has to come down come on come on he's working while you're worshiping he's working while you're praising he's working while you're lifting your hands yes yes yes come on come on that's it come on [Music] down see those cars coming down see those see those notes fear this store furnace being lifted a speak freedom come on uh speed limit e over you this morning break paralysis this morning ugly on purpose my kitchen he's making away this morning bonus keeper he's got a promise ring for you and your family come on come on come on wait he's away maker he can let away he can make away yes he can wilderness River in the test ha jigsaw your belly and bring you mountain I'm not [Music] I'm not taking these it stops here come on let the tale of my time he the waymaker [Music] baddest who you are coworker I declare the law since sickness who needs a healing in their body lift your hands up right now just lift it up all over this place father right now with the name of Jesus you are the miracle worker you are the great physician I'll call on Jehovah Rapha the Lord God that heals Jesus yourself took their infirmities and bore their sicknesses and I declared that by your stripes they are healed I command their bodies to line up to the Word of God I declare you a live and not die and declare the works of the Lord would long life he will satisfy you and show you his salvation in the name of Jesus and I pray God that affliction would not arise a second time cancer heart disease has to go come on come on headaches have to go skin disorders have to go in the name of Jesus optical emotional healing right now those that are being tormented in their mind with anxiety and worry and fear in the name of Jesus I command it to be broken up on every suicidal thought that we're trying to bring people down and tear them down and make them feel like they have no down your word that is a lie you have a low life to live you are great Worth and value to God and I command that to calm down [Music] every head bowed every eye closed I know there's people in this alt but there's a wall that has to come down right now I sit sit [Music] Jesus said in Ephesians he said that he came and when he came he had an assignment he said those that who were afar off could now come close and be back in a relationship with God and he said you know why he said this notice what the scripture said next verse he said himself who's our peace he he has made both one listeners and he has broke down the middle wall of separation he said when I hung on that cross I broke down the wall of sin that separated you from God and for some of you sin has separated you but Jesus says that wall came down when I hung on the cross and this morning you can receive that salvation by faith by faith he's already tore it down you just got to receive it and when you receive it everything that the enemy has tried to keep you head keep you and hold you hostage in it has to let grip of your life because whom the Son of man sets free is free indeed and if you're in this room every head bowed every eye closer you would say Javon you're talking to me it's time for that wall to come down I've been separated too long I've been in sin too long I've been battling too long I'm ready to come home I'm ready to surrender totally to God I managed to separate from always and cooperate what you're playing and purpose and receive your spirit that will continue to enable me to live a life that pleases you I'm ready to surrender pray for me I need the wall to come down I need is forgiveness if that you will count to three and when I get to three I want you to raise your hand up as quick as you can are you ready one if you mean business - if you feel the Lord tugging at your heart three raise that hand up raise it up all over this place Wow Wow raise it up raise it up raise it up raise it up raise it up raise it up raise it up Wow holy cow Wow Wow Wow hands all over this place Wow Jesus okay we got an altar for that's the Traci can I do something here's what I want this is the last Sunday of December 29 we gonna make a statement to hail right now that we serve a God that is faithful and mighty to save I want every one of you I'm gonna need some room on this stage if you raise your hand and say you were talking to me I need to pray that prayer I want you to run up here on this stage right now come come come come and those in you at your campus you lead your own a moment leave them there God get there I turn it over to you come on set the right book come on come on zero come on come on come on come on come on that color you're not going in the year the same way of all the coming come on keep coming yes Lord yes Lord come on if you know you need to be here get up here come on this is your moment this is your time they're still coming keep clapping come on come on come on [Music] the window here this is your moment this is your time it's coming down today thank you Jesus come on they're still coming that blue bar come on anyway [Music] you thank you Jesus [Music] to come pull out these to come we'll wait on test thank you Jesus thank you Jesus these laws must come down praise God praise God praise God come on they're still walking as long as they're walking we're gonna wait come on hot declare as you walk things have fallen off for you as you walk God is working as you want from that balcony and down these aisles he's working thank you Jesus praise God praise God praise God praise God thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus praise God thank you Jesus [Music] I'm gonna ask one more time [Music] as a few of you the standing there you know you need to be up here you know what wall needs to come down right now the wall of everybody's opinion and what you think people are gonna think about you Holy Spirit tear it down right now and if you know that you need to be up here on this platform don't say I'm wait till next Sunday tomorrow's not promised can I tell you the next five minutes is not promised all you have is now if that's you get out of that seat and come we'll wait on you there you go god bless you young man come on that's it young man come on come on yes Lord yes Lord praise God they're still coming come on come on this is what free chapel is about this is what Jesus is about it ain't about me enough it's about Saul and they're comin come on Sarah [Music] thank you Jesus please God [Music] I wrote remember man help us come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you need something just praise the Lord to God be the glory sing about a ladies anybody first about [Music] Jesus stretch your hands toward this platform if anybody else is trying to come I'll wait on them I see people moving and still come on who else needs a gun I don't know god bless you young lady [Applause] [Music] I'm trying but they're still Wolcott walls are coming down and walls are coming down [Music] praise God praise God praise God god bless you my man Jesus come on come on come on as the whole way away come on [Music] [Applause] come on Lady [Music] where he's gone so you hate something wanna the Lord right now [Music] just say that one more time yes come on [Music] come on come on [Music] the dark [Music] why don't you sing it to Claire come on they go [Music] [Music] [Music] stretch your hands toward this platform if you want to know what free chapel heartbeat is inspired people to live for Jesus seed souls save and lives changed that's why every canvas exists that's why we have a global television broadcast that's what we do everything that we do because of this she's why we do everything that we do stretch your hands everyone if you pray this prayer Wow you go how the best New Year you ever had come on let's join we're family every one of you say Jesus Jesus I believe that you're the Son of God I believe she died and rose again and the blood you share cleanses me from all of my sins I repeat this morning and I receive that forgiveness now I thank you that that wall is broken down I belong to you I'm a new creation old things have passed away and all things have become new I am forgiven in Jesus name Amen amen you can shout [Music] down this is listen we're gonna get out of here we're gonna get out of here but let me let me address them really quick no don't run to the door listen this is the last Sunday of this year you'll never have this moment again so come on where you gonna go eat every one of you listen to me this is so important we don't want this to stop here you're part of our family and all of our prayer team and pastors and leaders they're going to get with you and give you some information but the Bible says that we ought to be water baptized after we make our confession and faith and they'll tell you how to do that we got something called next steps we weren't meant to do life alone we were meant to do it in community and together we got ministries to get you involved in we got restoration groups we got small groups we got serv groups we got everything that you need that can help you grow in your faith and if you don't have a family look out here you got a whole big family that and listen and he's not here but you you have an amazing pastor pastor Jetson who's gonna be right back here next Sunday as we kick off our 21 day fast I believe in every one are you gonna jump in there with us and we're really gonna make Hale mad this year come on come on so they got the information next steps next steps or they can tell you about in the connection line okay amen amen will you come on let's give God one more praise for this amazing now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord be gracious unto you may the Lord lift his countenance upon you and may the Lord give you peace god bless you we love you happy New Year and we will see you next Sunday Wow [Music] [Music] and as we leave here today we hope that you feel encouraged but we also hope that you would join us as we start the 21-day fast next Sunday morning all the resources and information that you wouldn't need to educate yourself to have the most effective fasting experience is available at free chapel dot o-r-g we hope that you would allow us to be your fasting coaches as you step into this brand new experience into a brand new you we love you so much thanks again for joining us here today and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 14,829
Rating: 4.8555555 out of 5
Keywords: Javon Ruff, Free Chapel, Sermons, Miracles, Spiritual Growth, Encouragement
Id: Rt1dRM8tiEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 42sec (3942 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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