The Day of Atonement | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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you know this is um this is the perfect song for today because today on the Jewish calendar is Yom Kippur the Day of Atonement it would end started yesterday would end about sundown today in a within 30 minutes or so so it's beautiful that we're singing the very thing that I mean what what the Jews have looked for for thousands of years what the Old Testament is written about in type and shadow Jesus Christ the fulfillment a Passover and of atonement came and offered his body as a sacrifice so that your sins could be forgiven and taken away forgiven and taken away never to be held against you the shame is gone the guilt is gone the judgment is gone really I'll never stand before God and deal with judgment about anything I have ever done because the blood of Jesus defeated it on Calvary he took it to the cross and judgment was pronounced on him it would be double jeopardy for me to have to pay for what Jesus already paid for can you give him a mighty on the day of atonement what blood what blood what sacrifice [Music] what a savior what a god we serve his name is Jesus and he takes away the sins of the to God be the glory for them how many of you know that you that you tonight are forgiven that you tonight have a clean slate and your name is written in the book of life do you know that tonight then truly truly truly the favor of God it is the year of Jubilee always in your life because of what Jesus did smile at someone and tell them your debts are canceled you're free from every chain you are in your Jubilee tonight to God be the glory for that smile at someone tell them they're in the right place right here right now Charisse bring me that little angel you've got in your arms so good to have Carissa and my daughter and some of the girls from [Music] [Applause] some of the girls some of the girls from Orange County are here can we welcome them it's good to have part of our team here tonight and one of the girls from OC is here this is my newest granddaughter I don't know if y'all have seen her but this is being in Chris's little angel and she's got a she's got a divine shirt on that says little but fierce and she looks like it does she ain't she a dog our head smells like a little butter biscuit to me hey man come get her you swayed in that sweet whip her little legs as you take her to the seat it's awesome it's great to have our team here you know we don't realize how hard these people work they're going into conference starting tomorrow night they'll go all day morning and night morning and night for several days come right back in here each one of them good to have Caleb from Spartanburg the pastor he's to sit he's the campus pastor and the music pastor there come up here Caleb come here buddy it's good to have you man how you doing how's things going in Spartanburg tell us give us a little report yeah how's it going everybody hey Spartanburg is is going good one we missed the hurricane and you know it's so great people say oh it just kind of shifted no we we believe prayer moved that thing and although there is devastation you know in North Carolina in different areas you know our church was safe and we were okay we just got a little bit of rain but it's so cool to see in Spartanburg just so many new families and it's so cool to be a part of something so great actually had a couple people here that we're here this past Sunday from Spartanburg and they came back and like it's so cool that what happens here happens two hours away just a different location the Holy Spirit is the same in this room as it is in Gwinnett Buford Orange County Spartanburg Gwinnett coming here soon but we're so glad just to be a part of this family and under your leadership pastor Jensen some amazing things we're believing just for a great great rest of the year things are growing every single week I think we've gone to years where we've been more than though year before and so I say that to say I said this before I don't say that to brag I say that to say that we're winning and you guys are winning cuz you're a part of that family so thank you guys we love that's a great guy right there he was a great wife they're precious it's good to have all of you here tonight but these people what I was going to say is all these people were a tremendous amount to to do what we do whether it's forward conference or divine conference of one marriage conference or you know just all kinds of activities the the school of discipleship there's always some of this team that you know we have over a thousand in that school here we have in Orange County they have a new record out there it's just hundreds and hundreds in school of discipleship and and on and on and on every campus represented up here and all of these people are amazing people can we give them a big appreciation because we do we do see we do understand that it's kind of a lot [Applause] [Music] failure thank you for what you do with excellence for our King the young a young lady right here I'm sorry what is your name cutter cutter Michael can you cut her Michael what's your name again McKenna okay and I heard something about you I don't know if he's true or not but I heard that your daddy was a member of ZZ Top at one time is that true 38 special three Oh what yeah he's a lead guitarist for 38 special three days special 38 special oh my god I used to listen to them 38 special come on that's even better than ZZ Top he didn't have a beard come on in that in that cool one of the one of the original members of 38 how many remember 38 special look around at the heathens all in the room all in the room you still got their stuff in yeah I know it's good stuff all right you ready if you have your Bibles I'd like for you to open them with me to the Book of Leviticus I want to go to the Book of Leviticus chapter 16 I just got to go here because it is unusual when the day of atonement falls on a church night like this and we're all here and I just want to do some teaching tonight and I pray that what I share speaks to your heart in Leviticus chapter 16 I'll begin with verse 3 just highlighting some things and Aaron shall come into the holy place with the blood of the young bull as a sin offering and a ram for burnt offering he shall put on the holy linen tunic and linen trousers on his body he shall be girded with linen sash with a linen turban and if you know anything about the Old Testament this is not the normal garb and dress for the high priest he had the the royal ephod and the breastplate that had 12 huge jims representing the 12 tribes of Israel he had a golden mitre he had just from head to toe was was decked out but in this particular case he is coming in with nothing but basically linen clothes on dressed as we would say really dress down and he shall wash his body and water and put them on this is all about the day of atonement this is all critical stuff to understand I'm just gonna highlight a few things Aaron verse 8 Aaron shall cast lots for two goats one lock for the Lord and the other lot for the scapegoat Aaron shall bring the goat which the Lord's lot fail on and offer it as a sin offering but the goat which the lot fell on will be the scapegoat and he shall present it alive before the Lord to make atonement upon it and let it go as a scapegoat into the wilderness verse 14 he'll take some of the blood of the bulls sprinkle it on the mercy seat put blood on his fingers and sprinkle it seven times verse 15 he shall kill the goat of sin offering which is for the people bring its blood and inside the Vail I love that do with that blood and he shot him let's go back he'll bring it he'll bring the blood inside the Vail do with that blood as he did with the blood of the bull and sprinkle it on the mercy seat before the mercy seat so he shall make atonement for the holy place this isn't for people yet what he's doing right there is for his own sin the high priest and for the the building the holy place and then lastly just keep looking with me I promise I'll sum this up real quick and make make sense out of it verse 20 and when he has made an end of atoning for the whole place the tabernacle meeting the altar he shall bring the live goat Aaron will lay both of his hands on the head of the live goat confess over the iniquities the children of Israel their transgressions concerning their sins putting them on the head of the goat send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a suitable man the goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities to an uninhabited inhibited land habited land and he shall release the goat into the wilderness then Aaron shall come into the tabernacle meeting shall take off his linen garments where he went into the holy place and she'll leave them there verse 29 real quick this is all critical amazing types they don't then I'll show you no I'll do it fast she'll be a statute for ever the seventh month of the tenth day of the month that's on the Jewish calendar which is today you shall afflict your souls meaning fast and do no work at all whether a native of your own country or stranger dwells among you for on that day the priests shall make atonement for you listen to this to cleanse you that you may be clean from all of your sins before the Lord in that son that that the priest the high priest will cleanse you that you may be clean from all of your sins before the Lord he said it's a sabbath of solemn rest for you and you shall afflict your soul meaning fast so all jews fast on this day for 24 hours that would end about now and it moves from sorrowing for their sins to a joyful celebration and feast and then lastly verse 34 this shall be an everlasting statute for you to make atonement for the children of Israel all their sins once a year and he did as the LORD commanded Moses the day of atonement happened once a year to teach us that once should Jesus died he he would come more than once he came once as the Lamb of God but he's coming again but not as the Lamb of God will he ever return to this earth he will come as the lion to rule in terrain that's why the type is once a year because once Christ would die he'll never die again death I'll never touch him nothing will ever touch him again he will rule and he will reign and the day of atonement was set at a certain time it was a certain time Moses didn't decide it Aaron didn't decide it the people didn't decide it God said this day throughout all times will be in my eyes a sacred and a holy day and we're not under the law of the Old Testament therefore we don't practice the the feast we don't we don't have to fast we can many people do on a day like this I try to remind myself on special days like the this that it would be good for me personally I don't do it because of the ritual because Christ has fulfilled all of that but I do like to remind myself how lost I was how filthy I was how condemned and guilty of death and hell I was but Jesus saved me from my sins with his own blood and the day of atonement was cert what was said as a certain appointed time Jesus did not come by chance when when he came but by appointment before there was ever a sinner on earth there was a savior in heaven for he was the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world before the foundation of the earth was laid the scripture said but in the fullness of time Christ came into the earth and at the appointed time of the Father Jesus showed up and three years later died on the cross to pay the price for for atonement atonement if you spell that word and divide it up into three words at one meant that when Jesus died on the cross that which was divided and separated by sin me and God was put back into at meant through Jesus Christ in the seventh month on the tenth day it was predestined that very day God decreed Jesus Christ would die as the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world it was once a year because he would come and die once and for all some of the beautiful things that I want to point out just quickly and then I want to get right to where why this matters tonight what can happen in this room tonight when we understand the power of the blood covenant that we have on the day of atonement the person who was to make the atonement Aaron the high priest did it and he had to do everything this is very unusual for priests order because even though Aaron was the high priest and see this noun types and shadows he's a picture of Jesus Christ in the old cup in the Old Testament and even though Aaron was the high priest there were many many priests that worked in the temple doing other things they were not on the level of the high priest one of them would be chosen to be high priest out of that usually in the line of Aaron's sons but they were all from the tribe of Levi the Levites were there to minister and you can imagine every morning every night all the time all kinds of sacrifices being offered there's no way that one man could do it but on this particular day god forbid any other priest to do anything it all had to be done by the high priest on the Day of Atonement the best that I could tell I tried my best and I searched and looked it up in a commentary and I searched and googled it to try to find out how many sacrifices did he have to offer and personally the results that I saw is on this day this priest had to offer at least 15 sacrifices on this day not including the two goats that that are part of the the atonement offering so in that then we don't even get that we don't even think you know okay well he he killed 15 animals it was just killing them one of them was a bull and he had to do it by himself goats and lambs and he had to dress them he had to he had to he had to to fix them or I guess dressed them you know what that means I mean if you've ever seen a deer dressed in a field you know what I'm talking about it is a it is a bloody it is a messy and not one animal but 15 and the bigger the animal the more complicated it is the more difficult it is and here's one man laboring like you couldn't believe and finally at the end of the day he does the two he has two goats that he has to take for the for the offering of atonement he would take three red ribbons I just got to try to go with and I've got I feel like the fat man I feel like the mesquita that landed on the fat man I know where I'm going I just don't know where to start hardly so he so here I go here I go come on there's so many beautiful types in this the Bible said I didn't have time to read it if you read it up it's all everything I'm telling you is there he would take three red ribbons one of them would be tied on one of the goats neck one of them would be tied on the other goats horn and one of them would be tied on the doors of the temple and one of the which is interesting that there were three crosses three crosses when you talk about one of the goats live and one of them dies for the sins of the people and one of them lives to take away as hands are laid on him and transferred he's taken out into the wilderness and released into the wilderness because the sins have been transferred he needs to get him away from the people so one dies to forgive the sin the other dies the other goat dies to take away the sin and it isn't it beautiful how that Barabbas was released you remember the story of Barabbas he was an awful person and the people said give us Barabbas give us the pilot said choose you can have Jesus has never done anything or you can have Barabbas and and it's the beautiful type of one goat is released Jesus dies for the sins of the people he was the one that was chosen by the father he was chosen notice how it was chosen the casting of lots meaning it was up to God to decide nobody decided and that's why Jesus was God's choice he was God's Son and he chose him to be the Lamb of God so powerful and when I thought about that priest and how he works so hard that day and nobody else was allowed to have anything to do they couldn't lift a finger he still had to he still had to trim the the candles on the menorah he still had to put all in it he still had to do up burn the offerings he had to have the fire on the on the brazen altar all of this one guy has to do one day why why because it's a type of nobody could provide our salvation on the day of atonement no one could contribute to what Jesus would do on that cross he and he alone not your works not anything you have to offer will ever contribute to your salvation it's all in Jesus when you say Jesus you have said all you need to say to be saved you don't need to say when I do better when I try hard or when I quit this when I stop there if you say Jesus I believe in you washed me and cleanse me you shall be saved clap your hands because he does it all he does all the work of the atonement somebody lift up Jesus cuz he deserves some glory in this place then then I thought you know it's interesting how the high priest on this day was a humbled priest he couldn't come out in his royal attire you know the big breastplate and the man he looked those guys look so big and so awesome and so holy and so it was just majestic when they walked around in that in that in that high priest breastplate and all of the things that they had that I mentioned earlier but he could just wear linen just just just very humble he's very humbling for the high priest on that day Jesus did not have royal diadem's fitting for a king on his brow but he had humbling crown of thorns and on that day when he became the high priest for you and I to take our sins from us he did not have a purple robe of majesty he had one of mockery they laughed and threw on him to mock and to make fun of him the high priest Jesus made atonement as a humble priest and he humbled himself and he died he came out robed in his own human flesh when it was all said and done we like to see the little pictures of him having a loin cloth or something but the truth is they stripped him naked he was humiliated the high priest who offered atonement had to be a spotless High Priest he had to offer a big bull for his own sins before he could ever worry about the people and so the priest had to be he had to be totally covered lest he die the scripture said when he came into the holy place Jesus Christ is interesting washed himself five times on the day that he would die he washed himself five times he had to be washed over and over and over and he who knew no sin he wasn't washing because he was a sin sinner he was washing to say I'm doing this for you I'm showing the types of the Old Testament perfectly just as that priest could not go in and offer until he was clean himself I am the clean high priest he was laborious in the word that he had to do and how that he labored on the day of atonement and how Jesus labored dragging the cross how he labored as they spit as they beat him with stripes how he labored in prayer into his sweat became drops of blood the divine labor of the high priest the maker of the world it was mightier what he did that day was mightier than what he did when he made the world and hung the world oh nothing it's the same person who did it both but what he did that day was an even laborious more laborious thing than creating the universe since throwing out the Stars and hang in the world and say let there be trees and let there be fish and then making a mud man and ripping out of his side a bride all of that is impressive but nothing like the labor of this day on the Day of Atonement it happened God paid a tremendous price for you for you he didn't do it for people way out there he did it for you it's interesting that the these goats that the people had to use as sacrifice the Bible said in verse 5 that the public treasury furnished those goats and Jesus was purchased by public Treasury money from the Jewish coffers of 30 pieces of silver watch the goat die how did that go died for our sin for theirs for their sins and it could never take their sins away he just rolled it over to another year but how did he die they would stab him see him in agony behold him struggling moaning groaning as the blood pours out the blood gushes forth and then see Jesus the agony of death the clammy sweat upon his brow the the the tongue of his mouth cleaving to the roof of his mouth in thirst hear the sighs the groans like an animal in pain listen to the shriek of Eli Eli lama sabachthani hear the blood and see the blood as it drains and as it flows and as it gushes out of the wounds in the hands the feet it finds a channel all the way dripping off of the cross into the earth from his side a great river is gushing from the spear that was thrust the goats blood was not only shed for the remission of sin but the blood was taken within the veil I read that I've never seen that until I was looking at that again today that the blood didn't just forgive the people sinned listen carefully but when the priest went behind the veil the only reason he could go behind the veil into the holy place where the Ark of the Covenant was is he had to go with a pail of that blood he had to go with a with a basin of that blood the blood was shed yes to forgive the people sins this is so important but it also was shed so the high priest could go behind the veil you and I have been made high priests unto God under a new covenant the blood of Jesus and we don't just get our sins forgiven but tonight the veil has been ripped and we can approach God with great boldness the Bible said come boldly before the throne of grace and how can we do that how can we who are just mere humans how can we go in with boldness and courage like we know him like we love him and he loves us because he's given us a basin of his son's blood and he says approached me through the blood and you can have all the covenants of the blood let's praise the Lord for the blood has never lost its power praise God the blood was on the high priests worship we need blood on our worship we need blood on our prayers you wanna you want to get powerful in prayer and in worship just start putting blood on it just start putting blood on it we need blood on our preaching we need blood on our songs on our music we need blood notice how the sins were taken away was done by the scapegoat the first goat went away after the second goat was slaughtered and this is where I wanted to hurry up and get to Leviticus 25 and verse 9 says that something amazing happened when when the when the guy who took the scapegoat way out into the wilderness one commentary I read today said that he would take it at least 10 miles into the into the desert at least 10 miles and make sure that it was lost and far enough that it would never come back when he would come back so you've got one goat that's been slain for the sins and one goat that has taken the shame away when he would come back something powerful would happen in Leviticus 25 and 9 when they all got back the high priest would come out he would dress in his normal garb now and the people would clap their hands and shout and rejoice in Leviticus 25 and 9 would say and the sound of the trumpet of Jubilee on the tenth day of the seventh month in the day of atonement shall go throughout shall sound throughout the land the year of Jubilee came as one of the effects of the atonement the scapegoat was gone the sins were gone and no sooner had they gone a silver trumpet of Jubilee would blast and the people would start shouting and the people would start rejoicing and the people would start feasting because Jubilee meant three things your debts are forgiven slaves are be set free and your inheritance that you lost has to be given back to you now Kenna priest just a minute I want to go I want to go to an amazing verse in Luke chapter 4 you know and I want you to see something because his pre is pretty amazing if you see it in Luke chapter 4 Jesus shows up and verse 16 and he came to Nazareth where he's just been he's just come out of the water just returned from the wilderness experience fasting 40 days been anointed by the spirit filled in the power of the Holy Spirit Jesus came to Nazareth now I'm on the wrong verse let me find it I'm in the wrong I'm in the wrong whole chapter in Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 is that what I said Luke chapter 4 I'm in the wrong chapter that's the problem Luke chapter 4 got it I think take a praise break why fine where I'm going oh I got it I got I was right I was right Jesus came to Nazareth where he brought up because as it's a custom was and he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day listen this is his first time ever ministering in a synagogue and he stood up to read back then it was the Book of Isaiah then it had pages like you turned to his we're gonna read from Isaiah 61 it was on scrolls and and it would take you half a day to find something if you didn't know but he turned instantly because he wrote the book he knew where it was he turned instantly to Isaiah 61 and he starts quoting the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim the liberty of captives recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty is those who are oppressed to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord then he closed the book and gave it back now I got it I gotta take you real quick - Isaiah 61 because it's interesting where he stopped quoting that verse in Isaiah 61 let's go to Isaiah 6 one throw it up guys because this is so important verse one of Isaiah he's quoting Isaiah 60:1 but he stops and he doesn't say something that Isaiah said Isaiah put it like this the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor sent me to heal the brokenhearted claim liberated captives open the prison then are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord watch this and the day of vengeance of our God when Jesus got to that point he shut the book and he said I'm here to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord do you know what the acceptable year of the Lord is a reference to the year of Jubilee and he was saying on wait a minute he was saying I don't got it yet he was saying I want you to quit looking for a year I'm here I am Jubilee you can have Jubilee anytime I mean I'm showing up I can heal I can deliver on Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever and I can set captives free set you free from every addiction every fear every bondage I can heal cancer it's jubilee jesus is our Jubilee freedom forgiveness miracles in Jesus tuck your hands he shout a little bit hallelujah for Jesus it happened on the day of atonement folks atonement and Jubilee go together you can't have atonement without some Jubilee there ought to be some joyful collapse and haps and shouting and praise God and glory to God and talking in tongues and hand waving and jumping and leaping it is atonement it is jubilee my debts are forever cancelled he's the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the people I'm forgiven turn to your neighbor and say have you ever had a Jubilee you don't look like hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord I got a lot more but I just feel like shouting right there to God be the glory where would you be without Jesus tonight where would you be where in the world would you be if Jesus our Jubilee had not fully died and paid the price and took your sins away they can't find you they'll never find you you put yourself down but the Blatt tries to pick you up and take you up higher all you got to do is say I plead the blood of atonement it breaks curses on families tonight in this place the curse of addiction is broken to the blood of atonement the curse of alcoholism and drug addiction and poverty and divorce and failure it is canceled the curse of cancer from mother to daughter the grin of breast cancer Ackerson by the plan of atonement there's healing there's Jubilee there's life there's victory in Jesus give him a pray give it a praise if you believe we ought to get we ought to have a tullman and jubilee on this Wednesday night [Applause] so so I boldly tell you that you're not here by accident this is a miracle night this is a miracle service this is a miracle day if you ever believe that God could do a miracle if you ever have needed a miracle this is the night when miracles can happen more than any I know he's the same don't get me wrong but I believe our faith is linked to a solid rock truth there's no relative it's lost out there in the world that that blood can't reach there's no curse there's no witchcraft there's no fail there's no demon worship that can be transferred to the blood bulk child of God I tell you I feel something stirring in my soul there's no curse that can hold me there's no poverty that can hold me there's no hopelessness that can hold me I am free through the blood of my atonement and Jesus Christ Maju belief hallelu hallelu hallelu I feel like closing so before I came tonight I called my buddy Perry stone and I said now I'm gonna preach on this and I said how you like this nobody got a preaching he was he was shouting speak God better better better speaking in tongues on the telephone I said let me finish and then he gave me this part right here Perry said you need to go to acts not my notes are all messed up because y'all mess me up but he said here it is no that ain't in he said you need to go to acts Perry's always confusing me you need to go to the book of Acts but he said something powerful I gotta close with this and I'll be done where is that scripture about refreshing times of refreshing anybody know it's a acts for maybe huh acts 3 thank you they go to free Chapel Bible College I guarantee you if they know they might need to enroll Acts chapter 3 oh here it is thank you you were right see see see the important thing let's stand to our feet all over the room if you can everybody the important thing about atonement is repentance everybody the reason they afflicted their soul was to position themselves there were three there were three things that were affected there there was the personal application of atonement for you personally on the day of atonement then it was family the whole family was to be reconciled and it won and lastly it was a national thing for Israel if you know America needs a national day of atone now listen to what it says right here in verse 19 repent there it is repent this is atonement repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord the times of refreshing is that Jubilee and tonight if we'll repent if we willfully say Lord let that blood of that blood man Jesus so wash and cleanse me then I'm at one with the Father I'm at one with my family and people and I'm at one standing as an intercessor for my nation and he said if you'll repent and obey this there will come times of refreshing this is what Perry said I said what does that mean times of refreshing he said he had looked it up and he said it literally means the Greek in the Greek it means recovering a breath or the second win he said you'll feel he said you'll feel light you'll feel light like your burdens are gone he said that you will feel like you're recovering your breath and catching your second win jubilee comes through Jesus Christ and there comes immediately after atonement jubilee and times of refreshing in the presence of the Lord are you ready for everybody who's ready for it run down here I don't care who you are come on run down here don't act like you're holy I said today's a day to repent today's the day of repentance come on run down here run to the mercy seat grab a basin of the blood of Jesus our lamb and come with that blood saying father I approach you not in my name not in my righteousness not in my worthiness but I come with a basin of the precious blood of Jesus Christ I'm here to worship you I'm here to praise you and if you will receive what the blood has done everybody raise your hands and begin to repent begin to repent begin to repent say Lord I repent tonight I repeat my sins I repent for my nation I repent for the church I repent for the body of Christ I repent Oh God I repent for our nation the sins of abortion the sins of immorality the sins of disunity I repent God the sins of racism and injustice we repair tonight Oh God cleanse us in the blood make us one in the blood Oh God we cry out to you won't we pray for our families come on repent lord I pray for all my children as I do every day I call their names out if any of them have sinned if any of them have done wrong if any of them are living wrong oh God may the blood cover them tonight may your mercy and your grace leaps greater I know you won't treat my kids like you treat other people's kids cuz I've got a blood covenant atonement and it makes us one with you and Lord they may run but they can't hide I think you're the blood covenant is working tonight come on somebody pray intercede that's what it's about repent repent for your family repeat for anyone in your family who's false begin to call their name hold them up above the throne of God I'm a co-chair mama mama hallelujah Lord you make our family strong you make our families faith-filled families you make our family sanctified and consecrated and wholly dedicated to you pray fire nation pray fire president bring fire Congress Supreme Court may fire a fire governor Bray fires state legislators pray pray we make atonement for our nation we make a dolmen fire state we make atonement for our city oh god we apply the blood to the sins of the nation in the family in Jesus name now right now pray personally professionally lift your hands on behalf of you personally and Holy Spirit searched me go through me awaken me revive me sing showers of refreshing send times of refreshing Oh God Jesus you're my Jubilee I'm not waiting on another side I'm not waiting on another prophecy I'm not waiting on another thing Jesus you are my Jubilee miracles happen now Healing happens now deliverance happens liberty and freedom from addiction happens now through the blood of the atonement through the blood of the atonement Jesus mighty lift your hands all over the ring and lord I just thank you for healing I thank you for people who haven't been feeling right something's wrong physically and they know it but they're in the right place on the right day in the right service here in the right message and they're gonna be healed supernaturally tonight heart palpitations and lightheadedness and dizziness and pains and sharp pains and fears and knots and lumps in the name of Jesus I curse you the one who rose from the dead extends his hand over this congregation on the Day of Atonement and pronounces life and health and healing over your physical body you shall will you will not die now this is not your season you shall and not done and declare the works of the Lord somebody shout like Jubilees Henry somebody thank him like you feel times of repression times of refreshing not weariness refreshing hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands up Lord you know how to prosper your people you know how to make us the head not the tail you know how to bring resources that will boggle our mind and tonight we decree on the night of atonement that the debts are canceled we believe in the God who can supernaturally cancel our debts debt free homes debt free cars debt-free property debt free college tuition debt-free debt free lives debt-free and bliss in the name of Jesus life and life more abundantly act like you believe in Jubilee and you believe Jubilee is here you serve a God who knows how to bless and prosper you shout if you believe it because it's the truth it's the truth is the truth get ready for more business get ready for more opportunities get ready for bigger ideas get ready for more creativity get ready for more open doors that man or woman cannot shut [Music] throw your hands up and say I'm blessed I am blessed and I will prosper I mean I'm gonna prosper I received it free living I don't know how I don't have to know how I know God and he knows everything and somehow someway if it has to be inheritance if it has to be a surprise if it you serve a miracle working God [Applause] checks in the mail the Holy Ghost says checks in the mail [Music] [Applause] somebody shout like you believe I'm preaching tonight docile side [Applause] you screaming loud this is for you - you thought you were busy and God won't lead you where he won't provide all you need if he opens the door you take a basin of blood and walk right into the miracle you cannot fail because the blood is with Alleluia [Applause] how many of you got a son a daughter a relative or friend that's in prison [Music] anybody there all over no shame in it they made some bad choices how many of you believe that God can save them and God can set them free early way early raise your hands up we're not asking for justice they've already got that we're asking for mercy father in the name of Jesus we just thank you for Jubilee we just thank you for atonement we just thank you that you're the God of second chances and more and father we ask you to release the prisoners we ask you for favor and we ask you to transform their lives that they'll never go back to that life again they'll only follow you everybody who believes in that kind of miracle salvation deliverance give God Almighty praise [Applause] shout they're coming home they're coming home they're coming home they're coming home the coming home shouting they're coming home they're coming home they're coming home God's gonna make away I don't know why the wind but is coming it's to believe [Music] the god beatable praise the name of Jesus praise God praise God let's raise our hands one more time thank you Jesus thank you Jesus just love him a minute just love him a minute why don't you go on behind the veil the father you even you've been cancelling yourself out with such a guilt complex and tonight God wanted you to hear this message to understand you didn't contribute one thing on your best day to your salvation it's all by the blood so come on in come on in come on in come on in come on in we feel real good on our best days feel real holy fine I've been fasting and praying but you know when God looks at you you look the same on your worst day as your best day cuz he sees you through the blood that's good to have best days and keep striving for it but I'm so thankful that the blood of Jesus is my righteousness you believe it we got to get out of here I've gone over time I'm sorry but I love Jesus tonight every head bowed every eye closed if you're in this room tonight you'd say pastor I don't know my sins are forgiven I've got things in my life that need breaking off of me I need freedom uh need forgiveness I can't get you down here and we'll pray for you right where you standing but you got acknowledged you got to repent repent repent that's it just repeat quit being so stinkin proud and repent what you're doing it working you need to repent turn around come back to Jesus this is your night this is your night that what what a testimony to point hell back to when when the accuser comes you can say oh no mr. devil thank you for reminding me thank you since since you gonna remind me of my past I'm gonna remind you of your future I see an angel with a chain and a lake of fire but before that happens wouldn't it be awesome to get saved tonight almost wish I was a filthy sinner because I could get saved on the day of atonement and never forget it this is a great night to get saved anybody want to get saved tonight raise your hand I want to see it all over this ring raise it high that's beautiful that's beautiful son that's awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome great great great great great great great raise up behind under shame anybody else all the way up in the back raise them up hi this is beautiful you see somebody with her hand raised gently put your hand on their shoulder don't pray and get out of here you ready everybody say this out loud Lord Jesus you are my day of atone you are my Jubilee you are my sin sacrifice and my my escape from the past you take away my sins I am free and I am forgiven I confess you Jesus Christ as Lord of my life according to the Bible I am saved amen and amen ready Lord bless divine conference raise your hands Lord bless divine in the conference everybody pray just a minute come on pray pray pray on the Holy Ghost just a minute pray for divine comforts bless every woman that steps into this room let the anointing be on every speaker so profound and so powerful that they will shock themselves may bait may they be led clearly by the Holy Spirit exactly what they are to preach exactly what they are to say may be anointing flow through every song through every sermon may miracles of broken hearts and healing inner healing physical healing mental healing all kinds of healing relational healing take place like sheets of rain let's showers of refreshing followed every woman that walks on these premises give them clarity of vision give them a fresh anointing give them joy about their life and their children and their families and their careers and old god bless them mightily in Jesus mighty name we pray and the church said amen please come don't have a good day it is a good day it's atonement day amen when you walk outside going to your car feel free feel free to open your mouth and say thank you Jesus praise when you won't pass the water families feel free to go jump in if you want to hallelujah I'm not coming out there and getting you but feel free have a good night everybody be blessed y'all can get on out of here I know y'all got a long week go rest go ahead turn up see the young Joey huh I don't know I'm not sure if I am or not praise God god bless you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 23,630
Rating: 4.7196259 out of 5
Keywords: free chapel, music, worship, jesus, christ, sermon, church, god, jentezen, franklin, christian, the day of atonment, jentezen franklin latest sermons, jentezen franklin 2018 sermons, 2018
Id: Pq-OEc5n820
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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