I Bought an International ABANDONED STORAGE UNIT.. PAID $1,000 - What's INSIDE??
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 18,993
Rating: 4.9022603 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit, storage unit business, storage unit auctions, storage auction, storage wars, self storage, storage unit finds, storage locker, storage locker finds, storage locker auctions, storage wars full episodes, auction hunters, luggage auction, lost luggage, storage videos, luggage, baggage, spent, 1000, $1000, 2020, auction videos, storage unit videos, unboxing, abandoned storage units, treasure hunting, whats inside, wades ventures, found this, auction bid
Id: sxny46IpF-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 47sec (3167 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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