POLICE CALLED On HIM! It Was $175,000! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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there's something in here but it's like in the liner what is this there's something here is it what is this for the first time this week we finally won us one single storage unit just one i lost three others so sad who knows what other people got but we got one fingers crossed there's gonna be all sorts of treasures and money making stuff in there let's get on the road let's go get it [Music] so we are finally able to pick up this storage unit out here people have been paying ridiculous prices for anything and we might do the same thing but we paid 80 bucks for it it's cheap and hopefully we find some kind of treasure in here let's do it [Music] you know it's really crazy what things are coming to around here in virginia you know what i call this they call this a five dollar unit but no five dollars here is an 80 unit that would maybe one one or five dollars back on the east you know what three weeks left guys i'm counting them down let's get into the unit so can you resist twister just the board nothing else just the board you don't need anything else do you no just the board what about ultratech advanced mattress protector which is actually never been opened just ripped it's brand new cool that could be worth a little something i don't really know what but we'll set it in a good pile set it over here this was the reason when you could just see pulled at the door how do you not buy it if we learned anything this year this is what people are fighting for literally i watched them fighting grocery stores for this you know what i'm selling county as gold that is worth the whole price of the unit so is that ugly shoe what brand is it look on the bottom it's a cat and jack cat injection yeah you don't know you never heard of cat and jack i have not well i mean either so we're we're good yes there it is no no what's the point there's the frisbee how about a dog is that paw patrol i think so paw patrol yeah that what do we got this bucket this cash bag of course are you ready watch this not really knowledge bang markers okay junk but butt dirty shoe hey hungry yeah you're gonna have some caramel bugles bugles i just some makeup and that's that's just nasty stuff that's trash this looks like just a giant bag of clothes yeah i don't really want to go into that i hate cooking like clothes yes i know they could be worth money but they're boring very boring what is this oh yeah it's our favorite yay so far this unit's turning out great we got a bag of clothes we have a christmas tree a three foot christmas tree it's like a little charlie brown one little tiny one christmas tree you know i can never get rid of those things nope it's just a purse with money in it i hear money but where it was so dirty like how do you get your purse so nasty what are you doing look at this what is this it's like is it in that pocket you tell me yeah piece of paper that's it no is this there's something in here but it's like in the liner it feels like it's down here no what the heck we're going to figure this out look at this there's like no way to get to that okay we have to get a knife what the rip did i rip it you think yeah no it's not going to rip what is this there's something here i have no idea what it is but it's hidden in the liner of the purse we're going to get that cut into that later so the unit's been nice to us it gave me this screwdriver thing by the way this purse is super cheap and disgustingly stained so it's not like we'll be able to sell it for anything what is it what is this really what is that i don't even know i don't even know a glob of something that's great you got me all excited for that i know let's do it in a purple basket at least well those two more shoes no that's like walmart timbers yeah they're still they wear the little scents or something this is heavy wall i guess we got razor yep we learned something else this year so people like razors now because apparently when you can't get your haircuts you freak out and go insane and yeah a lot of things people are doing i don't really know why all right in here book bag this oh yes so we got confetti cake and some confetti icing that doesn't look good what is that oh we even got wood fire lighters on the go beautiful that's what i wanted let's see what's in this box this one's kind of the same thing a cool tech advance does it make my bed cool there's a master detector cool over or it's a full though okay let me fit in my bed looks like the same thing yeah so that might go together or something like that there's like a whole survival gear here isn't it we have toilet paper we have waters look at this survival gear at its finest and like that you gotta straighten there all right that's in decent shape guys i'll put that on this side looks nice all right what's in here stuffed animals yeah dory and the bear mickey mouse and race uniform anything else all stuff ammo all the way down no what's that oh look january i'm a january that's weird we're cool you know who else is that yeah that likes my eyes that's kind of weird timing but we're going back to virginia soon so i'll bring it back and books and other kids stuff in there so not bad in that box all right let's look at this one there's the rhona microphone um let's see shoes oh look we got a pan in here we can do some cooking it's even still wet it just got used and stainless steel cleaner okay that's just a weird i don't really know what that stuff is let's get that aside ew that's what we call icky bathroom stuff i don't want to touch it what is this what is this [Music] good question it's a hanger decor the core there it is i have no clue kid cane i don't know hurricane that this which is just a bag one of those bags to keep stuff cool or hot oh that thing just tried to take my head off did you see that yes too fast for you with the head movement what's in here great well boots and shoes don't you store yours together i think everybody does these are bahama i never heard of them all right that's not good let's see what's in this roller up here oh i see a dinosaur yes we got t-rex and mini t-rex yoo-hoo and well this looks like a cleaning bucket to me yeah it looks like car wash stuff it does actually so that what else is up here hey here's the box of those boots hey there's that did you ever sell the box always this is like a little bankers lamp i think they're called it's in there and it's got the plug and everything so that should be a few well it's easy what else do we get what is this an oscar adjustable temperature control hot plate oh it's a hot plate you know what it looked like in the picture like a dj thing like the picture of the unit i thought it was a scale all you can kind of see is that yeah so it kind of looked like a dj type thing but who knows what else is up here oh boy applesauce my favorite and like a mini i don't think that doesn't come out like that but a curtain rod of some sort now won't go back together good job you broke it guys this what is that sharper another one monster truck um perma suction i don't know that's for dermatologists christmas light yes play-doh if this play-doh is in here and not dried up you know what this whole unit's working it's a big moment of truth here oh it's the wrong color and it's dried up i'm mad so a heel one heel just one chuck they're actually in there cool who remembers that show on cartoon network needs to come along he's got the chalk chocolate golf zone yeah hard hat for hard-headed people like myself there's the other heel so we got that full pair micro mechanically like an engine light check but it's not in there that would've been cool actually there's another pair of heels you know they paid a whopping 798 at dd for these so probably a dollar yeah what do we got going on in here makeup there's more bathroom type stuff you never know when you're gonna do that about that's when you take a really big dude and you can't get it out you're like the only one option left you gotta follow the pliers all right there it goes you never know when stuff's gonna go south so you gotta be prepared this person they're prepared one of the best things you can ever find in storage units are totes of somebody else's personal paperwork there's nothing better it's worth so much money it's so heavy so it's just all around great there might be other stuff in here let me kind of look through it it looks like a lot of personal paperwork though but that doesn't mean like we have found money in envelopes before so it's just something it has to take a long time to look through right now all i'm saying is crappy paperwork so let's get it out the way i got you a gift bag oh yeah that's what you get you get shark plates some tissue paper some balloons it's actually like mostly new party supplies okay i guess that stuff wanted to come down too in here you got kids books another boot look at this one i think it would look so good or anything in there price tag on the bottom they paid 20 bucks for it they look new though maybe it might be like a good five dollars from the yard sale this what is that i don't know looks like it goes like a blanket or something yeah hmm i don't know something like that and here at the bottom i think these are the shoes we just found the box for they're steel toes too so they might be worth a little more so they don't look like they've been worn out much though i mean they've definitely been used obviously but not very much look at the bottom hit me a few times yeah easy clean yeah easy clean i don't know what the brand's worth but because they're steel toe i know they probably cost a little more than they were they're just a regular one so we'll take that these shoes one of these just teals these are just heels top mota never heard of it and then we got what is it one of the things i was curious about about this logitech speaker isn't it yeah that's kind of cool i guess a little bit of money that and on the bottom i don't think i'm going to play with it it's just cleaning supplies so i see trash bags which are good then this is washed bug windshield wiper uh toilet paper and paper towels you know what this is like more of a walmart one than a freaking unit so let's get this shelf out of here so i got the shelf out unfortunately our van was at the house full so we had to take the car so put it into the comments guys repeat the show it's going to have to suffer a very bad fate to fit in the backseat of the trunk it's going to have to be probably picked up suplex smashed into much pieces but you know sometimes that has to happen in here we got wood who doesn't need wood this is what a mirror oh in the picture i was kind of hoping that would be a flat screen but you got a mirror that's still probably at least a few bucks and then for some reason random wood and like the sticks like a swiffer doesn't even have the bottom to it just the stick so overall kind of decent unit we'll go through it we'll do a recap i'm going to let you know what's worth what and if it's a money maker or a loser all right everybody give the shelf one final rip you know the good thing is that i'm breaking it the legs are already broken so it doesn't have a wall it already goes down so pretty much junk step one right you punch out the back yep all the way down all right step number two wwe stuff pick it up get up all right all right and it's gone [Music] and just like that the unit is 100 cleaned out not a left one skill you had a mattress master in this storage game is tetris all right guys made it back home with the paperwork went through all this stuff all this stuff is pretty much yard sale stuff we're gonna have like the shoes and stuff in the boxes a little hot plate um just for the yard sale so that's that stuff hopefully we make our money back with that now listen to this there was three important interesting papers that i found while going through all of that paperwork most of them is like tax stuff which we usually find in units whatever i don't care about that stuff that's not interesting this is interesting so let's start off with this so evidently i don't know who owned the unit really i don't know if it was the guy or the girl so i'm just gonna say guy or girl the girl had a paper in there that was from health and social services department saying that there was general neglect and emotional abuse of her son and that she was to be believed as the perpetrator so i don't know what is going on with that so that was the first bit of interesting thing and then i find a booking log now this has um most of mostly him some of his charges were drive without a license misdemeanor charge probation violation carry loaded with firearm carry loaded firearm in a public place a misdemeanor and two battery charges now it gets better this little paper right here and i'm going to show you is of the guy so right here we see false imprisonment rape by means of force violence duress menace or fear and corporal sorry i can't read it backwards corporal injury on spouse or cohabitant and threats to commit crime resulting in death or great bodily harm bail a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars this guy was a true criminal charged with four felonies i don't know if that was um all in one thing it seems to be with the charges like that it seems to just be adding up and adding up so pretty bad dude and i know i also found uh papers of restraining orders from her to him um drug charges for both of them a lot of drama and criminal charges in this relationship and so that is the background of this story that's what we get we like to give you guys with these units because the story is obviously the most interesting thing especially to us we hope you guys feel the same way we hope you enjoyed this video leave it a big fat thumbs up if you did and subscribe if you are new and until next time peace out [Music] foreign
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 66,112
Rating: 4.7870145 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: v7wtvUnDLi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 05 2020
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