Old Storage Unit Owner SUING ME! I Don't Know What To Do! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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so the absolute craziest thing is happening to us today we are being threatened with legal action soon over a storage unit youtube video from over a year ago now this is just mind-blowing and i don't really know if i should take this seriously or what i really need some advice guys let's get into it [Music] now i get insulted and threatened all the time that's part of the daily life of a youtuber but legal action this is the first for me let me go into this right now so we get messages on facebook that seems to be everybody's favorite social media platform for messaging people but i get this message and weirdly enough it was professionally written that's why i kind of took a little more serious than usual usually these kind of messages come in it's like just horrible english that looks like a dyslexic rock this time it was good they said i think it's wrong to go through other people's stuff on video that is their life and it should not be publicized you should delete your channel that should delete my channel okay so first i'm i was like just a little irritated because really you don't know how long how many years how many hours i put to bring this channel to where it is now so no i'm not deleting my channel first off but the other part they said it's kind of annoying because you guys all know how lean storage units work you sign a contract and if you can't fulfill your side of the contract therefore you forfeit your stuff it's not like it was stolen from you you signed a contract that's how it works so i reply there again everything i go through on video is a lean abandoned storage unit people sign a contract and don't keep up their side of the deal so the storage facility does what they have to do to recoup the losses that's fair expecting a company just to lose money because you're financially irresponsible kind of messed up honestly so i don't understand why people are always so offended when going through storage units and you're like that's so mean of someone else's life they signed a contract to a business a business is there to make money they're not there to be your friend they're there to make money so saying they should lose money because you can't keep up your side of the deal it's not right but then i get one of the most annoying arguments that people use today especially and this just really bothered me so they say but life happens all right you know what you're right it does you guys have watched our videos for a long time we have given back stuff we've spent hundreds if not thousands on over the years it has happened but a lot of times it's your choice but life happens these places make millions they can let people get their stuff back plus putting it on youtube is plain wrong someone can see their stuff being gone through by a gorilla who thinks i'm a gorilla so i'm big and strong i appreciate that very sad install i mean i guess you just couldn't think more i think he's probably not your strong suit but this is one of the things that bothers the crap out of me i hate this society we're building where anyone is successful or has money they're attacked and seen as demonized and they're wrong it's really frustrating so because these storage facilities make millions they should have to lose money just because for the simple fact they make millions that is wrong on so many levels so many levels so then i replied back makes a lot of sense you want me to get rid of the career i built up from nothing that i use to support my family so that people don't get their feelings hurt that's the truth isn't it come on now you're being a bit delusional all the bills in our house the whole reason no one in this house has to work a regular job is because of youtube so he sent me to just be like ah somebody's offended somebody might get offended so let me go ahead and throw that all down the toilet because we don't want to offend random joe from wisconsin because that's how the world works nowadays right um no not not happening not happening at all and i can't even honestly believe somebody would even suggest something so ridiculous but you know what that's the way the world is so after i got pretty mad and said all that i get the message back let me tell you what i'm getting at here i watched you go through my stuff in like not putting the city out there but it was back when we are on the east coast instantly i'm assuming that they're going to send me a link to one of our most popular videos and millions of views because you guys have no idea how many hundreds of people claim that these big videos we have is their stuff and they demand the back and blah blah blah blah blah like our big video with almost 5 million views i've probably gotten two or three hundred messages saying that's mine it's mine it's mine it's mine it's mine obviously it's not so that's what i'm assuming then they send me the link and i click it and go to it and surprisingly enough it's a weird video not a weird one but it doesn't have many views it didn't get much publicity like the other ones did and it was actually in the same city messaged so i was like okay maybe this is not a complete lie because if they were to chose one of the bigger ones i would have assumed it's a lie the fact that it's a random one and it's actually in the city they said in their message that's when i was like okay this guy's not completely lined so then i replied back so this is your stuff what storage facility did you store at because on storage treasures when you buy a storage unit where i got that one at you can go back and look at your unit you bought five years ago you can see the auction number the unit number the storage facility and everything even if it was five or six years ago so i asked that and boom i got the address and storage number and boom went back and it was 100 accurate so i didn't show that in the video anywhere or mention it anywhere so i knew okay this is legitimate either this is legitimately their stuff or this is one of their family members or something like that i knew this was their stuff then i get a message stating now what that was my stuff from my apartment and honestly seeing you go through it makes me want to kill you thanks i really appreciate that i love when people use violent threats on the internet it's so like you just instantly know they're a very high intelligence when they have to use threats against strangers you already know right off the bat they're top of the heat very smart people so i sat back honestly that was over a year ago we don't have any of that stuff i don't know why people this happens all the time they leave comments that would you sell this like a statue this big that came out of the unit two years ago i don't have that no more and i said that and nice threat to a complete stranger makes you sound very intelligent is what i told them so then this is what they get back look my stuff is already taken by a racist thief what did i ever do or say that's racist i guess you know it's 20 20 so i probably said hi or hello or just basically existed that's all you got to do these days to be considered racist and it said taken by a racist thief and now i need this video taken off of youtube no if you do don't take it down you'll be hearing from my legal team do you think the guy lives in an apartment has a legal team he says i swear i will sue you for invasion of privacy look dad somebody picked up a legal term and trying to sound smart there you didn't use it right but at least you got one and have your whole channel taken out so quick that you won't know what happened no obviously that's not the case i hope so then i reply back and say since you're seriously lacking any education on how the actual law works let me educate you you know i have to try to really get my facts across while being extremely sarcastic at the same time because that's how i like to handle things i'm a very very sarcastic person especially when somebody's being threatening and argumentative towards me first that's my natural defense isn't sarcasm the body's natural defense against stupidity it just came out so i hit the idiot with the idiot's worst nightmare fats and i said the moment an unpaid lean auction has ended and the money has been exchanged with the facility nothing in that unit no longer belongs to you you don't own any of that no more at all none of it's yours it doesn't matter if you had a golden watch worth 17.5 million dollars the minute you didn't pay the other person bought it and they exchanged the money and locked it it's not yours no more that's the way it works that's what your contract says when you sign the rent so there's nothing you can do about that you sign the contract so that you can't really argue or debate it so i told them that nothing in the unit belongs to you everything in there is now legally my property due to lean law and that is 100 the fact of the truth the worst nightmare of an idiot facts and truth then i said secondly your name was never mentioned you guys know i tried i might have messed up a couple times in the past i never say anyone's name and i try to cover anyone's name that's ever shown in a unit sometimes you find pictures driver's license social security cards whatever you find that if i see it i try to blur it as fast as i can but in this video i literally went back and watched just because of this there was none of that none of that was in there none of it was shown so that's complete bs i said an image of you was never shown same thing i sent you the pictures i blur them out therefore no crime has been committed put in my sarcasm would you like a worksheet for a review you know just because if i can get the mad it just makes it all the funnier to me so i told them that so after i stated that i get the message back just because you buy someone else's storage unit does not mean that their stuff is your stuff it's when they start using improper grammar that starts to get annoyed when you're calling somebody if you just use improper grammar in the daily it's whatever but when you're trying to call somebody else stupid and ignorant and then you can't even speak correctly it gets really annoying and you know capitalizing big words this guy's made for youtube titling isn't he capitalizing someone else's in there even though it's not the right there you know what maybe you should be a youtuber that is 100 stealing and all caps that's a good one i would capitalize stealing if it was in a title you lowlife oh so now your bid is coming down so i said i don't know sorry he said again two messages in a row he didn't even let me get my turn what a rude guy you lucky i wasn't you lucky you lucky i wasn't at the auction or i would have smacked you in the mouth anyway you would have smacked my mouth at that point i was just absolutely trembling in fear so scared of the random idiot on facebook that doesn't do anything ever so i applied back so not only can you not use elementary level grammar you're also threatening physical harm to me which is an actual crime because obviously you know you think making youtube videos on my own property is a crime you really don't know the legal system whatsoever once again public education has failed terribly so i just wanted to make sure he knew what he was doing is technically a crime now the threats really start to come out because what do you do when you're in an argument with somebody and you have no facts no evidence and no nothing you have two choices violence or get louder you can't get louder through text so you have to threaten violence because you can't think so then they say i'm not threatening i'm warning you it better be gone by the morning oh oh snap guy on facebook said it better be gone we're in trouble huh and i just again sarcastically that's what i do spoiler alert it's still going to be right where it is i just felt like you never feel like in a debate with somebody and you throw something out there and you just feel like you hit that home run that was just the perfect thing to say that's what i thought about that one and i guess he felt the same way because then comes the long messages you know when they said the long ones they're really mad they took the time to write it probably hasn't wrote anything this long in like 15 years so i knew it was serious if you really think i'm joking then you'll find out the hard way this is not a joke i will smack you and i will definitely be taking this to court you invaded my privacy and that is illegal and you will be paying for that whose privacy was invaded you signed a contract that says here's a piece of paper if i do not pay my bill my stuff will be auctioned sign my dumb name oh i didn't pay my bill you auctioned it what the heck like it just blows my mind and other human beings on this plane and make it to adulthood with such a low level of intelligence but that's beyond the point then i responded the irony of you threatening legal action in the same sentence you're threatening me physical harm is just hilarious and it really is like the irony of putting those two things together you know how stupid that is like imagine if i said i'm just freezing cold out here in the sahara desert you would be like oh that guy's an idiot just like when i write that sentence i was like wow this guy's an idiot major idiot major lack of education very very stupid but anyway let's keep going at this point i figured he's already really mad and judging off the stuff he's saying he's probably no threat anyway so i decided how can i make him even more mad he obviously doesn't like the fact that his stuff was publicized on the internet i got an idea let's publicize this whole conversation on the internet just to poke the bear a little more so i said i might just make a video this whole conversation and then i added my favorite thing at the end because i love you nothing gets a factless person more mad than compassion love they get so irritated and look what came next oh he's capitalizing stuff again he's serious he's bound i think when i see him in caps i picture them like banging on their keyboard if any of this private conversation is ever seen on youtube and the sentence that's not related in a sense or whatever should have been a comma you will not only be sued but you will be going to jail too oh my gosh that's what we live in i'll go to jail for making a youtube video man times are tough out here they really are i'm warning you not to push this anymore my wife is a police officer in the in city i cannot sing the city and we will get this taken care of one way or another get what taken care of like what are you so mad about you signed a contract and didn't fulfill your side and now you're mad at somebody else it's called personal responsibility i know what's heavily lacking in today's society but some of us still have it some of them still uphold it if you didn't fulfill your side of an agreement guess what that's your problem getting mad at somebody else is dumb very dumb and you're making yourself look even more unintelligent than you really are which is just freaking scary that there's even a level that minuscule so then after he goes and threatens with his wife being a police officer which i'm sure is a hundred percent true just like the sky's orange i responded back and said looking forward to it buddy now have a nice day in your land of make-believe legal cases and i gave him a little kiss the emoji because i really appreciate that he gave me a whole video right here that i thought everyone would think is funny so that wasn't a fake kiss emoji i meant that if you're watching this right now i really do love you for that i appreciate it and then they respond back again you really think this is a joke for the 12th time yes i do for like 12 times you said that i still think it's a joke nothing changed in between the last six messages i see that video is gone now getting scared i'm like what video's gone i went back my video's still there you can click the link i'll even put the link in the description just so you can see the old video it's definitely still there maybe your computer illiterate is what i told them and that was it i couldn't get no more response back from this guy so apparently after that i didn't i don't think i got blocked because i could still see the conversation so maybe they're waiting to see if i really do upload this and if they do they think they have some kind of case on their hands which is going to be hysterical because it would make this a lot more fun like honestly if somebody really somehow managed to put together a lawsuit and take this to court i think that'd be a pretty cool video to be honest with you so i wouldn't be too mad at it but anyway let me hear you guys opinion on this what if anything did this idiot say that's factual there's nothing illegal that happened in my opinion what did i do that's illegal for one where i bought stuff and i recorded my own stuff maybe that stuff used to be yours but it doesn't matter legally it doesn't matter it's not yours no more so again let me hear what you guys think down in the comments below and make sure leave the video a like too just because i like telling these fun stories if you guys enjoy these fun stories every time i get one it's interesting you know i figured let's not let's make a video and entertain people with it so make sure you leave it a like subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 64,533
Rating: 4.8981581 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, storage hunters, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 5QcL9eUn4uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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