It took me 4 Months to beat Minecraft in 15 Minutes

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beating Minecraft in 15 minutes something that took the entire Minecraft Community 9 years and thousands of players speedrunning every day I want to do it too sort of see I was trying to get my first ever sub 30 minute speed run something I'd been trying to do on and off for about a year I didn't just beat Minecraft in under 30 minutes though or even 25. so service time is faster than dreams fastest run ever you probably can't tell from my reaction but I I don't deserve it like at all I went from a personal best of 30 minutes to 17. that's not supposed to happen unlike the 100 meter dash Minecraft speedruns involve a lot of luck like you spawn Pearl rates Blaze drops chest loot stronghold generation Dragon perch you get the point my 1745 got lucky in every single category I spawn next to a village with a ruined portal this allowed me to enter the nether in just four minutes only to spawn inside of another Fortress I killed 10 Blaze compared to the average 14 there was a Bastion in sight which gave me pearls and I entered the end in 16 minutes did I mention the stronghold was exposed in the ocean and the dragon took less than a minute to kill I feel like I got this run because of luck that's it and I hated that I promised myself I was not only going to beat that time but beat Minecraft in 15 minutes first I'd have to get quicker at entering the nether my current strategy is to lootophilic killing an iron golem to make a bucket so I can make another one but on average it takes five minutes to do that that's already a third of the time I need introducing pirate strats see I'm not the only one to learn Villages are a slow way to enter the nether about two years the speedrunning community learned that shipwrecks are op they can be found in any ocean and contain a ridiculous amount of iron and gold but there is a problem where's the lava how are you gonna enter the nether this is where the Brilliance of pirate strats truly comes to life all you need is a magma Ravine you can build another portal underwater and it's way faster than a lava looking at this for the first time it's like magic so instead of getting five or six minute enters I was starting to get three or four minute enters side note there is a shipwreck directly in front of me you cannot see it Minecraft is terrible so even if I had a good World I'd end up missing it because I can't see through the water speedrunners have thought of this too in the Minecraft files on your computer there is one called options.txt you can open it and change your gamma we go from this to this you can actually see the ship now and with this tactic I was beginning to average four minute nether entries plus I got a really cool timer in the top right I feel legit now TM what's IGT yeah RTA is real time itg is in-game time so if I pause it doesn't count let me tell you though a timer does not make you better at the video game I had yet to get another 25 minute run sometimes I would die in the end as I'm killing the dragon I did learn some useful things though like one do not Bridge with wood in the nether it'll let you on fire you'll fall on lava two you're not as good at the video game as you think okay chill out play to your skill level but as I started to review all the footage of my deaths the pattern started emerging piglet broadly speaking you need ender pearls to finish a speeder and if you would have asked the speedrunning community two years ago how do you get a lot of Ender Pearls they'd have probably said you kill Enderman or trade with villagers not in this day and age we speedrunners use pigs you watch this he's gonna he's gonna take the gold bar and he's gonna give me uh let's try again let's try again he's gonna give me ender pearls he gave me he gave me another breakfast time it'll be ender pearls this time for sure I promise I promise come on you guys are embarrassing me I need I need some pearls hey there we go there we go see so you might have noticed it's a bit rare to get pearls fortunately for us we can combat this by trading copious amounts of gold where are you gonna get a lot of gold into there though bastions for example if we take all this gold and get a whole bunch of pickles in a small area I'll explain how to do this later over three stacks of pearls not only that but we get fire resistance potions string to make wool to kill the dragon I'll explain how we kill it with wool later this is really when my speed run started becoming fast in fact I got my second sub 25 ever no yes what's up 25 by three seconds long way off from 15 but progress is progress I gotta admit though I still didn't know how to loot bastions quickly not every Bastion looks the same in fact there are four different types each one with a bit of variability for example you see how this one has some Basalt up at the top right corner here this one doesn't have that that sub 25 run utilized this fashion which is pretty straightforward but I knew if I wanted to get good at speedrunning I'd have to master every route for every Bastion so I started researching and I've learned a lot this one for example it's called Stables if I'm walking up here and I see that this Gap right here is two blocks tall I know for a fact there are no gold blocks down here but if I go to that same spot on a different fashion and the Gap is only one block wide I know that I can place a block here I can dig in the wall I'm in this staircase I go down here and there are gold blocks right here and down here you have to memorize this sort of thing for every single Bastion not only that but you gotta survive man piglens are tough they'll just Slaughter you it's a bad day for everybody here take this take this sir please don't be mad before I knew it I was on my best Pace ever leaving the Bastion at nine minutes all I needed to do was find a fortress and kill boys I was even on a call with friends dude I'm on like a really good Pace I imagine this is the run where he gets sub 15. and we're all talking about oh my gosh as you said that you oh I know I did not say anything Parker oh no I thought that would be the hardest part dying on a good run little did I know this would happen before I knew it I was addicted staying up till 1am 2 A.M speed run on my mind out I just wanted to get the next PB the next good run I was staying up so late that I started making promises with my friends to go to bed I'll set a hard cap on 12 30. although they were late nights progress was beginning to show in one hour I got another entry at 3 40 240 319 220. okay okay 2 30 and just looking at my mechanics I was getting so much better but wreck what happened to all those good nether entries did you just die a ton for the most part no actually these runs would end because I can't find a Bastion what's the point entering in three minutes if it takes another five minutes to find a batch this is what I learned of a strategy that would help me find bastions through wall you do this with the F3 screen for example if I load into The Nether this line of text next to the E this is showing you how many entities are in your rendered area in our case there's a hundred and forty eight but the number in front of the slash shows you how many entities are in your current field of view speedrunners will shrink their current field of view so now I'm only looking at 10 entities and if I spin around I'll see that there's 30 entities in this direction while over here there's only 13. bastions have a ton of entities we can't even get more tricky with it by increasing our render distance and I know that there's a Bastion within about 11 chunks of here just as the F3 screen predicted here's the bash finally after weeks of practice and a few days before Christmas [Music] this was a huge for me the seed it wasn't incredibly lucky I knew how to play it well and I did as much as it was exciting though it's a long way off from sub 15. worse than that I had been on Pace several times to PB only to die and lose the run it was on this run in particular after dying to a terrible Pearl that I started developing a new mindset holy frick I'm so mistakes were gonna happen that's a fact of life and that's a fact of speedrunning the way I started to think about it though is I'm just collecting mistakes if I make this mistake throwing a bad Pearl I'll never make it again I've learned my lesson one good run for example died when I was fighting blazes but I was holding my shield I didn't know how I got lit on fire so I looked it up and it turns out the way blazes aim at you while you're holding a shield they can just barely hit your head if they're lucky the way to prevent this is to always be jumping or be on the same level as blazes in the nether you often don't have a lot of food one good tactic though is to kill hoglands because you can get cooked pork chop which is like the best food in the game the reason I died here is because Soul Sand is slightly lower than a normal block that difference on the Soul Sand is enough where the hogling can reach you and kill you I had to learn dozens of tricks like these the hard way now up until this point I've kind of neglected something pretty important you know how we can find a Bastion with this e number in the top left let's say you finished looting Bastion you need to find a fortress how are you gonna do that turns out if you hold shift F3 you can use the pie chart in the bottom right to find the freaking Fortress you can think of the pie chart as a file directory and we can manipulate that directory to detect spawners in our case we'll press four one one three we're now detecting all block entities the blue are mob spawners in our rendered area in this world for example we have a spawner and we're at 22 chunks but if we backtrack a couple refresh our pie chart it's no longer there the spawner only appears going from 21 to 22. now if we turn on chunk borders we can cross over one chunk and see if it's in that direction now it's not going to be in a straight line but I know that it's 2 21 chunks to the north we can even repeat the same process a couple chunks later to help pinpoint the direction and what do you know the Fortress Is Right Here although you do have to be wary of these bastions because this type of Bastion actually has a spawner down at the bottom so if you see this you gotta restart but it helps a ton and I started pulling off 20 minute runs consistently even getting some 18 minute runs and finally wait that's a that's a PB the reason I might not sound that enthusiastic is because one I only PB by 20 seconds but two I had to run that same day that was much faster I entered the end at 13.50 but I goofed up hard only weapon against the dragon were four beds you can technically kill the dragon with it but I just wasn't skilled enough I messed up I would have beaten my record by almost a minute it's instantly purging are you kidding me oh are you kidding me you know I've seen people kill the dragon with beds before I thought it was gonna be easy you know you just place down a bed it'll blow up the dragon easy as that look at how much damage my beds are doing you can kill the dragon with four beds I use six here and do basically zero damage thankfully there's a couple of legendary YouTubers out there like Boomer place this guy has the best tutorials on the planet the dragon's head basically has two hitboxes but only the small one is what really counts you have to detonate your bed as this small tiny box is right above the head of your bed's mattress and you only have a couple frames to do this if you mess up the timing you're gonna do little to no damage to the dragon on top of that if you don't even know the right side to go to kill the dragon you won't do any damage in our case the dragon's spinning to the left so we would have to stand on the left side after all of that it still took me eight beds to kill the dragon most times you're not gonna have eight bets after a little bit I hit a seven bed which isn't good but it's like a passing grade I didn't really start getting good until I found this practice man you just click on a sign and you're all set to go for a one cycle and it worked the very next day I hit the four bed in a real run oh I hit the four beds I don't know if it was the confidence of the four beds or I just got lucky but the next recording session I had four runs where I entered the nether in two minutes one of which I entered a Bastion still at the two minute mark My best Pace ever by far I entered The Fortress in six minutes and left the nether with everything under 10 minutes I entered the portal room at 13 30. but unfortunately I only had nine eyes I needed 11 and the Run was dead too the sad thing is it could have been preventable I threw pearls to travel faster when I needed them to enter the end I ended the Run feeling the most demotivated I had ever felt I recorded this on my phone that night over the course of this challenge we've only made like 40 seconds progress which is really sucky actually I'm not sure if sub 15 is possible I've spent weeks and so many hours trying to get it but I just wasn't there I needed to save minutes I started watching some of my favorite speedrunners almost as a comfort but then I had it stronghold generation as you can see we're 1500 blocks away normally walking from a spawn to the stronghold is a huge waste of time but what if I told you I could get this number to be 400 blocks away first we gotta understand how strongholds generate let's imagine this lime green block as the spawn of a Minecraft world there will be three strongholds that generate in a ring anywhere from 1400 blocks to 2800 blocks away since we typically enter the nether around here and since traveling in the nether is eight times faster than in the Overworld we can actually move out to where this ring is build another portal and guarantee ourselves to be closer than if we had been from Spawn this is what's known as blind travel you have to memorize specific distances for specific locations in in the nether but it gets even faster imagine we built our first portal here the Eye of Ender will tell us the stronghold is in this direction we can then go back into the nether utilizing the eight times faster travel and build another portal right on top of the strong and they can save minutes off any time to do it you simply need to throw one eye measure the direction it's going and our case it's heading about this angle go over a couple blocks throw another eye and measure the angle again we can then use these two lines to pinpoint exactly where the stronghold would be off in the distance the more accurately you measure the eyes the more accurate your stronghold estimation is going to be if you want to get the exact coordinates though down to the block you're gonna have to zoom in in my case for my computer it's 31 yes you have to memorize different fovs for different monitors make your sensitivity extremely low and line up your Crosshair Pixel Perfect you do this by pausing your game repeatedly moving slightly with each pod in most cases speedrunners will use this bot that you see in the top left corner which is legal by the way a and it tells us that the stronghold is 200 blocks away and it gives us the exact coordinates of the stronghold that's pretty op and it was a huge debate in the speedrunning community to decide if it was legal or not personally I was against it at the beginning but at the basic level you can make these calculations by using trigonometry yeah that thing you learned in school that you thought you'd never use so I thought to myself if I do the trigonometry on paper I think I'd be fine using the calculator [Music] back in school baby yes I watched multiple online lectures because I could not remember how to do trig it's been two years from high school but I think I got a decent grasp on it now I've been working on this problem for two almost three hours okay I've done a lot of work a lot of math I've messed up so many times but according to my calculations the stronghold is 351 blocks away at these coordinates we're gonna double check our work with this command please please so we're like 70 blocks off but that's because my two data points were only 27 blocks apart which I could change in the real world and there's some error due to rounding so my map freaking worked dude I did all of this plus I did it again the stronghold should be 1327 blocks away okay 13.39 I was off by five blocks oh that was so much work I'll stick to using the calculator but I can do it and it's so cool December 13th I pulled off this strategy traveling back through the Nether and building a portal at the bottom of a lava Blake I spawned inside of the strong it was gonna be close but a sub 15 was possible after entering the end at 14 minutes and 8 seconds all I could do was wait wait for the dragon to perch I crafted my beds but then disaster struck I had to use two pearls to get to the end Fountain otherwise I wouldn't get there in time I was on little Health as I one cycled the Dragon and on my second to last bed I ran out of hell I recorded this immediately after I know I should be like kind of sad and down on myself because I could have had a sub 16 time but I I messed it up but I feel so good like sub 15 is possible and that was huge proof of it I mean it was like a minute behind Pace but it's only a minute I can make up of a minute in so many different ways by this point it was late December and I was totally obsessed with watching other people's speedrun you'd actually be surprised how many tricks you can learn by watching other people speed aren't also post all of their failed runs to Second channels and I would watch like all of them on multiple channels I've watched them all and I ended the year learning two new strategies the first is knowing what direction the portal room is in strongholds are like mazes you don't know which path to go down to to get to the stronghold but if you go to the beginning of any stronghold generation you can tell this because it's a staircase that doesn't have anything at the top you can again use the pie chart and zooming in your fov to see where the portal room is in our case the orange section of the pie chart is pretty low but if we go to the right it spikes up a ton flying forward we can see this is where the polar room is the second was running multiple Minecrafts at once this was extremely useful because 99.9 of your runs will end with you resetting the world even with four Minecrafts running though I was still spending the majority of my time sorting through worlds but when I watch these top level Runners they would load nine or 15 Minecrafts at once I knew I had to do this this would increase my odds of getting a sub 15 9-fold so I looked up a tutorial on how to do it and failed miserably I'm supposed to be loading nine right now and I'm getting one that's super glitched out it took me three days and many hours of trying before I finally gave up and had to contact the guy who created the code that allows you to run nine at once if you're watching thank you spectner the same day I got it working I started hitting crazy pace two minute enters and four minute Fashions then it happened entering the end in 14 minutes and the dragon was coming down to purge all I had to do is something I'd done hundreds of times one cycle the dragon but the nerves got me I messed up my forehead I had to think fast there were only two ways I could damage the dragon my ax which I pulled out but if I hit him six times he would fly away I hit him five times I couldn't hit again Dragon would not die in desperation I try to craft a respawn anchor messing up with the crafting this would be the fastest run ever everything was down to this last game no are you kidding me that was gonna be so sick dude a sliver of the dragon's Health was all that stood between me and a sub 15. technically it would have been like 1507 but that didn't matter to me I was more determined than ever putting in crazy hours shipwrecks I had memorized every variation I knew them like the back of my hand magma Ravines I'd spent hours learning how to do them once I was in the nether I could tell there was a fashion close very close but it was across a lava lake I'd have to speed Bridge one mess up and it'd be another death I threw a pearl lowering the render distance I could move away without being teleported I went back to Bastion I could activate the Pearl at any moment the pigs gave me everything I needed it was time to find Blaze it was a Soul Sand Valley meaning there were more Blaze but double the monsters I couldn't die here eight minutes I was realizing this was my best Pace ever out of the nether with everything I needed before the first Sun had set I threw my eye I had to measure it precisely I couldn't afford to lose [Music] this was it but was I digging down on the right spot what if I was wrong [Music] it wasn't a 12 minute mark this was the fastest I'd ever been the end game I could feel the nerves starting to get [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I actually did it what that was such a long time coming oh my God yes [Music] what do we want low flying airplanes when do we want them [Music]
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 1,749,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: zjKIZ6WSpbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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