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so the other day I was sitting in the parking lot of a Walgreens when I got a text from a friend saying hey do you want to go on a double date specifically a group date and I was like yes that would be so much fun I haven't been on a date in a while then I had the realization who am I gonna ask the only girls I talk to these days are like online on Discord and you can't really ask them to go ice skating in three hours so I'm feeling a bit screwed sitting into my Walgreens parking lot I'm about to go on a hike uh and I sort of have two options one like text somebody from high school that I used to go on dates with and just hope they respond and can go but two make a dating profile on a dating app which is something I've been meaning to do I've been wanting to go on more dates um but I just haven't because I I find the prospect of It kind of weird I put that thought to the side though because I'm still on a walk or on my hike and I think you know maybe maybe I can just like find a date while I'm on a hike you know how hard could that be um I I I I'm treating it like an adventure you know this is gonna be a cool experience almost like a yes theory if you've ever seen their videos just like get out of your comfort zone do something so I think in my head okay if I if I see somebody that I I guess I find attractive or that I think would be fun to go on a date with I just say yo would you want to go ice skating in a couple hours you know be a bit spontaneous so that's that's my thought process right um things don't go according to plan it's like a half hour into the hike and I have I've literally seen nobody I might have seen like somebody walking their dog but that's it I I do see this group of girls up ahead though I'm like okay maybe maybe maybe I muster up the courage and I just it feels kind of weird you know um so maybe I must drop the courage but I approached and uh they're they're like 30 or 40 I'm like okay that'd be that's that's that's not who I want to ask on a date at this moment uh so I finished the date and um I I know I need to make a dating a dating profile otherwise I'm not gonna be out go on this be able to go on this date um this is the weirdest thing making a dating profile though it is so weird you gotta like you gotta take a profile picture and that is something I struggled with for a while it's like the main thing that's prevented me from like making a dating profile because I would like to go on more dates they're like fun um but I muster up the courage to take some pictures of myself uh I want I want to be different though and I want to be unique and I I don't I don't want to take like a like a like a like a six-pack type photo you know like I'm confident in myself and and my body um but you don't that just feels weird so my profile I'm sorry if this is like different than normal um I just I it's kind of fun it was a wild experience I had so I I turn um and take a picture of myself shaving because I'm just shaving and I'm like you know what this this can make a profile picture you know I might as well two birds with one stone so I I make my profile picture me shaving which in my mind was like okay I'm being different you know that's a that's a big part of like having like a successful business or YouTube channel you gotta be different than everybody else like maybe maybe it's a good strategy I don't know maybe it's weird maybe maybe it's just me um anyways I have a profile picture of me saving I take some other pictures like a like a a body shot of just like me smiling waving at the camera I I try to just make them look natural I guess I actually had a lot of fun with it thinking about like uh like once I got over the the weirdness of it all I was like okay what like makes a good profile picture like what makes it like normal um also I almost died there in the speed around with it if he if you didn't notice already this is like a voiceover um I've been doing a lot of speed running um here I am though I have this dating profile and I think that's that's the hardest part is like getting over that awkwardness no no that is not even half of the story you have to judge people like openly this is the hardest part of a dating app for me is like swiping left or right on somebody just like looking at them and being like yes or no maybe it's just me but I I don't like openly like just like saying to myself like I'm judging this person like they're not who I want to date you like do that intuitively like when you see somebody or you talk with somebody um but to actually put it on paper and like swipe on somebody it's just weird so I stood I I didn't stand I sat in my chair staring at the first profile for 10 minutes deciding if I wanted to swipe left or right um after that it got slightly easier um but I knew I was gonna have to to swipe a lot because it with these dating apps like if you swipe right on it he means you like like them and you want to go on a date with them but they also have to swipe right on you um so the odds of like getting a match I guess is what they call it is um like kind of low uh so I I swipe for like the next hour or something I I get a little bit faster at it I get a little bit more comfortable with it but I I got one match um and bad thing with these apps though is is the girl has to to text first which like normally I like I don't like making the first move you know but um it's kind of bad the uh the date is happening in like two hours now or something and I I still have no leads which no not what you want um the the girl though uh that I matched with uh she ends up saying like hey to me like I matched with with one person um and she just says like hey I'm like oh wow that's a great start to a conversation three letters um so I sent a message back I'm like hey like uh nice to meet you what what are you up to I I guess um but she doesn't respond back and I've done some more swiping I think I've gotten some people to like my profile but I haven't liked theirs as well you can't see who you like so maybe I missed some opportunities but I don't know maybe maybe I'm being like picky but I I want to swipe right on people not just because like I would find them attractive because like I actually want to like talk with them that's a big thing for me that was going through my head uh a quote I heard from um funny enough you guys know the movie Avatar I was watching a commentary about the movie Avatar and like why it's a good film or why it's not a good film and the the commentator one of the biggest things he said is the two main characters like their relationship it's like not very good the only the only reason that they like are in a relationship is because they're like both young and good looking like that's what he says like if you were to imagine the main characters of Avatar uh this like the like military dude who becomes the the blue person and then the the native it's just basically Romeo and Juliet but if you were to imagine them in a room together what would they talk about and I was like that's a really good point um so I really tried to only swipe right on people um like first you gotta like pass the attractiveness test I guess is the way to put it but second like do they like similar things that I do do they share similar values like if we were to sit in a car and like we're driving to the ice rink what would we actually talk about so I tried to keep that in mind um but I but I don't have any luck maybe because of all my restrictions or something um and so I only have an hour left and I'm like all right all right we gotta Kick It in the high gear otherwise this isn't gonna happen I don't have to tell my friends sorry I just I just can't get a date what I end up doing is thinking I'll I'll just text some people that I I went on on dates with in high school right I have a couple in mind that I could just send a random text out of the blue hopefully they say yes but but the problem is I is I I don't want to just like send out six six messages or something hope I get a response like you just ask one person you know so I I send a uh a text to this girl who I went on a couple dates with in high school we might have gone to a dance together as well I'm thinking you know there's probably no shot I don't even know if she's like still in the area I think she started going down to school uh in the South but it's Christmas break so she could be home you know two minutes later I get a response back she she's good to go and like I have a date now so I I send my friend a text and there I am I'm off to go pick her up already it's time to go ice skating um I didn't know where she lived so I had her send me her address and then I look at my phone battery as I'm looking at the address I'm at like two percent so if I don't make it in time I don't know where she lives I'm gonna have to drive all the way back home which takes like another 10 minutes charge my phone send everybody a text saying like sorry I'm gonna be late so so all I'm doing is staring at my phone like uh like not while I'm driving like at a red light or like I pull over to the side and I'm like okay I gotta memorize this map where exactly the house is thankfully I make it to her house um without my phone dying and uh I go up to the door I knock on it um she answers I think her mom was there too I say hi and we get in the car and we're off to the ice rink now at this point um this is like the true test of if you're on a good date like how does the the conversation hold we're sitting in the car though no like awkward silences we just chat about life what we've been up to school work uh and it's it's really good we we make it to the ice rink with um like I think there were three other like couples I I don't know how other people go on dates but it's since it's a group date uh you don't necessarily like have to be dating that person there but you can like one of my friends uh is now engaged actually who was on that date another it was like a blind date there was a there was eight of us in total and it was really fun we skated for probably an hour or two uh me and uh were like the last one of the like the last of our group to be on the eyes and we're like okay we should we should probably Hop Off everybody's kind of sitting on the side we don't want to be the only ones uh skating and holding everybody up afterwards though we we do go and play some board games and uh before you know it it's 12 o'clock at night we're having a blast it's been so nice to to get out and hang out with people and do things that aren't Minecraft speedrunning that's pretty much it I kind of want to keep talking because uh you're watching this Speed Run and it'd be a shame if I just ended the video at 10 minutes um this is a really good Pace by the way this was um this isn't my current Personal Best in speed running but we're we're out of the nether at 10 minutes also let me know what you think of uh this commentary videos like the first not like in-game recording I've done I'm just like watching myself which is it's kind of cool allows me to focus on the story a little bit more and there are more Rec wrap two dating experiences that I can talk about um I'll obviously like bleep people's names that aren't mine but um nothing crazy I I went on a couple days in high school I'm just rambling now I have been I've been out of the the content like uh grind for a while I've been taking a break as you can probably tell if you look at my main channel it's been like over a month since I posted for a couple reasons one I'm addicted to speedrunning or I was I should say that is another story um that's gonna be actually my next video but I have I've spent so much time speedrunning and it's been very nice I've taken a break from like hardcore editing um partly because over the past six months I've really struggled with my motivation for YouTube uh AF when I hit a million subscribers and this feels weird to say because like it's it's the unique position to be in um and I don't want to make anyways it just felt like I beat the YouTube game too early because a lot of the joy with YouTube is like learning how to do well and learning how to play the YouTube game well like learning how to how to get people to watch your videos and to make good videos um but by my like most metrics like I I'd kind of made it and it made me just question everything like why am I doing YouTube and like how am I gonna do YouTube I'm still in a little bit of that spot and I can talk more about it but um that that just made me not post as much I do have a lot of stuff in the works though that I'm I'm pretty pumped about I don't I don't want to say uh like exactly what that is though because I think it's always kind of lame if you like promise something and then you change your mind and don't go through with it uh we are gonna beat the game here though I I do have um this thing in the top left sorry it's kind of like interfering with the screen this is basically a um a trigonometry calculator it's legal by the way totally legal to to use everything I do in this run is like official by all it does is is make it so you can find the stronghold by like looking at exactly where the eyes are pointing um you can technically do it like with a a pencil and paper and a calculator I've actually done that before which is why I feel legit uh like fine using this some people they don't like using the the calculator but I have done the trigonometry okay I did not think uh my math skills from school would come in handy but I used it to find where the stronghold is and um uh so that that's why that's there if you're curious it was a 600 block away blind and and we're perching now hype dude I wonder how many beds I'm gonna use to kill the dragon actually Four is like really good no shop okay we do five we do five or one and a TNT oh my gosh this is getting really close I barely beat Dragon okay very hype that's it um I hope you enjoyed the little checkup maybe I'll make some more commentary videos uh but that's it I hope you have like a a super fantastic epic day hope you enjoyed listening to talk about dating and uh yeah peace out
Channel: rekrap1
Views: 575,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PY7smsemQfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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