9 Minute Ranked speedrun + Fridge Story

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dude I don't I don't know how to react to this run I feel like I'm in in shock more than anything even though I feel like this should have been a long time coming so this is a nine minute speed run right it's my best ranked run ever my previous best was 11 minutes the same day and then I pb'd with a 10 minute run and then a nine minute run so I was cooking today and I feel like that's shown even just by the mechanics of me getting into the door but the only thing on my mind right now is wow I have 18 iron from a shipwreck I don't know what the max is but oh look at that we have 20 now I think the max is 21 or something ridiculous like that so I'm gonna be able to make iron doors which is super hype I don't have to mine as many logs you know a little time save there but the downside is I find whenever I get into this situation of oh I can make I can make iron doors I just forget to craft a bucket so let's see if we craft the bucket here we got our wood I I almost crafted another crafting table struggle a little bit to make a a boat but we do get our buckets so we're in all good I don't know how far behind our opponent is our opponent is also H2 Disturbed I I don't know how to pronounce that name I'm gonna be real if you guys Hyster history 2a4 what's called H2 so H2 has gotten actually I don't know where H2 is I feel like was there an advancement oh yeah look at that so they've just gotten Hot Stuff they're building their nether portal I'm building my nether portal we're pretty on par but I make a bit of a mistake and decide to build my portal over by the edge of this magma Ravine meaning I have no Lava so I have to do some portal surgery here and I'm I'm not the greatest surgeon I mean I can get stuff done but you probably wouldn't want me to replace your your knee or something in speedrunning terms it just takes a little bit to get this portal together but we do get it eventually and we're entering another at like one 150 ish almost on the dot 150. so I lost a good few seconds to making that portal but that is totally made up by this nether look at that this is glorious this is what you want to see in a speedrun fortress to my left what's the word Bastion in front of me I'm struggling to talk I think that's the appropriate tier for this nether so good that you forget what a Bastion is called We're entering a treasure Bastion which is probably the scariest passion to enter aside from the fact I almost died to that lava fall but we're above and it's kind of a weird angle so I kind of gotta check the skull to distract these guys we go down I thought somebody was gonna murder me but nope they were fully distracted by gold I have a heart attack here have to block clutch we're safe though we're good no real huge time losses at this point our opponent is also in the Bastion so I got I gotta go Speedy try to make up some ground and speaking of Speedy I think I gotta talk about some fridges yes sorry that was an awful transition oh my gosh I just remember my last Speed Run I try to like when I'm in the Bastion routing just talk about my life and people like rare moment of of Parker not talking about his life while he was in the Bastion so here we go I think some I got a lot of comments actually saying like we need an update on this fridge story backstory I just bought a house for the first time which is crazy very awesome but I needed a fridge because I I I kind of want some refrigerated food you know to be able to survive and whatnot so two days ago I was like today's the day I'm gonna get my fridge I planned it all out I was gonna wake up at like six or seven o'clock in the morning go for a run then head off to go buy the fridge and then it was 11 o'clock and I hadn't done that I mean I've been fairly productive in the day I think I worked out and sorry I'm clicking my pen in the background kind of jittering from what I remember I was just editing a video for basically that entire morning but the point is I hadn't gone out to get the fridge and it was now 11 o'clock and if I if I've learned anything from becoming more of an adult over the past couple of years it's if you think something is going to take an hour it's gonna take at least two hours and I was planning for that so I went down to the fridge store a patent-pending term at like 11 o'clock and it was kind of cool kind of fun I feel like if I when I think back on my first couple of adult experiences oh my gosh I just chucked my string off that that was the biggest throw anyways when I think back to my first couple of adult experiences I I was like so not as confident as I was in that fridge store like I asked all the questions you know questions I didn't really care what people thought of me and it was kind of cool to just think about like how how much of an adult I've become I don't really know if that makes sense I want to pause the story for a second though let's just admire this Pearl I saw the Spawner in the background I hit the spawner I'm nailing it I'm like the xylon ox in the world record not really but I'm still very hyped about it with the fridge though I wasn't really sure if I was like I'm not a very good barter word or like I I basically had never bought a fridge before so I wasn't sure if I was gonna be like getting scammed and they're gonna be like selling me like the most expensive fridge or I'm just gonna be getting a crafty fridge I had no idea what was going on but I talked to like the the fridge late the fridge lady I guess somebody was telling me about all the fridges I picked one out it took like uh 15 minutes which was very surprising I thought it was going to take a lot longer but I think I asked questions good at the end of the day I think it took so short because like I mean a fridge is a fridge they're all Gonna Keep food cold you know so it doesn't really matter and that's kind of the mindset I went into it with I also bought a washer and dryer which is cool so they got delivered at the same time yesterday or something which also felt fast I don't know maybe I just feel like things like this should take longer you know also did you see all that those three blazes drop but like with fridges like in my head it just feels like it should take a week for them to get there but the next day they call me up and they're like yo we're we're at your place waiting can you open the door and I was like oh crap I thought you would give me a call I'm like at my other place right now so I had to drive over the guy was super nice though and they installed the fridge so I now have a fridge Wowzer that fridge story took longer than I expected let's do a little recap so I've left the Fortress already when we're blinding sub five which is very hype but the probably the unique thing about it is for like half of the time I was killing blazes I didn't put on my fire resistance because I knew I only had one fire resistance post ocean and I wanted to save that for when I come back into the nether which I think is probably maybe it's it wasn't the wise thing but I didn't take much fire damage and I have like basically infinite food five golden carrots my eye measuring is probably a little bit slow I think that's probably just because I've been messing around with my sensitivity a lot but up in the top left we need to go to the coordinates 144 56 in the Nether and you'll actually notice that I just leave behind my two eyes vendor it's all right they're not Fallen Soldiers they're off chilling in that ocean they're fine okay I have more than enough pearls though so I'm gonna Purl over to this Bastion which is kind of interesting you're going in the direction of the Bastion but I guess that is what happens when you have to use your home portal so all I'm thinking in my head right now is 144 negative 150. I actually I can't it was like what what was it 144 156 I think so I throw a pearl here and I think this is a pretty good Pearl where like 10 or 20 we're probably like 20 blocks off so I decided to throw one more and now I'm like it's literally 10 blocks away so I'm gonna do a cool little Strat with my lava bucket this just makes you move a little bit faster because I got to keep going remember I have one Fire Resistance potion I don't know how many seconds it has left but I gotta build my portal quickly otherwise I'm gonna burn at the bottom of a lava lake in like one of my fastest Paces ever I think actually this is probably my fastest stronghold enter I I struggle a little bit to drain this lava thing I usually don't do it that much I and I did it's funny I made a lot of mistakes but I didn't really have nerves at this point probably because I don't even think I was looking at my timer maybe right about now I looked at it I'm like wow it's seven minutes and I'm in I'm in the stronghold that's like actually High pace so I decided to go down the center passage I think this one oh no it doesn't even die yeah my Stronghold map was actually good so that that like five minute stronghold nav I had earlier got nothing on this also due to the fact that like this was probably one of the easiest stronghold navs but regardless it's in a 12 and enter I'll take that any day of the week especially because it doesn't even pause the timer when you open your settings so it would have been like a sub 8 end enter if this was like an actual run now other important thing when I crafted up all of my wool this is what's going on in my head right now I saved three strings because that's very important I'm going to be able to make a bow which allows me to have the dragon perch a bit faster I mean you don't normally do this but since it's ranked you want to play consistently looking back at my bow shots here like they're good but my mouse movement seems a bit shaky I've been playing around with my sensitivity a lot I bought like another mouse because like so the new mouse that I have is like cool but the buttons are you guys don't care point is I've been playing around with my sensitivity a lot and it's definitely making me speedier but I'm not quite used to it and I don't want to overdo it and get used to like insanely fast sensitivity cool thing though the dragon is now perching which is a what a very fast Dragon perch it's still like nine minutes I don't think I realized this at the time but I'm like Wow Let's see if we can four bed this three beds it's gonna need a really good bed oh my gosh I just hit the best bet of my life baby let's go let's freaking go [Music] I got the something yeah pretty cool day overall I got a fridge and a sub 10. thanks for watching I'll uh I'll see you guys later peace
Channel: rekrap1
Views: 276,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: r_YzzFsMLFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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