Farming 10,000,000 Melons in Minecraft

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four months ago I spent a hundred days farming melons in Minecraft desperately trying to harvest a million Before Time ran out but I fell short by nine thousand an amount that would have taken four more minutes but today I redeemed Myself by farming not one but 10 million yo you realize that's 10 times the amount right you didn't manage one last time and do you start with diamond tools or something no but I think it's actually possible in my last hundred days I spent the majority of my time building this a melon farm powerful enough to produce 2 000 melons a minute looks pretty impressive but after taking a closer look hundreds of melons were getting stuck on the sides of the farm look if we're gonna get 10 million melons we need something efficient something that won't lose hundreds of melons a minute this is where flying machines come into play instead of adding a piston for every single melon stem I have I have one flying machine that does it all this means I collect less resources and get the plant more melon with a plan laid out all I had to do was watch 15 different Minecrafts load at once for hours look man I gotta get the perfect world last time I missed a million by four minutes four minutes I'm not about to waste four minutes because I have a crappy world so I'd only open a world if I spawned in a jungle you know because that's where the melons are but it still wouldn't make the cut if there wasn't an ocean nearby see we're actually completely ignoring farming melons for the first day I intend on spending that precious time to beat the game which might sound unintuitive at first but listen I had stone tools by like day four last time I did this beating the game gives you access to end cities which have op loot including Diamond shovels did I mention I'm gonna need 10 Foley enchanted diamond shovels to do this so n chips are our first stop but unfortunately we're not there yet I did start the world finding a buried treasure chest which gave me all the iron I need to enter the nether in five minutes next I had to loot A bash but since we're doing everything efficiently here I used a boat to fly down to my trading spot I intend on using every bit of speedrunner knowledge I can including the pie chart which helped me dig through this wall and find a fortress alright for 15 minutes for the decent pace nothing crazy leaving the nether with everything at 15 minutes on the freaking melon world four minutes later I was at hours that could enter the the end right now but to save time I want to have some Rockets I have gunpowder I just need paper you can find paper in libraries oh oh here's a library speaking of I was like I just need to find where that library is okay uh boom look at that okay we have paper perfect oh we should also probably just snag some of these books for enchanting later huh boom okay we are out and into the end from there it was as simple as taking out the final boss and the most popular game in the world with a couple mattresses boom hit him with the four bed let's go dude let's go okay there should be where is it where is it where's the end teleportation thingy where's the anteportation thing here it is we're gonna go get our Elijah boom Oh my gosh there look at that and a diamond pickaxe yo I I just got so much better here while the loot was great there were problems okay I'm officially out of food and unfortunately this city didn't have an elytra the main thing I was after although I gotta say being fully kitted out in Diamond like feather falling forward that's so good to give you context for how efficiently I wanted to do things there was one point while searching for the elytra that I came across this huge Chasm typically you'd mine blocks and Bridge across the quicker but much riskier approach is to try to throw your ender pearl on these tiny Islands Miss and all your stuff is gone but make it and you'll save a whole minute oh that was the scariest Pearl I've ever thrown it turned out to be a good move though as I soon found an end shift okay 36 minutes that's the fastest I've ever got one of those I think this feels so nice dude we've only been on for like 30 minutes I spent the next 10 minutes Gathering several Key Resources including a lot of shovels obsidian from breaking ender chests diamonds and eluding three swords wait looting three wait why did I need looting three I can't even remember but I'm glad I have it actually though why did I need looting three why do I feel like I need looting three guys what is going on slime balls the whole reason I'm doing this video that is the basis of the new design think how did I forget that okay now that we're back we have a date with a melon oh do you guys see that melons melons we spotted them it only took us until day two but we have melons I also got over a stack of obsidian holy crap dude I'm so excited I can't believe I can't believe we've done all this bro bro it might actually be false maybe to help you guys understand the magnitude of this project I'm scared to log on the world because I don't want to waste time God what am I doing okay we gotta go down we gotta make a slime farm so I made my way to the swamp we saw earlier grabbing seagrass on the way Rick why do you need seagrass great question we need it to breed Turtles to get turtlenecks we'll use these to make the slime farm even more efficient but it didn't look great we need kind of a big swamp dude why has this gotta be the smallest swamp of the century the sun is rising on day three oh my God okay let's start clearing the swamp right now but this ax is kind of slow I wanna I wanna do some enchantment I like how I'm spending like all of my 16 levels on shovels dude okay now I think we start building the slime [Music] thank you pause or at least that's how it felt to me I still needed the turtle eggs and pumpkins I I kind of forgot about them ooh a village and pumpkins oh my gosh there's Turtles how are there Turtles this is like the middle of a desert while here I decided to abduct some villagers get in the boat yeah we're gonna build an iron farm so might as well get this out of the way time for some interdimensional travel getting the villagers back was as simple as digging and building tunnels through the nether also I thought this looked really cool sped up so you're welcome it was going to be a great way to get the villagers home but then I saw this so I traveled like 3 000 blocks in the Overworld here's our swamp base there's literally another Village like right here so yeah that nether tunnel was kind of pointless dude there's Turtle next to my spawn too and there's pumpkin's neck to respond okay am I just blind this is all within like 150 blocks of us I didn't have to travel 3K once back I made sure to do a bit of deforestation just to store the melons we're gonna need 10 000 logs day five we're at a whopping 91 melons at this point we should be at a casual 900 000 melons okay that was a bit of an exaggeration 500 000 melons I did my math wrong okay we're only supposed to be at 500 000 that's half of what I got last time dude what am I getting myself into I feel like a menace to society I keep coming back to this Village to steal villagers in the middle of the night what is Minecraft as a game get in the boat right now villager get in the boat come on please okay as I abducted villagers throughout the night I turned my eyes to the Moon depending on its phase the slime farm will produce more or less slimeball point being it's not a full moon yet so we don't need the slime farm tonight but we need it operational by the next full moon also this is the last of our three villagers should be able to get an iron farm running no we need to get Freddy back was the villagers named Freddy no is his name now Freddy yes we only gave you a name after you died it's a wild villager in his natural habitat and then we boom nope we we steal once Freddy 2.0 had arrived I began work on the iron farm which is a really slick design created by enxo4 it looks like he's making a beeline for it yes yes yes yes yes get trolled oh my gosh you're in my pit now now we seal it up you get a zombie I see one zombie ready watch this [Music] all right zombie come over here I need you for my villager farm now if all is according to plan we'll get an iron golem that just appears magically out of thin air and three two okay we'll give it a second oh my gosh look look at the iron farm is working dude that is so dope I guess let's just get this slime farm operational and we're out of obsidian so we just need a cave oh you guys ready for a cool trick this is gonna look really stupid if I don't pull it off no oh wait you know what that kind of works that's kind of what I meant to do day eight saw the slime farm finished wait or at least I thought I'm so bad with planning I needed snow layers I had not seen a snow biome yet so I went searching until I saw my electric durability on two oh no um oh my gosh how did we live that what after getting mending on my elytra I flew away from the base got some snow and finished the slime farm but strangely slimes weren't spawning that's a bit concerning I waited the entire night but not one slime spawn I need slime to do this my entire game plan is based off it no not believing the farmers broke I tested it in a creative world it wasn't working here either so I did some research dude slime's my spawn at night between the heights of 51 and 69. both this test world and the real world are above y69 so to fix this I have to take this entire farm that I've built destroy it and rebuild it here that's like a stack of obsidian I have to mine I missed a million by four and a half minutes last time I'm traumatized I'm not wasting four minutes again so I deleted the entire world and started again this time I was doing really well entering the end in just 14 minutes and leaving with everything I needed by 40 minutes I built the whole slime farm before day five and after an entire redo of the playthrough oh my gosh yes yes it's actually working I thought it wasn't gonna work guys this might be bossful maybe just maybe I collected 35 slime balls that night an incredible amount relieved after the slime farm it was time to do something monumental [Music] honestly operation get dirt for the next several days I was a dirt farmer by day and slime farmer by night I became extremely invested in the Slime spawning mechanics slime let them through let him through I would shoot you if I had a boat it broke shovels while collecting no and to make it worse we were only collecting 5 000 dirt a day that's not good enough so I spent an hour testing and researching the best way to mine dirt depending on the type of Minecraft player you are you might be a simple one tall sweeper kind of guy a Too Tall sweeper maybe even a three tall sweeper not knowing which was best I timed all of them in a test the results were pretty predictable at first one tall sweeper would be slower than two tall which would be slower than three tall among all of the types though there was one outlier the three wide tall technique clocking in at over 950 a minute oh my word my going theory is that while we might mine the same amount of blocks and all the other methods we're leaving a lot of dirt behind with the three wide tall technique though we have far less dirt left behind because the walls act as a hopper system keeping the dirt contains you pick up dirt maximum I started burning through shovels 22 000 by day 11 and 29 000 a day later need sixty thousand in the next 15 days I think that's doable but I was running out of storage space and iron so I got to work making another iron farm I'm also doing this commentary in person it's really it's really hard to mine when you're in third person okay I should stop goofing off just dragging a villager over for the next iron farm but this takes precedent oh my goodness our first Grown melon Mount sadly I can't instamine them yet because I have kind of a terrible ax so we're gonna need to stop by the end at some point but for now oh this feels good you know it doesn't feel good finishing the second iron farm villager what are you doing you're kidding me what are you doing dude okay iron farm two is operational well that wasn't until the zombie did this bro died all you had to do was again the boom all right well you know it's therapeutic mining dirt I'll keep doing that I found a buried treasure chest in the middle of a planes biome because like I've changed version of some Minecraft right this is a planes bomb this is a sunflower planes thank you [Music] 50 000 dirt that's actually really good um but all the way down here where the what a classic 67 melons kind of you know pogging out as I believe the appropriate term it'll wrap up though it'll ramp up trust me trust me oh I feel like I should clarify this before somebody calls me out in the comments so we've mined 43 000 dirt but we've picked up 55 000. my best guess is that since we're like insta mining dirt it's it's too fast for Minecraft to register either or I'm just hacking I don't know take your picture day 16 I crossed the 60 000 threshold if my math is right this is all I'll need to get 10 million melons but I figured one or two thousand extra wouldn't hurt I go through phases of wow I think I'm gonna be able to clear the 10 million Mark by a mile two I'm not even gonna get close but I don't I don't know which one it's gonna be dude at this point I'm way above Pace according to my math I needed all this dirt by day 25. we're on day 16 and the Slime stock was slowly piling up okay let's check on on our uh our iron farm how's this doing one stack which was a bit concerning but I'm gonna chalk it up to not loading the iron farm while mining dirt so we should still be on Pace okay next big thing on the agenda I need to get a better ax because to store 10 million Melons I'm gonna need like 10 000 logs and I I'm definitely not doing that with with an efficiency two app not gonna lie I thought this would take way less time we are missing out on melons but we need to do this in the long run so it should be okay if you have a Keen Eye you might be like wreck isn't this the point where you start building the farm yes but we not only have to play 60 000 dirt but according to my math we gotta do it before day 50 and put melons on it if everything goes perfectly that means I have to click a hundred and twenty thousand times I'm not sure I can click fast enough fear not though there is an ancient an extremely fast way to click drag clicking I mean just look at what you can do with this this is real he is clicking this many times per second knowing this could be the key to my success I called up an old friend which actually like play super fast like this so yes like it would be like Nico sent me a short tutorial I bought his recommended Mouse and I was well on my way to drag clicking said the liar this website says I click like a turtle that's worse than before so I spent well over two hours in creative worlds trying to master the art of drag clicking I wouldn't say I mastered drag clicking I still can't really do it but I got far better and even learned another clicking technique it was pretty fast look at this it's called Butterfly clicking here's the game plan sorry I'm paused right here because I can't be wasting time we're gonna make the farm eight chunks by eight chunks long centered on this island that did mean I had to flatten some land though wow this is uh this is really slow the sun's Rising on day 20. okay that's that's a bit panicky placing dirt is cool and all but we are here to farm melons so let's expand this thing day 20 the melons were looking great my food supply didn't though so I I got some of that we had our best slime night but when I returned to plant crops there were a few more jobs than I'd like no that got rid of so much dirt wait I can just turn it to Peaceful it has been so long since I've played Minecraft and peaceful I forgot it's a thing like imagine I'm doing this Creeper explosion skeleton shoot me zombies are trampling crops this is actually huge bro what is Dolphin doing Monumental locations about to happen yeah oh first diamond pickaxe broken it's so relieving to finally be in the grind of planting everything up until this point has just been prep work and I'm always like am I doing my prep work wrong am I doing things less efficiently day 23 I decided it was time to build the first Auto Harvester there was one problem I have no Redstone this is a Redstone Redstone Redstone Redstone where are we at and while we're here we can get some diamonds for Diamond hosts only you know a few of those let's see if I can build this from memory shall we a hopper mine car on top of Hopper break Rail and then shove a whole block in that Contraption so now if I check a block on the ground Hopper picks it up but in our case if there's a hopper minecart on top of that it gets sucked in through the ground six more Hopper mine carts on top of that see where this gets expensive that's three Hoppers for one block but here's the cool bit we build the Flying Machine row of slime above everything iron bars above the hopper mine carts and now we push those iron wait why did that not work okay let me try again let me try again we push that into the hopper mine carts now they're all connected boom that's it that's the entire flying machine we do need to make a control for it though which is this thingy we just need to build this on the other side which we conveniently have over there so we test it out okay it didn't work I built it wrong but after a minority adjustment maybe this works now yo it's working it's working now there are a whole bunch of melons on the ground that's okay that's totally normal that's because these things are actually full that shouldn't happen when the farm gets warmed up but look it's day 26. my goal has been to start building by day 25. do we look like we've just started okay if you knew how big this thing's supposed to be we've we've actually only really just started oh and you know how I thought I was smart turning it to Peaceful well the iron farm worked because it had a zombie so I had to sacrifice my peaceful nights and add another one in it should be fine though it's not like mobs are gonna ruin my dude oh I'm gonna be so glad when I have all my iron day 28 the first Harvester made it back and was draining properly which felt great and I finished placing all of the dirt oh you thought we were done no no no this needs to be stacked at least four high day 29 things are coming along we're starting the second stack I've got lots of The Hoppers in although the mobs keep pushing them out of the way that's kind of annoying okay I kind of want to show this just because I I think I think it's really cool so normally I have to put all these slimes down which means I need to pillar up here and then push him down like this for each section but you want to see what I've been doing recently Bam Boom Pow we just pull it down oh my God throughout the days I kept noticing Iron Golems were escaping the iron farm how which broke it meaning I don't get any iron until I find and fix it so I did a bit of investigating and found the problem and it appears the Iron Golems for that farm are spawning all the way over here I think I can just fix this if I uh cover it in dirt though day 30 I got a few more flying machines up and running okay okay okay it's it's working for the most part you'll see a couple mine carts are left behind I think it'll just pick it back up on its way please yeah yeah yeah look at that look at that that was something out of a movie not everything was going right though because Minecraft just couldn't seem to give me a break holy shnackadoodles okay I know I'm out just please despawns day 35 we're like getting somewhere I think today is a pretty important day because we're gonna test all of the flying machines boom I may have built half the flying machines backwards it's fine though it's fine I know how to fix it we almost wasted the entire day getting that working correction we wasted the entire day fixing that and I'm not wanting to get sentimental or anything but I was honestly getting pretty discouraged no dude I hate you so I put on some music because I honestly thought about quitting but the first song that played I kid you not was called I Won't Give Up all right Spotify all right I'll play your little game we'll keep going but I am setting it to Peaceful screw those extra iron rates I need the peace of mind and organization we're gonna freaking get this thing working I got straight to work and it felt great destroying the Old Farm crafting new resources I built an entire new farm and got 10 million melons right there no sorry it wasn't it wasn't that poetic it was mainly just a grind I still messed up several times but finally it's working yes yes oh my God we are at a grand total of 6 000 melons collected for the next day it was straight till boom on day 40 we have one layer planted I need to do all of this four more times I have 10 days to do it we do have another huge problem this is our store so far it's Gonna Fill Up relatively soon as a friendly reminder we need over 2 000 double chests that's just a store 10 million I'm not even including all the Hoppers I need to craft Hopper mine carts I chopped wood for three days also we have five days to build the entire rest of the farm if we want to be on Pace okay storage units are all in except I'm a bit of a goof I need to take every third one of these and move it back a lot I don't think I've ever fully internalized the the saying measure twice cut once but I think I'm learning that now I've only measured once on everything and I've been having to cut twice so much yeah meanwhile on the layer below holy crap look at that infestation y'all better not be trampling my crops okay day 49 I gathered some slime day 50 a Wandering traitor got stuck in the farm day 51 I had to fix something with the farm but it should all be working now oh no a sun rising on day 49 well it's gonna it's gonna turn to day 50 trust me we got some good work the following days though finishing the second layer and starting on the third I'd like to nominate a couple mistakes we had though one forgetting to plug up our water this forced me to replant many crops and two that time I found all of our Minecarts at the bottom of the ocean day 56 we're coming in close to finishing three layers of dirt building layer three was exactly the same as Layer Two except we were running low on ice this many stacks might not look like low but it's low man a day later I got the flying machines work yes I'm getting good at this now day 59 I came across a massive storage problem I think your storage is um it's filling up it wasn't a perfect fix by any means but I added a couple layers of chests so we should be good for a couple days what's that wait why are we wasting so many melons why have so many things Fallen I completely forgot about the other side of the farm it had even worse storage because we weren't peaceful though my iron supplies were depleted all I could manage was 26 Hopper I don't know what you guys think the worst superpower would be but becoming a human Hopper is really low on the list I spent several days manually storing the melons but would you look at that I finished planting on layer three a day later I caved and turned mob back on we cannot do this without the iron but it's gonna be very annoying oh no okay all right you see oh my gosh they're flying also my game is starting to lag now I went down to like 50 frames a second holy crap there's so many melons on the ground maybe this is why I'm lagging are there melons on the ground here too gosh we're filling three double chests full I mean that's good but like this is gonna be a game of Hopper collecting rather than melon collecting day 64. dude what is this my storage system is just not there I had the chest to store everything I I just didn't have the Hoppers to put the stuff in the chests so I ended up stealing Hoppers from other places around the farm and once again becoming a human Hopper oh also yeah the machine's break occasionally it's all right though I learned how to jump start flying machines it's like a car except I I don't know how to jump start a car that an analogy was terrible oh there's so many problems after many tangents I finally sat down to finish the fourth and last layer [Music] it died yes sun is rising on day 66. I don't know there's nothing notable going on I I just thought I'd say that I'm still just placing dirt no matter how hard I seem to try there always seemed to be melon stuck on the ground is the storage system just full now the storage system isn't even full The Hoppers aren't even full either oh wait where are the hopper Minecarts let me introduce you to what I like to call the great Hopper Purge normally the hopper mine cart will go straight down the row of melons harvesting them as it goes but when they were monsters they would occasionally trample a crop then instead of growing a melon here it would occasionally put it in the wrong spot now this is bad because if the hopper Minecart's hitbox is just barely off it can Nick this melon and stop all of production I call these guys rebellious melons and I went to war with them man I was also on the very last stretch for dirt Place holy smokey all dirt was in place on day 68. I just had to finish planting I thought this was pretty interesting guess how many Diamond pose I broke there's no way I've broken 10. I think the thing we need to worry about most now is storage we have to fill oh oh my gosh the human Hopper has struck again look at all that all those are full double chests that I filled manually how did this happen what it must have been this guy the Enderman was the last straw say your last goodbye chicken jockey Get Wrecked oh it killed the chicken too oh no no that chicken's fine no you're cool chicken you're cool but you know what's not cool this is how many Hopper mine carts weren't working on just the first layer we repaired the entire first row and somehow We've Ended up with five extra Hopper Minecarts have I been crafting too many this whole time I don't really know second layer has gone similarly over a shulker box full of Minecarts in the wrong spot okay third layer was certainly better in terms of Minecarts but still that's so many like look at that it was just look how off it was it was off by that much and I got stuck on one of these melon things they're everywhere the rebellious melons are taking off Sun is setting on day 74. day 77 I realized I forgot to add the top layer flying machines so I did a bit of an iron mining trip and got that sorted and boom still day 79 let's go let's go yes we finally have four layers oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa three stacked on top of each other oh oh that makes sense it must have been like an Enderman or something it took a while but the farm was completely repaired but I started noticing something the Minecraft world was literally slowing down flying machines are supposed to move faster than this I tested this by lowering my entity distance putting less stress on the computer and the Flying Machine sped up this Farm is getting to the theoretical limit my game is actually lagging because it's so big there's another side effect as well that my sound just stopped okay I did not think we were gonna come to this point but we need more wood storage was overflowing I never thought I would be speed bridging with chests and actually have a purpose day 85 resources are low all four layers are going but I don't have the resources to build another layer nor would it be worth it because it'd be farming for less than 10 days I think I'm gonna make a manual and it off classic with a bang and I can utilize my fast clicking again day 90. it's like the anticipation of the last 10 days before Christmas except it's just dread I'm gonna be honest I don't know if I'm gonna put this bit in the video logically like we're behind all my calculations we've crafted 2 700 chests I can't find any way to convince myself we're gonna hit 10 million we're definitely gonna be in the millions like in the ballpark and the farm is big enough to get 10 million it I just stay 83 like we're out of time okay I did not think we were gonna come to this point but we need more wood this is actually great from here my time was best spent transferring melons from chest to chest having limited Hoppers was really hurting the farm on the side though I still managed to make the manual Farm bigger chests aren't loading but are hopefully filling up day 95 139 000 melons you know that's not bad for not having collected anything from the chests this is it gonna get us to 10 million whoa we'll find out won't we I don't even know what to do at this point day 96 none of my manual Farms are really worth my harvesting I've moved all the melons I can from the chests I'm done being a human Hopper and there's really no point to make another layer because I wouldn't be able to get it in time even with this manual Farm I feel like I'm stuck in melon limbo I don't know what to do I feel like everything from here is just up to the number 98 98. we're at 222 000 so you know pretty close to 10 million if I do say so myself day 99 it's day 99 [Music] There It Is I've put everything on the table I'm at level one it's day 100 I spent the remaining time seeing how full the storage system was Finding melons on the ground but there was nothing else I could do from here it was up to the numbers day 100's over oh my gosh now if you thought the adventure was over no no no we need to count 10 million or however close I got probably didn't get 10 million if we're being honest with her so before counting we're at 270 000. now did some rough calculations before starting this video and I found out that just to craft 10 million melons it'd take me something ridiculous like 20 hours because remember 10 million is this amount of chests I'm just kidding it's four times this amount so the way we're gonna count them is by destroying the chests in creative mode oh yeah I'm going through hyperspace oh my gosh what wow look at the cavity we had just for chest oh no look at this this is such a big farm dude I'm getting nervous and I'm feeling sick I don't think I hit it how am I supposed to react if we don't hit it I don't think there's any way oh reality sucks oh I can already see the number there's no way that's real there's no way I do not believe that for a second [Music] Is that real is it overlapping oh my gosh I don't know if you can tell from my reaction I got it are we sure this is 10 million what else would it be looks like a four under that behind that zero Jared don't tell her that don't tell me that we looked into the Minecraft code I had 3.9 million a failure [Music] thank you thank you
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 3,602,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: j4J8ZBgLfDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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