I Started a Secret Base War

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so this guy named branzie killed everyone on the server with a goat [Applause] [Music] everyone was just trying to do branzie's new scavenger hunt but the whole thing was a sham whenever somebody stopped to read the last clue a redstone trapdoor released a screaming goat that killed everyone that day except me wait a second is that redstone i accidentally disarmed the goat trap before i got whacked off the cliff and branzie wasn't too happy i will get you wreck one day apparently that one day was last week when he posted a video hiding secret bases all around my base suspicious looking tree secret base weird light shining through a crack in my wall secret base a grey shulker box in my waterfall secret base but instead of trying to kill him like he did the whole server i'm one-upping branzy and building 10 secrets in his base the first one's probably the most obvious but underneath his chest i've hidden a button if you press set button a trapdoor opens up underneath the ladder ramsay's just gonna think this is a prank but if you wait long enough you get access to my underground complex of tunnels in this bunker i've hid all of my diamonds because i'm betting that branzy won't find any of my secret entrances if he finds even one i will give him literally all of my diamonds but i don't think he will entrance number two is even better i've hidden some netherrack in his basement if you smelt one piece of netherrack in this specific furnace it'll open up a secret door if it's any other block or any other furnace it will not open the door for the third secret entrance i'm thinking about using a redstone torch key basically the redstone torch is your key if you place it down it should open a door but there's one problem i don't know how to build a redstone torch key i'm guessing it has something to do with a piston though if i place a torch here it does not power it it's right here over there oh by the way i'm testing this outside of his front door so if he logs on i'm kind of screwed when i usually do this stuff i spend like hours agonizing over every single detail until it finally works those are cats i just spend so much time trying to get it work but like is this seriously i really thought that was gonna work but now come on open up yes that worked i just need to add some delay okay so this circuit should add all of the delay we need add some of the finishing details place the torch here it does that uh-huh we drop straight down and we're in oh my gosh it actually worked it's been a pretty good 24 hours i actually haven't played too much minecraft but i got two new doors to show you guys you wouldn't see it if you weren't looking for it but i put a note block amongst all of the dirt and if you press it it does open up a secret door i mean look how cool that is plus it's like the best workshape you just press the button swim out you're out of his face the fifth one's also pretty cool some of you might like it better than the water ones it's probably like second place for me but if you take any item in your inventory and you're like i gotta burn something chuck it literally in the fire a piston door opens up down here boom we're in the secret complex and i gotta mention something in a strange twist of events somebody else is actually trying to make secret entrances in branzi's base i don't know what came across the server maybe everybody was just got an itch to build secret bases um but my friend siv he's going around building secrets all over the server and he wants to make one here too so we're gonna team up but first i wanted to make sure none of my secrets were too easy to find so i invited him over to see if he found him give it a quick ender pearl here i'm wondering if it might be like out here underwater or something he has found one i don't know what it opens he doesn't know though what's going on i don't know oh oh wall gotcha it took him like 15 minutes to find the first door so i was pretty confident we could move on we built another secret base about a hundred blocks away so we could connect it to mine i built a tunnel out of brick and granite and bam we had our sixth secret entrance here we go okay okay i'm just leaving it we're going we're going we're going we're going we're going i'm not gonna be fast enough yes oh that's awesome awesome yes but way too easy thankfully civ has agreed to do a fake collab with ramsay so that while sieve is keeping branzy busy i'm gonna be building a secret base right under their feet should increase the difficulty just a little bit more um this might go horribly i'm pretty sure i'm at branzy's base but i have an invisibility potion on me so we should be able to make this work get ready invis invis invis invis take it off okay okay [Music] i wonder how it's going the idea i gave sim is so dumb well they should be plenty far away i don't think no there's no way they'll come up after a bit of finagling and thanks to sib's glorious distraction i got a piston door in place don't look don't look frenzy don't look don't look go we got it okay secret entrance accomplished this is good this is good this is very good honestly it was pretty easy sip distracted him he was like 50 blocks away but that might have boosted my confidence a little too much this time i wanted to build an entrance when i'm literally under branza hey maybe this isn't the smartest of plays oh my gosh oh oh my gosh he walked straight through me that was the scariest moment ever okay okay i'm burning i'm burning i'm burrowing did he hear anything did he just load a crossbow does he hear me why does he have a firework loaded in there oh my gosh he totally knows me he knows that he knows he knows oh my gosh he loaded a freaking crossbow guys what is brands brands he's gonna kill me if he sees me i feel like he's up there with a crossbow about to shoot me i heard him again [Music] at this point i was totally convinced franzi was just walking above me crouching waiting to shoot me with a firework but i had a plan i used a mod called replay mod to get all of my time lapses and in it i could see if branzy was above me what is he doing i have this in fast forward mode he's just sneaking around with a freaking crossbow what is he doing he's on top of the tower you know what if he's on top of the tower i feel safe coming out did you see me [Music] he's there he looks like he's looking at me i successfully made a secret entrance but then my invisibility ran out and phantom spawned above oh no no my men visibility's running out oh no the phantoms were gonna be a dead giveaway so i went back to the main base and tried to get inside my secret complex what okay go go go while the noise was made well the noise was made [Music] why's there got a big creeper inside my secret bunker is the world exploding or it's just me that was a little close for comfort but we still need one more secret entrance thankfully branzy logged off and the idea for this last secret entrance is that if you stand on this pressure plate for say like five or eight seconds it'll open up a door i'm gonna have to add some sort of timer but like nobody's just gonna stand here right to make this door work i kind of had to modify his basement i added this row of stairs here that way we have room to add some redstone i don't think he'll notice so this block should be where the pressure plate is now how do we do this maybe with hoppers so that doesn't work yo look at this redstone it looks so complicated but it works my only problem now is whenever you step on the pressure plate you get this tick tick tick tick hear that that's not what i want to hear especially if we're trying to be like sneaky i have a theory i don't know if it's going to work but it makes sound because the dispenser is empty at some point in theory if i fill that up with like wooden swords i mean i hope it'll work i don't necessarily think it will i've been staring at like this flashing redstone as crude as it is i think it works so now i need to hook up a door or some sort of entrance you know what why don't we just put it right behind the trap doors can we fit a piston door in here um might be a little tight i don't know how many of you do redstone but when you put something together like this and it looks like a mess but it works that's like the best feeling in the world i don't think i'm gonna get that feeling from here because i don't really trust that mess of redstone but we'll try it anyway so if i just stand here in theory we should hear some pistons in like three seconds okay so i can't get too hyped right now so if we just walk over it and then like we walk over it again that should not activate this door right here which it did not open again do it i feel like a wizard the last secret entrance is done but you should know that when bransy finished all of his entrances he asked for a tour of my base which meant that i ended up walking past all of his secrets like look how close this is the shulker box is right there i'm like a block away i want to do the same thing to branzie but he's going to be real suspicious if i say hey can you give me a tour of your basement no no no what better way to throw him off than to build a secret base with him all right just dumping the rest of my stuff in my chest's about to go lodge my friend's face you built secret bases in my base right and i thought it'd be funny instead of retaliating and like blowing up your base or something like people would normally do if i teamed up with you and we just ganged up on chief because he's your roommate right huh a little chiefy surprise okay i like where your head's at we walked around the entire house and he didn't notice a thing but we couldn't actually build a secret in the basement he would find my place instantly so i dragged him outside to make a garden for his roommate chief remember the idea is we're building a secret from chief franzi seemed to buy it so we got to work [Music] building the garden was going well whenever i needed resources i'd drink an invisibility potion go to the bunker and grab some stuff then out of nowhere solely literally crash lands on the island have pillars oh hi turns out he actually wanted to help build the secret base oh can i let you in on a secret solely go don't tell this to branzy i got to be quick about it though this is all just a scheme i've been building i've built 10 secret entrances in that house to the left of here and so to fool him since he he made a fool of me in his video yeah i'm making him build this secret entrance so uh yeah don't don't tell ramsey anything i'm after finishing the garden part the three of us moved down to build the actual secret base boys this is gonna be the best sleepover ever i don't know about sleepover but we each needed to make a bedroom this is gonna be a proper vase do you have any string i do do you need some string uh i would like some i need to test something oh my that's terrifying i just came straight through the trap door that was great what should we call this gotcha yeah gotcha sucker ain't bad someone was gonna be a sucker this video and it was about to be as we were exiting the house the secret door opened up right behind branzy i thought i was done for it but apparently branzy just wanted to go into the secret base and tell us something oh did you know that if you make a bed hold on i'm coming to tell this to your face if you make a bed uh and it's like white you can just dye the bed instead of making one out of purple wool yeah yeah white ones you can yeah it's the only one you can do it with all right i'm going to my room you guys suck not gonna lie the base was pretty cool we had some chairs around a jukebox and we were ready to party we can all hang out and listen to records together and tell each other secrets of our past that no one else knows you know i got a secret base now too you know you'll never find me is this is this your secret base is this yeah i have multiple secret bases all throughout here something tells me there's some truth to that joke [Music] if you want to see the start this is branzi's video killing everyone with a goat it's pretty good
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 4,227,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap2, rekrap, rek, Echocraft, Boatclutch
Id: 0cVrM49M9Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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