My Minecraft Starter House is 100% Copper

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minecraft just added copper to the game and there's over 16 different blocks so i wondered if i could build a house with only copper blocks [Music] and the thing about copper is to get all the different types you have to oxidize which basically means you place it down and wait literal days for it to change into the different states a few days ago was the first day of the server so we do have some copper but we need to do a lot of mining and a diamond pickaxe unenchanted just isn't gonna cut it so the first thing i did was ask my friends if they had any spare leather oh i was hoping to get like 15 pieces of leather and to barter for it but i think he gave me a full stack so shout out to dc thank you very much sir now we need a whole ton of that stuff i'm not entirely sure who sugarcane in this farm is but i've been tending to it and it's getting bigger so i'm just gonna keep using it until i have enough and we have two diamonds we have four obsidian only thing we need is sugar cane and this should be a pretty good excuse to get around the server oh i do see sugarcane hey ruin portal oh nobody's been here [Music] oh gonna need a lot of that later one two three four hey you can only get those by spawning naturally and the third ruined portal dude i hit the jackpot okay low-key i'm pretty sure i have more than enough sugar because you only need 45 books and this will make way more than 45 bones [Music] oh that's important that's important and we're gonna go with unbreaking three before anybody in the comments section says hey you don't have a level 30 enchant well i i put this torch here on purpose just gonna use the gold that we want on an adventure for okay i think we're good to go mining i do have no idea where copper spawns though so i'm gonna need to look better more common 47 and 48. dude it's affected by fortune but i'm pretty sure all of the people have mine around spawn and i want fresh biomes to explore i want lots of copper i want some diamonds so i'm gonna go a couple hundred blocks this way and then start mining ah now this seems like a good cave to start with oh okay so my initial strategy is to get some diamonds to get a diamond pick to get fortune because i'm pretty sure it's gonna go way faster with fortune but that does mean i need diamonds because i want to make a diamond pick and i'm not sure what level i should mine i just looked on the wiki and it looks like the deeper you go the more diamonds you're gonna get i'm not sure if they've implemented that into minecraft or if that's coming in december i'm guessing though that that ore generation is implemented so i'm gonna try to go deep hey a mob spawner oh oh this these are quite a few mobs oh my gosh holy muff dude oh my gosh this is kind of funny because when we started the server somebody accidentally left mob spawning off so this is like the first time i've actually bought mobs come on diamonds where oh yeah i promise i didn't plan one two three four five six seven eight diamonds let's go wait ready ready watch this no okay i got what i came for now i just need to head to the surface [Music] free hour one of mining wasn't actually too bad we got like four stacks of copper some eight diamonds and like 20 levels but we could have done so much better i mean with fortune 3 you can get 12 copper from one orb so that's what we're gonna do i heard there is an enderman farm at the end but i don't know where the portal is and i'm hoping i can find the stronghold with just four eyes i just needed to check but is there a portal for the end i mean that's his promise no no ah yes we're looking for stronghold not fortress you think after playing minecraft for 10 years i know what it's called oh dude oh this looks nice question is where is this enderman oh my gosh guys i'm so dumb i forgot the diamond that's the whole point i'm doing this i want an enchanted pick oh well we are here we might as well get the levels we can go back and enjoy not sketchy at all oh buddy it's about to get loud in here wait dude there's totally an ender chest here and i like that advice don't die by the way in case you're wondering this is built by the same guy who gave us all that stuff earlier dc is a madman first i was going to stop at 30 and i was going to stop at 33 then 36 and i think i'm just gonna go to my sword breaks oh and there it goes dc nice work on the farm i'm pretty sure everybody can use it i really hope so now fortune i really need fortune oh let's go dude and combine it with the unbreaking three oh that is perfect and for only seven levels i would say that is a steve don't worry we are now rich enough to afford a new anvil apparently not rich enough to afford storage though guys this this is getting out of here i remember seeing somewhere that fortune applies to all ores now which would be so convenient i was just planning on doing the copper but if it works for everything we're gonna get so much stuff once again the plan is to go to new chunks that way we're getting all of the fresh oars i expect this to be a fairly long adventure so i'm gonna drop off all of this make sure i have enough torches and then i think we're good to go also it's been like an entire real day oh we only have one that's oxidized oh this is probably gonna take a lot longer than i thought dude we just got eight from one block that's insane i know it's it's a rule in minecraft to never just straight down but when you're in a cave you have a much higher probability of running into another cave if you're mining down and i kind of need a cave don't run into lava please dude this is crazy iron is now fortunate we did run into a cave but it looks like somebody's already been here you know i'm probably gonna need to get my own space because this is it's really getting cramped i'd say that's a pretty good haul okay round two i think we're gonna pull the same tactic if this doesn't go any deeper i'm just gonna mine here hopefully run into another cave no way did we really just we really just ran into one of these oh that's so epic i'm gonna take all these crystals this geode had so many more crystals than the other one almost five stacks are you joking five sacks exactly [Applause] at this point i almost feel like the americans killing all of the buffalo and only using their tongues because i feel kind of wasteful there's iron everywhere and i'm not picking all of it up [Music] wait no way this is a i found another this is a good sign we have to craft a new chest just to fill all of ours now that looks impressive also can we acknowledge that i got 45 emeralds from one mining session how do you feel about the enderman face is it weird i mean that looks better i think time to go for round three for mining so the minecraft wiki says copper ore is most common at 46 to 47. not a great place to go mining we'll try somewhere else i wasn't planning to make the starter house big but i think we might actually be able to make it fairly big that's a ton of copper but because i plan on using some oxidized copper we really just need to make it into blocks and place it because it takes a ridiculous amount of time to turn into the fully oxidized just to show you how ridiculously hard it is to get oxidized copper this has been here for literally two days irl and only one piece has moved up one stage there's two more to go and on top of that we need to get beeswax to seal the stage into the copper so for example if we wanted that piece right there to stay that color forever we'd have to like right click it with beeswax which is cool because i really like how they're adding a function to beeswax that also means we need a beef like i said though smelting the copper is our first priority for reference that right there is spawn this is the tower i want to build the coffer house on and i think i'll set up the furnaces maybe over here and i want to use blast furnace in the infamous words of almost every minecraft youtuber i've done some off work camera i just built a little bit of a staircase because that right there is where the zombie grinder is that's kind of where we started oh that's so good to see i'm getting distracted though i just built these staircases up here because it's a pain to get up this cliff side every single time with a water bucket i also made this bridge not gonna lie definitely the best bridge i've ever built i think it's something about the logs that go across kind of hold up the fences because it's really hard to build a bridge when the fences don't really connect so we get off the end of the bridge and then right up here is where i want to build the copper place but as you can see i need to smelt all of the copper and i don't use blast furnaces often but eleven [Music] now it's nothing to write home about but i do really like it no phantoms oh boy this is gonna take a while and i don't even have enough coal to smelt the first row so i'm gonna use a feature that i feel like nobody ever really uses now i always forget does it use up the lava bucket okay it does oh and look at it all coming in oh it does save the bucket hey and there it goes that's a lot of copper [Music] oh you have no idea how good this feels guys so much copper tiny bit of nostalgia but there used to be this mod called like the yogg box and in that mod you would like trade with villagers and one of the best trades was mud bricks what we had to do with mud bricks is you had to place them out in the sun and wait for them to dry and this copper totally reminds me of so i kind of want to make a flat yard area for subsidizing all the copper so i am pleased with this design but i thought that was enough space however we still have many many more copper blocks to go oh yeah i'm also gonna need to repair this shovel if i'm gonna continue on this farm oh yeah [Music] rex copper oxide project holy cow guys this is a lot bigger than i thought it would be but it looks so epic it's been about a day and a half and i'm curious how much of our copper has oh oh yeah that is not a lot of copper that has turned uh good news though is that we do have time to make an entire bee farm that way we can wax all the copper and keep it in its shiny condition or in its super degraded condition whatever we want doesn't mean i need to find some bees though so this should be a good exercise i haven't actually made a thing before but i assume it's just yeah okay come on yeah that's it that's it that's it so let's make ourselves a bee farm shall we tiny bee this is so epic i'll give it to you it's not the most advanced system but it sure does work how are we doing with the oxidization not super hot i was really hoping some of it would be the second stage finally guys finally we can start construction on the copper house while i've been waiting for all of the copper to oxidize i have put in some infrastructure as you can see a couple little staircases dug a little hole this is the foundations of the house we're going with an l shape and i think this is probably the best choice for a floor i'm pretty sure this stuff doesn't oxidize if it does i'm gonna be kind of sad and i'm hoping we have enough but it looks like we're not gonna happen i have tons of copper i just forgot to save the raw copper oh i'm gonna need to go mining again free stacks of copper later i i hope that's the last i need to go mining for copper and i think these are actually a pretty good floor option ah okay i'll get these later and while i'm building this house i'm gonna need to keep up with this copper farm over here because copper is actually a lot more complicated than i thought i went on the wiki i read the formulas for how copper oxidized and according to my knowledge this is what you gotta do for optimal copper oxidization you gotta either a keep every block of copper four blocks away from each other which uh in our case is definitely not gonna work but option two you must group up all similar types of cops say we had a weathered copper block in the middle of a whole bunch of pristine copper blocks this block of copper would not oxidize because there are lower stages of copper within a four block radius so when we group them up there are no longer lower stages of copper within a four block radius until one converts and then we just take it and we move it to the other pile next to types of its own so if you ever having trouble oxidizing copper in your world that's the basic method disclaimer though it does take a very very long time we have one block of fully oxidized copper it's literally been like three days and these are now going to be the pillars for the house we're just going with a pretty basic design but it's copper and i feel like that makes it special [Music] and i know what some of you are saying hey wreck you're not going to be able to have any windows you can't use glass well i say to you lightning rods and they actually kind of look like windows look at that now you might be saying wreck you can't make any doors well i say to you we're gonna do the same thing for the door which actually doesn't look too bad but we are gonna have to hook up some weird piston magic to get it to open not sure if i have the capabilities to pull that off but if any of you are like redstone pros send me like i don't know dm me on twitter with a design or get me on discord like if you had to move this block out of the way then retract this then move that block out [Music] anyways until we do get that piston door i'm just gonna leave it like that we're also gonna use quite a bit of stairs for like a siding kind of look and then the trim of the roof is going to be the hard part because that's what i want to use the green stuff however the bulk of the roof should be fairly easy because i want to use these slightly weathered blocks problem guys i may may have overestimated i guess underestimated how much copper i need i thought like three and a half stacks of locks was gonna be good enough but i don't think so i'm gonna keep pushing on though we'll see how far we can get [Music] dude i totally forgot the ones we placed at the beginning of the episode oh and they're all oxidized okay i i guess they're weathered hey that's looking pretty cool oh we also got to put in some stairs i i was gonna forget those now a very important part of this is waxing the copper i've never waxed it before but i assume we just right click yeah but again oh that is so cool oh no see this is exactly what i mean we got to replace it now because it got oxidized [Music] i'm getting to that point of the build where i'm not sure where it should go maybe i do something like this it's getting there now i'm in a bit of a dilemma i was originally planning to have this trim be oxidized but the more that i look at it the more cool it kind of looks i'm not sure if that looks better here we'll do a test keep watching watching watching and yeah i i don't know i mean this definitely looks more like copper right the other one just adds another color that looks so good so i need your opinion on something i'm debating whether i should have the trim be oxidized or not well i want to tell you this this build palette is exceptional thank you it's a strong choice yeah many people might cover with copper with copper i think uh the more oxidation in different areas the better i should say keep the trim indeed so you have some color changes yeah i love the look of the oxidizers trim after days of mining waiting and building this is the final product [Music] oh my goodness guys i have so many things to show you starting with the axe the axe can take away the oxidization this is so cool secondly my methods of the copper oxidization are actually working i don't know if you could tell but i got all of this oxidized copper two days so if you really want this stuff to move fast do not clump it up space it out as much as you can oh and now that i'm looking at this thing yeah i have done a lot of work we have so many more lanterns and complementing this area i have revamped everything we've added this little bridgey thing over here i love adding the pathways it just connects the base together we even have this little waterfall with two axolotls oh it's just ready ready ready we come through here straight into our storage room it's actually so useful and telescopes maybe this could be like the theme of the place because we we have so many telescopes that we never did anything and this down here probably doesn't look too much different to you but if you take a look at this wall before and after i added all of this stuff just that tiny little detail makes it still feel like a natural minecraft generation but it makes it look so much cooler it's kind of like the traditional old style minecraft with just like lots of oak lots of stone and then of course our copperhouse also added an upstairs with a chimney on top of it i don't know if i've shot that off i think that's a kind of cool way and coolly enough the last clip that i'm recording we actually have the last two bits of oxidized copper thanks for watching guys
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 4,303,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap2, rekrap, rek, Echocraft, Boatclutch
Id: eSfSQR_UTm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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